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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 10, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, MONDAY EVENING. DECEMBER 10. 1006. Lumbermen' MinlhgrCo. Bfln Owuci ul rromctcra. . Sr. .J. a. roranuia, rraat. , MO RTOOK JOBSIVQ ossaaBR.-- - .- MMAS, SSTATX. The Oregon Daily Gentlemen -I assure Journal advertisers that - pay. Four insertions . of the simple announcement. of -"Timber . Claims" has brought me over 40. applicants and many letters of : . . 7- inquiry. . -. . ..7:'...:7.: .7 . r. 7-':-7.: ; r7, V ' " 1 appreciate Journal ads. - - .: : J. R. FOREMAN; " : : .;, ,,. ',Y BARTER AND EXCHANGE. WOOD ENOUGH TO PAY FOB PLACB o irm of very fin lead, 1H ail In of railroad sod town of Tualatin; altuated on the bank ot tb Tuslatla river; 11 mil of Poctland on tb Taylor' Ferry wfoo road: fond twill; lsys nice and level; T cre of grnuin beaverdam land; timber e land will rut between lA.Ouo aud 1S,U0 our da of wood, which will pay for place twk over; prtr $ par acre; will exchange for Portland properly. What bar yoa to offer? Thla la bargain., - J. FRANK PORTER, : I2S Waehlngtuu. cor. First, apstalre. F-Qt'lTT la new g-rooni bouse to exchange for vacant lot la alblne or Ir ring too. Z U. Journal. . FOR EXCHANGE 20 abaraa In on of tba old aat wholoaale house In tba city, for boua too lot, Kegieter Co.,. lOTVi Third at. TIMBER. TO TUB COAST TIMBER OWNERS Do too , want tba prat prloaa for your tlmbor 1 Do 70a want tba a. la of It handled In a way ' that will bo sstlsfsctory to you? Do you . want It aold quickly! If ao Ik It with aw. I am la sonstsnt touch with good buyers, ' bow on tba coast, tbat 4r ready to cruls any timber land tbat Is right In pries. . Writs or call oa ma at once, I will aril with. , out delay, J. N. Blair, US Ablngton Bid. . ". ACRES yellow pins; 90,000 dally mill. .. within I mllea of lira railroad town, grtlra demand for all lumber; land, valuable when logged for many uaea; atroiig annual stream 'for power, fltimtug etc. I 15,(K, per ha pa leaa. will handle deal: food eontracta fur lumbar, ties and poles; mora timber can be bad. E II, ears Journal. TO OWNERS Or TIMBER CLAIMS AMD ' TIMBER, We will bay for cub any mod timber : tributary to Nebalem river; will deal with owner only; ao 01 bare need answer. Write, WASTED T-purehee timber lands la Tilla mook, Polk, Linn, Lena, Pnuglaa, Jackson or Klamath counties; large tracts preferred. ; Bend particulars to eaatara eyadfcat. B 8, car Journal. BATE yoav Ukea a timber claim I Wa hare a few choice ye now pins limner claims roc entry; good louatloa. Call and aee us. 10S, inira at.; room j. FOR SALE HO acres timber land wltb 3.00O.. ono test spruce: close to Astoria, la Paelnc eonnty, Wsi-blngtoo; will aell cheap If takea aooo. Call 61ft Marquam bldg., Portland. FOR rood timber claims and homestead phone SCOtt SDaO, WANTED Timber lands, either Ore son or Washington, tn any good location and any . amount. Hobs Tagg art, 211 Altaky bldg. ow fir t Im Se "T sa.OOO.OOO feet; 40 mllea from Re a t tie and ,-Teaa K. P. By rans through It; good for logging. C. C. Bchmand, 226 Stark at., city. FOR SALE LIVESTOCK. FOR BALB Three choice fresh milk cows, wltb calTce. First new boaee on right baa4 aliM of LUintna road. Wm. Kakrtta. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. IF 00 WANT . A new atore. go to the f. A aew range, gs te the f. Te trade stores, go t the . , . . A Water-bark put In, go te tba f. tHralture. go- to It, 1. gsa Vlrat at. Mala 3T4. FOR BALE Foiterrler papa, 484 Ebr at.. Moatarllla. Paoaa Bast 13, ask tor Era as. . SEW1NO MACHINES boagbt. aold a ad as. . rhanged. J aad sp. . Weal era Salvage C Ctr Waahlugtoa at. BOOKS bought, sold and exchanged at tba Old Book Store. TJH VamhIU aU WE print your same ea 50 calling cards, proper alas aad atyle. We; 2M buetuee eards, IL A. W. Scbmale Co., Xi Flrat, Pertlaad, ur. SHOWCASES, coaatrrs, fixtures, bought, sold or exchanged. Western Salvage Co a?l Waahlngma at. rscuw TWk SO SLIORTLT damaged aewing marblnes at very low prices: Hluger, Wheeler Wllaoa, Domestic, Whllte. Uouaehold, Davis and etiirra; ta make room (or aew stock Wheeler A Wllaoa and Singers. S. S. Slgsl, SU Mur rlaoa at., Mantuam bldg. SHOWCASES aad flitnrea, aew sad aecond. hand. Csrlsoa A K a llat roes, lay Couch at. BILLIARD AND POOL table for rent or fur eale ea tear payments. , TUB BBUN8WICK-BALKB COLLENDEB CO. 40 Third at., Partlaad. SECOND-HAND bar flit area, pool table, aafea. tables, chairs. westera Salvage Cs Wsahlngtoa at. 6tf CfrERRT TREES of tba only original parent ,. tree, the aew cherry, the Giant; flm-clai trees. Jnllus Kalllra, Wsodlawa. Oregoa. FOR SALB CHEAP 200,000 feet of lumber. 00 000 feet ill Z IS per l.OtKX H. B. Stout. TtS Raleigh. I'bon Mala xxM. A BAkOAIN ) homer and' bomer-drsgnea rroas plgaona; am moving away; no sale with out Inveatlgatloa. Ueorga B, Uouta, Balama, WssblngUia. BOLDEN'S RUEt'MATIO CUKE Sura rare for rheamatlem. Sold hy aU drugglat. WILL sell piano cheap or trade for automobile or city real estate, Address- tf-oaWoui nsl. FOR SAt.B Paints and patterns for embroidery painting oa vslvet at 11 T7 East 2tb at. t'boae Bcott 402. I.too LIGHT Westlngkoase alternating dynamo, ' S.S0O volts; with sicltorsnd pole trans, formers. In fine crmUltloa, cheap for assb. Edwin 0. ABM, St) Alder at. FOR SALH Pomeranian Spits puppies, two months aid; price to suit. Phone. East 6818. FOR SALE Twice folding bed, 110; dresser, 4.10; parlor pool labia, 116;. wheel (geat'a), . Pbuaa Eaat 1340. 184 B. 23d at. MOO NEW aprlght piano, lleOi Decker. t; organ, $2ft. 241H First at, cor. Mala, ue stairs. SHAFTS for three homes for aale. Mala T16S. FOB SALB Upright piano, reliable make, ma hogany caae. eneap lor cam, lu at 11 Weal Park street. FREB aianore, 3T Jtfferaoa. PBIVATB BALB Will sacrifice ale fnrnltar sf T ronma, only $.I0; rent His walking dla- 1 fence) will aell fh whole or piece by piece. I7S F.aat 14th et, Thone Eeat 3H20. PERSONAL. IHIROHODT Club and Ingrowing nails treated: scalp aud face meeeage. ICItli Wasnlaalon. BrM'ENTI.y OfMned manlcnrmg parlorv.' ladles .. and gentlcmra. IC1V Motrlaua at.,-roots IX Bl'LL DOOS FOR SAI-E English bull terrier Snps, 2 white, wltb little black, 1 dark brln le, price 116 eacb. To my former patrons I wish tn say that these pups are by far the finest enra I bare ever owned. W. B. Browa, Lorkaley Hall, Beaalds, Or. Portland, Journal,- City r i - rf u-.-- 305 East Morrison bt- PERSONAL. DETECTIVE AGENCY Confidential Inveetlgs. tlons; raports furnlshad on Indlrlduila. ttitlr character, raapuaalblllty. etc.; bad debts col. r locted; mlaalng relatives located; charges rtssooabls; correspondence solicited, ' Oregoa Detective Service. . office s-4 Flledner bldg.. 10th aud Waablngtoa ate. Phoaa Mala 515. . TURKISH BATHS, BOO Oregonlan bldg. ladlra daye, gentlemen nights. Main ISStt. SWEDISH trained nurse. Hrlelngfore gradnata, uoaltlvcly curea rbeumatUu. atomucb triniblee and nervous dlaordera by band-rubtlogvBtiau, - awest and' tub baths; both sexes. No. J East 11th at. Take Kaat Aakaujr car.- Pbon Bast 200. MA SLY vigor realored by Dr. Roberta' Nerve Qkibilea. One month's treatment. 3; moaths, tft; seat, secure ly eealed by matt Ageata, Woedard. Clarke at Co, Portlaad. Or. SUITS pressed while yon-wait, no. Ladles' skirts prseeed. 50c. Ollbert, 100 SUta at.. Beat to Quelle. Phone Mala . BB8T magsjlns clubs erar offered; send for prices: agspta wanted. Jooes Book More, Svl Alder St.. Portlaad. Or. ' . , MOLE8, wrinkle, saper(oous bah? removed. No charge to talk It over. Mrs. M. I.,H11L Boom S.Y0 Filed uer Bldg. Pbooe PadV liU. DISEASES OF WOMEN Private maternity ho. pltsL quiet location; apeclal care. Dr. At wood, room S. &0tt Morrison. TeL Psc. lTos. BOLD ON There I oa thing that win e-l-e rheumatism. Ask yoar drusglat tot bark tools or address or call it U. ClaotenMNi, druggist, Portland, Or. - WEBroOT Oil Blacking aavas, the leather) ah- aoluely waterproof. ' ' . ' 0ERMAN hooka, magaaloee, aovela, etc.: 0a man, Eagllab. French, Siumlah, Swedlah aad Itallaa dictionaries; forrlga books ef all kinds. Co.. 22 first at. BOLDEN'S KHET MATIO CI KK -Sure core for rneumaiiaoi. ooia Bfnn- aTugiriata. A. REINER, PRACTICAL FURRIER. - Bir-rt letter, fore remodeled, repaired aad . redyed: SO years' eiperlenr Inauree entire satisfaction. . Phono Pacific 2407, -t.ewla bldi. SEXINB PILLS cars all forma of aervons or muscular weakness. For men or women. Prlc 1 a box. boxes $8, with full guar antee. Address or call J. O. Clsmeason. drag glet. Second end Yamhill ata., Portlaad. Ot. DR. PINO CHOONO. Importer Chinese root medicine; sells Chinese tea. eertela cure for aU dleeaaee. 181 zd. bet. Yamhill and Taylor. DR. O. T. KETCBUM cares promptly private dlaeeaee, . kidney, nervous, ' ekla end special female troubles. Csll or write. Office lT.iVk Third at., eor. Tamhlll. Phoae Paclhc 222U. BALM OF FIQS for all female disease. East Belmont. I lies East 40S4. LADIES: He Antlaeptlc Cnplds for monthly Irregularities; safeat. eureet, mast convenient; "eea nicsiiy; no uaiigarone nrngai 1 swalinwi , large box gl.SO, Mrs. Carrl Young, Adrian. - aainnseoia; JMX oa. MISS GIBSON glvoa scalp treatment; massags. tWVi Morrlaua at., room 82. " DOLLS HOSPITAL Repairing aad draeetag. aiaom a, wasaiagtoa at. MANICURING, chiropody and alcohot rnbblngr t ar wrs at ana xz. -joa atari at. S YOUNG ladle give maeseg treatmenta. llOVi Fourth at., cor. Waablugton. v BEFINED -young lady just srrlvcd from New York; msasags. Boom a, 281 H Alder et. LADIES: Dr. La Fraaco'e Compound; sats, speedy regulatort 2S cents, drngglata or mall; booklet free. Dr. La Franco, Philadelphia. Pa. BEFINED lady gives masssg treatmenta for .' rheumatism sad all chronle stlments; also chiropody, 201 H Third St., eornecraylor. MRS. SOPHIA B. SE1P. reliable psychic; coa- enlt per for valuable Inrormatton. IHJa Yam bllL room 1. Circle Tuesday svulng, 26th. YOUNG scientific masseuse give electrical, al , coholle end medicated treatmenta; chlropodiat ad manicuring. 41 Halelgh bldg. MISS . RAYMOND givea maegs treatments. 2USH Morrison St.. roar 14. . GENTLEMAN, middle-aged, wlahea . coaaln tanc of a lady of 40 or 4S with a view of matrimony, Aadroe -SVAoV-J' MASSAGE parlor. 353 Yamhill, cor. Park, parlor 4 snd ft. MARRIAGE PAPBB. seat sealed: many worth . $100 to IIOO.OiO; tenth yesr: send 10c - L. L. Love. Box 10UO. Denver. Colo. FACIAL and eralp manicuring and shampoo done at the homes. Phone Mela tttua. Room . ATTORNEYS. C. H. PIOOOTT AND J. A. FINCH Attomera at uw. rrartiee la ail conns, 4 Mulkey bldg., corned Second snd Morrison, ART. PORTLAND WHOLESALE at RETAIL ART CO. Representing on of tb Isrgsst eastern manu facturers, sr able to show jron the fliteet dlaplay of pictures In th city. We cordially Invite 700 to call before purcbaalng else- a her. SOS Waablngtoa St. FREB LESSONS In embroidery every dan aew etamped shlrtwslsts rnrset-covera, e. ' lero Jackets, hats, amhrellss, etc. The Needlecraft Shop SSI Waahlugro St., be tweea Weet Park aad Tenth ata. PROFESSOR B. MAX MEYER, Hi Akler. portrait and landacapo art la t and teacher. -'ASSAYERS. BARVII CYANIDE EXTRACTION CO.. aad Montana Aaeey Offtc. 1M Morrlaoa at. BLANK-EOOK MAKERS. HOWE. DAVIS A KILHAM, loa-lll Second at. , Blank hook manufactured: ageata for June Improved Lsoae-Leaf ledgers; se th a Eureka leaf, the beat the market. BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES. BUTCHER SUPPLIES. Btrkeawald Co.. S04. 0 Evsrett at. I Isrgest batcher supply keaa ea the coeaL Write for catalogue. BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES Adolph A. Dekam, 1I1-13JJ First at., carries a full line snd ronv plete aaeortmant at lew eat market price. COAL AND WOOD. . THE PORTLAND FUEL CO.. 1 gueceseorg to C. B. DAVIS FUEL CO., Phone East M. &H East Morrison at ALB1NA FUEL CO. Dealer la rdwnd. coal and greea end dry alabwood. B, B. and aihl see.. I blocks eaat of ferry. Bast 474. STEEL BRIDGE FUEL CO. Dealers la eoal. eordweod ana org eiauwaoa. rnose sst . OREGON FUEL CO. All klnde of coal aad WoodLi B 44 A Mter et. i-ooue siam so. WESTERN FEED A FUEL CO. Hows Ss4 blarkamltb coals. Pbon Msla 101, STAR riOEWOOO CO. Pboaa Mall SIM tur Boa. Bwva su ataaweou. Or., Dec. 5, 1906. -y-- r -J. -T- ads in The Journal CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMIST St. Gesrrc Ormonde ' PEER OF EOYPT WORLD RENOWNED Clairvoyant. Palmlet 4inrt. Psychic Healer. . 1HB MOST I'llKNOMKNAL RKADEB. A KPIX'IAL 5 HEADINU FOB fl. By elmply taking your hand .and looking at !' yoa, tlila world-famous medium tells you of - love, msrrlsge. enemies, friends, about busi ness, money, partners, buying, selling, Inveet aieuts, reading every Inclilent. fact and de tail of your life, making clear to you the couree to follow to avoid failure ana obtain surceaa. By a eoure of rpeclal training with adept he can secretly Influence your affelre. , baatea marriage to on of your choice, reunite tb aana rated, restore lost love, find the lost ' ones, pspers, mines, ores. ' or best buatness pro. pec l : ktcatea burled treasure, estate. In ' herltance: ' orerconies all wsskass; RB- STOKES YOl'TIiri'L VITALITY. 1 Make no change la bualnosa, do not buy or aell a rooming. liou as, do not buy mining stacks, do nut buy a lot, .a farm, a ranch. or make a leas without flrat eeelng Or - monde. He will advise yoa to your advaa . tag. He tell wbat eicknes you bava aad ' bow to be cured. . TELLS YOU WHEN AND WHOM ' T . yon MARRY. TELLS TOU HOW TO WIN THB MAN 0B - WOMAN YOU LOVE. " ... Talla your full aauie. age. occupation. Teaches persons! msgnetlsm, cures lost vl taltty. Ivelops clalrvoysnce In you. HOVh FOl'KTIl ST., COR. WASHINGTON ST. Wslk right up; earner rooms. . - . FOR A FEW DAYS ONLY. A SPECIAL to READING FOR $L ALWAV8 CONSULT THE BS1,, , PROF., K. KHIM0. - Grestest' living aalral dead trance plate. voyant ot tbe age; ADVISER OX BUSINESS AND ALL AFFAIRS OF LIFE; whom yoa will marry, bow to control the one yoa love, oven though mllea away; reunite tbe ap arated; give eeeret powers to control. I will do all ethers sdvertlae to do, and a great deal mora. THB ENTIRE WUHI.D HAS BEEN STARTLED WITH THB POW . r.US OK THE UNSEEN rOKCES I HA VB AT MV coMMAKii.,Juu-i. crura w yyg wn nut nrlcA bv alvins you a FREE TEST KREB -Br having your NAME TOLD JIN FULL), JC8T WHAT YOU CAME FOB, aad give you advice absolutely FHEK before yoa dc ul to bav a reading. WHO CAN OK WILL DO MORE TO CONVINCE THE SKEPTIC! IK) NOT MIPS THIS OPPORTUNITY. AS IT WILL NOT BK OKEFUED TO YOU AGAIN. , PBOF. K. KU1M0, Permaaetly Located In 111a Owa Roma. HOI US, 10 TO S. DAILY AND BUN DAT. . No. SSfi Fifth St.. corner Msdlsoa si PROFESSOR WALLACE, palmlit. clairvoyant and medium; readlnga 60c. Parlors 4 and 0, The Cosmo. aeti Morrlaoa at. PROFEHHOR WALLACE, tMlmlet. clairvoyant and medium; reailinga oftr. Parlor 4 and ft. The Coamoe, ihiKl Morrlaoa at. CHIROPODISTS. tlSOPOnr and Pedlcurln Mr. V. D. BUI. Booo i.loFlledher Bldg. boas Pa. ISO. CAFES. TBE OFFICE 2SS Washlagtoa St., ebons T71. Samuel Vlgoeux. CLEANINO AND DYEINGT CLOTHES cleaned tnd. pressed It per Bwotb. Unique Tailoring Co.. iutt Stark at. B. W. TURNER, professional dyer and cleaner. BOB 4ariersoo St. I'hoas Mala Baia. PORTLAND Steam Cleaning and Dying Work, 211 Fourth at. Phone Pacifle SOT. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. t. A. MELTON, th carpenter, 204 Foarta St. Store and ofDr work. Mala liol. CARPET CLEANINO. STANDARD Carpet Cleaning Co.. largest pleat on to cuaat. Loritig ana uaraing ata.. tele, phone -.Kaat t0. Carpet cleaned, refitted, sewed and laid: both steam and latest com pressed sir preceoa; res rating mattreesee and feather a epeclahy. ' : SANITARY carpet cleaning, eoctlo aad com- - preeeeei air combiaea; earp.ra cle.neu on Door without remetal. Malu 6AA4. Mala S200. DRESSMAKING. TRY Anrelea Dreasmaktng Parlors, S42 Flftt aad Main. Pacific VS2. DANCING. DANCING it aeon. 2Ac; class or privets; waits- In, two-stsp. toreo-eiep. etc., stage dancing, buck ' and wing, clog, reel, aklrt, Spanish, Highland fling, etc. Prof. Wal WMleoo, old cat recognised teecher, Allaky bldg. Third and Morrlaoa ata. Prof. Rlngler, Mlts Buckenmeyrr Leading school: ballroom etiquette; correct social dancing; class Toes. -sat. eve. children Sat. J: m.: private leeaou 411. 300 Alder. Main SSI. WOODWABD DANCINO SCHOOL Class Mo Thursday, and ssturday eve ; enciel. fancy and step dancing taught; fearing taught; priest leseone dally, S eaters Academy ball, Becond and Morrlaon. Paclflc 1A30. PROF. EATON Danc'ng school; else for ladle nd gents Monday ana innrsasy tnlage. Arlon ball. Pkon East 2S04. BROWN'S Dancing Academy, Burkbard ball. BOTH Eaat Burnslde, Pbon Mala gua. Deoe Tnerdava. nj-.a7nwiai.LaMi'u.-i- 1 EDUCATIONAL. MART DAVIS MAOINNIS, teacher nf roavea ' tlooal and naturalistic china 1 - water-color heeds a specialty. Bludle 221 B. Sth at.. N. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. PACIFIC ELECTRIC CO. Engineers, rsmtrar- tors, repstrere. electric wiring, euppiie. a Flrat. cor. Stark. Mala Soe). B. B. Tate. mgr. WESTERN ELECTRIC WORKS, SI Sixth at. ton tractors, electric enppiie. motors and dynamos: w Inetall light and power planta FURNACES. BOYNTON farm-air farascc fuel. J. O. Main 461. Bsyer Farnsre Co., 20ft FENCE AND WIRE WORKS. PORTLAND WIRE ft IRON WORKS W Flanders st,, cor. Third. I'bon Mala vuoo. GASOLINE' ENGINES. GASOLINE engines, all elcee and atyles, at lowest priree. svairauo aascuiaery v. iaz-- Morrtaoa at. HOTELS,- THE BELLEVl'B, Fourth and Salmon st. Itooms ho ap; ratre ny week or month eut-ef-towa trad ealldted, PactAc ll. HOTEL Portland, America plaai $i $0 per day. BELVICKBIi I arc see a pUsi 4U tad Alder st. HARDWARE. PORTLAND Hardware Co. aollclta ooportnalt I nrlM V ai.rh ! VmMAa AL .INSUIiANCa... ... ISAAC L. WHITS. Sr loeuaa, lock bldg. - , . JAS. Mrl. WOOD, employers' liability and la . dividual accident security boada of all kinds. Phons er. sicaay i LAND SCRIP. FANTSD-AND- FOB-SALB lnd crtp. -all kinds, lacludtng approved forest reserve for surveyed, anaurvsyed, timbered and prairie government land.. U. At. ii am 11 too. Tb Part, land. Portland. Or. FOB SALE Land scrip, certified and guaran teed; alwaya en hand. . 2V.7 railing bldg., Portland, Oregon. Maglnnla A Son MACHINERY. B. TBENKMAN CO. Mining, sswoitl). km - ring wtachlneryi-hydraulte. pipes, aaatlug; klau repaired. 104 North Fourth. SMALL bsodssw aad Induction motor of 2-hore- powr wsnteo. Aaarees at i, csre im.i. THE B. C ALBBB CO. Second-bead ma chinery, aawmllls. eta. S4B ursno avs. A. PAUL 102 First St.. snglne. bnilera, aaav mill machtaery; wicar Bros, tiooring gang. MUSICAL. THE WEBBER STUDIO Mandolin, banjo, gol lar Inatructioai Ulbeua mandullna. 4sWVi . Waahlngtoa. - PIANO, violin, piano, troaihons, clarinet. Pi . feosor B A. Smith. 204 12th, Msla 470. LARGE STOCK of ah eat mualc. Lvy'a Music bouee. 171 rourro et. MONUMENTS. KEU KINGSLEY. 20S Fint st, Partlaad' leading marble and gtaalto works. MONEY-TO LOAN. VlllNKY TO LOAN Oa Improved city property ec for banding . purposes, for from I to 10 years' tlms. with privlleg. to rpg all or psrt of losa after two years. Lean approved from plaue and Bwney advanceo aa nuuaing progreaaset aaortgages taken on and replaced. . FRED H. STHONU.. TlnancUl Agnt, ' 242 Stark at. CONFIDENTIAL LOANS oa aalarlra. Inanraae policies, pianos, fnrnlture, warehouae r eelpta, etc.; any deserving person may eeeure a liberal advance, repaxlng ay easy wsesty - er monthly Installments. " , KEW ERA LOAN TRUST C0MPANT, Sus Ablngton bldg. MONET LOANED TO 8ALABIED PEOPLE Just on your own name no otner aecarity; . don't borrow sntll von see me; my ayatem I the beat for railroad men, clerks, bookkeepers, stisetcsr men and all other employes; boat : aess strictly eon&ueutisL F. A. Newtoa, 424 Ablngton bldg. MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED PEOPLE . Aad othere upon their own name without security; cheapest rales, easiest payments; 'offices In AO principal cities; ssv yourself money by getting our term Bret. IOLMAN, 223 Ablngton bldg.," 10H Third St. 'ANTKD-Wuirsu murtgsxr or euutiacls ' any kind of real astst In Oregoa and Washing ton; aecond mortgages nnrcbsaed If well a cured. 11. B. Noble. 212 Commercial blk. MONET to loaa la sums to lutt. S and S years, a low aa 0 per cent, oa Improved city prop erty. Monlton A Scobsr. 601 Columbia bldg.. SOS Wsahlngtoa St. DON'T borrow money on salary antll yoa see Hutton Credit Co. . 612 Dckum bldg. W. S. WARD, Iswyer, Allah y bldg. Probsts and mortgags bualness solicited; tnoderste fees; losns money on mortgagoa from f&K) up; asy terms. MONEY loaned on furniture, pianos and other eecurllle. r. . naipawaj, rooaa au. Waablngtoa Bldg. Phone Pads 1SSX MONET to loan; hulldln loana: large loene specialty 1 also lowest rate fir insurance. WUIlsmBochaiiLFsUIng ldg, CRESCENT LOAN CO.. 42S Mohawk bid. Mony to lead oa ssy.pymrn plan to wags-earners; strimy nuauruiui. $300 TO tfi.OOO to loan on real estate aerurltv at S and T per cent by private party. 417 Commercial block. MONEY to loaa on ill klnde of eecnrlty. William Hotl. -room a. .Waablngtoa bldg. ' TO" XJ01K- esBTttFs - B. A. Framet-614 tb Maruaam. MONET TO LOAN Fire Insurances real eetete. Mutter ft aicKenate, wm-xiu commercial blk. A LOAN for th eaklng Salary or chattel. Th Loaa Co.. 410 Dekum bldg. OSTEOPATHIC FHYSICIANS. DBS. ADIX NORTHROP, 41S-14-1T Dekum bin.. Third ana rtasningiea ata. raaa Main S4B. Examination free. OPTICIANS. DR. B. J. MILLS ' ' Optometrlat and Eyealght Spciltt. Bonma M-CT. S23 Waahlngtoa Street. PLUMBERS. Foxr co. - m - . - a - - a. B I ."JHI, TF- Main aad aalrooa. Oregoa Phone Mala Suok. DPNNERBERG A RADEMACHER, r moved U No. 03 ilurue:a at. PAINTS. OIL AND GLASS. F. I. BEACH ft COThe Pioneer Paint Co.; window (law and glaalng. IJA First St. Phone la4. PRINTING. THB MODERN PRINTEBT Arttetle printing. SO Rnesel bldg.. Fourth aad Morrlaoa. Pbooe - Pacts IMS- - - - . EVERYTHING IN PRINTINO From rlrcuUra to catalognno and newspaper. Metropolitan Printing Co.. 14l Front t OGILBEK BROS., printer Carta, billheads, etc. - Phone Msla 196. ItfiVs First at. PAINTING AND, PAPERING. FOR reliable work, ret " Bros., 2Vi Ysmblll, near 4th. Msla u72. ROOFING. TIN ROOFING, guttering, repairing and general .bblng. f".- I1.''? -7 RUBBER STAMPS. P. C. STAhCP WORKS. 24S Alder St.. pbon MStB TlU; raooer SIB m re., evata, siroeini wen- gage, trade cherke; breae elga sad plstss. REAL ESTATE. Payne & Vaa Tync Boat eststs. Investments, mortgage, loan, 210 Allaky blilg. 1'bune Main 220. PAKIUSH. WATKIN8 ft CO., Beat saute. Insurance, rental aad agents. 230 Alder aU leaa J. W. OOII.BEB, reel estat and loans; stse tlehed ISsA. 14SV First St.. room 1L A. B. RICHARDSON . REAL ESTATE AND MORTGAGE LOANS. Phone Msla B.'oJS. f2S Chamber of Com meres. sTsrau- j . . .t- 11 - f -jo. SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES. SHOWCASES of avery description; bsok, bar aad store futures made to order. The Lutka Mannfarta,-lng Co., Portland B. M. BIRDSALL. destgaer: sgsat M. Winter Lumber Co.. T Hamilton bldg. Main ftoAO. STREET PAVINO. WARKRN Construction Co. street paving, side walks aad crossing. 214 Lumber Exchange. THE Barber Aaphalt Paving Co, f PorUsad. , Offlc V Woroestar blk. , ( FINANCIAL IXST BATI0MAI BANK F F0BTLAKD. Designs tad Depository and I A. U MILLS 1st W. C. ALVOBD Prwldeat ausxstaat Caah , ... . Laetere of Credit . Avertable la Barer. sad th4 Eaetee. ,,,"7 . .. treheng end Telegrephle Tranafee, New Yfc B-toa. Cbleagw I ' V' ""a rrsaewc sea tbe pncipi point Sight aad time bill drawa la a a ma to an It ea Loadon Paris. Berll. Frank rwtwnrata. Bamgauag. Yekohama. Copeabagsa. Chrtetlaala. Stockholm. St, Pefrsharg.. Momw. ww. W ADD ft TTLTOM, BASKEBa (EiUhll-ta4 j B . . . . Tvaaasats a Oa serai soi tamo, utters of . vstsaL 1 Si w k . St. Louis. Le n.a. .. 1..J1 .a fiJ!.oaartaBr lla. ' Fran fort. Hngkig. MMZaCHABTS' NATIONAL BANK. F0BTX.ABD. 0IOO. . . 1 a " .im'a. rreeinsni I et. 111 no a la..a Csshls B. W. UOYT Cashier flEORGB W. HOTT c tTaasat a Osasrsi Banking Bualaeas. Drifts aad Letter f Credit ld Avallaoi " AU parte et the World. Collections anaetaltr UBITEB STATES NATIONAL BABE OF BOBTLAND. OBXO0B. " - ' - ... ' Northwest Coraer Third nd Oak Street. ' . a.' Treaaaet a Baasrsl Banking Buslasaa. DB4VTS ISSUED Avaflsbt fa AB "JJ" J? the TJalte4 State sua Europe. Boagkeag aai ManlU. Collection Made oa FevorsMe Tr tnSl,2!?,.l-'. .....J.. C AINSWOIITH I Cashier ,...,....B. W. SCB ""J Vlro-Preseat R. f.EA BARNES I Asa latent Caahter W, A., MOM . , - . rt .. - w aDiiiaS Aaatatant Csabler BANKERS' ft LUMBERMEN'S BANK Portland. Oregon. Corner Second asd atsrk street. 1. Cnmmevatal ead esvlngs department. Interest paid ea esvlngs sceooats. Drafta aad '""rr "f srsdlt tesued svsllsble In all parts sf tbe world. ., . .k E'yJL ,....pv-d.nt 1 ecmeabs v:-:-"!! t"JJ? H' 5THCHfU... First Vlce-Prealdeat It D. STORET Aseleteat Caahler JOHN A. KEATING. . . .Second Vic President ptATT ft PLATT Oeneral Con seel THB BANK OF CALLT0BN1A Eatabllahsd 104. Read Offc. Saa Franc lee. California." Capital paid ap $4 nnn no Snrplns snd undivided proflta. $10.08S.4.$X General Banking and Rvehanre Boalnea Trsnasctsd. Interest On Time Deposit. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Accounts mar be opened of $10 aad apward. . Portland Bra ark Chsmbsr of Co aa mere Building. ?KACRAB:... Managsv I I. T. BPRTCHAEIX......Assltst Msaae TRUST COMPANIES. tr0RTt AND TBTJST COstPAWT OP AB V RRMOITRCES OVER I17B0 ono. General banklsc. 2 per cent internet oa Chech aecooat leven hondreda) en dallv halancea of f sflO or ever. Letter f credit and exebanr '' part of th world. . Ssvtns secnanta. Tim eeetlflestes. S to 4 per cent: short-call ptal rertin cats.. $noo or over. SH to 4 per cent. Call for Book of 'ILLUSTRATIONS. ' , Poatheaet Corses Third as nth RlfMf. Pkn., lHvste zehsaxe TS. RENF. I. COHRN -PeeaMeat I B. LEW PAGET, . Secret a ry SECnatTT SATTNOS A TRUST COVPANT Traaaaeu a Baaeral Benhta Baalsea. a Tim asd taring Aecoaara. Act 1 . Credit Available la All a1 ?' .;,.i.. President I A. L. MILLS ....Second Vice-President I EO. P. BUSS ELL T M0BT9A0X SVABANTII ft TBTBT C0MPABT BANK. Transact General Banking Business. Interest Paid e Tim Ds posits. Sartsg ; Depertmeoti 4 per cent In Israel allowed, compounded noarterlf. LW WATBBBnBT,rf.Vi.rSridaVr ---, - LOO AN BAYS .let. at Seevstsrv Frks Tearde. Seventh end Stark Streete. Pbon Main l4. Open Batardsr Beenls S ta B NOBTHVESTEBN SUABANTFX ft TBDST COM? AFT Portland. Oragwa. Lumber Exchange S B. Corner Second snd Stark Street taaooa. . flBC.i, AOENT FOR CORPORATIONS. tst. floenty. Manldpspand Cersoratlna Bomla Bought snd Sold. New atvrr1see ergaatsvd s aad Sasnced. Stocks and bonds guarsatoed. TXT1E OTAB ANTES ft TRUST COhrPABT 40 WASKHfOTOV STREET. MOBT6A0B LOANS sa Portias Rest Batats st Lew eel Rates. .:" , ' ' tltlee laaarsd. Ahatracta Farnlahed. J THOBBTTRN ROSS., , preeldent I JNO. R. AITCHISON.. ...Seereter OEOBOB B. BILL Vice-Preside! f T. T. BUBKHABT Treeeerer BONDS AND M 0KKIS BBOraiBS.-Cbaabar sf Commsros Mnnldpsl. railroad and DOWNTBe-HOFKTNS COBTPANT Estsbllaksd STOCKS. BONDS. CBAIN Bought Private Wlree. - BOOM 4 CBAMBBB -KX J. 0. rLEK OOMPANTOommo wealth Be C Befor Buying or Sslllog Stock OTJIS . WILDE HOMB TELEPHONE BONDS BANK STOCKS. Member Portland Stock Exchange. ' Corner Sixth end Waahlngton Street. Portland. Oregon. Overbeck, Starr & Cooke Co. 10J Th'ry'portU-. sjBAnt, PROVrSIONB. COTTON. STOCKS AND BONDS. WE DO A STRICTLY 0 0MMIS8I0N BUSINESS. Cootlsaoas Market by Privet Wirt. Quick Service. REFERENCES La dd ft Tfltoa. Bash i, ..d United SUtea Na ttoaal Bank at Portlaad. SEWING MACHINES. PHONE Fee! TS aad t peraohallf wlO all and repair your ee wing-machine ; work guaiguteodr- S. Bams, adjustsr. adl Third - SIGN PAINTERS. awivn . wv .IB.. .ICS we neve nui op -aa tn tbe city by flrat-cleae work snd keeping - 1 Am. - B aivat- . a 1 ft a and Everett st. Phoae Ex. So. W. P. BERUEB ft. SON, XX4 Yamhill St. . Sign of u kinas. moo rscinc aeos. SIONS THAT ATTRACT' A. H. Baal Oa- 2h7 Htark at. Phone Pactne lapa. : SAFES. PORTT.AND 8AFB CO., sole sgents for Harrtng. Hall-Marvin sates ana Manganese oieei osis Co. a bank sates. Ths Isrgest assortment of high-grade Or and burglar-proof aafea la the northwest. 92 Seventh st. D1EB0LD msngsnes and1 lire-proof ssfss; lock outs opened; metsi nxtures; vsun jnu work; lacks. 1. E. Dsvls. M Sd, Mala 16. KIOHT eecond hsnd Ire-proof sste snd tw second-hsad nana as res nar as is eoeam s iv Sixth St., Portlsad. or. TRANSFER AND HAULINO. TBB BA0OA0B ft OMNIBUS TRANSFER CO Cor. BlXtn eno van eta. ; ueggag riartei Crata bot.l er realdeoc direct to destination: passsngsra therefore avoid ruab ajd. .saauj.-1 aace at depot. ... Prlvat exohaog aVS. SAFES pianos snd ftrrnltur moved, parked evsoy foe-aaiptungsw awni-i" wrs guaranteed; large, k-alorr brick. Hre-proot warehouse for storage. Offlc SOS Oak sr. Olssa ft Bo. I' hose Mala 047. C O. PICK, office OS First St., hetweea Stark Tend Oak ela., phone 6M; planoa aad furniture I moved and psckvd for skipping; commodious rtrk warehoss with separata Irua ruunia. Front and Clay ata. . CUT rates en household good to all point essf; WS msss lil ouwiie, secii t-.iui toe trunks WOIIS wsmng. urtr-n .uw-mliwih,, 13 First st. Pbooe Mali IB 4 lib. BOSS. CITY VAN CO.. ofc 141 First St., phon Mstn (Bl Furniture end piano-moving a apcrlalty; ws gusrsutee our work. NATIONAL. TRANSFER ft -STORAOK - CO. 270 Oak st. Telrphoo Msla 4400. Trsnafer ring snd storlrg. 0RE00N TRANSFER CO.. 14 North Sixth. Pbon Mai 60. Heavy baullug aad storage. INDEPENDENT BAOOAOE ft TRANSFER CO. Storage. 24 Stsrh at. Msla 407. FOR back, rnltnr wagon, trunk or plan moving, pboue Hessian, KM ibst. POST SPECIAL DKLIVKBY. No. SOOVt Waah - Ingtoa at. I'hons Main fWA TOWEL SUPPLY. CLEAN TOWELS DAILY -M?omb, braah. snsp. $1 per month. Portland Laundry and Toeel Supply Co., Nlath and Coach. I'hons 410. WHOLESALE JOBBERS. THB BREYM AN LEATHEB CO., Sobers ef saddlery, hardware, horse goods, leslhsr. nn logs aud eno atore supplies. Flftb and Osk. M, A. Gt'NST ft CO DISlRIBt TOHS OF FINE CIGARS. PORTLAND, OREUO.N, BHERK. UAZE ft GRAHAM (Inc.! coramsnloa merchants. Jubbers of fruits, pfiidsce, etc.; conalgnmente eullclted. 123 trout at. BVErtoiNG- ft FARRELL, peoduce aad mm mtaslon msrchanla. 140 Front st.. Portland. Or Phone Msla ITS. OREGON Furniture Manafarturlng Company- Mannfarturere of furniture tor the bade. " Portland, Oregon. WADHAMN A CO., wholeaale. grocer, manu facturers and oummlssloa mfrchsnu. Fourth , and Oak ate. '-' FUBNITURB msnufaeturln and apeclal enter, L. Buaeaaky'a fumlturs factory. gu7 Front si. ALLEN ft LEWIS, eommlaslea and produce met rbaats. Front aad Dsvls sis., Portlaad, Or. WHOLESALR rockry and glassware. Prut, Hegele ft Co.. ! to log Fifth, cor. Stsrh St. WINES AND LIQUORS. COLUMBUS, Csll torn Is win depott all kinds ef win,- S glue. Conks' aad Conks' Help er Uesdquartsra. I4S Fuorth at. Fbsaa Pa Ifl 81IM. P, Una BANKS. OBEO0B. rianiv - UI gat of the Felted f --, I Caehle W. YtbVSSS I Second Aaatstsot Csabler B. F. STSvaf o aa MftS-J il Baahts Buslasas. Collection made ml IttJ rllt.4 f credit leased avsllabl la Europe aad aB l"1"-",-.. . Telegraphic aold oa New York W.ahlngte. u...... ttritlsh Columbia. Sxeaang Yekohama Manila sad Hoaolara. . S I tie -Pi .el fl at anttrra. OMaa Tiust OemoeaV la H. t.. rtTTOCat Vlc-Peee14t O. OOLTRA.... .Aeetatent Secret a re AM Morrhwa Street. Portlssd. Orsge. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. IaterWt Allowed Tracts for Estates. Drafta aad Lsttsrs of PsrU ef the World. I. A. LEWe,...;...,..lirH vTee-rrest B. 0. Jt BITB Secretary Assistant Secretary INVESTMENTS. BUg. public eeevlee corpora Mo bond. 1IM BBOXZRS. snd Sold tor Caah aU oa Mergi. f COMMEBCB. . Pbon Msla Bldg., Sixth and Aakeay ata., Portland, Oregoa, or Bonds. Can Always Ssvo Tea Mower. TYPEWRITERS. HEADQUARTERS for aew and rebuilt type writer of all aaakee; se our window; If yoa sre coins to bnv a naw tvnewrltei aaa aa ha. I tor During; w can save yoa moneys we have rarts for repairing all machines; atate agents fur ths Vlslhls Foxt we buy all klada 01 ij pew rue re. ins typewriter Bixcnaaaa. lnc B. J. s.iiisob. ansnsger. as 'antra ax. WE sen Remingtons. Smith-Premiers. Dam more, etc., lower thaa any other company! Investigate. Underwood Typewriter Co., 64 Sth. TYPEWRITER repair and eupply Co.. 4B0 waaniogioai a 1- tnone asaia oa. BLICKENSDERPER typwritr. $40 snd $ISO; suppues, repsiring. atoes bo, iwik stars I - SJ RIGHT-OFWAY OENIED- RECLAMATION CANAL (Special Dispatch t Th Jouraal.l Klamath Falls. Or.. Dot;. 10. To ths disappointment of th many who hops for the Bpcedy completion of th Irrl ffatlon project, the city council has re fused to grant th reclamation serrlcw franchiser along HI Kit street for the weat side, -or Keno. canal, the property owners winning- out in their contention that If this were granted their only re courses for protecting; their rights would be the courts. The chamber of commerca has gome matters pertaining to the irrigation project to thresh out. and It Is hoped they, niayba settled- without delay nq Increaaed coat of the entire project. City Officer -lo!9ay. (Special' Dispatch to Th Journal.) John Lay, Or Dec. 10. -The following officers have been elected for .this city for tne ensuing year: Frank Foster, mayor; C. P. Johnson and 6am Morgan. councilman; E. J. Bayley, treasurer; John W. White, recorder. Ct trit 1 2 rpt 1 . 1 Melvillct Meltlll Weston Puller, chief justice af the A" ?it4l - ' A. f ly ; - v rj-rv U : y ' ft-1'' f ' c " , , ' l (r ' rehrusrr 11. 1H03. He graduated at Bowdola eoll.we. end ttend the llarterd Lew enll.ea. lla-uaatJ.. the atate bar examination at Angueta. Ma t bualnras. tMT"VnmilliiaJI rear, and practiced law wlih BlBrkea He was appointed tn lbs supreme bench f PrewsV4 ipveiaiid l tm. He e rr of the initials eoneiltutloual ronvenilon which framed the lrrrw- lb slat news its per succeae. a Mrttnar nr lha I lUials annallliltu.,..! mm anrf a anna .r the atata Ii,i,immi uav crstlc rouventlen of 114, 1H72. 17 aud 180. aad 4hy war mart led May tu, llkX ' ": r'-"""- ' IJ' CODPAnVOSTCE JEORGlldlZEO PJan .ProppsecUQ . Saye Oregon Securitie-, Corporation From . ., : Shoals of Bankruptcy. . HAS BEEN FINANCIALLY. EMBArRASECJFLAT II Suggtstion of Cominittes ' Thst Property - Be Bonded Is -CsiTiecJ -Out, Compsny May Be Abl to Carry on Business. - A plan, is under consideration, for re organization of th Oregon Securities oompany, of which 1 1.000.000 stock I held in Portland, and which has ben financially embarrassed to tba extent of forcing the controlling Interests to finance a debt of about $400,000. O. B. Hengen, head of the company, has writ ten from New .York to Portland stock- holders that th company may be put on a solid footing if tbe plan la adopted. It la proposed by a committee ap pointed by stockholder at their No vember meeting to bond th property anew and ask the present stockholders to subscribe to a portion of th bonds. If this offer -is responded to . by ths stockholders, the company will bo able to carry on its buslneas without a reor ganization. , But if sufficient funds ara not secured In this manner. President Hengen says a reorganization will b necessary, tbe present bondholders will foreclose orrtha property and tinder-an- agreement with the reorganisation com- mlttee the bondholders will turn over the proeprty to the new corporation. He says this arrangement can b ef fected without difficulty, as the bond- -holders do hot wish to take part in operating the property. It is proposed to have a new corporation wltb a capi tal stock of $1,600,000, of which 1600.000 will ba turned over to present stock holders in substitution for their old stock, and ths remaining" 11,000,000 will be put in tbe treasury to be sold at 40 cents a Bhar to retire bonds and con tinue development of the mines. Ths company owns so or SO quarts claims In the-Bohemla district, said to ' be very valuable In base ores and. ga lena. .A furnace will probably bo put in to handle the ores. Tba stock was sold In Portland at prices ranging from 10 to 40 cents a share, and about two thirds of It went at 5 cents. The money, it Is salC was spnt in develop ment of the mines, but under unwise management. BANK ROBBERY EASY ,l:f FOR OFFICIALS ONLY (Journal Special Service.) I Great Bend. Kan., .Dec 10. Joseph 8. K earn a, a Chicago reporter,- Is said to ba th man who held up the J. V. Brink man company bank. H telegraphed his unci, Joseph Q. Orr. an attorney at South Bend, Indiana, fox. aid. Kearns I say ne naa renu ox Dana ruuuenoo nnu believing th buslnesa was easy cam direct to this place to undertake tb Job. He has chanted his mind regard- itt the ease with which outsiders rob banks. ADMIRAL SHINAMURA MAY BE IN COMMAND (Journal Special Servles.) Victoria. B. C. Deo. 10. Admiral StMnaniina will 11 kery-'b tn cwmwianoi -of th Japanese- atiuadron, eonaiattng of th cruisers Ma-tsuehima, Itsukushlma and Hashidar. which will' leave Japan ' next month for Honolulu, Son Francisco and th Pust sound. The vessels will bo commanded, respectively, by Captain Nawa, Nom&g-ulchl and I am again. . Rear Admiral Tomerka. president Of th Tetajlma navat college, may accom pany th Beet. University Ola 47tab OosuMrt. . (Spoclsr Dlspstch- to Th Joraal. Salem, Dec. 10. A concert will- b given her Friday evening by th Uni versity of Oregon Glee and Mandolin clubs under the auspices of th Balara High school. Th club is under th di rection of Professor Irving M. Olenn, dean of th music School " Of th unl-" vtrsity. - ' , -j , .. .. F'or a mild, eaay action of the bowels, aln ale dose of Doan's Regulcta la enough. Treatment cures habitual .con stipation, ti cents a bos. Ask your drugglat for them. - - . Tfsrrd Stock Caaaed eroods. - Allen at lwls' Best Brand. , W., fuller tailed State, waa horn at A-et. Male, a I no. and entered IS imma Ha sttended thai astlensl Ilea,- ' til wlf M stla toolpaagh i Chk-sgo. '''eaaaa.aaejae f ... ' I t.