The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 11, 1906, Page 9, Image 9

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    Tin: crt-cow daily journal, foutland. tussd ay evening. pgcc?,tss2 1 it isos. .
nTOueTrioo) pn.)
mal school, an agricultural achool. three
roauatriat ana thre high aohooia.
Jfvery llort la bain mad to aecur not
only tha benefit of elementary educa
tion to all tha Porto tlen Of ths
neat feneration, but W s tr
,jy-- win -permit to ' train tham
tnautrlal. agricultural and
commercial opportunltlaa of tha Island
- can ba utilised to tha bait possible ad
vaataga. U wairtdaia-wt" artahca
' A . . . . i ... .
uniri, Doin American end:
- ?,lv Fo,to WOMitV wro devoted to
their work, took tha ratt pride la It.
- and wara endeavoring to train their
. pupil, not only In mind. but In what
oMn.e ior rar mora than mind In eM
genahip, that is, n character.
I waa very much atruck b tha ax.
eeliant character both of tha Inaular
ponca and of the Porto Jtcn reaimant.
They are both of them bud lea that re
flect credit upon the American admin
titration of the laland.' The Inaular po
lka are under local Porto Rlcan govern-
ment. The Parto Itlcan regiment of
troop mvt ba appropriated for by the
eongronjL- earnestly Hope that thia
. body - wJU b kept permanent. There
hould certainly be troous In tha la.
land, and H 4a wlae that the troop
nuuia oe ineraaeivea native-' Porta
moans, it would ba from every atand
vrolnt a mistok not to perpetuate thl
retfmept '
.... Bug and Xobaooo.
,' lo traversing the t laland even tha
moat cursory aurvey leaves thar be
holder str-uMt with, the evident rapid
growth tn the feature both Of the sugar
eana and tobaoodv Tha fruit induatry
ta l growing. Jjsat year- waa the
naoat prosperous yearxtht tha ialand
baa aver known befareijwvinehe
.v,-fi uvuupuiiuii, na; i,i at a
POrt and Import of tha laland waa
forty-nve mllllona of dollara aa against
-eighteen million tn tJOl. Thla" la-the
largest In the laland'a history. Pri
to the America Br occupation the srest
, eat trade for any one year waa that
- or 1191, when It reached nearly twenty
three tnllllona of dollara.' tost year,
therefore, there waa double the trade
that there waa in the moat prosperous
VIQP UndAP K BnanUh ,tm Thf
were Zls.ttS tone of - augur exported
lust year ef the value of 14.1S6.S19.
13.655,163 of tobacco and 2i.2tO.S23
pound of coffee of the value of II. 481.
.' Unfortunately, what used to be
Porto Rlco'a prima crop coffee haa
not share thla'. prosperity. If haa
never recovered from the disaster of the
hurricane, and moreover, the benefit of
throwing open our market to it haa not
compensated for tba loaa Inflicted' by
ina eioin or ana market to u aoroao,
call your attention to- tha accompany
ing memorial pit tbla (ubjeot, of tbe
board of trade of Han Juan, ana I
earneetly bop that aoma aaeaeure will
be taken for .U .bswsfluot-tlia-et.ce.l-
lent and high crade . Porto . Jtlcau
la" addition delegation from tha
board of trade and chamber of com
meroa of San Juan. I also received dele
gallon from the Porto Rloaa Federa
tion of 'Labor and from --the' Coffe
Qrowera aaaociation.
' America Cltlaenablp,
Thar la a matter to which I wlab
to oall your pecla4 attention, and that
la thedatrabUlty of oaf errln uU
American .oUisenahlp upon tha people
of Parto Rico. I wioet aa-rneicly fiope
that thla Till bo done. I cannot aee
bow aay harm can possibly reault from
it, and it aeema to me a matter of right
aa iuatlee to toe people of Porto Rloo.
They are loyal, they are glad to be
under our flag, they are making rapid
progreaa along the path of orderly Mm
arty.. Surely wo ahould hw our ap
rrectatlon of them, our pride In what
key have done, and our pleaaure in ex
tending recognition for what haa hua
been done, by granting them full Amer,
lean eitiaepanip. v ,
' Under the wlee administration of the
6 recent governor and oounell, marked
pregceaa haa been made In the difficult
matter of granting to tba people of tha
laland the iargeat measure of eelf gov
eraraent tht can with eafety be- gtvei
the praaent time, it woum nave peen
a very eerioue mlatak to have gone
any faster than we have already gone
m thla direction. ' , '
' The Porto Rlcana have complete and
abaoluta autonomy fn all their enunclpal
govornmenta, the only power over them
poaaeaaed by the Inaular .government
peng that of removing corrupt or In
competent municipal official. . This
power baa never been exercise aave on
the clearest proof of
owtyeteirue irricnafo jeopardlae the
Interests or tna people or me laiana;
and under such clroumstaneeaM has
boon fearleaaly uaed to tha Immense
benefit of the people. It is not a power
with which It would ba safe, for -the
of tha laland itaelf, to diapunae at
praaent. The lower house Is abaoluteiy
elective, wliile the upper house la ap
pointive. This scheme Is working well;
no Injustice of say kind re nulla from
It. and great benefit to the laland. and
It ahould certainly not, bo changed at
this time. X .
reopie niazjamw, . .
"The machinery of tha elections la ad
ministered entirely' by the POrto Rlcan
people ehemaelvea, the governor and
council keeping only euoh supervision
aa 1 BOsessary in order to Inaure an
orderly election. Any protest as to
electoral frauds is settled la tha coima.
Hero again It would not be aafe t
make any ahange 1st the present a yatem.
Tba election thla year war absolutely
Orderly, unaccompanied by any disturb
ance; and no proteat ' haa iee - made
against tha management of the elec
tions, although tare aonleata are threat
ened where the majorities war very
am air tndr nor was otaimedr-t
teata. of eourae, to bo settled l the
courts, in short, the governor and
council ar cooperating with all the
fnoal enlightened and moat patriotic of
ha people of Porto Rico In educating
the citlaena of tha (aland la the prin
ciple of orderly liberty. They are pro
viding a government based upon each
cltlsen's self-respect, and tn mutual
respect of alt vltlsenai that la, baaed
upon a rigid observance of the princi
ples bf Justice' and honesty. ' "
It baa not been easy to Instill Into
(he mtada of people unaocuatomed to
tba exercise of freedom the two baslo
principles of our Asnerfaan system! tha
principle . that the majority rouat rule,
aJid the principle that tbo minority baa
rights which must not be disregarded
or trampled upon. Yet real progress
haa been -mad lit having these prin
ciples auceptd aa elementary, aa the
foundation of successful self-government.
I transm.t herewith the report of tha
gqvernor- of Porto Rico, sent to the
president' through tha secretary ot
atate... -
- Qa Xasulat Barean. - .
AU the Insular governments ahould
be placed In one bureau, either In the
department of war or tha department ef
state. It is a mistake not aa to ar
range our handling of these Inlands at
Washington aa to ba able to take ad
vantage of the experience gained in
one, when dealing with the problema
that from time to time aria In another.
In conclusion let me express my ad
miration for tha work don by the con
gress when It enacted the law under
which the laland la now being adminis
tered. After seeing tba Island person
ally, and after five years' experience In
edni tTtfatrationr ftfs
but fair to these who devised this law
to aay that it would be well nigh im
possible tw have devised any other
which in the aotual working would have
accomplished better results. .
alem Degree ef alonot Offlocr.
Salem, Or., Dee. II.-Salem lodge, No.
1. tgreo of Honor, ba elected the
following officers: Mrs. , Margaret
Went. P. C of H ; Mra. Anna Miller, C.
of H.I Mr. Villa A. Davey, C. of O.J
Mra. Launa A, Bell wood, recorder; Mra.
Mary A. Thatcher, financier) Mrs. Car
rie M. Holman, receiver; Mra. Sylvia
Vleako, U U.; Mra. Jane Van Wagner.
I. W.; Mra. Nettle McPaddea. O. W.;
Millie Pugh, trustee for threat years.
. . To Cur a 0oli' In On Bay
Take tAXATIVg BKOMO Qatntne Tablets,
braa-alata T''iin4 awoer I' It falls is cure.
K. V. emoVK atfiHitur Is aa eaeh ens. ibe.
at :'.:v t
M. .... -J
N,' fi-'AisiSrr.:.1:
If you advartiM to sell pianos at fifty cent on tha dollar
doit." : :
An Extraordinarily Liberal Piano
Proposition Made by the Reed-
-French Piano Co.
Their First Christmas Here Will
be Long Remembered by Fortunate
Piano Buyers.
A beautiful piano for f 240 payrnentg to begin" any "tlmd ltt
"January. ; ;-''. - - ;
. Nevrr before in the history of piano-selling in the Northwest
has a "Before-Chriatma Piano Sale" been arranged, and the con
tlitiont "of this Recd-f repch innouncement are most unusual.
December is the very last month, in the year a retailer will
make clona prices; as a rule, he expects to get top-notch prices
on everything" he sells for his holiday tradf. This is true of every
line of business, and pianos are no exception. In after
year we will no -doubt adopt this rule ourselves, but for tn pres
ent we have turned our backs on immediate profit and look to
the future for results.
The Tort'1"! management of the Reed-Freneh Piano Co.,
knowing how unusual it would be to announce a "Before-Chrjst-maa
Sal," did not feel lik making such announcement without
its confirmation by our Eastern office. Read what our president
has to say in this connection:
"We agree with you in offering extraordinary
inducements to interest piano-buyer in your Christmas
work. ' , " - ' '
"My only suggestion is. if you advertise to sell a piano
for fifty cents on the dollar, do it do not mislead any
body in th least partieular.
"Under ordinary circumstances I would eon
aider it poor business to cut prices before Christmas, but
?in our case H it rather different we need people, we have
. our reputation to make in Portland, and we want to'get
off on the right foot it is a matter of small concern .
' whether we mAt any immediate profit or not.
"You hav my consent to sell pianos on the revised price
ist furnished me.'' 4
First payments may be made on pianos quoted, any time in
January. '
' The Reed-French "Bijou" fthis piano has. met with
1 phenomenal success in Portland) - 990
The Feed-French "Special" (made to sell for $400
retail)... .Z4X
The "Cable-Nelson" (the artistic Chicago piano),. ..$267
The- "Schubert (famous the world over). ,.f28T
St. . Paul UnfTrying to". Buy
Stephens Property at East
Third and Mill.
Twelv Thousand Dollar Believed to
B Too Litt for th Property, n4
Twnty Thousand May B Aakod
by the. Director. ' . ' ' .
That th St. Paul railway la seeking
yiock of school property in Portland
Is th opinion of th board of educa
tion. Th railway has offered lir.099
for It, but the director belle? fl,oe
would be- nearer rlgtit.
11 I P II II I B in
PoiHland'f fastest-Growing Store
j y I
. ' ' ' !
The property eow little over one
and a half blocks and les at East Tb.""d
and Et Mill atreeta. 'An agent ol
what is believed to be th fit. Paul road
has made several offers for It, and haa at
last come up to 1 12,60. Herman Wit
tenberg reported tbe new offer to the di
rectors last evening, and his suggestion
that it be refused waa adopted. -
Tht property la close to the right ot
way of the Southern Paclflo and; Is
known aa the Btephena property.
In Multnomah addition ft,O0 haa been
J k ' . U . . . .. - 'MFl..,'. a
fair price now, but property I going up
all the time, and It Isn't costing ua a
cent ta hold it," aald Mr. Wittenberg.
Thia offer probably will bo also de
clined. School Tax X.evy.
It Is probable that (U mills, the same
aa last year, will be recommended by
th directors aa the sohool levy for
ID?. The annual taxpayers' meeting
will be held December, tl. As the valua
tion of city .property is now over
f2GO.Ove.000 this lovy will produce a
muoh larger sum than ha ever been at
the disposal of th director. But from
all quarter com demand for more
teacher, more room nJ mora appara
tus. At Arleta. for Instance, two more
rooms must be provided for the Feb
ruary term next year.
Hereafter janitor of school having
14 room or mora will receive $7S
lor v room win gel sivo insteaa 01
112.1. Out of this must be paid all the
assistants' wages. I. N. Fleischner rec
ommended thla lncreaae and also that
I he janitor of the high school, which ha
25 rooms, got 111. Mr. Wittenberg ob- j
jected, declaring that oa man at
and another at 150 could do all the work
required. But for the rest of thla term
at least 1134 will be divided among the
three) men now cleaning the building
every day, a Mr. Wittenberg waa over
ruled. ' - -Playful
members ef th Alumni -asao-
lettered the bulldins without permission
'nndShad "rough housed" ItT Mr.VWIltenij
; berg suggested that If they aid so again
I they be arrested, but Chairman Beach
I thought Instructions to tha janitor not
1 to gtv op the key without a wnttan
order sufficient.
I Mrs. s'aanle Whneler, a teacher tn the
j Stephen school, tendered her reslgna.-
I Hm,-WBiirwa eceepiea. -.
Wow Thfop-Qui Aisles
All previoui bolidey tale'. records are beini broken "d'y-even lait year's highest records, ,
The store is fully prepared for this Immense activitystocks are more complete in assort
ment, extra salespeople better trained, service better arranged for quickness and 'more extra
space given to display goods than ever before. As thegreat volume of trade grows day by
day this store with its unequaled equipment in space, merchandise, organization and value
giving power will dearly demonstrate beyond all question of doubt that Roberts Pros. store is
the Puying headquarters for all ECONOMICAL SHOPPERS.
"Bress Goods aiiidL Silks
Start the Xmas Buying Now
Press Goods or Silks in waist, skirt or suit lengths are very acceptable Xmas gifts. These
very special seasonable items from these popular sections demonstrate more fully our su-
38-inch All Wool HenriettasajUolorSj PA.
..,........, UVV
per yarU,
42-inch s
ors, per yard
5-inch silk
colors, per "yard
38-inch ail wool Batiste," all colors, per f A
yard. ,,i ........ . .. ., .pyy
45-inch aU wool Taffeta, all colors, per "JP-
42-inch silk finished Henriettas, all col-
45-inch silk warp Henriettas, all C 1 7 C
I. , ..PI.irtJ
yard. .
ors, per yard
38-inoh all wool Crepe Poplin, all col- OP.
Ti xl - i "
OTiauly B -XUVfJXlfJttes steel, cream and black; our reeular $1 7ft
nxerrtrmy-good-Khowing of Priestley's irracle Special price tomorrow....-,.. . i t
(Special Dlapatsh 'tD Tka Joaraal.)
Madras, Or., Deo. II. Hexldent of
th Agency l'lalns, a plateau comprising
over 100 square miles of wheat land ad
jacent to Madras, will ahortly circulate
for signatures a petition to the Oregon
(or mi purpose 01 uruiina aeep wens
on tho plains- The amount ol appro
priation desired la IS.000. Tha formare
point out that If they knew beyond
question at what depth water could be
found. Individual well might be drilled
by-th farmera.-whocould go at-tha
work with the assurance that their
property would easily be increased In
value more than the cost of drilling tha
wells. Furthermore. It Is atated that to
solve the water problem of the Agency
Plains would in time prove a good In
vestment 10 tha state,-a -th increaaed
rainproof cloth, in tan, brown, Oxford, castor
and green; our regular $2.00 and $3.25 grades.
On sale at, per yard-Si.50. ' M
and.....',...' .9liil
- New Winter Costing
Another splendid assortment of heavy Cloak,-in
fancy checksr light and dark Ct CA
"colors. Special price tomorrow,... 9seUli
44-inch all wool Taffetaline, all A A
Tolors,wTcryard riTT-Tii-rTTr. I Ull
42-inch all wool Melrose, all colors, A A
per yard. . ....................... .'. 94UU
44-inch alLwool FrenchPrunella, l AA
all colors, per yard. .,,,.,.,.'.'. splaVv
44-ipch all wool French Serge, all col- 7Ct
ors, per yard t , , . . I tJW
52-inch all wool American Panama, ; all Q7:
colors, per yard, .OsjC
56-inch all wool French Panama, all CJ 1 ) C
colors, per yard,.,., eIsaWi)
Two Xmas Specials in the
Silk Department ,
Chepe de Chine 23 inches wide, very, popular
this season for towns, waists, scarfs, etc.. col
ors light blue, pink, lavender, nile green, tan,
Plain Colored Jap SUT3!Tmcne"s-d
heavy quality, all the leading shades as well as
cream and black; sold all over the city CA
at 65c, Our price, per yard. .......... OUC
Christmas Novelties in the
Notion Department
Handkerchief and Glove Bdxes,all t "7 C
sizes and styles. Prices 25 up to. )1 J
Work Boxes, complete assortment. 4T PA
4ice4.5 iipiaJ!SJj:i 1 u U
Bonnet Brushes, silver mounted. ( AY
SpeciaL price . . . . Av. . . . . . . 1 VV-
Tapestry Table Covers, Portieres
and Couch Covers
Can be bought hr tomorrow at a bic Mving. Tomorrow we will dUc on sale several aneclal lot aa.
I Jectedjjrom our regular Mock. Th dign ar neat and effectiv and includa many handsome patterns
in plain end fancy colorings. A rnrse -g-nexiawiti a-igrat Armmnrt in tPt .. nriiLj'1f"r holiday
jift. we uefet that you supply your needs now. T ; " ". , - v
-Lrg-ix,"FUchr" (uaed two yean),.,.
. ,111 ... . i
rvimuau tunt jmi i i' usage..
And throughout the house every piano is marked t compara
tively strong discounts, aa everage of about 60 cents 00 th dollar.
$tere open nights until ChrUtma. ' t
Reed-French Piano Mfg. Co.
Our Phonograph Department 1 splendidly equipped,' and term
for payment as liberal as ia the Piano Department
replaca lu th stst trvasury Oi amount
f tb aiiproprlatlon.
(Journal Rpsclal SfTlos.)
Boston, pec. 11. Municipal lectons
ar being held In a number of tn
larger cities of Massachusetts today.
Ia addition to choosing membare ef th
ctty council th eltizun of Bosion ar
voting on th euestloa of granting th
additional, privlla of spiling liquor on
weak days In hotels fronv 11 until 12
. o'clock midnight
Tho excise board. If th proposition
carries, will hava authority to losue
thea midnight licenses, coating HwQ
apiece, to it flrat-clasa hotels. Th
1 chamber of commerce and business sjisn
generally are supporting tho proposition
! In tha belief that Ita adoption would
prva a brneflt lo tha business Intorasta
of iha-city
75f for Hungarian Table Spreads, full 4-4 tht, re
versible, finished with knotted fringe. - Spe- 7Cr
cial value, each Ow
50e for "Armure Tapestry Table Cover. 6-4 size,
pretty two-toped effect, assortment of pat- CiXn
tern, each y ........ , OUC
S5f for TapestryTable Covers, 4-4 sire, large a
snrtment of rich two-toned effects. plen- Cv
did value, each ................... 0C
(peelal Plaatrk t The Jaaraal.)
rnillfin, or., pee. 11. This morn
Ing at o'clock large delegation of
Umatilla county rltlsens left for Hepp
ner on the escurelon train run by tba
Umatilla County Itovaioptnent league
from this city. A meeting will be held
at Hepynrr for tha purpose of orgaar
I lalng tha Third District Development
loagua, to be eompoawd of Morrow and
Umatilla counties.
j Tha peopla of Ifeppner have prepared
an elaborate program for tbla occasion.
and tba Umatilla oouuty delegate 1
be noapltaoiy onieiramao. -
(Sparial Plaeaf Is The Jaaraal.)
Madras. Or., Dee. 11. Petitions ad
dressed to tha secretary of tho Interior
asking that th right of way for th
Oregon Trunk Line railroad up tha De.
chute river be granted ar now bain,
signed throughout this loeallty. The
obstacle which staodj In tnsy of th
railroad la th reeent filing on th river
by th reclamatio service for a power
It, which I proposed for th purpoee
of generating electricity for pumping
water In connection with th Umatilla
government Irrigation project,
nt aa away Waaft
Tapestry Table Covers
f 3.00 for Hungarian Tapeitry Table Cover, fin
ished with heavy knotted fringe, richCurk- 5 f(
ish colors. An extraordinary value at.Y apOeUVI
f 2.25 for Ottoman Tapestry Table Covers rc vers.
rble, finished with heavy knotted e,olorKblueL
brown, red an green, lull 8-4 ie. Price, (f
each PaveaVU
1.95 for Kashgar Tapestry Table Covers, full 6-4
size, rich oriental colorings, heavy knotted fringe,
reversible, assortment of designs. Good fljl QC
values, each ..7Ia7t)
w5 for Armurf Tapestry Table Covers, 8-4 size,
large assortment of pretty two-toned effects. QZn
Exceptional value, each ..."00
V Couch Covers
40 inches by 3 yard, Roman and Oriental Striped
Couch Cover,' fevtrsibe, fringed. Splen-a I ((
did value, each ,.J)ltUU
SO inches by 3 yards, 'Roman and Oriental striped
. patterns, reversible, assortment) of color-tf Qf
ings each , 100
Couoh Covers, Cpntinuetl
60 inches by 3 yards, Ottoman Couch Covers, pretty
iwevtoned effects, finished with heavy f 5 OC
notted fringe. On sale at, each..,....:, pUaaO
43 inches by 3 yards. Tapestry PortiereaTbrettv two
I toned effects, heavy knotted fringe. SpUn-d- r .
L did values, per pair ...................... PaCaOU
53 inches by 3 yards, Roman and Oriental Stripe
Tapestry Portiere, finished with heavy knotted
fringe, large assortment of colorings. d AC
Paf. - z-z --- - j
48 inches by 3 yards, Figured Repp Portieres, with
ricn rersian band borders; also plain color, red
and oreen. txcentional values, nrr
50 inches by 3 yard, Tapestry Portieres, made of
heavy mercerized yarn, finished with heavy fringe;
plain color, rrd, myrtle and olive-green. d P JA
Splendid valueTper pair 00
SO Inches by 3 yards. Imitation Silk Moire Tapestry
Portieres, highly mercerized, edged with novelty
braid, large assortment of colors. Price, T'T PA
per pair ,.? .01
50 inch by 3 yards. Duplex Corded Edge Por
tieres, highly mercerized, beautiful designs, . hand
some color combinations, cream and green, red and
olive, rrice, per
It's easy to think of Handkerchiefs when it comes to gifts that's
why thia i on of th moat popular sections of th store at Christmas
tim and why you should supply your needs at the earliest possible mo
ment before the variety is broken. "
Women's Linen Initial Handkerchiefs, half dozen in fancy box, Ol,
our $1.25. quality. Special price .r.. OdW
Women' Fancy Embroidered Initial Handkerchiefs, half dozen JO
in bog, our regular $2.25 grade. Special price, per box. yl.O
3 "WV .X
Holiday Eibbon Gpeciala
No. 100 5-mch Taffeta, all colors, per yrd....f
No. 60 4-inch Flaids, pretty colorings, per yard. 144
No. 100 S-inch Holly Ribbon; special, per yd. lStf
No. 40 2j4-inch Holly Ribboa; special, per yd. 0
No. S, 7, 9 Plain Satin Taffeta and Holy, 10 yrd
m bunch; special at, buncl ......,.34f
Nos. 1. 1 4 Plaia Satin Taffeta and Holly. 10 yM
in bonch; special t, per btinch 34
f TZrnnn Neokwear
A special sample line of Women' Holiday Neck
wear, values up to, $1.00, on nale tomorrow t. .14
Grand Gpecial IIoHday QSering TToaca' Canple Cillc
HosletTrOhoio? Handsocao Uanjo cf Colcrn, CTcra'Tr, j-r -' ; c '
25 dozen Pure Silk Stockings foe Women, comprising the sample line of one of th world' Urift r - j
facturer. value from $2 50 t $150. Hardly two pair alike. A epUndid opportunity to srcnre n ;
priate and rich Christmas gift. The lot will not last U day, so you must come early to liare in '
1 this offering. Tomorrow, 'one day en!y, peir k -.
i eanal that wlU UWrae
1 -'V: