The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 12, 1906, Page 9, Image 9

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,.im O'Ntll la "Monte CrUto'
Mon-baut r Tronic.'
i. ....... L......"'XUo Two Jubna"
Hilar, r
7"J .....v..,..' )M MIIIH
Bur k... ......... "Tbtlma'
I'antaits Vaudarlllt
Vraad VauiltTllW
In Judge-Cleland'a department the
state circuit court, a motion ror a non
eult In the eult of Won ir Klin for
ta.QOO dasnagsa from tha Portland Rail.
way company, la being iriuM today
by the attorneys. , The motion for noo-
suit la baaed on tha allegation made
. by the - attorneys for the street ear
company that tha evidence of the' plain
tiff showed that Won Kim had been
guilty of contributory negligence , In
allowing hla two-year-old aon to be on
the atreet without a guardian. The Jury
waa allowed to take a receaa .while the
arguments of tha attorneya are being
heard by the judge. Attorneya Dan J.
. Malarkey and E. B. Seabrook appear for
, the atreet car company. Wong Kim. la
repraaented by Attorneya Henry B. Mo
1 Banka. y ' . i
Tha .following- civil servloe examtna
tlona have been announced: Archlteo
' tural and structural ateel draftsman,
mechanical draftaman, quertennaater's
department at large, January t, 10 and
t ' 44 AAA A 1 AA a U,
laboratory aaalatant . (qualified In
chemistry) bureau of standards, Janu-
ary 4, aalary 90 to $1,000 a year; aa
alatant dairyman, January 4. aalary
tl.100 to $1,800 a year; plumber'e
' helper, - January f, aalary 17J0 a year,
, Applicants can secure complete Informa
tion concerning the azamlnatlona from
i a. jeign at me posiomc. euuuiua.
- E. H. VTahl, who bought a note signed
by W. B. Halnea, that waa alleged to
have been obtained by fraud, la unable
ia collect, a suit to recover soow uu
on the note' waa triad before a Jury. in
juage vrasera department ox tne state
circuit court yesterday afternoon. After
a short deliberation the Jury returned
a verdict for Halnea, wboae defense waa
that he had been defrauded by an Inti
mate friend, J. O. Graham, Into giving'
notes for $1,100 to the William R.
-White company, a get-rlch-qulck con-i
cern. Waul asserted that he bad pur
chased . the note innocently, - without
knowledge of any fraud.
The wtll of Lena Hoebler. who died at
her home, T8S Vancouver avenue, on No
vember Irwaa admitted to probate by
Judge Webster In the county -court this
morning. Property valued at $2,000 is
disposed of by the will. x The entire ea-
I. V. rt IT-.i mm B 1T. -
Hoehleri the eldest son of the deceased.
He Is also named ecu tor of the es
tate. He Is dlrecteinb' psT'tO John -W,
Hoehler, the. second aon, ISOO in yearly
Installments pf $100, snd to Edward
and William Matthleaon and Edward
Hosafleld, grandsons, $10 each. ,
Lewis C. Parker -died yeaterday of
typhoid fever at his home, (10 Northrup
street, after an Illness lasting three
weeks. He waa one of the most promi
nent Odd Fellows in the state and was
known extensively through his assocla-
,1am atlh ah, nrvanlaktlnn nf whlnh h m
was at one tlmerandmaMJEorOr
gon. Mr. farcer was ea years or age
and leaves a widow, - one son and a
' At banquet to celebrate the admis
sion of new members to Martln'a men
at the White Temple last night EL J. 8.
McAllister addressed the gueats on
better clvlo order. The afralr waa In
the nature of a welcome to the new
members who were secured through a
friendly contest between the Reds and
Blues, two factions of the organisation.
Don't waste your time laiogTeirtfig"
your appearance, but come to us and
soe what we can do for you in the" way
of dressing you becomingly. We'll give
you the full value of your money and
the clothes we make' will fit you to per
fection Armstrong, the tailor, Raleigh
building, $S3 Waahlngton street, up
stairs. . -
As a benefit to Rev. Oeorge E. Jack
son. pastor of Zlon A. M. E. church, an
old-time southern dinner will be given
at that church. Thirteenth and Main
streets, Saturday, December $1. The
bill of fare includes opossum with sweet
potatoes, turkey and cranberries, and
chicken frtcasse and dumplings.
Services ' for the officers and teachers
Orecon at Bt. Stephens pro-catnearal
will be conducted tonight by Bishop
Bcaddlng. He will address the meeting
on "Sunday School Methods." Services
begin at t o'clock.
Caleb T. Bowen, civil war veteran.
was laid to rest yeaterday afternoon In
Lone Fir cemetery. The funeral was
under the auspices of Washington lodge,
A. F. A. M. A delegation from Ben
Butler post, Q. A. R., alao attended the
services. -
Nothing would be more appropriate
or acceptable as a Christmas gift for
the man that shave than a good, re
liable ahavlng outfit. You can get them
at all prirea of Albert Bern!, the drug
gist, 13$ Waahlngton street
Twenty new magaslnea every day.
Alwaya a continual supply of new maga
slnea at Carl Jones'. Fourth and Wash
ington. Call today and see the largest
papers on the coast.
Japan Baaaar A genuine cloalng-out
aale of m large assortment of Japanese
fancy goods, ehlnaWsre and novelties, I
regarnieaa ul nisi. i,omt eariy oeiore
all are sold. t Sixth street
Tour eyes examined . Free We are
atlll selling eyeglaases at $1.00.' A per
fect Bt guaranteed. , Metsger Co.,
Jewelers and opticians. 111 Sixth street
Articles of Incorporation of the F. C
Hagemann company, ahlp chandlers.
WL may gain your atten
tion with words, but
your appreciation only by
service. The printing we
produce is good printing.
We do not waste our time
and your money on fakes
and fads, but infuse into
our work the skill and
knowledge of artistic prin
ciple that makes it attractive
not only for a day but for
all time. Phone Main 165.
First and Oak Streets
If so," the, Importance of their
safe-keeping is XaCrSJLATXYB!
because their loss by Ore or theft
' la irreparable and the loaer haa
no more recourse against the
-Railroad Co., Municipality or
i "Oovernraent'Masuinghe -1 Bonds
y-than" ha haa against the U. 8.
Treasury for lost paper -money,
and the Innocent holder at any,
such securities has a good title
by. possession, this point having
been settled by numerous legal
decisions. ';,', , , v . '
a safe deposit,
' in the Vaults of "the
Oregon Trust &
Savings Bank
will be found a convenient snd
-safe depository for-all valuable
papers. . .. -
were filed in the office of the eounty
elerk this morning by F. C. Hagemann,
Andrew Hobln and , Jamea Oleaaon.
Capital stock, $5,000.
Do not mlas this opportunity Oeorge
Jabour Co., $41 Waahlngton street,
great holiday oriental rug and lace sale
now on. It per cent reductions.
Dr. Walter I. Howard has opened of
fices in the Commonwealth building,
Sixth street. Chronlo dlseaesa. electric
ity and eleotrio light treatment.
Steamer Jessie Harklns for Camas,
Waahougal and way landlnga dally ex
cept Sunday. Leavea Waahlngton street
dock at $ p. m.
A beautiful Chrlatmas present a Pen
dleton Navajo Indian blanket, shawl, or
couch cover.
Woman's Exchange, lit Tenth street,
lunch 11:10 to I; business men's lunch.
AemjD.lLC, jeUuuie. best safety coal
van, sa-aava uua aaBsjua A uuue
Dance, Friday, Arlon hall; four prises.
"Public stenographer. Phone Pacific tt."
Steady Advance in Values
. of. Real Estate.
' Upper Waahlngton street property
continues a prime facoiite with both
Investors and speculators. Sales In that
district are reported dally, wherein the
selling price has doubled within a year.
As an instance of thla doubling In
value, E. J. Daly and W. B. Btreeter
fronting to feet on both Waahlngton
and Alder streets to A. C. Bogard, a Los
Angeles capitalist, for $17,S00. The lot
waa owned by Martin Rosenbaum, who
bought It for $11,600 a little over one
year ago. The lot adjoins that pur
chased laat week by Slnnott Malar
key. F. W. Lead better bought yesterday
from Daly ' Btreeter the three-story
brick, on a . lot $5x100, Immediately
north of the Esmond hotel. The lot
sxtends from Front street to the river
and has a warehouse and wharf on the
river front. The price paid was $31.(00.
Churchill Brothers, the fuel dealers,
bought from Fred Stanley the southeast
corner of Thirteenth and Marahall
streets for $20,000. The lot Is vacant
and wilt be used as a fuel yard by the
purchasers. The sale was made by
Knapp A Mackey. The same firm sold
to R. I Mills a quarter block at the
southwest cornerf of Twenty-fifth and
Barter atreets, consideration $4,000. The
property waa owned by R. P, Epplnger.
Captain H. C. Cabell, of the Four
teenth Infantry at Vancouver barracks,
has purchased from A, N. Aumack and
Marcus Peel 21 acres eaat of I rr In at on.
The consideration waa $8,100 or $400 per
The aouthweat corner of Orand ave
nue and East Stark street has been
leased for $0 years' to W. L. Morgan,
the architect and builder, by J. M.
Heely. Mr. Morgan will at once erect
a three-story brick building on the lot
Excavation for the foundation will be
gin In a few days.
Mrs. , A. J. Stroud Is preparing to
build a $4,000 bungalow on Mount Ta
bor helghta W. R. Stokes, the archi
tect and builder. Is preparing the plans.
Bids for the construction of the new
Markell building at East Morrison
Ktreefand -Union-avenue, will close De
cember II at noon.
Real estate transfers to the value of
$111,010 were filed, for record yeater
day. More than naif thla sum was rep
and Ella Huaeon to H. M. Cake, convey
ing lot 2, Park block 3.
Pair of Oak Soles Tree by Qoodyeat
Shoe Bepair Co.
Until Chrlatmae, with every pair of
men's or boys' shoes soldi no matter
what price, we wtll give free of
charge an order for a pair of our beat
oak soles, sewed or nailed on. Order
can be used inside of 00 days en any
pair p.f shoes that may need repair
ing. " All of our ahoee are marked or
stamped In plain figures so you may be
sure there Is no advance on our low
prices. This extraordinary offer Is
made to get you acquainted- with our
men's and boya' ahoe department. Oood
year Shoe Repair Factory, corner T. M.
C A. building. Fourth and Yamhill.
Can't Afford to Have
Present Criticised.
The artlole should have merit, no mat
ter what the price. There Is one store
thst stands out conspicuously for best
goods at loweet prices that protect
yo. Before making selection, step
In snd. look over ths line of desirable
articles .suited ' for man, woman and
child, at McAUen aV McDonnells. Oood
service, prompt delivery.
Preferred Stock Oaaiisd o4b.
Allen Lewis' Best Brand.
AflOTie FlltELlAO
Truckrmrri Montague tho Fourth
: Member of Truck Com- -r-
; pRnyto,poTb.ere.
Other Injured Men Art Doing Well
and Will Soon Be Able to Report
for Duty New Truck It Placed in
v Commission. '
Another member of the fire depart
ment Injured in the disastrous collision
between an "B-' car and truck 1 at
Third and Couch 'streets Monday night
haa been removed to a hospital as ths
result of his injuries, bringing the total
number of Bremen Incapacitated for
duty by the accident up to four.
Truckman Olbaon Montague, v -who
with great fortitude endeavored to re
main at hla poat of duty deaplte his
injuries, waa compelled last , night to
give up the fight and upon orders of
City Physician Wheeler waa removed to
the Oood Samaritan hospital. Montague
is suffering from a serious injury to his
right kneehis a bad gash over the left
eye and It la feared ia Injured Internally
It is the opinion of the surgeon that
he is the most seriously hurt of any of
the members of the truck company.
Tl Herman Edward McDonald, who Is
at Bt. Vincent's hospital, and Truckman
Ed Grenf ell at the Oood Samaritan hos- j
pltal, are reported to be rapidly re
covering from their hurta. William
Herman, driver of the truck, Is still
confined to his home and will not be
able to report for duty for some time.
In view of the fact that he was
strapped In his. seat and when the pon
derous vehicle turned'- turtle fell be
neath the hoofa of the frightened
horses it Is regarded as miraculous that
the plucky driver escaped death..
Heir Truck la Oommlasloa.
Any apprehension that may have been
entertained that the business section of
the city would be Jeopardised without a
hook and ladder company In service has
been relieved by the placing In commis
sion laat night of the truck purchased
for Installation In place of truck I. -
The new apparatua is about it feet
hnjtajuj Waacpnstrueted by the
American-La France Fire Engine com
pany of Elmlra, New York. Since ar
riving here some time ago it has been
Stored with the agent of the manu
facture ra It ia entirely different In
construction to- anything ever seen In
Portland. The apparatus is not equipped
with an aerial extension ladder as in
the case of he truck demollahed by the
streetcar, but is equipped with a 06 and
46-foot ground extenalon ladders, ele
vated by means of a windlass and
cable. Hung on the sides of the,, rig
are two 12-foot ladders, and It, $3 and
St-foot ladders are carried. Several
roof ladders are alao In the equipment.
All of'theT-Iaaaenr-are truaaed. which
has come to be regarded as tha safest
kind of construction for these essential
aids to fl relighting- . ..
Chemical Tanks Also.
An Innovation Is two 80-g-sllon eheml-1
cal tanks and several hundred feet of
hose, placed In the forward portion of
the truck. This will prove of con
siderable value where the truck answers
a still alarm to which a chemical com
pany does not respond. The members
l IM,J m ,k..
lotLthe-ew apparatus, but believe that the
tewn work.
It la eatlmated by Chief Campbell
that the repairs to the damaged truck
will cost $1,(00 or $2,000 and the
vehicle when again ready for aervloe
may be held in reserve for any con
tingency that may arias.
Work on the new fast-time Are alarm
system is being rushed to completion
and the laat of the cables across the
river -will e laid- today, As aeon as a-)
new switchboard Is purchased the lire
alarm telegraph system will be removed
to rooms In the city hall. Under the
new system neither firemen or horses
will be disturbed by alarms from boxes
outside of their district, as the calls
will come In on an Indicator Instead of
on the gongs as at present.
Says He Has Not Made Combi
nation With Hodson Re
' garding Chairmanship.
Senator 8. C Beach vlgoroualy denlee
the current rumor that he has entered
Into a deal, whereby he la to receive
the chalrmanahtp of the committee on
printing in the event that C. W. Hod
son Is elected president of the senate.
He takes exception also to ths reports
that John M. Mann, his partner, Is to
be the expert printer appointed to ex
amine the- state- -printing office for- the
laat two. years of Mr. Whitney's term.
Senator Beach saya that he haa never
spoken to Hodson about the chalrman
ahtp of the printing committee, has
Bruce-t"' ' anyone
All Chance of Risk
- Eliminated ,
'20 '
"r With your money un-J-
der your own control. -
Principal guaranteed by
Bank Certificate of De-
ejsit. You select the
ank. Write or call 1
today for particulars.
-Fullest investigation in
'vited. ". -
i Pacific Coast
Securities Company
513 Commercial Block "
Phone Pacific 123
Portland ''Oregon ,
BSaaeaBeaBSBa aaaBeeaBaaaSBeBaaaBa-a--- .
Artistic Picture Framing to Your Order-NeW Moldings-Lowest Prices 3d Floor
Mail and Phone Orders Are Receiving Our Prompt and Careful Attention
TSie" Meier Frank Store
500 Silk Petticoats $3.95
Great three days' sale of 500 Women's Taffeta Silk Petticoats, made of splendid quality taffeta silk;
deep tucked flounce and ruffles; black and all the leading shades to select from. Qn
Wonderful values for this sale at the unusually low price of, each take advantage.... yJiJ
Lot 2200 Silk Petticoats, in plaids and colors, deep stitched and shirred flounce. -Ex- ' ftf A.K.
. traordinary values on sale at this low price, each Jake advantage.... Veafe"
JAP. SILK Just received, a large importation of Japanese Silk Kimonos, long and short styles, plain
sTTaaaTWc and beautifully embroidered novelties; white, pink, blue, lavender. Make handsome
MMUIXU3 Christmas gifts.- Prices all the way from f4.BO to f28.00. Second Floor.
Christmas Sale
of Stationery
Toilet Sets
And Holiday Noveltlet
Dennison's Holly Boxes for
sending Christmas gifts, etc..
at . ; ..5f-8
"CnTiStffiM BetlsTspectalati
each iT)
Leather Chip and Playing Card
Racks, holding from $2 to $5 in
chips; values from $5 to $10
Silver-Plated Shaving Sets, mug
and brush, in fancy cases, etc.,
great special value, at... 2. 33
Oxidized Metal Comb and
Brush Sets, guaranteed not to
tarnish, special value, at, per
Hardwood Boxes with brass
trimmings and initial plates;
used for collars, cuffs, neckties,
gloves, etc; great special val
ues f 1.19
Hardwood-Back Hand Mirrors,
in ebony, oak and mahogany,
$1.50 values, at the low price
r.f fl.19
French Staghorn Hat and Bon
net Brushes, with sterling
mountings, great special value,
each . . . 91.09
$2.25 and $2.50 Manicure Sets,
in leather cases,. special.. 9 1.98
done so In his behalf. He does not
know at this time whether or not he
would accept the chairmanship and can
see contingencies which would arise
that would make auch action on his
part Impossible.
"These reports put me in a false
light." said Senator Beach, for they
are absolutely without foundation. The
aame is true of the rumor that my
partner. Mr. Mann, will be the expert
for the printing committee. In the
first place he doea not dealre the posi
tion and In the second he would not
take It If it were offered to him. I
intend to go to Balem and work for 40
days for 13 a day. but Mr. 'Mann can
not afford to do auch a thing, aa some
one will be compelled to stay In Port
land nd see that the business of the
firm Is kept running."
Senator Beach therefore denies the
allegation of his partner's prospective
legislative - ppointnientln to to and
throws the shadow of a great doubt
over his acceptance of the chairman
ship provided it is tendered him. .
(Spwlal DLpitcb to T JoarssL)
Freewater, Or.. Dec. II. The Free
water and Milton country will have a
eannry. without a doubt, and It will
be In -eratlon for the next season's
crop, as over one fourth of the 1 10,000
stock to be Invested has already' been
subscribed. It will be built by the
Haatlngs Industrial company of Chi
cago and a stock company will be
formed on a cooperative plan. - -
The plant. will have a capacity of
from JO.flOO to SO. 000 cans per day for
a 10-hour run, and It will be sufficiently
large to handle all the fruits and vege
tables 'grown In this" valley, giving em
ployment to from 75 to ISO men, women
and children. Cltlxena and growers are
taking an active Interest In the cannery,
and tne Walla Walla .Traction company
has ' offered the company! one acre of
land near the city on which, to erect a
building, whlcn It is understood will be
under construction early In January.
Te Hols X OraaAe Aarie.
(Asm-IsI DU-watk te Tat Journal.), Or., Deo. 12. La Grande
Aerie No. 291, Fraternal Order of
Kagls, at their last meeting elected the
following officers for the ensuing year:
i. II. Pi-sro.. president; O. A. Lincoln,
vice-president; J. ll.8tevens, chaplain;
William Ash, -treasurer; 1. R. 'Snook,
secretary: Iavld Bosch, InsUle guard;
lease Orlffln, outside guard; O. L.
Great DecembeV Clearihce
i ni i - i m
ncnllne entire ran ana winter hock pcing cicanca up
J regrdlc8s of cost or former selling prices Opportunity is
y offered to buy attractive new headgear for the holidays at a
big saving Take advantage v
... . .' i ' ' ' . : "
25 of our most expensive Pattern Hat beautiful creation by the
most famous Parisian artist. Hats for LI. If DmrA
dress, evening and theatre wear; your choice.. aTlCllI aTlCC
Great half-price sale of Evening and Theatre Hatsjlpink, white and
blue; exquisite styles, newest shapes; beau- Lff DnjaM
tifully made and trimmed. Your choice at.. IS (ill a 1 1UC
200 Black Velvet Hats, very latest shapes and Ufilx Dma
trimmed, with handsome ostrich plumes, at .... a 1U1I a a iwW
200 ready-to-trim Silk "and Satin Hats, in the Unlf Dmrn
best shapes, all colors; your choice at.......lull Tl llV
50 Garnet Velvet Hats, trimmed with roses, Usalf DrirA
plumes and ribbons, very newest styles. All.. JT1 till Tl 1V-U
White Beaver, White Felt. White Bear-Cloth. D:.A
Hats, Caps and Tarns, all on sale at ., 11011 aTTlCC
Great Xmas Barggjns
In Men's Furnishings
style and quality tie other
Men's Silk Initial Japonet Handkerchiefs at, each......,.12a)
stores ask you $1.00 for. Buy all you want at this special mn
price, each .....y ......
Special line of Men's Fancy Arm Bands, Garters and Suspenders,
pair of each put up in a fancy holiday box.- Every man needs a
set. Specially priced at, set ....91.50 92.00 and 92.60
Men's Glove and Hat Orders sold for any amount
Great assortment of Men's Holiday Umbrellas at low prices.
Holiday ' srt goads, basd-rarrod furmttura
and Itutt. all rtotaoao. royal SjUtima,
braasae and old bronaa. flne Can toe slaaa.
linen etobrnldertae. alia and tails ercaalnc
sowns tod arawa work, etc., directly traportta
trost Japan ana Cblna.
tmmmmmmmm I i i a m)
Blggers, physician; trustees. D. II. Proc
tor, R. Kelly and U. Lottos.
Milwaukfo Country Club.
Eastern and California races. Taks
Sellwood and. Oregon City cars at First
and Alder. .
KcMlaavUle Kasoalo Oaoars. '
INptcUl Uiapatefe te The Jaeniil.)
McMlnnvtlle, Or., Dec. It. The Ma
eon lo lodge baa elected the following
officers for the enaulng term: W. M.,
C. H. Fleming; 8. W., M. D. Warren;
J.'TV., IV W. Sltton; 8.. R. Lv-Cooneri
treasurer, W. 8. Link. Those appointed
are as follows: 8. D.. A. 8. McPhllllps;
J. D., W. T. Macy; stewards. W. L. War
ren, P. W. Ftnton; tyler, Q. F. Baugas
ser. '
Frank L Smith Meat Co.
aae-taa Alder 81, Bern, riral and too ad
Smith is "Fifthting the Beef Trusl"
t. of Pork, pre Itr
mrs vnoufirr icnaac, it ...
Pork Rbouldr (bopt. lb...
Lf Ijrd. lb
Salt Pork, lb
Pork Lois Roaat. lb
Pork Lola tV. Ih
Our Ova Lard. S- H...,.7
Our Oan ta. lb
llama, lb Brnat, lb ' r. lb
Tal Hhrnild.r Cntlrts. lb... Hhoold-r Roaat. lb.....
Tral Lola Roaat
Iiamburr Sink. Ih
ITImo Klb Roaat Bf. lb.
R.ill.d Koast Hof, lb......
I'ortrrhoUM Stoak. lb
"T'-Hnnt Btrak. lb
TVWk-ln 8trak, lb
Slrlolo Mtrak, lb
Hoand Rtmik, Ih
R'lmp Roaat Rorf, lb
Pot Roa.t Roar, lb as
(Yrnd lift. Hi.......
Rollins R-f. lb..... tt
Ht.w. lb St
lJrr. H i . . . i : .ae Rof StatK lk....u m
Mnttoa Nhonldrr Ratal, lb ...
Wutton ,lre". lb -. V
tHk ta tna Onl atf-Tnaat PlakUr.
1 Tbt Port tf Portland BMtt supply la Mi
tlrol In tba btnria of Ut btet traaU Ma
tUMt bid wlU be (vssidertd.
Sale In the Millinery Depart-
i t . i m
Men's Extra Quality Silk
Reefers, in white and black,
fine qualify; special ar
each ; A.
Men's Pure Irish Linen Ini
tialed - Handkerchiefs, best
values in town, at,
each.. I...... & JC
Or box of six for....91.40
Our celebrated "Heart" Sus-
Senders, each pair in a fancy
ox, place in each buckle for
a picture, . handsome silk
webs, in great as c .
sortment, at, pair. vl
500 ddzefl Men's Beautiful
Large English Squares, in
light and dark patterns,
'. grand assortment of color-,
ings and combination, a
Uth and UolIU Tk a
WaablDftoa S icuij a Utau S juia 1
jakes O'innx.
Tomorrow, aatarday Mrbtt. Dtccrabtr 1S-1S,
Sperlal Prim Mailnot Saturday.
Tboradar and Prldar Nlfhtt, Dntmlw lS-la.
Ertslnt Prima Loaror Floor, 11. SO. $t: Ba
coay, 11. T5e, ftOr; Ua 1117. .lie, it.
Matlaat Prtooa jnc to tl.
Itato Now Btlllag at Utlllg Tbaarrt.
Baker Theatre sj'ViTL
Ptrsisatat Hone nf Tbt Btktr Tbtttre Stork
Co. All Thla Watk. a Urssd Prodnctlsa
of 8hakanoart's Immortal Drama.
Wltk John lalopolit aa ffhyloek. Complttt ta
totatrr tad dttall. Toalfkl It piano atfbt;
tTtrrost salt a ebsart to wta a valnabla piano.
Matloot ftatardar. Eraalag prtrat, ate. SSc.
We: Mattna. lie. V.
-Btat Wttk "A Baeatltr'a asauaes." "
Tata UT. Milton Btamaa. ataaagtr.
Flsslag All tba taatata m llaOln Atri
tloas. Tonlsht. All This Waak.
Tbt arroamlns Fairs Comedy,
Tatte Two Fannr Fat Frllowt. Naw Socra.
Prttty Olrln. eiaboratt L'oatnmoa.
atttlDeae Wadua lar snd da tarda, Ragalar
aupirt rricoa.
- Btat Attraction "0t ta IdaBa-
The Grand
Kaddta aat Malvta.
a W. Itttltfltld.
iltp aad SUHhtwa.
Itmmt A Kitty Brady.
Mist Xdaa Btvtaptri,
Baa tar Haralt Haff. '
Wak R. ateawnll
aad Baltr Oadltp
Pantages Theatre
Foarta Sj
taurk Bta.
Tbe Boat Snow tf tba taatoa
It ta Ttday at PaaUsat.
Ptrformnwt.4lallr at I SO. T:.TO and p. m.
Admlanloa 10 conta ani SO erata. Bonos 23
eaata. . Any att at wttkay aataittt lttr.
Waok ef Daoambor 10. Phone Main IWWI
lUlL-ALLaX JilJUw..jCOMPAsi 1 -. PHKMRN'fS
Matlnoae Volara.- Thiinufaya, SatnMara ad
Swiflaya at S W) p. m. I'rtr 0 and tu oa
E.arr rnwlnf at S IS e'ekick; prtote 10, go
aad SO casta. . . .
Tweeds. Cassimeres.
Cheviots, in all the f ash-t
ionable shades reduced
for the holiday trade.
To Your Measure
$20 to $40
' To Measure '
All garments ordered
this week will be fin
ished before Xmas.
Give Him a Dress
Suit or a Tuxedo
for Christmas
What more elegant gift
could you make?
To Measure
$35 to $60
Dress Suits
. To Measure
$40 to $65
7th and Stark Streets.
wzxx BEomrnrs becxbtbeb ia,
McKaa ftaokta'a California Roaaaca .
la Five Acta, .
The Danites"
Bo ertlee eeae frata 10 e. m. te 10 p. at. '
Saata eaa be raatraad by paoatti - stahs eass.
Masquerade Ball
Kain Han. Cot . WTOIaati Aa. sad XnoH It
Saturday Eve.; Dec. I3tb
VadOT Aaapiota of Blot Ball Clas
Gents, 60; Ladles, 25d.
" soar bob rum.