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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 12, 1906)
I I I t V THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAU PORTLAND WEDNESDAY! EVENING. DECEMBER s DENSE FOG ABOVE -4 WILLAMETTE , River Craft Have Great Difficulty ? ' ,ln Navigating Up and Down Stream. DOWN RIVER BOATS ARE LONG DELAYED River Patrol Saye Fog It Wont in Veart and Pouibty the Heaviest Ever Recorded Here San Fran cisco Boat Get Un4er Way, ' - . , .- . : Uo dense vu the tot on me river ana ? In the harbor thla mornloe; that sblp 'i pin waa serlouslr delayed. Even the amaJicr boats of the moaaulbo fleet were ' ; navlaatad with difficulty, becauae It wee I tninoaalble to maae out object 60 The bis aieajner .Besale Efcller shifted, but aha had to be moved S alon areeteat precaution. , e fieveral 'ot the down river boata were late readMna their docka thla afternoon ! - becauae 01' havlnc been delayed during 'the morale At noon the aun came out i brtaht end clear end the dense mist ; Vanlehed. - - " . ' J Spelrer. who patrola tie rtver for ! the" overnnvent engineers, came up - r Xrom SL John, thla rooming with, great difficulty-and reported that down below b IJnaton the roe: wee even denser ..than j In the harbor. In his opinion It waa ft the heaviest log ever recorded here, and t lie aaid It wee lmpoaalble to eee a snip a length. f rortunateljr. Ovree eratt bound for I Clan Franelaco gc ewey laat nlghtbe L f ore the vapor ccenmenced rlalng from I the siver. Theee were the- ateemer Al ly llance. for urekti and Cooe bay, end i the , sleam schooners Coeta Blca end S. Northland, far Saa .Franelaco. The Al- Jlance-lef t Couoh etreet wharr at - J OClOCe Wlin m - - - " peeeengera and took ovi 1 more at Aa torle thla morning. Sho eroaaed out at ' 10:10 end le now well on. her wey to Coos bay. ' Th. Northland Mailed from Couch "TTsireer docs' a-Itttle- before the Alliance, carrying lumber and paaaengera She and the Caaoo croased out over the bar 4 at 10 o'clock thla morning. Christmas Suggestion Christmas Dinner for some, one . less fortu nate than yourself in clude : a . package i of -Folder's Golden Gate. Coffee or F o 1 g e r's GoldenGat eTea. Nothing1 co it Id be more acceptable. -''; : Your Grocer will ". : supply you. ; , J.A.F0L6ER&CO. San Francisco . among the paaaengera, soma' or whom thourht their laat hour had coma Mar tin Carlaoa, a eeamaa, wee Injured In ternally. "4 - v TWO BARKS OUTSIDE - NEARLY FOUNDERED ' Saved euaaulda Oaly teamat Ooeta Kloa. The eteamer Coata Rica reached Aine- worth dock laat night from Ban fran elaco and her passenger a confirmed the report printed In The Journal yesterday of her awful experience off the Colum bia river bar during the hurricane Mon day night. Many or them were badly frightened when the veaael'e clearing gear waa temporarily disabled, allowing the liner to fall Into" the trough of the The wavea ran eo high that for houra tha eteamer wee flooded from atem to atern. For five houra the eteamer ley to end it waa only through the excel lent eeamanahip of Captain Mason and bla officers and crew- that she ever reached port . The entire after pert of the vessel waa flooded and for awhile It kept tha of f ioere buay preserving order Wire rom Worth alead" Xa Agala Open v foe Beportev The telegraph wire from North Head haa been repaired and report ere egaln being received from the lookout at the cape. At noon today he reportud two four-masted barks outside, bound for the Columbia, and alnce the" etorm haa auhslded It Is supposed that the tuns will go after them before eventag. of the barks ta believed to be the Mue- aoka, will) cargo irom uurope. . Nothing haa been Been of the Brit lah' ahlp Olenerlcht alnce ehe waa off Tillamook Rock a week ago, when ahe waa apoken by the British eteumet Apollo. The vessel stood out to eee and haa not .approached the mouth of the river alnce then. She cornea In pel- laat from Han Diego, and ahlpplng men believe that when the captain aaw In dlcatlona 'of stormy weather he etood out so. far that it may take him av era! daya to work back again. ALONG THE WATERFRONT . .The Portland'San Franelaco liner Co lumbia towed the guaollna achooner Rio Rey into Ban Franelaco yeaterdayr- he had been picked up at aea disabled by tha heavy blow Monday night.---- The eteamer Roanoke la expected to leave Ban Frenclaco for Portland - to night or tomorrow morning. She haa bean equipped with a new condenser. Tha eteamer FV A. KUburn will ar rive at- the Oak atreet dock thla even ing from Ban Franelaco and way porta The French ahlp Noeml haa shifted to Centennial dock, the eteamer Aateo I taking cargo at Montgomery dock No. I and -the eteamer Apollo la -loading lum ber at the milla of Inmen, Poulaen 4k Co. The bark Europe ehlfted to Green wlch dock. . The bark Star of Bengal made the run from the Columbia river to San Diego in 11 daya, arriving there Sunday. Thla la considered fine time for a calling ves sel. She took railroad tlee from the mills on the Columbia, The new lighthouse tender Arraerla la due to arrive at San Francisco in about SASX.T TO BSD and early to rlae, makes one. healthy, happy and wise especially it you tana Herblne before retiring. A positive cure for Constipation, Dyspepsia and ell liver complaints. Mre. 8 , Co lumbia, Teniv, writes: "I always keep a tupii. of your Herblne on hand. Am ao pleaaed with the relief It gives in constipation and 'all liver complalnte that words can't express my apprecia tion." For eale by all druggtata. 1 pi The Cable-Nelaon factory, of which we are a part, writea in ) confirmation of our "BKFORE-CHRISTMAS SALE" a follows: Iegajrdlnjrourldea of having a piano eale before Christmas, will - wj while It is quite out of the ordinary. undermelreTnetancea It wilt be good buelneee. . . , .; . y Tu are already Belling a large numJber of planoa, and whether it la really neceaaary for you. to make these, concessions we do not know we leave It -to you we are reedy to Indorse whatever- advertising 'means you think necessary to put the Reed-French jCo. before the - people of the Northwest In the beet possible light"' Eleven Cars of Pianos in Fourteen Days Is Going Some Reed-French Piano Co., Sixth and Burnside, Re ceived Over Two Hundred Pianos in Two Weeks and Make a Remark able "Before-Christmas Offer" to Get Rid of Them First Payments May Be Made Any Time in January When the Reed-French Co. opened for business in August they rented the corner store in the Commonwealth building;, Sixth and Burnside streets, thinking it would answer their requirements; but here is another proof, of the short-sightedness of man, for we have - already outgrown our floor space and today are paying1 rent on wareroom space under the Scott- hotel, also the wareroom on the corner of Seventh and Glisan streets. These several wareroom! are already crowded to overflowing, but this condition won't last long, for this "Before-Christmas Offer" will ease up in short order. Read About The Pianos We Offer JTliejprettIeatJMe.ianoJn f 19 ia tha price pay us $5.00 a month. And then there ia our' Reed-French Special. When you see this piano you cannot imag ine it is a medium-price piano, it looks ao swell, and yet ?241 is -our Before-Christmas" price pay ua $7.00 a month. And the Schubert this beautiful piano is as well known as Royal Baking Powder. It retails everywhere for $400 and over; our "Before Christmas" offer for a Schubert is f 287 pay ua $8.00 a month. Besides these wa have literally hundreds of pianoa of all sites, styles, colore and grades. They will withstand a moat critical ex amination, and yet THERE IS NOTHING. WE WILL SHOW YOU WHICH WILI, BE OVER THREE HUNDRED DOL LARS. -, . Imagine the importance of thia atatement when hundrede of pianos have been aold in this town within the last few years for $500 and $600 which have not half the value the pianos : we art showing you today. Store open every evening until Christmas. Chronic , Rheumatism Cured 5,000 BOXES F , I have e secret com pound for chronic rheumatism in all its , forms. . My secret remedy waa found after Buffering for year a .- without re lief, during which -LelOnnlty OI known remedy for tbe bands- in Seh Sr sK ChrpnicRheu-, tim.wa.had i rnailaru. ' cured myself and have cured thou sands of others, among them men and women who bad suffered for thirty and forty yeara. If you have rheuma tism In any form let me aend you a free trial package. Don't doubt, don't delay. Addreaa: JOKI A. SHZTat, . 3871 Gloria Bldf, KUwaakee, Wis. i m three weeks from New TorlcShe" "WTIl probably be stationed at Astoria" The launch. Lathrop left down the river thla morning about t o'clock for Rainier, to run in the place of the Perago as a paasengerfapat between Rainier and Kelso.' MORE BAR PILOTS Three JTew Man Appoints a Keetiag Held Teaterday, Three new bar pilote were appointed by the, state board of pilot commission ers, which met at Astoria yesterday afternoon, Michael Jolan, Renet Bven- eon - and Joseph Harriman. being the man ' upon whom the honor- waa con ferred. Tbla will mean batter service, it la believed, since tha number of pilots at present I considered Insufficient for the good of the ahlpplng. The appllcatlona for bar branches were filed some .weeks ago. MJohael Nolan ia captain of Umatilla Reef Llehtshto No. 67. Renet Svenson la mate on the bar tug Tatoosh. and Jo seph Harriman is captain of Columbia River Lightship No. SO. Nolan and Svenson were examined and granted branches to become effective aa aoon aa they file their bonda. Joseph Harrt. man waa not present yeaieraay, out hla application for a bar branch was granted aubject to hla paaalng the re quired examination. . ' JANUARY WEATHER REED-FRENCH PIANO MFG. CO. "From Maker to Player." . Hr SIXTH - AND - BURNSIDE STREETS We have everything in the Phonograph line1. aTydrogTaphie Off lose tseuee Chart for , Vast Month. According to tha chart issued by tha Hydrographlo office ahowlng the aver age conditions of weatner in tne Mortn Paclflo ocean tha month of January will be a stormy one along tha coaat. ' Galea from the aouthern eemicircie willbe frequent. It says, the hardeat blowa coming from the aoutheaat. Down along the central. American oaat the winds will likely be northwesterly. Typhoone in tha waters of the orient are infrequent during the monthe of January and February, thoae that occur originating in the vicinity of the Ma riana or tha Caroline lajanda The for mer recurve to tha northeaatward be fore reaching the Pblllpplnea. The lat ter, the chart Bays, are aeverely felt In the Felew islands and Mindanao. 7 MARINE NOTES Astoria, Dec 11. Arrived down at midnight and . sailed at 10 steamer Northland.- Arrived down at I a. m. and sailed at 10, steamer Caaoo. Arrlvad down at S:i0 a. tn. and eatied at 10:10, eteamer Alliance. Arrived at 1:10 a. m. and left up at IS noon, eteamer F. A. Kllbvrn, from Baa Franelaco and way ports. San Diego, Dec 11. Arrived Decem ber 10, ship Star of Bengal, from Co- Astoria, Dee. It. No bar report; cape line down. . . Astoria, Dec 11. Ballad at 10 a. m., bark B. P. Cheney, for San Francisco, and French bark BougolnvUle, for the United Kingdom. HENRY HOSE RECONCILED TO FATE, SAYS' WARDEH Murderer of Madge . Wilson la Ready to Meet Death on the Callows. C. YT. James, euperlntendent of the state penitentiary at Salem, who is in Portland en route to Salem from East ern Oregon, where he has been viaitlng several days, said today that Henrv Hoaowho hanged at the penl. ttntiary Decern oer ii, is patiently awaiting the time for hla exeoutlon. "Hose seema reconciled to hla fate," said Mr. James, "and Is whillng away the time reading the dally papers and hla Bible. Hone says that he wants to die,, but aeldom talks about his affairs or tha murder he committed, unless questioned. ' lie la ' taken from hla cell every morning to a room on the eecond floor, where ha spende tha day In com pany with hla death watch. The room Is comfortable and le a rellf for Hose, who appreclatea it. "Hose writea to several friends,' In Portland, and receives vlsite from the prison chaplain. He devotes much of his time In readmg hla Bible. . He has proved himself an admirable prisoner end never once has ha complained." Hose will be the seventh man hanged at the penitentiary since Mr. James haa bee a superintendent. - Mr. Jemee will leave this afternoon for Salem. A Free Xmas Offers t'ntll Chrlstmaa, with every pair of men's or boys' shoes sold, no matter what price, we will give fret of charge an order for a pair of our best oik soles, sawed or nailed en. Order can be tiaed inside of SO daye on any pair of shoes that may need repairing. All of ottr -afroea- -are- -arkedLor.. stamped In plain figures so you may be euro there Is no advance on our low prices. This extraordinary offer Is made to get you acquainted with our men's and boys' department. - Goodyear "hoe ; Repair Factory, corner T. M, C, A-T Bid., Fourth and TamhllL ; - THIRTEEN DAS iid JNTIL CHRlSTliSAS7 If your selections or purchases for your dear ones have not been made, we will cheerfullv relieve you of all doubt and anxiety as to article or price. ; If you don't find a-suggestioniiere which suits yqu, an inspectjQILPLour south window cannot' ';.:''..""" fail to please. . 'v T ''' American Cut Glass Because of it j qtlality and artistic design is now constd- ered the standard by those who know; v . - ' - Reg. Price Special Price. Fulton Water Bottle..., .'. ; ....... . .$ 6.75 ; ; $ 5.45 Marion Water Bottle.', ,;..'.........., ,9.75 :' ,7.80 P. & S. Vase, 8-inch V 4.50:. . ' 3.65 Seville Bo wlr 8-inch r. r.-v; ..w . . "7.50- 7 .5.95; Clifford Jug, 3-pint . . , . . , .'. 13.50 : 10.90 Corn Jug, with 6 Tumblers..,.'."..;.; 47.50 38.00 Chelsea Celery ..y. . ;., . . 8.25 " 675 Parker's "Lucky Ctitve Fountain Pens Practical style, fine, medium or - coarse fS.50 Practical style, gold mounted.. ...,f5.00 Jkrge Jusinest Pens-l.....$S.OO Popular Pens, all points. ..V........f 1,50 Popular Pens, ladies'. f 2.50 -Heavy mounted with gold. ........ .5 6.50 Pearl and gold mounted fS.OO " THE - GRAPHO-. PHONE . . .... . ; . permits you to, ' enjoyjtheworks of the masters in song or story, and it is so cheap. . T1 1 1 A 1 f Imnorted Albuma. rosicara ii.Dums .now aoo.......ta.oo Imported Albuma. hold 100 ...... fS.OO Morocco Covered. hold JOS ,.f 5.00- A place Art, - Covere ...f 2.50 Reneaant hold 100 '......$3.50 Flexible Leather. T hold JOS ......92.25 Jnnll hold 100 504 Paper Covers. hold 1? .10 "NEXT!" -la-JcmgmtmiMwheayou-art in a barber shop. You don't have to wait for anything if you have one of these Safety Razors: Gillette Safety. .rt,.w..........5.00 to fT.50 5.00 to f 6.50 Zinn Safety........ Oera Safety ............f 2.50 to 95.50 SKIDMORE DRUG CO. 151 THIRD STREET RALPH CRYSLER. PROP. CHRISTMAS BUYING HAS BEGUN $5 0,000 THE Wholesale Clothing Stock of Na-than-Wertheimcr Co.bdught by the IVe, W. Cot4. First and Teaylor Sts, Bargains I Affords a World of That cannot be equaled if all the stores in this city were rolled into one. There never was such an opportunity to buylhe best of everything in Men's and Boys' Clothing at less than cost of manufacture. We bought the big N. & W. Co. stock," for we well knew that the Red Front would be in position to give the public the greatest Christmas bargains ever seen In this city.- . 2000 Men's Fine Suits Consisting of double and single breast sacks, black, blue,' gray, brown, Oxfords and fashionable plaids, checks and silk mixtures. 'These lots consist of all colors and kinds at each price. Owing to immense quantities, we cannot, describe each Jot separately. The prices quoted represent actual manufacturing cost (aver age) -and is about one half regular retail prices or less. : , li CABig showing, $10.00 retail iPTsOU values. ..t: :- Ci C A Extensive display to $12.00 4)UOUretail values. ! " Q CA Business and dressy Suits to 4)0OU $18 retail values. A PA Elaborate line of Suits to $20 I) Oil retail values. ; ; CI 1 C AGigantic -assortment :to nj) 1 1 e)OU$22.50 retail values. ' C 1 2 CAOver 1,000 Suits, values to 4 lvuU$25 and $27.50; some are even sold higher at retail. . Fall and Winter Overcoats and Cravenettes This stock is in excess of 1,000 garments. The Nf & W. Coonly manufactured the best and finest grades. Careful dressers will really appreciate the correctness of styles, workmanship and the richness of materials. Overcoats' and Cravenettes II d A ' C A Medium heavy up to $10.00 $7.50t? $16 retail values. These garments are hand-tailored. - C A JJ C Silk serge andVeneUanlined . Overcoats and all colors and kinds of Cravenettes to $20 value. .' Overcoats. C 1 1 ' atnScect garments, Paddock tP'l 1 .UVOvercoats, French back and extra fine Cravenettes1 to $25 value. C 1 "3 "CAThc highest cass of mate D 1 Oe)U Urials and finest styles and) workmanship to $30 values. 4,. -- I - V V" 7 '