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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 10, 1906)
.THE OREGON DAILY. -J0URNAL PORTLAND, - MONDAY EVCWING. DECEMBER. 10. lSW. 10 i! f 1 AS I RESPECT mjmi. andard 0H .Wilfully .r and LPeT 'jIstsnt!y Defied thejCourts.: i , Says Garfield. THOUSANDS OF CASES . "aGAINST"CORPO RATION Investigation Prove the Trust a t; Menace, but Shippers Say They Are Beginning to Get Square Deal From Railroads. ' (Journal Special Serrtce.) ' Washington, fee 10. In the past 'fiscal year Indictment containing- Mil ' counts were returned by various grand ," Juries against ths Standard Oil- conn pany as a result of the Investigations of the commissioner of corporations. . "During the Investigation of the oil ." industry." says " Commissioner Garfield, la his report. "It was discovered that a very widespread system of railway dls- ' criminations existed in favor of the Standard Oil -company, affecting-a, very ; large proportion of the country, and re- suiting substaatlally In giving the Standard Oil company an overwhelming ; advantage In transporting in almost all ' sections of the oonntry; that the system bad been, la existence for a number of years, and that largely by virtue of It the Standard bad been able to restrict er eliminate competition throughout ' many parts of the country and there after reap the benefits of the monopoly. ' Tea-XJke Cleverness Chow. "These railway discriminations took various forma, often differing In their ; ; nature, and so skillfully concealed that their existence wss very rarely sus- peoted, even by the active competitors of the Standard, although such competi tors knew that in general they were doing business at a . disadvantageous ,. figure. . ' "A most striking and Important, re-1 suit Immediately collowed the investi gation, and ths railroads canceled ; nearly all ths secret rates, illegal . or x Improper discriminations and In many cases the discriminations In open rates. , The shippers of oil advise the bureau that for the first time in many years they are rapidly obtaining equality of treatment from the transportation' com- ' panlea. Work on the other phases of lhs f "oirindutrjrand-Tna-tnvtigations of the tobacco, steel, sugar and coal In dustries are well advanced. Special reports thereon will be made in due course. An Inaulrjr Into canal and water transportation bai been started." . ' . Besnedy for the XvU. - l Commissioner Oarfleld urges . again tha necessity- for the establishment of federal Inspection and supervision of the greater industrial corporations en ' gaged in Interstate and foreign ecun- Denial of the right to engage in In terstate commerce is euggeated as the penalty for proved violation of the iswT The report says IhaffhS worsTof the. year strikingly demonstrates the value of efficient publicity for the cor rection of corporate abuses. . anxxxxxxaTO WE HELR MEN -X)lLAll-AgasJha-Arsufferin . -Waakness and All Blood. Skin, Ner - ? vou and Private Diseases ;; "x- ' We give those afflicted with any of these distressing maladies the best kind of help. We help there back to sound health. OUR TREATMENT s CURES. WE CURE GONORRHEA IN A WEEK We do not experiment. . Our long and extensive experience In the classes of disease to which we limit our practice enables us to make a correct diagnosis and to apply the proper remedies to esch case. We take constitutional peculiarities Into account, because we know that a medicine. that will suit one person may disagree wth another, though suffering from the same disease, in the vast majority pf instances : Over 50 Per Cent of Our Patients Have Been Cured for $10.00 and Many Only $5.00 During the Past 17 Years '- it you are sick we advlss you to lose no time In getting' treatment Our terms are most reasonable. If your means are limited we will accept weekly or monthly payments. Or YOU CAN PAT WHEN CURED. Ton can deposit the price of a cure in ANT BANK In Portland to be paid to us when yon are entirely well. Consultation free. Call. If possible, or write for question blank. We observe strict confidence throughout. Our home-treatment Is successful and euros even complicated cases. Book for men sent (free) sealed on application . . 1 Aff lee Hits- to I aa4 T e , wnadays eas holidays, 10 s la. ' Dr. W. Norton XMAvatit roiAiT t in ionwziT,iiTaiuini lsa. Tea ST.y Ketelt Cone Taira aaa Fine Btreeta, rortlaat, Oregea. imam's - CUtiVASSKG BOARD'S COUNT Final-Official Flgurer wResults 'Ttrie I Election . In , . .r,. November, fgneolal Dleeetch t TV laml l Helena, Mont, Dec 10. The state board of canvassers has completed Ita count of the returns of the November election. - which shows the plurality of Henry c Hmltn. Republican, for asso ciate-Justice to tisve been- M10, aad that of Charles N. Pray. Republican, for. congress to have been 6.S74. The constitutional amendment relative to the submission to the voters of an Ini tiative and referendum law was adopted by a vote of 16,374 to (.lis. - The vote by counties on congressman and associate justice follows: ' Congressman, Pray. Republican: Walsh, Democrat Beaverhead, . Pray (01, Walsh s7i; Broadwater, Pray" 2, Walsh-411; Carbon, Pray 171. .Walsh 14; Cascade, Pray 1,840, "Walsh 1,402; Chouteau, Pray 1.111, Walsh 410; Cus ter, Pray 450, Walsh :(; Dawson. Pray 704, Walsh 242; Deer Lodge. Pray 1.J71, Walsh. 1.40S; Fergus, Pray 1.112; Walsh t4; Flathead. Pray 1.464, Walsh 1,201; Gallatin. Pray 1,385; Walsh LIU; Gran ite, Pray 444, Walsh 381; Jefferson, Pray 624, Walsh 452; Lewis and Clark. Pray 1,831. Walsh 1,(5; Madison, Pray 1.057. Walsh 45; Meagher, Pray 305, Walsh 205; Missoula, Pray 1,550. Walsh 1.141; Park. Pray 1.051, Walsh 87; Powell, Pray 677. Walsh 454; Ravalli. Pray 1,008, Walsh T27; Rosebud, Pray 814, Walsh 162; Sanders. Pray 401, Walsh, 247; Silver Bow. Pray 4,184. Walsh . 6,048; Sweet Grass, Pray 403. Walsh 152; Teton. Pray 481. Walsh 304; Valley. Pray M. Walsh 308; Yel lowstone, Prsy 801. Wslsh 67C Total. Pray 28.263; Walsh 23.84. Associate Justice, Smith, Republican; McClernan, ' Democrat Beaverhead, Smith 885; McClernan 443t Broadwater, Smith ' 848; McClernan 400; Carbon, Smith' 824. McClernan 574; . Cascade, Smith 1.848. McClernan 1,378; Chouteau, Smith 1.138, McClernan 461; Custer, Smith 4D6; McCleman 287: - Dawson, Smith 720, McClernan 243; Deer Lodg.. Smith 1.446, McClernan 1.331; Fergus. Smith 1,418, MoClernaa 828; Flathead. Smith 1,546, McClernan 1.130; Gallatin, Smith 1,140, McCleman 1,122; Granltt, Smith 468, McClernan- 344; Jefferson. Smith 613, McClernan 644; Lewis and Clark, Smith 2,487, McClernan 1.134; Madison. Smith 1,060, McClernan 818; Meagher, Smith 31. MeCJeman 1TJ; Missoula. Smith 1.610, McCleman 1.08; Park. Smith 1,123, McCleman 780; Pow ell, Smith 614. McClernan 407; Ravalli. Smith 1,011. McCleman 706; Rosebud. Smith 271, McClerren T48: ftwn1er Smith 405, McClernan 831; Sliver Bow. Smith 4.634, McCleman 5,147; Sweet Grass, Smith 404, McClernan lit; Teton, Smith 612. McCleman 275; Valley. Smith 57.- MeCleraan I5; Yellowstone, Smith 18, McClernsn 406. Totals, Smith. 23.644; McClernan, 21,164. TAXABLE WEALTH OF TC WALLOWA COUNTY tSpenal DUnetrk tn Tbe Joernall Joseph, Or.. Dec 10. The summary of assessment for. 1906 for Wsllowa county shows a total valuation or 618.800. which is an Increase of 3444. 66 over-106. The basts of assessment used is full value. . J !! Davis (a Co. g H anmnxxnKKZzzzsxzsxua NEW BOOKS FOR THE x LIBRARY. RELIGION. ' BerahsTmer Rulan JtWlaltiiU&- itea tstatee. Gerard Modem Freethought Hall Christian Belief Interpreted by Christian Experience. Ramsay St. Paul, "the Traveler and Roman Cltlsen, edition 3. Selsa Beaooa Light; a series of short sermons. BOCIOLOOT. ' ' . Beebe Home Kindergarten. ' 1 Caccla Manual delle leggi degll Btatl UnlU ad uso degll Italian! In AlBMlct. .-.---?T Duggan Eastern Question. From Servitude to Service; Old South" Lec tures on ths .History and Work of southern institutions for the Education or the Negro. .. Holland European Concert tn the Eastern Question. t Thompson Party Leaders of the Time. . PHILOLOGY. . .... ," Sweet History of Enxllah . Sounds from the Earliest Period. -.''. SCIENCE. . Jordsn and others Animals! a (nit book of soolcigy, 1803. USEFUL ARTS. . Auld and Conger Slate Roofer, 1305. Brooks Agriculture, 3 vol. 101. . Cobb Business Philosophy. 106. Hall Boy Craftsman, 105. Kitchen Boiler Connections, 1803, fifth edition. North and Firth Practical TVwneatle Hygiene, 105.' FINE ARTS. Aid rich Guide tn the TMn f (h. Nlbelung. AllBOD Publlo Baths and Wuh. houses. Dewsnap Country and - Suburban Houses. . ' Elson Folk Songs of Many Nations. Goizoll. Beneizo Beneo Goxaall: hv Hugh Stokes. Greenshlelde -Landscape Palnttna- and Modem Dutch Artists. Leonardo da Vinci bv Adolf Rosen. berg. Russell Enoilsh Diction for' ftlne-ere and Speakers. Shoemaker Classla Dlelne-iies on Dramas. LITERATURE. ' Brandes Main Currents' nt vine. teenth Century Literature, v. 6, Toung Germany. Eran Ghost In Hamlet anA rwt, Essays In Comparative- Literature. neyanra how to Btudy Literature. Kennard Italian Romance Writers. Masterman In Peril of Change: Es says. Mifflin Fleelns- Nvmnh and rttno Verse. . Snaldlng Religion, and irtndxithM. Essays. TRAVEL AND DESCRIPTION. Abbott Tale of a Tour In Macedonia. Georce Relatione of niuwrnh mn History--. Keane Centra! and South America, 3 v. Little Far Esst. . Scott Rock Villages Of the Riviera." HISTORY. . Paul History of ' Modern England, v. 5. DIOORAFH.Y; Beach, S. C Daughters of the Purl tans. or Assist, Social Reformer, by L U Irving. Sir J. H. B. Personal Remi niscences of Henry ., Irving; by Brara Stoker. - ' Tolstoi. L.-. N. Count Leo Tolstoi, His Life and Work, memoirs, letters, etc., complied by Paul Blrukukoff, v. 1. , FICTION. , " Bower Chip of the Flying U. ' Brady and Peple Richard the Brasen. Brlnckman -Kanper-phn un ick. Howells and Alden Their Husband's -wtvea Lincoln Mr. Pratt. ' -Peck Hester or the Oranta. Somerset Under ths Arch. Wolfensteln Renegade and Other Tales. BOOKS FOrf CHILDREN. Baldwin Hero Tales Told In School. Civil War Stories Retold From St. Nirholss. . Colonial Stories Retold From St. Nicholas. . Corrcgglo By E. M. .Hurll, Ocrson More Adventures of the Happy Heart Family. Oilllat Forest Outlsws. J , Japanese Child " Wfe. Illus trated by Alice Mar. - Hall--Boy Crsftsmsn. loli. , Henderson Aflnst With the Flsg. Indian Stories Retold From St. Nich olas. Jordsn True Tslrs , of . Birds - and Beasts. . ' ; . , lndseer By E. M. Hurll. Mnhlo Fairy. Tales Every Child Hl'oald Know. Mct'askey F a v o r 1 1 e Songs and Hymns. ' Millet By R. M. "Hurll. Peabody Old Creek Folk Stories Told ' Anew. RfVnhitlonnry Ftorles Retold From St. Nicholas. Sprsgue Boy Pathfinder A Story of the Oregon Trail. ' Stone and Flckett Dsys snd Deeds a Hundred Years Ago. ' ' Wsrd Singing Verses for Children. . Pnblle Library Votes.' A round table for teachers, conducted by Miss Rock wood, will be held on Wednesday sftemoons at 4 o'clock In the patent-room of Jthe library. All teachers, both of the high schools and of the gradea. are cordially Invited to attend. The uae of Indexes will be con sidered and the most useful referenoe books, ths outline of study being simi lar to that in normaTschools. - The annual exhibit of Chrlatmaa (books In the children's room Is now I resdjTTofTInspecf Ion. TSe"booTcsllila year are more attractive than ever be fore. They are placed on large tables, where they can be eaaily examined, and range from expensive fin editions to inexpensive smsll books, but all of good literature and worth considering. A cordial Invitation to visit the room is extended to all people Interested in children's literature or who have any prospect of purchasing books for the little people. A Christmss story" will be told every Friday afternoon at 4 O'clock until Christmas. The report presented at the regular monthly meeting of the board of di rector last Wednesday night showed an Increase of statistics over the pre vious year that was most gratifying. The total circulation for the month was 11,714. Of this. 4,m wsre children's books. Ths attendance In the reference room was 1,(43, and tn the periodical room (,11. Eight hundred and alx vol umes were catalogued during the month. LA GRANDE HAS SLABS 'AT FOUR-FIFTY CORD (Usecta! Steeeten te The Jeered.) " 1 La Orande. Or., Dee. 10. Eight hun dred cords of slsb wood hss been re ceived in La Grande t relieve the fuel shortage. The fuel committee," recently appointed by the Commercial club, has made arrearemeaU .whereby, evert on My 'Trcalmcnt 7 for Wetness Functional derangement, such aa pre matureneas, loss of power, etc. Is either a, -"weakness" nor a disease. It's a symptom of prostatlo disorder. To stimulate activity by the use of power ful tonics. Is an easy matter, but such results are merely temporary drug ef fects. Most doctors treat "weakness" In this manner, because thsy do not know how. to cure the real cause of the darangemeaU i l am -the -en ly physician employing scieniirio - ana - successiui methods. I use no tonics at all. My treatment Is a locsl ons entirely, and corrects every abnormal condition of -that vital center, the prostata gland. My cures areyreal cures, and are permanent.. My Treatment for Contracted Disorders The Importance of quickly curing con tracted disorders Is being more fully rec ognised among the medical profession. The tendency of these diseases Is to gradually extend backward. Involving In a chronic inflammation the most vital centers of the organlo system. The serious results that may follow could scarcely be exaggerated. Safety demands an absolutely thorough cure in the least possible time. , I have treated more cases of contracted dis orders than any other physician upon the Pacific coast. My cures ars thor ough andlttre accomplished tn less tlms tliun other forms or treatment require in producing even doubtful results. 1 employ remedies of my own devising and my treatment is 'equally effective in both. recent and chronic cases.. . Spcci'ic sWotPoisqn Positively Eradicated Without the use of dangerous drugs. I drive the very last taint of virus from the system and every symptom of the dlsense vanishes, to appt-ar no more. I employ harmless, blood-cleansing reme dies only. . The Dr. Taylor Co. WE CURE' HI MEN FOR CONSULTATION FREE We'll - treat -any single uncomplicated, all- .. msnt for 110.00, i-Unoer Absolute uuan NO PAY UNLESS CURED OUR METHODS 'Are ail of a strictly selentlnc treatment, being highly indorsed by the medical, autborttl.s ef the country, and , our offices are thoroughly equipped with sll modern appliances. -;;.- - , We slso treat all forms of Ski a Diseases, Ulcers, V.rroos Troablaa, Xldney- an Bladder Dlsaasss, S trio tare aad Varicocele. We wish to lay special streesBupon, our method of treating Blood Folson and sTyp hills without aslag aoersary. Our fee being so low it enables many who are afflicted to procure the highest scienttflo medical assistance ' Terms made to suit if necesnary, so that every one need not go without ' treatment and be eared. Those wno are airiictea witn sucn troumes and are in a position wnere iney cannot pay us a visit, ws ass - you that our home treatment is efficient and we have cured hundreds at home. ' , ' We Want Every Xaa In tha Country Who Xs Afflicted to Write me Aboat Mia Ailment. WB OUB TOtX AT SO: HOURS TO 6; 1 TO 8: DAILY; SUNDAYS, TO . .. , STJtOUISMEDICArANDSURGICAlrDISPENSAnYl LARGE M1LLIXB PROJECTS CENTER AT ALBANY New Ditch and Power Concern to Build Largely Another , ' May Move In. j r - ,i!m.i.I ril.nah' te The Jnareat.l Albany. Or., Kec. 10. D. M. Cooper of this city bas filed In the county record er's office a notice of appropriation of cubic Inches of the waters of the South Bantlam river, to be used In the aonerstlng of electric energy. The name of the ditch to be conetructed Is to be the Kno Butte ditch, which Is to b. f 0 feet wide . at ths bottom, about 10 miles In length, and eight feet deep. It Is Intended to use the ditch fof the additional purpose of floating logs from the South Santtam Into a lake east of Albany. The genersl Impression Is that a larre sawmill will bs constructed on the lends adjoining the third lake eest of Albany, and the logs and timber to be cut by the mill will be floated down the Bantlam. thence by way of the ditch to the mill. '" : ' As soon as arrangements can be per fected work will oe commenced on the Droiect. Should the Curtlss Lumber company earrv out Its proposal for a. mill st Albanv and remove the mill from Mill city to AJbany, the city would soon bo- come the lumber center of "the vaTIeyVt Wltn tne, masniiiceni ooaiee in umu standing In ths near vicinity of hare, snd ths shipping advantages possessed by Albany, the cltlsens believe the time 1 notsrar aisism wnsn great kjuthj will be experienced In sawing the mil lion of feet of available timber stand ing at th very door. - - WALLOWA SNOWLINE RISES BEFORE CHINOOK (Bpeei.1 Ulep.tek to The JnernaL) ! Joseph. Or., Deo. . 10. A "chlnook" hss passed over Wallowa county, and where there waa sleighing on Thanksgiving ths roads ars now similar to those of the Wlllsmstt valley In winter. Snow cam about a month ago and remained until last Thursday night, when a wind and rain storm removed it The snow line Is now far up on ths mountains and has entirely disappeared from the hill In th valley. CHARGE MILL OWNERS' WITH IMPORTING LABOR assassMsasBsasaaSsassa) (Joorail Bpeei.1 Berries.) CharlotiS. N. Deo. 10. Whether the action of the mlllownera of Caro lina and other states of th -south in bringing over English mill operative Is a violation of ths oontrsct labor laws f th United 8tat.e W1U probabfy b My Fee la Only Ir Any IteccapIIcaled Case Consultation Free Nature , accomplishes nothing by force. Her work is wrought through gentle influences. We see evidences of this truth everywhere. Nature has a way of overcoming every disease. Sometimes she fails. The phy sician's" duty is to help when nature falters, and ! to help by reinforcing the natural recuper ative influences. This is often a delicate task.' The treat ment must be accurate, mild i and .' gentle. , Otherwise it works harm." Exciting tonics, fiery caustic and cruel cutting have no part in my practice. I have mild and harmless methods that cure by nature'splansrandthatrcure thoroughljrand permanently in the briefest possible time. Why take chances? I offer you that which you are seeking, a quick and permanent cure though painless and harm-' less treatment. . i)1-. yond all If BITilUlUll - gS TUM XX POSTlAsTD. about COBBSB SXOOBB ABB YAKKX&Zi STBEBTS, VOBTIVAVB, OBBOOB. - determined at the term of federal court which convened today. Officials of the Piedmont, Carolina, cotton mills have been summoned to appear before th court to answer to a charge of having violated the contract labor laws. . Several score of Immigrant cam to Piedmont last fall from' Lancashire at the solicitation of certain local manu facturers, who are said to have prepaid their passaga. The federal immigra tion officials learned of the matter and charged the mlllmen with violating th contract labor laws. - The mlllownera deny the charge and the light will be awaited with Interest In - industrial circles -throughout - the south. If ths decision Is againat them It will mean a loss of nearly f 100,000 to the Piedmont manufacturers. CASTRO DYING AND REVOLUTION IN THE AIR -- (Jenraal Special Berrlre.) Washington, Dec. 10. It Is stated her that President Castro of Venesuela Is very 111, and that he was taken on a litter to Macuto, a seacoast Village near La Quaymas, a week ago, ; In Caracas, poster have been dis played ssylng Castro's nines is regard ed as fatal, and calling on the vice president to assume control of the gov ernment. For some time only routine matter have bad government atten tlon. .;, It seem highly probable that there will be an outbreak as soon as Castro is dead, as General Parades, an exiled revolutionary, is organising an army ndTtJ:jrllltkhelleJil-wlUi - i.r force. It la aald ha haa mint thousand of. rifle at hi disposal RELENTLESS WAR ON TREE PESTS IN LINN (Special Dispatch te Tas Journal.) -' Albany, Or., Deo. 10."-The county court ha appointed B. C. Roberts of this city fruit Inspector for Linn county. Mr. Robert 1 a member of the firm of Howard, Roberta A- Cooper, real es tate agent. He has had much experi ence in th handling of fruit and I thoroughly - prepared to take- up the work surrendered by Mr. Armstrong and carry the work along until a gen eral Improvement In quality la seen In all horticultural product. , He will assume charge of th work Immediately and agitate the necessity of a thorough pruning and spraying of fruit trees so as to destroy the pest that Infsst th orchards of ths valley. A, spsclal effort will be made to stamp out the San Jose seal that la so gener ally the blight of most orchards. . Xeppner' Ouardlaaa. (flee lei Dispatch ta Tbe Jearaal.l Heppner, Or Deo. 10. At the annua meeting of the Heppner Commerclsl club the following trustees were elected for the ensuing year: Frank Qllllam, B. L. Freeland, N. K. -Wlnnsrd, C. O. Huelet, W. H. Bennett, Louis Blsbe and P.roy Oarrigus. 0 I Dm. TATZKm t The Zjeadlnf tpeolalls, My Best ; Reference Is: Nota Dollar Be Paid Until Cured 234 Morrison Street Cor. 2nd, Portland, Or. We Treat Men Only . Oof specialty of siem's dlssssss Is a broad one and by ooaeentratlnA' all oar efforts t this ws bave snoeeeded ' be- all snsasnre in eu yraottee, aad a at oar offloe will rarely eomvlaoe yon are la need ef medical aid we aid ilka to sea oa and save a. talk yoar ease. COFFEE, TEA DAinr.0PCYDEl7, FLrcn::i5EXTCTS AlwelurtfvTlhr. flrvntFliVor. CrnttSrmjvfk.CasoiUfrkffi closset a Divra PORTLAND, OftXQ ON. TRANSPORT All ON. Upper Columbia' River STEAMER Chas. R. Spencer Leaves Oak street dock vry Monday, Wodnesdsy and Friday at 1 a. nv, for kTBB SiUIl sod STATB FOBTA8B, Returning, arrives Portland, Tussday, Thursday and Saturday at I p. m. Low rate and excellent se trice. Phone Main 1960. ,."- 1 North Pacific S. S. Co.'s Steamship Geo. W. Elder S.200 tonafialt fnr Sas Franrlare," lis Angefes and Bnreka Thuraday, December , and Tbure- day, AWctnber JO, at p. n. i Steamship Roanoke . 1500 tne.. sails Tbanday, Decrabw II Thsrs day, Dfcaber ST. yrnsi Martin', rtoek, toot Breenteentfe at. Tak. er Slxteenta-M. csra. Ticket .face 131 Tnta-il it., seer Alder. Pkea. Mais 1814. 11. IOC NO. Agent, Deck pbonc Mais ). S. S, F. A. Kilburn for Cam Bar, Baraaa ssd Sea maewea N.xt sslltng from Pertlead. .grlday, Mee. 1C Hat Setllag (rea Ian rtaattaia. Tnnr., ev. ti. CBAS. B. STBELSMITB. Agrat. , Oak Street Dock, Phone Main 2960 TRANSPORTATION - raw; ; '' 1 3 Trains to the East Daily 3 TWi,.k - . "."y rtat el.. SSTairt Stli,"1 fcu"w' sei teeaj fc PerXsT gsec-U, ferVja'iS. JJT Northrrn point., dally, T:00 a 1:00 am M p,M" ,ot ks Bast Pnrtlead-Illrss local rot all v fesits Iwrweea Bis ssi Portlaad, , dally g-ts '. B.iB ps . COLOMBIA ITB tIVI8tON. JSf'i. Pohits, eeaaMtlss wit Stl?! ? ." Nort Beeek. aleasM !ISt.B",u" . 10 B. ABlves .boat f b. .. .xcept Htfnday. ' TAMHILL BIVEB BOtTB. '" JJ. .7to"- Ongom City astf XaaUHU rtrtt peiats, .teaners Ratb snd Modee. Aah-et. seek. Sif.Ii' ".' i7-.'-cpt iMlr (wstat er gBdT. rrlT. T: sally, exesst wn arvBB bootb. to. Si' .A' Bixaae and twto- iVSST BSS. utUr' .-". Ties. Offije. Alrt aad W..lligto, ylephon. Mala Tl. Wi. MtMOBBAT. Oeral Paaewsee Art. EAST" SOUTH Oalaa Depet Lear. AtrlTa, rortland a.. etoee Bxnreae Stops ealy , - at saeat important .tations ' '..' hetvwa fvrtUsd and Saa '.'. rraaelaeei - eooaeetlosa st M Baa ftasciaeo foe all point. Overlaad Kxprea. Trains . ' fer all local points Boats, . - J saeraneato. Baa rranetoes aad pelsts Baal and BoutAw T:etai ;0psi Moralag trsis eoaaeoto et WeodtMira daily .xcept . . " Sunday with Moeat Aasel ' and HIlTertoa local.. t:Masi IMtm Oottaf. Orove paseasger . connects st Wood burn aad ; Albany dally, exeapt Bua- day, with train, tot points v . ea Weodbnrs-Bprtnillefa sad ' ' " Albaar-Ubaaoa bcaaeaes.. M:15 pm 'll O am Cor rallla paeaasger. ....... T:80aai '6 4fl pm kerldaa peaMnser , M:10 pm 10:0 an . Forest Oreve pa.aanief..,,fllK0 am JiOO am gereat GroT. paaaapser. ... mo:xobbi iisoupm Daily. llPallr airept Bandar. JBrrka80N-4TBIET STATION. get Dalla. and sttemedlate points dally, T:S a. aa. and 4:1 p. as. Antra Fortkiad 10:1 a. av. and . IS p. as, for tlm. sad card ef Oewete enberhse 'trains spply nt City Tlrkat Offlra, er statlna. Tleset. e- Baatara pel at. aad Bniessi Snw lapas. Cbtna. Uonolnls sad AnatraUa. City Ticket Orrke enraer Tklrd aad Wuk higy retaPkoae MalwTX muBaT City Tteset Ages. Oes. Pnan. A feet. TIME CARD OF TRAINS Portlandi' Lmts. ' Ax Mr a. Tetlewstoae Park g.n.aa Olty. St. Leal. Bseclal tor Csebalia. Ceatralia. Olynpla, Oray's Harbor. r, seen ath Bsd, Tne Beattla. Seokase. Lewlaloa. , . Bntte. BOllnca, PesTat, Oaw ser- (tun OMy, Bt. Leais and Boetheart, dally g:t pal : pes Worth Ooeat Limited, eleetrle,,. lltbted. tor Tneoan. Seattle, -. Snekaaa. Bntte. MlnaeaBolln. St. Pan! ssd tbe Beat, dally. tM psj Tie an Paset Boned Limited., rot Clni i meat. Caeaalls, Oea tralls, TaeesM sad Seattle Olty BxpresV for Ta'en. 4Mfm :bsj e-elek BnAfeau DaUe ' ' Bntte, BC Faol. Mlsaaapolla. . Lincoln. Bt. Joseph. Kanaas - - City, Oauka, St. Loals, with- eat efcense ef eare. Direct eoaseetlon. for sll pelsts Bast dally . .11 tea eel l:Mssi 2 Overland Trains Daily 7 T Orlaetal Usxltad. the last stall"' VIA SBATTLB AND BPOKAMB, Psrtlaad tlsas srtissl. Dally. , Belly. ' ' Lea re, Afttee. T ssd frets Spokane, ft. Pan, Minneapolis Dnlatfe sad all points Bast tis Seattle :( sst . f i am 11 pm :B0sat T and frees Bt PanV, MlnneapoUe. Dslnth ' and ell petnta Best ela TrSO pm .na Oenat Barthera Staamiktp Oe. BalliBg feast Seattle tar Japaa ssd China pert, snd Manila, carry lag ge aengen and tralsht. . B, a, Ktmeaeta, aaaarv f, 1 B, , Dakota. yeVrwy IT, VlPPOir YVSC.N KAIBSA, (Japas atatl Bteaaaablp fle.1 ' B. Xega Mara will sail from Seattle about December 11 tor lapas sod CblnM. porta, earryisg pasnaagen and fralfht. Per flckets. rstes. eertk, laaaus. tlens, etc.. eaU on or stdreas . "H. BICXSOH, 6. . t. A.. IHTklid St., yertlaad. Oragea. Vasse Bala 40. Astoria &. Columbia - River Railroad Co. Oslea Depot Leafs. Afrtre. for Maytara, Balnlee, Clate. kanle, Waatpnrt, Uiton,Ae- t ; torla, Warrentea, rlaral, . Hammoed. rnrt Btaeesa, Wear- -' hart Park. Beaalde 1:00 sst lliMSSl Aatorls snd Seeanore, sxpreas dally -rr.. .-e,-.-B,. T:0SSI Btgf pal All train, dally. . J. O, MA TO, d. P. ssd P. A., Artorls. Or. C. A. . STBWABT, Commercial Aaoet, M Alder HtmU Pbose Mais sot. PORTLAND-ASTORIA ROUND TRIP DAILY Bop4 aTuBdayw Th Tast J TELEGRAPH Leave's foot Alder at at...... T :00a.m. Arriv Astoria ., 1:00 p.m. Lear Callender dock, Astoria t :10 p.m. Arrive Portlsnd 0:00p.m. - Meals Served a la Oarta, Pboa Mara & B. SCOTT. AAV tg X ...... TM COstrotTAti WhX - - JJ In La Orande wanting alab wood can have it for f t.It per eor. - ' . ' ..' ' : v -,x . ) - , - V- '" .. t. ."7