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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 10, 1906)
' t . ' .' THE OREGON . DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. - MONDAY EVENING. DECEMBER 10, . 1906. . . I SAYS HE THOMPSON JURY BRYAN III VISIT -LEGISLATURE: SI TO IS HISQUOTED Denies Special Crusade It to Be Old Venire Exhausted and New Venire of Fifty Tales- . 7 men Drawn. In Letter, to Sweek Democrats Idol Tells His Plans for - Western Tour. ' - Made Against Lodging' . Houses. ' ' SAYS OFFICERS WILL DO " v DUTY, AT. ALL TIMES STILL ANOTHER DAY. MUST BE CONSUMED HUGE RECEPTION WILL -BE GIVEN HIM HERE - Will . Make Arreetv Inspector Dt ' dares' Whenever Crime Is Being Committed Mo ' Significance in Two Raids Recently Made,' -zr Thompson's Sweetheart, Daughter of His Victim. Likely to Be First Wit ness Called Spectators Crowd Court "SoOm. 1 -J - Great Commoner Will Undoubtedly Be Asked to Addresg Lawmaking Body on laiue of the Day Demo crate Ar Preparing for Gueit. LRU 7 L ,, . ..swv-rJN, t i ,"' ' ' i JrV l ,.' V V- - v. i t V. "t I v - i V fi( oi'l I : ; -: ', ' . Y v "' '.(. ' .. '" S -If , t 1 v I". i - ! "I have again been misquote.!.' when It waa published that genera! crusade tg-aLnst all the lodging; houses tn the city was to Aw inaugurated," said Cap tain Bruin In an Interview this morn ing.' "As has been usual In the past and the custom will prevail In the fu ture, whenever we have knowledge that , the ' ordinances are betas' violated . tHe men 'under my command are exported to enforce the law. - The raids yester day on two Third street rooming; houses was nothing; out of the ordinary. The transfer of Detective Hill to the China town squad and Klenlln to work with -Kay was not donebeoaueg-etther- of these officers had not performed their full duty, but the men are chanced from time to time-so It can be ascertained to which particular line of police work they are best fitted." ' Early Sunday morning- when nothing but the hunt of the are lamps and the yawn of ft sleepy hack driver disturbed the graveyard stillness,- Kay and Klen lln descended on the lodging-house at SOI) Third street and dragged forth six temporary- lodgers .to f answer to misdemeanor charges. ; At the police station they gave the names of W. D. Blauaon. Fred Raymond, T. W. Keys. Bern I e -Housted, Annie Morse and Lillian Merrill. . The sestet ' were given their liberty on deposit of, ISO cash ball each and In the' police court today the cases were .continued until Wednesday. Last night Kay and his apt pupil, Klenlln, raided a. rooming-house at 3 North Second street and took Into cus tody Lou Ovlnnell, Clara Bush. Alice Davenport. Julia Carlton and liett Buell. The women were likewise re leased on ball and will be given ft hcar "tng later In the week.. From Inspector Bruin's statement. It Is evident thst the two raids have no particular significance, except that Kay apparently was desirous of giving Kten len, the latest follower under his ban ner of reform, n few object-lessons. tlenllii has been autklng with TW1 tective Mallet endeavoring to supprss Chinatown gambling, but the two Sleuths failed to nocompllsh anything of Impor-' from her conviction for assaulting her tanee during-the past monttv claiming 1 huwband with ft dangerous weapon -that the Chinese hod voluntarily cloned , Mrt Washington was convicted In Oc down all of the games. Inspector Bruin tober of shooting her . husband, the decided that In vie of Uetectlve Hlirs . charg, ting asnsult with a dangerous .nuwirusr ul lunniown. renuns .- nuicQi o oniaunea tunere wis a cnamrej Accordingly Hill was detailed with Mai--i let, and Klenlln placed with Kay. . PURCHASE WATER FRONTAGE - HEAR LIKIITOr Messrs. Swigert and Campbell - Will Probably Install Manu- JFacturing Plant. . M. tm- Ilolbrook. C F. Bwlgert fend JI. C. Campbell have closed ft dead through the agency of C. K. Henry for 2.800 feet of watefront on the Willam ette, betweeaitheLovernment mooring! ana uie town or amnion. There are about 259 acres In the entire tract, the ! price of which was in the neighborhood ' or o,o. Th property la. eapeclajly valuable, having both -rail and- water hipping facilities. It is understood that Messrs. Bwlgert and Campbell will build ft manufactur ing plant on portion of the river frontage. The was bortght about since. woionei Kooerr.' Mcvraken, who re cently sold ft half block on Irving street, has purchased ft quarter block at the northeast corner of Twentieth and Washington from Louis Oerllnger. There is ft three-story frame building on the corner, the two upperg torlna of which are used as an apartment houae. with stores below. Tbe consideration was 143,000. W. D. Jelllson has purchased the Hen drlckJ residence on Portland Heights. The price wan $11,000: The Dunn Lawrence company made the sale. M. Lv Ilolbrook sold last week ft (0-foot-front lot. on the corner of Jersey and Tecoma afreets, 8tr Jntvrtg, for $10, 000. Mr. Hoi brook bought thla lot .7 . " . r ,1'100- - He j " . weea io the ' PL Johns school directors a 150x250 block in North St Johns aa a site for the new 120,000 school house. The price of the block waa (3,400. . A. W. COOK IS AT - -LIBERTY ON BAIL Timber Operator Gives Him self Up but Soon Finds Necessary Bondsmen A. W. Cook, a wealthy timber opera tor of Cooknburg, Pennsylvania, who ' was Indicted In the Idaho land frauds Invent igntlbti for conspiracy to defraud the government out of Its public lands, has bumtnilered himself to the I'ntted . fctnte marshal In city and was re , leased on f4,000 bull. Cook uppeoreil before fnlled Btittes - tVimmisslonvr Klnden with his attorney. Jituge . I- r-iiies, ana waived exnmlmi- lion. He will be tried with the rent'. f the men Indicted In Idaho next May. ' r-v,.k via i...iir-t.i in .,. i ' a the South Idiho In which thei'"' .Z m,":"',""' ' ....... - - - ... u i v Kii'iwri , . . t llae..l A ...... . ueg . t'tra i w. ng iiiirnueju "in? rr IIUIC- u0 - ,,f.n H r "" ""v" ton market ami the locnl company walt- Thl def,d,.nt is wiu kown I- , 'A tnr ' The fuel sHustlon vice-president . of the Multnomah l,nm.w" " Jregon. .. . . ..... .. . .. lr Box compapy. .Cook has extensive t ftlJm ,;, r mu timber intereirts along the Columbia j OHIO WILL BE FORAKER .nf.e'rortT-nV'hXr "antr - - FOR THE PRESIDENCY i Bs-Semator Brows Better. ". - i linni-SMl Hparlal Pervlee.t Washington, rec. 10. Kx-Hcnntor Ar thur" Hrona. whe was shot by Mrs. Hmdlev oa Jlaturday, la Improving aa-l will likely recover. Jeotea H. nigglni. the new ' governor ef Rhode IiUnd, ws bora I rleTllle, Is tbe tors ct LlnojlB. Khodn Iilnd. Jaautrr 20. I87S; went to TawtUfkut, Hbixls Island, la 8ptraibr, 18M, apd attended the public arbuola of tbat city. lie graduated from ft. Joerpa'e narocblal ahool la IBM); graduated, the Pae-turktt high n-bool In lMM; from Brown Dnlrenltr, rrrTldepm. ItboUr ' I "land, la 1891, and from Oeurgetowa lul Ttralty Law'eraool, Wasblngtun. IUtrlct of Columbia, la 1000. , After - graduating from Oeorgetowa be was admitted to . the practice of law In Kbod l.laud, July 2:1. 1000; In Neraaibrr, ltol. ba war rlertrd to arrra In the Uhode laland bouaa of rrpnaentatlTva for the rear "of tana. . During tbat year In vu a member ot the comwlttre on militia and etreet railway transfer, la November, 1002. be was elected mayor of lawtucket by 3.I0O plurality, the largest aver received la that city. Mr, lllgglni was itlll mayor when elected te tbe governorship. . , - ' - CLELARD IS SERVED WITH SUPREME COURT ORDER Matter i Involves Judgment in of Mary Washington, . . Convicted of Assault. Judge Cleland of the state circuit court was served this morning by At torney M, MacMahon with ft petition and an order of the aupreme court of the slste to appear on December 2 and show cause why a writ of mandamus should" not" Issue 6rderlng ltlm' to Issue a rertif Imte of nrntuihl r-jitme for the ' anneal of Nellie Wnnhlns-tnn. cnlnred. . weapon. The Jury found her guilty of aimiili at; motion for a new trial wan overruled, and on November 13 she was sentenced to pay a fine of 1200, or serve 100-days in Jail. In the petition filed In the supreme court. Attorney McMahon states that at . the trial," which occurred before Judge Cleland.. the evidence-of William Sprawl was improperly ruled out by the Judge; that the motion for a new trial waa overruled by Judge Cleland on hia own Initiative:' that the appeal , bond filed for Mrs. Washington was Ignored by the clerk of the circuit court, and that ft request for 20 days' additional time ill which tor file j -bill -of excep tlona on appeal was 'refused ' by the udge: " i - The ' writ- of mandamus Is sought .to direct tbe Judge to psas on and approve the appeal bond, to issue ft certificate of probable cause for appeal, . and to pass upon and sign ft bill or exceptions taken to his rulings by the attorneys at the trial BRUIN SAYS STOOL PIGEON METHODS ARE GIVEN UP ficers- Petty Offenders . Are Sentenced. A number of convictions of petty of fenders, reflecting credit on several de tectives, were secured in the polkw court today.' As Inspector Bruin ex presses It, "The detection of the crimi nals and the recovery of the property involved In the crimes was accomplished entirely through the ability of tha of-1 fleers and not through recourse to the I stool pigeon method of investigation. Joe Chrlstner, arrested by Detective Hill for the theft of two' overcoats be longing to A. Wells, from Khutor's con cert hall. was: fouad guilty by Judge fa moron and acntenced to one year on the rock pile. O. W. ChadseyV who carried awny an overcoat, tbeupropeiiy:of J. KlrkwouJ. from a saloon o Russoll street snd was subsequently arrested - by .Patrol man Golti, will, spend . the next . six months at Kelly's Jlutts. ' Charles Decker, who was taken Into -mstndy by jT?eTCPtlTrMtrllett fur the lsrceny of a.coat from Frtti's Eurnslde. street saloon, will have CO days to ponder over like) wrongdoing. "fv Fred Nelson, who purloined a Pullman conductor's suitcase . from tho union depot and capture! by !;tectlv Ttche nor, will secure his relee from the open air sanitarium just'ln time to pick hops next fall, being ' given u Tilna months' sentence by Judge Cameron. 0. R.&N. CONFISCATES , A CARLOAD OF COAL (Sperlst IWatrn to tile Jnamsl.l . Pendleton. Or., Dec..' Ki.-Thai the O. RAN. company conflsratiid a car loud of coal llpprd from the C, Week Coal company, f Spokane, to the Potlatch " ".;;:''." T nouncea in- messnge to the manager (Joarim Spwlsl ervir.V , . ' M'annlngton, Ic, 10. Ex-Oovernor Harding of Olilo says Ohio's delegation In the' next Hnpublican national conveiv lion will be far. Foraker for orestdant I If the senator -wants the nominaUoo. . ID BEAUTY CONTEST ENDS IN - AHO RIOT Love Stuffs Ballot Box, and Ad herents of Rival Belles . Thump Each Other. (Joornsl Special Service Washington, Pa., Dec. 10. Love stuffed the ballot box In ft beauty con test in this county and an ft result there was a riot In which many of the leading cltlxco took part for ft time, ami then the- wnbsequent pioceeOlngn interested them no more. The friends of Miss Nellie Francis and Miss Nellie Simpson, unable themselves , to de termine which of the girls waa the prettiest, decided to leave the matter to popular vote and a prise beauty con test was held a district school No. I, East . Kind lay township, Washington county.---"-A- vote cost 60 -cents. Of Be. me contest narrowed down to Miss Francis and Miss Gimpson; excite ment . grc w. partisanship teenrae bitter. It last it was .charged that young men with more enthusiasm than money were voting for Miss Blmpson without paying 60. cents per ballot. Admirers of Miss Francis tore open the ballot box. - Instantly began the melee. It la charged that- Miss Mary Ely, an ad herent of Mlas Blmpson, struck Miss Francis In the -face, cutting -her - se verely with a ring. Borne one turned out the lights. Mlas Francis, Miss Blmp aort and some other . young .. women promptly fainted.. As the warriors struggled in the dark they trampled the prosuiegJrleLwerenocke4nconTlrie.v scious to aaa io tne neap or injured. When the fight ended. Miss Francis and Miss Simpson were not nearly as beautiful aa before, nnd half the young- men in ' the township needed repairs. Two physicians were busy all night. Miss Edna Simpson, teacher of the school and procured the names of the rioters and , will ray information agalnat th tbe authorities. ... THREE WIVES HEAR HUSBAND ---SENTENCED-- Samuel Shafkin's Mania for Marriage Will Be Ended for a Time, at Least. " (Journal Rperal ervlre. New Tork. Dec. .10. Three of Samuel Shafkin's wives heard lilm sentenced to Sing Sing. He Is the stage carpenter. 27 yearn old. who. after escaping with a suspended sentence last August on the charge or bigamy, married fourth time. r Phafkln' , was haled by Mr. Jerome before Judge O fiulllvan yes tor Joy. Wives No. 2. 3 and 4 were In court. No. 4 was the only one permitted to tell what ft gay Xotharlo' the stage carpen ter was. "1 told you when 1 suspended en tence on you last Anmint." snld Judge V8ullivn to the prisoner, "that you. s'..ould not get married again. Tou mar ried thla fourth girl soon -after' you and others that you cannot trifle with the lw. I will give you the maximum sentence." ' He then sentenced the prisoner to not less than three yeara and five months and not more than four years and flvo months In the state prison. "Oh. Mr. Jeromo," pleaded wives No. 2,' 2 and 4, "please get us a divorce!" Mr. Jerome axnlgned Mr. Vnndlver of his staff to-see to It that divorces are granted the two brides. MANY JAPANESE LOST :. IN TERRIFIC SQUALL . (Juorstl Special .Rervlee.t Toklo. lec. 10. Hlxty men were drowned from the Japanese cruiser Cht Us BalurtUy. when a uoil burnt on the small boats In which they were re turning to their ship. v Great damage wns dune to shipping, and the hosts of Japanese were over turned, which resulted In the drowning of msuy persons. Baaqast of Mississippi Society. : St Louis, Mo., Dec, 10. Former red. dent of Mlsslsslpiil who now rally Bt. Louie their home will hold their annual banquet, tonight. The address of the evening Is to r0 delivered by Colonel K. U Kasnell o$ Mobile. It Is comparatively easy ta prove that tbe trusta and monopolistic corporations are guilty of violating the law, but to convict and -properly punish them Is ft very different matter. ' : . ' (Special ni.patcb te The Joornsl ) Tacomft, Wash., Dee. 10. It will re quire today and perhaps all of tomorrow to secure tbe Jury . In the Chester Thompson murder trial. The special venire Issued last week has been ex hausted and thla morning on motion of the defense an order far another venire or 50 waa mads by Judge Bnell. Tbe state used three of its six peremptory challenges thla morning. The defense today used three, and Saturday one of Its 12 challenges. A great many of the veniremen fall to qualify-through having heard of the case and formed an opinion. On . ac count of the wide publicity given to the murder of Judge Emory It la almost Impossible to find a man who Is not fully conversant with young' Thomp son's crime.' Those who have not heard of the crime are generally people who pay but little attention to public ar fairs and are not the most capable of weighing and comparing evidence.. The state's witnesses will not appear until tomorrow morning. It la expected that either Miss Charlotte Whittlesey, for love of whom young Thompson com mltted the crime, and Mrs. Meade Em ory will be placed on the stand as the first witnesses. ' The courtroom Is crowded at every session. Many of the spectators come from Seattle. , PAY UP OR STAY SHUT UP, FOR OR. KRAUSS : Wealthy Hoboken Physician. Must Provide for Wife or . Remain in Jail. ( Jonrnal Special Bervtea.) New York, Dec. 10. To get out of Jail,, where he- hae been kept ft year because he wouldn't pay alimony. Dr. Quatavo A. Krausa, formerly the wealthiest and most prominent physi cian In Hoboken, must sign an agree- thasa things! .. . ...t I. Pay his wife $500 cash on the day he leaves the JalL . 8.-AgTeenever-to setup the Dakota divorce he has obtained aa ft defenae agalnat any action wife' may bring against him. ............. I. Give his wife ft note for $S,000 and sign an agreement giving her permla aion to sue him in New York for the amount of the note In case he falls to csv her on the day it falls due. " The physician hasn't decided yet whether he would rather sign tha agree ment or stay in JalL . Vice-Chancellor Pitney of Newark, who framed the un usual pledge, says it -contains the only terms upon which he will order Krausa' The troubles of the doctor began three years ago when he separated from his wife and got ft decree of divorce egatnat her in Dakota. Then he came east, aet up shop In New York and pretty soon married another woman. His wife brought suit for alimony against him. attacking -the-Dakota, decree. She got ft verdict of 2S a week, end was Just about to prosecute Krauss for failure to pay, when he waa put in Jail in Hudson county on ft criminal charge. The latter charge fell through, but Mrs. Krauss No. 1' saw to It that he remained behind the bars. SAYS BOO SEHT-BULIETS TO HEARTS OF TWO John Naparano Feared Black Hand and Was Fixed for Assailants. (Journal Rperlsl Service.) ' ' New Tork, lee. 10. When Juhn Napa rano; IS years old, waa asked how such a little fellow could have shot Frank Dnmalano and Dulnato Botlllo with such accurate aim that both fell Instantly, he said, "Ood wae on my side. Ha sent the bullets straight.";' The boy was arraigned in the chil dren's court as ft result of the shooting -of the twd men, who attacked him with pistols after ft row over cards tn his father'a saloon, at No. 27 Garfield street. Brooklyn, Monday night nlinnr r r a ssn n f si art I ex Osa J fhal It A I learned to use a revolver because otlT7mc'ZwIYT "VT7 T; "'T-f Intcnso fear of being murdered since hia brother Antonio was shot dead by lllack Hand assailants In front of his home last year. Ho. did not accuse the two men he killed of complicity In his brother's murder, but said. Instead that when they were sober they were good friends of his father. He was -remanded to await the action of the coroner. THREE JAPANESE FOUND DEAD IN ONE HOUSE Oakland,. Cat.,- Dec 10. Two . Jap anese men and ft Japanese woman were found dead In ft house on the ranch of Anto Costa, In Ban Leandro, on Sunday. They had teen employed on the ranch. It is believed to be ft case of double murder and suicide. STANFORD MEMORIAL CHURCH ROOF OFF '" ' , . (Joornsl Special Service.) Palo Alto, CaL, Dec. 10. Much storm damage has been done 'here. Curry's furniture store le wrecked. The roof of the Memorial church et ' Stanford university waa blown off. The Aatometio Fire ma a. A merhlne that will hnrl coal Into tbe flrehw of a Ivroaietlve nt the rata of 300 alMvelrsis of the firemen on msnr of tho eiurineo o ,h. Northwestern road."' Aa order lias been placed for Toe ef these mechanical token at a cost i f w LJoyd C. . Unvd C, Oriseona, amarlcan ambaaaador to Brsallr was bora la Slvertoa, New Jersey, November 4, 1ST2. He was the ana of C. 0. Urlscom, one of tbe wealthiest eltlsaas of Pblladelphla. He was educated la private schools la the United States, gwltner 1and and t'ranen. Be took tha degree et Ph. B. front the University of Pennsrlvaala. and Is also a lawyer. Ha entered the diplomatic service as secretary to Ambaaaador T. P. Bayard, who represented 'the United States 'at London. Ha want Into the war with Bsala aa a captain, and served antll April 20. 1800. In Jnly. 18BO. he wna made secretary te the .American legation at Constantinople. " He remained there for" twe years, and la laol ha wsa sent to Japan as envoy extraordinary and minister rlenlpotentlary. la 10U5 ha mar ried kilns Elisabeth Duel . Urosauu of New York, lie waa tbea minister te Perals, FIERCE STORM IN F Houses Blown Down and Walls of Fire Burned Ruins - ToppleOyer. NARROW ESCAPE OF PEOPLE IN CAR All the School! Are Dismissed, aa the Teachers Fear the Buildings Win . Fall and Cause Injury to Their Pupils. -' - (Joornsl Special Service.) .San Francisco, Dec 10. The Cali fornia coast from San Diego Xp Eureka Is being ewept by - ft U-mlle gale, ac companied by rain, which Is doing much damage.. ..,; In San Francisco many ' ahacka and some larger houaes have been blown down and the walla left by the lire have been tumbled to the ground, but no deaths are reported. .- Several collisions have occurred on the bay. where manyyessels dragged their anchors. " : r- A threo-atory apartment house on Valencia street-end neighboring houses collapsed, butn o one was injured. The ruins of the Poodle Dog restaur ant collapsed under the terrlfio force of the wind, and the hlgfi walls crashed Into the new hall of Justice building. Tons of masonry crashed through Into the basement - The walls of the old Ooldberg-Bowen company's atables fell Into the street, narrowly missing ft Cal- Ifncnl. Mr ithviUI sengers. - - Among the building partially wrecked are those of the California Notion Toy company at Sacramento and Polk streets; the Henry Durant school at Turk and Buchanan streets, land several frame buildings on Broadway and Leavenworth streets. . Tha walls of the ruins -of Samuels' lace house and-ayeetreet-en4 trance of Golden Gate park collapsed. All the schools were dismissed for fear of injury to children and ft number of school buildings suffered severely. The police are patrolling Market street warning pedestrians from the dangerous walls. . , QUAIL SHOT-FOILS , PLOT TO ESCAPE An attempted Jailbresk at the. sub jail at Kelly's Butte Saturday night was stopped only when two of the prisoner had been sprinkled with blrdshot by one of the guards and two others recap tured as they- were cutting their way through the celling. . : The newe of the attempt 'has Just leaked out. Ernest Bolt and A. Steven son, both noe-year men, were those shot by Guard Johnson. J. .Belt andt John Davis were the men captured. Tool had been smuggled Into the jail here, and which also contains ft number of city prisoners. ' Entrance wea gained Into the attic, and it was only when one of the prisoners slipped snd 'fell directly over, his head that Johnson awoke. He rushed outside, and as the men appeared on the roof he fired, wounding two of them. : MOTION TO SET GRAET INDICTMENTS ASIDE San Francisco. Dec 19. Attorney Ach, for Mayor Bchmlit and Abe Ruef, thla morning made ft motion before the grand Jury to set aside Indictments on 19 counts, charging on the part of the grand Jury that certain members of the grand Jury were not on the assessment roll, that Heney-i'Was employed by prlvste partlea to prosecute the de fendants and that the Indlctmente were not returned according to law. Heney followed Ach In a fiery speech, presenting arguments ' why- the Indlct mente should stand " The grand jury was .excused until to morrow. . President Holds Beoords. (Journal Special ScrvUi.) Washington, D- C.Dec. 10. The sen ate will not get the records In the 8ns Francisco Japanese case unless the pres ident sees fit to send them himself. Secretary Jkletcalf sent- word to the senate this afternoon. In answer to the senate resolution demanding the records. that he hd not the SUthOrlt 'JrtO com? ply, - . - " - RANCISCQ Grjscorrv NO THEATRES IN GOTHAM ONSUNDAY 1 I , ' Police Commissioner Bingham . . Says He Will Accomplish , This by Civil Suits. (Jonrnal Special Service.) New Tork. Dec 10. If Police Com missioner Bingham succeeds in his plans there will be -no more Sunday theatres In this city.. He hae asked the corporation council to bring civil suit against the managers who produce plays on Sunday with ft view to revoking their licenses. - The first test case will be made with Oscar Hammersteln ee tbe possible vlo tlm. Thle role is not entirely new to Mr. Hammersteln. Two patrolmen who went to the Vic toria theatre last Sunday night eald that costumes were used, the scenery changed and the curtains lowered end raised. They alao said that pay waa accepted from them for admission. Their affidavits have been submitted to the corporation council. - It la said that Commissioner Bingham, hae taken this action becauae of the insistency of the Sabbatarian league, which has been im portuning him to clone Sunday theatres. Severn! Harlem - theatrical managers were 'arraigned before Magistrate- Breen charged with violation ,of (he Sunday law by Captain Byrne end the cases were thrown out of court.-- MARRIAGE OLMISS STREET AND L18. HABERIACH At the Home of the Bride's Par - ents Yesterday at High Noon. (Snedal Dispatch t The Jew ant 1 Oregon City, Dec. 10. The marriage of Miss Emmellne Lily Street,-only daugh ter or Mr. and Jdra. cnarlea F. street, ef Clackamas, to Mr. William F. Haber lach waa solemnised yesterday at high noon at the home of the brlde'e parents. Rev. Philip Kemp Hammond, rector of F"''' Episcopal church of this city, bfflclaniifr The bride waa handsomely gowned In cream landndown, and her veil wae held In place with a wreath of orange blos soms. She carried a shower bouquet of Bride roses and waa attended by Mlas Emma Hnberlach. The best man was Mr. Arthur Street, the bride's brother. The ceremony took place under a beautl- rul arcn or ferns and roses. Mlaa Lulu liny-ward played the wedding march from "Lohengrin." .The "ceremony ws followed with a sumptuous wedding breakfast, The bride and groom aro well known young people of Clackamas, where ; Mr. .. Hnberlach is In business. They received most beautiful gift, and have a host of friends who wish them happiness In their Journey through Ufa PAUPER WHO REPELLED' CHARGE OF WEALTH ' (Speclsl Wsnstch to The Joaraaf.) Oregon City, Or- Deo. 10. Tha death of William Butcher, a 73-year-old coun ty charge at the Gynup farm Saturday recalls tJetoryofliiaweaUh while he was living .near Cams last summer. The story waa told that Butcher de livered some apples at the house of a neighbor, and at the bottom of the sack there were found several salt sacks, half filled with small silver, amounting to about $70. The money was returned to Jlutcher, but when the atorr was circu lated he Indignantly denied it. Butcher waa at that time receiving aid from the county and his remains were Interred In a pauper's grave. - SHOT WHILE INTENT ION SCARINGJV1R. COON (Special Dispatch . te The Jnarnsl.) Oregon City, Or., Dec. 10. teonard O'Donald sustained a aevere fleah wound yesterday -. while hunting coong at StringtoWb, south of Canemah. He had treed coon and tried to frighten the animal, meanwhile placing, hie gun at the foot of the tree, whore he accident ally tripped the hammer with hie foot. Twelve blrdshot from the charge en tered the calf of Ms leg. He received the attention of a physician and will be able to be out In a few days. ' Money Wasted. , Uottraal Special Service. I ' Washington. Dec. 10. Congressman Julius Kahn of San San Francleeo to day Introduced a bill In the house ap propriating $5,00,000 for If torpedo boats for service on the Pacific coast. A' breed of hairless "coyotes has sp pesrtd in southern Vmatllla cojunty. ;,'.,-.-J:,:-:;,.: William J. Bryan wiy be tn Oregon during the aesalon of tha legislature, and will spend one day at Salem with the body of Oregon lawmakers. ' The same evening he will be In Port Is nd es the guest of honor at a banquet given by tne Democrats or Oregon. Ales Sweek,. chairman of the Demo cratic central committee. Is In receipt of a letter from Mr. Bryan, written in enswer to the invitation of the Demo crats of Oregon to be their guest at tha Jackson day banquet - Mr. Bryan, in his letter, states that he will be in Oregon during January, but that he will not be able to name the exact date un til later. He said, however, that he would spend one day at Salem, where he would attend (the session of the leg islature. He woQld then be able te re turn to Portland and to place himself . In the hands of his Democ ratio frlende of thle city. In all probability M r. ' Bryan will be asked by the legislature to address that body-on the Issues of the day, when he makes his visit to Salem. He will re turn to Portland in the evening, after having made his address before the leg- -islature end In the evening will be the guests of the Democrats of the state at ft banquet which is ta be prepared for him here. - , ; ' Local Democrats ere elated over the ' opportunity which will be accorded of seeing and hearing the great Demo cratic idol. Plana are to be commenced at once for ft dinner end reception te be given the distinguished visitor. It was the intention la. the first place for Mr. Bryan to be the gueet of honor at the Jnckson day banquet on January , but unless later word is received from Mr. Bryaa making the time of hie arri val more definite. It Is possible that hia entartalnmenfwrrrbrrnads entirely separate from the Jackaon day celebra tion. It la the Intention to. rovl1o ft -reception to which the great mass of Mr. Bryan'e admirers will be given an - opportunity to see and shake . hands with blm and perhaps to hear htm apeak. Later in tbe evening, efter tha ' reception is over, a banquet will bo tendered hi by the leading Democrats of the State. . Mr. Sweek hae written to Mr. Bryan In answer to bis letter aaklng that the guest make some definite announcement of his arrival here as soon asConvent. entTTh order ThaFihe Portland commit- . te of entertainment Tnay go about work of preparation In earnest. , i I m . i THIRTEEN STICKS OF GIANT USED ON ONE STM Enormous Force - Behind the - Fragment That Killed Mrs. .. Wilhelm Ott; V (Special Dispatch te The Joarnsl.) Oregon City, Or., Dec, 10. Thirteen sticks of powder,, each weighing' two thirds of a pound, were used in blasting the stump that was directly responsible for the death of the late Mrs, Wilhelm Ott, who wae -killed almost inatantly athr . home Jeer Clackamaeetatlor1 Saturday morning. Coronor R. L. Hol tnan made an Investigation of the cir cumstances surrounding the terrible af fair, and decided that no lnqueat waa necessary. He took occasion, however, to issue a warning to the men who were working on the road, and who were en gaged in clearing the highway, . to use lighter charges of explosives in remov ing atumpa and other obstructions. The road crew were blasting right In ' front of Mrs. Ott'a boms, and she be- ... cam alarmed at the explosions and stepped out of the back door of th house when, without warning, a piece of a dislodged stump, weighing about 60 pounds, was-hurled over the roof of the - house, being carried fully' H0 yards, and atruck tha- unfortunate woman In the back. She died before a physician eould reach the scene from thle city. Mrs. Ott Is survived by a husband and , one sinter. Mrs. Albert Mots of Clacka mas. 8he waa 4 years of age. - VAIN SEARCH FOR A - BADLY INJURED MAN (Special Dispatch te The Jonrnal.t Oregon City. Dec 10. Sheriff Beetle and Chief of Police Burns engsged In a fruitless search yesterday for a man who was reported to have fallen from-, the southbound overland train near thle city Saturday night.' The man's com panion came to the city yesterday end applied for employment at the paper fmtllS: ss hi. fiAHn., sum..,., stealing a ride and tha latter fell from the train end fractured both arms. - An investigation disclosed the min t hat and a roll of blanketa, but there was no trace of the man reported Injured. It le supposed the man, who hae frlende In Portland, but whose- nam Is not known, went to the city for medical assistance. IMPROVEMENTS IN CAR SERVICE TO PORTLAND (Special Wvpetch te The InsraaLt Vancouver, Wash., - Deo. 10. The sern Vree of the- Portland, Hallway, company . between Portland and Vancouver has . been so Improved during the paat ' month by the bringing Into use of more 'trailers during the morning and even ing hours, that Vancouver people ere beginning to comment upon the fe. "I was much surprised," said citi zen, "to find ft trailer upon the i:20 trip of tho car from Vancouver. ' There were enough passengers to crowd the one car. , Generally In a raae like thle when It Is at all possible to crowd every one upon a single car, the trailer le left behind." - A man recently from the east, whe ',:' Death ef W. &. Snyder's Sea. j (Speclsl Dispatch to The Joomal I , Vancouver, Wanjv, Deo. 10. John, the U-yeaf-old child of W. L. Snyder, reald Ing on the river road three miles east of this city, died of pneumonia yester day. The funeral takes place this after, noon. . Interment" wlU be In (he City, cemetery. V" ' b t .