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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 14, 1906)
HIE ,- OREGON - DAILY JOURNAL- PORTLAND, - FRIDAY - EVENING, " DECEMBER 14,- ItC. - Jc .-.f-.r- . cif : uWelareread v one need ao without a Christmas teast. v -v. , - -j Fine, Tender Chicken, per pound V . . ; 17 l-2c Special Flour v Wl iSooini v.. 22 pounds Cane Qranu ISedTSuffar $1,QQ BUTTER ; ; Best Creamery ........ 55a) EXTRAS ' 2 packages Gold Dust .......,.........35l. Shredded Wheat .' . 10 . Arm and Hammjerr Brand Soda.. ...... ...5. Bottle Ammonia ....... . V. .5 , Bottle .BlniiTgr ... . . . . . . . . . . 5 , 3 packages Acorn Matches. ............ 25 1-lb. can 20 Mule Team Borax. k.10 :8 packages' Toothpicks ...... ....25 3 packages Jello .... . v. .-. . i . . . .'. ... , . . .25 ' , 3 packages Toilet Paper ........ V :,'... ..10 , 2 cakes Sapolio . . . , ...... V. . . . ' ii-i . .' . ; . .15 2 cakes Ivory boap. .................... Xof 3 lbs. stripped Cod Fish. t ... ..25 1 gallon-Catsup .v. . .... f . '. . , . ... .50 ' '' '-' 'VEGETABLES V.;f V. PHONE MAIN 1412 The store for and of the people. Our aim- is to give the people ' the best there is in the market, and at the lowest prices; that is why dur store has grown to such proportions, and why we are doing such a large business. We claim small profits, and quick sales quality, promptness and courteous treatments . PHOtlf MAIN 1412 TJbertytBelli'iack .Tf 1.0O Barrel ...i.;$3.75 White, River, sack . ........ . . ... v . . $ 1.15 Barrel ....... ....-...f...94J25 Dalles Diamond, sack. . ...... . .9120 parrel ...... . . .... .... ....... .$4.35 Corvallis Guaranteed, sack....... 1.00 Barrel .?3.75 MEATS T Quality You get it from us Our Poultry Buyer Is Now in the Turkey RalstagCountrjr getting the very pick of the best flocks for our Christmas trade. These Turkeys and other fowl will be shipped to us ahve, arriving t few days or a week before Christ mas, and will be killed and dressed to your order. " We will have the .finest lot of poultry for Christmas that ever rejeched Portland. MEATS . Qvaatttr Wa tha baa -3 Hot House Lettuce .......10 20 lbs. Burbank Potatoes ;. 7. 25e . 12 lbs. Dry Onions ...........V.V...... 25 New Cabbage, lb . .... ..... ....... . . . ... .2 - FOR YOUR FRUIT CAKE , 2 packages Currants 25 --aackagesRaisiiis , . ...... ......... r. ; . .25- 1 lb. Lemon Feel .... . .. . , .ISO? . 1 lb. Orange Peel .............. 20 1 lb. Citron Peel . . ... . ........ .,'.30 . ..;. :' :;eggs' , - ' ' "Guaranteed Prtsh Eggs-.-m-m; .-.tttt-.-t; 30 TEA AND COFFEE SPECIALS ! 1 lb. U.'C. Japan Tea..:......;.....?.25 ' 1 lb. Gunpowder Tea ..23 I:. 1 . lb.,. E...B,Tea.'. ............ .25 ,., 1 lb. Army and Navy Coffee... 15 1 lb. Town Talk Coffee ........... ... . . .20 . Mb. Monarch Coffee ..... 25 All Orders for Albina and East Side Must Be -in by-1 O'Clock for Dflivery-Saturday-.--- Sirloin Steak Porterhouse Steak Porterhouse Roasts Sirloin Roasts Boiling Beef V. . lOc lbc . lOo lOc lot3HRoasts :r-:; Hamburger Bologna " S hou Ider Steak" Weinerwurst - ' ''f . - - ........ ; Loose- Pork Sausage Prime Rolled Roast Beef Veal Roasts . . ' : 1 . Try Our Veal Sausage . Choice Haste cn-fci a m . 6c and 7c 2 pounds 15c 2 jjounds 15c -4 pounds 25c 10c . 3 pounds 25c . . . lOc pound 7of Bp and lOc . pound 15c tt- poundlTic :-''- --r-' CHEESE . 2 tbs. Full Cream Cheese...... ...... ...35 2 lbs. Half Cream ChteM. ..25 Swiss Cheese, lb.... , .20 ,,;,'',Ti.;..:'. gOAPS 5 ; IS bars Royal Soap 25 8 bars Silk Soap 25 8 bare Monarch Soap . '. .". . . . .25 . 7 bars Golden Star Soap . .m.Mmi .25 : 8 bars XLNX Soap ..25 'v,.t'"'--: CREAM ; ' All kinds Cream, 2..j..... ..'.V. .1W 8 bottles Tomato Catsup... ...V.V..... 25 ' . rr.-;V' -;.r'-VVV BEANS' ; - 'V T the. Navy Beans 25 7 lbs. PSok Beaas 25 -v;' :,C'.. CEREALS, r-, -Scotch Oats ........,k.u........lW Violet Oata, 2 packages 25 Quaker Oats, 2 packages ;A...;J....T25 Pore. 2 packages M..25 Graoe-Nuta. 2 oackacres .... .......... . 25 Figprane ... . ...20. Poetum ...20 10-lb. sack Rolled Oats................ .35 ItTlbs. TCorn Meal. .... . .. .25 10 lbs. Graham Flour. ...-... .-..25 W lbs. Farina ...35 1 cans of soy kind of Cream for..... i. .15' ...,::fish;--7i-- 9 cane Salmon -- .. ... 25 8 cans - Domestic- SainesTTiTfiTT;rssr;.25 I 2 cans Mustard Sardines........... ... 15 1 dozen Alaska Herring.............,20 - -: PICKLES V . Home Made Dill Pickles, quartT, . . ; . ..10T Home Made Sour Pickles, quart. ....... 10 Home Made Sweet Pickles, quart.... .....20 2 bottles Pickles ..15 ;Home Made Sauer Kraut, per gallon.. .30 All Orders for Albina and East-Side Must Be in by 1 O'Clock for Delivery Saturday r) 'eee4 We have a large assortment of CHRISTMAS GOODS' at a price 25 per cent below'our competitors, and . would suggest to pur patrons that they do their shopping early to enable us to make prompt and satisfactory deliveries. : HERE ARE SOME OF OUR SPECIALS CANDIES. NUTS, FRESH and DRIED FRUITS, PURE MAPLE SYRUP, MINCE MEAT. MUSHROOMS, OYSTERS, FRESH NEW AS-: PARAGUS (very, fine) and in fact everything had in. a first c'ass grocery. , "..-J.-1-A.vt---.. " t-V '': '-, , j. r: i ... JT . GOLWELII f : Third and Jefferson Sts. PhoneMain 401 " . ' -. . . - . j 1 , a a a a Aaaaaaa aaaaaa A a a a a a A a a a a a 4A4AA a a a. a. a a. a. k aa a a a , The Market Basket A week from next Tueeday will be Chrlatmas, and the turkey queatlon U again 'to the fore. Unlike ThankuKlr tng, the Semand for turkey , at ' that time plan aeeond to" other poultry of late- jreara geeee - belnc chiefly used. Turkey piioea 'will M ' fully -a . high this Chrletmaa aa during the few daya -prlo-ta-ThankaElylng, The beat blrda will be Belling at 19 centa a pound for ereaaed, while aome not ao fancy nay be obtained at SO and centa a pound. Chlckene wJirforrn a large per cent of the demand, - fop .even when chlckena are high the price la atlll coanlderably " below what - turkfya can ba obtained for. The price of egga la getting fa cut aome consideration with the monthly xpenaea of Mrs. Housewife. . In the re tail shops atrlctly freah Oregon ranch eggs art qooted at 41-and Id cents a dosen. - This . price, while conaldered aulte high by. Portland oonaumera, la still several points under the value -consumers In. other cities are forced to pay. In San Francisco the . houaawtfa must pay eo to (6 centa a dosen for the beat eggs,, the ' difference l ' the prloe asked depending altogether in which atora she buys. Sfattle conaura ara are well off at this time If they ran gnt frenh eggs at 60 centa a dosen, and tha same prices r ruling In Ta coma and other, cltlea ' of the north. Living Is thus ch"aper In Portland than any city on tha coast. A dollaa, a roll may b the price of creamery butter within a few weeks If the market Seepa up l a preaent move ment. In the retail shops today the bat city t'reemery is quoted at 10 cents a roll, and tuppllea are short even at that high; figure. If you jhave atorage-room for a aabk ffr-twOT-pwtatoeSj- HFlW-pay yo- t buy theme before - they . go to high. That's at least .. tha present outlook. Supplies of potatoes all over the - Pa elf lo ' coaat are rather short this sea son, owing to floods and unfavorable weather both at planting and harvesting time. , ' Onlone remain rather cheap, ' consid ering tha high prlcea aeked for other products, tnd from present observations thB-pWeg-wltrto "0 towe-fT- "i It's safe to-lay In a small supply' of sugar at this time. The price at whole sale In tha south Is very closet to the lowest level ever reached and tha trade does not believe It will go much, If any, lower. ..- - ' . Impure maple augar and syrup is the rule 'rather than tha exception at thla time, both in thla country and Canada, acoordlng to a report made by - the United States government Tha Cana dian government haa been making an investigation of thla matter and out of IS samples of syrup only is ; were found to be genuine, while IS were adulterated. In the same way but of It samples) of sugar only 11 were genuine. Theae samples were purchased at stores In different cities and towns. Out of til samples of milk gathered in the same way only tt were genuine. Under tha new rule which goes into effect the first of the year theae adulterated arts clea muet eo atate on their labels. A few retail prices for you: v Ben-letf Huckleberries, lBo pound. Fruits Banarlaa, tic dosen; lemons,' tfto doten; limes,. JOo .dosen; apples, tl.tS S ISO box; .plneapplea, IS Q 40c each; grapea, 76q basket i cheatnata, 10 Q JOe pound. . ' Vegetables Eggplant, "UHo pound; pepper, bell,' ltOlSUe pound; peas, telephone, Ho pound; string beans, Bo pound! cucumbers, la each: summer quash, fto pound potatoee, 1 Ho pound; green onlona, lla dosea buaohes) new Frank L. Smith M Co. 2S-228-Alder SU Between-First-and Second Sts. ' Fighting the Beef Trust" We offer you the cleanest, freshest, healthiest meat in the dry Choice Dressed Chickens, per lb. 16c Shoolder Roast Veal rntTiT;10 Lamb Shoulder Roast... . ... ,8 Breast Lamb ..'........ ... .6 Lamb Stew 5J Leg of.Lamb.......i.... .15 Loin Roast Lamb.........,15 Lamb Loin Chops ......... ,15a) Lamb Rib Chops.... ....... 15e Lamb Ctioulder Chops. ...12je Pork Shoulder Roast... ..12$ Pork Shoulder Chops..... 12je Leg of Pork... ......... 12j4t Pork Loin Chops. ...... ...15 Pork Loin Roast........... 15 Shoulder of Pork. r. ; . .T. . .120 Pigs' Feet ................. .5 Leaf Lard ...12 Our Own Pure Lard, 5 pounds .- for - 60 Breast Veal .......... .8 Veal Stew ............... .'..6e Our Own Bacon. ..17jt Hams ....17? Sausage .................. 10 CheiceRibs-brBeef.nd- boiVper lb. ...vv;.;'.5f Choice Brisket Beef, to boil,, per lba . fL. a t lt t.e $ . . $ Choice "Neck Cuts, to bbiU .i .5 Cprri ed B eef "Plates .. . . . 6 Corned Beef Brisket: , , . . i .6t Ready-Chopped" Mince Meat Suet .....;;.,:.:;;...v:.8 Chbiceot' Roast Beef .:. '.8eJ ChoiceRump Roast Beef. . i .Bf Rolled Roast Beef.. ). I V. 10e Loin BeefSteak. HV. . . '. C. ilOet Round Beef Steak . y. ; i . . . . . 10 Porterhouse Steak v i ; ... 1.2 f "T"-Bone Steak ......... .12 Prime Rib Roast Beef 10(p Hamburg Steak . ; . .... . .10 Beef Liver rr.T.Tr.7.Tr.Tr . Leg of Veal .... .... ... ; .12M Rump Roast Veal... ,....12e Loin Roast Veal . . :12ytj Loin Veal Cutlets. 12yaf Don't go near those other markets who claim to be fighting the Beef Trust, ; They are the Beef Trust markets." Smith is the only man-in-town who is putting p a meat fight. - 1 ' - . ' . carrots, three bunches for Ic; head let tuce, 6c head; radishes, lo a bunch: cauliflower, 10c head; tomatoes, J 5c pound; celery, three heada lioi aweet potatoes, two pounds le. Fresh Fish Halibut UOliKo pound; salmon, 10 e He; sturgeon. - 15c; striped baas, tOtfllo; aolea, im15c; black cod. r Uc; perchj J0e; flounders, J0e; shad, 12 He; sea trout, 30o; crabs. 16o each; salmon cheeks, lie dosen; shad roe,- Slo -pound. : - - :- -- Butter and Eaaa Beat creamery, 10c per two-pound roll;' cooking, loo roll; freah ranch egga, 41 50c; eastern, tic dosen. Poultry Chlckena. " 11 10c pound; ducks. 7lctttl.ll each; aquaba, Tic pair; spring chickens, 10 Otto pound; turkeys, dressed, ISOlOe pound., ( ' r . CHILD'S DEATH HALTS LAND-FRAUD TRIALS Dec 14. The land fraud trtnle were postponed today on account of tha death of the Infant daughter of G. W. Cosnataok, ana at Ut defendants. O r SPICES. o C0FFEETTEAv DAinnopo'tYDzn, FLrcn:;;5DCTPJiCTs AWelufthrty. flrl flaw. OrtahiU 5fm$f K, dcejorAllf fYkei CLOSSETGDIYinS c- PmTLAHDtOClX4. i; MEATS 349-351 OAK ST. I VIIV f V asa VII VVVI V VV 1 -. r PHONE MAIN 2598 GROCERIES 348-350 ANKENY ST. The-Big, New Store Is Headquarters for Candy and Nuts ' Do not buy until you have examined our stock,' for we can save you money. The list below contains a few of our bargains. Come to the store and see the others: New Mixed Nuts," 1 lb ........... . .20$ Z 1 New Soft Shell Walnuts, 2 tbs... ..35aj New Filberts, 1 Ib.;.......... 20 Roasted Peanuts, 1 qt..,. ........... .. .5 "Besf Seeded Uaisms, l ib. ............ ..10 X Can Baker's Cocoa... 20 Fancy Chocolate Creams, 2 lbs ........ . .35eV Fancy French Mixed Candy, 1 lb. ...... .20 Famous Mixed Candy, 1 lb....i.......l0e Plain Mixed Candy, 3 lbs.. ....... ... . . .25 "Best Jelly Beans, 1X77.,.. 15e Wbterereen and Mint Lor en ges, 1 lb., .15 New Crop Pop Corn, 4 lbs. ...... .......25 ) Shredded Cocoanut, 1 Ib..M..... ...... .15 100 LBS. BEST DRY GRANULATED SUGAR ....... ........ M.'V;.f4.70 I ROSE CITY FLOUR, best on the market. .......... ............... .?1.15 -BEST CREAMERY BUTTER, per roll. .................70 t A - EAST SIDE DELIVERY EVERY OTHER DAY A good cook and good flour win pro duce bread or blsoults and oaks deil cloua enough to tempt tha Jaded appe tite and enllre tha dead dlgeetlon. - DALLES DIAMOND - Flour will make tha lighteat, whitest, most inviting, moat nutrltloua and most wholesome baked deUcaclear DALLE5 DIAMOND flour will make your baking auooeas ruL Xt'a tha kind which good bouse ksepere and aoonomloally Inclined houaewlvea buy. There -are other brands as cheap, but no others so good. Ask yn grocer for IX Slag Osoa Meada AgtUa. (JnerMl SDeetal servto.) Stockholm. Deo. 14. King Osaar is rmprored today ed UJ J eondltloa" la fairly saUsfaetar , . '' T0WNSEND & VAN SCH00NH0YEN Wholesale and Retail Grocer) ,147 FIRST STREET tagy ew prloes then yoa win sea Why oar trade baa Increased. Our goods are of tha highest fajauty aad we ahallaaga m eosnpartaosi with tha Snest taa earn be fonad la aay atora... , f-lb. pkg. Ann and Hammer Boda..5d Naptha Soap- -5 I bars Baby Elephant 8oap.....,.25a t lb. English Breakfaat Tea...... .XR 1 sack Gunpowder Tea 23a 1 sack Best Valley Flour fl.OO 1 sack good Hard Wheat Flour.... tOe 1 aack bast Hard Wheat none. , (patent) . ................ ...f 1.15 I bottle Worcestershire Sauoe, - lio iln , ,.io 1 lb. Whole Nutmegs ..35s New Crop Prunes, per lb ....34 New White Honey, oomb. ........ 15,4 East Side delivery Tueaday and Friday. 1-lb. can Corn Beef 10 tt-lb, can Deviled Ham, t for..,..2Bv 1 PHONB MAIN 1111 - Fresh Creamery Butter 70c & 75c Fancy Creamery Butter V . . 0c Oregon Ranch Ej, 40c A c!ol Good Egga ...80a Wa get our egga from tha farmer, but ter from the creameries no middlemen. Cross BUekwell Lucca- Oil. qt...6S Cross eV BlackweU Chew. Vi pint.. 20 H. O. Osts ...lOf 1 can good Peaches or Apricots... X&4 Standard Tomatoes 1 Of t cane Com Peaa or String Beans. .25 Evsporated Cream, S wans for...,.15e 1-lb. cam Baked Beans.. S A. H. Willett & Co. Wholesale and RetalljQrocers r THK HOUSE OF QUALITY ;r REMEMBER OUB MOTTO: "PROMPTNESS AND QUALITY" CHRISTMAS DELICACIES NOW For the next wer;k Christmas good things "'to eat and'drink will be the foremost thought of the people. Toothsome delicacies for every course are prominent here, displayed and priced to promote quick trading. Stock up now for your needs as we can give better serv- ice than towajt for the last few days. 128 -OR AND - A VEINUB MEAR EAST MORRISON . PHONE EAST tti t ' .', ..... .... t . . V "L