The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 10, 1906, Page 9, Image 9

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1 f
Capital Stock,J?250,000
December First, 1Q06
. J .1 ,
--"Mining properties. i'w't.r- -r - $435,534.61 ,,
Sterling mine.. .. , ... ,".VV363,715.08 v '. ,
.; Crooked Creek mines., .v.-.'. , ; 50,000.00 ;-: '
Other opportunities . . v; . v . ; --::2 1 ,8 19.53 "-7
'Mining stocks. . . . , ... . ; -27,440.00
Lees Creek Gold mines....,- 24,000.00 -
. (l.IOO.eea Bbaree) ' : . ..
Other stocks. . . . . ; , .;; y 3,440.00 ' ,
Jt ". '. ;
Furniture and fixtures.;.;.'.'..- :
" Machinery and equipment of "
i mines 1 . .V. V ...... ....
Personal accounts.. .'. ... . . ", r.Ti"""
Installments due on Lee's
Creek Gold.. . . . . . ,
Bills receivable. . ... 1 I .
Treasury stock J. C. Lee Co . .'.
. 3,706.30
". '
" ' 697.35 '
' ::56,900.00
Br6keragc department.
Expense accounts : ' ;- .
' : Salary ...... . . .-.$ , 9,065.06
V "Advertising .' 4,910.57"
.' ' Agent's commission. . , . ,' . i 8,488.17
; Generalrent, etc ......... ; 10,5 12.69
XJ1V1UCI1US . . . ..
Treasury stock..
Sterling mine. .
Crooked Creek mines. .............. . . . .
Other properties . . . . . . . . . . . '. . . . .... . . . .
: Machinery and equipment. . . . .
Furniture and fixtures............;...;
Total ..... .V.'.'. ..i
$ 36,645.43 ;
32,976.49 v
6,805.00 '
20,610.25 :r
: Capital :stock:..... . ... . . ..t.. ......... $250,000.00
;Bills payable. ..; . . . ....... ., . . . 9,763.50
Personal accounts. '. ... .... . . . . . V. . . . ..... 31,352.50
. . . 1 1
t :.
Mining stocks.
Excess of assets over liabilities (surplus) . , .$285,099.05
Total ........ I...:. ........ $576,609.44
Sale treasury stock. , . . . . ... ..... . . . . . .V.$109,142-.00" :
-Brokcrage-xlepartmeniw. . ; 74,659.69 -
r t i
. I-hereby certify that I have examined the books of The J.
C. Lee company, a corporation doing business at the corner of
Sixth and Aqkeny streets, in the City of Portland, Oregon, and
that -the above statements were prepared-by me -from-the-ac--counts
as- they appear pn the books of the company, and are
correst to the best of my knowledge.
(Signed) ;. MAX CRANDALL,
: V - Public Accountant;
Ha Portland, Oregon, .Dec. 8, 1906. ., . - ,
.Subscribed and sworn-to before me this 8th day of Decembcr,1903
- .(Notarial Seal). . ' K - M. T.' LEE, '
Notary Public for Oregon. " -'
(Note) The .brokerage, business shows that, after paying
all dividends,, which have been paid, and allowing $1,000 per
month for office expenses, that there has been carried from the
earnings of this department to the property account about
'$20,000. . . MAX CRANDALL,
Public' Accountant
. . 'At: the. annual meeting, held in the company's office
on Decerriber l, the stockholders vo'tcd to issue $50,000
. worth of first mortgage, 6 per cent, ten-year old bonds,
to be secured by a' first mortgage on their mining prop- .
G erties,;' including .the Sterling gold-mine in Siskiyou"
county California and their placer property located at ;
'. Dixie, Idaho." ' "(':"' 1
'- v V ; These bonds are issued in denominations of $100 each', -.
,-with twenty interestcoupons attached, interest payable .
; ; rin . January , and July, of each year, .both, interest and
- principal payable in gold coin. 1 . V
' The bOard of directors-have authorized the immediate -
sale of $25,000 worth of these bonds at par, giving as a
premium with each $100 bond one share of the J. C. Lee
company stock. These bonds are being subscribed for,
rapidly by the stockholders. The unsold portionu now,
of fered to the public on the above terms. . 7
Our record for the past year, with our present assets;
should-be-a sufficient guarantee that each share of stock .
given with these bonds will sell for $200 per share before -.the
end of the year, as our books showed, upon expert ;
examinationthat after paying eight dividends of $2.25 -per
share on our stock, and allowing $1,000 per month'
. for of fite expenses, that we carried to our property ac-
count nearly $20,000 net profits. - :". ;
The bonds, we consider, are equally as" good as any '
municipal or public-service bonds, as, the property by ;
1 which they are secured by first mortgage could. be. sold
- at forced sale for a quarter of a minion dollars.
If you are interested in a first-class, bonafide invest,
ment we would be glad to take this matter up with you
in detail. For further information address the' J. C. Lee
streets, Portland, Oregon, or either of our directors,
whose names and addresses appear beldW. V
Excess expenditures over receipts.. ...... 48,954.26
Total. . ; . ... . , . '. ... . . . ... . .'. . ; . . .$202,755.9$
' BOARD OF DIRECTORS: J. C Lee, President J. C Lee Co., Portland, Or. A. 5. Sholcs, President Hillsboro Commercial Bank, Hillsboro, Or. J. H. Hawley, President Polk County Bank.
. , 4 'Monmouth, On D. L Keyt, Capitalist, Perrydale, 0' J. C Wyatt, Druggist, Vancouver, Wash. W. S. Hurst, Commission Merchant, Aurorar Or. J. C. Boydston, Capitalist, Portland, Or.
u riA-Cn rA M rHWII -?A M M rUVTX7 12 A I TH OI TI I HI rVT Corner Sixth nnd.Ank.ny atrc i
inp; J. - U LCn WVrlTltl( I , VITnTlVIvrrti-i iV11 Portland, orboon
4 i
Government Pretends to See in
Vatican's Orders Cause for
Cravey Alarm.
Priciti Art Instructed Not to Leave
Their Churches Until They Are
v ? Driven From Their Pulpits by Ac
. ; tual Violence.
Jml SpMid t.l lr
, . PktIm, tQ. 10,The ovmmnt pr
- tends t rerwd the pope'a orders 4o
. prleata to Yamatn la their churehea un
1 til they are driven violence as
little Use thaa a summons to French
.' Catholics to open rebellion, and Premier
Clemenoeau believes the coneequenoes
will be deplorable.
: Indeed, It Is thought that an alarming
crlala la impending.
'The encyclical la very grave." aald
' M. Rriand, minister of public worship.
-While condemning the law of ltOS, it
adlvaes recourse to the common law.
i Although the refusal to form cultural
. assoctatlona waa, in my opinion.; an er
ror and to the detriment of the church-,
. It waa the church's legal right to. refuse.
1 In M spirit -of sonclllatlon, out of rv
, spect to the eonsolences of the FtencH
Catholics and In order to do nothing to
. dlaturb prace and tranquility, the gov-
emment-thstaMponjrescrtbgd tnjaeasyj
' means ox continuing wunuip vj m sim
ple declaration, in accordance with' the
law of 1181. .
- "The pope assumes a 'political leader
ship and the vital question Is whether
the Catholics of France will consent 'to
follow him or not. .
"It they do the ' government " will
net with even greater energy- because
of the tolerance It has manlfeated here
tofore. Every violation of the law will
be prosecuted, and furthermore special
measures, legislative and otherwise, may
be taken."
Beelsloa ef the Tatieaa. '
. The. decision of the Vatican, which
Is In the form of answers to specific
questions. may be summarised as 'fol
lows: 'Parish prleata. vloara, etc., must re
main passive end may not cooperate in
any act of sequestration, but It the
bishop considers that the refusal of the
treaaurera to surrender the keys may
oauae grave consequences he can permit
them to do eov on condition that they
do not aign any document consecrating
the spoliation.
-Bishops may autlioilse Pa (hollo Or-.
for Infants and Children.
The Kind You Hays Alwajs Bought
Beers the
Blfcnstnre of
sanitations to participate In sequesters
If the refusal would endanger positions
necessary for the maintenance of their
families, but parish priests and other
Catholics cannot participate In ecta of
sequestration in any manner unless ths
sequestered ecclesiastical party Is per
mitted to pay rent to the public admin
istrator, or unleas the contract cannot
be broken without heavy loss.
- "Churches. - prbytrlat4 episcopal
mansions, aemlnarlea. etc. which are
eelsed eannot be rented except In case
of absolute necessity, and after the ad
ministrator haa signed a declaration sot
to attempt In any wise to abridge the
liberty of the leasee. '
; "If called to the colors ecclesiastics
must appeal to the council of state, but
pending the council's decision should
their rail urea to respond to . the : call
subject them to the penalty of deser
tion, they can report for service and. If
Cultural associations are formed the
parish priest must remain In his church
and continue to say mass until driven
out bv violence!. -
"If a. schismatic priest appears the
legitimate priest must leave the church,
first warning his parlshlonera; he must
not participate In any schismatic serv
ice." , . .
Fray for Aid in Tribulation.
Cardinal ' Lecot, archbishop of Bor
deaux, Archbishop Germain and others
Who . already had . advised compitanoe
with the law, have hastily instructed
the parish priests of their dioceses that
their former advice is null and void,
and today in all the churches of Paris
bishops and prlesta after mass read the
letter from Cardinal Richard, arch
bishop of Paris, communicating the de
cltton of the holy aee to "continue serv
ices in ttie churches, but abstain from
any declaration," and Cardinal Rich
ard's own Instructions, in view of the
order Issued by the perfect of the Seine
not to permit for the present the- em
ployment of ceremonial draperies at
The church wardens, whose legal ex
larence expires next Tuesday, were
thanked todsy .from the pulpits of the
vsrious churches. Prayers were offered
for the . protection of Ood during the
coming period of persecution.
Mrs. T Lulu ; B. , Grover Spurns
Kindly Attentions of Doctor
and Wants to Die.
" i " (Joarsal Special Service.)
New Torfc, Deo. 10. "There is only
one person in the world wno has afif
interest In me," said - Mrs. Lulu B.
O rover, struggling to prevent a physi
cian from saving her life, "and that Is
my relative. President Roosevelt."
Mrs. Grover waa suffering from chlor
oform poison, taken with suicidal In
tent. On a table In the room where
she was found was this letter: "
.V ''Saturday night, December I. To the
coroner or the first police offloer who
finds my body here: I beg of you to
telephone to President Theodore Roose
velt. He will have my body cremated.
I have written to him; have made my
will, and all I have is his. He will have
everything attended to just ae I wish it
to be right. He knows where to find
- "Please do not let my poor kittens be
frightened Or annoyed. President Roose
velt will take them as soon aa he re
ceives my letter mailed tonight to him.
Pleaae let them stay there until then."
. It is thought Mrs. Grover wilt re
cover. She describes herself as a maga
tine writer, and little Is known of her.
(Rpeelal rtopaft-h to The Joe rot I. J
Klamath Falls. Ox- Dec. 10. Two and
a half acrea have been donated as a site
for a creamery at Bonansa, and. suffi
cient stock subscribed to Insure ths en
terprise. At present this stock eountry
Statistics Show That the Bay
. City Is Doing Considerable
Business at New Stands.
(Journal Special Barries.) '
Ban Franclsoo, Dec, 10. The financial
and commercial-reports are vary-en-couraglng
and show that this city la
doing the same old business at new
stands. The bank clearings for - the
year ending October 11 were ll.S7t,7t.
7(0. For the corresponding period last
year they were $1,497,111,170. -The to
tal for October, 40, la the largest for
any month In the history of the city,
being ttO,089,7S. Sales of real estate
were ,74.$6I. ..,, ,
During tbe first six months of 1S0I,
1,490 mortgages were recorded, repre
senting a value of tl8,70,ll. During
the same period there were 1,71 re
leasee, representing flO.lOC.Itt.
The total exports for nine months
ending September SO were 11,711,0(4;
Imports, MS.7I.lB-
Charged With Stealing Clotting..
(Special Dlnpateh te The Journal.) 4
T - nranHa fir T)eA. 10. Mob Alex
ander has been placed in the Union
county Jail upon aerauu 01 nan. two
h.r... nt larcenv were referred
against htm, both for stealing clothing
from a building. He waived examina
tion and was placed under two bonan,
one of $10 and one of 1800.
(Josrrnf Special Berries.)
, Nashville, Tenn.. Dec. 10. The Mu
tual Life and the New York' Life, In
surance companlee have, been given 10
days by State Insurance Commissioner
Folk in which to refund to policy-holders
here certain money due them. The
companies. It Is .charged, used thou
aands of dollars for election purposes In
this state, which the commissioner ssys
Is the property of the policy-holders.
' ' Condon Knights Choose Officers. .
(Special DUpatch to The Jearnal.)
Condon, Or.. Dec. 10. The following
officers have been elected for the
Knights of Columhus lodes la this eft:
Chancellor, W. S. Maple) vice chancellor.
R. M. Rogers; prelate. Peart Jarvla;
master ef. exchequer, WUam Morrison;
master of finance. C H. Horner; mas
ter of arms, Fred Bohm; inside guard,
W, U. Carter; outside guard, J. R
Welle; truatee, long im, J. M. Cam
eron; master at work, K. O. Merrlfleld.
r ...-.V
" Preferred Stock Ceased doeas,
Allen 4h Lewis' Dsst Brand.
lb pa, i eysrv. i e"er"F
ply ths local demand.
A aoclal club haa been organised' In
connection with the chamber- of com
merce, which will fit up room a adjacent
to the meeting room of the chamber In
the new Murdoch building. Only mem
bers of ths chamber will be eligible to
club membership.
T..e Klamath County Agricultural as
sociation haa elected a new board of
directors, and enters a new era In ita
history, since for the first time they
begin a new year with no debt and a
handaoma cash balance In the treasury
The new board, consisting of J. V. Hus
ton, B. St. George Bishop. Alex Msrtln,
Jr Ii, OerbeevJ. Frank-A dam a, -User ge
H. Hunt and George T. Baldwin, has
not yet organised.
Ml-o-na the Only Stomach Remedy They
1 Mltirlhls Wa;
- (Special Plapatrh te Tbe Jeernal.)
Pendleton, Or., Dec. 10. A large forie
of men continue to work On the Uma
tilla Central, the branch Una . of the
O. R. at N., which extends from the
mouth of Birch c-eek to Pilot. Rock, 14 H
miles. As soon as the bridge work Is
finished the O. R. N. will follow with
trscklaylng crews. It is expected that
the road will be completed In time te
handle the ahlpments of stork and wool
early In the spring.
-We'll have to take Peary's word for It f
we're not going up to follow hie tracks.
The guarantee given by Woodard
Clarke Co. on Ml-o-na stomach tsb'
- It Is their personal promise that they
will refund the money in case MI-o-n
.. . A ail that is claimed for it
iiw, -----
In curing Indigestion, strengthening the
whole digestive system sna reeioring
the health ot inose woo u .
t au. kaail arhea. If the beck end
side sre painful, if there la distress snd
nauaea arter eaiing. n you n eiep
less nervous, snd out of sorts, you can
.... ... .nnei..nA mt lAunl
boxjof Ml-o-na from Woodard. Clarks
Co.. Knowing ini "
you absolutely nothing unless It gives
yon freedom from sll Ills and pains snd
.......a ,mi ia health. .
No one thing is the cause of more
suffering and pain man ...jnaigesuon.
Many cases of so-called kidney disease,
heart trouble and nervousness are only
different waye Irr which a weakened di
gestive system shows llself.
Use Ml-o-na stomsrh tablets and your
Ill-health wilt soon be gone, and you
will forget that you have ever had In
digestion or its resulting I Hi.
Woodard, Clarke A Co. tell .you of
many of their customers who have been
restored to health by the use of this
remedy, .hut the best , evidence of their
faith in Ita powtra to cure la the poal-
.i... . . . thaw mvm wtth mxi.rit
package, aomethlng that , they do not
f ..i in,, .tvlnv with anv of the other
stomach remedies they have In . their
store. . x I
Seats Selling for James O'Neill. .
Iha advance aale of state becaa this morning
at ine Bos errice ox tue ueuis tbeetre, rour
teenth and - Waahlngtee streets, for tbe cele
brated actor, James O'Neill, who cornea te the
above theatre next Wedaeeday nisbt, Ratnrday
matinee and night. December 11 and 15, In bla
famous sacrees, "Monte Crista."- Thursday and
Friday ntghta, December 1 and 14, hi the
powerful biblical drama, "The Voice ef tbe
Mlsbty," In wales Mr. O'Neill will be sees aa
Jonn, tbe Baptist. i. ........ .
. Albert GaJlUnJmngLloHeIllgw
Alberta Oallatui, tbe rharnlnc and talented
emotional ertreee, and her excellent ' company
of player, will pretest Paol Keeter'a dramatlta
tkm ot (arlea afajor'a beeatlfol ranantle lore
atory. "Dorotby Vernon ot Haddoa Hall," at
tbe Hellls tbeatr for roar nbthta, seslnnlng
next Danday, Ifecernner Is, with s special
price saailnee Wednesday.
"Cupid in Posterland."
Tetterday was as erentfo day at tbe Hellls.
Tbe "Oipld In Poeterlaod" company held the
stare all the afternoon with their drees re
bee real, wbk-h went Ion a awlmmlnsly and
predieta srad tlilnaa In store for the perform
ance, which trill be Toeeday erenlng. Tbere
can be no qneetlon ef Portland's tendency
toward merry. Jlnglta awalcal eoesedy, eur-h
aa prearnt lndlratlnoa seera to Bay that tkla
one wUl be. The charity fund et tbe Dramatic
Order of Knlsht ef Kborraasea will benefit
from tbe recelpta. -
Big Week st the Baker.
Thla week I one of triumph for Joha Sala
polle at the Baker, for he la btinclnf dnwn
thunders of applause by bta work aa ftbylork
In tbe masnlflcent proportion of Bhakeepeere'a
rm mortal comedy. "Tbe Merchant of Venice."
I.llllin Lawrence makea a beantlful I'ortl.
Donald Bowlee a pleaalng Oratlarm'and William
Dills a. great I -a mice lot (Johbo. You don't want
to mlea this product k of "The alercbint of
Venice." All week with matinee Saturday.
Seats sre now on sale for tbe entire week.
At the Lyric. . -
MeKee Rankin's famnns weatera drama, "The
Danltee," la the attraction thla week at the
Lyric Thla promisee to be an eepeetally not
able week at tbe cosy family theatre, for "Tue
f'iolirlinuCbftn.eea Jicre in manueeni
and Ute rerlral la attracting widespread atten
tion. There are few better weatera playa this
"Tbe Danltee," and" these wbo saw It yeara
are will want to see H scaln, and tboee who
hare seeer before wtineaaed It are aeenred aome
thing startling, tlrrluf and aliecrblnf ..
O- The
wsrr7" Brewer -
Wl t
, New Show at Pantages.
Two big acta, the Wllann comedy qnartnt
and the Harenne-k trained beera. will head tbe
sew bill at tbe Pantases theatre thla week,
eommenclns today. Moth acta are aeenred 'under
beary eipenee and ahonld prove popular. Other
fea tares Include I -a Drew and I'arlehia, novelty
entertainers; Little Helen, tbe big maanet;
t'erellnn Oetrander, muafc-al wooder: Len White,
new llluetrated song, and sew moving picture.
Satisfies Every Careful Dresser
Made to Suit Every Pace and
Shape of Head '
' . LEADING CLOTHIER ; ;- .''-if;
f WWWWwWWWWWWWWWWWW WWWWWWW f ff fff ff f f f f f ff f ff ff m
MaKc Yourself UscM
At the Grand.
All sew acts are aa the hrtl at the Oraad
today and the many patron of thla Bnrmlar
Taadevine thtr WV til he store than delighted
with tbeee hlgh-clae acta. Maxwell and IhKl
ley will preaent a elnains eomedy, "roe Sweet
Charity." wblrh waa eepeclally written fne
them i'T w. M. freeny. Hki.ioi and wnirm
offer ."The Meeiwnser Roy and the Actress,"
s screamingly funny playlet.
' At the Star. , V )
With the perrhrsiene tonlsht the A Ilea stock
company,, st the htar theatre. wUl preeent
"Tlielm." a dMmatltli of the sorel of
Marie Cnrelll. Thla will be the most preten
tions effenns this company has siren alnca It
came to fort land. KTerrone whs haa read tbe
sorel will want to see tbe play.
ecsema, salt rheum, tetter. Itch, hives,
heroes, scsblea Lman'e Ointment. . At
any drug atore. .
i uiwFiai i - - m . 1 - - zap
X AaaiAaaaAaaaassAaaaaaaaai
w ervvvfevvvvvvvvvvvfvvfvvf
And help your wife to paint her
kitchen Vie BAT STATB paint,
and you will not only be gratified by
the ease with which you can as
them, but also at the email eoet, not
to apeak of the delight you both feel '
at the clean and neat appearance ac
complished by rour work.
Fisher, Thorscnfi Co.
Xoas'e Off leers. '
tons. Or- lea, 10. At the regular city
election a treasurer, marshal and four
oounTllmen were, storied .as follows:
Councllmsn 8. S3. Moore, T. 1. Ma
honey, J. K. Blake,, rranlc Engleman;
marshal, B. T. Akera: treasurer, J, ,
Waltera. Ty will take office t i r
ond Tuesday la February.
Preferred rov C
Allen Lewis' iat i. .