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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 10, 1906)
TI:o Only Pcpcr in Portland That Is Carryins More Thn 10,000. Indies of Advcrti:5ns cihiTHE L iraODt-BYEHIHG Journal Circulation ' THE WEATHER. , Rain tonight and Tuesday; fresh southeasterly breeze. v TT-r .-.TUft ' PUMTO - OW TSAIBt AMD IIW1 VOL. V. NO. 239. : PORTLAND,, OREGON. MONDAY, .EVENING, DECEMBER 40, 1906. FOURTEEN PAGES. OFFICE OF ; BAILEY 10 BE KILLED State Board of Health Recommends Jhat -I CommissionershipBe ' Abolished." - Will Ask Legislature o ' Allow Work NovyL.Pone;by Commis- ; sionerf 'Bailey to Be Done Di ?t rectly Under the- Supervision : of the Board. ' --' -x If the legislature adopts tho rtcotn mendatton of the atate board of health , the office of atate dairy and food com- mtasiener will be practically abolished and tho-work now done by Commit- - sloner Salley will be performed directly under the aupervlalon o the board. ",; It la declared that politic play no part whatever in this movement, and the beard members alao Bay they are not Terwma ny-opnoaa nr Mrnratte y: Tho ;blennlel report of the board to , the legislature haa Just been complied. : The. section dealing with the transfer ... Of responsibility read a as followa: 'The board . would strongly recom- .... I State Dairy and Food Commissioner , J. W. Bailey. mend that nil matters relating to the purity of foodstuffs of all kinds, wbeth er animal or other," be placed directly ' under the supervision of the state board . of health. This could easily and effect lively be dona by making; all food, dairy and stock Inspectors directly under the , control of the state board of health, and - experience has proved that only by thla - means can successful results be accom plished. Bacteriological and chemical examinations of foodstuffs . Is so Inti mately asaociated in many of the ex aminations of foodstuffs aa to make it i most desirable to' have ' these labors - taries in direct conJtiwXion'with each other and under a single control." - Naturally, there wouldn't bo much of anything left, for J. W. Bailey to do If this change waa made. There would be th- same work to- be done and more of It, and men would still be needed, but the Independence and Importance of the commissioner office would be thing Of the pest. - "In nearly every other state that Work la belna done under the charge of state board of health," said 'Dr. R. C. Yennev, aerretary of the bonrd, this morning. "Dr. E. N. Hutchinson, the government (Continued .oa Page Five.) r For llic Week Endina Betr 9 The following Is the advertising record of the three dally papers of . Portland for the week ending with Sunday, December t: .," i . -'v: . - : - . .- . .' ... ,' . ,w - ' " Journal Oregonian Telegram' Local Display Foreign Classified ... . Display Real Estate Readers SUNDAY 1 . ' Local Display ..... . . ....... . . . Foreign ......... Classified ..................... .Tlianlaw Ps1 Vatntm s. Keaaers Total for Week. . The Journal leads the Portland dally newspapera In the advertising pro-, cession as well as in circulation, for the week ending with Sunday. Tho Journal led the Oregonian- by I, lit Inches, while the Telegram came limp ing along 2.113 inches behind The Journal and MS Inches behind the Ore unlan. But aa the Telegram Is not a daily, being Issued only six days In . the week. It la not quite responsible for tta poeitlott In the tall end of the newspsper race. And bvsldea.a number of sdvertlscra are getting th habit of using The Journal in the afternoon and the Oregonian In- the morning, week Ixaties, and The Sunday Journal on Sunday mornings. They figure thst they can get the same publicity In this way and save the money now spent , On the Telegram, .it being tho evening edition of the Oregonian and largely a repetition of. tta parent Tlt'trfrwa and much In same la circulation. PRISOiJERS -SAW BARS 4. i Daring Attempt of Men in the County Jail Is Foiled When Jailer 'Makes Discovery ; In Spite of Vigilance of Sheriff and Deputies , Plan Almost ' Succeeds, and - Tools With Which Bars Were Cut Are Not Found. : ' ,;' Two steel, bars, three quarters ef aa Inch square and 10 inches long, were sawed from a cell in ' the county jail by prisoners in a determined effort toj escape. The bars were discovered by Jailer Mitchell-this morning. - The bars had been sawed front a cell opening Into main corridor No. 1, at the bottom of the door of cell No. 1. This cell had been occupied by Henry Raas manwhowae JndJcteOaf with "Sailor" Kelly for murder . in the first degree. ' Rassman waa never tried. A few days ago Jailer Mitchell found J. H. Carmlchael, the burglar who waa captured by R. T. Prael at his resi dence, secreted under a bunk In Rasa man's cell. : i.- Since the sensational discoveries of a plan to break out of Jail a ahort time ago a close watch has been kepi on the prlaonera by the sheriff and hla depu ties. ; In spite of the vlgllanfee -of the officers the prisoners " had succeeded in aawlng through the two ateel bars twice and had the dlncon nooted ptt rim of the bars stuck tightly back In their places, ready. removed when the proper ume came. - . . " . ., i The discoveries made recently of tools and plots for at Jail delivery, together With the etartllnr discovery this morn ing, show the' desperate determination of some of the inmates of the Jail to ef fect their escape. The ends of the bars found this morning are bright and new, showing that the work 6as been done very recently. . .;' '-- : :t Tools Am JTo reumd. The fools with which the bars were cut have not yet been found. Rassman baa been removed to another cell. When Carmlchael waa found under the bunk In Rassman'a cell he waa placed alone In the death cell and watched closely until' he was taken to the penitentiary two daya later to serve the six-year sen tence imposed on 1.1m for looting Prael's residence. .'.'" . It was tho custom at the Jail to leave one of the prisoners In the cells open ing on the corridors at liberty during the night ao ha could call assistance In case any prisoner became lit When It was found that they were abusing the privilege by- secreting others In their cells so that they could work on plans to eacape, ine custom was stoppea ana now each prisoner Is securely locked In his own cell at night. - It In believed that It waa the Intention of the desperados to saw the bars of the outer corridor as soon aa they had provided a means to get out of the cell after night Into the corridor. WOMAN'S ASSAILANT ; KILLS AN AMERICAN ('Journal Special Bertlea.) El Taao, Texas,' Dec. 10. Edward Pons, an American, went to the rescue of the housekeeper on -Lord James Berasford's -ranch and. was shot dead by her assailant, a Mexican. Boresford's place is the OJatla ranch. near Casa Grande, 00 miles south of here.- The owner, who Is in Canada, is a brother of lord Charles Beresford of the British navy. , ., -v- - !. inches incnes.-. - xncnes. - 4,856 739 1,433 249 44 .3,296 64155 829 658 1,598" 1,020 118 ' v 406 86 36 1,914 : .... 401 .... f 612 .... 376 33 1,972 v 281 398 502 29 10,498 9,363 8,375 Gf -rl fl bt Hi -BBfeaw S 1 WHITNEY "S rtoSV XyS J Unwritten Law Murder Case MURRAY IS RITES LETTER TO SAI1TA, CARE . OF THE JOURNAL Albany. Youngster Gives Evi dence of Not' Doubting The . ' Journal's ; Laree Circulation and Advertising Power -Dead Letter Office Gets SUch Mail. The merits of The Journal aa a paper of wide circulation that penetrates to. the uttermost parts of tho earth la not doubted by the fresh, young mind un- Bullled by the pettlneaa of rivalry and hatred. A clear-sighted youngster of Infantile years reslrlng In Albany, know ing the power of the paper to do what ever it aeta out to do. even when deal ing with ths occult, haa sent a letter for Santa Claua to-The Journal. Santa Claua haa wired us through a specially leased wire that ha would be glad to comply with the request for gum boot if he only knew the alx of the youngster's ,"walkara," and will he please- send It at once?--," The amall boy writes: - . v .- "albany, ore. - -- -' "dear. Sandy will you come to aee -me on chrlssmaa eve I live on 4 and Mad- Son st. my no. of the hose is 8 It. . "Ciaud Terbuaa . " "p s dear Sandy I would Ilka tos hav par ol gunboota. . t. '' Washington, Dec. IS. Letters direct ed to Santa Clsus are already pouring Into tho dead-letter office. The post- office department cannot . find Santa, Claua within ita Jurisdiction or at ad dresses given. Certain rich but childless women have "stated to the department that they feci authorised to receive and answer letters directed to Santa Claua, but nona of them haa yet been able to produce ' a written' order for the mall, ao the do- partmont' will not deliver the lettara addressed to Santa Clsus. Heretofore communications for Mm have been exsmlned for money or valuH ablea and then destroyed. ; S LAST HOURS CLOUDED BY REGRET Fernand Henrotin Dies Before Polyclinic Hospital, His Great I Ambition, Is Finished. (Jonrsal Special Serle.) Chicago, Dec. 10. Dr. Fernand Hen rotin, known In medical clrclea all over the United States and In many centers abroad, la dead at hla home, after two weeks' Illness. A block away from hla realdence the new Polyclinic hospital Is scaring completion. . Dr. Henrotin had act hla heart moat affectionately upon thla Institution. Almost his last words were In expression of a doslre that he might live to aeo Ita comple xion and dedication. Dr. Henrotin became 111 a month ago. of grip. Complications aroae which af fected hla heart. r He reorganised the Chicago Medical aoclety and waa especially Interested In the work or young pnystcians. whom he helped In every way possible. He wsa born at Brussels, Belgium, In 1S47, ml came with hla parents to Chicago tho following year, lie waa graduated from Rush Medical college In IMS. ami had been in practice and hospital work avef since; : - PRINCIPALS IN TRAGEDY OF UNWRITTEN LAW. K ", ! rf iT V f J. ( Q. S. Murrmy Jr.v His Sister, end the . .Man, He ON TRIAL HIS SISTER AilD HIS r.lOTHER BY .lORDEIIER'SSIDE Great' Difficulty Experienced by Prosecution and Defense in - Choosing Jurors 'Widespread ' Interest Is Aroused In the Trial Defense Emotional Insanity With tho sister ' whose ' honor h avenged by killing Lincoln C. 'Whitney sitting on his left and . hla mother on hla right, Orlando Sherman Murray an peered before Judge Oantenbeln In the atate circuit court thia morning to be tried en a charge of murder. - ' Because of the wide discussion this resort to the unwritten law haa aroused. much difficulty ia being encountered in obtaining Jurors who had not formed opinions whether or not the Unwritten law ahould be enforced. Many of the ministers of this city have expressed themselvea clearly as believing that Murray ought not to bo punished for his act.. From the questions baked the Jurors by the attorneya for the defense, it Is believed thatthe defense- will be emo tional Insanity-' and an " Uncontrollable Impulse brought about by brooding over the wrong that Murray believed had been done hla sister. George Riles, living at Montavllla, waa excused from ServlngbocaUsr Ire had contributed to the fund that had been raised for Murray's defense. Attorneys la the Trial. '. Attorney W. T. Vaughn haa been re tained by relatives of Whitney to aa alst in the prosecution. Ills, appear ance waa entered by Dlatrldt Attorney Manning this morning when tho case wss called for trial by Judge Olanten beln. Attorneya John F. '. Logan and John A. Jeffrey app-ar in defenae of Murray. Murray s rather, mother, sister, an aunt and other relatives were In the courtroom. Immediately after the ex amination of the Jurora began Murray waa permitted to take a sent between li'iVmother and aluter, who kissed and embraced him.- Murray'a sister wept aa the first-Juror was being examined, but calmed herself later. Four Jurora were accepted this morn. (Continued on Page Two.) SOCIETY GIRLS BAR WAY OF TELEPHONE COMPAHY Stand in Hole and Prevent Work men From Erecting Poles , or Stringing Wires; (Joarail Special tervlre.Ti ' rittaburg. Dec. 10. Elisabeth and Margaret Grover, well known young ao clety women of McKeesport, are taking turns at standing in a nolo- m-rrent or their home to prevent men employed by a telephone company from erecting an unsightly pole. -.'. Workmen attempted to erect tna poie yesterday morning but were thwarted by the young women. 1 , " Another unsuccessful attempt waa made today but Miss Margaret refused to get out-of the bole and threatened criminal proceedings agalnat anybody who attempted to drag her out. The gins say tney win stsy on guara all winter If neoesasry. The telephone company haa aent an agent to enmnrb rolse with tho Misses Grover, but tbojr art adamant. - f -i . , ( i-5 f A ii Slew.. in Circuit Court FOR LIFE 1 AfillfilEfilBER " OF ROOSEVELT'S AHAHIAS CLUB" So Says Bellamy Storer, Who Asserts the -President Imme diately Elects to the Fibbers' ; Organization - All . Who Dare ' Disagree With Him; Cincinnati, Deo. 10. Bellamy (tores say at "X have beea ejected a member ef the Ananlaa club, as nave all who ever took Issue with Boosevelt. I took tba course I did to protect my . wife, whose motives were aspersed. Area bishop Ireland told me tho president took credit for tho very aotioa naaas i Jonrsal Special Servle.) Washington. Dec. 10. To make per fectly cloar the causes which led up to the -removal-of Bellamy Storer. aa am bassador to Vienna, President Roose velt makea public a ' long letter ad dressed to Secretary Root. The presi dent declarea that not only Mr. Storer'a refusal to answer various letters from him, but the fact that he haa made pub lic private and official correspondence, which should have been held In confi dence, and the attitude' of deflnance of authority assumed by both Mr. and Mra. Storer. threatened the Intereata of the United Slates and more than Justified the removal.- . That no hint of the contenta of the Bellamy Storer pamphlet waa given out at the -White House , is the declaration of the president, who saya that no ef fort waa. made by the former ambas sador to conceal it.- Btorer, he says, not only sent copies of It to the members of the cabinet, but also to a number of the members of the house and senate. 1 gtorers Ware Kind, Zrfng Ago. In hla letter to Secretary Root, the president tolls of meeting . the Storera when he (Roosevelt)-waa a civil service (Continued on Psge Two.) FOR MEN WITH WATER VYAGOfl Judge Pollard Will Aid Those Thinking of Swearing Off " " T at New" Year's. (Joeraal Special Service.) 8L Louis, Dec. 10.- "I want wives. sweethearts, and especially mothers, to write me at my home and state to me truthfully and fulry the conditions sur rounding the person tney are trying to save. I will give them the benefit of my experience In dealing with drinking men." This la the message of Judge William Jefferson Pollard to drunkards end to those who love drunkards. It la spoken with forethought, for thla unique Judge, who glvea all-1 men convicted of in temperance In Ms court a chance to do better, ia eager to. lift up unfortunate Instead of lining them, ha exacta from there a pledge to abstain from Intoxi cants and If thev keep their word no penslty la Imposed. - 'I . "No man haa the right." saya Judge Pollard, "to withhold from the world knowledge that may result .In good; to hla kind. The world needs men who can and will do good for humanity's sake, flood deeds are a more precious heritage to leave to society than great fortunes. I would hot carS'for wnlth, "butI da lake pleasure In doing wbat I can fur my kind." , : .. ALL SIDES Heney's Ferrets. Dis coverThievesPrbfited on Supplies tor San Francisco Institutions '. School Department, County Jail, Hospital and Alms House Funds ; Looted, and Grand Jury Will Try - to Find the Criminals. (Jearaal Special Service.) San Franclaco, Dec. 10. Extensive frauds In the purchaae of city supplies for ' public institutions have been dis covered by deputies of tho dlatrict at torney's office, and 'evidence of - thla graft will be given to the 'grand Jury at Its sessions thla week. The school department will also be subjected to -a grand Jury Investiga tion In connection with the purchase of auppllea and the letting of contracts for building and the clearing oXschool altes. Thla will constitute one of the moat Important features of tho grand Jury'a proceedings. The county Jail and other departmenta under the Jurisdiction of Sheriff O'Nell aro to be thoroughly investigated. The city and county hospital and the alms house are also to be subjected to in vestigation by the grand Jury. v William J. Burna declarea that graft tn connection with. the purchase of sup plies tor public institutions haa been moat brazenly carried on. and that the sums-of money itallaed by uurrupt Offl- lfT4 m-I clBls in these operations hYft been con siderable. Many subpoenal mw been Issued to merchants from whom- aup pllea were bought and to othera impli cated In the frauds. It Is expected that several Indictments will be returned in these casea before tho end of the week. . . SCsay witnesses Called. Every witness who has appeared be fore tha grand Jury In the municipal graft investigation had been aubpoe- naed by Judge Dunne to appear In his court thla morning that they might be examined by counael for Abo Ruef and Mayor Schmlts. It waa stated that the object of the attorneya for Ruef and Mayor Schmlts In aummonlng the grand Jury witnesses was to attempt to establish the con tention that they had been Intimidated and bulldosed into giving their testl- DERELICTS OFF THE COAST ARE DANGEROUS TO NAVIGATION J ' t - ' . - 4. ,. .,"' Americsn B The hull of tho old bark Coloma Is reported to bo drifting about In .the path of craft bound for thla port- and the Puget aound, and the government will probably bo requested to send a revenue cutter out to blow .It up. Tho masts have gone by the board and the rAlt lies almoat level with the water. The derelict la a dangeroua menace to navigation 1 and will cause navlgatora to keep a sharp lookout m approaching ths coast. Tho abandoned Coloma was sighted day, before, yesterday by the Japanese steamer Kaga Maru, which reached the straits yesterday, fhe was directly In tho psth of the trans-Pacinc liner and wss narrowly avoided. The ebnudnnetl hull of the American ship 8'a Witch is nleo supposed to be drifting shunt somewhere off the coKt. She, too, Ix'dime waterlogged snd un ni4!i.i"b:o durinj the burtl-f-i r' INoebel Award of Forty Thousand Dollars to Be Devoted to Peace For the Fund Mr. Roosevelt Will AppointJ Trustees, Who Will Encourage and Preserve Har monious Industrial Relations in This Country. i J ' ( Joaraal Special Service.) Waahlngton. Dec. 10. The president today received the Noebel prise of t1. 000 caah conferred for . ending tho Ruaao-Japanesa war. -r Mr. Roosevelt waa unwilling to profit financially by , hla ef forte and decided, to -devote tha money to the promotion of the Industrial peace of this country. Ho will appoint . trustees. : probably Cnlef Juatice Fuller and Secretaries WJlsottsnd Strauss to administer th a fund. ., The president will, select, two men, ' one of whom will be John Mitchell, tho other unaelected, but to be a man con spicuous among capitalists for fair ' dealing, for service of a year to do all in their power by arbitration and other wise to settle disputes and promote in dustrial peace: At tha end of the year these men will ' select tvi others distinguished for their efforts toward industrial peace, and tha - tll - - year tnew eCur wgnelect two" mnrjb tt th. ,n rfllUw,' th. first ld will then resign. Two wiir resign every year thereafter, each psir aerving three years, always leaving a committee of six. There will be no. rules and every thing will be Judged by results. (Jearaal Special Bervlee.) Chrlstianla. Dec. 10. -The' Noebel prise wss formally handed to the Amer ican ambassador In parliament thla aft ernoon for' "President Roosevelt. mony agalnat the indicted bosa and tho mayor. - . Tho real object of this move on tho part of counael for the accused la be lieved to be to delay the grand Jury proceedings. Other than tbla delay of proceedings the examination of theso witnesses, numberlng sbout 100, la like- ly to have no tangible reault. ... ark! Coloma. .' last Thursday night and waa abandoned 200 miles southwest of Cup Flattery Friday morning. The crew wae res rued with difficulty by tha schooner Forest Home. Tho Sea Witch Is snother of the ohl v.mers brought out from the Atlantic coast many years ago. Mho waa built In Boston In 173, having a register of 1.171 tons net. The Coloma wne l 1 1 1 e In Warren, Rhode Iwlaod. In I'!. Hhe waa smaller than the fa Witch, her net register belnj 7ft tons. . lrnles h nw. un inea ci.trrnt-is win probably drift around In the vicinity of Cape Flattery or the mouth of w.. Co lumbia, river for seven! month loiiil they nnaiiy rr"n w or -u j with tho rmreiit. .Mrl"t ai here at IM time of '' yer t; Strong ont li'i IV rurretit, Hn. I f tr Ita st-p the dereli.-t m v i on the siiiids smtli''te i s I Culun-' i. T't:- 0" I