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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 12, 1906)
, .VV..:,-, THE OREGON DAILY - JOURNAL, . PORTLAND,. WEDNESDAY : EVENING. ' DECEMBER 12. 1909. ; ii - r , TRANSFER AND HAULINO. till AOAO OJIpIBlg TIIMm JTO. , eitb and o.k "; betel or resaaaeow ""J"" ..., .-40CSJaUU T"IW FWB M - I'rivaie rilBBBS SOI depot. nt-fuHa moved, -parked p thiamine am eaippra, an i AFKS 1 a ir I-atory Biehoaar fur (tonic. ' Offic MS V 01M So. Pbo -Mia I. S-torr brick. are-prunf yak tt. CO PICK. office M First at., between Start and Oak , H""1 wi Planoe tad fnrnlturt ' and patkad fo klppluft oDmawdbwf brick werenoue K-' - kret end ttar its. Cl'T mm M boutrbold goods t all . am crhitias: Ufvlllmi mikl wbll walling. Oregon Aulo-laU. lis a i . trunki 1 li im at. Phone Mala TODAY'S -MARKEI& Thus Far Receipts of Dressed Turkeys Have Been Small, and the Trade Expects Xjoo& Markefto-Rule During Christm air TRYING TO MAKE iLIHMIICESJ Are Endeavoring: to . Get a epecletty; w S"r ...Twiwil. TRANSFER STOUAOB oto Oak (.' Teh-phou -lain Ireuafer '.' fine ud Storing. ; .riM THINK. KR CO.. "134 North aitth, Phone Mala . Heavy Aavuling end atone. INPEI'CSO-NT BAGGAGE 4k TRANSFKIt Ca atorage. -a sites at- asaan wi. -FOB hark, furnltar wagon, trunk or plans , moving, pa ana Ilaaalas, Wli-i POST SPECIAL DELIvkBY. No. 200 Wtaa- tngton at. riant tiaia so. WHOLESALE JOBBERS. THE BR.KY1IA! LKATHES CO.. fnbberl of addlrry, .hardware, buree goods, laatbrr. Ba4- lage aad too aura tuppuas. iuu i was. Beet Sugar Men Very Anxious for Higher Prices, but Are Not Expect- ied to Agree to Cutting the Differ ential to 10c as Heretofore. V. CI'NST a CO. .. DISTKIBI TOBS Or FISB CIQABJL I PORTLAND, OHKuON. SHFRK. OAZB A GRAHAM (Im.) reamiaalo merrhante, joooera 01 11 m " , pnmim, eac.,. consignment! bollcltea. ui sroui at. XVERDINO FAKKELU produce aad com- mimic marrhanta. lau trust au. i'artlaod. Or. I' bona Mala ire. . OREGON rurnltara Min.factarin CoajpaaT Manararrarpra v. iiu.ii w bv irawav fortUad. Orrfom. fFADHAMS CO., taHurara aad and Oak ata. wbolfaak, arorara. aiaan- rca.aUk. favrU STIU'ilTVRE manarartnrhic aad apartal avdrra, U RaTcaakT'a (umltura (artorjr. kul Front at. 1IXIM a LEW 18. eoatnlaslca aad prodoe awr ekaata. Front aad ImtIj ata.. fsrllaad. Or. WMOI.ESAt E crorkarr and rlaaa-arr. Praal. Heavla a Ca.. 100 ta tot riftb. oor. Stark at. SELLWOOD PEOPLE REGISTER KICK Declare City Authorities Give Them No Improvements in V Return for Taxes. Together on Price.' RUMORS SAY SPRECKELS IS GOING-TO LEAVE STREETS AND CROSSINGS IN VERY BAD CONDITION Pedestrians Have to Wade in Mud and Splash About in Water to Get ' Any Place ia Wet Season, Declares . Resident. Peopld livlns IrTth rrton alnna th Fallaood line or tnd O. . F. ayat, 'from Park avenue to tha folf links, have revolted aaainat what thry .term buses by combined capital represented In the streetcar company. They are pre paring to hold a mass meeting to de mand the oustlne; of the company from , the principal street unless something 1s dons to render the street passable for trafflo and provide proper street crossings. i 1 1CT I n in in, lunn wi mn.uvu w.h I,00 Inhabitants,, and, growing like a .muahroom," ssid James Market, "and absolutely nothing. Is being done by either municipal or private corporations to make the place more habitable, or return to the people anything for the taxes they pay. There Is not a decent street crossing In the whole town. Ev ery time a heavy rain falls the pedes trians, for the most part, havs to wade. X u. ivw VIVB maj .11 V v beJTound, here and there are afloat, there 1 no street' grading- or guttering to Lprovdpitlet for the water and the only way for people" to get about In the town Is for the neighbors to carry out planks and place them across the worst Disces xor temporary rener. alter tne : i-w. mtir water recedes the planks are taken in I Tie tra paja tba fnllnninit prim to Front nd kept for the next Hood. I ttrt. Friers paid ablnprrs are iaa rrgular Principal aiarkrt feataraa todar: 8uar paopl trliic to grt tucvibrr. mi oraiifre are in aurkct. . Vtt rranbrrrlts at hllbrr price. . Continued atrragth la bnicrr. t'abbase narfcet la Improving. Kieelleat buying ta potatora. rnrfOotlng and aaderqnotlng la bona. All dreaard meal a quoted arm. Poultry aad egga bold. Sugar Feeble Try ta flat Tagatbar. Varinua aforta bare of late been made by attgar naopie to eoma to some underatandlng regarding a cemtatkm -of the boatllltlea tub bate raged In . tbe market for aotne time and tbrougk hMi'"Talara have been alaugbterrd to aueb aa extent that reflnerr pniSia bara dwlndlrd down to roMlderable extent.- On raerr bead there la'expreawed aa-pJaka-4bat great efforta will be mad after tba nnt of Ibe rear to hold tba market In hand. Tbe beet- Mtgar wen have not been conetihed to anr ex- tout and tbla la where tbe trouble la likely to eonie when - If -maiee to di.iitg aometkliig for prhea. With their reeord-breaktue eroa the heetagar men are wry nineh la frr of higher prtrea, br.t It la not llkel? at tbla tlrna they would agree to rut tba differential ta loe below the remilar eaoe anleaa tbe rana re- Snerlea took their eneelal branda. the star and St. t'raneea, out of the market. .There,! a rnntnr going the ' rosnda of the trade ' that Spreeklee will aeon retire from tbe Weeters refinery and that tbe Amerleaa Kngar Keanlint eompanr, tbe eaatara trnat, will take entire eonteid. It baa been atated I'T aowe for several tttontha that tba American Kugar ' Refining waf In reality the principal owner ef tba wtatera conjneoy. , - . oeod Trading is retateee. The notatn market la quite lively, deaplte the fart that a greet aburtage In can atlll I etlata. Iiealera are quite bulltah na th altuatlon and have made a eonalderahle ancn ber of purrhaaea during tbe pa.t few darf. In many Inatanree aa high aa ft "per hundred nounda baa bees paid lor fancy eaalera Mult sotaab gaoda. - ' Coatiaaad Straagtk is Butter. Continurd atrength Is ahowa in the cream ery bulter market. Rerelpta of rream are vrrv email and th trade ia unable to fill all Ite orders even nt tbe blgb price of 35e a pound What out. Id creamer-tea have. nmt-eUee but ter have advanced their quotatlona to elty erramerr prlrea aud although there la eonte little romnlalnt from th tradn on this ac count ef tba eearcity of all creamery product! makes tbla mora aereeaary at tbla lime, wpiie aeveral -dealera bare email aniipllea of cold along butter en band, practically nose at It isv offered for aal. Bent Tina at Yeuiteea Casta. Tn market na bmi la quoted firm at I4 a pound today Ur lire, w I th receipta coninaTB, tlrrly amatL Old stage are not In an great request at tbla time-- and the trad louka for lower srtcee In this line later en. Kgge are coming In alnwly but somewhat bet' ter than s week tg tbla time. Ibe market continue Its eoft ton with former price atlll the rule. I broeaed meats both veal and bog are very good. Former prtrea maintained. Wrong figures Oleea ia Hep. There I a sucking of Intercut la the bop market. Bear at giving out tbrlr purchaaca at a reduction from th prir actually bald. while th bulla thoa who are long on bona are making public their purchases from e to le s pound over the price paid, in tbla way there la a very wide range over tbe veluee given by tbe bulla and bears, neither ef them betug correct. Purrhaaea during th peat 24 bourn bare been fair at firmer fig a re. -Brief Bete ef tbe Trad. Cabbage market Is Improving la tone with pricee firmer. Th ft rat genuine Jap oranfi- of the eeaana are reported today by V. U. tjlafke company at- sic a box. A car of oaatera cranberries -was among the day's errlvl.-- Along the street tbr la a rang of 1 a barrel between the prices nuked. Too in wheat Is euualderably firmer, with baling on e mere extensive scale. lYIce the WHEAT DEALERS SAY OF LOCAL MARKETS e : By Bherk. Gsxe Graham. e e Demand for Doultrv uuHiiar A e tne past week has shown up very well and prices have In. e d every way respondod. Hons are CATTLE C0f,lE TO SflOWSTORfil LOSS . SUIT: DEttilflD . ,55 POIflTS ZZ''JtlS Arrivals In; Local ;Yards Great Slump In Bid Prices, on During . the Past Twenty- Four Hours. d, the great spurt In prices was d I ay maae. Receipts, while fair, have e d not been np to the demsnd. I d Kgga are coming a'trlflevmo're d I e ireeiy and while the market Is d i-i mo prn:e is uncnangou. w I t e All lines of dressed moats I IftMT RECPIPTfi WOlll D V : .live vt-i y anuri uvnwilO, ne ' oy values teina up to the ton of ' e e lust weeks list. Kmall-slsed veal e e tbe best at this time. d Portland Stock Exchange During the Session. BENEFIT RULING VALUE SN0WSH0E IS FIFTEEN L POINTS' DOWN TODAY More Hogs Coming to Market and I J-C. Lee Company Has Gain of Two Portland I'nlon Storkvarda. fork rccclpla: . Ita. Today ,....'M"S Week ago jfij Month ago 44 lear ago 4 Oregon redlabea. Oe per dos: rabhac. Ore gon, $l.3At :iu; bell peppera. f ) per lb: t wiaifi, fi.Mu,w per craia: naraniiMt. vucaiai; atrlng beaua. lUc pr lb: caullflinrer, $1.1) it mm, peaa, j.ic; soraeradwtl, ufiw; pw id; artirnosea. II. UO per doaen: a14ua.l1. per box: ennlnnt. II. U) ner ooaen nuncDea; celery, 7..cs.v per dnscit; eaiiiiianr, j 13 per urate; pumpkins, lc; eras- berrlea, lll.Rnirtlii.SO ner bbl. llll:KI FRt'llli Annie. vanorateA. U17e P-r in; aprieota, lt,t,iai pr lb; peaches, 12QI3HC la-r lb: aacka. lit nor lb leaa: orunea. SO to -HI. I : V.C dnn on aarh I 18 atnallr aive; oga, aiirorni macs, lont per id; California while. tttQ'Sc per lb: dates, golden. u.ou par box: farua, Sl.0tI.M) per la-lb box. Oreearlea. But. Etu gfOAR California Hawaiian -Cube. SS.nn; powdered, J.15i berry, Sft.Oo; C. C 445; dry granulated. f.i.0."i: Star. S4.k3: fonf. A, IMS; extra B. (l.SO; tol.ten f. 4.JO; . I), lellon-. t4.o: Ojeet . ranutate,!. S4.&.V , Weeieru Cube. v4; iwwrlered. 1S.0O: dry I bold Ita own iu any line. sranciaieu. e-"j: I. u., '. cunt. A, vu ; extra C. $4 , VI: golden C. 4.4-"i: D. yellow, S4.34; beet granulated. S4.K; bhla, IOc; K, neia, ar; noxcv, JOc uilvanc os sack Man Price Reflects the Absence of Com-j petition Sheep Trade Is Good at Former Quotations. Points in Bid Figure Asked Price t Par Copper King One and One- Half Points Over Yesterday.- nc it. Live-' Cattle. Bbeen. it sai 2l.l Ml 144 BraOWebo and Snowatorm CAaitlnn onjMlal features of the tradlnr In the- Portland lock market. Knowatorm kt about 15 points from yeatarday'a uric and tha market waa even at tha lower figure. The greateai drop durlog th day was In Rnowalormi th net loe smouutln- tn &S Just a few rarloada of llve.tork were shipped I from tbe bid price, of ycaterday, e. 1 . iee waa again puillaa WHS to r'llirer Bound last nlehr. the mhnummm In id. car Uply continuing a during tba past 10 1 point in th bid price ar B,'. days. Tbe llreatOCk market full reSecta .he aluieK age. for cu every hand s great ailllneaa and diillneaa la noted lu buying operatloua. Th airain on i lie markot i getting greater end while no further alifmp In T.lnea la anticipated at tbla time, tbe price I doluat all it can to t la pci bane a vcrr mod thliw for tha ewiated CHI at 61 anaracr cuai nor mora than, a nominal pna I vrneiai. nrbj! came n aa hwd in ibe market twlay. A continuance-of ihta condition until tbe ear a gain of Th. aaikert lrii-n waa nooeiea xr pninta to iar. Copper King gaimil 14 point and Le creek Gold U polut. A aal of tba latter a t tbe advance. Aaaoclateal ml a.i..nMd a point. ... today' tales were l.ftno Rrltlah jCnrambla Amalgamated at 4.. 2.0no Lees Creek Onld topper King tt Slra snd 1,080 Aa at (Abovs yrlt-es are aa dajs net juota-1 anortac la relieved would iln more to briug out tloua. I HON ET 13. an per eral. COFKEB i'ackaaa brai.d. SlS.ZeaiS.tfi. SALT CoarM Half grouud. lutia. Ill UO pet ton; 00a, u.6U; table, dairy, .10a. kiS.OO: lOOa, 112.75: baiea. SI M: Imuorted LivwdooI. boa. tiN.ov; HHia, fl7.U0: 224. fltl.OO: extra fine. bbla. 2a. lot, tl.sotib 60; Llvernuol lump rock. (is.M pr. tuu; eu-lb rock, w w; 100a, SS.0U. (Auovs prices apply to tale or leaa tots BANK STOCKS. Bid. .. suT Bank nf California. .. . .. .. Bankera" Iximbermrn'a . tvqultahl Savings Loan. Mercnanta- national g'wl market than auvtulner elae fur with email arrlvala the comnetilkm amort killer ta sufficiently keen to do aome anod f,ir nrleea. Muerei arnvan an purer, gei mat urea Oregon Trust a Having ... feeling anil aar titer bar aufdelent atock foe l'nlrrf Kt.t v.,i 1 luiuipiiiaiH rcuir.-uifMiia. Il arrlvala were nulle good todav too sood In fact, to allow of xor Improvement In th price, rturliig the 24 h.-nra a head arrived, tbla being more than siifn.liut to aupnlr th trade while tbe csr ahurtagn exlat. Northern 1.1.11 llil 2O0 ear loU. Csr lott at special prices aubject t I bnyi-r want hoe but cannot affi-rd to buy uctuatlona. I K1CE Imperial Jaaa. Ko. I. Set Nx 2. tt.r; New Orleans, bead. 7c: AJax. be; Creole. fHic. . -- - " ----- BRANS Small wblt. $.1.Vi; tare whlta, pink. f.vO;, bayus. 3.1ft; Umas, ftlc; biexlan reda, 4c. UTs reauut. Jnmbo, SC per lb; Virginia. rotated, 10c per in; japa- Catlc "l have lived tn this suburb three years and observed afTairs closely, and in that time I have failed to see any thing done for the people. It Is un questionably a fact that they are pay ing their tax money to the city and get ting nothing fur It, excepting the privi lege of going Into Portland to trade nd spend their salaries.- They have an alderman out here, but he does not ac complish anything of benefit to the. place. Hs is either without sufficient influence In the council or does not un derstand what is due from him to his constituents." He said the main street, running a distance of a mile and a half through Sell wood and City View Park. Is en tirely appropriated by the O. W, P. Co., . Its tracks are laid on top of the ground, with tha ties almost wholly efcposed and no room left on either side for vehicles to drive; that the company has . built at long distances apart smalt plat-' forma and sheds in the streets and that there are no street crossings provided - at any place. ' The street Is apparently abandoned by the authorities and ap propriated by the railway company for tts sole use and benefit, although the cross streets are thickly Inhabited and no lens than 200 houses have been built in the suburb during the present sea- - son, ., ... ... WAVERLY GOLFERS WILL NOT VISIT SEATTLE ' Owiiig to the fn,ct thai not enoua-li golfers of the Vtv rly Oo!f .;, ,.0j j spsrci mo time 10 gii to Seattle for 'the annual Interrlub rnatilt on Hntunlny next, the scheme has been railed tiff. Instead of the 8eutt trip there win be a monthly hsndlrsp tournsrr.'Vt ut the local links. The present hoi,. -re. of the clips, -Mr. Guthrie, - Mr. uml Mr. Zann. have each won -'the rups twice In their respective -clssaeK. A. H nd C, and one more victory means ab solute possession of tbe cups, tin this account there la a lot of interest being tsken In the coming events. There will slso be a three-ball sweep stsks competition at AVavcrly tin Sat urday, open to all members of the club. commits loss Orauu-Tleug aad Feed. 1..- 1. 0RAIS BADS Calcutta. buying price; tiling. tSiSC WHEAT tw crab. S4c; rtd Stasias, .gle: Mneatrm. anr: valley. 7e. BAULKY Sew feed, $21.00; relied. 2.M; brewing, fit. 00, IxjkN Whole. $27.00; tracked. S2S.00 per tee. KYE tl.SS per CWt. OATH New Producer- price X. I whit, on .I M.t; gray, f 23 .00 St 6. 00. I'LOL'B f.aatars twegn poienm, SI 00; ttralgbta, H.M: viport. $O.0bJ valley, M.4U; graham. 1.1.50: whole wbett, $X7; rra. So., tr.nn: bal-a. 12.76. - MII.L!Ti:FI'S Bras. Slfl.OO pee ton; mid dllnss. i1.0O; aboria. eooniry, 1.00; - eiiy. JlmiO; chop. l.out2I.O0. HAT Producers' uric Tlmothe. WlllameKa valley, fancy, f ll'.OOtj; ordinary, fp.nou Hion; eastern Orrgon. t1 onoie.iail oilxed. IIO.OO0IO.M); clover. IT OOys.OO: grain. 17 L0 ft); cbett. 7.00i.oo. " Butter. Egg tad Poultry. BCTTJ.rt fAT-r.. e. b. Portliid-Swtet cream. Itiur: aour, 31 te. - ar- HUTTF.B City creamery, Joe; ootaM ftney, 32HC(3!ic: storage, 2tj3nc; store. Idc. FJICS F.itra fancy, candled. 3-.U... 1 ttd eastern atorage. ao:iSSc. CHlilJtB M-run crenui. ana. 1191111,. Tonns-America. lotylbUe. " ,c' pt)L'LTBY Mixed chickens, l.lfliste m. fancy . bena. 14c per lb; ruoatera, .14' liic-lb; frTer. 12Hc lb; broilers, .2'ie lb; eld ducka, U'Ac per lb: spring dnck. 3ll, lb; geeee, nil Hie per lb: liirkets. IJjfji, J Ib for old; dreeeed. fancy. ao2Hi,c lb; rnlla liylKc lb; auutba. U.UV per !: plgeoua. tl 00 per dot. Kept. Wool and Hidat. HorS IIXiB ertiii. rbolcr. l.HJr cbilie. Ilcl meuiuin tu n-ime, Uliini. IDViMiiu. WOOL1JOS cllp-rValler. m 0r-gon, 2IH-. uoilAIH Nw. nnmlual. ailF.LISKINS Sliar,i.g. ir.Vfc .et,. .h.rf, 7 'e per lb seat, AxflVjc: roaatad. 7U7He per lb: cocoo nuia. aorwuc per 00s: 1 wtinuit. inc per lb; plnenuta. 14ulAc per lb; hickory suit, loe tier lb: ebeatnuw. eairn. 151 Ittc per lb: Hratil nuta. - IKc per lb; filberts. Itlc per lb; fancy pectus, lnvjMV; almond. lOkill'c. Mtsts, Titb ss4 Pravialona. 1 " FRR8H MCA Ta Front atreet Hogs, fancy. t'bc per lb; veal, extra, IV- per lb; ordinary. '."'VjC per in; poor, ec 10; niuuon, fancy, IKlmc ner 111: laoth. sowc. HAMS. BACON, ETC. Portland nark (local) bame. 10 to 14 Ibe, 10c lb: 14 to Id Ibe. lAte lb; IS to 20 Iba, lie: break fa. t bacon, lif, id; ptcnira. ivc id; coinage. itc per in; regular abort clears, anamvked, Ije per Hi a rooked. 13c per lb; eear backa. nnauiuked, 12c ner lb: ameked. 13c ner is: I'nkin butta. 10 to 13 Ibe, 'uosmoked. ee per lb; an4ied, s per lb; clear Peiilea, nnamosao, loe -r lb; smoked, ibe par ti: tooaiocta, izv pit It; ptcklre tosgaea, geuu quarter bbl. 1AMJAI. t.aKlv Kettle teat. 10 Ue per lb. tie. I3e per lb; SO-lb turn., 12e par lb: team renoereci. 10c. iaW Ib -Ae, I2t per in; compouiio, lut, n-taC. CANNED oAl.MON Columbia river. I-lt tetlt. S-lb tails, t2.7o; fancy. 1-lb Osls. ti p"; H-ttr flfrry list tl tbl tmlur 1-lb ovala. S2.i; Alaska talla, pink. S60SWc;.red. tl Jo; aomistl ga. inn, tz.uu. . 1 nil nut nni, ar sw w u'i .4 a I I ... , lb; halibut. V,c per lb; cral. 1.UI41 .V) perf bl'te-'. Ine, out; tiripeo ntaa. i.--te per in; canisu. lu per lb; aalitoa. .Columbia river allvertide. k-, ateelhead. 10c per lb; herring, oc per in; aole. oc per in; anriinpa. joe per in; perch, fie ner lb: black cod. Xc ner lb: tomeod. 7a per lb; silver smelt, be per lb; Matter. 1e per lb; fresh marker,!, oc per lb; rrawnau, 2ue p.-r dot; ttsrgtoa, 10c per lb; black hett. 20c per lb. , OTSTFIta Shot Twt ter hay. ner caL S2.2S: per lift-in aacs, tt.a: oiympta. and feed until tbry are ssaured of trananortt- tlon. Sheep ar ateady. Among fhs day's ar- nveie wan n amen puuen or norses. - 4'endltkw ' year ago; Hogs, firm: eatlte, aim. airrp ji-m. airau;. i slurs IBS earn. Itoclal llveatnck price: lloga Bat etstern Oregon. Sd.TB: "rocker I Oreroa Cltv Mill A Lumbar.. anil leeuena, oo.ieorto.aai; t ninn laia. fu.oii. I Vfregon Journal, pfd OB 100 07 itnKnn . City A Suburban aa Columbia Hon i hern Irrigation fit. O. K. A N. Ily da O. W. P. A Rr. a Portland Mr. na J. C. Lee Ce. Ha 1IISCEIJ.ANEOI S STOCKS. Associated Oil 60' ( eBeft 1451 ll t ""v"o" -i j j ajy jV."V t noma Telephone . ' 2T " J. C. Lee Co 6-1 t4 11B tWcat -eastern Oregon ateera. :l.S.'! I Oriental American Co 2 2S: per 115-lb tack, tJ.OU to J,50. (LAMS iiarasstii. (sib Pr bos. (2.00: rssor clama. 12.00 per box. Faint. Ceal 00. Ft. BOPB Part blitlla. 16VjO; sttndsrd. IStic: ttaal. He. 4,'OAL OIL Petri ar Astral Cites lV4e nee ajsl; sister white. Iron bblt 14a per gal. woodes Wc per gal; beaUllgbt, 170-deg, ratea SP.ia sr gel. . uistiu.ti nn-aeg, esses stMS Ptr gal, fres bbla ISc per gat HEN KINK 4U-deg. caaea 25 tar saL Inn bbla We per gal. i I Kr-sn i iiv r. is case one par gal, weedes bbla. ."lc per gal. WHITE LfcAD Tos lota, 7.e per lb; BOO-lb 1st, fie par ib: loot lota. art lb. k ninn Aii.r rreaeni ossia st 1.1 NH RED OIL Puis raw. Is A-bbl lore, fine; I -bbl lot. S-V; eatea. Me per g.:; genuine ket-tle-holl-d, raaes. oc per gal; ft-bbl Iota. See; I -bbl Int. BSa per gal: ground take, car lots. 1 20.00 per tos; lea tbaa tar lets, S3U.00 pel BREAK IN VALUES IN NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Reading Drops-Two Points Louisville Advances a Point on a General Decline. Amalgamited Sugar Smelter Atchison luiftinore I'.rnrtklyn Canadian Pacific. Pennaylvtnlt NET LOUSE.. ,, 4Colortde Fael ,, . . ml Erie t taanuri i tciric Pt. Ptnl .... S N. t. Centrtl... 4 Reading ' S Soiitlwrn t'telfle 1 I'nlon Pacific .., .. ,lli. M. Hteei NET IJAISII. - t, Iwl.vllle S.Ool best cows snd belfera, 13.00; Blockers snd rcentere. s-v1; Duns, s.ou. Hbcep Mixed. fii5Hic; lamb, SVe. USUAL DIFFERENCES SHOWN BETWEEN TRADE - When Liverpool Advances Chica go Is Bearish Wheat Mar ket Loses Today. " EEf.ATIVK WiTEAT TALl'ES. reeember May tnf .,.. Ttee. 12. Per. 11 .Ti'fc, S ,741, .7Si ..711 77. .7814 Lot, -won 13 With I90.t. HtilllAia I Hurke ,"Sa I ('nner Kinar ' Itieril Hstmt llsv Llvernonl opening I.I. bo Giant Port In ud llclghta Imp. Co I'actlic 8 la lea Tefepbun Piiget Sonnd Telephone Yannlnt Bay Telephone British Xukos MIXIXO STOCKS. Alaska- Petroleum Br 1 1 (eh Columbia Amalgamated. . Cttctdls Cemieropolla Klile Metdowt .: tUllaker tlelconds' ... oldnkl Trotter ., Croat Northern ..,....... Ie Creek Cold Holdes Mammntb ...... Morning isortn r alrnew OreKcm Beeurltle' Kambler-Carlnnn Standard Consolidated .... Tacoma Bteel COtrB D-AI.ENB Alameda ,,...;....,... loH "in 24 Ask, ins T 145 02 Mt HlO liH4 lul 100 F2 . - bo - 41 100 7.1 5.1 11.1 ,V 10 35 . . . y . o.i. 29 04 njti 2 ". lO axu; l'4 10 14 02 Vi aomewbat higher there wga -nothing el.e forlMleeoula una ninrtet to do bnt to go lower If tbe eee- I Ptrk Copper taw metlioda of tbe two exdiange were to be I Rex continued. Every time that Llvernonl haa an I Relndeee ahowlng of atrength toil market goes tbe, ether) Ruth Consolidated way ana vice versa. I Hnowsboe Today tbe local Wheat nit anaaned ttiaehaneeA I snneatnrm bnt tlie report nf tbe better Llvernonl soon I Mineral Farm cansed to tradera to range on tbe oilier tide I IVeeland Consolidated n ine marsei. in every outlon or wheat lb I Monmouts upeuinc waa tne sign point, and, (cue rally apeak- an, hit niarai enowen a U as position IO CIISW at tbe low fienre. Nearby opllona had the heat allowing, of realstsnce. bnt even In the the attempt t keep price np did nnt last long. Corn waa mixed with tha area lest nreeettre la the December. Ream scooped in c at s reault nf their dty's sctlvlty In thla stonth. May and July were bullish tnd t bowed galnt for tbe day. July cloaed with aa (rest a gtle st December btd loat. ProTlsbua were told tnd t Inat of I bout B points waa mad by both January and May. Official uuotttkiBS by Overbeck. Starr A Cooke compasy: WHEAT. Open. IT lib.. Lew. December 74 744 73 May .... 79 T 7t4 July ............ 1H - TfH T7k CORK. 414 4314 44 0t4 ..... 2.1 ...... U 13 DISTRICT. ..... IS : 1014, OS 31 id or no is na 10 70 Son ' 03 04 o 08 ! 2 "Hi 02 on. nn rrja IS -.13t 1Vs 04. na ci 1 10 oW 12 IN 7T arm 03 12 Reiders' who enjoy .stirring adventure and sterling patriotism. Readers who are touched by quaint ; pathos, -, unspoiled by, sentimentality; Readers who like to see a real man bettered by . ; a good woman's influence; Readers who like, in a word, a fresh, splendidly told story; , . V"-"- ' - All these will delight In - -Ihe-Stoiry- fl 3 itT-fl- d itT. ' Ov TK By RALPH D. PAINE Author of "The Praying Skipper." - of You will agree with us when you have read it Second Large Edition No w.Ready ASK YOUR BOOKSELLER OR WRITE TO The Outing Publishing Co.; New York- JONES FAMILY AT PTOMAINE POISONED wo Children Dead and Mother and Two Other Children . . May Die. ALBANY STREET CAR SYSTEM SOLD TO SOX December Mty , Jnly ... 44 441. July January . May .. 42 ,.. 43 ... 44', OATS. ;v- tt'A "Mr ,.. .V ' IM , 3.1 1, H.t MKS8 PORK. ..lo77 l.'7 ,.ieoo 1610 Cloa." 7414, 7m; 4Ji 4. : -ss KnV S3 SST4 ' ' sr. 334 1RTS 1S8S (Special Dispatch t Tbe Joarsel.) Albany, Or, Dec, 11. Tha Albany street railroad system has been sold and Is being nominally held In tba name of C E. Sox as trustee. Tha consideration is said to be private and cannot be aa- certained. Thla Includes th right of way and th franchise held by the old organisation and he 'announcement Is mad that, the same will b msde ,an electrio Una within a year. Many rumor and much speculation is being Indulged In regarding th Identity of th purchasers. Th gen eral supposition Is that th Willamette Valley Traction la th purchaser and that th purchase by them means th extension of th Una to many, of th outlying polnta In Linn county. DYNAMO AT HOT LAKE KILLS JAMES GREGORY fSaeeli! DlsDSfrh te The Jaorntl.l Mot Lake. Or,, Dec. 12. James TRAMP ARRESTED FOR BURGLARY AT EUGENE ISoedtl Dispatch te Tbe Journal. Eugene, Or., Dec. 12. A tramp giving 1 . 9. Mteel. pfd... PeophVt Git prim te "Ui.'; u.e. .ai,-ra nnoi, 204nc; lueiln.w woo.. N 1 and BAl:K-i.(Jc for err lois; tmmn Istig wik.I. .jcvtl.w eaes. TALLdU I'rlnir. per lb. A aU -4, gr--s.e. v.lau.-e. C11ITT1.M k. is :,lic. HllitJ lry. Ko. I. tfi l aad np. 'luj I7tic per Ib; dry kin. Su. I. 6 to la Sa. Itci dry calf. No. . under S Iba. IJ,-; .alt,,) hblea! trrs. aooad. t Iba tail ver. Illtllc' cars l UW; atsg and bulls sound, eg;.! kit IS to so Ilia. Oc; calf, aouud. and't 1.1 iba, u'. green, unsalted, le.leaa; cnlla. le per lb leal a. a a - Alal l,.h I a v. A a,. . e orpa -up,, -. w; QTf, fmch a. itjwic; goa i ..!, Wall Street: New York. Dee. 13. The atock market ehowed bad break today, bnt one that Kail been expected. lite break occurred In flendhig. Sugar im! Ctnaill.ia Pacific, tl.e l'ii lurlni; 2 iminta. Ml. Paul-held w-l! nnder t very trying mirkct nnd clo-ed wltli t ftitn of 'i lnt.' Lajulfvlll A Ntrlivllle gafpel t point. tifflclal lauott'loiia by Overbeck, Starr A t'on'.c o nipiinr: , HKFCUIPl HlN. v-4 (I. 'ai.SCi cull bl'le astral ta of A&azaa City Zleetloas. IBsasrttl Diana rck to Th Jeorasl.i ' Adsms. Or, Lec. 12 The. following cfflcera have been elected lo eerv in the city of .Adsms during th ensuing r ttsv,e T A I I.h.M.h. i. IYore.oir.r f.isurefr-t)--rrT,4 Trxld: councllmen, J. O. Melee. If. A. I hsckleherrlri. Be: pine Richardson and Ji A. Winn. Tn elec- . in. ass "attleL nn Ibam aaa tint fans ticket la th field, eomnwn, etrh. lOWIOc; Angora, etch, atfi tl 00 -Finite and Ttgatablae. POTATOFS Buying prtiw, etMara Msltno Blab tad Clarktmti. -"mB1XiO; ordinary, srjia ar: aweeta. 2.0O17S. . " w ONIOMH Jobtilns l-clcc N Oregon trVM 1 00: boy In price. 707.V: garlic. tHtr h APPLES Fancy flood River Hpltaenlaerg and Yellow Newlowna. tJ.Mi fancy VV'Uianwtr valley tnd eon 'her Orsgos. tlO; ordtuart tlock. TrfSI . ' FRFS11 FHI ITS Orange, sew paval. J T-, 13.; Japanese. SAc; bantntt. be u. lernona choice. 4.ont J no o.,: grp-s. California, tl.7A; sob; liBuee. N-lli-as, si.ia psr Mv. lillaealiple.. 1--. lauimniB. Hljafc.,.,lLli.1 pineamilea. to.ou Be. ,: ponicgiiualM, 1. 20 '9 1. 60 per box; frapa fruM. t4,7'. ta . I . . . . , ... VFOETARI.F.S Tarntpa. new, "avail sack vmai foi,pr vi jir. 'u:,i, nTcrrrn. Am. Ptrtr corn ; nmfc ' i:ic l.m. ' IIS Am. Fimlter. com .-.1133 Iis2, Alcli .a, cm io.., iojt, Ul4 u , M.; Knllliniire A OI1I0. com. .lllm.!. . . I invt. Iinll.rn II. il. I Transit. I M1V n7l miu,I m,i? t'nnailian I'ai-lfle, com. . IIIMii, ; u7t, -, iinii fhl.. Mil. A HI. Pinl...!iHn 1H i7'i-. 'heai!ieske A tMilo r.7 .. I fcT , 14.l,.'l4H';,,U-u,l7S'. Krle. com . -ntevl!le A Ntrlivllle Federal Smelter, pfd.. Mlsaonrl Pt'-I'le New Vork Ceniral nr.t H4 OS I m I nn,. rU ll r. '1TISt Il ia Pennaylvatil Hallway. II .mi,, I l:tMi iriaaiv. 1 iMr.l n.i'.j st 1 MV. Jl.VHJJ.ViSi r.l,, Univ, ':tl'ii JUil .nix,! -ns: n.Vt,; pv.l nn: 1 4 IlT IIM IIHTiM I en m 4m 4m nyt IO0V,ll'K.,'lt4:-'lir.i- - - - - - - - t I 42i P. l . L. A C. "V. H-aillnx. com., Hock Island, com Southern Pacific, com In km Pacific, com... L. S. Mteel Co., com. . do p'ef errerl n'aiiasti. pre frrel. . . . Total aalci for day. sw.ono aharea Call money opened tt 0. low tr f, high tl li, ibtard at 12. tnd 14 per Cent. fOZTLAND BAVK STATEMENT. Clesrlrrt taiday ... Ctetrlng yen ago. e a e$i.rt2 tr.T iwt " a ssa v.-swt t v"- urn s wxra j - tSin lAeHSI Tf 1 llM4,tt I Bll.llil fPI etmtt, lec$l per tacki beeta, II. 2 per ct BaUscts today.,, , 1SU.4T3.S3 Qregory. an employ at th Hot ake his name as Earn Clifford la In jell her sanitarium, was killed by a shock of l for burglarising the office of Dr. C. E. 22.000 volts of electricity yesterday I Loorrila in thla city Monday night. The afternoon while assisting in tn repair-1 doctor upon going la bis office about Ing of th electrio light plant. Hello o'clock (hat night missed A number touched th machinery with the top of I of surgical Instruments and other one finger and was atruck dead tn-1 articles of considerable value. He not! fled th officers and tney arrested two men at the Southern Pacific depot shortly afterwsrd who Were fighting, On of them had -on his person th articles stolen from Dr. Loomls' office snd he waa booked on a burglary charge. tantly. He waa 41 years old and un-1 married. . . PRELATES DRIVEN FROM HOMES AND THE LAND . tJoorsa! Sped si Service. I Psrls, Dec. II. -Montagnlnl, secretary of th papal nunciature here, who was arrested ycslerday afternoon, - was con ducted to the frontier last night. His residence t il tustrched. - He demanded protection of the Italian embassy. Cardl- I year and at an election held Monday nal Richard ana otner ciergy nxv uwn wss-eievatea 10 in cnieitnincy, . Alb-ay IMr Chief Ckoaea. (Special Dispatch te Tbe Journal.) Albany, Or., Dec. 12. The new of ficers of the. Albany fir department for the ensuing year are: C. N. McKey, chief, and Robert Snail, assistant. Mr: McKey has been assistant for the past notified denccs. they must vacate - their resl- The department is prospering and much enthusiasm prevails among Al bnny's organisation of . volunteer fire men. Albany has four organisations, ss follows: Companies 1 and 2. hook CMPIMC AT TUC HEI I' PC land, ladder and a chemical company. L,lUlliE- Mil fit UHLUtO Th, election of Monday was followed by a reception nnd banquet given by the members of th board of fire delegate. JOHN HULL KILLED BY (Siieelat Dlapatrb to Tbe Jonrnnl.l -The DHlhTi.' -un.. Dec. 12. John Hull, aged 4, a pionoeV from Rufus, Sherman couiify, was run oer yesterday efter. noon by an engine on the O. R. A N. trscks and instantly killed. The wheels pissed over bis rignl thigh, crushing It to pulp. It Is supposed that he shipped snd fell under the switch engine. SIXTY MILLIONS TO HILL STOCKHOLDERS 1 Journal knecta! Service. New York. Dec 12 About 0.000.000 will l,e divided among th stockholders of the Orent Northern on account of lends rcchtly sold'by J. J. Hill for th company, . . ACCUSED OF ROBBING THE MYSTIC SHRINE (Journal Special 8rrl.) Ksnsas City. Iloi, Deo. 12. Harry V. Allen Is- under arrest charged with th embesslement from th Mystic Hhrlne of over 17.600. He pleaded not guilty at his preliminary hearing and was .tailed In defsult of flO.000 ball. - (Special Plapstck to The Jaarnat.) Union. Or, Dec 12. Aa a result of ptomaine poisoning! wo children of T. Jones ar dead, th mother ia at oath's door and two other children are seriously 111 In this city. A few days ago the family ate some beans that had been boiled In a tin vessel and immedi ately -after the meal til entire family became suddenly. 111. Th stricken family continued to grow worse and up to this time two of the children, one aged't years and another 1 year, are dead, and tbe mother and two other children ar very low. . The attending physicians agree that the orlaluai cauat was ptomaine- poison ing, but death was finally due to com plications arising from th poison. , INDIAN'S DIVORCE r PETITION DENIED (Special Dtapatcb to Tbe Journal.) Pendleton. Or, Dec. 12. A pecullsr divorce esse was tried yesterday tn this city In th circuit court..-- It was th ease of an Indian, Wocatsle, sometimes known as "Willie," against his wife. Julia. According to the allegations of th plaintiff, hla wife had been cruel In th extreme to him and had alao committed aerloua offensea not In ac cordance with th marriage vow. After listening all day to the cos Judge Bean declared th evidence of cruel treatment had not been sufficient and both parties were declared to be equally remiss. Consequently he denied th suit and placed th coata on th plain tiff. ' The Best Dental Work in the World At Cut Prices -Until Dec. 15 Good Set of Teeth. ...... 4,Of flu- Rubber-Plate . . ..-., WO.OO Clold Crowns, per tooth. . .83.00 Bridge Work, per tooth... .fa.OO Cement snd Sliver Pill' Ings, each ............. 35d) - Gold and Porcelain Fill- - Ings. each ............ .f 1.00 Extracting free. Teeth'cleaned fre. Yale Dental Co. ' 1S7H Between Morrison and Phone Main t47. OfSot Heart I te S and S ta S p. as. INSURANCE LARCENER BURNHAM CONVICTED (Journal Special Serviea.l New York, Dec 12. George Burnhsm Jr.. vice-president of th . Mutual He serve Life Insurance company, haa been found, guilty 'Of grand larceny In the first degree, the maximum penalty of which la 10 years in Sing Sing. He was remanded to the Tomba until Frl day. when h will be aentenced. This Is th first conviction sine th Insur ance Investigation campaign commenced. TWENTY MILLIONS FOR ... SEVEN GRANDCHILDREN ' ( Joorntl Special Service. 1 " Chicago, Dec. It. Otto Young's will Is to be probated, probably tomorrow.. It Is announced that It bequeaths an entat of over 120.000,000, practically all In equal aharea, to hla seven grand children, hla four daughtera being pro vided for during life. Charity bequest amount to between $500,000 and f 1,000, 000. . . , , - Weston1 City Officer. (Special Dispatch to Th Journal ! Weston, Or, Dec 12. Th following officer havo been elected at Weston for th ensuing yearv Mayor. Merrit A. Baker; cmincllmen. two years. J. B. Gross, F. M. Bryant, William McKen ile; one year, J. R. King; recorder, I R Wood: treasurer. B. B. UnlL ' a.ajaaaBaaesaBaaajaBaaaaaB.B. a.a 5 O - SPICES, a q C0FFEE,TEA DAICINO POWDER, FLnConir.GExmcTS AbMtuhPwfty. flwjt Flavor. ' Crt&tal- Strmh. Ctasotttblt Prices. 'CL0S5ET ft DEYERS C PORTLAND OREGON. WXAT'S wortn doing la worth doing well. If you wish to be cured cf Rheumatism, use Ballard's Snow Unlment snd you will be "well cured." A positive cure 'or Hprslns, Neuralgia, Hruises. jou rscted Muscles and all the ills (hat lesh is heir to. A. O. M. Wllltnms, Nsv- . . if..., .ll.., I'T I,,... aiauad Snow Liniment for sprained ankle and It gave the best of satisfaction. I al ways keep it in th house." For sale by all druggists. ' "-' fcrr Thorns fci lectrlrTOlI IS The"bw remedy for Hint often fntnl dleeisvie-l- crnup. JIhs been used with success m our fumlly for eight yesra." Ml, le Whltacre, Buffalo, N. T. I :-.'VV- - ' ' Kw Sawmill r TJnlon. (Sptclti Dtspttcb to 'The Joumsl.) L'nlon, Or., Dec 12.1 E. O. Zeek of this city la arranging to build a saw mill at High Valley, nine miles esst of l.'nlot), nnd Is now at Portland to pur chsse stipplirs for tha mill. . The new" mill will ba in operation by March 1, It will htvs a capacity of 11,000 feet dally and ' will 'glv employment to IS men. - .... l: . ' . ' ' -. -'- .WEIGHT AND HEIGHT FAIRBANKS' .BATH TIOOM and PHYSICIANS' SCALK8. Popular for home and office. CHRISTMAS QIFTS: VAXXBAirXS. KOKSS i CO, - Plxst aad Stark Its. ) Dental Work Of quality ia on dependable kind. rum - r""iTrm" NJSJJIvy,,- . Th repairing of replacing Of " Your Teeth Receives th careful attention ft merits. Our splendid office equip ment combined with a large vol ume of business enables na to render a superior dental service at a reasonable oost to you. ' 22-kt. Onld Crowns.. fS and f Full PIfttes., m& to flOO Platlne Fllllnra . .T . . . . ..7. .f 1 Painless Extracting ........ BO Saamlnatloa Pre of Charge. . Work pnarantted. Z.ady Atteadant. Boston Dental Parlors asm MOKJtisoir sty op. post. OPTICB. t aanaTMWWWMMaWWHMWMWMSassssJaassaw T9Tiip1 ; SOOTKIM SYRUP - f 'ip A . but rieaiTi ned by r'Hlon of Jfothent for then? , Jl'lf f fl'tl f' Prt'V.ejf fblldreri while Teethlmi for over Fifty Tears. ' ;'l.lH LIM-t A 1 T.jtllF.VillJJ It aiothn the ehibl. aoflens the gnmt, allnyt i ' 7 hltUVJ l' 1 KVlTir 1 wMyrid'urrbrV'fc ao", ad M e beat , ZLff f LiJr!7 y y -ir . ' ! ttw f tja-vijyje ; i . " v.' -; -i . . . . . s IN 'T