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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 12, 1906)
----'- '-'- - ..C'."-'-'---t f - . ' THE ' OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, ' PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY EVENING. DECEMBER 12, 18C3. ATTEMPT IS fJADE 4-U t, u LU llllll Jw J ni -. V.V.-' . Commercial Interests Try - to :. X. Gain, Advantage, in. Coast Trade Situation. COAST INTERESTS ARE i , ,.- , AGAINSTTROPOSmON Will Not Stand Annihilation of Old Principle That Water and ' Rail Competition , Governs Transconti nental Rate at Tidewater. .' - Extraordinary efforts are being- mad : by an element of the commercial in ' terosts of Spokane T5 obtain advantage "t , In the cost trade situation and at one bound land Spokane In the position of arbiter of commercial condition in tne . whole Inland empire. It I announced that they are raising II S.000 to cover the ' expense of an argument before the In y terstat commerce commission for .tide , water terminal rate. Naturally, the commercial Interests ef not only the Pacific coast but the ,:; nation are lined up against this propo sition, as Its acceptance would mean 'the annihilation of th century-old prln . clple that water and rail competition Severn the transcontinental . rate -at i tidewater. In any contest1 that Spokane '' nay make it will find the commercial Interests of the Paeirto coast from Bel- tn(haia te San Pedro lined up In de- tense of the tidewater terminal rates ' possessed by all seaports because of .'- their- location on deep sea, harbors, or - . Immediately adjacent hereto. j r, "The overthrow of the present tids t watr terminal rat- principle aa applied I , to Portland and other seaports." aald a J prominent, shipper today, "would be a revolutionary act on the part of the , Interstate commerce commission that t . would reverse the course of commerce ( ; established for centuries. It would up .' i set the trad f every seaport In the ,V Vnlted State wherever there la rail ... competition. - We- would oo longer know what to expect In th commercial world. . , It la a atep. that I believe Impossible .. on the part of any -Intelligent body of . I men who may deal with this question. . - Way Bat Za Stada, , . ,' "The rat mad by railroad on ship- V me'nts from Chicago to Portland la not . v mad because this city la Portland, but 4bccausthl point la one where ocean vessel do bus(nees7 forcing tha making I of a certain terminal rata that Is out of proportion to any normal rat that could ; be made from Chicago to apy way point ! on th railroad line. The making; of a mil rat even aa low a it la between Chicago and Spokane la onljr by reason , , ' of the latter city being located aa near V a It la-to tidewater. Were It farther . away from water competition. It ter y mlnal rates might be even higher, for ' Situated aa It la. It la bound to have , : always th certain protection of th tidewater terminal rat plus the local from ' Portland to Spokane. In other . ' word, there can never com a time TpwheBtlsrallroaa company carrying - ; goods from Chicago to Bpokan can ' charge more than th combined charge - mad by th ahip and the short haul V, front 'Portland to 8pokan. It -,ls th t-.' try to every other Interior point. It la at the mercy of the - transcontinental . ' railroad excepting for protection It may f receive from the nearest tidewater ship ping point. That there may not be a , certain line' of merchandise carried by ' ships to that point makes no difference i in th actual results aa to1 rat reamla- whether the ships are actually' running between certain points." so long as the water, route la there and the railroads know that whenever they push rates above a certain level there will b ahlps going into tha trad to compete for the haul." ' - - " ', Twe Oorernor So SjposJL ' (Joarnal Special BerTiea.) - " Trenton, N. J, Dec. -11. Elaborate arrangement have been concluded by ' the local branch of the Knights of Co ' lumbo for a banquet at the Trenton " house tonlcht In honor of Bishop James A. McFauJ. - Governor . Htggtns, of ; Rhode Island, and Governor Stokes.' of New Jersey, are among th promised ' sneaker. ' I mst!B-!ss!aBaBBBa ions h The only way to get. rid of pimples and other erup tions is to cleanse the blood, improve the digestion, stim ulate the kidneys, liver and skin: The medicine to take is Hood'sSarsaparilla Which has cored thousands. 'I ' ' , ' ' ' -L i pMHmtORwfTH THE LITTTgPRICESr8" 1 tJTin tj t3 a nr I i ' S.., S5 0 . Crlyenettes ';V.-.yl Overcoate , : JW IffP ' lor Men - " mB ' See Window Display ' ; (yjg ; jfrJ - . 1 mm . a t . . esssw FAMOUS ' II ;.. , rnovro iM,iy hoioi;;s us ANNUAL -POULTRY SH017 Over Five Hundred Bird Are on Exhibition on Open ; Ing Day. .' rSmetat Dtnatefc te TUt Jearsal.) Eugene, Or. LWc 11. Th Lan Coun ty Poultry association la holding its first annual exhibition. In this cfty, it having opened this morning, and will continue througl committee In . charge of the show ha been-- wrklngaaallmusji for several weeka to make a success of It, and ex tensive preparations were made.- When the doors were opened this . morning nearly (09 bird had been placed on ex hibition and a number came in today. -,-' , The show is being held in an empty storeroom In' the Walton block, on th principal business street of th city. and Is attracting large crowds. Elmer Dixon b Oregon,, one of the best-known poultry Ju . on th coast, will males th award.'. Flrds from all part of Wno county a e en exhibition and a great many have been sent her from Marlon. Linn and Douglas counties. A greater number are her than at any previous show ever held 4n Lane county, and this , Is aald to be on of the best, In point' of numbers, ever held, in the state. " " NEW INCORPORATIONS FORMED AT SALEM (Special DUpateb ie Tee JoaraaL) Salem, Or.. Dec 12. Articles of In corporation have been filed aa follows: Hermlston Bank Trust company, -F. McNaught, Samuel R. Oldacre, both of Hermlston, and Oonsales M. Rice of Pendleton, Incorporators. Th capital stock is t!S;000 and the office of the bank will be at liormiston. In Umatilla county. ' t The Ban Pedor pock company: Incor porators, C P. Doe, O. I Campbell, A. Cohn, I. C Sanford of Portland, II. B. Henley of Pomeroy, Washington; 'th main offlc will be in Portland, and the capital stock Is 1100,009. St. Helens Quarry company; incorpo rator. J. H. Wood. Illchard W. Mon tague, 8. S. Montagu; main office, Port land;, capital Stock, $50,000. , - DIES ON TRAIN WHILE EN ROUTE TO HIS HOME (Special Dtopeteh e The JearaaD Salem, Or., Dec. it. Realising that th and was near. Prank I Watt, who bad been rn - California, for several months on account of poor health, wrote to his parents here a few days ago that he was coming home Immediately. The young man died on yesterday's north bound overland between Albany and Junction City, of tuberculosis, and the remains were brought to thie city, since tn paasenger had a ticket as far as Salem. He was the son of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Pratt of New Park and had been in Los Angeles In quest of health. He was 20 years of age. The funeral will be held Thursday afternoon. . ' LANE-COUNTXJAIUS: JI0W LINED WITH STEEL (Special Dispatch ,te .The gmmel.t Bugen4reet.mrlorrlsii of th Lan county Jail are being lined with, steal an eighth of an Inch thlok, in order to prevent prisoner from digging through th brick walla and effecting their escape. Recently eight prisoners, including two murderers, broke out of their cells, dug through th wall and were tin th. nnlnt Af .mwIIii ah. v. h years ago three prisoners succeeded In making their- escape In th same man ner. - HARRIMAN PLACES THREE 7 BIG STEAMERS IN TRADE (Joana! Snectst Servk'e.t .-New York. Dee. 18 The Southern Pa cific company today put -Into service the ' first ot 'the three great steamers It has recently built to ply over the Now York-New Orleans rout. Th first of th steamers to go Into commission is th Momus. Her sister ships, tha Creole and Antllle, are expected to go Into service at sn early date. All three ship' are, of the most powerful type, capable of navigating any waters. They have .first-class -passenger accommoda tions, with berths for HI people. . . Salem lodges Slao. (Special Plapatek M Tke Jevrnell ' Salem, Or., Dec. I2.r-The lodge of th city are holding their annual and semi-annual elections and social life In th lodge 1 at full tide., Last evening the Pythian Sister chose their officers a follows: Most excellent chief, Au gusta 1 Ji Croix; excellent senior, Jose phine Faxon; excellent Junior, Augusta Wlprut; manager, Zelda Gardner; mis tress of R. and C, Elisabeth Stlnson; mistress of finance. Irene St Helm: protector, Llllam Olmstead; guard, Net-i tie 'McFadden; trustee, Lillian Brown; musician, i Nellie Knox. , " . - n a as - SI ttAMScaesJi SKM to U CLOTHING B COMPANY B i moral jury FAR AlVAY Still Another-Special Venire Is Drawn, and Court Mean- 7 ; " while In Recess. . MEN MAY NOT BE IN IE BOX THIS WEEK Judge. Thompson Will MakV Defense; That His Son Is Paranoiac Thie Classes' Him, in One Sense, With Harry Thaw. - (Special Dlapaten t The J Denial.) Tacoma, Wash., Dec. 11. Last night and today sheriffs have been acourlng Pierce county for -more -veniremen lit th Thompson murder trial. Th last special venire was exhausted at the close of th afternoon session of court yesterday and Judge Snell ordered &0 more name drawn. Sheriff Denholmi was ordered to make hi return at 6 p. m. today and a night session may be held. Th slow progress . being made towards a Jury indicates thafTt may require all of tomorrow and per haps' even Friday, and. Saturday to se cure the Jury. On account of having no veniremen to work on, court was dismissed until Sheriff Denbolm makes his return at 6 o'clock. What Paranoia I. Judge Will H. Thompson, father ef and the leading attorney for Chester Thompson, win. wnen the actual trial begins, make the' defense, that hla aon Is suffering from a phase of Insanity known a .paranoia. . It I th am de fense that la. being put forward In th Harry Thaw case, though Thaw.- who has been known as a notorious rounder for years. Is- the exact antithesis of young Thompson, who from appearance and report, has lived a remarkably ex emplary life. s" . , .Paranoia, or monomania, termed also progressive, systematised Insanity, is by soma experts defined as being de pendent upon original neurotic vices, accompanied by systematised and per sistent delusions. These, according- to authorities, may be of an ambitious character, in a form known as megalo mania, or what is more commonly the case, ef a depressive nature, constitut ing the delusion of persecution. In some easea both forms are blended, ana these people, insanity expert say, are of fenaw -to-carryTin""the" smtrs of life without suspicion being directed to their condition, but nevertheless ere more or less dominated by their delu sion. Symptoms of This Ma$at--'' In numbers of cases of paranotacs. peculiarities, such ss excessive egotism. irritability, eccentricities in ares ana manners, Imperative conceptions, great timidity, impulses and suspiciousness develop before th outbreak of the dis order. The symptoms .may ' become fully, developed either early or late , in life, and In numerous cases, where crisis of trouble - or worries do not comer--the-dlaoose doe no coma to e-4 head and th person pursues the even tenor of his way . until death carries hfrn ntt . "TTaiillw the tierenn hia. the ' .v.. . .,. ... that some person or persons are respon sible for hi non-recognition snd . then looks up th supposedly guilty person. This frequently is an agent of th gov ernment or some person in a high sta tion In life. , .. .. ,.. - Thompson Loeka This Part. This form of i mania plays an lm- portent part in love-affelr1--wbet n -f subject of the disease Is one of the principals, aa young Thompson was, in a romantlo episode. Such a person under the Influence of great love may play all sorts of .queer antlca. If thel love is not returned, under th influ ence of blended love and Jealousy, he rapidly loses responsibility, or at least! such will be the pie of the attorneys for the defense, and is then capable of enormities. One would hae to travel far to find a person who would act out the phases of the disease better then has young Thompson since his trial' began. He sits In a dreamy reverie, often with a half smile expanding his countenance. The questioning of the Jruymen and th wrangling of the attorneys go forward hour after hour s round hlra but are not In the lesst regarded. SEEKING PARDON (Continued from Page Ona) Buren and found him In a Vancouver hotel with James White. , Buren was ao badly injured that he loat his hearing., Cyren and Pearson ran away and got aboard of th ship before .their assailants could get them. White tried to show at the trial that the assault was committed by other saflors and tliat then Buren waa driven to th "Sailors' Home," White's place in Lower Albtna. wpere he was cared for by the sailor boarding-house men. ESTACADA MAYOR - (Continued from Page One.)" addition ' H '-the ' Indictments found against It end. Drill. Bell. B. F. Boyn i ton, who at -the time of election was as sistant superintendent of the O. W. P., and the nine other men who had sworn tt th. VflHn, ml.llA..ll(tn. tt Vftnn. TTrTrr' or USIl. " weie liuili'led for pei Jury. The trial of Uoynton will follow that of Bell and the other 1 1 accused will be tried as quickly as the slowly moving wheels of Justice .'.will allow. ABERDEEN WIRES DOWN ' 'AND NONE TO Fl) THEM (Special nitpatdi te Tbe Jtiarsal.) Aberdeen, Wash., Dec. 11. Recent ter rific gales have, so bsdly demoralised the telegraph and telephone systems here that about half the telephone wires are down and cannot be repaired now for lack of men to dfl- the work. Oscar Handsberg and J. M. Dean, the twe line men killed by live wires yesterday, and Charles Thompson, wno afterward re signed,' composed th "trouble men" corps. No telegraph wires were serv iceable yesterday until late In the aft ernoon. RANCHER HELBERG DEAD AT HOME NEAR MILTON CSpeelal Dlapateb te Tbe Inarsal.) Milton, Or.,. Pee. It. Christian Hel berg, asred 60 years, was found dsad In his barnyard t His place early this mornlns of heart failure. He was a bachelor., lie owned IS acres of fruit i land near Milton. Helberg-had been her about lght years, tie leaves no relatives. t . . 7 P. M. '' r ' I r Regular : Sfc .-.'.-'- ..... . . : . -r -V CHILD'S ROCKER v ; , We Cannot Deliver This Special , REMEMBER, our store is open evenings and - we've plenty of time to as glad to see you whether ..-."-,;; ,vv or to A most useful present is one calling for a pair s.aI S$&4 OtM mm 1823 UWm)rCC - CllDF W tr 2 The greatest value' ever offered. Shoe purchased for gifts. ; -V . can be exchanged if they do not fit. ' , ROS ENTHAL'S 149 THIRD'ST. PORTLAND'S BEST SHOE STORE SHATTERING SLOANE INSANITY PLEA Witnesses In Rebuttal Testify That Neither Father Nor :, ; Son Were Insane. (Rpeelal niieatek te Tee. Joarsal.) Spokane, Wash., Deo. 12 The prose cution In the Sidney Sloane raa la shattering the defense of Insanity by the IntredaoHsw it a large wumber-e witnesses in rebuttal, including promt nent business men who were associates of the murdered man and well ao. qualnted with hie slayer, and who tes tify that neither had aver shown any signs 01 insanity. There are a large number of wit nesse yet to be examined befOr th expert testimony Is taken up, and It seems probable the case . will not be finished for nt least another 10 day. Th prosecution la making an effort to discredit the testimony showing that Sidney Inherited mental weakness from his parents. School mates and teachers testify that the boy is sane, but of sav age temper. Business assoclstes of the elder flloane testify that tie latter was sane, but not Intemperate. The., de fendant is calm and Indifferent, and probably will not be put on the stand. OfHoers ef Willow Olem . Cirols. . (Speetal filapatca te Tb Joersal.1 North Powder. Or.. Dj. U. Willow CASTOR I A lot Infants and Children. - Tlii Kind YcuJaTi Always Bought Bears the) Signature of ' 1 -r 7 MAIL TO 9 P. M. around and just you come to look around buy. .-r'lirJ: "'J of our SHOE ORDERS of the celebrated Hanan Shoes jPrMcJareju:e-Sole-Port- land agents. , Our assort ment of Holiday Slippers is most complete, ranging in nriri frnm TKa tin. Sne. r-y- ' - . . -r cial attention is called to our anenuon is caiica to our SATIN QUILTED SLIPPERS FOR LADIES AT $1.00 a Pair Olen circle No. JOS, (Women of Wood craft, has elected the following officers for the ensuing year: Guardian neigh bor, Mrs.. P. U Smith; advisor, Mrs. It. K. Hall; clerk, Mrs. Lulu Shaw; banker, Mrs. U. A. Caspar; magician, Mrs. Mary McAllister; attendant, Mrs. Ella Bailey; C. of O., Mrs. Rebecca Bowman; Inner sentinel. Mrs. Btella Clay; outer senti nel. Mrs. Sarah Caspar; musician, Mrs. Allle Dalton; manager, Mr, O. W. Han sen, Jr. " , - - ' - 6- 0WNER5 OT TttE TT 3kj ij i- victor' Talkie : No Home Can Now Afford to Be -T J: Without This Qreat Entertain: v : ' ' ' -" " .-. '-;; .'. . Think of the long winter evening g and a infry, confenlal company ls- : ;,;t . . - tenlng to tha following program: "7 : v ; ij , 1 Signor Enrico Caruso, Tenor. a "Pplrtle tiestU' ("La FaToe- t. , lla") DonlaetU . , b "Ceroate Alda" f"AIda")..Vrdl ;,.'.' (e) "Al S rare" ('Martha"!. - .. v., Vtotow 2. Mm. Nellie Melba, Soprano. '' , (a) "Lei Bear Ux OntltU'k"-- T Blahep ,' (n) Lorla dl Lammerawor" (part ef ma 4 scran... DonlMttt . (With Sute ebllsata playad by Moaa. ' . Uaobtrt et lb 0wraH Pari.) . .. 3. Signor Francisco Tsms'gno, Tenor."" " . v . - - (a) arvne ITorte d'CHello".... Verdi - (b) -Il Qvella Fire" (-11 Treva f - tore"). i ,VerJ 4. Mme. MsreU Sembrich, So prano.' .' al "Jewel eonc' ("raot,r).0aao4 . (t) "Ah Fors' e-1W" ("La Tral - ata") Verdl 5. M. Pol Plancon, Bass. ( serenade. , "MepSiatepheles" (loaned ..(b) "Lea naaeeax" (Falsi s,La 1 Breaches") i. aaure The above program is purely vocal and artistic to a hfgh degree. Others may ber-arranged without number to suit all tastes and all occasions. For instance, there it Sousa's Band, under the personal direction of the great leader; Pry r'a Orchestra, with lovely dance music; violin solos by Kubelik; all of the popular song hits of the past season "by the most noted vocalists in the light-opera field indeed, any-t thing and everything anyone would care to listen to on any occasion 25,000 records in a dozen different languages. '. Sherman, Clay & Co. a ' EXCLUSIVE VICTOR DEALERS v : Corner Sixth and Morrison Streets BOSTORI Third and Ankeny Streets. Phone Main 414 First and Burnside Streets. Phone Main 164 FIGHTING THE Why not huy GOVERNMENT doctors' bills? .AVe sell no meats but that which is inspected by the United States Government and which, when INSPECTED BY THE GOVERNMENT insures the public that they buy ino tuber cular meats from us. .'It does not cnst-yonany-more-to- get CQV- ERNMENT INSPECTED MEATS than any other. Why not buy the -best and save money? - ' ., ' - Beef for Mince Meat, per lb,.4f Mutton Ste wt.per lb ......... Liver, per lb...............5f Veal Stew, per lb . ll , 7f Corned Beef, per lb... 5 Shoulder RoastMutton, Jb. . .Sf Sirloin Steak, per lb. . . ,..10f Porterhouse Steak, per lb...lO Breast Val, per lb , . .7? Rolled Roast Veal, per lb. . .10 Loin Veal Cutlets, per lb.lZyit Stew-Beef rfe lb. ... imm 5 Short Ribs Beef, per lb. . . . . . .5 Boiling Beef, per lb. 5 Pot Roast Beef, per lb.......8 Shoulder Roast Veal, per lb. 10 SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN HOTELS & RESTAURANTS '. Buy only Government Inspected Meats and be afe from, diseased cattle. :. FOUR HUNDRED PER CENT . DIVIDEND IS DECLARED tJearnal Special Bervle.) ' f , Veer York. Bee. Stockholders of the Chase National bank todar feasted off one of the largest and Juiciest mel l.G-GRrPI0PHON:D DliSC1 RECORDS Columbia Phononrapb Co. 3711Vasbington Street OPEN EVENINGS ' COLUMBIA DUILDINO UNTIL CHRISTIlAS Between Park end W. Park S(s CYLINDER GRAPH0PI10NE CYLllPBR RKORPiS gUNPATO.NTAX. PATENTS Csmpanarl, (CarsMa" Blavt (b) "Lars al r.rtomm" bler HlTlglie").., ("Bar- '. ...BoMlni 7. Mme, Emma Calve, Messo-So-prano. . , - : a) 'Vol le Bapete" ("Canneria Ruallcaaa") Murafnt , ' fk) "tiabeinra" ("CarsMa") Blaet $v Mme. Schumann-Heinle, Con- tralto." ": " (a) "But the Lard la Mindful ef . Hla Own Elijah"... Mendelaaesa . (With strlus errhentra.) (b) "Drinking Song" . ("Lecretla. . Borgia") DvniMtu WMmt. Adelina PattL""-w"- (a "Home, Sweet Hom',.;,...', . lb) "BoWn Adair' (e) 0omln, Thro1 th By"..,..... After long and patient effort w have at last secured records of thi great singer's voice. "me iTi's vios' BEEF TRUST INSPECTED MEATS and save fv Signor - Giuseppe Baritone, v - (a '-Toreador Soot' CO Shoulder Veal Cutlets, Ib.'. .10 Prime Rib Roast Beef, lb... 10 Round Steak, per lb. . .. ... Shoulder ..Mutton Chops, Ib.lO Sausage, per lb ...10 Hamburg, 2 lbs ........... . 15ej Leg Roast Veal, per lb.;12j2 Rump Roast Veal, per lb. . . ;12 Rib Veal Cutlets, per lb . .12. Prime Rib Steak, ' short cut, per lb. ....lOtV Best Grade Hams, per lb. . . .18e Breakfast Bacon, our own bran per lb ........17a Pure Lard, our own brand, 5 lbs. .'.....55 ons that nave ever ba picked In thf financial patch In this cltr- In aooorfl . anc with the sot of th directors ta4 -laat month th stockholders were paid a dividend of 409 per cent, amounting to I4.000.SOO. Th payment of the divi dend Is a step In the plan to Increase the bank's capital from 11,000,000 to 11.000,000. - c H G inch S5-4 A s .... , it m y ,. .:. t:.. . - .-- '"' ' :'' ' - " -Ji