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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 12, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 12. 1SC3. f- CRISSEY WILL GO iiTJDL AOERDEL. Commercial Club Promotion Man Acwpts Excellent Posl. tion There, ; W1U0NDUCTCAMPAIGN OF PROMOTION WORK Hag Been With Portland Commercial Club for Three Year at Secretary to Manager Tom Richardson, and Hat Been Successful, r v An offer from the Aberdeen chamber of commerce baa been accepted by W. I. Crlssey, of the Portland Commercial club, whe will on January 1 become secretary of the Aberdeen organisation, at a salary of 12.000 a year. Aberdeen business men have raised a fund of 14, too for a year's campaign of public- Itjr werav Mr. Crissey, with Tom Richardson, re turned today from a visit at Aberdeen and reports that region as one of. the busiest places in the entire northwest. Mr. Klcltardaon said: "The Gray's harbor country Is a fine region, and Is rapidly developing. In vestments are coming In rapidly, and population will greatly Increase within the next few years. There Is a splendid trade opening for Portland merchants In that part of the state of Washing ton. The rail facilities from Portland are as good as they are, from any point to Gray's harbor, and the people of the eoant towns are heavy consumers ; ' - ' ; . , TatAT- XT! I I ' . ; " Cough yourself tnto a fit of spasms and then wonder why you don't get. well. If J'ou will only try a bottle of Ballard's loreliound Syrup your cough will he a thing of the past. It is a positive curs for Coughs, Influenza, Bronchitis and all Pulmonary diseases. One bot tle will convince you at your druggist, '. 26c, tOc, 11.00. For sals by all druggists. of what is produced and dealt In bare. The trads of the Grays harbor country la of very great Importance, and should be. cultivated assiduously. Some Idea of the pay tolls there may be gained from the fact that the lumber output of Gray's harbor is, according to sta tlstirs, larger than any port. In the country by-"trr. exfllu.T-dy. The have ' 17". sawmills, and they csrtatnly keep busy," , . ' Tars Tears la the Serrtoe. Mr. Criasey has been la the service of the promotion department of ' the Portland Commercial club three years. As secretary to Tom Richardson, roana ger of the club, bis duties have been of a responsible character. He has made a complete success . of his work, and will retire with the best wishes of the 00 -members of the -elul. The Portland Commercial club as pects to entertain John Barrett, United States minister to Colombia, next Sat urday evening",' - Mr. .Barrett wired to the club that he was leaving Washing ton on Tuesday for Portland. Unless unexpected delay occurs he-wilt reach this city Saturday, and if he falls to arrive the entertainment will be post poned until he reaches the city. - Preparations are being made for a banquet to be attended by a large num ber of Portland, citizens, at which Mr. Barrett will be the guest of honor and chief speaker. Ha Is exepcted to dis cuss the question of Paclf lo coaat com' merce between the cities of this na lion and Central and South American countries. 1 1 - " Building- Permits. The' following permits have "been" Is sued; . Mrs. J. R. . Shaver twojsiory dwelling, Williams- avenue between Broadwar and Hancock, cost 12,000: McCuire, tear downt Sixth comer Har rison, cost $100;' B. St. CUIr repair. Second between Everett and Flanders, cost f 100; C. A. Allsky repairs. Third corner Morrison, cost 125: I I Schu- msn one-story dwelling, Chupmsn cor ner Montgomery, cost luo; o. w. Priest, two-story dwelling. XSantenbeln avenue- between Shaver and Mason, cost SMtO; Carl Nordborst repairs. Spo kane avenue between East Seventh and East Ninth, cost 1100.. - Oranlte Woodman Choose Officers. , . (Special DUpntch to Tbe Joerml.) ' Granite. Or., Dec. 12. The following have been elected, officers ol the local Woodmen of the World ledge for the coming- years - Roy- Bowman, C.-C.J H. A. Murphy, A, U; Thomas Hay ward, clerk: William Bowman, banker; 8. 8. Goodrich, escort; Noe Lawrence, watch man; ,John Lawrence, - sentry; Q. R. Wagner, manager. DIAMONDS rTfte fltgherTher Advance In Pricrthe More Wi rSdli When diamonds wars cheap everybody could afford to buy them. Now they hare reached such E rices ss to make them a luxury. aTotwitlistand tf. tots (act mora diamonds are being sold than .ever. - , . ; OOOD BFXCrUATIOJr In buying a diamond 'at the rlglit price you not only have the pleas ure of wearing them, but the speculation is a rood one. xney surely will ea aacs at least 10 par oent a year. WS CXAIMC ICTB We are out of the high-rent district and can afford to sell them at a smaller profit. Tola we cam prove to yon- Bee ooz Twentieth Century Cut Diamonds. . Witches aaa at rices yea all cat afforaV Gold. Silver. Nickel Gold Filled BOT' Nl'lfl. end Silver 'a tehee .1 1.00, If. 00. 12.26, JI.50, 13.00. JS.00. ... .. v OIRUIUI'I Sliver tS.Oft. t 00, $?.S0 to IIS. 00; (iold 12100, I3IS.Q0. $&. to $100.00. . ' Killed t 60. $12.60. 116.00 to $60.00; Nickel $2.60. w.eo, $5.00 to tis.oo. ' A9X WaTOni In gold-filled from $9.60 up to t 25. 00, in silver from $4.00 up, nickel and irunmetal from $$.60 to $10.00. 1 IT-CaTXACX S -In nil lengths, 1$ to 21 Inches, In Roman, rose or polished gold; also filled, from $1.60 to $33.00. - WATCK OXAZir ladlaa' and Gents' chains,- sliver, gold and rtlled, all styles, slses and -makes, from $2.00 up. m - TOBS New, nobby Fobs, ladles and gents', all Foba made up on short notice. . j . . . . . ii sty lea Monogram 3 OPERA GLASSES18 Wer!0nes And several other good makes from $5.00 to tS&.OO Handles to match. - - , JAEGER BROS. J;"4, 133 FIFTH STREET Jlf ear ALDXR as Above, u Pearl, oo store open CTeningt Our Daily Special ITom orrow's ' asa jw sgne ssew 1 aa l Will consist of these large'-Arm Golden . Oak ; ,' : Saddle Seat ROCKERS Thefc.large, roomy Rock ers are one of the most 'comfortably seats made. They sell regularly for $3.50. Gevurtz' , Special Price only Nearly like above cut." No phone orders taken. If you ap preciate a big bargain' you will see these rockers. GEVURTZ & SONS 173-175 FIRST ST. -219-227 YAMHILL Heart -Palpitation' Indigsstion causae tha stomach to tzpand twtll and-puff up gainst tha heart This crowds tha heart and Intarfaroa with , 'itt action, cauting ahortnasa of. braath.'alpitatiati of tha heart, 'ate Kodol .Dyspepsia Cure 7 BIOESTS WHAT TOO KIT - taltaa tha ttraln off tha heart, ' and contribute ? nourishment, strangth and health to avary organ of tha body.' Curat Indi gestion, Dyspepsia, Sour Stom- . ach. Belching. Gaa on Stomach, , 'and all Stomach troviblea. Denova, Iowa. . Three years ago I waa afflicted -"with indigestion so much that ' I waa la continual pain. After gating my heart waa affected and I had smothering sensations. Two bottles of Kodot cured me. ALBERT LAMSt. A mmOmr sJ CMSjtos t -. . Urn as awefe mm tarn trial mrfOm. mJxm. Prmpmni mt tee laboratory e . C PmWM Ce.. Cklcmgm, U.S. A. Sold ljr lUdmore Drue Co. aad . Woodard, Clarke U Oe, AT THE THEATRES. James O'Neill in "Monte Chriato." hmM 0'KelII. foe erlebrettd setnr. snd kin excellent eompear ef playrrs will pnwnt -oote urisio-- at 1M Hclllf thratre tonlsbt st 8:1S 'clock. Tomorrow sod rrtday nlsbl the powerful biblical drams. "Tbe Voire of tbe Mighty." will be tbe. bill. Mr. U'NeUl will be Jobs the Baptist. - Saturday aisbt. December IS. aad at the aperlal-prk-e siatuice Batuniar "Monte Ciiato" will be. re peatao. "Moate Crlaio," while sot s -aoveH? has eertalnlr brea one ef tbe rear's tea turn la dramatic. The reason Is, that James O'Neill has snrmsnded blmsair with a-stiag aapejrtlng eosipaay. Alberta Gallatin Next Sunday. Ktxt rriday evealat. Deceaiber 14. at the bos . eflae mt the- Hlllg- tbeatre. Fourteenth end Waahtngtoa streets, tbe adraace seat aele will epea for the talented end coarmtnf aetreea. Alberta Gellatls. wbe eomee to tbe abooa theatre next Monday, December 18, for as en-gaa-enient ef four Blshta la tbe romantic drama. "Uorothy Vernon of Haddon Hall." A special, price Battue will be (traa Wednesday aftar- "The Merchant of Venice." Joe talk of the. town tbls: weak la the worn of Jobs Bahipnlla na Khylock Is "Tbe Merchant of Venice,' ef which the Baker stock eomtiany Is patting on s Biasnlfleent product! no. aals. polls has always heea knows to Portland people a a atorllsg eotoe, bat bte woek this-week gams hint hundreds ef sew admin ra. Lillian Laarrence makes s sweet Portia, snd William Utlhv eonrnises tbe andleBce ea Lanacelot Gobbe. roa doe't want to mlas It. All weak with sastkMe Batarday. Beats bow sailing. Next Week st the Baker. . Kaxt week the Baker stoe company will prodace "A Bachelor's Boroanrw." s dellfttrul play Is which sums ef America a moat noted actor bare starred. 8taa aettlns will b forsaoas for this bill. Tbe esat baa bees well prepared snd the week will do doubt be wis of tbe moat ful ef the preaent seaaoa. Beats sre sow ea saw. Tha Funny Musical Farce. ' "The Twe John," s fanny maalcal fares romedr, is emnalng patrons of tbe Bmplre thl week and drawing Urge crowds. There will bo a matlnao Katar4ar,- Tbooa wbo bar -rwt eea It are muwlng one of tbe neat attract lona the Cmplre has erer offered. The company is number one la every reapeet, the msale Is tane fai aad estca ead the lines snappy sad bright. "Out In Idaho" Next Week. Krery lerer ef the rest weatara melodrama. sad they are aumeroa. will be slid to know thee the Empire will bar s sew ene next week. Out la Idaho" Is tbe titli sad It deal with scanea snd charactera la- the wIMer parts ef tb great aelgnbor atate. Many dlntlactly new feature are carried, aucBraa "back Ins bronon snd brnaee beaUrs. rirat performance ef "Out la Idaho" at tbe Cmplre Sanday matinee next. At the Lyric " Pioneer days Is the wild weat are shews la The Danltea," the melodrama glrea this week at tbe Lyrle. This play is the beet knows coast drams ea the state, end It Is sow being re Tired la an attractive manner, by Manasera Keating and Flood. Btag Director Herbert Aahtoa has prepared appropriate scenery sad tbe com Dear is siring s performance which Is winning eathualaatls applause. Every member ef tbe Lyric atock company Is popular and each has semathtng to do thai week la "The Dan- ltes." , ... : . At the Grand. , Oarer ranaerHle Is gives st' the Grand thl week. It being tb moat amuilns and varied bill thl autumn. 'Tor Sweet Charity," s alter ing playlet, by Matwell and Dudley, Is probably th beat set of this kind brouxht to Portland la vaudeville. Tb act rarrlee Its ewa anerlal acenery. "The Meearnavr . Boy ana the Ac tree" Im tb greatest laugh-getter of the weak St tb Vraad. "Thelma" at the Star. Critics are nnanlmooa thla week In declaring that "Tbelma," the attraction gives by th Allen stock company st Jhe star theatre, I th beat play snd beet prodnrtlna this company baa yet preeented. Tb scenery I new asd pre pared for thla play. Matinees Thnradny, Bator day snd Bnnday. Kelt week, "Tb Ilaritat o( tbe Bed." SHEA IS ACCUSED OF PLOT TO DYNAMITE (Journal Sndil Bervlce.t Chicago. Dec. 12. Michael Kelly, for- merljr secretary and business agent of a local teamsters' union, testified In the trlsl ef Cornelius P. Shea, president of tha United Brotherhood of Teamsters, thst Shea tried to secure soma one to dynamite a lodging-house In ' which strike-breakers were housed. Strike pickets were also placed n the police force aa special officer, sworn to protect tha strike-breaker against violence, and as employee of private detective agencies retained by employers to preserve their teama and drlvera from attacnv - . f)EM0CRATS CARRY ELECTION IN BOSTON tJoamsl Special service.) Boston. Dec. 1J. Jamee A. Gllllvan, Democratic candidal for street com missioner, was, yesterday reelected by a plurality of It.SOO votes over John jE. Savage, HepubUcan. T neat board I . , . ii in! iAX Ik. A 'h!janx!S eoct mem mi CIifb!ms Ms Wrap McCALL'S MAGA. ZINE (the qlleen of fashion) for a year end a ISc pattern for 304 can be had by calling - for it each month ' at ' our " atore. McCall Patterna on tale, v ' 144-146 3rd St. PORTLAND. OR. Between Morriaon and Alder. . , - Of Every Description CHRISTMAtS SHOPPING IS MADE DELIGHTFUL It was not always so, but Hhi year we . have - made a special study of gift-giving problems and have smoothed them out. from the dreaded or- -deal they have always been into a truly delightful pastime. HOW IS IT POSSIBLE? Columbia Wools v Columbia) Floss, Reg. 1 So skein.. .14 ' Columbia Shetland Wool llo skn..lOe Columbia Spanish, Reg. 10c skein. '.15 Columbia Zephyr, R-g. lOo pkg..JHg) Columbia, Saxorry, imo akeln;..8He Columbia Eiderdown, Sto ball. now.25 Columbia Golf Tarn, 46c skein... ,26e Columbia Oermantown. 2o akn,.12Vi Columbia Fairy Zephyr, Reg. 18c..l5r German Knitting Yarn. Reg. Sc..f los; Wool, Reg. 15o ball, now r. ... Broken lines of Zephyr, pkg. .fgr Ice Wool. Reg. T6o box. now .:.. V3S Carlson Currier Knitting Silk, spool f Angora Wool, per bsll 16c, not....&f First By providing jji excellent assortment of pretty and useful gifts for men women and children. , ' ' " , ' . Second By marking incm at figures so tempting that troubled minds are easily decided; and. V , . . , ; (. - Third By assuring prompt and courteous treatment to patrons and timely delivery of good to all parts of the city.- J We have gone even farther towards simplifying matters by compiling these lists of beautiful Christmas presents with prices that argue strongly -i 'for a great - ., ' . ' ' ".-,' : Sawiif fi liuiey, Hie snl Wow y Any Lady in the Land Would Reo!ce Upon the v Receipt or One or inese presents REAL LACE HANDKERCHIEFS Regular $5.00, $4.00 and S.0O lc Handkerchiefs, now each,. S2.50, f-.OO and fl.50 Finest Bnen heavily embroidered real lace edge, each .........93.OO and S2.00 811k chiffon, embroidered edge and comers, Fine linen bsnd-hemstltched and embroidered, ea.) 12. SO Mamei' with emb, corner only, each. . . -T5 and lll.OO game, four corners heavily embroidered, each.. .$2. SO game, .light embroidery border, each... SSt . - , REAL- LACE . TOC tl.56 -tnch, per yard 1-lnch. pes yard CHRISTMAS CLOVES Ji-button Sued In all evening abadea. smsll slses, per pair . ; : Same, U-button. per pair ..I. ........ .70 High-GridcNflvcltics from the well-known BRIGHAM stock are quoted here with the rest but at such ab surdly low prices as to bescarcelyrecoigniz able. Better cornel in and-pick-themout ! Presents for Ladles Are Here in Profusion : Select a Few .at- These Prices Infants' White Emb. Silk Caps, eaen....35 to fl.OO Infants' White Wool Body Leggings. ,. .35? to 91.00 Infants' Cashmere Sscques, sUk tltchlnr and rib bons 50 to fl.50 Crochet Bscqueev each.!. .'..--., .35 - 91.00 Bearskin Caps ind Bonnets, white and - colors ..BOa to Tow 1.50 2.25 .....lOe to AOs Infants' longwhltt Jedford 'Cord CosvU, .awny braid trimmed 91.50 to 93.00 Barae, 8hort Coata 92.95 to 94.OO Infanta' Silk Hose in white, color -and black ...57 and 04 Infants' fin Cashmere Hose, white, black suid colore, pair 257 Infanta 811k Socks, alt plain colors and . plaid, per pair . '. .....38 Babies' Ermine Fur Seats, each Babies' Angora Fur Sets, each Babies' Booteea. per pair Celebrated Centemert Sueda Gloves, all shades, per pair. . . . . . .9I.6O Same, glace finish, palr.....91.50 Same, S-clasp 9 1.00 . CHRISTMAS NECKWEAR "Eleganl 'aasortment of Fancy-Clrlf-fon. Lace, Oriental and Beaded Collars on sale at. each . ;i5f to 65f CHRISTMAS HAND BAGS Large line of new Leather Hand Bags, all colors, piioea ; from .... 35 e) to 92.95, FOR THE HOME Elegant -4 Tapestry Table Corers. - green, blue, red. rancy. . -f-.VU Linen Tab Bets, ty, yd. cloth and - a Napkins to match, aet..91.98 Half-Bleached German Linen Da- " mask Table Covers, hem- . stitched, each .-91.9S CHRISTMAS COMBS . All patterns In elsborate .' Bid -r-Combs, per palrrrr-.15 ta GOs) Fancy Back Combs at25 to 65 Gold Bond Trading Stamps Given With Every 10c Purchase I i 94.50 CHRISTMAS BELTS Plaid Bilk Belts, Frltile Sheff buckles, each -25 Fancy Black or Black and - Watts Silk Belts, gilt buckles, each .'....254; to 5 Full line of Fency Qrlentsl JTinsel - and: Leather Belts. ' t CHRISTMAS FURS -Specie! SO-lnch Ermine Bcarfa. - each 94.50 Full stock of all favored styles and aualltlea from. .75 to 910.00 SPECIAL 10-lnoh Ermine Scarfs, ea SILK PETTICOATS Elegant styles In red,' blue and green, each f4.&tl Extra quality Black Taffeta with accordion flounce, - each . . . 98,95 ' CHRISTMAS WAISTS Beautiful Black Emb. or Plaid Waists from... 93.95 to 95.OO Black or White Net Waists, elabo rately trimmed and made over silk, each . . . .... . . . . . -94,95 . CHRISTMAS UNDERWEAR Ladles' White Silk Vests, long. It.10 and $M0 vals.. 91.69 to 92.39: Sleeveless Silk .Vests in all fancy colors. ach...'...50 to ml.bO Tpsllantl Silk Union Suits, $.0. $7.80 and $4. IS values, -at 92.98 93.78 94.08 Give the Men Presents They Can Use and Enjoy. These Are the , Things They'U Appreciate Uen's Large Bilk Mufflers, black, white or fancy colors. " each ...60 to 91.50 FancyJTUnnel . Mumera 35 Immense assortment of silk' 4-ln- band Ties, each ...354 Fancy SUk . Sleeve Holders, In . fancy colors, per pair ....... 25 Men's Garters, plain or mix colors . ., .... , . , 25 Fsncy SUk Embroidered Hose,' per pair lio...... 2 'or 25 Men's Fancy Silk Web Sus penders .......... -35 Msn'a White Wool Sweaters. 93.50 Men's Wool Fancy Striped Sweaters, each 91. SO ' Men's Red or Navy Sweaters.. 91 Men's, JLuslrallaa Wm1 Cardigan Jackets in black, blue or tan 93.50 Bilk Initial Ildkfs. lsrge Slse, Inch- deep hem. each .....50 X-J-ge Lawn Initial Hdk.a.,u20f Christmas Four-in-Hand Ties each la fancy box . -T5- Pearl and Gold-Filled Cnff Buttona and Links,. pslr....154 to 50 A complete line of Ladles and Gentlemen's Cmbrellss. all atylea and qualities, from 76t to 95.00. ' autlful and Useful Presents for Boys and Girls Can Be Read ily Gathered rrom mis ust Boys' - White Worsted Sweatera ......91.25 Boys' Fancy Weave Australian Wool Sweaters, each 91.25 Children's Fancy Striped 'Sweaters. button shoulder .-50 Children's All-Wool Blue snd Ked Striped Sweatera 75 Boys' Silk Initial Hdkfs, ....25 -Boys' Fancy Suspenders. 5 to 25 Boys' Wool Olovea, pair -25 Pearl Beauty Plna with gilt mount . Ings,- each - , r. . . . . . . .. .5 14 K. Gold-Filled Beauty Pins In fancy open design. patr....25 Plain Filled Beauty Plna. set..l5 LltUe OlrlV Curly Bear Skin Coata. gray or whit, each 99.95 Girls Fancy Plaid Coata, red rtrlm. It snd 14 yrs. a...9.50 Misses' and Children's Silk Hose. black, white and red T5f to 994 Black or White Ice Wool Shawls asst. patterns. ea.SO) to 91.25 Crochet Slippers, sll fancy colors, per pair ....s-91.00 to fl.50 Girls' Fancy Hat Pins. Purses, " Hdkfs. t In Fancy ; Boxes Gloves. Collars, Belts, Ribbons. Combs and Fancy Silk Garters. Mail and 'Phone Orders Receive Particular Attention. IK of aldermen will stand seven Democrats and six Republicans, and tha lower branch of the city government will alao be Democratic . . The so-called II o'clock law was sc complinhed by a majority of over 1M0O, while the city favored the granting of a- city license by over 20,000. Ottlnger aires V Tifb. (Journal Bpeelal Barrio.) Chicago, Dec 11. Adolph Ottlnger. railroad ticket scalper, former presi dent of the Amerlcsn Ticket Brokers;, association. Is going out of business. Ottlnger Is negotiating for a ssle of all his Interests. It Is hla prediction that ere long tlcket-sealplng In tha United Stales will be practically a thing of the past, sndi the business, which tha railroad have spent at least S00. 000 annually for the Isst 15 years to stamp out, will be eradicated. High Vtnd at atcMlBJiTUl. McMlnnvllle, Or., Dee. II. Monday nlB-lit's wind slorm provss to have been the eeverest of the year. The night was also extremely dark. The storm waa sccompanled by lightning. . 1 ne wina waa so strong that it shook tha main building at the college quite percept ibly.- Not anr serious darn its nas oeen reported as yet, except for the breaking of branches on trees and the tearing of shingles from roofs. "Apply DrGravcsf Toolh Powder tn rlisrnlored teeth. It bricht- 4n -and lwhitens-'thern.hatdcn3 the gums, makes the breath sweet and the health good;" that's a dentist's advice. la kaady metal east r bettlee. ISe. Or. Grates' Tc:th Pcd:r C:. The 144 and 146 Third Street, Between Alder and Morrison TOir(gisid i)(lVWllLNV Brewer Hat Satisfies Every Careful Dresser Made to Suit Every Face and - Shape of Head ' "BEST HAT IN THE WORLD FOR THE MONEY" a, BEN -SELLING- LEADING CLOTHIER : i - is u l: i:v 'o, iiilnnr"" ' ? L c