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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 10, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, MONDAY : EVENING., DECEMBER 10. 1006 Mi TIiq Meter Frank Stoire News . I Toxvn Topics-jj , Hltlg , i.Jtax-r Meredith Breencrants numfw. 1H Mcrruant Jfnii . ! TWO J,llll l-rrlo ,...."TUe Diinltn' Hlar II,. i.,..' )'! IM Vii,W.lll Gran V . Vaudevillp Dun'a report of bank clearings for No vember all over the co.untry shows Port land fnr In advance In percentage of In . cresse. . The Publfic coaat holds the palm for growth of business and tna "'H'f "of - Port land T exfeeds every tr coaat city. The average per cent Of gain by Pacific coaat cities over No vember of laat year waa 30.T per cent Portland's percentage of gain was . . per cent. Ban Franclnco, owing to m aura nee payments, had the notable In . erease of 19. 1 per cent over November of laat year. A bond Issus of 110.000 on tha Eeta rada water worka has been taken by Morris Brothers, and the town has pur chased the plant from tha Portland Railway, Llshf Power company. Tha price paid waa $8,177. and the remainder of the proceed of tha bond Issue will be used In making .improvements. The remains of Fred K. Burley, for merly an electrician . of this city, who Died in Butte of appendicitis lent Wed nesday, were brought here for Inter ment, and the funeral was held this afternoon, under .the auspices of the Fraternal Order of Eagles, from Hoi man's undertaking parlors. Julius Williams, a full-flooded In dltn. pleaded guilty In the federal court thia morning to carrying whiskey upon the Umatilla Indian reservation and was aentenced by Judge Wolverton to pay a fine of 26 and. serve SO days In the Multnomah county JeJL A girl wanting a good position, with 130 a month wages and two afternoons a Week off, can get It by applying at tha noma or K. M. Gray, 121 East Washing ton, corner Sixteenth. . Tour eyea examined Free. We are still selling eyeglasses at 11.00. A per fect fit guaranteed. - Metsger Co.. jewelers and optleian. 1X1 sixth atreet. Basaar and dinner at Centenary M. E. church, corner East Pins and Ninth streets, Tuesday evening, December 11. Pinner from i:30 until 7:0. Prica zfio. - Do not miss this opportunity George Jabour eV Co 141 -Washington street great holiday oriental rug and lac sale now. on St per cent reductions. IjvtA nn tAntvhtf T..raat lUArtmKnt if periodicals and dally papers at Carl Jones, Fourth- and Washington, urop In tonight. We'll tell you why. , Steamer Jessie Hsrklns for Camas, Washougal and way landings dally ex cept Sunday. Leaves Washington street Jowit at t p m , - " A beautiful Chrlstmae present.' a Pen dleton Navajo Indian blanket, shawl, or couch, cover.. . Woman's Exchange. 181 Tenth street, lunoji 11:10 to 1; business men's lunch. Acm Oil Co. sells tits best safety coal oil and fine gasoline, phone Eaat 711. "Public stenographer, Phone Pacific J." ARGUMENTS BEGIN IN V: 1 CASE TO CLEAR TITLE Arguments wer begun be?bre Judge C. K. Wolverton In tha United States circuit court this 'morning In the suit of Clara, E. Hlght, her husband. A. W. Illght. ' and Jessie Blacklstona against Josephine HI men. et aL to clear title to property valued at nearly $500,000. . Included In tha list with defendants are the executors and trustees of tha lata lunula Flelschner. The property. In litigation ts altnatad-l near tha site or tha Liewla and Clark exposition grounds, contains soma of the -most valuable land In Multnomah county, and la known to tha records as the south half of the William Blackl stone land claim. SOCIETY NIGHT Biff avast to Be Bald at Oaks mink Tonight. Tonight another of the pleaaant events known aa society night will be held. The events sre very popular, In ..pmrh ss every music number Is skat ed lsdles snd gents In couples, and thus the rough skaters are avoided, making the evening the most enjoyable of the week. The Immense pavilion. ' largo enough to accommodate an army, forms n very pretty sight ss the hundreds of couples gracefully glide over tha smooth, clear floor. The 'Oak rink skaters Jtre becoming very proficient ss fancy sk"aTers, and twoateplpng la be coming very general. At 0:30 a grand march will be given, led by Proreesor Wlllson. and the pretty drills and grace ' fully executed figures wilt make the evening moat enjoyable. . , SNOBBERY ARRAIGNED BY D. SOUS COHEN Snobbery waa severely arraigned "ly ' D. Soils Cohen last night lit a speech before tha People's Forum. He warned the American people against forming sn aristocracy and said that the cultiva tion of' a spirit of Americanism la the only, way to avoid tha downfall of the nation, Mr. Cohen pointed to the church as one of the breeders of snobbery, saying-: - "When our- are closed to the laborer and the poor woman In a shabby . dress cannot sit beside the woman In the silks and satins, there la need of "care In the church." -'- - The. speaker declared that the strength of the Catholic church today lies In the fnrt thst It Is open to all alike. f. - - .'u Japanese Steamer Shlbatu Maru Passed "Through Worst of hurricane of Last Week. WAS NEAR THE COAST '.. AT HEIGHT OF STORM Vessel Is in Command of Oldest Cap tain to. Visit This Port. Who Has - Mad Japan His Headquarters for Nearly Half a Century. : : " The Japanese steamer Bhlbatu ' Maru had a. narrow eacapa from foundering while an rout Srom Japan to the Co lumbla river. Hhe reached Portland yesterday morning and berthed at the Hour mills, where she will load a cargo of flour and wheat for .soma port in Japan. Captain J. W. Ekstrand, is her commander and h and. tha two engi neers are tha only white men on board, tha other officers and tha crew being Japanese.. ' According to Captain Ekstrand. the Shlbatu Maru was in tha very worst of tha fiurr leans that swept the ocean Thuraday night and cauaed ao much damage to shipping, including the de struction of tha bark Coloma and tha ship Sea Witch. -The Japanese craft was a. few hundred milea oft tba coast, near where tha Sea. Witch waa aban doned, and all night ' aha waa flooded front stem to. stern toy terrific breakers. Captain Ekstrand, who is 75 years old and has hair as white aa the anow of the country from which ha halls, say a the voyage waa one of tba rougheat he ever experienced, although It la 05 yeara ainca be made bis first trip on a little Swedish bark from tha Island of Oland, and haa followed the sea. ever since with tha exception of the time be spent In the navigation achoola. Despite his age. Captain Ekstrand spent mbst of tha stormy night on the bridge, and as a result Is how doctoring a severe cold. Ha made tha Columbia river bar Friday, but It was too rough to get a pilot and aa he had bean unable to get a proper chart before starting; ha decided to lay outaida over nights. Saturday morning a pilot cam oh board and In the after noon tha bar waa crossed. - Captain Ek strand waa one of -ths first European to make Japan his headquar. ters, having lived there off and on alnce 1859. The Shlbatu Maru will carry away S.000 tons of breadstuff, and Cap tain ekstrand expecta to get her ready for departure this week. She will he fonow4-by-th .QotoMa.ruwhjLj, now en rout from Japan. SAYS HE WAS SHANGHAIED Wltaees at Galen Investigation Tails - Strang Tale. - The Galena Investigation which waa concluded at Astoria laxt Heturday showed that Captain Howell might have used the- lead more freely - upon ap proaching tha coaat. but hla certificate was not suspended by the board, as It waa shown that everything had been don to save tha vessel from going on the sand after aha was found to be In shoaling- water, .'Second Mate Tapper and the apprentice were commended by the trial board for their good work after tha bark went on the Vands. J. Riley, a sailor, disappeared mys teriously when he waa to be called to testify and after hunting high and low for him at- Astoria hs was found In Portland.' .Upon being taken back to the city by the sea, Riley -said that h had been Invited on board the steamer Un- dlna to take a drink -with an unknown man who carried TWo flasks. That was the laat that he remembered until he woke up in a berth on tha steamer In the vicinity of St. Helens. Riley ssld he had been "doped" and shanghaied, but British Consul James ljUdlaw. who conducted the trial, did not believe the shanghsing story.. The fellow waa an unimportant wit-. neaa in any event," aald the consul this morning, when' told thatlt- hatbeen rumored that Riley had been shang haied In order to prevent him from tes tifying at the Investigation. NEGLIGENCE. IS DISPLAYED WE, may gain your atten tion with words, but your appreciation only by service. The printing we produce is "good printing. We do not waste our time and .your money on fakes and fads, but infuse into our work the skill and knowledge of artistic prin ciple that makes it attractive not only for a day but for all timer Phone Main 165. FeW,BaltesrCo. first and OakrStrccts Many Coasting -Bebooaer rail to rro- '.. . . . . Tid Gangplank. -- ---- Thst mar sailors do not meet death by falling into the river Is considered miraculous by people acquainted with conditions along - the waterfront, for many of the veaaela in the ha-rbor are criminally negligent In providing proper gangplanks even for their crew. An ordinance provides for the stretch ing of s net under the gangplank lead ing from a wharf to a vessel, but half the coasting schwoners moored at the mill here do not even provide the gang plank. Any on wishing to go on board haa to prove a climber of the flrat order or 4ak a plunge Into the river. During the past few years a number of sailors on foreign vessels have fullen to their death simply because of poorly constructed gangplank, and. yet these . are better provided than the coastwise lumber droghers. Many of the schooners use no. plank at all and the sailors in going to or from shore climb on bosrd over the long and slip pery lumber chutes.'. Others shove a rickety laffder ashore, fit only for slack 's I re performers. 1 f . . STORM IS BREWING Weather Bursa Order warning Sis played Along- Coast. Indications of another storm brewing off the Oregon' coast were discovered by District Forecaater Bels thia morn ing and storm warnings were ordered displayed at all the coaat points. Mr. Reals is of the opinion, however, thst the blow will not be a. severe a thst of lsst Thursday night. That storm wis one of the worst ever recorded here snd Mr. Heals sent out warnings 24 hours ahead. The liarrlman freighter Attec crossed In over th bsr yesterdsy morning and wlllb In the harbor this afternoon. She brings a smaller cargo than usually, but will go out with about 0.000 tons Of general freight on board.'.. IM i SAILOR FALLS TO DEATH 01 Anton Olson Killed at John Yesterday Afternoon. Ole Anton Olson, a sailor on the Schooner Alpena, wa Instantly killed ! yesterday afternoon by felling from the J St. Johns Lumber company's wharf to the deck of his vessel, a distance nf to feet. Ills neck waa broken and Ms body., badly. ..bruised.- Coronet ,, Flnley held an Inquest last night and th ver dict rendered wa that th man wa In- A Great Christmas Sale Fine - 1 r" -" - '- 11 ' t 7T- r . . French Undermuslins y4 Off Our great Annual Chrittmaa ; ; Sale" of fine French Under muslins starts tomorrow and continues "until' furthef- notice Thousands of piece. ' of dainty lingerie, all styles, grades Gowns made of fine , French- percales and -natn-sooks, hand - embroidcTed and lace trimmed hand em- broidered eyelets, ribbons "Long " and short sleeves, -hand - embroidered chemise. Hand-made and hand-em-broidered drawers Hand - madcand hand-embroidered petticoats and corset covers. , Magnificent sets All on sale at of thel 4T-ff z regular prices. rt4-Vll XMAS APRON SALE ' Great Holiday Sale of Women's White:Lawn Aprons, with or without bibs, made with wide hems, tucked and embroidery-trimmed. Great bargains as follows Second : Floor Take advantage of this great opportunity 35c Lawn Aprons 25 85c Lawn Aprons 72ft 50c Lawn Aprons 43 $1.00 Lawn Aprons 83f 60c Lawn Aprons 47if $1.25 Lawn Apnans 08 75c Lawn Aprons 67 $1.50 Lawn Aprons $1.22 Women's Fancy Short Svfriss Lan and Cambric Aprons, with and without bibs, trimmed in fine laces, headings and '; embroideries, also ribbons. Great special values at, the following; exceptionally low prices Take advantage r 60c Val'8. 47 85c Vals. 72? $1.60 Vals. gl.22 75c Vals. 67 $1 Vals. 83 $2.00 Vals. ? 1 .69 rftrGreat-Christm New Bonne Femme Curtains Corded Arabian Bonna Femmea, with beautiful l-lneh lac flounces: all magnificent deslgna, greut variety: ysrds -jongt-three-wUithSr-to-nt sll windows, firrat apcclal-jvaiue-. l ... ..3.9S f 4.35 at 36-inch regular 4.50 value reduced to, each. 36-inch regular $3.00 value reduced to, each. . 36-inch regular $6.00 value reduced to, each. 50-inch regular $5.00 values reduced to, each. . .SO-inch regular - $6J0 values reduced to, each, r 50-inch regular $7.50 values reduced to, each. . 30-inch regular - $8.50 value reduced to, each. . '72-inch regular $1 1.25' value reduced to. each. . 72-tnchregular $12.50 value reduced to each., 72-inch regular $15.00 value reduced to, each. . , S4.95 ..ft. 50 ..838 f 9.8S Odd lot of Arabian colored Bonn Femmes, In one else only; 60 inches wide by a yarda long; 14.60 value at ,each.Sa.SS -Odd lot of white and Arabian colored Bonne Kemroe; made on net with Renaissance and braid designs; one else only; SO Inches wide by S yarda long IS. SO and $7.60 values st, each ...' S3.TS Picture Department Specials Paste! Pictures, framed In 2-Inch gilt frames, Isrge vsrlety of subjects; regular $1.7& values, on sale at, each. . , Colored Japanese Pictures, framed In green frames, else Til Inches; best 50c values, on sal at thlf.s low prica, each svw Fancy ahaped Tabourettea, stamped In a variety of deslgna for burning; regular 2.2& valuea. on sal at. Complete stock of Pyrography Outfits and Stamped Wood. Great showing of framed and unframed - Pictures.- Second floor? - ' Artistic Picture Framing to your order at the lowest price's. IXioai order should be brought in st once. Second floor. 98c 51.49 Women's $55.00 Suits G3825 $34 Fur Coats $20.35 Children's Fur Sets at. each S3T8 -': ,; Women's LcngtluCoats $ 1 4.45 J! Women's $4o0 Fur Scarfs $3.45 Women's $ 16.00 Coats for S9J03 Special Holiday Sale of 50 Women's Tailored Suits, in tight-fit tiim. pony and blotts effect also light-fitting styles handsomely trimmed with braid, Persian gimp and velvet, in broadcloth, cheviot and,tweeds; solid colon, checks and fancy" mixtures. Thi season's most attractive garments, selling regularly at $5Z0O IftO 'E .jind ?55.DO eacjj. Value extraordinary at .... .4 ....... eyJIJadty J Gret Holiday Sale of 100 Women' Nw Coats. 71engtn7 in gray mixriires, tight-fitting and semi-fitting backs, with broadcloth collars 'in red or green; fancy braid-trimmed. Coats we have ?Q DC sold hundreds of at $16.00 each. Grand value at.. . . . . .. v70sf Special line of W'omen's Coats in mannish mixtures, 3-4 length gar ments of the very best style: box back. Reirilar t 1 A - A tZ $18.00 and $20.00 values on sale at the low pficf of.-. . 1 J Women' Fur Coats, French sable foney, made' lit plain box sHil or tight-fitting blouse effect,, finished with silk girdle, nicely lined with Skinner's satin, all siies; a Style and quality 'garment the exclusive fur store asks $40.00 lo. $50.00 for. Regular $34.00 COR Is value on sale at this remarkably low -price rrr.-; --rrr. aVlJeaV J Special Holiday Sale of Women's Fur Neck Scarfs, made in French coney sable color, four-in-hand style, double 'fur-lined, Cl s4.i, finished with silk fringe,. at the very low price of. ...... S? J Special Holiday Sale of Children's Fur Sets of White Thibet, collar and muff; collar is nicely lined with satin; muff is made in the new flat style, finished with silk cord. Very nobby little set. C11 1 Q Great value. While they last at the low price of U Child's Lamb'. Wool Set, , flat collar, satin-lined; . C 1 irimmed muff. Great value at the very low price of.... iv(J fTU Sets, Stationery, Toilet Novelties, Etc. Dennison's Holly. Boxes for" 'send- ing Christmas gifts, etc. B-8 Christmas Bells; special at, ea. Tt Leather Chip and - Playing Card Racks, hold from $2 to $5 in chips, values from $S to $10, . at TWENTY PER CENT OFF Silver-Plated j t,'",rtlh : great special value, at.. ..8.33 Oxidized Metal Comb and Brush Sets, guaranteed not to tarnUh; special value at, per et....69f Hardwood Boxes, with brass trim- " mings and initial plates, used. for . collars, raffs, neckties, gloves, etc.; great special values 91.19 Hardwood Back Hand Mirrors, in ebony oak and. mahogany; $1.50 ... values at the low price of 1.19 ' French Staghorn Hat and Bonnet -Brush, with , sterling mnunt- ings; great special value at the low ptice of, each.. .... ,.fl.09 $2.25 and $2.50 Manicure Set in leather cases; special at....98 Celluloid Whisk'Broom Holders, . with broom to match; very pret : ty $1.00 values on sal at , .T9 - - Fancy Soaps put up in Christmas boxes; 60c values on sale at 39 Oxidized Silver- Inkstands and Desk Blotters; great special val ties at the low price ot. ea. T9 A new Portland Souvenir Book, just the thing to send to your eastern friends; great special value for this sale at, each.25) Silk Waists And Petticoats LOreat holiday -ml of women's Taf feta' SIlk Waists. In plaids snd fancy stripes; tailor-made -or fancy - (Tectav In green, red, brown; blue, tin. black and white: large variety, grand valuea,- aa follow: . $10.50 Waists at... $11.00 Waists at... $16.50 Waiats at... $12.50 Waist at... 913.00 waist at. $18.00 Waists at. T.28 8.45 f 12.45 . f9.45 111.95 13.85 . Great speclsl holiday aale of high-grade Silk Pettteoate; It and lllneh flounces; plain colors, plsids; Dres den and Persian 8llk-e,trtit tyjer In black and all leading ahndea. Beau llfulBklrts for Christmas gifts: $10.00 $12.50 $15.00 $18.00 $25.00 $30.00 $40.00 Petticoats at. Petticoats at. Petticoats at. Petticoats at. Petticoat a at. Petticoats at. Petticoats at. ..... 8T.45. J 9.15 1.95 f 13.95 w 18.25 .f21.85 f29.45 Tea Gowns, Kimonos, Etc Christmas Sale of Jewelry Women's Fancy Enamel Watches, very pretty novelties, guaranteed movement., Kreat . special values "atthig tow trticereachrrr: f 3.83 Sterling Silver Signet Hat Pin. grand value, at, each. .,...,28) Gold-Plated Beauty Pins for your : , baby or collars, large variety, grand values, t ........... 19f Solid Gold Pens, with pearl han dles, fancy plush boxes 89 Gold-Plated Watch Fobs, initialed, great values, at .. ... .-.25 Graduated Pearl Beaded Neck laces, pretty and dainty colors, great value, at ,,:,... , 59 Sterling Silver Souvenir Spoons on - - Ie at the low price 0(,804 Sterling Silver Perfurhe Bottles on - sal at the low price of.r..3 Powder Puff Jars, each 28 Fancy Mounted Back Combs, great values, jt, each.. ... . xaf Traveling Bags IMnrh rtbla Bic. fnll torfc . leather leather -4Ibm1, es4 zBc III iKjmi AJk . .... ... ... .. feather Otford nag. lines piiiloaaes. eaok . . . . II te H llnr. M sertet, 121m b. jurrat aoeelal a.xirtaient of -ereal value r.-.-r; . , . . M M - women MirWt Has- l an IS-lsrk Oifor Has. Ia: baastlriil stales in all - full slock tnetaer, lkl .painer snd rnlors; valnee trlsialnga, 4 valae.. SIM from 10 te S40....H 01 T toslcated and carelessly walked to hla death. The Alpena la loading at the mill wharf. Yesterday Olson went to Port land and Imbibed freely In th north end saloons. Returning to th vessel at 4 o'clock In the afternoon, he atumbled on th wharf and ell headlong to the deck of the vessel. It 1 said that the veascl could have been reached In safety from a gangplank from tha shore below the wharf, but that Olson evi dently forgot this or thought he would take short cut through th. rigging. Olson was 4( years old and single. He belonged to the Sailors' union, which organisation" will tak chsrg of th funeral. He shipped at San Francisco , Bella tha New Tear by Renting t A SAf X 'DEPOSIT OSOX . .- la the riI AMD SCHOLAR FXOC-r YAW.TS Or TBI OREGON TRUST & SAVINGS BANK It mats bnt s trifle snd (Ires muck comfort la tkt renter. Mortgagee, Bonita, DeMa, fir and Ufa Intense Pollrles, or other valaahle paper ahould not be left iTlnf around In dsak er eloset at keiae where thee mm J bars- u, whea It enet little te keep them ander lork sn key Ja s steel visit. . . . The ho Is whk-h paneV r vahiaMni re itored ire of heavy nieul and fit snngly Into s steel bot wltk s lork ea the deer that res the kj at the officer -la rears of th vanlti, ales th key nf th renter in open It, no on ehie ran bare arn te It nd th protection fct perfect. - The officers ef tne company will take' tack pleaaur la thawing th different Med bon nd glTlng price at say tlm betwees 1. B. sn " p. si. - PORTLANMREGON SIXTH. AND WASHINGTON on th Alpena, but ..haa been sailing opaslwls foe ths pass 10 yeara. ALONG THE WATERFRONT The steamer Alliance will ' sail for Eureka and Coos bay tomorrow night. The Galena crew will he paid off at Astoria today. It I believed thst the hark can be floated from the aanda of Clatsop' beach, where sh piled up a few weeks ago. The British bsrk Formosa arrived In the harbor yesterday and dropped anchor i.i the stream. She came from Mexico In ballast under charter to load grain for Europe. The captain reports an unoventful voyage, but the ship wss driven ashore at Astoria during Thura day night's storm. She was not In jured, however, so far as ha been as certained. . . The French bark La Pereuse ts ready to salt for Europe with 111,32 bushels nf wheat, valued at 171.500. Th stesm schooner Claaco cleared for San Frsn- cisco today wltb 400,000 feet of lum ber. Captain Williams of tha British berk Ivern. says his sailors sre going to stand by the ahlp desplt th fact that they ware, detained sis weeks off the bar. He says they are fine lot of men and have no reason to desert ths ves sel here. Th bark la still at anchor In th Btream.!- - ' - MARINE NOTES . Astoria, Dec. 10. Left up at T:80 a. steamer Astec. Balled at 1:S5 a. ! m., schooner Oeorge E. Millings, for Ssq Pedro. ' Astoria, "Dec. Iv Arrived down last night and ened at 1:40 p. m., steamer Cascade, for Sun Francisco. Arrived at I :t0 . m., steamer Astec, from San Frsnclaco: Arrived at II noon, schoon er Sailor Boy, from San Frsncisco. Ar rived at t:40 p. m... schooner Annie iir sen, from Ssn Frsncisco.. Arrived down at 4 p. m., Brjttsh ship Robert Duncan. Sailed at 4 p. m., steamer Tiverton, fori ssn r ranciaco. ien up at ' i p. . m., barkentln Aurora. ' Ban Francisco, Dec. I. Arrived, stesmers Atlas and Johan Poulsen, from Portland. , Astorls, Dec. ..,10. Condition nf the bar at I a. m., moderate; wind est; est her, light rln. Heavy, Impure blood makes a muddy, f .Imply coroplexlon, headaches, nsusea, ndlgeatlon. Thin blood mskes you weak, pais.-Alckly., . Burdock. Blood Sit ters makes the blood rich, red, pure rstora perfect health. - Of all th food products, none i so important ath bred you eat at every meal. The lightest, sweetest, most appetis ing bread is made from Demerit's Best Flour -A" Bread That Stands For- Purity and Perfection DEMENT BROS. CO. Office and Warehouse 340 East . Washington Street. Phone East 5607. IS&Si. HeUig Theatre .'JSTi JAirw O'jrxiuL TMaetdar. Mtiry Khrht. December 1115. , SperUI' Price Matinee Saturday. "Hosts caaTO." Tharsaar and m1ay 5lctr. Pecemher 11-14, "tag voice or ik mishtt." leasts Prices Urwer Floor. II. .W, SI; Bl easy, II. TBe, BOr; G 1117. Site, He. Matin Prices S.V I 1. Seats Kow Selling at 11111 Tkeitr. ' SPECIAL XXtUO THIATSt- - Tseeday gTsnlag IToaierrew), Dec 11. CUPID IN POSTERLAND Direetloa ef Jasae W. Evans. Portia Seat Mnstrsl Coatedy Taleat. Trtuu Ss te It. ma with m caowo. R-ilrss Th Pboee Mala 1BCT. vunn i iiwaki s Orssea Theatre Co.. P trail sent Hon' ef Th lakr Theatr Stock Ce. All This Weak, a Grand Production . ef MukHpMM IoibwwUI Drama. j-TH stiacHAKT or imcx." Wltk J ok a selnanlla Shylock. ' Ooiplt la sreaarv and aetall. Tnnlcht I slan slrlits eryone a 'bane t win a vtlnahl piano, statin Hatnrday. Reealpg price. He. sue. Sue; Matin. I.V. IV. Hut WmBw-"A Baeselet's twaaaea." OAKS RINK TONIGHT SOCIETY NIGHT Positively the most delight ful skating night of the ;week New Skates Spe- cllMu8ic. i "'A - ' "T'IS.'rai1lWllSSlSllMl - UknA-.-vlteS. WEIGHT AND HEIGHT f AIRBANK8' BATH 'BOOM.. and PHTBIC1AN8' SCALES. Popular for home and fne. CHRISTMAS QIFTB. rinuixi, Momaa oo, . first as. nrk Sts. AJTCrSIlgwwTS. EMPIRE THGATRB ' 'sTala UT. stlltea W. aWmas, Kaaar. ' Playing AU U Baaters Milr lU.lla Attrac tion. Taoiaut. all Thle Wk. lke crailns I'arnr Ceaied, "TBI TWO ;OHII," The Two ranay Fat rrllowi. Xw fan. Prettr Olrl. Elaborate Ooatma. ktatls Wdnlay an Saturday. Kegslsr -Kaiplr .Price. ' " st Attraotios ' 'Oat ss laake." tark Sta. Pantages Theatre WltSOW COMEDY tTAlTT, KACHCg'8 xovcatx9 acaas, ladsiw and de Wl IllHT I.ITTl w ni A WM-v CAALETOW OSTAAVBEA, THI SIOaAr; . TBe Beet bew sf the S.aana ' Is ss May st raatage. Perferaiance dally at I SO. T:SO as p. st. AamlMloe 10 cnt snd So mil, Beses S3 cent. . Asy stat St. week-day satha luc. j The Grand Wsj. X. ktaawell aa Salay Dually. Tom SWXXT CHAAmr." Ksdoea aa afalria. 0. W. Utttoflel. BUey as Xstthews. Mantes- A Xitty Brady, atlas Sobs Deveaper. lfaster Batel Hoff. Masquerade Ball Hair'. Hall. Oer. WiUlaais Ave. s4 Xsett St. Saturday Eve Dec. IStb trader Assyiea ef Blse BU Olsk XX OmAVS VmZBBB. Oenls, 50i Ladles. 25. . ' ' STAR THEATRE " sesraj w SV wwr a V r nTTTSSg an sr 11 Bw thb allx.n , stock cohpanv raR.r THELMA Matlsees TsMdsys. Tkvrarfar. Barorear an nnttya st 1 AO p. a, prtc 1 mmA tu .. Brr ntng st 1 S'clorki prkwe 10, Sn SO ersla. L.YRIC THEATRE ; wcik Bioigvrjre Dsczstsra i. ; Mrke Rsakki' rMfrals Baaiasc Is rtr Sria. "The D -J Bo, afflca pa trm lo Beets t 'V -J : I. ' ...:....V.-