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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 10, 1906)
THE OREGON -DAILY JOURNAL', PORTLAND, MONDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 10, 1803. SHK AKD YLSHAU fl,1D, IS-LAW - 0F-L1FE- PUir TO CUT OTOE -RTE$-i:i HUrr- 1 - SAlllIMrEMfli Complications Are Daily Arising In the Pa cific Coast Sugar Situation and the Dealers Hardly Know Which Way Wind Is Blowing TODAY'S MARKETS mwmm POTATOiUlGIS MUCH BETTER Purchases During Past Forty- Eight Hours Very Good for : Best Quality; f ; 1" DOLLAR IS TOP FOR FANCY MULTNOM AHS Softer Ton in Eggs Owinc to" Slight Incresss in Arrival Excellent De :, msjid Continues la Poultry ot All Kindt. - : : ; 1 . . Prluetpel market features today 1 flood taring la potatoes. V Cheaper grade hobs telling. . Esc market soeiewhat utter. , ' , Very atirf In poultry market. ,, OnUm combine still holding. :. . Sew! cere bananas due tonight. .' Orsuges are lower gala. ' liresaed meet market eiretleat. flam auplles are rut abort. : . More cuuipllcatinos tu augar. , . (.' V Seed Suytag is ToUtoea. During the past 48 boars there has bee very good eulug In ths potato market. Dealera have Doof at quits fieri? sroumt tfoe and 1 fut beat ssatern Multnomah and Clackamas etock. The ear situation la but slightly better, but dealera report that tbey hare bees protnlaed somewhat better Berries Is s short time.' Ship meaia to the outalds are sot any heavier tbaa a week sto, the recent purchases being mainly (or a peru Latins. The shortage la ths 1'aclfU northwest pot ate crop la growing more appar ent every, day. J net what the ahortage will amount ss ts ears cannot be told st this time ee a coast durable amount of stock remains to be. gathered. 1'nfavarabla weather st digging time has retarded thees operations all ever the Pacific elope end this one condition haa bad mors to do with bringing the- price op to the dollar mark than anything else. ' . Mere Cemnlicatieae la Sugar, j, . , The decline of 10 Is sll sugar values ex tluslsely told by The Journal on Saturday was maintained today. Kvery day sdds to the com plications Is ths sugar market. The latest drop In values waa made by the Weatera Sugar tteflsery company snd puts that com pany's product en the same basis ss the Cali fornia tlawallaa except for the special brands of cane. The C. H. Star" la still quoted Ills under- ths Western's "Bt i'rancr:' andl the trade expects that this will esuaa further trouble la ths market. ' change id values sp to aeon. Cheaper Sraae ef Heps selling. Practically all the business reported in the bop market during the paat 48 hours hss bees Is the. cheeper trades. There Is s demand for choice - goods.- but the- views sad offer -ef deslrre do sot meet wltk the approval sf grow era who are holding. Keg Market Somewhat Softer, ""There 'la a somewhat softer tone tu the est market today. lieeelpts are showing s slight t. but are quoted st former figures. Prices aa ret uuchabcea. . rnuiirr awrm .... rivals ssd a very healthy eemana is su noes. runner prwee iiii. . - Creamery sutler w nrmer sua pncuraiij tt er.ttaserlea are rharstps the higher price. re a few save after the advance to soc s w ereemerlss. csatlaued Uelr sales at ths sll 1m urwe. Cheese market Is gaining In firmness with demand considerably Improved. lTlce the ' 01am SupDliee Are Inert. ".applies clsms in the wholesale fish mar ket are very smalt today owing to the severe etorms wff the mouth ef the river which makee clam dlgglsg practically Impossible at this 'There are only fslr ssmples of salmoa In the front etrccC saerscla. sua prices are ntuirr. name eonaitioa irporxew ui ,v. of the storms. Dressed Meat Market Xxeslleat. ' - A very excellent tone ts show a today In ths dressed meat market. Buying conusuina 4 A,xrinm the nrevlwis week. Hecelpts are only fair wblls demand shews s liberal increase) for both vest ana sows. " 4 Urestork prices, howevsT, Is sgslast sny ad Tsnce la the dreeaed. Brief Motes ef the Trade. Wheat la holding somewhat mors steady with a better supply of ears reported by millers, .h. Uma rhmr Is stesdy but slow. umr. continue firm. Same la bsy and Orangeesre lower today, the quotations tn. day ranging from $S T8 to SS 2S. s decline of ' 1 - - e iea flawrea.' A ear la this - sw.J.1 Sears sf bananas tars doe to arrive Dsmand f tweet potatoes- very rni and prl-ea are holding at se. The trade payi Thf following eVlcrs tu Pruul street, frlces paid sblppsrs are less regular commtssmss: ' " . -- errata, Tlens- sad Tesd. eAI!t AU Calcutta. SVte boy tag price; Tfc?T-S.V'. l KSmds ...: blueetem. esc: vslley. STe. MARLCT New e-esd. bzi.udi raueo. ga.W heewlns. S'iS.00. CKR-wk4e, UTOO! ersched. (2 00 pet BT tl.od see ewt, " oats New producers- prtee Me. 1 white, BjJ.wV2S.OO; gray, tS OOejiS.SO, rUOCsV ksBtsra Oregon pstenta, $3 SO; strslsbts. S4.s: export. Sa.Saj valley SJ.40. mharn T.T .Si-SOj, -bets wheat. SJ.TS; rys, lo., txdO: bales, elTS. MILLS rrraWrsa. ts.6 Per toa: rnloV Sllnrs. 2J.I: shorts, country. HPxiOj atty, a So: chop. U.oytjjil.oo, . HAT Producers' srlce Timothy, Willamette alley, fancy. $1 OOeJlS OO; sedlasry, SS OUeJ leuo: eaeters Oregon. $IS Wtls.0O! mixed. aiwOOOiatOi clover. TOUS.u0i grain, S7.M j40i chest. I7.004S-00. Butter. Eggs sad Peal try, . prTTy.R PAT P. e. h. Portia ad -gweet cream, 3:tv,e: soar, SlHc , BCTTIK City creamery. Sfle; entaMe faaey, S2SC1 ordlnsry. aoe; store. Iei7e. BOOS Bxtrs fancy, candled. 7e; laeal mad eastern storage, '0.ttlic. CHSkKS New Full cream. Bats, 1414f(e; Voaeg Amertes. lomioe. rtCf HIT Mixed ehlekene, UHe pee n- fancy bess. lee per m; roosters, oil. lOo lb! fryers, UHs lb! bcollera, . 12ie per lb; old 'ducks. ISVte per lb: spring durkev 1SW ltai seess. PatlOs per lb: tnrkeys, 17iTti. aee lbs a ik r7 eldl draped, fancy, 20 21 He lb; culls. , let squabs, eS-OD per dust pigeons, t 00 IStfioe " Maws. West ssd Xldee, " ' HOPf 10S crop, rhotce. prime te choice, IV; medium to prims,, lOSJUe; me dium. WWtle. . WOOle-ltod slip Valley. S0Ze, aastera Oregon, foe. . . BtoHAIIt New. aemlsst SHShPBKlNS heartsg. USns schl Marl TTAIXOW Prims, per Ik, S4j4ci t ia4 reese IdxHe. , " CUlTTiw BARK HTe for car lots; small lets, f-ftso. ,m ' ' ' MIDKd Dry, "e- U lbs s ml ap, ITe per J dry kip. Me. I. to a om. lte. ll.eoUl.sO: eelt bldss, Sp30ei m ,tl- eisma, seek, losjise; Asgora, eaca, ata LM" Trslrs and ' POTATOES Buying prtca. eastern alalrsn. Biah snd ( lack am. a. ,V j 1 .00 ; ardlBsry, goej Sic) sweets. SJeOig J.T4. . OtlONS Jebbing prlcw Mew Oregon. BOrgj SI .00: buymg price. T0i7IV; gsrlic, a 4) Be ib. APPLBrt rasry Hood Blver Mpltaenherg and Tellnw Wewtowss, (S.flOt fancy Wlllameero valley and snnthsrs Oregon. J0j srdlnsry stock. TocvTIl 23. . PRRflil f B(;IT Omnree, new Bevel, 2 T St! .23: beasnss, --ee- per lf temmie, choice 4.003.00 per has; -fancy, f.1 otJ3 SO : per boa: llniee, Mexican. 11.23 per loo; pioeenplee. 4 0'aA s per doe; grapes, CalKomls, i.T3l Malaga, 17,60 hey; sear... h sch le berries, c pineapples, S3.0O per dos ) atrs. soasd. SO lbs ssd ever, loejlle- eows ,I4eiJ,tf ",i e' kip. Id to SO ros. Pel esbeosmd. unatar is ihe, lie; ei see, . . t - , saw is eesa: rmm hides, salted, each. Si ttejl.n: Sre. IWHAT DEALERS SAY - OF LOCAL MARKETS e " r- By-vrrm aunte c 4 .Egg receipts art very light c and demand good. Prices are Arm in spite-of the fact that 4 thert are a greet many eastern 4 " eggs on the market. 4 ' Poultry receipts during the 4 past week have been very light. 4 The demand is good end prices 4 higher than they have been be e fore for months. ... Both buyers 4 and shippers are commencing to e ' investigate the Christmas, turkey ' matter. The ' Indications now e -ere that he ma rktsvlll v 4 practU-aUytfie same as it was Thanksgiving;. r e All liars of dressed meats are .a vffrjr nrm-pwmg to cool weainer - which stimulated the demand. pomegranates, fl.tSOl.M per boi; grape trait, VKOBTABt RA Tsrntps, new, SOcCIt sack carrots, T3ctfl per each: beets, Sl.SA nee aarx Oregon radiance, SOe per dos; cabbage. Ore gon. el.2' il IH: bell peppers, per lb; to uiatoes, Il.hse2.00 per cratsi parsnips. Mfcttfl; string bean a, Vic per Ibi cauliflower, 11.23 per doses; peaa, He; horseradish, - Sttl'tt per lb: artichokes, 11.00 per dosen; suuaeh, T0c! per box; trrplant, 11.60 per doaen bunchea; celery, loia Hoc per dosea; eggplant, fl.75 per vrale: pumpkins, lc; ersav berrlee. local, 112 00 per bbl; Jersey, S12.BO. ilRIRD rRl'I'IS Apples, evaporated. H' per lb: ' aprtcota, lCfr20t per lb; peaches. l2fflS'.e Dcr lb: aacka. Ue ner Ih leaa: urunrs. SO U 40, I tide; ts drop 00 each I 18 smsll-e sisei use, alirornl Dlacn. spju'4e per 101 California white. dtfdHc per IM dates, golden, td-ftO per hex; far da, l 40150 per IS lb box. Oreesrtss. Huts. Eta. -grrOAR Calif orris Mawallan Cubs, S.SO; pow.lere.1. S.1.1J; berry, $3.06: C. C, UMUl dry grauulaied. SA.Oo; Hi sr. It-SSOi conf. A, IS 15: extra M. snlden C. aVt.O: 1) yellow,; beet sranulated. .(. western 4 -ube, S3.401 powdered, 13. 00; ory granuiateu. se.ue: f. t; st.vo: conr. A. so. us: exira c. golilen '. 14.4.',: v. yellow 4.o0; beet grsnulsted. 4.8o; blila, 10ci 14 001a, sac; Boxes, sue sdvsncs en sack Mais. (Abovs prices ara to days act vaaa usutS' liona 1 IKlNIT S10 per orate. rtlr'KKB-rfsckase brasds. tlS.Z3sllS.Tn. SALT Coarse Half ground, loos. SS.OO per ton, es, ee.ow, sauie. uairj. eov. flaw, I'iwi I12.TB: bales. 1 1 . Ho: luinorted Laearnool. Sua. els M; lUUs, li.OO; lU4s, tlOM; sxtrs-Une, Buia. as, os. lus.; uveruooi tump rues, iis.ou or.' tun: ao-is rock, ss.ou: luva. 13.00. - (Abovs prices apply so sales ef leas tea a car lute. Car lots st special prices subject to euriuaimns. 1 . RICK Imperial Js?sn. Ma. I. Sri Mo. I. She: ew Orleans, heed.- Tel A lax. be Creole, 6(4 c. BKAN8 Bcsll white. $...). ! whlts,; pluk. f. ) eaywu. liTai Umas, iiie alrllcau reds is 115 reanv..J, Jumbo, im per lb: VlrfTnlaT t2."lSc; roasted. Ih!S per lb cocoa nuta, bootuoe per dos: wslnuts. lSe per iu; pinenuts. is'ifiae per lb; hickory aula. joe per lb; raostuuts. ssatern. Iejldc per lb rtrasu nuts, imc per to: f liner Is. ir Be lb; fancy pecans. lstlSOc; slmouds, 19421Ha, Meets, risA and ProTlilnaa. PBEBa MKA'IS trust Street tlosm. fancy. HWc per lb; veal. 1 extra. Be per lb; ordinary. per 10; poor, ue w; muttoa. isbcti iuvil. ik, kM.k. a . 1 n IIAMK, BACON. BTC. 1'urttasd pack (local) hama. 10 tu 14 lbe. lttc lb: 14 to 1U lbs. 13 v.. lb; IS to 20 lbs, lac: breakfast bacos. lottu 10: picuica, iuac 10; cottagw, iie per in; iar snort clears, ansinoksd. Lac Bar lb; autoked, lile per Ibi e'esr hacks, Bueuioked, 12c uer lb: smoked. 1 3c per Is: Union butts. 10k to IS lbs. unaiuoked. Re per lb; saeked. Be per id; clear seines, unsmosea, JSC w lt; emoaea, loe. per iu: eoosincis, 1SSS per so rosim. ,w uwiu vim. lvlsi, Lnir eetiie sear. sua tsvs lb, as, iSSe per r lb; CO-lb tine. 12te sac la: steam renoereo. IW. mi lb; 6s.Uaje per 10; rowpouiia, !, oie. CANNk.0 SALMON Columbia river. Lib tetla. fl.So; S-lb tails, S2 76; fancy, I lb Sals, II. So; H-lb fancy Oats, fasey !-ls ovals, S2.73; Alaska tails, pink. SOaJtfcw; red. Ii aominal ta, tall, aj.oa PIU Kock end. Tr pee lb: SnuBit'M- 3e see lb; halibut. Hc per lb; crabs, 11 Qo ft 1.30 rwr dos; striped bass, 12V,e per lb estfleta. 10e per Ih; ealmon. Columbia river ellvsrelde, he; sieelucsd, 10c per in: herring, ee ' pel lb; soles, Sc per lb: ahrlnps.' lor per lb; perch, so nee lb: black cod. To see lb: tomeod Te per lb; silver smelt. Be per lb; lobsters, lee per lb) fresh mackerel, Se per lb; erawflsS), KOC per dost Stargsoo,. 0e per ibj black seas. eve per iu. OYnrKUg Moalwater bey. nr saL S2.2S: per 113 lb aack, S4.k3: Olympla. par gal km. 2 23; per 11J-1S sack, SS.00 te 13-M. t LAMS lisrasaru. Bar Box. SXOOt class, 12.00 per hex. slat. Csal 00, Its. llOPB Purs Msnlla, UWct staadard. UVe: an, iae. - . cuAt, viir rean ar astral ( a aee IPtte per fal; water white, troa bbla 14c per gsL woodes It aer sal: headllsbt. llo-dca. aasas Ilka u uiaouja wu qeg. esses he per gsL Iren bhls 18c per gsL xtKNy.lNt 4W-deaI. cases tod see nl iru DIB O'c per gas. TUurs.NTlNsr la esses See per gal, weed an bhls. BV per gel. W II I'll LEAU Tee left, v, m. gjo-lB ts. se per in; lees iota. bis par ah. W'IKR NAll.aVJ'raaaat imsls at I&S3. KSBSII OIL li raw, la hhi hits, SOsi l-ooi lot, 00c; rewa, svve per ga:; gesulns kettle-boiled, rases. Sue Dec aal: B-bhl lots as., I bbl tot. SAe per gal: ground csks. car lets. S20.0S per toa; Mas tbsn.ssr lots, ksu.oe aef BOTH SIDES AFRAID OF THEIR SHADOW Wheat Market Dull but Recovers From Earty Damage by Bear Clique. BelatlTB Wheat YaJuse. Bee. 10, lee. S. . tialn. ..S0 74 So.74i SO. 00 -.. .Tv ... Tk ..Wtj ' -00 i is,. oH JI7V Pec. Mar July Chlcsro. Dee. 10. The wheat markeC held te. day wlthla s very Barrow ran re. Top drubbing gives the bulla eu Saturday bad somewhat taken th.'lr appetite for hear meat and the lat ter ebmeut was dulls wffllng to lei wall anouak Slose. Ones eeblee were somewhat er a vlcterv for the beers, Liverpool's Initial flgurs being to Sic under Saturday. Thla, hoseevsr. was all the help lbe beam got from that quarter, ths rone gaining slightly la strength sfter a few Initial aales. ' . On this elde ef the water the trade was dis posed to swslt snore definite aews ae -re gards west ner conditions. The report sa ' the visible shewing s decrease ef l.S3.ota bushels Is wheat easie sa a naming angel Jtait when the bolls needed help moat. The early drop la values pat the market to ths low point from which the letter recovery carries) tne price hack to ths too. At ths closing tori lent May and July closed tie higher wltk Imesmber slow sad ssehsnge. , Cora was very raactlee today ssd the market closed dull at shout the ' seme- values as Sat- ardar. . . . Osta market wee usewiee mill, put continued Ita strong showing sf Saturday, the closing beisg s higher. A aooe knowing nf twards ef bws In ths Carda waa the blllsll Influence la the rarovls is Bisrket. Hega were very firm with s gala ef as points tu January pork. This wss ths strongest (eat ire. Official, quotations by Over beck, Starr g Cooks Co. WHEAT. Open; High. ..14 Tt ..TU . . Ts ..7 71, COBS. Iw. 74", T7'. 42'4 44 44 Clcoe. 741, ' 7i . ,4.1 lst(isBbM ( May July .....m. December May ..1. July .43 .4q 4414 . M .OAT. . . ...3I S4k , . . ne 31114 IVeembef 4'. 3S May SJU MKM PORK. ' Jssusry ....... ...16WS JslS )SW ISIS PIIMHHf. BY PACKERS Killers Do Not Want to See . Blockade Raised as Prices Would Advance. . SATURDAY'S CATTLE ' DROP MAINTAINED Receipts of Sheep Again Nil "With Price Firm on Account of Outside Competition Hogs Are Dull but Steady, ; ' ' : Portlsnd ITnloa Stockyards, Dee. 10. Ltrs- a iocs rsceipts: . . Bora. Cattle. Sheep. Today 80 k 17S Week ago..' ., XTS Month ago 140 . 78 SO lear ago 105 No new features developed la the livestock situation since ths decline ef lOe In est (Is, sscluslvely told by Ths Journal sn Saturday, fctecelnta ef cattle continue aulta rood, but the railroad blockade eoutlnuee against the pries. lus pressors ot ins packers sgainai tne price is uuauateti. tnese-intereste seeming to se piss ing so effort to break the price in tws before help caa arrive from the out aide. With traffic to the north la good shape It M the spin km of tne trade that the pries would sot remsln sutf mergsd very- long. Local killers never con Id see Juat why titer abould pay 44e for rattle while outside buyers In this markst believed the letter vslus Justified by the new conditions. The ahaes market la tha Barest of the trio. There -were no arrivals Is this line today nons Baring arrived alnce laat Wednesdsy. Mo greet is tus aeiussa Tor sneen on every siae tost local eougestlon of truffle and besrlab, opera tions In oilier Hues ' has absolutely no effect upon price-making. At thin time abeep values of the Psclflc northwest sre prsetlcslly ma.le Hi the east, for tue esatsrners are Buying near. tly In eastern Orevon. and If local people want tue sneep tncy must pay tne price. Hogs are dull snd lust steady, wltk arrivals Dot heavy enough to allow any slump la valuea. A big bunch of horses wsre smong trdsy's arrivals. Conditions s year sge: nogs rirm, soe up; cawle firm snd unchanged; sheep week, 2Se lower. Official livestock prices: lines Rest esstem Oregon. S8.TS: stockers tnd feeders. SO-ootid. 00; China fata, S&.30. Cattle Beat eastern Oregon atrers, S3.SS 3.P0; best cows snd heifers, 13.00; stocksrs and feeders, 3.oo: bolls, SH OO. . Sheep-Mlsed. siae; ismbs. bc. A BULLISH TONE IN NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Reading Cains Two and a Quar ter for Common Call Loans Drop to Six. NET GAINS. Amalgamated ..... Krte locomotive fi Manhattan .1.... Sugar V....1 V. Missouri Pacific i.e..... 14 national u4 AaacnndS' ...,.... Pesnsyrvsnls ... Brooklyn K'Ri4dlng t'onrordla ..'i, Wouthern Pacific St. Paul kji;. g. Ktsel NET LOSSES. Baltimore tfcjCnlna Pacific ... Louisville H U. s. Bteei pre.. N. . CcBtrsI .IWI - ' Well Street. Near Tork. Dec. 10. With American abowlns s strong to heavy tone and values Me to He higher In Loudon, thla market wss quite inac tive tooay. wiia gaum la must of the favorites. Heading was loa.ler and rose rapidly antll the . close, the hrlre showing s Bain ot 24 points over Pat rdse. Mtnel stocks were mixed with buying In the common and Sel inr In uie Dreferreo, The latter .lost Sc. while the former gained rracuou. euaav wss iuu u" wi,u siav gain tor the day. N. r. Central wss Sold snd lost 114 points. Official Quotations by Over beck, Starr a Cooke Co. 7 I DESCRIPTION. ' Amal. Copper ... jU3 Am. Iscomottve. com... I 74' 1141113,114 743, n im i.vtC'iad Am. Kugar. com 'IM Am. Kmelter. com .ilM 1.13 l.Vi IlKitt Anaconda Alining Ce.... 2Nft4 2VSS1I2HS Atchison, com ..103VliU lo2t,,ioai Bsltlmors A Ohio, eom iimii lll,11.1V. TV", Ts Brooklyn Kaptd, ctj lev, HM-mt kU MIL Kt. Psal... l,liiNlfe:lN.xt4 Colo. Fuel a Iron, com.. I 67 W I 67 6tim BTU r.rie. eom 44k, 43ia 44 46 loulavlile a NashrUls.. 144V 14S 144 144. Wanliattas Ballwsy...... 144 144 lu.1k.iU4 illiwairl rsriric ........I m, 4I H, P.1S1 National Lead 1 T.1S T.'.S T.f 75 1, .... atara tcnurei.... Northern Psclflc. com IM 133 l:'lH.i 21m, ill iaiN,r l.WL,jLwr!l37 l.v ri'l W2 92 I B3vZ 147t l.VlVil47 l.VIV, ennavivsnla Ballwar. P. a., U C. u.... Beading, com Southera Pacific, esm. .. P.t Southern Rr.. com I 3.1 I atoai Pacific, eom.....lsi B4 I 3.1 34 lU'ltlSilVS 4M 4HU 4.i U, S. Steel Co., com.... in prefer reu ..... 104 llU4V104!lO4'j "Totaraalea for day. 744.800 ariarea tall money, closed st S ner cant, ananal at IS per cenu HORSES FOR ALBERTA SereraJ MuMiMd MA aVre Shlpre4 Onl of Arllss-toa ef Xekte. (Jean-sal SpecUl Service. Condon. Or.. Dec. 10. U. J. Daler. Brealdant ef the Alberts Urestork company, ass juat shipped Sis) Oregon horses from Arlington, over ex in era stur goon orseniag meres, Aa a vera re price of Iflo per head was paid. U, WcLeaa. ef Medicine Hat. Is alas ahlpptng e from this aectloa. Owing to ths car hr tags the bur see were detained about foul weeks. ' MONTANA BUYS SHEEP OoBAoa SCam sella 1J0S Xesat at S3 foe - DellTsry Vsxt May. 'Jowrnal Special Service.! Condon. Or. Dee. !. Char lea Browa'h.s snld 1.600 fcead ef sheep to John i'lsmlng. represetirlng Key Brothers, sf Montane, at 3d per bead. The aheep are te be ddlvereil be fore May 26. The parrhsse ts seaeidered a good ens by tba trade. rnrrrxD states sorxtvimrr; bonds. New Tork. Dee. 0 Official nrlcest Tate. Rid. Ask. I04 1"4 4 10s ll iot" la 131 ' lod Twos, reglatereg .... ftt. .... opt. .... Opt. lo.lie do coup.-a I"4 )" 1.12 Itnii4 lol lolU 11 1, ' lTj lot H4 116 lue-i Threes, registered ... so eouDon Small Bonds ......... ours, registered .... de coitu.e ....... lour lmT 1 lu'iA Fnurs. registered . ... do coupt.a Panama 3a do coupon ., Mafrlct ef folumbta rhillpplne 4s IKt OBTXJUrO BANK STAXMIXT. Clear! nra today . e. w....l.tss a4 si . 1.147. Buest Clssrtngs year Aro Osla today t S3S.OSl.OS Amerieaa AVrsia hrlMe - . thlcage, Dee. IP. Grain visible supply Bniete. Wheal peerassed 1 .143 i. .Increased k it e) Oats tsaxsheed ' T 41. WOO GREAT NORTIIERfl IS WANTED Lively Bidding for Mining Issues on Portland Stock Exchange During Day, TEN THOUSAND SHARES PURCHASED BY SELLERS Parties Who Were Eager to Let Go on Saturday Buy Back Today 1st Advance J. C Lee Company Sells "at 40. . - ." Greet Northern to a feature of special Interest en the Portland stock market. Tbers were very liberal sales ef thla Issue on Saturday and today. During the sc salon today lO.OoO ahares of this stock were sold, ths price ranging at 1(4 for the three lots purchased. Tbers sppeare to be ronsldersbls Inside manipulation In thla Issue. Someone Is trying te hold ths stork back. Tba parties who sold en Saturday were eager pur chasers ef the same property today ereu at the slight sdvsncs Is price. J. C. Lee company la more bullish. 11 shsres being sold today st S9 snd 40, a material ad venes from the low point of a week ago, when sales were made st 23. Oregon Securities le being bought la .small lots.. A sale at SVt wss msds today. Today's transactions: One I. V Cea at eTX 10 of asms nt 8W, 3.000 British Columbia Amal- amated at 44, S.OU0 Great Northern st IV,. .000 snd 6.000 st tha ssms price, 1,000 Oregon Securities st 3Vi. Official prices: - 1 BANK STOCKS. 1 J Bid. Bank of Callfornis S)7 Bankers' eV Lnmbermen'e. Equltable Savtnra Loan ... Merchants' National 1S4 Oregon Trust Jr. Havings 110 Lulled Statss National 200 BONDS. City A Sarborbsa 4s ".. Columbia Southern Irrigation As.. ... O. R. N. Ky. 4s , M O. W. P. tt Br. Ss.. Portlsnd By. is.. J. 0. Ue ee ST . MISCELLANEOUS STOCKS. Associated Oil , 60 Cement Products Uoms Telephone 28 . J. C. Lee Co 41 aik. 871 10.1 ST 145 S3 T 100 lUli, 10L 100 ' 62 60 40 60 Oregon City allll A Lumber...... S ... Oregon Journal, preferred 115 Oriental American Go . .. T5 Portland- Halghla 1m Ce 63- Psclflc Stetes Telephone 10P14 Puget Sound Telephone ... Xsiiulns Bsy Telephone Saj MINING STOCKS. ' Alaska Petroleum 11 H British Colombia Amal o:iT4 60 10 ISi 0n 40 Caacadla 2V mile sieaoews vi Gallalier . M 06 03 Oolconds 01 Ooldfleld Trotter Great Northern SO O 'i . 02 14 . 20 'ik 31 134 "lSVk Lee's Creek tiold. 01 Holden 11 Mammoth 14 North. la lrvlew ..,.. ,., ... Oregon Hecu rules 02 4 Ksmhler-Csrlboo i Standard Con. 11 Tscoma Steel 12 " COECB D'ALKNI DISTHICT. Alameda IS 22 rniiionrTrrrrTi , fi't 10 Burke tu Copper King .................... Gertie 11 Happy Day 06 "4 Idaho talent MhMoals' OH Psrfc Copper 0H Bex IS Belndeer 0 Kuth Con. v. M 10 Snowshoe M uoowtturm ..t.f Mineral farm 03t yreslsod Oeas. 00 i 32 1 05 Id 00 11 20 10 13 B.1 S.BO . v3 , NOT ANY-BACHELOR GIRL BUSINESS FOR THEM Connecticut Town Where the Dears Say Yes In One Grand Chorus. (Joarasl Special Service. V South Norwalk. Conn., Deo. IS. Some antl-marrlage Inoculation, or at all events some recipe for preventing marriages in ounenes, would no wei corned by Charles T. Dlmond, who la superintendent of a big corset factory here. In one day he has lost by mat rimony 14 of the very beet, brightest snd brainiest workers from his factory. More than this, the whole town la in fected. An epidemic has raged In the Norwalks this autumn and winter. Bald Mr. Dlmonci speaking .of his per sonal loss, half In admiration and half In regret: give the young fellows credit. Each one of them seems to know a good ' thing when he sees It All of them choose the Jewels, the gems among the girla They do not take the beat- looking girls by a long shot, but they pick out those whom we have found the brightest and tne most industrious. 1 wish them sll happiness, but I am blessed if 1 know how we will replsce them, for we have lost the girls with the stralghtest fronts, morally and men-J tally. "The town Is marriage-mad," said Town Clerk Herbert II. Smith. "There have been -more weddings In the Nor walks In the last three months than In three years be for a I have Just ordered half a dpsen new regtatera" WOMAN AMBITIOr.S TO HOLD JOB 0F.C0MPUTER Sis young men and one young woman took the civil service examination for computer in the engineering department thla morning. This is the first time a woman has entered In this test. . Any one holding the position is required to be an expert mathematician. The work In the engineering .department haa o Increased that more men to do drafting and computing are constantly in de mand. Because It is short-handed, the department Is several weeks behind with Its plans for Important work. ' alxkaaeef TedsreOoa ef Xmbetv (Journal Special Service fort Smith. Ark., Dec. 10. The fourth annual convention of the State Federa tion of Labor opened today, when Presi dent S. F. Brackjiey called the gather ing to order. The annual report of U II. Moore, secretary and treaaurer, shows that the past year .has been one of unusual activity and progress for the organisation. arris. Dies ef Weamds. , , Chicago. Peex' Is. lr. Benjsmlri Har ris, who wss shot by Amasa C. Camp bell last Friday. Is deed. Campbell as serts. Harris broke up home, end says fc has so regret for waat he did. SoaywfKrttigtirteT mon Delivered at First , Presbyterian Church. ; "Seeking and Finding' was the sub ject of a sermon delivered yesterday evening; by Rev. J. E. KlUredge. ' who is temporarily' fining the pulpit of the Firat freabytertan churchy-Bevr Kltt redge said In Dart: " "Seek and ye shall find.' Here the master Is speaking of prayer, of confi dence in tho heavenly father. He bide his disciples to make all their heart requests known to Ood. to lay loving siege to" the.'.tbrono .of , sraoe. -to put forth ulmbst and untiring endeavors to reach the 'goal of their wish. But this word of Christ opens, a wider realm.' It Is of universal application 'Seek and ye shall find.' It is the law of Quest in every department of life. - "It'ts a simple law of nature that finding hinges on seeking. Birds must hunt fop food, though God feedeth them. Man must seek wealth though Ood gives the power to get wealth. Discovery comes by research. Comets yield to the weep of our Swifts, the flora of the field to our Burbanks, the fossil links to our Marsh geologists, and antt-tox-Ins for the blessing of man to our Kochs. , It U always so. We do not stumble upon 'finds.' Intellectual "an tennae are out The mental searchlights are trained. The hunter brines in the game. "There la enterprise In all this. Starch Is no dull and lifeless thing. ' It tikes all there Is in a man. This one thing I do conditions' the successful quest Whether the man seoks money or educa tion or scientific secrets or God the law la the same. Te shall seek me and find me when ye shall search for me with all your heart.' This point waa Illus trated, from the life ef Edison and of Hotchklss In Central Africa, of Whit man of Oregon and Stanley In his hunt for Livingston. "There Is a varied dignity In the thing sought No fact is without value In the kingdom of truth. Gold Is good. But Agassis had no time to make money. His was bigger game.' We honor Peary for bis perilous push to the pole snd his 'farthest north' of 87. of last April. And Edison for our Incandescent filaments. But the life is more than meat And the missionary search for men beats them all.- . "It, is worth noting too that a man gets vastly more than he seeks. There Is something beyond and that la the grandest The student gets his Item but In the hunt he gains largeness, breadth of view, a search relish that is gr of ur. Thereaf s pefpeTuarai vi- dr-nds. Stanley finds Livingston but he finds himself. Hotchklss find his lexicographic word but in that word he finds men and brings them to God. The thing needed today here,' everywhere. Is a loving, eager search for the souls enrnr passionate passion for oolgr When the church of Christ rises to this, its grandest privilege and duty, each Christian man and woman fn a mighty quest for men, then shall a lost world be found and brought back to Its wait ing, loving Christ" Too Much Harmony. Governor" Jefferson Dsvis, newly elected Fnlted States sens tor from Arkansas. Bars that politicians preach harmony, but tt Is sot har mony that Is needed ss mack ss sa old-fashioned now la tha fnlted mates senate. . IN JUNGLE "SOCIETY. OsaIsfse 190 aV esWaTssBafaassBBrBarjOT tMMIIHHIIIMIIHHMm MtMHMMMMTMMtMIHIMHtlMIMMMIMIIIIMrr I t'SS00 flErs play snap- ) ' ; sSfefM t ' (aha.-jusFV fm - I e)st444a. ae-s-44 . TUsimaUPUyci "Snap U.v7pUai Vhzt OregdtvMefcheintsy Will-OrEarilz Scheme to fut Old Com panies on Shelf. . Oregon merchants, led by a group of business men at Dayton. Oregon, tvre planning a Are insurance company to take merchants' insurance at a rate juat one half that of the old-line companies. A temporary organisation was formed last week, with O. B. Klppey as presi dent: fl. C. Stuckey, treasurer; B. L. Barry, secretary, and a number of prominent merchants of - Dayton- as members of the board of dlrectora These men are- now at work effecting a permanent organisation and making ar rangements for a meeting which will launch the company on its .course as an active business organisation. B. L. Barry, secretary of the tempo rary organisation, who Is at tha Ore-, gon, telle of the plans for tne com. pany and explains Its Intent and scope. - "The merchants of Dayton have be gun the organisation of the company partly as an advertisement to the town. They know It can be made a success and will grow into a large Institution," said Mr. Barry today. "It will be called the Oregon Merchants' Mutual Fire As surance Company ' of 'Dayton, and -will be organised on very conservative lines. By the time It Is ' Incorporated, which will be very soon. It will have 1750,000 Insurance written. It is the intention of the company to assume but $1,000 in risks from any one man, and to take but two risks in any one block. It Is the intention of the company to put men Into the field and go into ac tive competition with the old-line com panies. Waahtngton will be . the first state Invaded and it Is expected that the campaign will be begun there soon after the permanent .organisation. FORTY CLING TO RIGGING OF STEAMER MONARCH Ashore on Isle RoyaJe. Lake Su periorRescue Effected - In Extremest Peril. Winnipeg. Man., Deo. 10. Forty pas sengers clinging to ,the rigging were rescued by tugs this morning from the wreck of tha steamship Monarch, which went on -tha- rocks -of Isle Bnylo,,Lska Superior, at dayllgnt A Heavy gaie was blowing and the rescue waa effect ed with great danger to the life savers. The Monarch is one of the Northern Navigation company's steamers on the lakea She was driven ashore . on the island- near, s point, where lt lf separ- ated from the mainland by a narrow sound. Tugs put out from Port Arthur, 40 miles from the scene of the strand- r-- .-.-.U. It Is feared that some of the passen gers and crew who are camped on the island will die of exposure, a terrific storm Is raging. The ship Is a total loss. It was insured. Portland Is seldom troubled with, the Job of shoveling snow off the walks that Creation of "the Office of State Sanitary Engineer Asked by Health Board. Creation of the office of state sanU tary --glnesr-ia the most Important ' recommendation made, by the state ' board of health In Its second biennial report to the legislature. The report haa Juat been formulate . snd inrludea a number of recommends- ' tiona looking toward better sanitary and hygienic conditions for Oregon. . The stats engineer quoetion Is one . upon which the members of the board ' will bring all their Influenceto bear. They will plainly tell the legislators at the January aeaslon of the need of su experienced expert man In so planning water and sewer systems for 'the cities) of the state that healthful provisions will be preserved and the - people's money conserved at the same time. - - They believe that the creation of this office Is a vital neoesalty. If the legla- lature oannot be convinced of thla fact at this session, the matter will simply tie laid over until next time sooner or later, they believe, the sanitary engi neer Is bound to oome. ' Held Vp as Szample. Eugene's "experience In Installing a sewer system which afterward proved practically worthless, is held ap as an example of the need for the state en gineer. He would be attached te the state board of- health and would work under its direction. "Sufficient Inves tigation has been made by the board to warrant the assertion that the attlea throughout the state are anxious for such an adjunct te the board," says the . report ' " " .. i The board also makes a reeommenda-. tlon that measures - be taken toward protecting water supplies of towns. To do this it 1 suggested that the state board of health be given control ever streams, in so far as tba state's author- Ity extends. , WlkaVS BeTBOrt STBT11STn01S, The report recommends the establish' ment of a state sanitarium for tuber- ' cular patients. The good results ob- talned at the Open Air sanitarium near Portland are pointed ont to show what may be done toward curing; amd also toward preventing a spread of tha In fection. During the two years covered by the report Mil deaths have been reported In the state. Of these 4,20$ were males and 2.48S females. The population of the state naturnlly lncresjiedj. as10jH birtns e.zna males ana 4,7. Ismsiss -were reported during the same period, ' That doctors are remiss In reporting cases of tuberculosis is shown by the . fact that while SS cases were reported there were 774 deaths from the disease. Of the 701 cases of diphtheria there, were SO deaths. Twenty deaths were caused by measles out of t.S4S eases. Typhoid fever was responsible for 114 deaths. - In eastern Oregon, as wall as certain portions of the Willamette val ley, this dlseas was prevalent, notably during the early part of 110S, and there wss a total of 1.227 eases of typhoid. rifteea Are viae Woxxsrs. The 1'nlted Mine Workers mat month sleeted IS members of the Best Feaaayrvsaia lsglals- tore. Bcc.n:: d t! ; '