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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 12, 1906)
c t. . .i , THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND.' WEDNESDAY EVENING. DECEMBER 12, 1900. 12 -sb- NEW TODAY Portland. Oregon. Dec 12,1906 We waiit you to know that your deposit will be welcomed Jyu just cordially as your custom is welcomed by any store in Portland, - - 1 THE;.,;- - - "Oldest Trust Company in Oregon'' v Whose - officers . and, directors are well-known, solid business men, who administer the affairs ... of the institution carefully and economically",' -'solicits, your ac- count "' ' 2 Per Cent ; Per annum on daily balances of $500 or. over (even hundreds).' .rCall for book of . "ILLUSTRATIONS." Portland Trait Company of Oregon - Resources Over $1-800,000. - Phone Exrkaage T2. S R. Corner Third aad Oak Bts. BENJ. 1. COHEN.... President . H. L- PITTOCK ...Vlce-Presldsat B. LE PAiiET..... Secretary J. O. GOLTBA .Assistant Secretary Investor of Settler CAPITALIST. MERCHANT or AR TISAN Are vou nonted about Canada? The "LAST WEST" in In Alberta Prov ince. GKT LAND while you can. Raw laiwln, government lands, rallroed lands. Bk-DKOCK PRICES. GRAND CHANCES. Information given. Oregon-Alberta Realty Co, Rooms S and 19 Utfavettg Bids., Corner Six til and -Washington. Main 111. " LOTS BOUNDING SKYWARD On Hancock, Schuyler and Broadway "utreeta. Tn the tenter of m Tapltlly Cte- veloplng residence district Terms are within reach of alL TMXCM fSOO PER LOT McLaughlin, Allen & Fulton Of Sew with Yorthweatera Oaarantso Trast Company, lumber Ex- Bldr, S. B. Oor. Seooitd and Murk trssta. Don't Miss This! . Special Bargaftv-$4200 Beautiful S-rootn houM, tot 50x100, la HoUaday Park Addition; modern In ev ery particular, weathered finish 12,70 rash, balance easy .terms. This is the cheapest ujU-Jn-this vicinity and if vnu want -It you will have to hurry. This will go quick at this figure. .... H. W. Lemctcs Company Sixth and Washington Streets. Wiftn b(6 Entire Heeonj floor Main S60. CORBETT ST. BARGAIN $1500 Cash. Balaaoa oa Terms Upland Id 1 0-room hovse agd lot, fine view of river and mountains, tight In line of coming great activity In South i Portland. $4000 Is the price; and it won't last, either, at this figure. W. Lemcka Company Sixth and Washington Streets. Main $50 Kntlre Second floor Main (50. Beautiful new 7-room house. In Hol lsday Park, lot COxlOO, north front; has vestibule, living room, dining-room, den, rises pantry and kitchen down;-three) ed-roome: with closets, bath and toilet up: hex fireplace, furnace, woodllft tatlonary tube, full basement; every thing modern and up to data ., CLParrish&Co. . 44,3 Lumber Bzobaags. rose Kaia S315. GILT-EDGE 1NYESTM EINT $32,000: i on IJth St., 4 block: fins brick building; present in- rnme I'Ofl month k.,. ter, surer snd good Increasing Invest ment, in the city. I have others. Ses mi personally' F. DUBOIS WASHINGTON BLDO. ' ROOM I. CholcetroteS Nesr St Johns'. $f 0.000 new school houae. Small payment down and IS per month. 1 Vtwm ,n Mln,r' Addition River ' J. a. coxtTTsr. 1SB indladslpbia Bt, B. Johaa, Ct. Acreage-$22,000 Eighty acres, on mils' southwest of city, few blocks from Southern paclflo railroad (West Rid, Unm), and 1H miles from Council Creat car. This is a great bargain at $27 per acre. " ' at WAT7CIBTBJ, . . BOTH WashlBg-toa BV p lUbbs Bldg. TOR SALE PLAIN. IELD . ADJonniro buObtk obto peautlfully situated, overlooking -the city: 112 lots, each txl00 feet Price IIT.bOO l.0t)0 essh, balance In three years at per cent This property ac quired by trust estats on foreclosure of mortgage. Tori esle at cost. FREI. KRICK H. STRONG, Trustee, at Laid A TUton a Bank. , '- - .-L.. ! ' REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. WUllam MrPhee te Mary Brier, Iota f and S. blork 14. Uaroln Park Annex 1 Annie T. I'arkbarat and Alfred L. Park hurat aa ina Reea, land beginning at etoat eaatarly boundary ef tract of 41. M Beers, a eonaeraBce te Aanle T. rarkkarat ee MHInda see -. .. 2,620 r H. Marlay aaa wife to Antoinette w.' Berbeeser, lots S sad , Mock S, Eaat Irrtagiea ...,.... t S4QOO rea estate transfers. met Curraa and erlfs to Mary L, Houek. lot . frsi'tieaai block So. MrMlllen'a addition J. Margulla et ai. te C, A. Alvor leu 23 ami 24, blork 10. Kern Park Bay Abbott and wife to 1-uclnde tVVr- kits n.Z3ru block ir-l-. IT?b NlclioUs' auj Ue to Mlltua w! Seanian.aud Iesbelte Macdonald, XHx . 2O0 feet commencing at Dolut B. 4-1 2. .'Id S,00 1,500 feet north and 880. 72 feet oat of V section corner on south aid or sec tka 6, township 1 auutb. ranse 1 ' eaat '. 1.000 B. 1'. Hubktrk aud wife ta tain L Deffenbuusb. wt 44 of ku 8 aud 10. blork 2. Piedmont Park .T 1.250 lames a. S-erneld and wire te J. M. Sloaa lota 1 aad 2. blork 11. Park VUw Extension . 1 rertland Realty Treat company te Anilrlne J, lityrgrern, Iota L Z. blork a Laurelwood Park Too" R. M. take and wife l. St. Charles Hotel company, lot It, blork a, city of Portland Bamuel Brace aad Ella Tlnatoa to H. 11. I aka. In z. fark I. rlty .... so.oos Nettle Cralf to L. K. Irrlng, lot 6, plorU . i, norm irTlnctua Ackloy tcott to A. T. Wlncare and ; - i wire, lot it. block I; lot id. bturk a, -Blrkfurd Park I. 00 Jl. Keoaetfc. el, t A. T.'- 'r -t wiarhea and alto, lot 18, blork ,-" Blokford Park . .Jj. 160 B. W. S-bm to B. C. t'haaa, -at 4 ' r lou 10 aad 11. block 7o. Bell wood , 275 200 2M 6. i. Gamma na and wlfa to Latta Hem- mr. iut a uiork li. trcira Kadlo Sweet to W. T. Kcl-r. lota S sad s. blork 8. Stuart Park addition Mary Joarpblue aad W. T. Barlff te u. u. rrice. eaat arrra or tnat tract eedrd by James C. Buroalda to Alice II. Allen 4.800 O. L. Price and wife to Plttork A Lead- better Lumber company, 7.7a acraa be ginning at aonthweet corner ef tract " -owned by J. A. Strawbrldee la aectloa la. townabln 1 nortb. ranse eaat. S.400 Bobcrt K. I'baae and wife te K. A. Pierce, lota 7 aad S, block , dea dale 00 Oiaae National Bank of New York to 1. B. Korean, lota 19 and IS, block IT, Linooln Park Annex , A. II. Blrrell and wife to U. F. IludMB. lot IS. block , wiuamette newate addition 4,250 Northern Coanttee InTeatment Treat,. Ltd., to Tbomaa Paulsen, lot 1,-iwn-2, Bafferty'a addition to Caati Port land . 400 1.TO0 Auruat rick to Mae Sharer, lota i aad 17. block 4. Willamette Baamaa Olaeo. and wife to Rndolpb Martin aad wife, lota 19 and la, block S. Keren Park ..."....' 1,125 August C. Arnold and wife te Jranrtte K. cumpatoa. ai in, otoca. a aiitir a addition te SeUwood 170 IVad T. Merrill end wife to 11. Marlay, lota S and . block S, Baat irrlng- toa Antoinette W. Barbegjer to Fred L. Olaea and wife, lou S and t, blork a. Beat Irrlnxtoa 1.S00 1.400 140 87 J Oeorge 8hrarer and wife to Foater Adama. lot 11. block ST. mnaraioe ... Mre. L. .W. end W. Pcnaon to Mary Rambo. lot 101. Arlrta Park Title Uuarantee A Trnet company to F. M. Varner, lot , block to, ?au nralde Third addltloo John B. Tanner and wife to Emaanel May, went 70 feet or lot S. blocs l. city Title Oaarantee A Truet eompany to Lodrle Olaen aad wire, lot lb. nior-a 19. Flrat addition to Hoiladay Park addition - 1 . .J,, . Cowprrthwalt and wife to Bloa A. Cburchtll and wife. kla 14 and 15, SOO k 8. jLaurelo.d ..... . . ... .... .. . . . C. Otengre and wtfeo C. M. Polry and wife, lots 10 and 11, Mock I, Bar bade Tract, la aectloa IB, township 1 eouth. ranse S eaat 10 Peter I. Quia and wife to Margaret Fnrreet. lot 4, block 139. city, aad ether property ........ .t ......... .... so A. C. Froom t O. L. Price, eaat 4 acres of land deeded to Alice M. Alien br Jamc C and Kather M. BiirnaMe. 1.000 Barley M. Barton and wife to Ellen Kroner, lot 4, Diora s. budoituiob w Prnebatel'B addition to Alblna l.SM WUllam T. Kerr to Hannah Armatmng. lot 14 and east B feet or norta u feet of lot 12, block 1. Abend's addl tloo to Alblna S.BO0 John M. Kirk and wife to Bert Khar and wife, lota au and zi. Diocx a. Arm Lodge iivj 1,279 il. none ana wiie w . 'ti"i" boy. lot 11, blork It; lota 24 and 2.1, blork IS: lot 24. block 24, Tremont PUre 400 ' 10 Frank R. Chambere Jr.. et. al., te R. K. -Donald, block 100, ('arathera' addition. Kdaar I. Oonrsea and wife te Security , L harliisa a Truat coainaur. aubdlrlaUma T aad 8. .la lot 1, blocs a roruaua ftnmMtMd Erncet, Turner and wife to glegfrled W. Bothk-faon. lot 10. block 1. Alblna.... W. B. Boberta and wife to P. N. Tynan, lot 10. H awl wood, containing SO acre. Endowment Troat of Willamette nnl- eereUy-to Aurnat Weeenberg, lota 2, S. 4. Sa block 10. Btrawberrydele . . Bea Eatate Inreatment aaanrlation te R. G. Cbaee. lot 14. block SI, Rrllwood: Bamnel Olaoa and wife to O. W. I .ana, lot 12. block 4, Cblpman'a addltloa to St. Johna bmal lllmna and wife to G. W. Lana. 2,400 --'-IS 400 180 1,000 Iota 27, 2H, 29, block 20. Point View. 1,800 A. W. Lambert aad wife to Sarah C. Kenyon, lota 1 and a. Sloes le, u coin Park Annex Title (idnrantr A Tniat eompany to Leo 1 Smith, kt S, block -IS, Weat Pled nviot .t- Benry Dlttmer to J. W. Splller, lot IS. block S, Moetit Tabor Villa Annex.. Clarenre E. and Drlla leremlah to Henry F. Todd, aorth A of eaat 4 ef eaat t or a portion of Oldeoa Tibbett donation ' land claim soo 250 soo Foe ahatrarta. title ' Inanrance ee mortgage loana rail en Pacific Title A Trust eompany. 04-5-4-7 Falling building. . Oet year Inanrance and anetraete te real eatate from the Title Guarantee A Tniat com pany, 240 Waahlngtoa atreet. eorner Secosd. WEATHER REPORT. , The aorth Pactflc srnrm Is now. central srer snatheaatera Idaho, bot It has greatly rtl miniabed In Inteoalty. Meary ralna bare fal len In California and tighter amounts are re ported in Nevada, Ltab, eaatertr Orceoe.- Waab I ns toa and Idnbe. Excpt a mailuum ee lorlty of 2S ml lea from the southeast at Pocs trllo -no high wlnda hare ecciirrcd la the Pa Hoc eta tea during the laat 12 hoora. There haa been a marked rlae la preeaure la the Ca nadian sorthwret and the temperature haa fal len 54 drarees at Calgary etnee yesterday morning. The eearers high prraeure area now eeerllce the Atlantic Btatea and unuaually low temperaturra prevail Is New England and frees Ins weather la reported as far south aa Norfolk- Vlnlnla. -- The tndlretlons are for generally fair weather tonight and Thuraday in weatern Oregon and weatwra Waahlnxton. and for rain turning to snow, with much lower temperatures, In east ern Oregon, eaaterB Waahlngtoa snd Idaho. Obaerratkina Ukes at S a. m., Pacific time I -T.inn Stations ' " - Max. Baker City. Oregoa........ 4 Boa toe, Maaeaebuaetts SO Tklrago, lllloola .., i ...... . 40 Denver, Colorado 70 Kanaaa City, Mlaaourl 44 Loa Angales, California.... 58 New Orleana, Lonlalana. ... 04 New York, New York M Portland, Orrgoa. 47 Roaebiirg, Oregon . .. .. 44 St. Lou la. Mlaaourl......... 4U Salt Lake, t.'tah 82 Spokane, Waablnstoa. 52 Mln. Preclp. . 1)4 .04 10 0 54 .0 42 .0 m .o 62 1.B4 4S .0 14 .0 40 T "84 - M 4 ' .0 52 .0 S4 . .US 4 jsn S4 .00 114 .24 22 . .0 San rranriaro, taiirornia,. o Taroms. Waablngton. ....... 4S Walla Walla, Washington., 40 Waahlngtoa, D. C. ...I 42 UNDERTAKERS. Floral deal ana and eat flowers eea be Bra- eared from as at any boor of Bight or day. Phone Mais low. uoirmaa ttros., o uiiaau. rmnelne. McKatee A Ollbansh. sndertakera and embalaaera stodeea Is eaerr detail. Seeeotb as Plna. Mala 480. Lady aaaUUst A. B. Ilematork. undertaker sad embalmer. Kaat ThlrteaBth and tmatllla are. Phone Sell, wood 71. Rrlrkaoa t'ndertakln Alder at Pbone Mai f. Co. and embalming. 4 S13S. idy asalatant. J. P. Ftnley A Soas, Third and Madlaos sta Oflre ef county coroner, pbone Mais A Clarke Bros.. Flortata rine So ml sealfns. 2SS Morrlsoa st Sowers aad F.dward Helmas, undertakae, 220 Third st lJTIaV THW CZMXTZBT. Single graves, $10. FamUr Ma, $100 te $1,000. The only cemetery In Portland whirs sr sereallr maintains and rarae tor lota. re fall information apolr to W. B. Markenale. Wor eaatar block, city. W. M. Ladd. seaaldeat . BOSK CITT CEMETERY. - Mngle gravea, r. to $H; famllr lota $25 to $7, y.aat end pyemont St.. . corner of II r nd: anporlntendent at. cesetery, PlHine Tnhr.f Jus For mil Information kptilr In Frank pvhlegel, g02 Cswrnsrclal blk. rhobS Mala tt2S. 1 MARRIAGE LICENSES. ' Le Kay Pea land. Bells, Oregoa. 23: Myals 2. Mharp, 23. . Oua It row a, Pleaaaatoa, Oregoa. 28; Bertha Darle, ly. Jaiuea Onlp, SS2 Jerferaoa street, 23; Bsrrha Wllaou. 22. - fc. U. U alrk, 4k Florenre Bobaeo.' 4i wwnerTi-ar'sinits a irorwaah. tax toa bldg., eor. Fourth aud Waahlagtoa eta. Wedding and calling cards engraved ee srinteu. - s. 1. uablie, 1X1 WaeBlntes ea, ttJNSETH A COa FLOBI0TS. FOB FLOWXRS Foil dreaa. suite for reet. all Tailor Ins , 8 Stark at. UnJone NOTICE. -piAiji oa slppl ga Balem, Orcroo, Nurember 16. 100S The board of- truaiees Oregoa state iuaane aayluui hereby Invltea. aealed prouoaala fur furnlnh- Ins the foltowlna aupulles te the InaUtutlon for the six " months ending- June SO, !K"r7; tirocerlea, mill feed snd dour, meats sad Bah, dry - gouda, drugs,' stationery, leather and flndlnca. ehoea. plnmblus. hardwsrs. tinning. erockary and (Unaware. Ltata ef said auu- C" Mill be rurulahed by tba clerk et the rd . iipou , appllcaUoo. J Bsmplea . ran bj , reen at the aajrlum aud goods must be la sccordance therewith. Where samples srs required snd not iurntahed $y bidders, the srtlrlrs moat be eutial to saiaiilea to be seen st the saylum, snd blda will be aaeumed to Save oeoo made osn Deals or samples, ah goods muat be In strict sccordance with sample lu erltinal psckass whes poaalble, and delivered at the state Insane saylum within 20 dura after contract ! te awarded, and bids muat be la blank forma, which will .be ftSrnlabed together with Instructions to bidders By the clerk, apoa application. Each bid oa Sour or meat muat be ac companied by a certined check for $300.0o. and each bid. oa -Sab by s eertifled check of $75.00, and all other bids by esrtlded checks equal to 10 per eeni or tne smouoi uiu; checks of unsuccessful bidders to be re turned Immediately, sad tboae accepted whea the contract la completed. Hida muat be en rkiaed In sealed envelopes a 6a directed to the board rare of the clerk, snd plainly marked "Blda tor Aaylum SappUes," snd the dees of goods should saw be rnsciibed oa the envelope. Price. Stness and qualify being equal, preference will be gives to srtlrlea manufactured, grown or produced la this state. Whea s particular article Is specially called for. bide for other kind, or manu facture, or brand, equally good win be enter tallied, out to Inaure recognition of such bids samples of the srtlclea It Is proposed to supply must accompany them. The board -Teserves -the rlght-to reject any or all bids, or to sccept or reiert any part of a bid. Bids will be opened st the capltol at Salem at 10 a. m. Wednesday, December IB. 1B00. , By order ef the board of trustees Oregoa a tula Inssns saylum. W. J. OATENS, Clark. NOTICE Annual meeting of Blver View Cents - tary sasoclatlon The annual meeting of the members of River View Cemetery eaaoctattoa will be held at the bank of Ladd A TUton on Monday, the fourteenth day ef January, 1907, at 8-30 p. m. A general attendance 'ia de sired. AU owners of family lots In ths ceme tery era members of tbs association sad en- V;luapmb. MACKBNZIH. CWk. IXCAVAT1NO snd grsdlsg. C. BV Pottsgs. 4 HO Commercial st Pboos Baa SIS. MEETING NOTICES. SometMii? Dcin? 07. JKTLfvHO CAMP 41 fVv.o.w: BETTER COm WASHINGTON CHAPTER NO. IS, R. A. M. Regular convocstloa this (Wednesdsyk svenlng, December 12, lOOo, st 7:30 o'clock, Maaonle halt - Burkhard building. Kleetloa at officers. Payment sf dues. ' Cou aldcratkto of bulldlnc project. E. E. SHARON. Secretary. OHIO SOCIETY meets la Auditorium ball Thuraday svenlng, December IX st 8 o'clock; a good program; refrssbmentg will bs served; sll Ohloans Invited. W. L. STRATJOH. Sccretsry. M. W. A. EVERGREEN Camp. $.400, masts Wed reader evening, Aliiky bldg., Third sad Morrlsoa sta M. W. A., Oregoa Grape Camp. No. vXSTS. Moa- - dnye. tTtb and Marehsui visiters LOST AND FOUND. FOUND A plare to have hair mattresaea reno vated snd returned asms day. 228 Front et Main 474. Portland Curled-Hair Factory. B. Metxger, proprietor. IXIMT Policy No. 18477, Issued -by ths Pawn Mutual tire Insurancs in. oa tns lire ri Mary J. Corcoran. Finder re tors te Journal office; reward. - LOST Saturday st Meier A Frenk's, pocket book; name insioe. - i-nuip nasaa. " pleaae return to 480 Kaat Wsahlugton. Re wsrd. LrflHT Puppy, blsck snd white fox terrier. abort black can, wnits up, urc kwwmu. M2 Johnson at. , , IX)ST A pearl and amethyst drop, a keepasks. on Burnalde St.; rewsra eiiervu-.- anuri e 851 Kt Ollaaa at, , HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED at once Stave-bolt cutters, wates si. 40 per eora; steaoy wora. Mppir era Cooperage Co., Stearns Bldg., , Portland, or HoultoB. Or. MEN AND- WOMEN to- leara barber trade ts eight weeks: grsdoates sara rrora sin r- weekly; expert Inatructors; catalogue free. ... Molrr . Byateoi sf Collegss, 88 North FourU St.. Portlsnd. WANTED 10 mors solicitors: best position In Portland; men are making $5 dally; ssll after noon. 281 Btsrk at Union Hotel SI NORTH SJXTH ST. Free employaneat to our pat roes. Weekly rates: board, $4.50' up. uoom, -si. at op; room ass AndersoB. proprietor. WANTED Two or three flrst-clsss, sll-areand marnlns men; permanent position, good waxes. Oregoa Furniture Mfg. Co.. Macadam road. WANTED Salesmen; many make $100 te S150 per month; soms even wore; a lor a riean; grows oa reservation, far from old orchards', eaah advanced weeklr: choice of territory. Address, Wssbltgton Nvrssry company. Top. peuiah, Washington. DON'T work for a small sslsry; sss ee write Pacific Aid aaaodatlnn f'r..- goodpxo tlon. 224 Lumber Gxcbange. WE get work for oor members; special manv bsrs. $2. Y. M. a A, Fourth sad YamhllL ' AGENTS wanted. Oregoa, California, Idaho, Washington; health snd accident Inanrance; eld reliable company; good contra eta; refer ences required. United States Health A As eldest Insurance Co., 2U8 Marquam. UaAtEHMEN Eipetienced apecial eoatraet mea; shh iter month snd commieaioa. uonservs Uvs Mutual Ufa Ineurauce Co., Elks' bldg. WANTED A reylaterrd phystclsn. office prse tics; s good place for tbs rlxht man. Call . at room 2 Van Noy hotel, eorner Third snd Pins sts., Portland, Or. PRF.KSFEEDFR, printer and Simplex Operator. Courier, Oregon City. WANTKD 2 good tasdy-boys, 59 Froat St., eorner ef Davis. proposil 002 Ooodnongh bl WANTED A strong boy st Con cannon's market 21et snd Johnson sts. ., . WANTED LI vs mea, some money, aa partner, legitimate bualneas. Address 11 65, Joorna A YOl'tiO man te clerk and general work la groei 283 neery store; rerereoees, nereeaary. i"all st rirst srreet. WANTKD A nest appearing man for eteady '. saaltlnn; 'good wages. Apply 211 SFoarth st $28 PER WEKK'snd traveling ev per, eea paid aa lean an to aell ooda to grocery dealera; expertescs anneceaaary. Parity Co., Chicago, WANTfcn Hot t lee with experlereis for liquor Bualitrea; good py. Address B 80, Josrnsl. BIX WEEKS' Instruction In traveling salesman, ahlp; poaltlos guaranteed upon completion. araoalreel Bjiteoi, svecasstsr, A, j HELP WANTED MALE. DO yoa want to make 2O0 per week Toa eea de ao. Call aud ' ae me for partleulara, Newmaa's Motion-Picture Machine company, 14&4 (Math. ear. Alder. BOT WANTED Miiat have 'wheel. ' drug itore, Btxtb sad- Morelsaa sta. Nau'S WANTalD Mea to leara" to operata niotlosa ptrturs marhl leeaona reaaosabls; leara bualneas la short time: sraduatea earn $24 te $35 per week. 145H Sixth at. roosa.A 0PERATOK8 ea power machines: no experience required. Apply Koora A. . II IS .Abb. st WANTKD Aeatataat bookkeeper, wholessls; raf ereuees. Address H 4H, csrs Journal. WANTED A wood-turner. Apply 280 Frost st WANTED Boy. Apply bsalaess office Journal. TWO solicitors on spertsltlea Call 2t!2 Third St. HELP WANTED FEMALE. IF TOIT WORK. hy not aara mere this a -living! Bs Indenaadent; do good. The Vtsvl Co. already emptors 12.000 women: the work seven 23 countries ef the world; ws wUI entertain applications front capable woman; nor caavaastns. but helpful, dlgnlSed work. "Address by marl only, r-Tbe- Vlsvl Co- rooms 204-5-.y Tllford bldg., 10th ssd Morrison. ' -- BOMB LAMES' AGENCY. 1SSH Fourth at., corner Morrises, B Details. Pbons Mais brut. - Aloagslda ths X. M. C. A. bldg. SIRLS WANTED Opera tore to work sa shirts . ssd overalla. Lsesons given to inexperieneeou Apply at ptaadara lactory so, a urssuj ave. and Xsat Tsylor st WANTED Gtrta. 'experienced psperbag-msksrs. Amerlcaa Chicle Co., 81 Nortb Front at. HANSEN'S LADIES AGENCY. 848 Waan- 1 lis ton at., cor. Seventh, spstslrs, Psoas Main 2002. Female help wanted. . FCW ladles wsntad te assist making ssay faney work spare time st boms; good steady pay; no experience required. - SJS Flsldaar bldg., 407 Wsshlngtoa at ' W0RKINQ Girls' Boms. 20 Eaat Sixth North. Hoard snd room. $2.50 per wsek, raoss East 261. - ' . . . WANTED Olrla, ax perl e need - psperbox-msksra American taicte Co.. n worm f ront st. . GI RIJ1 wanted te work ea psnts snd veata unioa 'l alluring uo., suouj stars. WANTED A girl BBd good tailor ea sosts at is norta Hixta st. GIRLS 10 to IT yea re of age SO wanted. Apply at encs to uias, nortmsa a King. WANTBD A middle-aged woman was wonld apgrecute good home in family oc two; wagae, UsO mornings S88 Fifth st. GIRL to help la boms snd go te school; snull wages; good aams. us 11 xo East sixth at, h. WANTED 31rl. ehoooUts snd boo-boa dipper. Apply 4tm Washington st- W ANTED Girl for light housework snd help with cnUdrea; no washing. Phone East 85TU. FINISHERS srid operators on panes. SOT Com moner! 1th bldg., Sixth and Ankeny sts. FOT.'R OIRI.S WANTED Ws wsnt four scrlvs flrla to operate besa pickers ; light easy work, ortlaad Seed Co.. WANTED Experienced girl for general boaas- wageia9 ljOTejQJ. sl ,xt Msta ZfJ. 01 RL wanted to help In small family. Inquire Mrs. A. Oevurts, 64 Tsylor st 4W0RKINO Glrlsf Home. 20 Bsst Birth, North; board ana room, per weea. rnons Kaat 201. WANTED A good girl for rensral houaework; good wages. Pboos East lt)V7. MALE AND FEMALE HELP. BELP wanted, male er female, so ssll goods tor wholesale-house ; sslsry guaranteed $2.50 per day. Commercial Hotel, room 81. BLP wanted i nd supplied, male or .female. BV O. Drake. 206 Vs Waablngton at. Pad fie 1370, SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. Position by young msa who haa had ex perience In tbs real sststs buslneas, shipping clerk snd other responsible poaiticas. address W 53, csrs Joornsl. , . WANTED Poaltlos in wholessls boose or simi lar employment; not afraid of work. N 84, cars Journal. ... AN experienced collector want a a steady posi tion with a rsitabls firm; best of references. Address B.41, cars Journal. GENERAL houae cleaning snd - sll kinds ef Janitor work. Pbons Pacific 781, Mr. Tbomp- son. EXPERIENCED general merrhsndlss sslesmas would liks soms position with wholessls bouas with chance for promotion. R 45. Journal. POSITION aa priests secretory or stenographer wanted by young msa of S years' experience. Address R 68, csrs earns I. SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALE WANTED PosMlon ss nurse; graduate A marl -ran Training School, Chicago; eonSnement Caere a specialty. L. I. Uouck, lilVa Inloo ave., room 87. WANTED AGENTS. AGENTS, peddlers, esnesssers sad street work ers, get year supplies from R. M. Plnauosr, 200 Third stl sew goods, bettors prlcss. AGENTS CsBvssssra mixers, peddlers, solici tors, mall order people, etc., ebould bay Kramer's Book of Trade Secrets; regular price J 1.1, but balance of last edition for $1.25 ss mig sa they last; guaranteed; order gales. Btoal Pub. Co., Sutherland, Iowa AGENTS WANTED to- ssll ear complete line of high-grade nursery etnek: outfit free; essh - weekly. Address Capital City Nursery Coi, Salem, Oregon. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. RED CROSS EMPLOYMENT CO. - Logging ramp sad farm . belp specialty. 20 North Second st. I'lieoe Ilia 62VS. 81 pay sll telegraph charges. , HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICB FOR MEN. ' SS Nortb Second st Psoas Msla 1628. PORTLAND EMPLOYMENT OFFICB. $05 ty Morrison st Pbons PartSe 23 27 North Second st Pbons Pari Be lBuu ALPINE Employment Co., 203Vi Morrlsoa st - Mala snd female help. - Phone Msla 1017. WANTED TO RENT, WANTED TO RENT Honaes. cottages, flats, stnrss, offices, rooming-ho oeee, etc. Land lord! will do well -to rail on PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON. Pbons Bs. 72. S. B. Cor. 8d Bad Oak. t OR 6 ornrnlshed hnasekeenlng-roems, slectrls lights snd tss. Phone Pacific 2464. 4WT Colombia st. " WANTED REAL ESTATE. OWNER ' Ws have need for vacant lots and Improved ones, smsli or large, la city st prices tbst are right; this Kind of property ws havs cus tomers for; results onr specialty. H. W. LBMCKB COMPANY, Msla 660. Sixth snd Waablngton. Msla 560. Bnttrs second floor. I WANT s houae ea eaat side: will pay $500 - esali, balance monthly Installments; If soar pries Is right snd location suits will bay. . Addrsss N iV. Csrs Journal. WILL Invest hi 'city property at snap prices: glvs full deecrlptloa snd lowest pries la flrat letter; realilrncea for rent preferred; no sgsnta Address N 23. csrs Journal. A SMALL suburban boms, fruit farm, farm t poultry farm snd grain fan the state of Oregon; price to rangs $H00 to $10,000. (J 84, cere Journal, dairy a, la from WANTED A houae snd bars with smalt acre, sge or lots, rlose tn. - t'aU Tthoa Msla 12N1, or add reea Bra Marquam bldg.. WANTED To buy S-roova modsm cottage on eaat aide, aonth of Wsahlngtoa St., sleo soms vacant Ma; will deal with owners only; glvs - full description in flrat letter snd pries. A4- oieaa w. on, cars Journal. I OR 2 good timber claims oa Clsrksnaa, Moi lalla or Santlam; cbeap for essh. Addrsss I au, eats ajuraal, . WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED Kvrntthed nouee and lot BOxloA corner prafrrrrdi will pay SauOO ceeb. bal ance la flne land Bear Lakitrw at pet acre. AdUreaa H 42. care Junroal. WB hsvs bo vara for two S-room modern houaes, otts 7-rooio bouas; muat be resaouable and M soud-locstkiu. J. II. Jl-llhrouner a vo. All Luttbys i -eS -aud klark a la. WANTED Oa ths penlneula. arresge, if yor price Is right; Improved end unimproved prop- erty aiao. can at wuiamstts atetloa, St. Johns car. WANTkiD A lot fus cash; state exact lorstloa BBd price, . sua usrfleld svs., er phone nasi Boat. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. ADVERTIHINIl MATTBR oirly elaaairted llat of names ef Oregoa snd n ssnuigton. - 2UH STARK ST., PORTLAND, OB WB WILL Bl'Y, 8RI.L OR TRADS ANY OLD , THISU. WK9TKUN BALVAUK ttt,, BST 28 WASHINUTON. PAC1.1C 7V8. BIOHEHT essh pries paid for sll kinds see- osaa gooas.. t-nons uaia sill. Bwi n. loira. FI RMTCHK - reuphoUtrred - snd repaired. , Iiouglas Bros., M First st Pboas Mala 041I7. , v . . . . EXCAVATING aad grading. 0. B. Pottage, 48 Commercial st I'huas Bast 8188. I. PAT essh foe household gooda W. W. Bsvags. S4S-S47 First st Pboos Pselfle 80S. MAIN 6(155. 'CASH AND LOTS OP.IT--FOB Fl'RNlTl'KB. r PORTLAND- AUCTION BOOMS, . ' 11 First Bt MAIN 6055. MAIN 5855. -4- WANTED Fsw pieces ef good furniture, cheap; aresaer, enirionier, eouca, ate,; siva run par tleulara; cash. Addreae W -4Si ears Journal. OET your dolls dressed for Christmas st 80S -rroot St.. upper beu. , aoa. eaah. or trade for small bona W 52. Journal FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT THB B1CHBLIEU. 8SH North Sixth St. Bis. gantly furnlshsd; atram best sad hatha. FURNISHED rooms sad furalabed boaaskssplng rooms for rent st 702 Vancouver svs. .. THB GRAND,-484 North Third St. Rooms tot xestlemea $1.25 per week ssd a p. BOOM with all mod era conveniences, from $2.25 to IS s week. 14 Jeffersoa at . NICELY farnlabed rooms, phone, bath; private family. 136 llth st, eorner Aider. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING. FURNISHED snd rooms for rsnt Kaat 6000. unfurnished hoesskseplng 400 Bsst Sslmon. Pbons $1.25 WEEK UP. elssa furslahed hoaaakau. t ing - roomsj- jrarlor,' bath, laundry, tuxaaes nest, ysro. mi, BtSBtoa. u ear. $1.00 WEEK; op. Urge, clssa furalabed boaae. keeping rooms, laundry and bath. 184 Base, laaa south, portlsnd. j-THB . MITCHELL Hciuaekeeplag snd transient vuina, naaonaoie. Hcventn eaa riandera. FCRNISHED Boasekecptng-rooBM. - 85$ Williams s venue. ROOMS AND BOARD. FOR 1 or 2 employed people; slso roommate for quiet refined young msn; walking distance; modern. 024 Laat Mnrrlaoo. A FIRST-CLASS salts of rooms for gentlemen. , call at 2SI5 nth at, Pboos Msla 1030. "YOUNG MEN If yoa wsnt flrst-cbun and board for $5 week, 2 la a room, all sentences, close la cell 251 Seventh st FOR "RENTHOUSES. . ' " FOR RENT. ' '. Ife. 488. East Coach, near Blahrh a., eare good B-room cottage, $16 per month. A No. 8:i8 Beat Mca-rlano St.. 8-roona raeldeeeey per buoiiio. . No. 502 Howe at., Woodlawa, S-room, resi de ace. 2 lou. eutbntlldngs, $12 per mooth. - Ne.' 1516 Rockwell a... Woodlawa very cosy 6-ronm cottage, $11 per month. No. 1310 Belmont, 8-rooia cottage, with bsrn. $17 per month. - TUB DUNN-I.ArYHENCB COMPANY, 140H First st -FOR- RBNTv S-room modern bouae In Irvtngroa, ea Wssco' n.y setween xisi ana iua: rurnscs, grate, electric light snd gss; rent $30 per month. . REDD. FIELDS A TYNAN. COMPANY, 102 Second ax. pbons Main 7004. A ( ROOM cottage In Irriagton, electric lights snd bath, $20 per month. The Rnrrell Invest, ment eompany, 250 Third st. TO LET 6 room houae, $10; 4 rooms, sals. 8-room bouas, $728. -.B. T. Pbons L'nloa 4148. T-ROOM houss OS rarllne. 812. C. H. Ptggstt, owner, lawyer, room 4 Mulkey bldg. FOR RENT 6 room cottage, lag N. Slat st RENT s piano sad later bay lt sll rent Bp Sited on purchase. Hbarmaa, Clay A Oe., Ixth A' Morrlsoa st $20 A NEW modern 7 room hoess la Alblna. -184 Barnslds- St. ,. FOR RENT Fnrnlabed Thone East' 075. 5 room eottsgs, $16. FOR RENT FLATS. PIANOS for - rent snd sale; eeay payments. Sherman. Clay A Co., Slitb and Morrlsoa sts. FOR RENT STORES-OFFICES. - - FOR RENT. Two a tores on l'nloa a verms sod East Bat- ont atreet. Reasonable terms. MARTMANN A THOMPSON, S Chamber of Commerce. OFFICE-ROOMS, unfurnished moms sad sample-rooms for rsnt Goodoough bldg. Apply '"' elevator. " .'- - - , DBSIRABLB offices. Including slectrls lights, bot sad cold wstee, Jenifer- snd elevator service, la the sew, airy Common wee Its bldg., old poatofflce alts. Sixth snd. Buraslds sta AgrQt room 411. 4-8TOBY brick building. Couch and Front, now vacant and can be rented for term of years. Partleulara Fred Blrkel, 761 Psrk ave. FOR RENT Store Ftfth-et. side Oooduoogh bldg. Inquire st elevator la building. FOB RENT Stars, eaa be need ss dwelling; electric sad gss light 780 Washington st rent. 110. aau. ,.i H i ill Tl c l " I I III IB inn I I HOUSES FOR RENT FURNI. TURE FOR SALE. FOR BALE Furniture of S-room modern bouse, nearly, sll new; rest reasonable; tws blocks from poatofflce: good transient boose: will sell sf a bargain If taksa by ths oret sf December. 2ta Fifth st BOOMINO HOIJHR, fins location, $100 monthly abovs all sxpensss, Addrsss W 61, JournaL W B need) fnrnlturs st sny price. Portland Aso tlon Rooms. 211 First St. Mala (HIM. P0R RENT MISCELLANEOUS. BALL and ballroom, sepsrete er together! new ssd with all convenience. Phone Mala sea BUSINESS CHANCES. ' - ROOMINO-HOUSB BBA DO. CARTERS. 0 ELLIS, KAHLEB A I.ANKEN. ' Rooms 20 snd 21. 204 Morrlsoa st 20-ronm modern dwelling, close la, fsw blocks from Portland noti; sll sak fnrnlturs, mostly Rrtiaaela carpets;-rent $100. Here la a snap for $1,250; sold a yesr sgo for $2,000. . Also many other roomlng-bonses. large and mall, sll sites, all stylra, all prices. Csll snd see whst ws hsvs. DO it w SOW. i BI'BINESS CHANCES. $450 will buy s nice Hit la class grocery tnrk on west side, wU locsted, with He-Ing-room. rent $16 por month. - 7IV will rmy a, W UtUe stock on First I., rent $25 per month, with living fonlua. Roth pin res are well worth the money. OTTO, CROCKETT A ltRKSON itkALTY ( COMPANY, ' X , BdCM Wsshlngtoa At, v. BUSINESS CHANCES. KdiiMINH IiOI KR. 25 larss sll entstds $7.'0; eaay tarsia; Sew bouse snd furniture . food locatiou. Alo tf room boardlng-houae, $250; rent only $30: new .bone. furniture news oa ldtb St.; nvare mm nnnin; iini io tne rop. U. W. OAHIAND A CO., iwii tourta at. 1 : itfparilesciiicjiriijr: -TT atoc-ka or bonds for sale, let r bonds for ssls. let THs "try '"tvj- -serl . mem riar yoa. ueorge. M. asllogg, broker. f-eu jsiiicoir. nqnare, uurraie. FOR SALE Ooed paying bowling-alley la bsst city sutalde of Purilaud; s bargain f taken ow. auurvaa v. e. , vascvwvw, .rtasa lug ton. FOR SALE Boombig-bouss of 11 well furnished rooms in ths center of the cltv.: rent rsssoa sole. Register A Co.. 107Ve Third St.- . AVB MONEY-Anything la printing see hUd "f eta.; opatslrs. . .. FOR BALE Prosperous grocery store st Lents. or would exchange - for east side rssldsaoa property. Tel. Scott 2284. - GKNBRAL msresntlls store In e seed locality. 20 miles down ths river) will tsks la voire pries; doing a lout $75 business per day; will m roii-a aooui ss.uuo:. rent tree rur s years. negiaier a io., lui' iDtrd st. $450- BUYS 8-roojna. wrll fnrnlahed In good lo cality: wsst side; low ". rent" Hageaaaaa A : nisncnara, vi strta st. RESTAURANT sad lunch counter for', ssls; positively good money-maker; llvtug-rooma. sis eouns BK. $2.21)0 BUYS a good grocery and feed store ea mairasr erne, riose lu; rsnt cussp. nag later uo., lurvb Third st: FOR- S ALB Halt Interest la $8,000 stock of uaruwara oumg 8ja,wo Buaiaess. n ss, . Jouruat ... .... . . $500 Bl'YS 8 rooms furnished, bousekesplng: rent wasno; leass; rooms full; clearing gou amnmno agent. 887 Bsst Oak St. . - A BARGAIN dood paying shirt ssd wsjyt bnst- u vo uste ouiiii, nouersis capiuit, 129 10th atreet city. . SPLENDID meat market for $1,500; satab- iiaoea ij yeara vcall 248Vk Btsrk at. SAWMILL Plenty of cheap timber i price 1,000. CaU 248V Btsrk st SALOON Wsnt honest part nese $400 required; owner gusrsntsss you 5H5.B weak; experience not necessary. Call 24sta Btsrk st STRICTLY essh grocery; owner hi tired ef hired help ssd wants a reliable partner; will guarantee yoa $100 s month; eiperlenre sot necessary; $4S0 required, secured. Cell 2H Stark gt. CASHIER wanted at once for a lunch eeoater bualneas; will pay you $e a day; $250 rB qulred. Call 248 Vi Stark at. FOB BALIS Oyatee snd chop house; splendid location ror one unacratanoing Duaiosss. rasas Msla UZH. 24 Third at. SMALL delivery borss for sele ehesp, or will trsas I or larger aorse or " larm wagon. Phono Boott 8521. U S3, eare, JournaL WANT to sell half intersst la meet market, conntry town; also hair interest la xiTsstocK belonging te market; will sell half interest In sll at Invoice for rash: reasons, must changscUmats; a fine paying bualneaa For par tlculsrs ea 11 on or sddreaa W 68, cars Jour nal. Portland. Oregon. WaTVB GOT TO SELL QUICK located: It's worth more, but goes tomorrow for $275. Portlsnd Business Cbsnss Agency, 1464 First st FOR SALE Bowling alley In best tows natatds - of Portland; 2 alleys complete; good bosl . Bess; $525 If taken Bow. O. J. A., Vas eouvsr, Waahlngtoa. WANTED A partner for msnnfsctartng busi ness; the only ens sf its kind In the wsst. V 86, cars Journal. FOR SALE Confectionery, cigar sad lea cream parlor doing s good business; going ssst, must sell soon; $;150. Including futures. Pis mood Realty Co., 253 Alder. KICK new restaurant er hotel dtnlng-reom snd kliohsa ontnt; new yjtacarane : every tni flrat rlaea; sell cheep or trads. . lauulrs 2ul Stark st. . - - - - BABBRR SHOP for sale, west slda S cbslrs, 2 tubs; must ssll bumsdlstsly, Pbons I's- clflc 23S2. FOR SALE Buttermilk route, boaae. wagon and csna; good bualneas. 664 Elm st. Port lend Heights.' $300 HANDLES' 14-room bouse, close la, 2-year lea, rent $28.60. 242 Madison. $375 BUYS 24-room hotsl. rent $25. 242 Madl- $250-BY cigar snd senfsellonsry, 6 living. - rooms, rent only '$10; Just wast yoa want. '242 Msdlson. - 1 . POR SALB A Srat-clsas cleaning sad dyeing shop, good local loa S12H Fourth at. LOTS IN DIANB PARKIII FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. WHAT do yon think of baying a lot oe two for your wife or hue be ad ss a Cbriatmai present In Willamette Tract Fronts oa WlUametts boulevard; beat resi dence dletrlct on tl peninsuls; bits all 50x loo fsst: very feat left; come and see before advanced tn pries; cash or monthly payments; -titles perfect. Apply . - C. A. Zyjowskl Wills met is Ststloa. St. Johns Car. SFXOIAL BARGAINS BY THB DUNN-LAW. RBNCB COMPANY. - $3.000 t lota, swsll part Kaat Tsylor St., with a-room residence, bot snd cold water. bath, patent billet and other atodera cob I vemences; wis is a great enap. (2.600 Pull lot eery cosy nice S-roosa est . tage on Belmont neer lBlh at; walking dke? laucs to Business center. Apply 14V 14 First St. CHANCE TO MAKE 80MR MONEY. . 81. 5oo Just completed. 2 modern rot t area. $l,8u0 4 rooms, floor plsster, line plumb .r Ing, batb, gaa snd llxfnres complete; sewers, street Improvements In; on Morris at, 2 blocks from Alblua shops snd school. la quire Sue) Fourth. Phone Pacific 2129 Msla 8MH. . $irruo YOU rsn't beat this for ths money ; 8 rooms, 2 etortee, full basement, large gmonda 10082. fruit snd berries; a dealr abls place on Mount Tabor cerllne; best car - servlrs In Portland; terms bait eaah. 802 Lumber Exchange. Phone Mala 2007. HERB hi the best bur In Portlsnd: Besatlfal 8-room modern home with half block; very attractive, atreet . Itunrnvrmenta. sewer, gas T snd electricity: only $5,000: hair casn; ss this immediately. - suit Laimner axcoangs. AT SACRIF1CK. Leaving, muat sell modern new 8-room bouss, choicest, esst side location, esay walking dlatanoeL car clooe; rosss, lawn, everything flrat slsss. Owner, No. S Esst 14th; terma NEAR STEEL BRIDdrS. Go took st thst bouas. No. 8!2 Vancouver avs., key oa back porch; a chance for yoa to get s good home close In st a reasonable pries snd esay terma 0. C. SHAY. Msln 1042. 904 Ablngton bldg. FOR SALB OR RENT 4-room bouss oa comer 1'llntos and Mllwankla sta, st a bargain. Inquire 479 Esst 1Mb St. ' . $4,000 WILL buy 7 -room bouss and full lm 8 blocks from steel brldgs, now ranting $20; It will advance In value; easy terms. $2,000 Une home site, eaat, nesr Mount Tstior car; room for 4 bouses. $1,25075x100 feet, convenient to Mount Tabor school; only $250 eaah required. $1,6006 acres, well cultivated, bouse and bsrn; 7 seres adjoining esn bs secured. $2.600 dOk seres deslrsbls Isnd near os- DAVIDSON, 80S Cbsmber of Commerce. Portland Realty and In? Co. Ws bars soms of tbs bsst snaps In tbs city. If yog want a building lot see ns. Apple land, acreage, business corners and hi vest ment property. 8I3H WAHtilNOTON ST., ROOM I. 2 14 ACRES. 5 V4 miles out on 0. W. P., fenced; ( bsrgsln, $750; terma J. . J. Raid, 828 Barnaitle. ST. JOHNS. S lots, frame bouae 12x24, car 100 feet from hone. $0 It sold st once; .terrue. Owner, N. J. Brtstow. Mllwankls, Or. FOR SAI.M Bnnnyslde, close In, Just finishing, 7 rooms,, modern, bnllt for my home, bnt mast aell. cheap. If sold Oils week. He irTrra-v)uauionLj,,, ' ' THB greet sals of those (no lots Is atlll going ea: $6 dowa, $5 pet axonta. - J. J. Oeder, .1 OraaA avs astta, . FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. .... SKI.LWOOD HOMES. - ' $"50 4-ruoia ret lags. ' , SKSe 4-nm bouae. lota. -''0-roi.m bouae, $ lota " 81,0-10 A-room houae (newl, wood-fiber, pla.ter. electric lights, two blocks from ear Hue i fun h,t. . .. l,5no B room moriara cottars. 51. total 6-rouua bouse, cement bass msn t snd .vio lothiii.r ,M . . ft.0lui),loi., basins property.. ,tx. .1. $150 Lot user new.woolsa mUla - - .,-,., """"ce Ixiena, SELl.WOOII TOWNS1TB CO.. . - T- , . .. . j, pjIjMEB m .. auii.tM..r,"ll, 0l1- Msta $9SX. ' -sell wood office aeit to eorner of Testae sad " "lb. Phone Sellwosd li" For Salt AHtlO lOOalOO font enrns. .n s. . tor banding. $1.000 150i 100-foot corner, obb bascTSenF $00hiioo ft, Adams' sddltloa to t. ; Jotms. , $360 50x100 foot corner la WIQametts $1,3006 lots, 60x100 feat each, oa Boston ave.; snap. . $950 6U2n0 feet on KUllngewortb aea and Ureely st.; good business local km. a or isriuer miormauoa SSS C. A. Zygowskl Wlllsawsts Ststloa, St, Johns Car.' Snaps st one Lmm. i,M. u, . . . .w : ,UM , ss, asiaeieei . alppl avs. nesr Cook; rented $10 per moath. 61.100 New s-room bouas. plastered, fire, place; chicken corral, woodiiooae; ales lawn; Ideal suburban horns; cash, bslanos terma. 5.0st New BKxlers S-room houae, east side, walking distance; most be sold. - $1,350 60x100, freoom hease, Gsateabsla. .near Huaaell: see this for a bargain. $20,uo100xl00, tillaan. near oalea depot. $10.500 Wsst Psrk, near Ollaan st Property In sll parts of ths city. The Washington & Oregon Realty Co. . 108 Seoond st. Pboos Mala Xtftl. ' Stllwood - . Morehouae A Freoeh. lTo B. Pboos Bellwosd 74. 1Mb. City View Psrk lots, $876 ssd op; Boss -Addltloa lots. $100 snd op; $5 dowa sad $3 a moath. Homes from $500 to $8,000. Lota $200 sad up. In sll parts ef Sellwood. Llat tsar property wfla us; ws will ssll It 5 to 10 Acre Tracts Level, rich, living stream, msks fins homes, good fruit snd berry Inod; cheep; near Port land Sa! em carlins. INVESTMENT CO, 244 Stark at. DON'T 1st It bs asld too lets: I still ears for sate gooa siocs isrms, large sr small; ths home fox dairying or gosirslsbig, gsrdeahur, close to railroad snd schools; large lists la Lloooin sad Bentoa counties, also land In Lens, Douglas. Cons sad Josephine count te-: Boms good timber prepositions. WrUa at csll sa me. 0. F. Nelson, 828 Barnslds St. WB build, bay snd sell spoa assy- payments.- same as rani. bisis ism va.. issh First st. West Side Home rioae A i an Scmd st - T -ma modem Bavs, ejsi'v; PTirw i.ww; nair. men. - ELMS. KAHI.BB A I.ANkEN, ' Rooms 20 sod 21. 264 Morrlsoa St. CHOICE corners for homes and m vestments i beat lore f kin oa St. Job as line: terma W. H. Bast. SD2 Portlsnd boulevard, Arbor Lsdga statloa. Tel. Wood lawn 128. . . PICK THIS UP. .." $2,000 bars a S-reem house ea a enreer. Bear steal bridge; boans la good condition, bath, gas, water, fl replace, etc; for a few days only; smalt payment down. HAOelMANN A BLANCHARD. 81 Fifth St. -ROOM 1 modern boose Bear Bsst A ah, J. Order, 1 Ursnd are., aorth. 83.400. KroBsr. roeu 1 Cambtidgs bldg. OR t fins lots sa Slst st, sear CHstna, fins view of the city, $350; sa eaay tsrsss. H 28, care Jouraat. - . CONSIDER "TILTON'g ADDITION" BBT0BB BCTINO A LOT TO BUILD. Belmont atreet will have cement Idewsiks 'and hsrd-rarfscs pavement; lots S feet sbovs Sidewalk; 1 block from car sad 10 minutes te city; $" below pries saked for nearby lata THOMPSON A OGLKN (Braach) SOO Belmont St Pbons Bsst 4200. Will psy for 10 'arras fronting aa Taalattn river,, good hosting, fishing and hunting) south slops, rich level lead, good trait and berry land; about miles from city limits, near Portland-Sslem elsctrte Has. INVESTMENT CO., 244 Stark at. BEACTIFrL building Iota en Willamette boule vard, over looking river sad city; gran 4 view lie 100x124 feet snd 80x185 feet Don't be) toe slow If yoa want bargains. C. A. Z?yowskl WUlamstte Station, St. Johns Oas. DO YOU wsnt a real chicken ranch? Bars It Is: acre, right oa O. W. P. electric line. S miles from the center ef the city; cord house, good barn, sll fenced, nearly half clear, fine soil, good -spring, ao rock of gravel; pries $1,800; ess glvs time on part. This Is just whst yea have bsea looking far. Address W 85, cars Journal. . . FOR BALE U block. 100x100, 20 BiloatsS ear ride. $800; $10 down. $10 per Bwata. 1. J. Oedsr 1 Grand avs., Botth. 6 ROOM eottsgs, Ssa Rsfssl St., lot $0x148, price $1,850; cheap boms; cloas la. Apply eie Cherry, corner Esst First MODERN 8-room hone. $2,000: $504, $1$ monthly. Modern 7 room bouae. $2,500; $600, $20 BMotbly. Owner, pbone Esst 876. a A FINI new houae ea Srjth and Bsst C 11a ton bones Is new snd cost It SOO; lot la worth $hoo; owner Is leering tbs city aad will ssll tor $2,250 ea essy terma 88, Journal. A BARGAIN $1.500 8 acres, with a good 1 4-mom house, barn, ehleketibooss, sta) young ore-hard and 4 acres cleared; sa ths Foster mad, nesr carlins. Register A Co., 107 Third st. ' $4,600 0-ROOM bouss, east Bids. . ... . $, 000 8-room boose, west eMs. $250 sad up Lota la Charlsston ssd Elm- . merman additions, Joining Irvingtea; saay terma INTERSTATB REALTY CO., Pbons Pselfle 823. - AOT.Alleky bldg. SIX-ROOM modern cottage, $1400; $400 $20 monthly. Five-room, modern cottage, $l,S0O $2si, $16 monthly. Pbons Bsst S79. 11,000 NEW 4 room cottage, t rots, oa eorner in Vernon adiiltlon-oa 236T sT.RsghrtaT-arcs., 107 H Third St. FOR SALE Beanttful modem 7-reont hoass. - nearly completed, ea Vancouver avs., Dear Walnut Psrk. Pbons Msln 825- WEST SIDB HOME $3,250 wlU bay aa up. to-data tons of rooms "oa 8th st. ssay walking distance; good terms can bs gives. Hageniaoa A Blanchsrd, SI 6th St TURNER A WALKER. Real Eatate, Farms sad Stock Bench ea Ricbanges. . SOSH Washington at $1,050 BUYS a furnished S-room eottaga. H blork to car; tsrms to sail Burcbsssr. State land Co., 1S8V4 First st. $1,100 t FINB lots on eorner, 2 blocks fret, err, in Piedmont; for a few days only st this pries. Register A Co., 107 H Third St. NK'R bams, T"rooms, all tinted, good plamb - Ing. well arranged, lot box 100, - nice lawn, fruit trees and roses, nesr ear; price $2,760, pert cash. J. H. Hellbronnsr A Co., 61f Lumber Exchange bldg.. Second sad Stark. $8.000 8-ROOM modern borne; Srsptses, far. nsce, gaa, elsctrte light cement floor la base ment, fruit cellar; handy la svery detail! t carpsts snd furnitnrs can be bought reason. able; aiao sjusrter oiocs sajoining, ir aeairsa; 1 block Eaat Ankeny esr; nice loesUoa; a good bay. J. I. Oeder, t Grsnd avs.. Berth. too FABMS, small tracts and lots; bargains aa 0. W. P. electric Use. O. B. sddltloa. Lasts, Oregon. Tsks Mount Scott esr, te. Al INVESTMENT. 10 per rent. $20,000, down- . town apartment. .The Continental Co., 24$ Slsrk St. , ! V!1 1, exrbsnge negotiable 8 per cent eecerltles lor ' 1 - nr-OTfowusn vrupvriy; WOUIO SSS H re Indebtedness snd psy Boms cask, Addtssa II 27, cars Jottraalt , 1 YX j A - ' f'.'-" 'i , It