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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 14, 1906)
t;. THE OREGON DAILY. JOURNAL, PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENING. DECEMBER 14. 1908. 12 TODAY'S MARKETS On Every Side the Potato Market Shows Great Amount of Strength, but the PrinciV pal Buying atThls Time ls"lr Strictly Fanoy. SA TURD A Y ALL-DA Y SPEC I A L WLUMFTTF Vfll 1 FY CAHAOfAfWACIF!& MAMMOIITIIEtL WOOL SELLS 1 1ST BOSTON 4e44eaaeaa4aa4ae OVER $200 HARK Ar 25 TODAY '. VI ' . : , (Rpaelal Dta patch to Tba JearaaL). Buaton, Uac. 14. Tba moat a Important moveraont of Oregon . a 4 woola In tha Hoe ton wool mar- a a ket this waek la tha tranafer of a e a Urge block of Wlllametta val- a Great ' Advance Noted .: in - Itsue Report Current That Big Mine Is ejk.-lay-" ataeii at prlcea ranging a a from tt tg 2 oenta a pound. e e moat of tha tranaactivis. belns a t dua larsely, it la - aald, at 28 a) Today Net Cain s ' .''V ': Seven and Half. ; ' ' ' 1 '' ' wmii mi i "" " r ti n 1 r-T III III I U W : - I I II 1 H HI rUULlir iiiHmvLi ociiq nnwn ilLLLU UUII.I Past Twenty-Four Hours Only one to a ' customer, 'v Parlor Noted on Street.," . a centa. Eastern atapla wool' la a d being taken at 24 oenta.- - - About to Change Hands, - and Price Is Up. " : 0PTI0IN -TAKEN -AT- GOOD CLEANUPS REPORTED AT TWELVE CENTS POUND , E Market Softer With Sever! Can i Eastern Due to Arrive Within Next Few Daya Prices Hold Unchanged ' Heavy Purchases in Potatoes. '""rrtnelpal urtft reatnee today; .-v.-, Hharp break is chicken. . - - r market continue soft. . Three ear swart potatoes arrive, ; , V" 1 rtato aiarkat I vry firm. . . . .. , (JenereJ doiktee la ontaas- ' ' . Halibut market shows eat iun. ., Wheat market . awiolag ml a - ; .', -V - Jar crop -vocal t he good. - ; Bha-y streak ta Ohlckann. Pries fa th chick BiikU Uw . harp tcitk Mr the rl S4 Boar owing to tha heavy anr-elle ourlng tttt. pertog sad the high nlM which have roleo km for aeveral week. Cleanups art repartee br the -trada at 13o foe cDral kta and UK is ehoet the price that' week) rale for mixed eoope ia emaU lots. Dealers h; they received more eaopa of ehlrkeo during the part 34 baora tbaa for ever axtatha. There la only a amall oatalda demand at tkki tlma for Ua enrphia atoeka . sod aotU tba nammt to tba aorta laeraaaaa andttlona km will ka mixed, lhar aUU re main, however, a verv; good demand Cor gee 'epertdly for tba liv aoaa. Tbaa far tbara karc bote ont- amU arrival of torker. bat Bemand to full supplied at tka form price, ' i. : . Xcta Kaftoet Ter-asr Xaatass. ; Conditloaa to tba egg msrkrt reflect tba easier lop BatcA evarei dJ a to. Baoeltoa of, local ranch alock. wnue aot Deary, are eomewfcat greeter tbaa they hara- keen, and aa imnl can of aaatara cca kto. aaoa daa It la ortaw to tba trado tbat prlcea ara aot Ukaly Ur go klgber oalaaa caadltioaa abow a radical cbaaga la regard to raeelpta. , . 1 : - Fatoto btaxkat la Vary Tina. - I'arrbaaaa of potatoea daring tba paat U - koara vara Tory hoa7- Tba local trada boogbt mora pMaiooa rlo -ba paat M boara tbaa H baa dond for a Ilka period for aura tbaa a roar. Moat at tbeaa arara for blgb-elaaa gooda (ad tba prlea paid aa la aliaoat amr Inataaoa wry rloao to $1.10 par bnadrad poaada. Oa . tba atber baud daa! ara arw afraid that tba aiar kat will becema toa anltad and pricaa ba, torcad baroad tba aUea wbara tbay will ataad.. li la alatad bT aoaaa tbat iar-a P aatatoaa ara balna aiada by tba local trada la aUnaeaota tba trada balng abto to land tbaaa atoeka la tba. California aiarkat a trlfto blgber tbaa tba local Talaea. Thera la at preaant aotblng doing la ragard to a Xaxaa demaad for tola reaaoa. Tba on loo aiarkat la wy alow and aotna - dalat baaaparcbaaad -aarly ara . mtw trying to grt rom under. . ' ' '. : Thraa ran of awaet potatoaa arrlrad In good . conditio thla norntna. rYlraa ataad at Stoa.- Cabbaga app)a ara aonuwbat graatar, botl Jata Oroa naalaaa to Ba Oaad. " aronrdlne to adrtcca racetrad feara tbara la arary tndW-attca that tba yata arop of Caleatta . wUI ba coaaldarably larger tba emu leg aaaaoa. A lata laaoa of tba laily Cjonaalar.. Ka porta vna iKa folloarlna: Coniul Ganaral William Ft.' Michael mporta that tba Jata market to ealcatla la becoming mora aettled. owing to tba pro-pacta of a large rrop aad tba belief .tbat tbara win oa sane eaoagh to aieat tba foreign demand and the boBM rrqalreaienra. ' Tea tbouaand balea ( pound aectrl ebanged banda at Calcatta wltbla tba paat few daa. at $la.60 par bale, and turn aeemed to ba aa anwllltngaaaa oa tba part of balera to aell at tola price for at leat n f October. Mr. Mlobaela adda tbat thore la good awoBy to Jata at tbat price. ; .' Brief aTotaa af tka Trada. " Htdea ara reported weaker wltb aoavewbat lower prlcea ruling .In tba auat and Europe. Thla teudition ia general at thla tlma of year awing to tba poorer quality. -- - - 1 Yea mar y aattet market rMiatna nra. rrtrt owlna to" tb very scant snpDttee ' of freak haltbat the price has moved up to So' a Booed todsy. A tsw clams came la during tha aura- Wheat market baa a ateadler tone., bat th market la dull and dispute Ilia usual SoUday ha-a-1- ktui market la Sam, anape. . i AU dreeeed. aaeat prlcea remstai aa previously axtd wllb tba m et Ib good ebape. ; neeeipta oalr fair. I'UJ ' ' 11' . . Buying ra tba augar market la oa a mora eiteaelva scakk." Prloa tanred up to'aooa. Ilea market abow a a eonatderabla aautber of transact Ions during thd beat J4 Boors with a U tale at former nana, ii i "-"-" Uealers that the eastern trad la nibbling aialm 'May .eaaaa, anmetbtag totar aa, .they say Th e' trade pal th folowlng prlcea to front 1. Prlcea paVd ablpra are sa rrgalar street cemaxwwn:. , ., . . , .,i i V era la. rtaa aW Teed. OBA1 BAU8- Caicsata. SVk baytnsj price; eillug. SfbSJiifAC.. .. ... . ... . Wll BAT Naw club. Sect red laaalaa. Slci blueatcm, dec: valley. STe. BSULET-kew-eee, Sat.OSr relto. 121.40; CcUBMVwMkt,. leX.01); . cracked. 4J8.QO. pot toa. STB I1.4S per cat. OATS New Prodacers' pries PJa. I white, 4a4.oo28.00: gray, .00ali.O0. . rUlLB Esstera Oregon patattta, SI SO; atralgbta, 18.86: export. l.0b valley 3.0: graham, , loo: wlioVe wBeat. 4J.H; rye. boa. 4.V09; bsliw, I1T6. , MlLuTlTKS Bran. 1.00 per ton; mid iilor. 428.00! aborts, ' coaatry. 414.00: dtr. .414.00: chop. l.oo21.00. nit-Producers' once Tlmotbv.X WIBaBietle vallev, fancy, lill.00eil.00; ardioary, B.ofi 10.00: esstera Oregon, I16.00tfla.oo; mired. IIO.OOaiO.M; clover, IT.0008.00; grain, 7JM g.S0; ebest, T.OO8.oo, Batter. Zrg aad Tealtry. ' "! - , BrrrTSB rAT r.. a. . PerUaad Sweet ' cream. 8X4; sour, II He. BLTTRaV -Mty creawrr. 88c: oatalda faacy, . 2 Stt3tc; atnrsge. 3tt(uic; store, I He. - KuT.a txtrs fsccy, candled, 47Hic; local Bad eaatora atorage, 802'iC OHtliilv-haw roll create, lata, 14J14; Voung America, l615Sc pot LT St Mixed , chlrkena, 13c per lh; fsBcy bans, UVte per . lb roosters, old. Be lb; frvera, - lee lb; broiler, 12c per in; era , u w w m a , jsvC lb; geeoe. il0r per Ib; turkeys, lie per ' Ib for old; dressed, fancy, 8uuaic lh; culls. iai6e Ib; quaba. ,J.0 par doa; plgeona, 41 00 . , Bona. Waal aad Kldaa. u.Mii total nn. eltalc. low . . . .. a v , prime to ckolce, i:ic; medium to prlava. l6jnc; ml. atom. 10tt!l. c w-OOltl"! Bp Vsllty. 40aJ28e; 1ira Oregon. Soc. . . MdllAI K lw. nominal, SHKtr.XKlNS Sbearittg, IStlane -ack; short --oi, aJ;" w.k. 80JT6 eaek l,(,,g wool, LVtlloO eeek. ' , tJT'iiit'ir- na. a aad ''nMri lJl LABst-SHtsT for ear lota; .mail Ma 548. . . ' " Hllt fry. "a. I. IS lba aad ap. ihI If, per lb; dry kip. No. I. S to lb ha li. , . ii, iaiL No, U anl,r 4 lba. IJciaaltJablJltil ttrera. aouixl. V lba and ever. Ktaylir- eitws et-majtc: tx bull, soes.i, tair; ale' 11 lo Cii lba. c; ealf, oond. nu1-r 16 it, ill: utMal lr least tails la m.. n.' i' ' ' f . . . ' . ' BCM. , a.--, iti-a. esca. t i.ajl.Jb', dry, sack H.o0'.fl if; coll hlttee, .'nMr; (uel ah tka t 'tibts, earb. lot '61 Angora, each, n5ta II .., . ' ' : ' .. T mita ad Vngataklea, ' PtrTATOrs- HuyDia prka. ee.-a tlnltne. 1Kb sud btcksntss. 4,1 Ml 10; ardiitary, of i: awcMaf xi,r poantl. - , , tiMtnH-Jt ..-(.--Nre Oraar.n IsVll II. nil: httfllix prhv. t'd t :; garlic. Hlbc h .tlt'l l- f leer nnrat Klrer MpUteiiljera- and Icllcw, K . lew, K !. JIM, rsory -V lllan JIM, rsocy -lUsoieife val If)-' ! aofiiete a P-irrgoa. adinsre .Mf..rifiai., -s. v-..-Mawl. A aU.14au.taraaaev new aavet, X.T; aiisnoar. lasnsnsa, oe lb; lemons, ,'lttH., .i00 dt; gtapaa, boil Itmea,' Mealraa. 1.M per 100: plnaanplea, .(m5.00 per due; grapee. California, tl.TB; Ualaa-a. . 17.00 ner ' keal Beara. II. SO: barklebeni-a, 9c; (ilneapuiee. ga.OU per dui; Dosu-graaatea, fl.2Sjtl.bO per boii grape fruit. vliclETaF! EB-Turnlne. new. P0cl aark: earreta, TSct per aacki beata, II 25 per aarki Oregon radlabea. Site pur doa; . cabbage- Ore gon. fl.xmi.oO; bell peppera, ( ) per lb; to matoaa, II. So fa J. 00 per erate: naraDlpa. SOciQSI: atrlng beana, 13a per lb; cauliflower, $1.00 per doaea: peaa, lHc; horaeradlab. PUlOe per Ib; artlcbokea.' 11.00 per doaent auuaab, 7Vtl1.00 uer box: ainplant. 41.60 Dec dnatn buncfaea: " clerr. 75to:Soe tier doaen: egplant. i-75 per crate; pumpklna. lc; craa- UK! El) KIU ITS ADi.lca. eraDorated. 6H7 per id; apricots, mutiw per lb: peacuea, IZi313He per lb; aacka, Vc per lb leea; pruD.a. at w w tmw Vie droa oa earn l ie amaiif liar: Me drop oa each l td amallft clae: fln. rallfnmla black. lUfllia oer Ib ola CailfarnTa white, 6'3dHc pr lb: datra, golden. 14.60 per box; tarda, par la-lb box. Oraoarlaa, Sluta, Xta 8TJ0AB laUfornla HawaiUa Cube, IS.IO; powdered. berrr. C06: - C. 0.. ae.Wi; dry graaalaiad, $j.05; Star, MM; coaf. A, 4&.16; aiua B, a-0: golden C. 44.30; n, yellow. HAS- beet granulated. It. 85.' , westera cabe. Dowderea. aa-w. ury granalated. I P. .K; cenf. A,; extra C 4 ,66; golden C. 4.46; D. yellow, 44 S3; beet granulated. 4J5; bbla, lOo; H bbla, 23e; box ja, 60c adTaore oa aavk baa la. I A bare crlcee ore dan ae( caaa aaota- tloua.t .. HONEY irao per erate. ' COrrEfcV-fackkya braada. Ilk.attJlS To. SALT Coarao llalf ground, luoa. SU.oP pet ton: boa. uble. (talrr. 60a. l-00: 100a. 412.74; balea, II. 80; Itnpurtrd Laavrpoel. boa. 411.00; lOoa, $17.00: 224a, lld.OO; extra flue, bbla, to, 6a, 10a. 4.b4t3 bo; IJrerpool luiap ruck. it.v pr ton: bo-lb ruck. tU.VJ: lliue, $.O0. . ' lAboea or leea aoclr ta aalra or lean man r httir - tar hrta at artnail arlfTII ft"1) " 1 anctoaiiona.i BICK Imnerlal J aoaa. rto. 1. - Be: na. a. 41; Kew Orlaaaa. bead, Te Ajax. 40; Creole. 8 Ha. ' " . BKAN8 Small white. 8S.80: brta wblt. 43. iO: pluk, 12.40; kayos. Ss.16; Liuiaa, lc; Merlcan reda, 4. M ID-reanata. JQrano. ner id; Virginia, IHc ,-per lb; roaaiad, - 10c. per Ib; Japa- , teVic: roasted. TQ7H par ib; eoewa- nuu, Ki(aio per dos; walnuts, 1M per lb; plaenota, Waiftc per' lb; hickory aula. lue per lb; cbeatuula, eaatern. Ibttloe per In; Braall note, 18c per lb; filberts, inc per lb; fancy pecans, Iftuauc; almonds, 18(21 He. ' Maata. risk and rroalaleoa. . . - raKMB MEATS Front Ktreet Hoea. faarT. Be per iu; eea extra, vc per sn; orainary 'W'UMiC per lb;f poor, 6c lh; ir"l'tii fn rr per in: laoioa, otuuc, iks. bacon, ere. -I'ortland pack (local) ha.a lO to la I ha. lite lh 14 to IS lbs, l5Le ib; 18 to SO lba, 18c; breakfaat bacon, Ij H? ib; picnics, lovte 10; cot tare, nu,a per id; regular abort clears, oasniokad, lac per lh; Muofced. 18c per lb: cVar backs, nnauiokcd. lie per lb; smoked?, 13c per lb: Vnlon butts, 10 to IS lbs. nnsiouked. 8e per lb: anvkad. He par Ib; clqae bsllles, suaim. sea. l c er lb ; i amoked. ut per id; anouiuura. uvs par u nick led touxoea. 40. i 0 .iu7tcr bbl. iAlVALi blRU iveilte Bear, sue 18Ae Bet lb. is. lS.a nar lb: bo-lb tins. 14 Vt per'b; steam tanderea. 10c. a pay 8a, IZ per Ib; compound, 10s, B'laa. LAA.lKU.BALaun wotuuioia nver, i-zs Tstia, 11.80; S-lb tails. 42 76; fancy, l ib flats, II. w.; Vb-io aeacy mete, e ' " 1 -7 - w, Alaska talis, pluk, piitl'avc; red, 41 60. aoaioal 2s. tell. I2.0O. rlbll llotk ecd. Te par lb: Bonnr!". Se aer Ib; halibut) He pet lb; era be. 4i.OO4tt.6O per doa; etrlped bass. I2'e per lb; cntftoti. Ma per Ib; salmon. Culumbls river allverald. 8c; staelbead, lor per l: Bearing, ee per Ib: soles. Se Der Ib: auimpa. 100 par lb; parch. Se per Ib: black cod, Te Per Ib; tomcod. T per lb;, silver smelt. So per lb; lobetera, 18 per lb; freab mackerel, Se par lb; erawflaa, c per doa; atargeoo, 18 -par lb; Ms ok baas. 20c per lb- ( 0Y8TKKS Sboslwate bay. 'per gal, 44 1: per 11Mb sect, 44 26; Olympla. per galiua. 18.28; per 116-lb aark. S.O0 to 5.80. CLAMS Hardshell, per bos, IXOOl' raaar clans, 18.00 per box. Faiat, Ooal 00. Xta, . R OPS Pure Manila. 16 c; ataadard. 184e; Meal, lie. COAL 011 Paarl or Astral Cam 19Hc ner fal; water white, iron bbla 14c per gal. woodea le per gal; bead light, 170-dcg. caaa Sim not gal. - -. UABt'Urtnr-eei-oac, eases aatta aer gal, iron bbla 18c per gaL BICNZINB 8-dac. cases SSa Bar aaL Iroa bbl per gaL TtBrKni iivifi ta caaae aae per gal, waadea able, it 8c per gaL - WHITE LEAR Tib tots.-7c pea lota, he per Ib: leea lot. 8Vie iter lb. lb; 800-lb WIKB NA1I.B I'reaeot basis at 12 ML 4 LINSElcn OIL Pure raw. In 6-bbi lorn. 4oc; l-oni lot, aac; cases. oae pee gsi; graain kev tle-bollrd, rases. Sue per gal; 8-bbl lota. 84c; l-bbl lot. Mc per gal; grouad caaa, car lota, Ito.SS par toa; lose tbaa ear lota,- tSuiUS-pet . .----r ALL GRAIN IS 10 WE R CMos,f Bowa AbtmS a Qnsvrter la All Uaas for Baaaloa. . REI.ATITI WHEAT VALt'ES. Dee. 14. Pee. II. Osln. lne. ,HI .84 TVctmber May .... .TS A K.N? .01114 July I I Otlcag e, Dc. .14. '-'Wheat wsa very alow again today, with a ting of weakness In th local trade, Liverpool was dull and th rinse was ld up for tb December and unchanged for tha May. Thla market lost ,t all amond. Corn foil owed tb anrntw troll of th wheat and closed about He lower. - The asms tactic were followed Ib utn. - Official quotations by Overbed, Ptarr A Cooks i ; WHKAT. Open. High, TW. Cloaa. T.'lS W't THJ THA 41 i 4I41B 43', 4:IA 4oi, : 44 ta 14 '4, B 84 8KB Sd!4 33H neeember Mar ..... ,. 74 Hi. - T4 1'.: .. 7S ' TH' r IV. T7 July ..... tlOBX. December May ., .42 42 ., ' :ti . 4:1 July ..." !(, . 44 OATS. ., Si, . S4 . .. iw . ' :w .. 83?4 ' 83'4 MKMS PORK. .18!!T- t 16l5 ..165 ltrjs . LA HI), i. ST0 ' K70 878 -- Kid -,, f 8 BHOHT I1IBS. . . 4 WT . . . 8,19 as 1.. 870 K70 neeember May July ..... Janaary 15TT 1000 am . mi; ' 8.7 ' man 1810B 8wi .... 8HA -877 B 847 Krttl 870 May ..... Deeaiaher Janaary May January . 84T I 867 t 870 nay ..... July LirZlFOOL -OBAIB aUBXIT. Llnrpool, Dec. 14 Ofilclal price 1 WUKAT. ... Open. t'loae. Pec. '18. ..8a 6d a 6d 8a 6d . . bd Aa 64td 6 4d CORN. . . . Cain. . ad fWembei May ... January .4 ld 4a lVd 4a 14.4 1 ld s li 4s lld ... Id 4s Id .Na i (,d raarca . American Wheat Price. " t lec' Chicago .40 7;ut' nulnth ...... ' Kee. .t07Hai i-T2S .lia KJw York 81 8t. Ixnils .... Minneapolis 77Vi;hanaaa City Chloaga Cask Wheat, '' Cblcairo, Doe. 14 Csaii wheat: No. S red. TS'4-,6c: Se. I red, 7876c; No. S bard, 74 -i 7it;; No. S Urd. ;2tf7.V; .No. I northern. 2'. 8V; Now 2 , Burthera. IHUeZt; No. S apruig. 72tac. " , BUllards at K. AVA. 0. Tba foilowtng ara lha result of Inat r,lht'a bllUard tolirnnment at tha Mult nomah rluh: Hlearna defMtoa Morrla 0i to 17; Ott, beat Baker It to 41 1 Ott defeated Roas 14 to 42. RISE CAUSED REST OF V MARKET TO" SHOW CAIN Sta Paul S 1-8 Points Over Yesterday ' at Closing- Today-Genersl List Re. 'covers Practically AO It Lost in Former Slump, v ',, KET SAINS. 1 Amalgaalated ' ' Car 4t roundry Sugar .. H rcdaral Smelt, pfd. 1 .. Ik Missouri Pacific ... : .. 1 N. T. Oantral 1 .. Northern Paclflc... 8 Smelter , ai": i Attaconda Atcblson ratnee Man Balttmroa Bronklrs. . at r-annariTania Psoole'a Gas . ... C'anadlaa . Pressed Steel Oar. ) St. Psul . Reading X I Hep. Steel 1 C 4 N. W.. Chesapeake ti Rock Island ...... ' oiorsao met ... Brie Loularllle ....... Hi Sontbsrn Pacltte V U nion Pacific tic ,4... 8Jj i. pd I'.'. 8. Bteel Keilcaa Central. S1 w, S, Steal. katy 11 Tba Xaw Tort stock aiarkat wax eery bullish and act! re today. Voder tba leadership of Ca nadian Padne tba entire list shears a gala ef eeeeral points, folly discounting la Bloat Instances tba serious break eaoaed by It or thera I'adflc yesterday. Canadian Pacific, want oral 1200 anS closed with a Bet gain of TM points. St. Paul was another favorite wltb ua advance of 6h Points to ta credit today. Call toana continue blgb, rates ruling at IS per cent t tba opening aad selling down aa arw aa S per cent. o racial oootstlooa by overbook, Starr m Cook ra PISCRIPTIOB. Amal. exuper Co Am Car a Kooud., eon. 48 wt nrararreo . . . Am. IxMntmotlve. com. T8 TSV, Am. 8'iear, com....... Am. Snilt7 eoinTr.T.T 1SHJ 18271 do pref erred Anaooitfl Mining Oa... am. wooioa. com. Arcnison. com.- , I do prefi TRmui.-e a. Ohio, 11T 1T an prererred. Brooklyn Ranld Ttsnslt. TT4 TP 44 tvaitautaa rscinc, com Central Leather, com do preferred... Chi. A Ut. West., com Chi., Mil. ft fit. Psul Chi. 4 Nor that eat., eon Chesaneske 4r tb(o IK., Ue4M 174 1MU 2" 6H Corjo. "uel a Iron, aoaa. . HSsMaV1 jjreferred... prezerrea. 08 pelawar at-Hndana . ... J'-V 4" II. 4 k, O.r'com.. 8Ti 414i do prttf erred. Erie, com do 2d preferred..,,. 1st preferred Illinois Central ;. . Louisville ft NaskTllls. Manhsttaa By "... Mexican Central Ry... M., fau eem.,... do praise retTr.-.;;,.;t tllatlllrr s&s, TSUj 1T4 US sth H T24 4aeaeral Smelters.,,..., Mlsstnirl leeac National Lead New 'ork Central.. .r. N. Y.. Out. ft West... Norfolk WXtera, oom. Wi'A oo prererred ... North American. .. .v. Northern Psclflc. eom. Pacldc Mall Steam. Co., rennerivauia uy P. 0 L. ft C. Co Frees d Steel Car, eom. do preferred. ,.,,. Beading, com. ,!.'. . .5', do id preferred...... do 1st pref erred... u Rap. Iron ft Steel, ours do nreferiad lHh148 144 Bock lslsnd. do preferred Bt. U S. P., 2d pfd., do let pref eared. .... St. L. ft A. W. com... do preferred. 25 3S), 24 Southern Psclfle, eom.., Mf ta --ear- preierrea. ......... Tens, t'osl ft Iroa...... Tcxss ft Pacine.,. T.. St. L. i W.. com.. do preferred. I'alon Paclflo, ia..i U. S. Riiltber, com...... - do preferred -'. I!. S. Steel Co., com.... do 'preferred. ......... Wabash, com do prof erred. Western I'nloo Tele.... Wisconsin Central, corn. do prof erred Virginia Chemical 120 120 STH 84 1 84V 12 6Z 81 U 1"7 '1 Maohattaa Hallway, ex-dlrldead of 144 per cent. New York Coatral, ex-dlrtdend ef m per cent, TV. t Amm 1 OBI AAA A.w 'Call money opened at ia. high at 16, low at T, ekiaed at 10 per, rent. DULLNESS OH ACCOUNT. OF SHALL ARRIVALS' : Sheep Market Is Firm -Hogs in - Good Call Cattle Re ceipts Nominal. Portland t'nloa Stockyard, Dec. 14.-Llv. stock receipt: . Hoa-a. Cattl. Shesp. Today ,, 140 , Week ago S4 SOS ' ... Month sxo-,...... 160 ... . j. , year ago 108 . It 817 Tba sheen market 4 vary firm. Arrtvsta f late have been tnstl. aot a slngl bbd coming le re dull with bo arrivals, liog strong. V slues unchanged. Conditions a rear aco: Hoc firm. I0e ate Cuttle firm and unchanged. Sheep dull and unchanged. Official livestock price: . Hogs Beet eastern Oregon, 88.71!: atocker and feeders. 16.MHin.0O: chin fata. 89.60. Cattle Best atern rwsaon steors. 8M IPO; beet cow and belters, 13.00; atockere and feeders. .1.oo; bulls, 42 00. rib eee Mixed, h; umb. 8 He, . . TJBITID STATES OOTEKVat EXT BOBM. Newt Iqrk. Dec. 14. Official price: I is l. Two, reglsbmd ., do couptta Threes, rear ia tared . do coupon ....... Small bonds ...... Opt. " i'onr. rexlstered . , do coupon Four, registered ., do eoniam Pa name 2s do coupon - D'.trfct of Columbl Pltlllppln 4s .J... P0BTLABD BAKE STATEHIBT, Cles rings today , .... Clear li ga year ago ......... Tear today ... BalaBcea 4ody 83U 834. 88 jlOJiiijlOeA, oom. Bid. . Ask. n-.vj, itiy. v I t. - It I Opt. lts .... ltti 108 V, .... 102 V 1007 looi mia. 1"T loi joi 1028 18014 1.11 IMS 1"H : 181 I .,...1084 104 ..I.- lont; 104 1024 118 ..... ... . lOIH, ,....t.n84.77. 2 ..... 802.6u;jl I S4t.insitl 147.874.14 I FIGURE FOR THIRTY DAYS During tha Session 25,000 Shares Are Sold at High Figure Liquidations ' Sends Happy Day Down Other Sales.,, " V ' !- There Is a report current la mining circles utsi (ua aiammotn at in m anout to cnange hands. It I staled that aa option baa bead tasen oa the property at a good figure tor a Pirlod of 80 dsys. Today aa th Portland Stock it-hane tba bidding for this Issu waa lively and H6.000 aharea ware sold at t!6e.- Thoro la liquidation la Happy ' lay and a aala was msoa aowar ronay. 10 0. B. ft N. la at 100; 8,000 Aasoclated Oil at 51c; 1,000 Happy pay at li. aad 23,000 aiamroorn at aoc; . . . Official prlcea: ' '" ' ' ' - . BAXK STOCKS. ' Bid. Bank of California S4T Ask ir T 1ST 188 Bankere' ft Lumberman' ....... ... Equitable Savings ft Loan ... alar chants' National . ... ADO. . Oregon Trust ft Barings ........ ... United, State MaUoaal 800 BONDS. City ft Butmrbaa 4a - ... Columbia Bouthera Irtlgatloa 8s. . SO ' tt 8 100 ion, 101 100 t Bin 60 0. H. aft N. Ry. 4 ) a 0. W. P. ft By. Sa M ...aoaaaa. aVaa. '- J. C. Lee . oa - hUSTELLANIOL'S STOCKS. Assodsttd Oil SO - Cement Product , , ... Home TeleDhona z. J. 0. Lee (Jo 80 " fu- Mill ft Lumbar S Oregon Journal, afd ............ 118 Orients I Araerlcaa Co ... T8 ' 88 118 BO S I'ortland Ualxbts Ims.'O ...... ... Psclfle Htstes Telephoaa ......... l0H4 Puget Sound Telephoaa ... litimwhay ivMaiusi a kUNINO STOCKS. Alaska Petroleum .1... 1H Krttlah ittlumbla Amalgamated .. 08 IS 04 Vi 84 14 08 Cascsdli 88 British Tukoa-,...,. 24 H Coppexepoll 0114 ( Dixie Meadow V....Y.;7......vf r: Oallaber 024 ' C uoiconoa . . . . . .. OohUlald Troiref Freeland Consolidated Qrest Northern ..... Lees Creek Uold .... Holdea Msmmngb Morning ............. North Falrvlew ... .. Oregon Securities ... Rambler-Cariboo ..... Ktandard Onsolldsted Taeoma Bteel COELB ITALENl Alameda - Bnllloa ... Burke .... Cuvpar B-lDet- uertie Ilr.ppy Day .J. Idaho Qtaal Mlaaonla Park Copper Bex Reindeer Ruth CocteoUdsted ..... Snowsho Snowstorm Mlasral rasa Moamoatk ... NEVADA MINING .STOCKS Downward Tianal la Prloaa Oontinnad ta Baa riaiudsoo. - Baa tranclsoo. Tac. Belmont ...... 4.00 Cssb Boy 14 Ooldea Aschor a.-88 14. OfnHsl bid pricaa; . Bullfrog .28 nteinway .. Coa Csi Ta Opblr ..... Mcxlcsa Caledonia . Kxehiur .86 1.20 S 20 .88 ' .40 JM 1.08 .81 1.00 .86 .14 .48 .18 .8.1 - 33 .22 .80 .88 .24 Jl .28 .20 .18 Home .14 Jim Butler ., MacNamara -h Midway Montana Nta-th Star . Ohio Tonopab x. , Nvda ' Wftt Bad ... Adama Atlanta Blue bell Booth Onlumbla M.t Cob Quarry . . DtsmoBdfleld Dixie 1.48 .81 1.60 8.WI .4 Oold Crown Great Bend . .23 B.7(i Rescue ,18.60 Rlk. Bnfte ex . i 3.16 , M , .88 . .r- .81 1.18 ' .28 , .64 , .18 18 , S.TB . 1.80 Montgosnary Mt Sunset Scaptr Msnhatrea H. Humphrey .. Dexter , 'Uranny jiiol.1 Idga ... flton Star , Oold field ... tlrs t Bend ei. do annex .... Jumbo do extra ... Kendall .777 laiguna Msy Qneen ., Mohawk Bed Top .... Sandstorm. ... Silver Pick ., Oescent .. .1 .20 .. 1.8S .. . ..18.00 l.T Heover annex Black Bocg . . N. T. Oonaot . .10 .24 1.O0 .08 T8 M - .84 . 1.70 .48 Mnnhattaa ca.. .88 tl.ltOe Jos , 1.42 V, Msyflows St. I Tea 6 jumping a1 sea .. Red Top ex. ,, Maatang Bullfrog .Mha, ., Nat Bank ..... .6T Denver ........ 1.40 Krllpee 1.10 Oold Bar 1.40 r BotTo coma vaeer . ; Bos toe. Dec. 14. Cleat nr bid Drtees: 11- ventnre, 84 76; Alaouea, 162.78; Arcadian, 88.76; Atlantic 118.80; Calnmet, IH50; Centennial, 137; Daly West, 118.80; Elm River, 1 7D; rrsnklln. 121.75: Greene eem. 184.28: Oramby..- 118 60;. Mass, 7.M; Michigan, lv 60; Mohawk, 178.60; North Butt, 1111; Old Dominion, 6&; Old Colony. l.82: OsreoU. 138; Parrot. I-1": Phoenix. l.124j; Uutncy, Kj; Hoy si, 24.60; Santa Tt, 14.76; Shannon, IIS: Tamsraek. I07; Victoria. !: V. 8. Mining 11.60: Block .Mt. 11)80: Calumet ft A r Irons, 1108; Superior ft Pittsburg, 135: Nlpposslng, 16: Arlsona oom, 31; Mltchsll, 18.00. . , r , BTW T0KX C0TT0X MAXEXT. Mew Tork, Dee. 14. Cotton cine. Official n notations by Overbeck, Starr ft Oook Co. open, inirn. low. iiec. 14. use. in. ...IV.45 M.46-.28 10 82 u.o3 Jandary February March . . .. 44 M 44 H 44 ,...8.64 B.0S S.40 41 n2 .7d 82 64 .80 70 78 81 4 1 April . .., May ... S.7T 8 74 0 82 7 III t 6.1 , 74 S.7B 8.81 ) 10.01 8 44 June ... July .... auxusi , December 8.17 -S.87 S.14 Vaw Terk Cask Coffee. '. Mew York. Dee. 14 Cask eoffsa: No. f BJo. Te; No.. 4 Santos, 8c - . - ' " i PROMOTER OF STRANGE CHARITY DISAPPEARS "'. (Jonrnal Special Service ! Danvar, Dec. 14. Tha dtaappaarane of D. C. Wllloughby, a eltlxem of tba akorld at larga and promoter sod foun der of tha Naturlts Valley Colorado lauid company, has anded th projected offer of 2,000 acres for a, home for In firm and aged newspaper workara. . Th condition ' of th oompsny's affair la unknown. - WIllouBhhy could not And Inmates for his proposed home. . NOGI BADLY HURT -BY' FALL FROM HORSE (Journal Surds I Service.) Toklo, Dec. 14. Oaneral Nogl was thmwn from hie horaa today and was rendered nnoonaclous by tha fall, .111 condition cause apprahanaion. ta l 10 2i OS 01 01 Vi 01 03 21 14 .......... 14 ' .. S.1 ' 08 t4 OS 01 WH l 84 ........ -rf 184 M BISTBICT. .T...... . 18 .J0'J r. io si oiv4 04 26 8i ...15 XS 04 . 08 : W . , 18 V OT . Z, . 1 - oH 14 , S8 ......... f'7 ' Vi 10 . II a .Qii ttlty. .'.'.'.'.'..I'.'. sos"; 818 f 06 V 08 - I e e e e a a a 4 ' - ' i 10 I : 1 I Rocker--We.V;v: : Exactly as Pictured.' Regular Value . ?0.50 This rocker Is 2 feet 6 inches high and 18 inches between the arms. Made from solid birch, finished a rich mahogany. Has geniune cobbler, seat and the back is upholstered in green Spanish leather. Seat is 15 inches deep. Upholstery on back, tufted. A very strong chair . ;-' and an elegant gift. . ( v Inrall - 1 C0VE hi -ALL-THEf CREDIT-YOU WANT WW One New 5-Room Cottage, Terms. - .. - One Jle w 8-Room House Terms.;;-, -'- I have just completed three four-room modern homes; they are all within 200 feet of the car line; no shanties allowed in this addition; they have porcelain bath tubs, patent toilet and every thing first class; nice shade trees in the yard. These new homes I have built myself and can. sell them cheap. I have others to sell, prices from $600 up. Lots and acreage cheap, '. Some lots four blocks from car line for $90, ?5 down and $5 per month. See me, JOE NASH, the ownerrat. Millard Avenue Nashville Addition; onIount Scott car line."" ;t; FALLS F1VE-ST0RIES-AHD LIVES TO TELL TALE tamaamBjasammjmaajaB Edward 6'Nell Has Almost Mi- raculous Escape From ' . gyjLjay., Death. - - Edward CNell fell fir stortes res terdar afternoon Into th baaeraent of th new building being erected at Ai bin avenue and Railroad street by th Acme mill. ' But for a few brulaes and cuts, s sprained shoulder and wrist he Is none th worse for his accident. O'Nell was working on th flfth floor when h had occasion to so to a lower floor to cat something- that h needed. and attempted the descent by meana of th hoisting rope Th rop brok loo at th top and precipitated O Nell flva atorles into' the basement. , ' O'Nell Is resting aally at hi home, 426 Florenoe street, and oonaldera hla luoky cap from serious Injury ag. miraculous. ; SOUVENIR PUYING CARDS - ... '' ':, i .. f - Is-ad by Oreal arortherB Uvr,y. The Great Northern railway - and Great Northern Steamahlp com pan lea havs laauad a new edition of playing card. They ar tprlnted on exception ally fin stock and ar better cards for the prio aaked than can bet had le whera. Th gdvertlalng, conalatlng of th trademark, ta worked Into an ori ental design and Is confined entirely to th back of th csrd. -Th steamship card la" the- more elaborate of the two and la finished with gilt edges. Great Northern railway cards It.centa per pack. Steamahlp cards St oents par pack. Mailed to any address- on receipt of prtc. - A. Ia. CRAIO. Paangr Trmfflo Manager, ' , St. Paul, Minn. BIG ADVANCE IN ST. ' V PAULTOCKS ONCHANGE New Tork, Deo. 14. street 'aays that th Chicago, Milwaukee 4V St. Paul will Issue $75,000,000 of preferred stork to stockholder at par befor 'January I. On thla account there was en na tional trading ' In St Psul on th x change today, It went arr 00 during th davj. . j MT U tew- af af FL: " A LABQE-ASSORTMENTrOF Children's Rockers Morris Chairs different - woodsphfiilstered -- woodr-ane or eobbler-sea 85c to 8.50 Furniture Co. 184-186-First MOMHIN ? 1,300 Easy ' ' ' ' JJl.TSO-Easy One New ' Terms. OneNewS OREGON COMMAHDERY-HAS ITS ANNUAL ELECTION Highest Branch of York R'rte ' Masonry Selects Officials - for Ensuing Year. . " Oregon eommandery, . No. .1. of the hlgheat branch of York Rite Maaonry, held It annual election last, night. The following officers were cbtSaan for the naulng year. ,.-- - Eminent commander, Louis O. Clark; generallaMlma, U. D. Freeland;. captain general, D. G. Tomaelnl; prelSte, George H. HU1; treaaurer, J. W. Cook; recorder, W. 8. Mac rum; senior warden, H. I Bancroft; Junior warden. El W. Amea bury; Th Hat of appointive officers announoed by th eminent com mander In th Immediate future. : The new officers will be Installed Chrietmas morning st Masonic temple, at tha same time th ceremontea of Chrietmas day ar observed. Oregon eommandery has outgrown its ' present quarters and new ones ar bMng ar ranged for In th tempi now In roura of construction. f. v , . j SALEM'S NEW SALOON ORDINANCE-SIGNED (Special Dtaestch te Tb Journal. Balem, Or., Dec. 14. The new aaloon ordlnano recently paaaed by the elty counoll will go Into affect January 10. On of th provlalona-of the (trdlnano require that asjoona be cloaed from midnight until M o'clock In th morning and th window rurlalna muat be drawn ao that a full view of Interlora may be had. Mayor Water has signed th ordi nance. ; V SHEEP WEAK IN EAST - Chicago SVaady for . for S Oattta sad aTvoady :ogs. ' Chios go. Dm, 1. Llreatock receipts: . Hoes. Cattle. Sheen. Chicago 18.000.. I.6O0 N.oiHt Sanaa city ., tt.ono 2.0O0 l.onn Otnah . Sa.ooO 200 ll.w ra sreeily wltb .lltlO left, over frttm yeeertlay. Receipt j yesr ago were 28.000. Prfres: billed sn.l bolcher'; ynod nd heavy, 8.lota2(ij rough aa heavy, 18.78 8J8 0: light, , , ,. CttWSkTW. , , ''.' Saaaew. Weak. ' ' ' - No phone v or- .: . . -'I .;' v i -'.;' "ders. ' - HOUSES 7-Room House, 800 Easy .y. - RoomHouser - 'll.OOO Cash. DISTRICT NUMBER SIX -GOES OUT OF COMMISSIO Plalrlot No. I, Mulinoinaji oounty, of ficially went out of Klatenre this morn lng when tha dlatriot boundary board annexed what la left of It to No, 14. lying to th aouth. When Council Crast waa taken Into 'th olty laat- June, Nov praotlcaUy re tired from bualneas and Its children bar since been attending th el'y schoola. Thar was a strip half a, mile wide left, however, and this has now neon eonaonaatea wun jvo. l. r Newcomers ar getting s fair sample lately of Ore iron - vefavg winter, weetber. When selecting your Christmas Presents nothing" could be xnoro useful or acceptable than a "pack a ge bf -' Fol gers Golden date Coffee or a package of Folger's Golden Gate Tea. Your Grocer. supply you. ; 5 J. A.FoIgcr i Co. r. San Francisco; . - .1 ..... t