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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 14, 1906)
V THE" QREG0N"DA1LY-JOURNAL, PORTLAND, - FRIDAYS EVENU. .. DECEMBER ,14,. 18S3. 10 wmmx 9 u Third and Ankieny Sts. Phone Main 414 Boston BOSTON MARKET V First and Biirriside Streets Phone Main 164 fV" THE TWO JSIQ MARKETS., . : 1 . ; ; . EoYou ICnpw VhsLt Oovernrraerat k 1 Government Inspectionf mearis GOOD, CLEAN, WHOLESOME MEATS, and insures the public that there can be no TUBERCULAR MEATS sold to the people from our markets, hich handle nothing but Inspected Meats. .This insures the health of your famliy.nd that means a saving of DOCTOR BILLS. The best is none toQ good tor the people ot I'oruana, ana you can save money Dy buying jrom us. au our beet and mutton are trom .Eastern 1 Oregon ranges, which guarantees to the people the very best v . 1 ' 0 i , ;'""'7'7'''T' , ' ' . ' BEEFrFORMINCE-MEATrPER LB 4c- MUTTON STEW, PER LB ......5c LIVER, PER LB........ .:...:.... 5c " VEAL STEW, PERXB ....... . ..... . . :7c CORNED BEEF, PERLB......;.i.....i.i..'.....5c -X SHOULDERrROASTTVIUTTONrPER-I-B vi .Bcr " SIRLOIN STEAK, PER LB...vV,.:.........;:;10c,u PORTERHOUSE STEAK, PER LB . . . . . J. , , 10c : BREAST VEAL, PER LB. . . . . . . . .V.v. 1 . . V. r. .'.7c -LOIN VEAICUTLETSPER LBrV. i. A2c STEW BEEF, PER LB..:...... .5c SHORT RIBS BEEF, PER LB. ... 5c -BOILING-BEEF, PER LB ;..;.t........:r;5c- POT ROAST BEEF, PER LBT7 8c SHOULDER ROAST VEAL, PER LB. ....... . . 10c SHOULDER VEALrCUTLETS, PER LB.......lOc PRIME RIB ROAST BEEF, PER LB, .... . . . . . . 10c ROUND STEAK, PER LB.'. .9c SHOULDER MUTTON CHOPS, PER LB. ... . .10c SAUSAGEPERLB, ..,10c HAMBURG, 2 LBS. . . ........... :. .15c . LEG ROAST VEAL, PER LB . "; . .... ....... uy2c -RUMP.ROASTVEAL,JPER LB.;.;.....;. ; 12c RIB VEAL CUTLETS, PER LB.. ...... ... . . .Tl2r PRIME RIB STEAK, SHORT CUT, PER LB.... 10c BEST GRADETHAMS, PER LB ..16c7 BREAKFAST BACON, OUR OWN BRAND, lb. 17c PURE LARD, OUR OWN BRAND, 5 lbs. for. T.. 55c Given to Hotels and Restaurants v., JA W SPEGTOR BRUIfJ : IS KICKED " Thielmann Family Gives Battle . to Captain of Detectives " . and Detective Price. , Tf multiplicity of char r ny In--Vlicfction of rullt r punUbmnt Ukal to bo mated out by the courts- th Thielemann family, conhlatlnf of Wil liam Thielemann Br., William Ttilele . mans Jr.. Oswald Thielemann and Kber. hart Thielemann, are likely to spend the remainder of .their days behind the frownins walls of the stats penitentiary, as the result of their encounter with Inapector Bruin and Detective John Irlce yesterday afternoon in the Thiele mann saloon at Fourth and Flanders streets, .The older Thielemann Is charged with having enticed his minor son Oswald futo a house of ill repute, to-wlt: the Thielemann establishment, and having aanaulted Bruin hy viciously kicking him -tir-the- groin; Ttlmann Jr. will have to answer to a charge of Interfering with an officer; Oswald is be fori the court for visiting the said house of ill fame and Eberhart is up for trial for interfering with and asuaulttng Bruin with a tobacco knife. The atory of the melee, were it not . for the serious nature of the charges involved Is exceedingly ludicrous. ' In all the liiemolrs of the redoubtable Nick Carter there is no incident that had more anion and hairbreadth escapes. Orlm Battle Begins, Bruin and the Irrepressible John Trice started out upon a tour of Investi gation of the north eTid resorts late ye, lerday afternoon. When Thielemann's Duke's Country Market 185 FOURTH STREET TskUU Thon sad Taj-log Sta. 880. x ' " iiiHi'e was rwu'iiEd hip twn urrui made their way upntalr to the lodging house run In connection with the sa loon. In one of the halls they found Oswald Thielemann busily enraged In cleaning cunp!lor. and. noting that the youth was under age. they Informed him that he was not allowed to fre "quern houses of this chnractet; The boy replied that it was his sire s house, and lie. would do as h pleased. The youth then repaired to the ealoon below-etnd Informed his father of the interference. ; When Bruin and his axslnUnt left the place they found Thielemann senior nwaltlng them on the sidewalk in belligerent mood. According to Hmln 7tns Tother-wrar-veTTs.t4irtve. but after mauiging in some cnoiee expletives he retreated Into his place of. business, liruln followed to call him to account for his conduct, and Thielemann, de daring that he would not engage In conversation wun tne inspector, started through a door leading into his son's cigar factory. Bruin followed the sa loonkeeper. He says tha when he reached the doorway, -Thielemann kicked him' in the groin.. Braia Makes Arrest. Although suffering considerate 'pain from the blow, Bruin did not retreat,' hut pursued Ms SKSftilsnt Into the cigar fur. tor and rdaeed him under arrest. At this Juncture Eberhsrt Jumped up from the bench where he was rolling per fectos and advanced upon' ths enemy armed with, a wlcked-lvoklng tobacco Then It Was that John Prtce heroffiafrt drew his trusty revolver and taking rereful aim t Kberhsrfg lieart melo dramatically declared, (."tropithat knife The market that is free from trust and packing houso control. AU our meats brought direct from ths country No middlemen's profit when . you buy your masts from us. (That's why ws can sell ths finest cuts at ths lowest prices In the city. Tenderloin Bteak, per , lb .'.10 Sirloin Steak, per lb.T ....'..lOf Porterhouse Bteak. per lb..v 14f Prime Rib Roast, per A... ....... .lOjt Rib Bteak, per lb...... 10 Round Bteak. per lb lO Pot Roast, per lb. . .A. .Vn .7 Boiling Meat, per lb:..; Leg Mutton, per lb. ............ 12Hf Mutton Chops, per lb.'. 12V4 Pork Roast, per lb .124 Pork Chops, per lb.... la H Veal Chops, per lb lOe Veal Roast, per lb lO Hamburb Bteak. per lb j.8 Country Sausage, per lb lO Country Cured Hams, per lb...M7 Country Cured Bacon, per lb.i....lT Smoked Beef Tongues, sacb 50C Country Rendered Lard, per Ib.-.lli Country Mines Met, per lb...10e country nauer ivraui, quarx, XU REMEMBER ws have a largs supply of Poultry, Chickens, .' Duck s, Geese and Turkeys TOM fTsTBItTMAJI. THE HIGHEST GRADES n OF COFFEE ROASTED IN THE NORTH. WEST AT-YOUR: GROCERS. fe- ccrrtt l!!!T."rTt3 or you're a dead man." Ths young to bacconist lost no time In obeying and Hruln, according to his biographer, Price, was saved from being cut Into rlhlions. ' Thielemann Sr. was then taken Into custody and a start made for the sta tion. Tlie detectives aver that ths three sons reenforced by Mrs. Thielemann took'thejr wLpner away from them. A riot cell to " lire headquarters brought a patrol wagon load of bluecoats to the scene and . further hostilities were averted. Later In the evening all of the women found residing In ths places were arrested on misdemeanor charges. All of these esses were continued on motion 'until Uecember.H Tor'hsarrmi. The six women srrested In ths place entered pleas of guilty and wlU be sen tndtumorrow.. i . . . 22 Pounds Sugar for $1.00 for SaturdayOnl, M. F. CASH GROCERY 334 THIRD STREET - Phone Main 1735 OURMOTOSatlsfaction Given or Money Refunded BAjrcroro otjs nw pement's Beat Flour, per '-.Wdt-l-ilTtTri ..-..1.00 100 lbs. Fancy Burbank Spuds f l.OO 20 lbs. Fancy Burbank Bpuds..25 100 lbs. Dry Onions. ...... ..1.25 I lbs. Dry Onions 25 Fancy Red Apples, par box.. f 1.15 Cooking Apples' 864 Our Ranch Eggs are strictly fresh, per dos t ........ .46 Our Eastern Eggs, the best ws eaa buy, par dos....... .....40 ' Ws do not handle ths ctiaap grade sggs.- Vegetables, aJl kinds I" bunches " for -. ,r....6 f-lb. pall Lard, compressed..,. .50 'l-lb. paU'laf tsrd 65f Plcnio Hams, per lb 11H Bouquet Brand Kama, par lb.. 18 Cream Brick Cheeae, lb.......lTf is too inr BnAJtoara ovm rroBS vtocx to Qxron mamt tmxgbm tosat. Our Branch Store 675 First 'Street. H. A. WIL80N, Manager, non MAX 14M. "" This lswhers Vtjis " ehlldrsn" ean writs or 'phons to Bant CI sua for Toys of all kinds; anything yon want Also a full line of Dry Goods, Osnts Furnishings, Groceries, eta. American Full Cream Cbeess, . per lb 15 Llmburger Cheese, per brick... 35 .. WATCH FOR OUR SPACE NEXT 'WEEK. Ws wlU bs headquarters for CHRISTMA1 TTJRKETS and will sell them to you at wholesale prices. We Invito you to call and Inspect our store, now filled with a full Una 1' Pt rKEFERBEP-CAHNBD-eOOPB. A , wmn A Christmas Special Home-made Mince Pies' 25C Each PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW Butter-Nut Bakery ' 271 Front Street j?t)onJpfnJ9.4 Down-Town Store i 145 THIRD STREET Phone Main 295 v axzzaxucxxa ITS OUR BUSINESS TO MAKE BUXTER T H AT YOU WANT On YOUR Table and for YOUR Health and to agree with-YOUR Palate 0ur-W I CLOVEN Brand Excels 'ABSOLUTELY in this respect -t - J . SV. !... i, u 4 0' Jr-? We spend money to make it what if is-best 1n this7market In fact, this is y- THE ONLY CREAMERY illingand glad to stand th EXTRA EXPENSE r Of putting up its butter prints in A GLAZED CARTON An important sanitary protection to the consumer. It cc money but it's worth it. to the consumer. It costs us it'9 ' THERE IS NO ATMOSPHERIC POISON IN THESE GLAZED CARTONS! ': It Can't Get In 4 '.' v c; T. S. TOWNSEND CREAMERY CO. 4iICQNIl.iTREKlVJ!PRTLAND pRANCHM ASTORIA AND SEATTLE Fresh i Chickens ,v. ...iac:Li).. - v - ''' Best Creamery Butter 70 f RoU 4 , Good Creamery GO . ,. Ranch Eggs, Dozen 40$ , Three Crabs 25 'r. ' . ' i HEADQUARTERS FOR Rsh and Poultry Columbia Fish Co Third and Ankeny . Main B Empire' Packing (Co. ? Comer First and Madison Streets BUSTING THE' MEAT TRUST! SIX WEEKS OLD I WATCH US GROW! This Should Show You That Wa Mean Busineaa , special for Saturday Smn!(sf1 Pnrk Spare. Ribs 5c All other meats proportionately low priced. Come,-see us. Wa need you ana you neea us. : Demcnt's Best Floijr in trud :,' Bad bread can be mads from t ood flour, but s-ood flour oes iMonf wy toward making sood bread. Dements Best Flour Is food. v It's purs, and manufactured la ths most spprovsd manner. .- ':' , ' ' DcmcntBros. Co. - - Waahlnston BL -r Jj.i Fhon Jiast Mt. " ii.f i.- ' Call Early For rour BUNDAT DINKBR snd ym will cat the choice of our Poultry. Fish. Oysters snd Clams. , Ws bars ths Snsst stock In ths city. . Remember Xmas Is somlnf. Don't f oret us. G. Covach fii Co sts rum sit. - won V 1