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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 10, 1906)
12 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND; MONDAY EVENING, OECEMBER 10. 1803 .V. v. NEW TODAY. Portland,1 Oregon, Dec. 8th,1 1906 , e want you ipsnovrrnai your deposit will- be welcomed by us jutt as cordially at your custom it welcomed' by any store in Portland. ' " V. . THE . . ... "Oldest trust Company to Ore goa"" Whose 'officers and directort are well-known, solid business men, who administer the affairs of the ""Institution carefully and'eebnom . ' ically, solicits your account. I 2 PER CENT ' Per annum on daily balances of ' $500 or over even hundreds. . Call for Book of . ."ILLUSTRATIOXS.r- - Portland Trust Company of Oregon; - Resources Over $1,000,000. y . S. B. Corner Third sad Oak at. Phon Exchange 72. RESJ. I. COHEN... ....President ' H. L. PITT'K.,.......Vlee-Preklnt B. LEB PAfiBT Secretory J. O. llOI.TR A Assistant Secretary Washington St. The Quarter Block Situated at the touthwest corner of Twelfth and Washington is for sale. For particulars see tH - -. : ; - : Brooke & Kiernan 91 Third Street LISTEN Beautiful G)rner Tn a sightly place, facing three of the best projected homes In the entire city, one of them now building and - the others soon to be started. This will be the handsomest street tn aU Portland. Marshall Street, Corner 25th. . L. . ?5500 65x100. ; 93006 50x65 ; Corner; f 2500 50x65; Inside, on 25th 'TUrTarTUng tor tht BeKhbofhS ' - Call Monday.: Morgan, Sweet & Chapman IS Ahlsg-toa 14g. rhoae SfaJa S01S. $5000 ' Good Investment tt 60x100. on 2 2d St., between Tork and Reed. Don't overlook this if you Are looking for a chance to make money. $000 and $700 Money Makers Six very choice lots, :5xl70. on First street, near Hamilton. See us at once : ir you want to get in on these. ,r , ToxisUy (EL Weaver "Oet on Xeasons Why." Heal Estate. Insurance, Inveattnents. - 11 aad II loif ayette BallcUaa;. Pkoae Mala msi. Property Must Be Sold tl.300 Will buy lots 50x100 each. In cultivation; good barn and chicken bouae, and bearing fruit trees. 1 S2.000 will bur 3 lota (0x100 each: house of 7 rooms, good well and bearing - xrnit -trees; nne location. t 13,000 will buy two (-room houses, S Iota 41x100 eacb; tbla property la close in. . . -, . J. L. Wells Co. Boom SOS Ohamber of Oommeree Bias;. ' Mala 45A4. - A SAFE INVESTMENT 100-acre ranch, suitable for dividing Into small farms, adjoining county seat In Washington county; 200 acres under plow, 100 acres In timothy and clover pasture. All level, fertlre "soil; two creeks, numerous springs; 100 Acres . goodllmbn JV..R, runsJhrough the farm. Main county wagon road on two . aides. .. ' - If you want a perfectly safe Invest ment,' tnveatlgate thla proposition at once. Price $47 per acre. Call or ad dress .. . 1 - . . Northwestern Guarantee & Trust Company ZiBaabev Xxokavngs Bnildlng (seoorid floor),, S.K. Cor. Id aad Stark Sts. S-Roomlouse$800 Thla Is a bargnln on the east" side, right on the oar line and near a good chool. .. . aUBTaUa'a TOimOg, ; OnAmber of Commerse. 0nly$1900 For 10x100 on Irv near 21 at at.. irge enough for two flAta. Choice rental location and good buy. . . V. 11. KORE1.I-, III 'Washington (Street. $2850Takeslt 21 at. near Irving .at., Cactia ... . Prop erty line ami largo enough far four flats, line rental location. ' . - V. H.KORKLU . ... 1 . til W'ashlogion til reel. '- "---.. rv-: . -. v ..! NEW TODAY. jror Exchange v j I Ann 7- ROOM HOUSE Hot and cold water, bath, wood-fiber Dlaater. barn 30x38x22. other outbuild ina-wt.- ki-i OA good, , orviuur il -ial oeuring; .Roou water; ivv ini I rifu eturo. nmr mill and Dificksmitn anon, senno and churches: half mil Portland-Salem electric car line, on county road. 10 tt mile from Portland. - I want modern dwelling on east aide, improved atreet; will give or take dinereuoe $4.0(1. -: A.W. SMITH, Owner - 144 C TAJIK 8TXXZT. Acreage $22.000J Ktghty acres, on mil southwest of city, few block from Southern Pacific railroad (West Side line), and IVs miles from Council Crest car. This la a great bargain at 1275 per acre.' , - at-WATrursL WaBhla-oa Bt. 40 XVabbe Bid. FOR SALE PLAINNELD ADJOnmrO aUOaTMOiro Beautifully situated, overlooking the city; 132 lots, each 60x100 feet. Prlca $17,800 $8,000 rash, balance In three rears at pee cent This property ac quired by Irurtt estate on foreclosure of mortgage. For sale at coat. ntEI KRK'K H.' STRONG. Trustee, at ldd Tllton'e Bank. .: . ' . - . , WEATHER REPORT. H serere atom la annmacklnr the Oreena eeeet, and eifa- warnlnga were iwtrea ml 7:1 ra. at all atatloea In thla dlatrlct. I.l(lt ralna hare fallen generally In the north Pacific tatea. ana ...moderately heavy ralna haye oc- rarred la t'allfornla and anuthera Nevada. The barometer, la relatively low over the Ohio val ley, and ralna hare etfuiied la that eectlee and tre lower Mlealaalppt valley, and light aaow la reported In the. u:per Mlaalsalppl valley and the lake region A Bigh preanire area, who Ita attendant cold wave, occupies tbe lanadlaa northweat. and aero temperaturea are reported aa far enoth aa Huron. Month Dakota. The ludicatKma are -for rain tn thla dlatrlct tonight aad Taeaday, with a aontherly gale along tbe coast and high, goaty wlnda la the Interior. Oboer ration l takes at S . m.. Pacific time: Temp. Max. Mia. Precis. Baker City. .Oreeoa M 80 .in Boatoa. Maaaachuaetts...... iCI 11 . JOH ( h lea ira, lllloola R4 - ;J0 Denver, Vlorado.... M 2H .0 Kanaaa City, Mleeourl. ..... S M .01 Ixm Angelea, California.,.. MM .M Ittw tirleana. ixMilalana.,., in ax .jo New York, New York Sx Sa ' . .04 Portland, Oreron . na .in tiuia. ttreaoai St. Loo la, Mlaaouri J B. T. Salt Ike, I'tah M 41 .0 Hpokane. Washington 40 to . .04 "an rraactaco, (aliroraia. . M ua , ,oz Tarama. Waahlngtoo 40 OA ' .04 walla walla, waahingtoa.. 44 so , .cm Waahlngton. D. C 44 M .04 Wedding Car.. W. O. Smith A Ce.. Waah- Ingtoa bldg., ear. Feorth aad Waahlngtoa eta. Wedding and calling cards engraved or printed. B. T. Beahtoo. WaaaUigtoB at. TONSKTH A CO.. FLOBISTS. FOB gLOWCBS OP ALL KINU8. 121 SIXTH BT. fsll dreaa aalra for rest, all stsaa. TJnlga Taitoelag-aaw -aua. aurk at. BIRTHS. POLE Y November k. to Mr. aad Mrs. 1. -Toicy, ens ".ireTrTrgtrt.r r PLIMPTON December f. to-fr.nd Mra. Wg Yf ll IIIm.h 1 , f K a . 1WI,., m Li. "I BOwr.l.L Iiecemlier 0, to Mr. aad Mrs. . Bowell. 8ft Balaioa, a glrL CARLISLE December 4. to Mr. and Mr. t'laode Carllale, HOT Belmont, a boy. 10HLY December 0, to Mr. aad Mrs. & W. Joavln. 427 Salmon, a Boy. SUTllKBLAND December S, to Mr. and Mr. Angua 1. Uutuerlaad, 00 Eaat Fourteenth. alrl. - W E K K If-tleCemWTrtir-lTr-ginrTa M Weeka. SH Eaat Hoyt, a hey. UNDERTAKERS. rkn-al designs and eat Sowers eea be pro cured from ua at any soar ef Bight or day. 1'Bone Mala 1640. Uoffmaa Brae-, ;as Gllaau. mr. Me and embalmera; asodera la every detail, deveath aas) Pine. Mala 430. Lady aaalataat. . ' A. B. Hesaiterk. undertaker and embalm Beat Thirteenth sad UmalUla are. - Phone Bell wood 1U. ..... Krlckeoa Undertaking Co.. aad embalming, eta) Aider at. PbOne Mala 0133. Lady aaeletait. J. P. rtnley A boos. .Third and Madlaoa sts. Of Ac tt eoaaty eeroaar. I'boee Mala A Clarke Bros., Plorlata rise Sowers aad Serai dealgna. 289 Morrleos St. 1 CdwarA lloloaa, undertaker, 220 Third st EIVEA VIEW CEMZTAT. RlBfle gravea. I0. Family lota, ,100 to 11,000. The only cemetery In Portland whirs iwt. actually maintains and ear re for lota, ror full Information apply to TV., K. Mackenste. Woe eeetet block, city. W. M. Lead, srcaldest. - . BOSK CITT CEMXTEBT. Mingle gravea. t.V to $8; family lot $31 to $75. Eaat end Fremont at., corner of fully road: superintendent at cemetery. Phone Tabor KKI. For full Information tpplr to Frank Hchlrtel, tOB CemmercUl blk. Phone Mala REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Ha leer . Olaea aad wife to James K. Lack and Jamee Olbnoa. 10 acres be- f liming at a point Is weal boundary Ine of and north 5 feet 'M incbea, eaat 1.U7H.40 feet from aouthweat corner of Beetles 4, township I south, range S eaat , 410,000 eaiem rionring Miua re J ttnmerman, lot 10. block 1. City View Park addi tion- .,..-i..r..vrir.,itvt,iii,M.r(Tfi 9j90 li. w. Monnaates and wire to Barren in reatment company, 22227 feet, be- w ginning st s point In . north line of Hawthorns avenue 00 feet weat of ennthwest corner ef block 12, Is Dolaa's aadltlon -1,113 Same tn aaine, 04iWT feet, heslnslag at a point la north line of llawtborne " avenue. S3 feet weat. of aouthweat cor ner of block 12. In Dolan's addition... T.S38 Bll IxMnbard and wife to Bnrrell Inveat- ment company, kit 6, block 10, Doles' addition 3.230 Portland Truat Company er Oregon fe i.otta ruber, lot 4, Block PS, wood-. Block 250 James M. Tracy and wire to K. J. and i. P. Jaeger, undivided I-g or lota S. T and H. block an. Cwuch'e addition. 22.000 Oak Park Land company tn John F. Rico- . a roa. snrthweat t of lot 6, block . Oak Park addition te at. Jobna '1 F. M. Forter and wife te K. Stone, lot I. slock S3.. Hellwood 4S1 0. W. Prleet and wife te Virginia Spen- eer liutchlnsos, lot 14, block 34, Cen tral Alhlna 10 John Rlsby and wife te Hilton II. Steven- - ana and J. H. Hoiiiater. lots 1 snd 2, block D. Woodatork 700 The King Fatale to M. Mortun I'ohn Real r.mete at inveat orient company, lot p, block HI. kina'a Kecood ailultlna 1 SOB I. Vaadnya and wife to Malbew A. Mar tin, lots 7 and M, block LI, ration's addltkiB to Alhlna.. , 1 toe Jesae J. Churchley et'al. to Joaenh H. ana a am a w. waien, weat H or iota r..2 ,.bfcTll, m yw-j's addltloB... 1.1 Address by mall only, ih Vlavl Co.. roomi 0l"7ma Curletto and wife te Portland . Jr4u4 7 Tllford bldg, 10th and Mnrrlaon. Kalleay, Light A Power company, that part of lota 3 and 4, block . Mie- , poena' addition, lying west and south of rlyht of way ef Oregoa A California Railroad company t .'., Georne Hnlel and wife to R. W. Lang, kns 7 and . block 2. Mrrtle J-fWmitt snt wife Mee-A-la oney, lot 4, block II. Tllton's sddl tloo ....1 Marv E. tlnibrie te Ben snd M. Pallav, eaat 4S feet . Inche In lot I, block 4, 'aruthera' addlthm Jobn F. Burn snd wife te H. B Dlckls sew. kt . bkick 7, Logaa's addltioa te 4,100 saw. roruass . a . a .a. J as REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Union Trust At I D Teat men t cent pane to ogleeby Yeung,, lota 8 and 7, bwck I, 1 vannoe , W. it. My to Ogieahy Yoasg, lots ssd i T, block 1. Ivaubo Security Ks rings Trust company to Tbe May Land company, several hundred acre of land In towaahlp 1 north, raairea 2, sod 4 St The- IVdseul IUi u -Oswald -West.. too l lota 12 and 13. block 8. Oak I'atb ad dition No. 2 to St. Johns O. M. Murray and wire to George F. Bar.. ringer, lot JO. black 14. Mount Tuhor Villa .... .i.- K. M. fierce to Nellie Pierce, lut 0, block 311. Orlzlnal Tnwnolte of Alhlna.. TOO It Mai tt.- ren t to Bntsrrt -J.Jeirw-4- wir. iota aa, zu. XT. za ana , otocs uul t,w.uii..j ajjl. w. Monticeiio addition 1.600 U. K. Rrvan nark Mr Inla 7 aiui 111. block 12. k Ilia a Mecond addltlna 4.000 Henry c. Wulf and wire to llanlcl Kun- kal, weal Vj of . lota and . bln-k K, In aubitlrlaloa of l'raehatel'a addltioa Alblna 80 000 yor aharractt. title Inauraaea or atoatsace leana rail on I'aclnc Title m Truat cusipany, 204-9-S-T r a Ulm building. Get Toiir laaarnnea and abatracta to real ewate rrom tbe Title Guarantee m Tmai enm- any. Z-tO Waablnctoa atreat, eoruer Uacoaa. FUNERAL NOTICES. NOTICE. IX TUB dlatrlct court of the I'ulted Htatce rnr the dlatrlct er oregcat in the matter m A. c ISewlll, bankrupt. Notice w liere'iy gives that oa the 3d dee-oc-uaxemner, a. V. 1ISW. A. C. Newlll of Portland, Oregon, a bankrupt, made appllcarloa to the dlatrlct court of the lulled Htatea for tbe dlatrlct of Oregon for a dlacharge, and that f hereupon toe earn court 4110 order that a Bearing oe had npon auch application before said court at the I'nlted Ktatea courtroom In tbe city ef Portland, Oreitoa, on the 2!et day of Do cerober. A. I). lHon. at 10 o'clock a. ov, at the opening of court or aa aoon tnereaftT aa thla proceeding la called: and that ail credit ora of said bankrupt and parties la In tereat. then and there enow cause. If any. why the prayer of aald bankrupt ahonld not pa granted. .... CHF.KTKR . WCRPHV. Referee In Bankruptcy. Dated. Portland. Oregon, December 10, lbnd. EXCAVAT1NO and grading. C. K. PetUge, 40 Commercial at. I'none Eaat &1M. MEETING NOTICES. HARMONY LOIHiK NO. 13. A. F. A A. M Slated communication , thla (.Monday! evening. 7 HO o'clock aharp. Fjlectton, Inttalla tlon and payment of duea. A talk. "Chlneae Kecret Rocletlea." . by R. C. Wright. All M. 31. By order of W. M. RL'Fl'S R. BALL. welcome. M. W. A. BVERGRERN Camp. B.eOO. aweU , Wdi,ady evening,. Alteky bldg.. Third and Morrlaoa eta. M. W. A., Oregoa Grape Camp. No. S.9TS. Mas days. 17th snd Marabal); vial tore welcome. LOST AND FOUND. STRAVFD or atolea from Montavllla. 1 bay buckektn norsn and 1 bay roacbed-mane pony with halter; liberal reward for return to J. Smith. 901 Kearney St., Montavllla. IXOL'SDnA -place. 19 save .hair mattreaeea reno- ,,ia log lei.rm muiv uey. e.i r i uu , .i. Main 474. Portland Cerled liatr lactory U. Metager, proprietor. - LONT Policy Ho. 13P477. Issued by the Penn Mutual Lire insurance t. ea the lire cr Mary t. Corcoran, Finder return te Journal office; reward. - HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED AT ONCE 800 Bound young-mas. age is to 30, zor tiremen ana orakemen ea leading weatern rallroada and for new roada now being completed; eipenence unneceaaaryi fire ma a ,100 per month; brakemen $75; pual ttons sow open: write at once for particu lar. National Railway Training Association. bldg., Kansas City, Mo. WANTED at one Stave-bolt cutters, wages ,1.40 pee ecatl; ataady work. . Apply Waal. era Cooperage Cnr-Atearns- Bldg. Jortlsaa. or Bosltos, Or, MEN AND WOMEN to lean barber trade Is eight weeka; graduate earn from $18 t- $23 weekly; eipext Inatroetora; catalogue free. Moler Byatem ef Colleges, 36 KorU Foartk at.. Portlaad. -glv4ag-pab formances la parka, theatres, elnba, churcl cnee. achoola. etc.. with a movins-plcturs machine. 'all at-Newman's Motloa-l'btturs-Ce. las psc tlculsra. 140Vi Sixth at. WANTED 10 more solicitor: beat poa)totr tn Portland; men are making $6 dally; call after boos. 2U1H Stark at. . Union Hotel 1 NORTH SIXTH ST. Pre. mDloymeot to our uatroae.- I Weekly ratesr - Room, tl.B sar rues -aad Besrd, 4 M sp, Anoereon, prepnetoe, - WANTED Two er three flrat-clasa, a IV around mscslBS men; permanent position, good was, Oregoa Furslturs Mfg. Co., Mscsdam road. WANTED Raleamea; many make $100 to $1M per montn: soma a Ten more; stocs etean; grows ea reaervatloa, far from old oreharda; caah advanced weeklyi choice ef territory. Address Waaklagtiaa Kuxaerj cempsny. Top penlah, Waaulnguia. liOM'T work for a am 11 aalary; ae or writ racinc Aid aaanclatlon for a good proposi tion, 24 Lumber Exchange. WE get work for ear member: speclsl m sers. It Y. M. C. A, Fourth end Yamhill. MEN 4e learn to operate motton-ptctnre ma chine; graduates earn from $20 to $HS per week. Newmaa Motion-Picture Machine Co.. 146) Sixth at. WANTED To sell my piano at a bargain; will aell for part raab or trade for city prop erty. Address W OS, care Journal. AGENTS wanted. Oregon, California. - Idaho, Washington; health and accident Insurance; eld reliable company; snod contracta: refer ences required. I'nlted Htatea Health A Ac- - eioent luearenee ce.. ssai Marquam. 8 A I.KHM EN Experienced special contract men; $1)10 per month, and commission. Conserva tive Mutual Life 1 mors ace Co., Elks' bldg. WANTED A registered phyalclan, office prac tice; a good place for the right man. Call at room 3 Van Noy hotel, corner Third and Pine eta., Portland, Or. PBEftSFEEPERr printer and Simplex Operator. Courier, Oregon City. WANTED Plaaten preeafeeder. McKlbben, fiOVa First St. ' Craves A PLt'MBKH. Call at 424 Morrison St., A. 1 nowaro,. WANTED 2 good steady boys, 83 Front St., corner ef Da via. ' SEVERAL Portland young mea or vicinity, hrtfht. energetic, fair educatlos, but making Iraa tkan tuo. will profit by seeing Mr. Heynes, 3T6 Columbia bldg., 368 Waahlngton. SOLICITORS flood proposltli Wi'J (ioodnougb bldg. on. D. M. Steves, WANTED A strong boy st Concsanou's market. Slat and Jubnson ata. WANTED Live man, some money,' aa partner, legitimate bnalneas. Address 11 63, Journal. A YOI'NO man to clerk and general work In grocery atore; references necessary. Call st Sua First street. : - HELP WANTED FEMALE. If YOi; WORK, why not esrs more than 1 s Bring 7 Bs Independent; do good. Tb Vlavl Co. already employe 12.000 women: tbe work covers 23 countries ef the world; we will eatertsla sppllcstlons fron capable women; HOMB LADIES' AGENCY. Itfyj Fourth et.. corner tlorrlaos. spat airs. Phone Main 620. r Amngslds tb Y. M. C A. bldg. OIRIA WANTED Operator te work en shirt end eerHerleon gives te rMsperles. - Apply st Ptsndard factory As. Z. uraua are. snj Esst Taylor st WANTKIe Smart girls to wrap chewing gum. American (hide Co., 31 North' Front st. WANTED Girl) experienced panerbeg-makers, Aarlca Cbkle Ce., 81 Kertk Frost t. HELP WANTED FEMALE. HANXKNB LADIES AOKNCY. 84..t4 Week mgion si., ir. oeventa, npaieir. Male StoU. Fsmai kelp wasted. . FF.W ladlea wanted te aaalat making eaay - faney work auar time at home: auod ataady pay; bo eiperlenc rtipilrad. S2S Fields Bldg., 407 waahlngtoa at. WtlKKINll dlrla' Home.' SO Eaat Slate North Iird eudruonV $2 30 par week. TOons Kaal 201. "T WTKI" tHrnr, etperlcnced psperttos-i UIRIJt wanted to work - ns pasta and seats. l n ion rat mrnig aK"i Btars. WANTElt A girl and good. tailor ea coata at ii larta 0111a Bit ' , GIRLB 14 to IT yeara of age 00 wanted. Apply at one a uitle, wortnrau A King. WANTED A good girl for general kousework; muat koow bow to euuk; will pay SJO uioutb and give girl two afternoooa of each wees, wr a. n. aa. uray, oil uat waauug' tun. corner loin. MALE AND FEMALE HELP. WANTED. IMMEniATELI Clever amateur for DeanHMHra Ihramatlc Htock Ce. J ateady work during winter; good aalar. Newman's ineatricai iircuti, itat nutn at. 1IKLP wanted, male or female, to sell gnoda ror wnoieeaie-uouee; salary guaranteed az.ou per day. commercial Motel, room u. UELi wanted aad euppHed. bum or remsl. R. U. Drake. SUSM Waahlngtoa at. Fadfie I8TO. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. MAN wearing artificial limb wanta easy em. pmvmeni: state run particulars 11 rat jeiier, Addreae w 67. car Journal.- ITALIAN (Rome), alngle. who apeak fluently, reade and writes Italian. French. Poanlah, enough Engllah. want poaltloa or work of any smu. a n. cars Journal. EXPKRIENcTPTF' YOl'Na MAN wanta position nrlug furnace or boiler In city. Inquire room S, iewey nouas, cor. nurBaioe ana sa.i si, J. Roblnaon. RKLIARLR middle-aged man desires .work sround place to do chorea or ether worg, Aa dreaa B 63, care Journal. SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALE WANTED Poaltloa by young lady as stenog rapher: txperienced; neat or ra I era nee, ra clflc S. WANTED AGENTS. AGENTS, peddlers, csnvaeaere snd street work er, get your supplies rrom at. at. rismsasr. 200 Third at. 1 new gooda. bottom price. AUKNTS Casvaasers, mixers, peddlers, sollcl- tora, mall order people, etc., anon Ml buy Kramer's Bonk of Trade Secrets; regular price $.-.. but balance ef laat editloa for $1.1 aa long sa they laat; guaranteed; order quick. 8loax Pub. Co., Sutherland, lows. AGENTS WANTED to sell ear complete line ef bisk-grade sursery stork: outfit free; caah weekly. Address Capital City Nursery Co Saleni. Oregon. BIG money to hustlers. Why work for some body cue? Be independent snd your ewa boas; we can show you' how to make $13 a EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. RED CROSS EMPLOYMENT CO. Lor. mg eaaip and farm help a epeeUlty. 30 North Beoond at. Phone Mala A284. B pay all telegraph charges. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT aOFFlCB ' FOR MEN. - " - M North Second st. . . Psoas Mala 1320. PORTLAND EMPLOYMENT OFFICB. I0SH Morrlaoa st .Pbons Paelflc 33 27 North Seooad et Psoas Psclns law ALPINPJ Employment Co., W Morrlaoa at. Male and female Belp. rnou Main 1B1T. WANTED TO RENT. jj NTETQBEJlTj Hesaes. cottages, flats. atorea, otcicea, roomiug-nouaas, vie. aeaaHi. tords will- do wall to call en PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OP OREGON. Phone Ex. 72. B. K, Cor. 3d ar.d Oak. WANTED One plain housekeeping room, peer car line, for woman and child; must be tea eonable. Addreae J 01, car Journal. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANT B house on esst side: will psy .n caah, balance monthly Inatallmente; If your price is right snd location suits will Amy. Address N 70, cars JournaL I DESIRE te buy en the Installment plan a S-room 2-story house; must ss a bargain. Address W 07, cart) Journal. A SMALL aunnrbaa boms, fruit farm, dairy farm ot poultry farm and grain farm. In the atats of Oregon; price to range from $N00 to $10,000. V 84, care Journal. WANTED A. house and barn with small errs sg or lota, chaw In. Call pbone Mala 1281, or address 616 Marqnam bldg. WANTED On the peninsula, acreage, im proved and unimproved property; have buy er. Call at WlUamett nation, at.. John esr. - REAL RBTATB WANTED. Lot for building purpose la Alblna, Hoi laday er Irvlngton. Address contractor, I 02, Journal. . . WANTED To buy 6 room modern cottags on east able, south of Wssblngton St., slao some vacant lota: will deal with ewnera only; givs full description In first letter snd pries. Ad dress X 6H, rare Journal. WANTED On acre garden land clone to car Hue; atate pries snd terms. Address R 47, care journal. WANTED FINANCIAL. WANTED6 A neat appearing man for ateady poattiou; good wages. Apply zii souria t. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WE WILL BUY. SELL OR TRADB ANY, OLD THING. WESTKRN SALVAGE CO.. 827 Sil WASHINGTON. PACIFIC 7A HIGHEST cssh prlc paid for all kind see. hand gooda. Pbone Mala Sill. 83 M. Third. FURNITURE reupholatered snd repaired. Donglss Bros., JI48 First st. Phone Msla - S4V7. EXCAVAT7NO and grading. - 0. B. PotUg. 4S Commercial at. phone Eaat tlOSr I PAY cash for household goods. W. W. Savage. o46-347 First st. Phone Pacta 300. WANTED for adoption, girl baby, l' te 3 .years old. H 6ft, care Journal. WANTED Several boarders In a priests family. 64 North 2Sd St. Pacific 2607. -MAIN 6C.8. CASH AND LOfH OP IT FOR FURNITURE, v PORTLAND AUCTION BOOM), , 211 First St. -MAIN 6066. ' MAIN 6663. GENERAL house cleaning and all kind ef janitor work. Phone Pacific 731, Mr. Thomp son. YOUNG man unacqnatnted In city wlahes re fined roommate; so rent to psy. -Address M. (.. care Joarnsl. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT THR RICHELIEU, S3Vk North Blxth St. Ele gantly furnished; steam beat sad bathe. FURNISHED moms snd furnished koneekeapls, rooms for rent at 7u3 Vancouver eve. TUB GRAND. 46V, North Third at Boo asa for gentlemen $1.26 per week and Bp. THE WILLAMETTE Under Bew management; permanent and tranaleut. 144 Blxth at. ROOM wftk all modern conveniences, from $2.23 to $8 s week. 0 Jefferson at. - 3 OR 4 furnished ronma. 8 blocks esst of eteel .bridge; water., pinna- bath stationary t"hiil io or ai; gaa. ov ttasaaio. t-ootie at. umt, NEWLY fnmlahed suite of room, snltalils for tee or three; furnace keat, gaa, phone,. 307 Third st. NM'KI.V fnmlahed rooms, phone, bath; nrlvat family, lii Utk t., cotner Aider, FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING. 91 H Fl RUT BT., cor. Stark. 4 Bnfurntabed housekeeping rooms; first floor; nice rooms respectable; cheap rent; slss suit 01 rooms, I n.iinnr.u nouaeaeepiug room, c". Furnished waterproof, comfortable tents; $s per auoutn. fauna Kaat 41-s. . $1.23 WEEK UP, eleaa. turnlahed Imnekaes- T bear, yard. ' Sua u, Stsstoar-V ssr. $180 WEEK op. largsv clean, furnished aoaae- - aeepleg reeaas, saundry aae Beta. - man aootk, Portlaad. THE MITCHELL Uoeaakeaplog and translaat room, raeaonaoi. BvnlB asa ruasara. Ft'RNISHED pnusekeeplng-rooma for rent. ohs rettyfruvs st. plain 94z:i. FOR REN T 3 unfnrnlahad bousekeenlnx-rooms bay window, aU light. Burner. 3V4 Sixth st. HOl'HKKEEPINO ROOMS Lowest ratea: elec tric llghta and psoas Included. Pull ter Bt. ' ROOMS AND BOARD. FOR 1 er 2 employed people; also roommate for quiet rennea young mas; wsising pisiairc asodera, as East Morrlaoa. LA FIKST-Cr.ASH suite ef roonw for gentlsa cau at smo ita si. rum main isoe. - I WANT a reined roommats In nrlvat hem: reasonable price. rsons Main ltue. xvs 14 th at. . . ,1 11 BOARD AND ROOM by week or mdnth in prl vate family for two gentlemen preferred. 84 Eaat Eighth at. Phone Kast 41SH. . FOR RENT HOUSES. FOL'R-BOOM boo, shades, water. 810. Blx room bouse, bath, shades, water, ,14.60. 41a vasceaver sve. I-ROOM bouee ea carllse, 813. C. H. Plggett, owner, lawyer, room 4 Mulkay Brag. FOR BENT 5 room cottage. IBS N. 31st st. BENT s plane and later .buy It; all rent ap plied en pnrenaas. noermsu. V. lay si vs.. Blitk at Morruws St. . $30 NEARLY new asadrs 8 mom heuae. fur- sac, gaa, seiB, waantuns. .'nous Mais o. NEAT asodera S-room cottage. $20. 448 Intos sve.. north. I'none Eaat ox t-ROOM hone." partly fnmlahed. Apply 178 Kmeraoa St., ucaiey ureea. FOR RENT (with privilege ef buying) Elegant b room reidence; tow rent ib aeairaDia tsnsBC ' Apply 6 Eaat Madison. FOR RENT FLATS. PIANOS for rest ana sale; easy psynx ay psyaaents. Sherman, clay at to.. Blitn and Morrlaoa ata. FOR RENT STORES-OFFICES. FOB RENT. Two store on t'nloa svenne and Kast Bel mont street. Reasonable terma. , . 'HARTMANN A THOMPSON, ' 8 Chamber of Com mere. OFFICE-ROOMS, unfurnished raoms aad asat. pie-roosis Cor rent, ueeaseuga aiog. Apply elevator. DESIBABLB efflces. Inclodlng eleclrte lights. hot and cold water, jasltor snd elevator service, la ths sew, - airy Commonwealth edder-!d. potofnee alte. Sixth ssd Biirsslds ata. Agent room 411. FOR BENT Btoro F1fth-t. side Ooodnough bldg. Inquire nt elevator la Vulldlog. $10 TOR BENT A alee little ofBce. partly rurntased, intra ana MorraMa, seoonu soor. apply room 1. HOUSES FOR - RENT FURNI TURE FOR SALE. FOR BALE Farnltur ef 8 room modem basse. nearly sll new; rant reasonable; tw blocks from poatofSce; good tranelsnt bouse; wUl sell at a bargain If taken by tbe grst ef December. Sufi Fifth st. TTJRNITfRB of 11 house full of romers. Phone Msla 484, WE need furniture at any pries. Portland Aue H t irst st. sisin oasB. FOR SALE Furniture, Itrlctly modern apart ment; dose. rsctTte 310 atoarlay; svo caas. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS. HALL ssd ballroom, separate er together! sew snd with sll conveniences, rwene Mala see. BUSINESS CHANCES. : . See Good Chances - v Flouring mill la growing Idaho towa, center et big farming sect Ion, good reasons for sell ing. Inquire M7 Sherlock bldg. Hardware business. Invoice $8,000, for sale. Inquire 67 Bhsrlock bldg. Hotel la county eest town la WlUamett alley. A good buy. Fee particular rail 687 Sherlock bldg. OAOK-ItEMPniLT, CO., ' S, 067 Sherlock bldg. ' BOOMINO-110L8B HEADQUARTERS. ELLIS, KAHLER A LANEEN, Room 20 and 31. 264 Morrlaoa street. SPECIAL FOR TUESDAY. 12-roem house, 8 blocks south ef P. O., good corner, well furnished, rent only S27.6, with lease; 10 room rented bring $70; worth Investigating; pries $auos aslf cub, Also others, both targe snd small; snart-mcnt-nouaes, flrat-claaa rooming-bo eee, chesp lodging-houses. European hoUls ssd family botela. atuy bow. A BARGAIN Oood bualneea la private board ing and roe rolng-house. 11 rooms snd bsth. 3 .bedrooms, furnished; ccrpeta, range for aale. Call or address 200 B. 6th St., Ths Dalle, or, WANTED A partner for mannfacrurlng buel nees; the only one et lis kind la the west. V 88, ears Journal. ALL kinds of business cbances; cigar stsnde, cigar, fruit snd candles. Ice cream parlor and sods fountain; rooming-houses from 3o60 to 82,000; close In; sll full; coma In and look st our list 281 Vk Alder St.. Metropolllea Really Co. ) WANTED Ar-trust worthy man who can Invest $: In an old-eetshllshed money-making en terprlse; party must be honest, willing to work and furnish suitable references; pays . about $180 month. Call 13H Fourth at. HERB Is a snap for some one; confectionery, 1 . Jt - - . w sn-t Imu.Iam. k. pelled to sell. . SKlanMU A Co., 183 Morri son st. FOR BALE Good paying bowling-alley la beat city outside of Portlaad; a bargain If taken now. .Addreae O. J. A., Vancouver, Wash ington. FOR SAI.H Rooming hese -of 4-vell furnished rooms In tb center of the city: rent reason able. Register A Co., 107 ft Third St. FOR BALE Grocery; good business, fin loc. tlon, 6-year leaae, cheap rent; loveatlfste. ' N 88, ears ojurnsl. AVB MONEY Anything In printing see Mad dea. Odd Fellow' Temple. First sadaAlder sts.; BpeUlra. w -. -. WANTED Party with $1,000 te tak en third Interest In established bualneaa; snllmlted field tor profit. Addrsss L 80, care Journal. FOR BALE Proaperous grocery store BtI-eats. or would icssngs for eaat aids residence property. TeL Scott 2284. v $600 BUYS S rooms: well fnmlahed. Fourth - near Hsrtieon. - Cell 804 Jefferson. - PselA 200. ... GENERAL BieresBtll store In a good locality. 20 miles down tbs liver; will Isks Invoice price; doing about $76 bualneea per day: will Invoice about $4,000; rent free for 3 yeara. Reglater A Co., 107 tt Third at. DO YOU WISH TO SELL We bars tbs fee lit tle for dlapoalng ef all kinds ef property. Quick aalea and email profits Is our aielto. Diamond Realty Co, 263 Alder. $460 BUYS 8-room. well furnished In goad lo cality; weat aide; low rent, Hagaaana A Blancbard, 81 Fifth t. - RESTAUBANT b4 Innrk counter for sale: positively good money-makar) living-room. .il2.Fourth stt.,..,,.w,,.,w- ..,. . j,,, FOR BALE A flrat-clasa elesnlng snd dysing sbop. good loc I km. 213 Vb Fourth at. FOR 8 A LB. General a-erchsndls store; only aloe In the piece: pnetof rice la esnasctWav Addrts S 63. est, a-oyaalt . . - BUSINESS CHANCES. REHTAl'RANT SNAP. Waahlngton et, location; central; well fitted up aad doing buelues ef $33 te $43 a day; light evpenaea. fcXLIS. KAUT EH A tXNKES : ' 4. Roouia 80 and 21, SU4 Morrlaoa St. $3,300 BUYS a good grocery snd feed store ea the esst alile, rloee Is; rent cheap.. Register -A Co., 17 V Third at. FOR 8 ALE Half Interest ha $8,000 stock of Hardware solug SJo.UOu business. XJ, 830S BI'YS 13 rooms furnished, housekeeping . rent $21.00; lease ; rooms Mil; clearing $o( mosTsi no agaut. out soaai uax at. IF you think F. J. Calterlla A Co. can t sell you stock less ths any on else, you will giml aurai If hp not grewwr tag s chsncee. ep ue en Anierli-n, Ihtt'orrest, Hurst ewltcti. Alaaka Pet. A Coal, and on any stock you - wsnt to buy or sell. 128 Ablsgtoa bldg., city. 14-ROOM. modern flat; furnltura rood as new! : Inconi about $Soo per awath; iocs ted oa prvmiueni street, iHoa . HATFIELD A SMITH, ' 106 H Fourth Bt. A BARGAIN Good paying ablet and watet bual- nea; up to date outfit; mousrsts capital. Lja mis street, city. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. DROP us s card mentioning your wsnts In ths real estate line, we caa supply you; a few sample below. A partly furnished S-room cottage at Mid- . wey, pric gi.ouo; terms to suit purcusaer. A modern 6-rooea cottage at Kara Park, e-KJ raab. balance $13 monthly. . 8X800 for H sere . la Mt. Johns with a 8-roou cottage; a good buy. . To trade A 7-room house In Bumntcr. ' Two lota and email ooaia oa Eaat Eighth St., N., price $1,350. A ' modera 6 room cottags Is Sellwood, Twe good lots la Kenltworth. 125. A modera tl-rooni house oa Tillamook St., Bear Ninth at., price $.'1,600. $1,0110 fruit farm te trade for city property. Hinall house and 2 lot In ArleU No. 2. price $460; 8IM rash. H con to house ea Eaat Flaader St., prlc i,wu; mi- place. . A corner at Gray's Crossing, price $460; , terms. - SO seres te xchnga for city property, price $l,ono. STATE LAND CO.. 1B3 First st. ' NEW. 3 roonw. pantry, bathroom, closets, hall. cement easement, wood . cloeet. g porcnea. electric Hxhta, hot and cold water; price $1,730 cash. 1033 Eaat Grant. Phone Tabor 470. .... - . .. , S-ROOM Bew modern bouse near F.aat A ah, 0.400. J. J. Order, 1 urand are., north. A FIRST CLASH Amem honae, eflsliO l"t, Booth Portland; $760 down, balance $2$ mouth. Kroner, room IS Cambrldgs bldg. 1 OR t fins lots oa 31st at., seer Clinton, fine view ef tbe city, 8330; oa sssy tsrms. H 38, cars JoursaL FOR BALE Acreage OS esst aid. L. . Dod- sob, 200 Uoodnough bldg. C0N81DER "TILTON'S ADDITION" BKF0RB BUYING A IAT TO BLILD. Belmont atreet will have cement aldewalka snd berd-surfsce pavement; lota 3 feet above sldewslk; 1 blork from car snd 10 minutes ts city; $61)0 below price saked for nearby lots. THOMPSON A OGDKN (Branch) -POO Belmont St. I'bone Kaat 4300. 300 FARMS, small tracts and ats; bargslne op u. w. r. electric line. o. 3. addition, letota, Oregon. Tsk. Mount Scott car. 6c, 5 to 10 Acrcracts level, rick, living stream, make fine bemee, good fruit snd berry land; cheap; sear Port-land-Salem earlttie. INVESTMENT CO., 144 Stark St. Will pay for 10 acre fronting ea Tuslstltr riTer. good nostlng, flahlng and hunting; south' slope, rich level lasd. good fruit snd berry land; about 8 miles from city llmlta. Bear Portland Ha lem electric lip. - INVESTMENT CO., 344 Stark St. MARSHALlV-STr- ve house os run lot; alone worth $4,000; rsn be bought for $7,000; modern snd very well built and finished; extra plumbing snd all cnsvenlcnces csrefully planned; could not be Capitated for1 as.tawj. Morgan, Sweet, Morgan A Chapman, 213 ' Ablugtoa bldg.- Phone Main lMtS. " DO YOU want s reel chicken ranch t Here It Is: 6 seres, right on O. W. P. electri line. S miles from the center ef the city; good house, good bars, ail fenced, nearly half dear, fine soli, good aprlng, no rock - ot grave! ; price $1,300; ran give time ea part. Tbla la juat what you hsvs been look tag ioe. Address W 63, care Journal. TellwooJ" lferebense A French. 1070 B. lttk. -Phon Sellwood 74. City View Park lota, 3376 ssd sp; Ross Addltioa lots, 8100 ssd up; $3 dowa snd 83 s month. Homes from 3600 to 86,000. Lota $i00 ssd up, is sll psrts ef Pellwood. List post property with us; we will ssU It. . LOT 60x100. Esst Dsvla and 80 th sts.; 8160 cash, balance, $600, $10 month; all I in pro ve - ments In, lies fine; laat chance to get awell lot In thla locality for home or speculstlon on easy terms; a Bargain, cau at once, 1U3H Fourth st. FOR 8AI. -t block. 100x100, lo minutes car ride, 83O0 ; 610 sows, 810 per awatk. J. J. Oeder. 1 Oraad sve rth. A ROOM cottage, Baa Rafael St., lot 60x148, Srics i, sou; Cheap home: close In. Apply 16 Cherry, corner Esst First. FOR BALE, ee c 1 Changs-n a1 rity 111 uuet 1 1 " acreage, corner brick, well furnished, central. clearing per monin; en account el sick, ness. Phon Psclfle 1211. Room 10. MODERN 0-room house. $2,000; $.mo, ,13 monthly. Modera i-room Bouee, 3 tna; $000, $20 auoothly. Owner, phone Kaat 873. A FINK new house on 'SBth snd Esst Clinton: house Is nsw snd east gl.strO; lot la worth $M: owner le leaving the city and wilt aell rue sx.zsu aa eaay terma. sj bo, Journal. SIX-ROOM cottage, 731 Johnson street, he- twees 22nd . snd 2:rd, 26x100 feet; fine nelsbborhi-nd snd close m: porcelain bath. . gaa. building In god repair. $2.6iu; $L600 can remain oa mortgage at s iter cent. Cell ana see this poms nsrgsin. M or gaa, sweet A Chapman. . 213 Ablngtoa bldg. Phons Mala ZOIO. CAN ws help you? W build, boy snd sell upon eaay paymenta, as ma as rent, Stste Land Co., i.-M1 tirat at. A BAItOAIJS $1,600 8 seres, with a gr 4-rnom house, barn, ehlrkenhouee, etc.; young orchard snd 4 seres cleared! oa ths Foster rood, nesr csrllae. . Reglater A Co., 107 'A Third St. $4.400 ROOM house, east aide. to 000 O-room house, west skis. . $260 and 110 l7ls tn Charleston aad Elm merman additions, Joining . lrvlugtos; eaay terma. INTERSTATB REALTY CO., Phons Psclfle 823. '.807 Allsky bldg. TWO acres. Bear Odd Fellows' bom, la city llmlta. near car; high, with fine view; Ideal for auburlMa home, or poultry and berry farm; price reasonable; veould aell one acre. Address B 61, Journal or owner, Eaat Thirty-fourth and Holgate. SIX-ROOM modern cottage. $2,400; $400 $20 monthly. Five-room, modern cottage, ,1,80U; ftfMl. ,16 BKHithly. Phone Esst 876, CHANCE TO MAKE SO MB MONEY. . $1.600 Juat completed, twe tuedera cot' tsges. $1.860 Fonr rooms, fiber plsster, fine plumbing, bath, gaa and fixtures complete; eewer. atreet Improvements In; 00 Morris St., 2 blocks from Alblns shops and school. In qnlr 2o8 Fourth. Tsl. I'scifl 2126 or Msla suoo. $1,000 NEW 4-roora cottage, 2 lota, on corner In Vernon addition en 23d St. Register A Co., 107 tt Tblrd St. 8-ROOM modem house, west side, fractional lot, walking dial a nee. part time; $3,760. Uatfleld A Smith. 166tt Fourth atreet.- Vacant Lots Fonr full lots near Hawthorne are., $1,000, ' 76x100 feet near North 4Albla car barns. Cheap; , Choir lot em East. Ahkeny st , $2,000. Let ea Clay el., weat aide, $6,000. Henkle & Harrison 217 Ablngtoa bldg. . FOR SALE at 6 acrlfice, t hew S room, two story bouse ss modera ss they make them; lot AO1I0O: near twe car line, la Alblna, Phon Sco It 6I76. FOR SALE Beautiful modera 7 room bouas. nearly completed, oa Vancouver av., sear wauim Fara, rsoas Mia ev -, SALE REAL ESTATE. . FULL lot and S-room residence, besides sewmg room, bath, launilry-rootn. basement, concrete I foundation, cement walk around bona, work, shop, woodhouaa, chlcken-houaa; a bearing . fruit trees, grape. lc. 1 40 choice roe, on-,. bait bhx-k car line. 111c. $1,476; one-half caah, balance $20 per month. . -. , , . . " 7- room modera Don as and full lot, situated near Highland ecuool aad I'nloa avenue car line; .wall finished Inside and out; weU worth $J.0Q. Price, $2,160. This Is a bsrgsloi bgtter Investigate. . 8- rnom resilience, four full lots, with a beautiful unobstructed view of Portland ssd to surrounding country; several fine fruit trees, nice shrubbery; all fenced, on blork to car. 20 minutes to city; very choice, price, , $2,SoO; terms. J. Frank porter - - 2S2 Wsahlngtoa, cor. First. Upatstrs. 8-ROOM cnttsgs. plaatered ssd tinted, cement foundation, lot 60ili, on car line; $1,260. Ilatflelil Smith, lVi Fourth atreet. WEST SIDE HOME $3,260 will buy aa up te-ilats home of 8 rooms en 6th at.) eaay walking distance; good terma caa h given. Hagemann A Blancbard. 81 6th St. ,- TURNER A WALKER. , Beal EataU. Farma aad Stock Baachss. . airn.uj, 303 Waablngtea st. $1,060 BUYS a furnished B-rnom' cottage. H , block te car; terma to suit purchaser. State ,-eou ,a .0., i , ii r FOR' SALE Suburban hoar; 10 kits Is a puses, j ' sore. et. nea vrove, oa oregoa City rsrltns: sll Is gsrdeu snd fruit, very .rich soil; , bona snd rblrkea-houaet will eacrlSce for $1,400 tt taken soon; terms. Ad. drees owner, or Phone l'aci&d 2618. II 04, ' ear Journal. I ACRE. 7 rolnntee' walk from Anabel ata. tkm. Mount Bcott car; all cleared and fenced. J wster msla Laid Is front of property: very desirable for suburbs a boms; price 11,000 cash. Call V43 Aab at., room 1. ' 13 PER CENT. , SOUTH PORTLAND, corner, 80x100, with . coiiasee, iTJu.i. ro.w a anonioi price only 8-1. 000: ground alone worth price, EIX1S K AI1LEU A LANKEN. Booms 20 snd 21. 204 Morrlaoa at. $1,1003 FINE lots en corner, 2 blocks frora car, in rsromoni; ior tew oaya only at -this price. Register A Co.. 107 H Third st. FOR SAME Bseellent Investment, let ssd heel. . neas block; S-stnry building; entire building occupied; psvs 20 per cent oa Inveatment; forced to aell: owner, bo agaata. Address H 62, cars JourasL HARRISON street lot, 100 feet wast ot..l4Ik,.. atreet. eouta aioa, aujoiniag eeauttiut new horns en s quarter block. Good view ssd best surroundings; $3.0(10. $1,260 csshl ens ef the few fine residence site In sll this section bow on the market. Morgan. Sweet ' A Chapman, 211 Ablngtoa bldg. Phone Mala 2U16. if MODERN 7-room bouse, cheap: moat sell this week; pert cssh. 1'oose tut imi. a. ROOM cottage hi Sellwood. lot 80x100 feet , $U60. Uatfleld A Bmltb. lO&Vk Fourta street. $4.iO 7-ROOSf houss. walking distance, wef side, lot Boxiwv, - -. .; .. B.1 nnn Fine 7-room bonne, corner enarte block; fine fruit ef all kind. East Madlaoa'' $1.300 4. iota la Center addition, sns block from car. , . , , ..i a llillll aniiliT I?0 ill ai!aiia'faliM i asasssSSSBI ' FOR SALE FARMS. " CLARKB COUNTY, WASHINOTOFJ. .23 acres, t miles from thla city on fins traveled roadTiS seres under fins itsl of"" cultivation. 10 seres besverdam land, running water and good well at house, good 4-room house, bera and all other outbuildings, place sll fenced snd cross fenced. of a mile from school. R. F. V. and telephone. It yob. are looking for a good place near tows, see this; a snap at the price. $.1,000. Term. SO acre, fins land, 10 miles from tbla city ssd tt mile from country town: church, school, stores, etc.; 36 seres under fine ststs . of cultivation; living stream and good wall st bones; good si 1 -room house, large barn and ether outbuildings; 18 head of rattle, fins team, worth at least $300; wsgnn, harness and a full est ef farming Implemests sll la good condition; place all fenced and cross, fenced; some fine green timber, balance ef place alaabtd, bsrned sad seeded. Price, $4,600. - . 70 seres, 8 mile from this city; fine grav eled road, 86 seres cleared and under fins . ststs of eultirsrtoB, balance aH alaahed. homed and seeded; good si a -room bouse, Sara 4tnio. granarv, chlcken-houae, ete.,eflne llv Ing alrcam an food Weltir 27 acres uf lantf llra so bat It caa bs Irrigated; Itt Bills from country town: church, stores, creamery, -etc. 1 H. F. D. and telephone; tt mile from, erhnol; teem, wagoa. buggy, about 80 tous of hay, IMi bushels of oala and full set of rsrmmg implements, mis is a acriiici, 11 00 are looking (. a asap, see pais seiore buy lying. I'rtce, .i,eiv. If van fall tn see whet roa west la th shove, write or esU. Ws caa suit you sad ssvs you money. THOMPSON A SWAN. Fourth snd Msln Hts . Vancouver. Wsahlngtoa. Reference Vancouver National Bank. - NEW lt-room bouse; also store 1 large' -barm 16 - seres; - 8 seres young ercharni -blacksmith bnp; corner four roatis. 7 miles from Portland; for aale or trade for resi dence In Portland. Joseph Illngley, Beav er ton. Or. IS MILE, weat ef Portland, peer Beedvllle, Washington eonnty, for cask enty; 63 acre, 16 clear, well cultivated, oa creek: good well, spring, Sns fruit, sew wire fences, good , 8-reom Bon, bars, household gooda, chickens, bees, tools, etc. 1 Itt miles from railroad, . school and church; telephone line, milk route. R. F. D.; 84.600. Mrs. A. B. Luctsck, Beeverton. Oregon. FOR SALE Smell farm 8 mile wait ef court bouse, lees than Improvements. Bog 80, routit S. city. HORSES, VEHICLES. HARNESS $200 "BUYS good work team and haraees, weight 2.800 Dm.; alao new chill Plus, 8A; allp . scraper. $4; Western wheeler, $30. Brubaker, 33d snd Lincoln sts. HORSES snd buggies for rent by day, wR - aad ssontb) speclsl re tea to tHmia Alith and Hawthovae. Eaat 7A FOR BALK Twe tea ma, Ifatnes snd wagon: nns team weigh 3,000 and th tbr 8.800, I'boae Kast 4138. WB hny, aell, rest, exchange bursts, wsgons, ssddle. karsess. Hubert A Hall. 208 4th at. FOR 8AIJC Two boggle, sue delivery wagoa as good s saw. 2u3 Gilaas, u pet a Irs. BARN room for IS horses for rent: Kff Jsffsr -asa yard. Mala 7168 ef -Market et. FOR RALE Good delivery korss, wagoa aad haraees. Phone Scott 22A4. , ' - - 3 GOOD team from 7 tot t year eld. weight 2.000 to 3,300 per team. Myers A Richards, 61 tt North Klith St. MINES AND INVESTMENTS. C0EUB (VALENC MINING STOCK I am alwaya Is the market either t buy. er sell any active mining stock 1 Ivans Bade na any Hated securities. T. V. BROWN. 401 McKay bldg. ... MUSICAL-INSTRUMENTS.. SHERMAN, CLAY A t'O. see th largest Blano. rfl .. , U . Il.-IA ...... . u . v. . 1 a you need s rlsne. LKHNONS 60e, piano, guitar, banjo, msadollu. vmia, xttn first tt., cot. Alsla. Mis, ku 7. 1 f