The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 12, 1906, Page 11, Image 11

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TSiis Stodi k - fee Year
UlLPESL Has A4vaifoce3 MoreThai WW
Auditor Devlin Asks That His
"Accounts Be Thoroughly
r Examined.
Declares He Will Pay Bill Himself U
U Is Necessary A. L. 4jlla, J, G
Ainsworth and Robert Livingstons
Selected to Investigate Accounts.
, Three prominent eltlsens have been
asked by the council to take charge
r- of tha axamlnatlon of tha books of tba
city auditor and treasurer and to em-
ploy such experta aa thar think best.
- Tj?M n ara A. L, Mills, prealdent
of tha First National bank. J. a Ains
worth. praatdant of -tha United States
National bank, and Robart Livingstone,
- nanacer of tha Oregon Mortgage com
pany. .
City Auditor Devlin yaatarday after
noon aent a latter to tha council, ask
ing that a complete Investigation of
accounts be made. The war of
words between the auditor end Mayor
" ,vr the aystem In. use la. tha
j. auditors office caused this' request.
. . Mr- Daviin told tha council ha had
deposited $1,000 with . Treasurer Wer
leln to defray tha cost of tha exporting
- If. necessary. - ,
Later, tha council included tha treas-nrer-a
office in the scope of the In.
v"',tlon. ao that practically air th
cltys accounts may be thoroughly
checked over. It Is not probable that
IvUl,e "ar ,to pay the expenses
will be taken advantage of by the
eouncllraen. -
Committee ts aTamed, .
Aa aoon aa the auditor's letter waa
''V'-J- wnca moved that Messrs.
Mills. Alnsworth and Livingstone be
named aa the dtisene committee.
Then tha eouncllraen held a talkfest
that lasted nearly two houra. Rush
light, a member of tha apeclal eom
mlttea now going over the report of
- Clark Buchanan, the mayor's ex
perts, thought this suggestion a re
. flection on file committee. He thought
.three mora counallmen-Should be added
: to the present committee.
"I believe the people are entitled to
an examination, and Clsrtjt Buchanan
rnotxpertlhe books ss I would
wish,"' declared Bennett Belding ex
pressed himself likewise.
: Kellsher, another member ' of the
special committee, bald with Rushlight
Shepherd thought a direct charge of I
Council Expends Oratory to Cov-
" ' r Its ' Work of Passing
- Bad Ordinance.
y .', - aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaw
. Bennett Makes Inefficient Attempts
i to Include Clauses Protecting Line
men, and Ordinance Is Finally
- Passed as Returned. '
' After talking an hour and a half over
the appointment of a cltlsena' commit-
tee to supervise an examination of ah
City auditor's and treasurer's books, the
council spent Just 10 minutes yesterday
afternoon on tha overhead wire ordi
nance, one of the moat Important meas
ures before it for a long time.
The ordinance as paased la a very
different thing from tha measure Intro
duced by the linemen for whose pro-
tectlon It waa drawn up. Step by atep
the allied electrical Intereata have
fought It until many of the protective
provisions have been eliminated. ' Tet
the linemen consider this ordinance bet
ter than nothing.
Council Bennett, a member of tha
The white
. !
nd one
wuinrf summ "jw wan a,"
asawasaaetsja. Nisi at, m a
vrxvs ' ai lit AJJkr i
crookedness by tha mayor should be
made before any mora axpenaa waa In
curred. .
, Vena of Jnveetlgattoa. '.
"Gray told of tha exhaustive lnvastl ra
tion made by the waya and meana
committee before It eubmitted ita re
port criticising the -findings of Clark
Buchanan. "The experts were hired
bj -the mayor, and m,1 a report as
suggested by him." eald be.
' Ruahllght threw the searchlight on
the waya and meana oommlttee, tr at
laaat on Mr. Gray.
"I don't know when It put In all that
time," be declared. "Only once waa the
matter discussed and than Mr. Devlin
told ' the committee he didn't believe
Clark Buchanan could tell whether
tha treasurer or the auditor had atolen
1100,000 or not The committee waa
called together one evening at the re
quest of Mr. Devlin. On the. ahowlng
made by Mr. Devlin I signed tha re
port criticising tha report and eeneurtng
the mayor."
Tha eounctlmen didn't know what elae
waa' coming and breathed a sigh et
thankfulness when Rushlight sat down.
Bennett Makes Beply.
' "I got nearly all my Information per
aonally from the auditor and only after
several Interviews," said Bennett. "Per
haps Mr. Ruahllght waa induced to atgn
the report but I waan't until after I had
gone over the matter a number of
times." "
At the suggestion of Mr. Wallace, Mr.
Devlin took the floor in hla own behalf.
- "So far aa I know, Clark aV Buchanan
made a careful examination of the rec
ords of my office.'" said he. This con
tradicted the statements of tha coun
oilmen' that ' the , mayor's "experts had
taken tha printed repora Instead of tha
originate aa the basis of tbetr examina
tion. Mr. Devlin told of tha dlfflcul
tlea found by other oltlea when new
aystems had been , Installed, often at
heavy expense, end said that no expert
waa Infallible on devising systems for
any municipality. j
"The books are right, and I know it.
If men who perhapa have had aa much
experience aa his honor employ ex
perts they will know what he is doing,
snd my money la up to pay for It,"
he cried.
Bennett moved that the special com
mittee consisting of Kellsher, Rush
light and Vaughn, be discharged, but
thla waa lost. Mayor Lane casting the
deoldlng vote.
Shepherd and Preston tried to get
Wallace. Bennett and Masters added to
tha apeclal committee, but thla - alao
failed. I to 7. .
Wsllace'a resolution for the appointment-
of Messra.iMllla.Ain worth and
Livingstone waa adopted aa follows:
Tea Annand, Betotng.
Masters, Preston, Sharkey, Wallace,
Wills, a. No Kellaher. Ruahllght
Shepherd, I. Absent Dunning, Mane-
fee. Vaughn.
waya and meana. committee which
beard all the details of the fight, mad
a strong effort to get back into the
ordinance the protective sections of the
original which bad been cut out through
the efforts of Attorney Malarkey of the
electrical alliance, but waa defeated at
every point, -' ' '
Tries aa Amendment.
Bennett's first motion waa for aa
amendment which would make the pro
vision for a four-foot spacing between
high and low power , wlrea apply to all
poles. According to the ordinance aa
paased thla applies only to poles hay-1
Ing more than two arms. Dakar Huber,
who aald he waa the consulting engln
eer of tha Portland General Elect rlo
company, waa the only representative
of the company present. The vote, on
Bennett's flrat amendment was: Tea-
Bennett.- Ruahllght,- Will
nand. Belding, Gray, Kellaher, Maatera,
Preston, Sharkey, Shepherd, Wallace, S.
Absent Dunning, Menefee, Vaughn, I.
Bennett tried again, thla time to
make one and a half years Instead of
two the time limit for the changea to
be made. Huber's plea that the changea
couldn't be made in that time waa ao
effective that the amendment was
turned down without a roll caiL
- Then one of the moat- Important pro
visions in the linemen'a ordinance aa
Introduced was proposed by Bennett
This waa to place all' overheard wires
in tba city, under the aupervlaion of
the auperlntendent of tha fire alarm
aystem or city .electrician if auch an
official la ever appointed. Thla would
make ; the companies responsible to
somebody for their actlone, and the
eounctlmen didn't believe that nice. The
vote waa as follows: Yes Bennett.
Kellsher. Preston, Rushlight. Wills. .
No Annand, Belding, Gray, Maatera,
Sharkey, Wallace, . Abaent Dunning,
Menefee. Shepherd, Vaughn, 4.
On the paaaage of the ordinance Itself
there waa not a dissenting voice.
Your Grocer
" 0l
B-EST Cereal, Vitos
heart of the wheat. A 2 lb.
. 1 ' II I
at zuc, wnen cooKea matces
of dainty creamy white food.
by tie man who makes "Tie Flour,,'
FOR BREAKFAST Stir slowly one half cup
bag caps ol boding water, taJt to Ust
minutes. It too thick add boiling Hvater. '
with cream and sugar. When cold it makes
s oeitaout luncheon dish, tried and served
with syrup. Numerous damry
dinner deserts can be pre
pared wuh fruit
and jelly,-)-
Cocoa beans stow In J
pods on the trunk
and. limbs of a dell- '
cats tropica treeC
iThey contaTn lx"
I timet more food val
ue than beef.
We use the highest
cost beans that are
grown, and : there ls;
nothing in our cocoa
but cocoa.
That Is why It Is
the most delicious of
cocoas V
' raa wltis a. towin ca.
. Portland amateur players last night
rendered "Cupid in Posterland" at the
HelUg under the. direction of James W.
Evans and for the oenerit or the
Knights of Khorrassan. A large au-
dlcnce witnessed the evening's , enter
tainment. -
Bennett, OrayJu,ei two-act musical cocktail Intro
duced Mother oopse people and comic
picture supplement people . and mixed
them dellcloualy through the medium
of fun-making snd good maalcal num
bers. Miss Elsie Garrett, aa . Lady
Bountiful, waa the bright,' particular
atar of the evening, gave a tone of pro
fessionalism to the production, aang a
couple of excellent Bongs and dresssd In
handsome gowns. Wilbur Ross waa
good aa Foxy Grandpa, and othera who
won approval were Walter Wlstrand as
A. Piker Franklin, J. E. Gaasch oa Old
King Cole, Jlmmte Powers as Happy
TTcrrmgan: Frank Henneasy aa Langmfl r
Jim, James Sharp as Jack, Paul Averill
as Buster Brown, D. H. Quimby aa Boy
Blue, Beulah Cadwell aa Miss Muffett,
Echo Tlce aa Bo Peep, Anna Holm as
Mrs. Katsenjammer and Blanche Waller
aa Mary Jane. The hit of the evening
JUL Mlaa Kolm
has in her the making of a good ac
tress. Master Mas Bhaull made a
dainty Cupid.
.The aonga hits of the bill were "In
diana on Broadway." by Mr. Wlatrand
and choruB; "Bullfrog and the Coon,"
area lias sasaJ agisasa fc , aTsa ti I
inujr unci tnisisf i icvi Jitxiii" i
mock Built for Two," by Miss Cadwell
and sextet, which was a well-rendered
number, and "Alamo," hx Miss Garrett
and half a dosen .cowboys. Jlmmle
Powera aang "Good Advice" well and
MIsa Mary Sylvester Introduced a
whistling specialty that made good.
Special mention la due to the singing
of Mr. Quimby, who revealed an ex
cellent voice and easy stage appear
ance. Miss Garrett- took an encore
with a difficult number that won ap
proval. Frank Hennessy did well with
bis song "I Don't Know Where I'm
Coin', but I'm On My Wey."
"Cupid in Posterland waa an excel
lent amateur performance and pro-'
duced more real aong hlta than aome of
tne professional actracuona that have
appeared In Portland from time to time.
Wothins; ffp Their Sleeves, v
'Oh. rea, L'nele Joe nakee 'em all shew
tbelr hands," RepresentstlTS J. Adam- Bde
ssM when aew awmbera were nets awoni In
ysaterdar. "lie makes 'em aald as their rlsht
kawls woes tak Ins the eath ts see that ther
kaTen't aayttalng but their uaderehtrta up their
has it now
Story of
the White
O It
i l ids.
into two .
and boil
C. I.. Brown Believes That the
State Legislature Should
Take Action.
Suggests BIO Providing for Compul
sory Care of Orchards and Impos-
. Ing Penalty on All Owners Who
Do Not Obey the Law. ' '
C. X. Brown, who la much Intereated
in the annihilation of fruit peata In the
state of Oregon, haa evolved aome perti
nent auggeatlons regarding legislation
intended to overcome the plague of fruit
peata which la now preying on the or
charda of tha atate. lie embodies hla
remedy - in . the following letter which
he haa sent The Journal: . , .
"First -Let the state satisfy herself
that by spraying and other treatment
fruit trees can be enabled to bear Bound,
healthy fruit. Thla can be readily ac
complished by having tha board of hor
ticulture select and treat a number of
orchards made up of trees of different
ages , and condition "asrto erfeota of
peats upon them, and treat them ac
cording to tha most approved methods.
. "Second Then let the leglalature pass
a law requiring the county courts to
district the counties . of the atate aa
shall be deemed necessary and furnish
each district, township,, voting precinct,
or whatever constitutes a district, with
the best machinery and material for
spraying, etc.; further, let it be the duty
Of the counjy court to employ a com
petent person to take charge of and use
said machinery" and material, aald em
ploye being amenable to the court em
ploying him.
"Third Let each owner of an orehard
pay for the spraying of his trees and
pruning, cultivating, etc. as directed
by the person having charge of the
spraying; let the amount paid be the
minimum for work done by sprayer and
cost of material. . .
. "Fourth If any person who la the
owner of an orchard fall a or refuses to
have his treea cared for aa above de
Bcribed. let the treea composing auck
orchard be . deatroyed except ao many
aa shall be reasonably needed for hla
own USB an1 tnwa lmmlltli' depend,
ent upon him for the neoeeeariea of life,
such necessary trees to be sprayed at
public expense for a limited number
of yeara.
"Let nothing be done to prevent pri
vate apraylng. provided It la done after
the moat approved methods."
Legislative Committee Asks fori
More Time in Which to Pre
pare Its Document.
The Multnomah County Bar associa
tlon mer last night at the court house
to listen to the report of the legls
lative committee. That body waa not
ready to maks any. report and It waa de
cided to hold another meeting TnurS'
flay.teeember 17, at whloh time the
texts of all new measures now under
consideration by the committee will be
presented to the association and dis
It waa stated by the oommlttee, how
ever, that bllla were under consideration
treating of the valuation of rallroada.
combinations of persons or corporations
to harass trade or Interfere wita the
business of anothsr, the value of a life
taken in a manner not goverend by the
criminal statutes, court fees In divorce
cases. Issuance of notary publlo com
missions, liability get, civil Jury fee
and other la wa. "' '
W. R. Garry Introduced four proposed
laws at the meeting last night. One of
these bills provides that the valuation
given by railroad officials to the i
sessors regarding stocks, property and
bonded indebtedness 'shall be taken
prima facie evidence of the real value
of tb.e property.
Another bill lntenda to protect per
sons In their trade or calling from un
lawful combination of whatever kind,
and provldea punishment for violation
of tho law.
R. C. Wright. W. H. Fowler. L. W.
Darling. C. A. Bell and Harry Tanck
wloh were elected to membership In
the association. - - -
Washington, Dec. 11. For the' pres
ent at least no governmental appeal
will be made to the people of the
United States for aid for the famine
sufferers in China. Thla decision was
reached after the stste department had
communicated with Louis Klopsch, of
ths Christian Herald, who raised 1200,
000 for the Japanese sufferers, and who
regards ths Russian famine as Infinite
ly worse, tO. 000. 000 people or twice the
number suffering In China being af
Mr. Klopsch baa Informed the de
partment that, he believes that. If the
Chinese appeal la now launched. It
would soon clash with the Russian ap-
JieaL He declares that Russia la sorely
n . need ot help, but as yet no appeal
haa been sent out for that country.
According to letters received by Mr.
Klopsch. 40,000 square miles In China,
aunoortlng a population of 15,000.000.
have been flooded and ao great is the
destitution that many parenta are
drowning their .children rather than aee
them starve, and are themselves com
mitting suicide.
Kansss1Clty1 Kan.. Dec It. Dr.
George M. Gray. Cltlsena "candidate,
was elected mayor of Kansss City. Kan..
by a plurality of 120 votes over M. J.
Fhelan. Democrat, and J. F. Blras, Re
publican, at a apeclal election held to
fill the vacancy caused by the ouster
proceedings of the Kansas aupreme
court which removed W. W. Roee from
the Office of mayor.
The candidacy of Dr. Gray waa sup
ported by cttlsens. Including a large
number of women, who believe that
the municipal affairs of Kansas City,
Kan., should be non-partisan. Phelan
was'tmppw led kyesJ4ayoe Rosa and.
hla followers, whlls Rims, who received
a light vote, waa nominated. It la aaldj
to divide ths rota of Dr. urajr. .
1 Have Hade Millions of
I expect to make millions more.- This' stock has increased In value- more than 190 per cent in one year, and
should make you a life income in handsome dividends. Be a safe and sane investor and get at much of the stock
at your income will allow. The natural increase of business and .inquiries for motors have forced the price of
stock up several times; it will soon go higher. I have moved my office direct to our new factory at 133 Soutt
Clinton street, and I am there every day from 9 to 5 o'clock. ' , .
The Bidweil Cold MotHTDi of Any Motor
nor. MMtnoM inlriu
Zaventoa of the Trolley Oar Byateaa.
Inventor of the Oearleas Kotos.
Caveator of the mailway Oas Tele
- phone System. -
Inventor of the Bldwell Oold Motor. . -Inventor
of the Water Sleotxta Oes
era tor.
and to deliver without unnecessary delay, Cold Motors and Generators from S to 35 H. P. snd open-type Motors
and Generators from 1 to 75 H. P. direct current We will take contracts to install plants, to light towns, fac
tories, department stores snd hotels with arc and incandescent lights. We will send our agents to give estimates
and close contracts, if necessary, to any place in the United States, Csnsda or Mexico.
Write us for estimates
mates on what
These Are Cold Facts
Albif e IncomeforYou
Every dollar lnveated will represent 100 oents of' the beat
stock. Every ahare will be exactly like every other share.
Tha profit on every share will be the aame as the profit on
cvry other share. Ib short, there will
deal ay around, tms atoca la runy paia ana non-seessoie.
- I have a life-lone: reputation for eauare dealing. X will
personally aee to It that every stockholder gets a square deal
In thla. More money Is made every day by good Judgment la
Investing money than by all the labor and wagea In the
country. Safe and shrewd lnvestmentslnthlaatooai will
make fortunes. " . - - -
Ton will never get rich en wages. No one ever did. Sverw
man In this world who ever got big money got It by sound
investments. ' Make a eafe lnvsstment and It la sure to bring
yon rs turns.
Don't hesitate about thla stock. It ts absolutely eafe and
Here Is an Important Point
to Remember
There has newer keen a faHsure of eonaaaasaisa la
aaaaaf aerarlagT. Stop and think of that
successful. AH pay Dig oiviaenos ana nave anaae inetr in
ventors wealthy.
This company will aoon be one of the
manufacturing In the world.
- Thla la bound to be ao, because tnere
where a motor or generator Ib used bat
later change for the Bldwell Cold Motor er Oenerar. Why T
Because we make something better than any ether kind
known. . .
Hetty Green, the Richest
World, Says: "The Way to Oet Rich
Is to Invest In Necessities." ' - .
The Bldwell Cold Motor is one of the greatest necessities
ot the twentieth century. This stock baa already taken
eleven Jumps up. Now Is the time to buy. It will aoon Jump
again. Ths profit is yours. Here you have a necessity. I
will supply ths greatest necessity now known in tne business
world. The demand la ao largs that It will make all of tie
rich. If you want to get in with me on thla you will have
to be quick about IV. The stock la selling like hot cakes.
If you want aome of thla stock at
be Bold at the preaent price.
I firmly believe that wltnln a snort
a case of come quloa or not at ail.
In order to make it possiois ror every maa ana woman to get in wtta me
the sck for a short time only at the following prlcee:
BO Snares Caak. $77 -SOI 100 g saxes Cask $78.00; 150 Sfcacas Cask $118.80 J $00 Shares Cash $lBO $80 Bnarea Oaaa Si BY .Ml
800 Shares Cask $aaS 500 Saares Cask $37 8 J 1,000 Skates Cask $780 $,000 Skarea Cask $3,7S, , -
M Snaree $ cask, five snoatkly payments
Sharee $1 eash, sis monthly payaieats of $1S eacki $00 Skarea Saa-50 cash, ssvsa snoatalyi paysaeata e SIS SO eaebi
$80 Sharee $3S cask, aevea monthly paymenta of $23 eaok 300 Skarea $39 cash, seven monthly paymenta of $38 save a
BOO Shares $44 cash, eight monthly paymenta of $4$ eaok $1,000 Share, $70 aask, tea saoatAlr sarmsnta of $as eaahi
,000 Shares $400 eaab, tea monthly payments of $340 each, w
mot more man a,ow anaree aoia so nay aae peraoa.
The undersigned Is an authorised broker
anything you do not understand.
Offices Open Saturday Evening Until 9 o'Clock
Send all money by bank draft, express money order, postofflce order or registered letter.
If you cannot call, write and ask
lnqulrlea to
425-426 FIIedMer BIdj:., Tenth cJ Vci:.Ir.-tc.-i
Dollars for Thousands
Z never made aa unsuccessful' Invention. My first Invention waa the electric
fan. Just aa It la run all over thla country in hot weather. I didn't get a patent
on It. but see what a tremendous success It 1st
I next Invented the Trolley Car System, Just aa It la run today. , X made It
perfect and successful right front the start. It baa never been Improved since
I Invented it. Look at the millions of money it has made for .the stockholders.
The stock In the trolley manufacturing eompanlea sold below 15 cents a share
In lltt and 1114. Poor men could buy that stock then.. Thousands of them did
buy It, and every one who held on to it Is a rich man today.
Next I invented the Railway Car Telephone Byatem. It Is a aystem by
which paaaengwrs or train crews can telephone from still or moving oars any
' where the same aa If seated in an offloe, . It la a more perfect system In opera
tion than any other telephone yen over saw. This la ea the road toward
mllllona for tha stockholders.
This Is fly Greatest Invention
Mow I have Invented aomatblng bigger and greater than either of the above.
It Is called tha Bid well Cold Motor. It. la guaranteed not to burn out. and la
.exactly the kind of a motor the steam railroad people have been looking for.-'
It will change all tha ateara railroad systems over to electrlo roads, becauae it
will be cheaper to run than steam and can be run faater and more'aafely than.
any preaent method. " .'.''.
The one drawback tha railroads have had in changing over to electricity
baa been that no motor as at present made can be run 16S miles at CO miles an
-hour without burning out It would melt the very wlrea.
- By using the Bid wait Cold Motor a train of cars could be run from New
York to San Francisco without a atop at the rate of 10 or 10 miles an hour and
. not even warm up and without a bitch.
Bealdea running faater. tbey would be 'more eafe and sure than ateam, eoat
leaa to operate, and vould last longer than any other motor now known.
The Bldwell Cold Motor la- the greateat Invention out ainee Z Invented the
trolley ear.
t want to give every man and woman a chance to come la with' me on this,
' for Z expect to make mllllona for the stockholders out of this new patent;''
The stock will be aold on the square. There will be no hocus pooua about
preferred or common stock, nor any other scheme, trick or wrinkle by which
anybody oaav be froaen out.
you need in lignting or power .plants.
be nothing but square
AU are Immensely
blggeet la electrical
la not a plaoe now
will have to sooner or
Woman In the
toe present low price you muat ceme In
time tne Block wiu be selling at II a
as to our reliability ana financial standing we refer yen to any coram ere iaj
" ,
Our Monthly Payment
of $S eaok 100 hares $13 eaab. six
for the sale of our stock In the west.
for eur free booklet
of People by My Patents
Must Act Quickly
' " "- "";IVJ ---- -v- 1 . ' ' .
i .
A 20-H. P. Bldwell Cold Generator,
Lighting: 300 Lamps
There is only a small amount te '
share. This Is year opportanlty. It te
on tnls big deal 2 have decided. t sell
Plan '
aaonthly paymenta of tloVSO eaaht im
Call and aea him and lot blot explain
It giveo full information. address "all orders snd
Sts., Pert! --: , (