The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 12, 1906, Page 15, Image 15

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    J.:: -
onnnTinn nnooin
orui iiuu uuoDir
; F. I F MAY
W - , S S I Sat Will
Seattle Players Were Surprised
at the Showing Made by
V, ; to join Seattle Team
Manager Inglls Refuted Offer by
: . Statin That Hii Club Wouldr Not
Import- Player Hunt Club Will
' Hold s Cloacd Chaie on Saturday.
' From the reports that com from
Seattla It appear that tb Spokane A.
C. team cava the Seattla A, C. eleven a
aevere Jolt last Saturday. Here . are
dome of the expressions, reflections and
admonlttona aa reported In the Times:
"Tb members of tba football team
of the -Spokane Athletla club left for
home yesterday afternoon, a thoroughly
bappr bunch. .
"Quite a number of the Seattle play
era and members of the club went down
to the union station to sea the Spokan
"hoys oft Bender and Glenn both aaid
they would, like to play with Seattle
egslnst Multnomah. These men are
star and would fit in nicely In Seattle's
back field, but it would spoil the fun
for 8eattla to take men from the Spo
kane team to strengthen up to beat
Multnomuh. Billy Inglls told Glenn
' snd bender that he appreciated their
offer, but that the Seattle club had
mad It a rule not to Import talent, and
that if he allowed them to play for
Seattle after having; played for Spokane
the same year, the deal would smack
of professionalism - and . would soon
spoil ths sport here. Ha told them he
would have to try and beat Multnomah
without them." , .
For refusing- the offer of Glenn and
Bender to play with Seattle 'against
Multnomah, Manager Inglls. of th
Seattle Athletic club, deserves commen
dation. There Is mora glory to be
gained In a straight team going down
to defeat- than there Is for a crooked
team winning. Bill inglls is right
---z; .r - 7
The Portland Hunt club members are
looking forward to their rid next Sat
urday with considerable interest. Dr.
and Mrs. W. U Wood are the hares for
the event, which la a closed chase, and
It Is reported that a good course has
"been selected. On -New Tear'a day th
club will ride for the-Thoe. Soott Brooks
-.cup. This even will be an open chase.
Gordon Moores, left end on-th Ore
gon university-football team was chosen
captatn of the Oregon leant last night
at the annual banquet at Eugene.
Moores Is a splendid player and ought
to make a worthy auccessor to the great
Chandler. : -
The Oregon agricultural college foot
ball men met yesterday at Corvallla and
elected Frank Pendergass captain of the
l07 varsity, s .-;
- . . . e ..-. ' '
In the Multnomah billiard tournament
1 t .Manln fha fnttnaln aia aa
made: . Ron-era def-ated Ruk.r. so. 37:
'Kerrigan-, beat Kosa, (0-S3; -Kerrigan,
downed Baker. 60-44; Rogers beat Ker
rigan, S0-4I; Ross defeated- Rogers, 00
10; Morgan wen from atlllland, 70-74;
GllllJand beat Beckheimer, 75-06; Will
iam B. Streeter lost. Jo Grltsmacher,
06-10O. ,y .
" I": .''..'' '.. '
The National league of baseball cluba
Is holding Its annual session in New
York city. The report showed th most
prosperous year in the history of the
lesgue. Th principal fight is being
made by John T. Brush and Garry Herr
mann against th reelection of Harry
C Pulllam a president Despite the
opposition Pulllam will be 'surely re
elected. -.,
Judging from th time that Is being
majs In the six-day race In New York
' city. It looks as If there will be no at
tempt by the riders to exert themselves.
It Is not glory that th rldera want,
but the money.
- e . .. . . . -
Professions! football In Ohio Is breed
ing a .mcaodaL . Masslllon . promoters
claim that a Pittsburg syndicate . of
gamblers tried to bribe th team with
an pffor of $4,000 before It first gam
with Canton which Masslllon won.
According to the will of the late
William- Ewlng. the great catcher, th
estate, amounts to 120,400. largely In
real estate, and It Is to go to the widow,
to be hers S3 long nm she remslns un
married. In case of her remarrisga or
death th estate Is to be divided be
or Imported
.,...' .
, In bottle or from the wood. It makes little difference
which way you get WINES AND LIQUORS FROM
US. so long as the Quality is there, and it is what we
offer. Some of our stock has been in the cellar for
years and has attained that mellow flavor much de
sired by connoisseurs. The prices are much lower
r..,'i.r. than ever offered before.
National Pure Poirt Wine, former price $1.50.. (. Now,
a gallon .85
National Pure Sherry Wine, former price $1.50. Now,
a gallon .............. i .;. . . .85?
t National Pure Angelica, Muscatel, Tdkay Wine, for
mer price $1.50. Now, a gallon. ........... . .99
National Pure Monogram Rye or Bourbon Whiskey,
former price $1.00. Now, a quart .....74
The Above Prices Are
,. '
Northeast Corner Fifth and Stark Streets.- Phone
tween their two children. Arthur and
Florence. 10 and II years old, respect
ively. ' e .
Pitcher Donovan Jias agnji.slgned to
pTiy"Wlth "Detroit Donovan, ascribes
Ua Shewing last season to the fact
that he caught eold inTite shoulder
early In May and felt the result until
late in December.
Penn and Harvard bay severed all
athletic relations. The Puritan and th
Quaker never did fuse to any great ex
tent even'ss far back aa century 17. .
Considerable excitement was In evl-
leana whtn.e Jockey
pulled a horse. We thought they got
excited when . a "boy ' rod an honest
race, ....
- .'. ' ..
' The "Boston Americana ' may -have a
veteran outfield next season In Stahl,
Barrett and Freeman, if the youngsters
fall down. ,
Mr. Reuben Waddell Is to have a rival
In Philadelphia next season. Mr, Reu
ben Vlckera of Seattle has signed with
Connie Mack. -
. ' . . - -
Los Angeles, Oakland, Seattle and San
Francisco of the Paclflo Coast lea cue
are to hav new ball parka next sea
son. '
' .-. .. .. ' . '
- It Is a cinch that the Brooklyn fans
would resent th sal of Lumley and
Jordan. Not In yeara haa the Brooklyn
club played to such large crowds as
last season, and If the management Is
wise It will not dispose of th stara who
drew th fans. ' ' '
- e e , .
Chicago Is bavins; all klnda of base
ball talk thla winter. Besides the two
major league cluba, semi-professional
teams with Vhelr own parka are spring
ing up In every direction. And now R.
F. Klnpella, of Springfield. Illinois,
wants to put a Thrs-I league team In
th Windy City.
. . .'
Th flrat colored captain of an ath
letic team la Fenwlck H. Watkina, Just
elected head of th University of ,Vrj
mont football eleven.
e '.'' .'.
' Jockey Miller continued his great New
York auccess at the recent Bennlng
meet. Turf followers are of opinion
that he will aoon eclipse the records of
8 loans. Maher and all other star rldera,
past and present.
-. . . e
At present another McGovern-Corbett
fight seems out of the question, not
withstanding the fact that the two are
matched to meat In Baltimore early next
month. From reports of McOovern's
ponduct of late, Joe Humphrey haa lit
tle or no control over the "Terrible
One," aa he la hopelessly crasy.
Tommy Burns, It Is said, haa decided
to follow the example of otfier fighters
by going on the stare. .
The Commercial No. 1 and Lyrlo
teams bowled last night on the Ore
gon alley. The business snen'were too
steady for their opponents when It came
to close finishes which accounts for
the Lyrics losing two gamea. La Roche
played a good game, securing the high
est single score, .131, and . IX for high
aversge. - The scores:
1 a 1 Av.
Lamond 141 ... ... 144
Little . ... US - 170 161
Armltage Ill 140 101 187
Deaver ........... .171 113 117 .147
Meleen . . . ,rrt?V-1 tO-160 107-HMT
La Roch ......... J77 Ml lit 111
749 111 HI
1 S Av.
Ambs 161 147 110 141
Ogden 101 17 170 184
Flood II 00
Hlnnenkamp 171 ISO 140
Kalk 176 117 117 171
Stratton lit 171 144 IK
Total 778 til 711
In the practice gamee In the after
noon B. O. Case and C. J. McMenomy
rolled good averages. For three con
secutive gamea they rolled aa follows:
.I'll AT.
McMenomy , ll til 114 US
Case 171 144 111 147
Tonight the MontaviUaa play the Ore
gon team.
Chicago. 111.. Dec 11. Pursuant to the
call of President Bsn Johnson, the mag
nates of the American league rounded
up at the-Auditorium Annex today , to
wind up the business affairs of the
past season. The conference was held
behind closed doors. - The proposal to
shorten the playing season will prob
ably be Informally discussed, but this
and other matters of Importance will be
left over for. final action until the
schedule meeting to be held In . New
York In the spring. ,
for This Week Only
6499 . V '"'
; s:a. c;teali
Famous U .of M. Quarterback
Will Not Play in Holiday
Games With Seattle.
7 . 1' . .-,'.
Multnomah Men Regret that "Norky"
Will Not' Be Able to Line Up With
the Strong S. A. C. TeamGreg ory
Alto' td Be Among the Missing. '
According to the Seattle Times. Nor-
. u - - tintui Michigan
Quarterback and coach of O. A. C, will
against Multnomah. Ths article reads:
"inorcross, me juicnigan quarter wo
captain of last year, who eoached the
Oregon Agricultural college team this
year, and who came to Seattle after the
close of the college root turn season 10
t-lr m nnalllnn with tha CL. VI. A Bt. P..
Is now on his way to Houghton. Michi
gan, to l&Jte a course 01 vuu w
school of mines at that place.-, .
"Norcrosa fully Intended SUylng In
Seattle thla winter, and told "Billy" In
glls of th Seattle Athletic club that
while he had had hia nil of football un
der Yost's vigorous ooachlng, that h
would be glad to All out In any way
v. . aaneAlallv
anxloua to get Into a. game against
Muunoman, lor ne imniioi iwk
been treated fairly by some of th mam
bars of th big Portland club.
. "Dad Qrogory, the old Michigan cen
ter, and an old playmate of Nororoaa",
left Saturday for Michigan to get mar-
V. . 1 ahAn. hia trln
fiau. SHU nww " '
Norcross rmmberd that h had writ
ten hia father to And out when heeould
enter the school of mines at HoUghton.
Last Saturday morning a wire came
from Norcross senior, telling Norcross
Junior to com at once and be could
get In the school or mines on me grounu
floor. ' .
"Bidding a hasty but fond farewsll t
frlsnds, 'Norky piled his belongings
I- - .rln mrA till riA faT th marblO-
llned union station. The train waa Just
pulling out, but Norky waa gathered
up In th arms of Gregory and yanked
aboard. That la why Norcross did not
appesr at Msdlson park Saturday aftsr-
nnnn mt tha 1tV SO SUddeitlV that
even hta friends did not know what had
become of htm until a leuer cam w
nm..' Tnoti. niirht. aznlalnlnsr the
nasty eeparturer -m- eiiar was win
ten on the train, and In It "Norky as-
pressed the nope inai oeiun wouioj
vinb et.a tuffln'a nut nt Multnomah.
' In speaking . with Multnomah men
about th departure of Norcross, which
will prevent him from lining up against
Multnomah on Christmas and New
v.... . th... .Mar. M Via a nil.
A c. , a u.j "r r -
eral regret that the clever young man
will not be among th warrlora. From
hia parting- worda it would appear that
Norcross did not entertain the most
charitable feelings for Multnomah. His
not to Manager Lnglls, in which he
exhorted Inglls and his men to kick the
....fa.,.. M.i if Unltnnfnsh. la mnr. In
the nature or loyalty Jto the Seattle
club than any desire to be rough with
Multnomah. Norcross is a mild man
nered fellow and wouldn't kick the
"stufnn" out of a turkey, oecause in
th first place he would rather eat It.
and. secondly, nis- snees axe in .auuu
poor shsp that be couldn't kick accu-
ka r-iA TTnar avaa ha mt th
Impression that his sole ambition for
the holidays was to line up aa-ainsi
Multnomah is a mstter that is difficult
In anlaln. XTrpntlnf that hS Is alWaVS
desirous of plsylng In good company.
Multnomah men ar aorry mat nor
cross will not be in th game, aa they
ar anxloua that Seattle should bav a
star team, besides affording th Port
land club an opportunity 10 piay against
famous men.
Also. M. A. A. C. men are sorry to
lesrn that Gregory will not be In the
gsme. Gregory Is on of th best
centers that ever played football and
Is a vary fin rellow. H la popular
with Portland men.
" (Journal Speetal Sorrlce )
Ixs Angeles, Dec, 12. Yesterday's
racing at Ascot track:
Five furlongs Frescuelo won. Treas
ure Seeker second, Haslein third; time.
l:ei, -Mil
and Be yards, selling Bill Cur
tis won, Gentle Harry second. Mounte
bank third; time, 1:40.
Fiv furlongs, selling Klrkfleld He
Belle won, Mrmtalban second, Nappa
third: tlmei 1:61.
Mile and a sixteenth, handicap J. E.
Donahue won. Gorgalett second, Plquett
third; time, 1:HH.
Futurity course, selling Mazapan
won. Bauble second, Hirtls. third; tlms,
1:11V. '
Futurltv course, selling Pals won.
Ret'ropa W. second. Perry Wicks third;
time, 1:11H-
At SmeirriUe.
' (Jnnrnal Special Berries. I
Ban Francisco, Dec. ' 1J. Results at
Emerjrvllls: ..
Six furlongs, selling Korosllany won.
Paaodella second. Busthorp third;, tlms.
1:10 2-1. - -
Five and a half furlongs, selling
Plausible won. Sliver Lin second, Oal-
vestonla third; time. 1:0 1-6.
Six and a half furlongs, selling Met
lakatla won. El Chihuahua second. Pa
chua third: time, 1:11 1-0. -
8I furlongs, selling -Oomllfo wen.
Lord Nelson second. Iron Watson third;
time. 1:14 1-t.
Mile and 00 yards, selling AvnnsIIs,
won. . Governor Davis second, Lasell
third. Time, 1:47 1-i.
felling, - mile Prestige won, Orchan
second. Inflammable . third. Time,
1:43 1-i. . .
- At Vrw Orleaaa. .
fjoarnal Rpeclal ferrlce.)
New Orleans. Dec II. City Park race
Five and one-half furlongs Drulen
won. Doubt second. Captain Hale third.
Tlrhe. 1:09 1-8.
Seven furlongs Harry Bcott won.
Jack Dolan second. Charlie Eastman
third. Time. 1:10 -.
Mile and one-eighth Ha.rtskls won,
Psdre second, Scalplock third. Time,
yM t-t. - h
Bix furlongs, selling Rickey won,
Favorlta second, Ooldl third. Time,
1:11 l-l.
fir furlong Colloquy Von. Bonart
second. Voting third. Time, 1:01 l-t.
Six furlongs Rebo won, Toboggsn
second. Airship third. Time. 1:1 -.
1 Te islse Coarse.
President T.. S. McRsth of the Hunt
club thle morning sppolnted Mrs. F. O.
Buffum ee hare for the New Tear's
opea ehaee for the Brooke eup.
" My Treatment
for Weakness
.functional derangement such as pre
mstursness, loss of power, etc., I '
neither a "weakness" nor a diseaae. It's
a symptom of prostatic disorder. ' To -stimulate
activity by the use of power
ful tonics, Is sn essy mstter, hut SUCh
results sre merely temporary drug ef
feots. Most doctors treat ''weakness
In this manner because they do not
know how to cure the real cause of th
derangement.. I am the only physicisn
employing scientific and successful
methods. I use no tonics at alL My
treatment Is a local on entirely, and
correct every abnormal condition of
that vital center, th prostate gland. My
eurea ar real cures, and ar permanant.
r , , ,
My Treatment for
Contracted Disorders -
Ths importance of quickly curing con
tracted disorders is being mors fully rec
ognised among the medical profession.
The tendency of these diseases Is to
gradually extend backward, involving
in a chronlo inflammation th most vital
centers of the organic systsm.
Th serious results that . may follow
could scarcely be exaggerated. Safety
demands an absolutely thorough .cur
In th least possible time. I have
treated snore cases of contracted dis
orders then any other physician upon
the Paclflo coast. My eurea ar thor
ough and ar accomplished in less time
than other forms of treatment require
in producing even doubtful results. I
employ remedies of my own devising
and my trsatmsnt Is equally effective
In both recent and cbronid cases.
Specific Blood Poison
Positively Eradicated
Without the use of dangerous drugs: I
drlv th very last taint of virus, from
th system and every symptom of--tbe
dlseas vanishes, to appear no more. I
mploy harmless, blood-cleansing reme
dies onlx.
The Dr
We Cure Men For
We stake no misleading- statements
false promises. - Ws have no (see . trial '
treatmeata or schemes to tray the mm wary.
Oar doctors are graduate of tha lsadlaa;
colleges of America and are duly Ueeassd
In t&s state of Orefoa to our diseases oc
If your systsm la Impaired in
i : - . -
successful practloe.
We cure by the latest and best methods nown to rneajr-4 "LiT: " VLnTfar-rTM. and all VisMiats dis-
wvnnn nnnv naTO.TtTlI, S1UL1TT, BIiAODZS ABT9 xHsTslT TaOUSLII, ana in associate ais-
nd worry, if your ytem la uintd with dl6M in any form wHaUW, XW vwm it iw xvuMJinr
..Jl .ktalM vsksirsi 1 1 waa wati aaratr at t A nc&. .
We wral VTsry areas la the Oocuatry
. ...... ,. HOUlUr I IU s; I tv . ... . -, - -
1 ' . a.a. .ainM aVWT. S WT1. SSSSIir. .. - - .. .
IN A W ecK.
We treat euccessfullv sll PBTTATB,
of men. slso BI.OOD, BTOlCK.
Uauaar. UTSm, "CIBirHT aadTUOAT
troublea We cur 8YPHIL18 without
mercury, to tay cured. We cur trlc
tur wiiuai operation or pain In li
-'w atop dratna, night lossea and
SDermatorrhoea by a new method in a
short time. We can restore, theaesual
vigor of anv man undsr SO, and many
r-er 60, by msans of s. local treatment
peculiar to ourselves.,
Th doctors of this Institute iflL. regular graduates, . have had
manv years' experlenc, hav been known In Portland for lfr-yeareV,
pare reputation to maintain and will undertake no caae unless certain
cure can be effected.
- we guarantee a ear la every eaee
Coaaaitanoa mm.
y;- have such eonddenee In our methods that we will take your cass
without asking for a dollar until cured.
Letters confidential. Instructive book for men mailed free In plsln
WrlfPyou cannot eall at office, write for question blsnk. Home treat
ment successful.
Offlce hours a. m. to t p. m."! Bandsys and holidays, 10 a. m. to It m. ,
a. i. viv vnr ttnTTTT.. R2t4 THIRD ST.. Cor. Pin-. Portland. Or. m
t .
Jama and Moore furnished -sport In
the Multnomah" handball - rourte last
evsnlng by playlnt one of the beat
games ever seen st ths club. Monro
took the first gam tl-11, but James
cam back In great form and won out
la two straights. 41-U. .1-1.- -.
e . .
Dunne and Cleland tackled each other
In a aoft ball contest and soms pretty
playing was seen. Dunn was in great
form for tha match and came out with
flying colore, winning by tha scores of
. 1 e e e
fki. .e.nln. Van Voorhls and Mc
Millan and Irwin and Banks will be at
work in the courts, in nri pair ar
ttme-bonord football men and It would
not surprise anybody If they attempted
to msks a fsw outslds kicks or forward
pesses during their march.
For a mild, essy sctlon of the bowels,
a single dose of Doan's Resuleta Is
enough. Treatment cures habitual con
stipation, zi cents a bea. Ask your
drug glat for them. t
.. - '... V
My Fee Is Only
; la Any Uncomplicated Case
Consultation Free
Nature accomplishes nothing
by force. Her work is wrought
through gentle influences. We
see evidences of ' this truth
everywhere. ; Nature has a way
of overcoming every disease.
Sometimes she fails. The phy
sician's duty is to help ; when
nature falters, and to help by
reinforcing the natural recuper
ative influences. This is often
ar delicate - task: The treat
ment must he accurate, mild
and gentle.; . Otherwise it works harm. Exciting
tonics, fiery caustic and cruel cutting have no part in
my practice. ' I have mild and harmless methods that
cure by nature's plans, and that cure thoroughly and
permanently in the briefest possible time. Why take
chances? I offer you that which you are. seeking, a'
" quick and permanent cure though painless and harm
less treatment
Soars a. sa. to p. m. BuaOays, 10 to
nr omTX.AjrD. '
any way, come and hsve a talk w'th
lib. .a -nnarta.k vour ess. For rosi
ct"o Prfncipl... foundsd on yn
, v
Who Is Afflicted l Wrtt as Aeent Mia
OOStaUBX BMUVMJJ tmt a1"aM taaa., m-
aadertake av charge bo fee.
t ttf n a-Tr u a rvui.ikiL tbe
i4Moxs Mease 1-u.l.a, m a
ra,.' raj . M aa Sa-, a.i, Alaara
ri4 Sri4 ty DTtrrtl fTl- Va rilla.lnla ra
"They don't crack quiet. V1
' Med with" UNOCORD"
Lf buttonhole, that hold.
rail SHrmnt. B
, M sites II yos) wsnt thess. '
I eo.r.ioeac&,Maksrs Tr.a.r. I
al-.k--.t-T-. l-lU. L rfA
,! State aa-ealM-: t-. "-'WV
-na StwaRINwa. Tak.n.-bM V
ma It -
Th XtaaaUuJ Specialist.
My Best
Reference Is: v
Not a Dollar
Be Paid
Until Cured
WA Morrison Street
Cor. 2nd. Portland. Or.
We'll treat any elngle uncomplicated ail
ment for f 10.00.
Under-Absolute Guarantee
Com to us in th strictest confidence.
We will trest you honestly and skillfully
and will cur you In less tlms than other
doctors take to experiment on you.
All thoss who ar discouraged or who
have taken treatment from unskilled ape-
-.,. - l-l.. ,A m11 aa ua
ww i j , n v ,v va. ..
avail iimuiavn ui mw
We may be able to set you right
rlea are
years of
. ..nnvra a wn- vn wwrsrsL
Upper Columbia River
Chas. R. Spencer
Leaves Oak atreet dock every Monday,
Wednesday and Friday at T a. ra. for
Rsturnlngr arrives Portland. Tuesdsy.
Thursdsy and Saturday at t p. m. Lew
ratee and excellent service. Phone Main
North Pacific S. S.Co.'s
Steamship Geo. W. Elder
1 mo tnna. tail for Ban rrswlaee, horn Anrle
and Cnrrka Tbsndar.. Penmbar , and Tbers
ay, Vtetmbt 3D. st 0 p. m.
Steamship Roanoke
t one n. Mils Tharsday. Oeeeaser U; Tkars
dar. IJar.Bilr 27.
Trom Martin's Hurt, foot s-r.nta.ntb at.
Tk. or Blxtwatbt. ears. Ticket oftve 1.13
Thlr-1 at., ' srar Aliler. fbona Mala -1814.
U. TOL'NU. Aaat. Dork pbone Mala
S. S. F. A. Kilburn
rar Cess Bar, Bsrrks snd risnateieL sailing tnm Fortliad, rrlday, Nov. 1.
Kts Salllns frvoi Bas rraSclsea, Tbnr., Mev. U,
Oak Street Dock. Phone Main 2960
i- ' rJ .
If I i I
Jtl -fikkVIUll
Tralm to the East Daily-J
Thisa.B -qjiau, ataaaf .ad taattel am.
"V dl'r Omaha. Cuiaara, Spakaaat
fJrt slMplna-mrs d.llf t. (hhi Uif.
, ." " nr naiag ssaucairs mil free)
UM Cant dal w.
Osins Dnut Lea fa, Ant.
0-W.ire-Partlaiid - vta
Vm-" "otlnK.n. lr. t SOSBl T.IOl
Js.oe rijer C.itMS
Is.hloftos. Wells Walls,.
Lewlatoo, com 4'Alsiw aad' '
" Noytb-ra polnta. d.llf. T:0t i:00isi
atlanrio ttpnm tr the -But '
vis i llunrinafoa, dallj ....... . 1.18 pa .)
Pvt.aad Dirts !',. far .11
f-ln;. Biff, sad
rartlssd d.llr...... s m t-Mtm
taaniar for Ihrsee snd Norttj Bssh. StMBMS
Baaaale. Alh-tt. tfevk. iaaM S s. 4U. iaD1.7l Matardav. 10 s. . rrtss
boat ( a. a,,' nrn aandi. -i -
Cror Oiyton. City sod I.nkni It.
nts, staasiars Rata sua Morioe. A.k . 4ak
,e s. fei. &Uj, axeat Soadar lsMS par
Ssaaa1' Anin 1 sv. sally, eseest
aitAKit Kin. b ttotrra. ' .
far Lewtaton. Idahe, sad way pntnts mat
Mparts. .tea mar. Baoktae and Lrwla.
ta Jar. 6:40 a. m.. ar anoa irrlnl Trata
wny npv Hisroar. arrrre e s. aa,
4allr .xeant rrldar.
Ticket Offlc. third and Waatdsgtsa sta.
T.tnhon. Main Tit.
C.'W RtTNOBa. Oty Tlctrt Agaat.
Wm. MrMtlttRAy. ( Pamasar ArMrf.
iDsles Dpe-
PortUod And JUa Wrim
mimtk 1 rnr. a... a.ZVa
sa w D tVI V Ul
st sioat inportaat stations '
pwms t'ortland aad Sam '
rrasrlaca; caDBaetlaas at"" ;'j " T ' T" -
aa rrancisca tor aU aolaU ' i. a.
Eaat and Busts T7T... Sl:Ms U:M Sal
Orarlaod Cxpraas Trains ...
for all local solots Boots, i '. v '
BarranMnte. Bas '
aad polsu Kat ssd BouU. !: . 0:10 pat
Morning trais eoasMts at
Wood burn dallr eieept -Baaaay
with Moant Asfal ' ' ' .
and BilTWtos local I:M SS f : fai
Cottat tiro-re p.aaaofor
Albany aally, egMpt Bita
dar. with tralaa for Dolnta
oa Waodbars Bpiinfflald and ' ' .
Alhanr-Lebaaea brasches.. 4:IB pa 11rfle aai
Cor t. Ml. paaarnrtrr T:tOaa 8) poa
Bbaridaa paaaansar -:lo pa -lu :u aa
reraat urove pa..anffar...iiii:w aa i nwaw
rornt OrvT paa.nfar.... )IB 0pa t pa
For Dallas an ntaraMdlate potnta dally. T:M
a, aad 4 1 . aa. Arrli rertlaad 10;I0
a. m. snd 4:25 p. m.
ror tiae ssa cars ar isnvas vauui mmm nwa
apply at City Tkk-t Offlra, a atatla.
Ticket, to K..trn points sad Bitrep! saw
lanaa. China. Honolols snd AnatmUs.
Cltf Tlrkt Office cornr Third and Wash-
In. rna atrr-ra. Faana al.ln Tis.
C. W. BTINOEK. Wa. MehrnmBAT.
City Ticket Aeeat.
Osa. Pus, Anal
' . Lean. - Antes,
TellmMteB Part -Kassa City-
Bt. Lonls Special tot UwkeUa, .
lieatralla. Olympla. ttray's
Harbor, Bnstb Band, Tmrotm. -
8.ttle, Snokaa. Lewiatoa.
Pott. Bllllnf.. DesTwr, Owe- v , ,
ha. Kanua City. St. LesiS
and Sontbaaat, daily 1:00 pas 4:00 ss
' ilshtaa, tot Taewma. Buttle. -
; Spok.u, Batt. Mlnaeipolla, " '
St. raal ana we e.m. sail. iwr I mo naf
Facet Soead Limited, tW
riarameet. CWealla, C .
tr.Ua, Taeoais saa aestu
enly, dally
0:00 pa 0:00
J win tiir nr iie -
a, Seattle, Bpokaee. Hilm,
Bntte. St Paul. Mlaaea polls. .
Llnaola. St. Joeepb. tinnt
City, Osiabs, Be Laats, wlla-
ent ef earn. Dtrwt
eonsertlone for all setsts Bast
aad Sentbeast. eaily 11:41 sal W:Ha
2 Overland Trains D3y 2
,Tk Orhntal Uamitaa,tke Fss sua"'
rertlasd tla. eaedal
Daltf, aTMlh.
Lea T.. Antvs.
T snd frets Bpekane, .
Bt. PaoL Mlanupolta,
Pvlntb aad all pstasi '
Bast via kWattla INn f-eessi
u.Uwm siieasi
Te and fma St. PanL
Mlnoaapolla, Pnlntb ,
aad .11 points Kaat
Is Snokaae. 106 pm Q-ee anl
Oraa Vwtbara Siaasnsktp Ow
Balling fraen Baattle tar Japaa sad
China porta and Manila, esrrta pas
srns-rs and frUtbt
S. S. MlanMeta. 0. ,
- S. S. Dakota, y.brnary IT. . .
viproir tvbiii Ainti,
IJ.p.a Mail BtMaMbtp Cavt "
S. g. Baca Mara will nail frssi
Seattle aboat Dareaihar tt for l.paa
and Oilnraa parts, earrylag anasn
snd fwlsbt. .
roe tlrkets. rataa, barfb, inaann
rlons. tr.. r.n ea ar sddnas
- X, PICKSOB, a . I. A.. 10 rbtrd
St., yartlase. Onges. fktm Mala .
Astoria & Columbia "
1 River Railroad Ca
Union Dpot Una . Anita.
Tot Marsna, Rslnter, Clats-kanl-.
Wt.tpnrt, CUfloa. As- .
torta, TVarrrntea, rl.l,
Hammond, rort SLTeas, Umf ' ''
bart Park, g-a.ld. 0:00 sa 11 00 sat
Aatorla and Seaabuea, eapreas
dallr :esssi s:asni
AU wnina aaiir. - -' -
J. U MA TO. 3. 9. ss4 f. -. .A-t-Hn. Or.
K A. STBWABT. twsi.rnvl Assad
Alder etrtek Pbw ilala Sua.
Bzept SaaAey n Ta OfUasus
leaves foot Alder st si T.00 a m.
Arrive Astoria l ,lP m'
Leave Callander dork, Aatorla ! m.
Arrive Portland O.oop. ii.
Meals Srvd a la Cart,
fhone M.J M. r ST,
rv l J r-i
1 TBI COtOfOeriABbC Wt9 1