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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 12, 1906)
-, 1.. THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. . WEDNESDAY EVENING. DCEMBERTl2t ' 1808: IS PORMID'S HELP Appreciated- Ros City!s Money Does "Much Good at Barnabee and Mac y v Donald-Benefit. USED AT SEAT AUCTION ; ;i. AND HAS GOOD EFFECT "Two" "Hundred " Dollar. Sent - From ; Here I Used to Bid Up Boxes and 'Seats and Seat Finally' Purchased , Is Turned Back and Resold. . 1 Tonight hero will be given in New , YorktCity hug; benefit for the Bar-nabee'-MacDonald fund, which was planned several weeks aro. Mr. Bar napes and Mri, MacDonaJd were the " original leads In "Tbe Boston tans." and their falling health end reversed cir cumstances have appealed to the people with whom they were-for long favorites. .In the final efforts for the raising of a fund for their aid Portland haa played no mean part When the enter prise waa' first put on foot letters wore ' neat to the cltlea where "The Boston lans" bad been known, asking the cltl sens to subscribe to the movement. James McL x Wood, A. IX Charlton and H. C Bowers formed the Portland com mittee and In a short time and with little difficulty raised l!32. Mr. Bowers telegraphed the sum -of 1209 to New York before the canvassing was closed and tha following letter from hia brother-in-law shows what waa done with it: . . "New Tork. Deo. 6. H. C. Bowers, Esq., The' Portland, Portland, Or. Dear Harry: I am very appreciative of the good work which you have dona In 'Portland. The 30 that you raised really did na Infinitely more good than the auction sale of aeata yesterday, and I found It very useful. For Instance, very box that waa bid up at auction, I Immediately started at $200 without getting one; then, when the alngle aeata were auctioned, I again bid 1200, and they succeeded In selling tha first two seats for $260 each, when otherwise they might not have gotten so much. I got the third aeat and .wbenjt ws snr: nounced that It waa from their friends In Portland. Oregon, through you, and that the aeat would ba turned back and be re-sold, there waa a great deal of applause, and I am aura It helped along very much. As yours waa the only city from which we have aji yet received definite returns, it gave Portland a dis tinctive .boom in' the enterprise. " Sara Barnard, who was the auctioneer' and who la really vary funny, took an op portunity to commend the affection, of Portland; Oregon, and aald something about "brotherly love extending a long way." "The members of the committee of the Lambs' club, together with tha Barns bees snd Mrs. Mac Donald, unite In thanking yon for your efforts la this cause. .-.'-- "With aasurancea of esteem, believe me, sincerely,-" . , "FRANK V. BENNETT..- Strength Comes Not From- What You ECbut From .- Wfatt You Digest. Most people est-most "foods without discrimination it matters little what. Few stop to think what that food does tor them. This Is tha first turn oa tha road to Ayspopala. Reckless disregard of tha proper choice ptf foods, rapid esting and Improper 'mastication, are k. t.ii.iHn.d iuuim of all atomsch disorders from the slight ache to the malignant cancer. There la nothing more revolting man j...nnti iiitm.rh a verv vat for m j "fir n . - - n,itprtliin. andln- forth HIlOison throughout theenttre system,, depress, lng the brain, befouling the breath, souring the taste, deadening the mus- .iu ini.,fuHt.Mnff cne liver ana Kin. neye, choking the lungs and clogging the boweis. . u.. . - a tt .f ( h... Aiaaaraeahle and dnnaer .am v ..-. ' mhimaii. rm H mj a the tmnroDor digestion of food and the consequent assimilation or poison. v nm una a be expectedT - II tne rooa lies in me stomach, if the system Is constipate. LnNantAtimi la the natural outcome. It shows itself In sour Vstery risings, belchlngs, heart Durn ana painiui Dream i"g. . ' ... rk.M ! Atiiv nn. wav in relieve tnn condition. If the stomach refuses to digest your food put something Into It that will. Jstuart a uyspepsia, laoieis nothlnr but dtreativea. The are not a medicine. - They work when the atomacb will not. Each tablet contains enough pepsin. JHmtmA MlldM BAal BftH Other dl- gestlve elements to reduce 1,000 grains or oruinary iwra m m . vivimr w. slstency for assimilation into tha blood, Stuart's Dyspepsia Tableta are abso lutely pure. There is nothing harmful In them as snown in ineir inaorsemem by 40.000 physicians in the United Statea and Canada. Ask your family physician his opin ion ef Stuart's Dyspepsia Tableta and if he is honest toward you he will atate positively . that they will core your n W hvtiiM. -r h f .., ft ma h. unleaa you have waited too long and have allowed your disorder to develop in0 cancer. - Act today and begin to end your Buf fering. A free trial package will ba sent to your address upon request. The (0 eent else packages are- for sale at mup rirureiat'e. F. A; Stuart CoJ ST Stusrt Bids.. Marshall. Mich. UlLfflOffivlEB GOOW Grade, and Tunnel Construction on New Road to Begin at an Early Date. BiTTEFrilOO'rTUNNELw ' WILL BE LONG ONE J; L ARSTEL PLEADS x GUILTY OF FORGERY (Special POpetcb te The J as rati) ' Tillamook, Or., Dec. 11. J. U Arstel. a stranger in this county, was placed underjHTest8unday, charged with forgery- He arrived here about" two weeka ago. dreased very respectably, and shortly afterward changed his costume for that of a timber cruiser. He worked for a short time at a sawmill here. . Sunday, It waa charged, he cashed a check for tSi at Haver, in the southern nart of this county, tha aame being drawn ostensibly by Maurice Leach, a butcher of thla city, on the bank of C and E. Thayer. Leach denied that he ever executed Such a check. Arstel waa arraigned in the justice court and pleaded guilty. It la reported that numerous other forged checks have been found in his poaeeMion , Oil Oaae Tades Advisement. (Journal Special Service.) Flndlay, Ohio, Deo. 11 Argument in the Standard OH ease t ended and the case is now under advisement. ffi Big Cut of Hundred Thousand Cubic Yards to Mile, Neariy AH Through Solid Rock, Must Be Made Taco- m Hope to Be New Term in aL ME CMMG By railroad and steamboat; by street cars and carriages, thronging the business dis trictmaking purchases for the jloliday season Many of them will pass your store. . : It's up to you to get them INSIDE! They all have money in their pockets TO SPEND j if not jnour store perhaps next door 1 ; It's up to YOU to get your share of itl As a matter of advertisement if for no other reason ypur place-of business should be lighted by ELECTRiaTYa The store that is the lightest, and looks the brightest, attracts " the crowds sells the most goods ; " ;v " r ELECTRIC LIGHT is the greatest mag net to attract trade that you an possibly use. An ELECTRIC SIGN will make your name a household word. There is only a short time remaining before the Holiday rush is upon you. Act promptly if you want to get the benefit of Electricity in your; business. Call MAIN 6688 for information. fmmm- GENERAL ELECTRICXOMPilWY" nXST AND ALDER STREETS TELEPHONE MAIN 6688 With the announcement made a few days ago from official sources outlining the route to be followed by the Chicago, Milwaukee Jk fit., Paul railroad, from Kvart-to the Paclflo coast, contracts for grade and tunnel construction are being rapidly let for sections through the statea of Washington, Idaho and Montana. A contract la reported let to Nelson Bennett of 8pokan for driving a tun nel 1,760 feet long through tha Bitter Root mountains, between Montana and Idaho. In addition to thla work Mr. Bennett has contracta for cradlna in Montana and Idaho, both eaat and west of the tunnel. There is much heavy work on the grade. It will average 100,000 cubic yards' to the mile, nearly all of which ia through solid rock. On this stretch of the road there will be several ahorter tunnela and some heavy trestle work. Michael Jennings of Spokane has se cured contracta for building 1G0 miles of the road from Whitehall, Montana. east to Harlowtown. The base of op erations will be at Jefferson Island. Work will be commenced by all the con tractors on the mountain divisions as soon aa materials snd men can be ar- ejnbledndwtllejl the winter regardless of weather condi tions. Much of Jennings work Is heavy grading and the boring, of several tun nels. -His longest tunnel Job is 678 feet. and the shortest is 160 feet. The con tract calls for completion of the work within 14 months. Odds revor Taooaua. ".-V The official announcement from Chl- majij line to the Sound leavea the matter of Sound terminus with the odda in favor of Tar- coma. It la claimed by cltlsens of that place that Seattle will be on a branch line; that all through trains will be made up at Tacoma, and all trains west bound will terminate their runs at Ta coma, and that ahlpa of the Milwaukee's proposed oriental line will sail from Tacoma. Similar claims were made by that city with regard to. the Northern Paclflo railroad, which haa subsequently Ignored all these considerations. The main Una of the road will run within nine miles of Seattle, making connection from. River Junc tion with Seattle ever the tracks of the Columbia Ac Puget Sound railroad. After leaving Tacoma- trains bound east will proceeu to Black River Junction and then-run. into 8eattla ovtir the Uolumbla branch and ' take on baggage and pas sengers, then come back to the junction and go east. . . - When the Milwaukee road is com pleted to the Sound it will have a line 1GI miles shorter to Chicago than ia the Northern Paclflo Una It will also be shorter than rfte Great Northern road. The new roatfia securing straight away runs by thejellminatlon of curves and by plowingthrough rough ,coun trlea instead of golni around. ' WU1 raraUsl Vortnara Paelfle. For hundreds of miles in the state of Montana the road will' parallel the Nortnern Uaclflo. But instead of going northwest at St. Jlegis to reach Spo kane as the. Northern Paclflo does, the Milwaukee contlnuea due west, cross ing the Northern Paclflo again at. Llnd, after traversing Idaho and a portion of eastern Washington. The sweeping curve to the south made by the North ern Paclflo between Spokane -and the Sound, in which it almost reaches the Oregon line, ia entirely obviated by the Milwaukee, which contlnuea straight westwsrdly from Llnd across the bunch grass plains, striking the Northern Pa clflo again at KUensburg. From that point it parallels the road tdthe Sound. All told, the Milwaukee crosses the Northern pacific six times between Ta coma and Butte at Whitehall, Garri son, Missoula, Lathrop, 6L Regia and Llnd. The road to Butte, according to the announcement, will be completed by January 1, 190t, and the line from that place to the Sound by January 1, 10. " : ' . r . JL" 7 U JPrtDTTT .TO sOk MSB : A visit to the Crown Hat company, on the corherof Wssr Parlrnne-MoTTl- aon streets, Impresses one first oz ail with tha Idea that here a ahopper would not be allowed to make that mistake oommon to so many women buy the wrong hat There le an air of grace ea4lagunce that suggests .the presence of the artlstlo instinct; and the hata are easily recognised by one recently from . the east to be representative of the newest and moat becoming aiyies. In fact, the management has arranged with his New York buyer to na sup plied with the very newest importa tions within a few daya after they are shown in New Tork. Selecting a hat ia really a very Serioue affair, the wrong one, no matter how atylish It mar ba in Itself, will ruin a woman s appearance, and nullify the effect of an otherwise . handsome costume. Ana ability to make an artlstlo hat Is gained only through much close study as is the case with any other art The droop ing -effect in-plumes; the harmony in color combinations, the prettily knotted bows these, things ere all the reault of skilled Angers and practiced eyes. A s Dedal fur opening Is In progress at the present time, lasting 'just two days. A large New York manufacturer is showing, . turough the trrown . nai company, very choice selections ox scarfs, muffs snd jackets in mink, beaver, seal, squirrel, etc The ' Hewitt-Bradley ' company, on Washington street, known for the ex clusive, high-grade character of their men'a furnishings, is showing most un usual and beautiful colorings in men's ties; colors not before used In tlee, the high art shades onionskin, rose, dahlia and reds of every Imaginable tone. The large English square, made in a full puff scarf, and the four-in-hand, are perhaps the most popular styles. The tevelopnientof thlsstote Is a pretty fair index of business Portland s growth. Three years ago ita two proprietors left the employ of one of the large de-"( partment stores and went into business for themselves "way out on Washington street," aa. people expressed It We were really In the woods, ao far as busi ness was concerned," said Mr. Hewett 'and w began with little more than a shoeatring." At tha end -of-av year they were compelled to move into larger quarters, and now they are making ar rangements, for greatly extending their present store space. . The growth of business haa been wonderful. During the fair the increase waa expected, but with "the 'dose of the fair the growth continued and already this year the amoun. of business is over a third greater than during the fair year. Their location SU. Washington street is now about the center of the business district . People familiar with Kllers Piano House, on the corner of. Waahlngtnn andl Park, will hardly - recognise the place when all the improvements now being made are completed. What with the general tearing down of partitions and subdividing of- floors, the constructing Una County Termers rxospexvaa, ' ' The farmers of Linn county have made money this year and many are buying Edison phonographs from Fred Dawson, the 11- Albany druggist If yon went one, write hlnv, Preferred Stock Canned Goods. Allen Iwls' Heat Hrand. ABSOLUTE SECURITY; Genuine Carter's Little Liver PiUs. Muet Bear Signature) of See Fac-Slmlie Wrapper Brisw. , Tevyeamall aa aa eesy e take as eafaat CARTER'S rot I LOACH L FOB DIZZINESS. . roi IIUQUSVESS. FOR TORPID LIYER. rOI C0KJT1PAT10I. rOR SALLOW SKIN. rORTKECOMPLCXIOR oaatii iawiiiiiiMwi. of a four-story building out of the old two stories, with an 11-story floor space in effect an entire new building baa made Its appearance. On ao large a scale ia the reconstruction being car ried on, that the new year will barely aee Us completion. But In the mean time business Is being done with a holi day , rush, -and Mr, tilers baa not- al lowed bis extensive rebuilding to Inter fere In any ' way with the customary courtesy and attention to customers. During the few minutes I waa in one of the great salesrooms a 12,000 check wss signed by Mr. A. J. Kronert a prominent lumberman, for two pianola planoa, for himself and partner. Theae handsome instruments are to be pre sented to the respective wives of theae gentlemen as a little surprise. A new .nvenuon In the way of a player-piano, the "Mlgnon," la certainly one of the most -wonderful achievements in the whole-musical -world, and It will be so reoosnlsed when it is seen and beard by musicians generally. Ita advantage is that It furnishes a direct reproduction of the performance of tha virtuoso on tha piano Itself. It repeats the exact technique and feeling of the musician, and students may thus stndy-st leisure the many subtleties of expression of the claaslo composers. Mr. fillers' en terprise in securing this Instrument the fourth one to reach America, the third being in hia San rFanclsoo house is certainly commendable. He was In formed of the invention from Baden, Germany, early tn March, and on the Zkth had secured the agency. -There are so many interesting, special and un usual departmenta to thla great piano house that a music lover could well spend a half day visiting them all, but of unusual interest to those owning piano-players is the pianola circulating library, comprising over selec tions, ranging from Oabiilowltsch to Strauss. . By becoming a member of this library association one baa the ad vantage ef this great (election, wher ever in the Paclflo no th west be may re aide. . . The "Mlgnon" may be beard any day by musicians and atudents who may have beard of this invention, ana are eager to paas criticism upon - it for themselves. 1 - . BRAKEMANKILLED1N WRECK NEAR PENDLETON - (RDteial Dleoatcb te The Joeresl.t Pendleton, Or., Dee. 12. Brakeman Ed F. Pollock of Starbuck was Instantly killed. Conductors Boucher and Davison of Umatilla were badly injured and En- rlneer Wade and a trainman were slight ly injured In a wreck caused by a rear end collision of freight trains near Rlvervlew, 10 miles east of bare, late yesterday afternoon. - . . Conductor Davison's train, an extra of eight .cars, erasbed Into the caboose of the heavier train. Brakeman Pollock and Conductor Boucher were in the .caboose, which was literally reduced to splinters -and at once caught rire, tsraae- man Pollock waa killed instantly, mis face ' waa horribly mutilated and .his legs were torn off. His body waa with drawn from the wreck Just In time to escape cremation. Boucher received , se vere bruises about the head, and Inter nal Injurtee. Davison's back was hurt severely. Boucher, It le eald. cannot recover. Pollock was about SB yeare of age and la thought to have been from Msnltoba. He had no known rela tives In this part of tha country. - '"fleavy," Impure' Mbbf "tnalfew a 'moddy. r ilmply complexion, headaches, ' nausea, ndlKestlnn., Thin blood mnkea you weak, pale, sickly. Burdock Blood Bit ters makes the blood rich, red, pure restores perfect health. Asm are saaay Wans AM la WeAVI in the city or vicinity of Portland who doubfsfor one instant that Moycr will give more in the way of a": Suit, Overcoat : or Raincoat for than any other clothing F house on the Pacific Slope for FIFTEEN DOLLARS, they have only to come here and find out their error. a. . There is no question aDout our Dusiness iu . methods. Thev are as true as the rr. merchandise we handle, and we want you to know it for your own good and guidance. These advantages mean a great deal-tamen of modest means;. WHEN YOU SEE IT IN OUR c AD IT'S SO ' ' ; " ' 'faatftYM THIRD ANDOAK -w 1UH ill ii cm, o i no "THE HOUSE OF STAPLES i We announce the arrival of a complete assortment ' of-up-tO'datc ' ' 'l : . SMOKMS' AlfflGLES ALSO OUR staph: bmrips of cigars IN SPECIAL HOLIDAY PACKINGS Which are now on sale' in all our retail1 stores TRADE MARK """"ON "ALL; OUR"" SHOW WINDOWS RETAIL STORES 141 THIRD STREET ..'::L.J: CORNER ALDER". . .. - 103 TH IRD STREET ' NEAR 8TARK '' 295 MORRISON STREET ' , , CC-RNER FIFTH ' , v 314 WASHINGTON ST. CORNER SIXTH ... 334WAm ' CORNER SEVENTH S CURt IICK HEADACHE, fowMl Ua 1U UHgeaJ 7t