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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 8, 1906)
- - THO RAILROADS FILE-REPORTS CorvallU & Eastern and Astoria A Columbia River Line Com In. .. -COMPLYING WITH THE DEMAND OF. GOVERNOR Details of Miletfe Owned and Leased, Capitalisation, Debts, In terest, Bonda, Earnings,-Expenses "... and Other Items Filed.; . . (RsecUl Dlenateh to The JwirnaLV ' Salem, Or., -Deo. . Tb Corvallls V Eastern, railway and tha Aatorla 4k Co lumbia. River railroad have filed their annual reporta with the secretary of stats, in compliance with tha demand made by Governor Chamberlain aoma montns ago. " Tha Corvallla at Eastern has a board of directors compoeed of tha following;: A. B. Hammond of Ssn Francisco. T. XL Curtla of Aatorla, and J. K. Westh rford. Tha number of atockholdera la ' m. Tha company bee It mllea of road. Ita capital atock la fixed at tl.4K.000, and tha funded debt la 11.11 . 000 of ftret-tuortgage t-per-cent bonda. running ror loo years, beginning February. 1SSS. There a tBS,400-ccrued and unpaid In teraat The total bind Issue and stock ataregatee tl. 588. 000, .which repreeents a coat of 124.814 per mils. Tha Aatorla Columbia Railroad --company operates 121, miles of ralr road, distributed aa followa: Eighty, two. mll of roadway, including, 1.4 miles In the Warrenton to Fort Stevens branch, and trackage rights with tha Northern Pacific railroad for t.l miles from Coble to Portland. The capital atock of tha company la It.tlS.OOO common stocjcand the bonded debt-4s tS.SHO.Oeaef 4 per cent 100 year Tlrat mortgage bonds. Issued from Bep- ' tembnr, 1887. to Dwember, 189. The total amount ' outstanding ' in capital stock and bonds is $4,890,000 foy tt miles of roadway, making tha amount of capital per mile 160.744. The gross earhlnga of the It months were $6. t.l and tha expenses of operation ttlO,Sl8.6I. The net inoome and sur. plus from operations after all deduc tions are made la tl07,8.44. The com pany has a contract with Wella-Fargo A Co. covering express matters for 10 per cent of (ha gross earnings of. the ex press company bul tha amount accruing from this souroa la . not shown. . The ' rental of tha trackage right between "TJoble and Portland je- paid on a baala ofttyper cent on' the value of the property estimated at tl.0SS.S4t.l7 and tha pro rat -share of maintenance of war anoystructuree and Joint operating expenses on a basis of wheelage. - No aoclrtents happened ' during tha year." Tha directors of the road are A. B. Hammond 6T New Tort; 11. B. Huntlni ton of Las Angeles; O. C. Fulton of Aatorla; C F. Heche of Portland; F. D. Kuetner and Joha McOuIrs of Aatorla. GETS JUDGMENT r AGAINST : msM coaPAHY .. Charles" Vi'.f. Risley 7 Wins His LCase Againstthe Mu-' j' tual Resrv. Judgment for tttl.SO against tha Mu tual Reserve Life Inaurance company was given Charles W. Risley by a Jury 1n Judge Cleland's department of the state circuit court last night ' An agreement was reached and a sealed - verdict handed - In. The verdict - was read this morning when court convened. Klsley gsva a note for $481.50 with an application for Insurance in 1S04. iJiter he naked to withdraw the appll- ' ration and hava his note returned. This was refused, and M. Kady, the agent of tha copany. sold the note to a bank at Oregon- City. Risley waa compelled to pay It. -- Ha-refused to accept-the policy af Insurance and brought suit to ' recover the amount of the note. Tbe ault was triod before a Jury in Judge Cleland'e court yesterday. Rlaley ' asaerted that ho protested against tak ing the medical examination -and refused to accept tha policy-afterward. Kady. " tha company's agent, testified that Rla ley had not protested befora tsktng tha examination. . The Jury deliberated only a short time, and gave Risley a verdict for th full amount of tha note with interest sine December IS, 104. At torneys Joha V. Ixgn and Joha C Shlllork appeared for Rlaley. Tha Ufa tnaurancs company waa represented by Attorneys VeasJ Veasle. ... RAILWAY AND COAL . MEN UNDER BONDS (Jearaal Ssrctat Sarvtre.) Salt Lake.gLUn, Dee. - E. Bucking ham, general superintendent of ths.Ore- " son Short Una; J. M. Moors, general agent of the t'nlon Paclflo Coal com pany; and ll-f-Will tamer general asan ager ef the Utah Fuel company, ap peared today befora Commissioner Bald win and, gave bonda in the rum of tt.eee each for their appearance) ra the ..federal court, April S. They are charged with discriminating in raise and participation ta coal land frauds. Forester. a of those charged with like offenses, cannot be located. . IS NOT IN FAVOR OF . WOMEN IN SALOON : That email ward "not'' waa tnad - veeteBtly left out tn Ths-Joumara re port ef the council proceeding) Thurs day. eV Councilman Baanett was made . to eay "wvasea ahoold ba permitted (a aalooaa weder any ctrcamstancea." lie taoh exactly the opposite stand, aa hla reported vote shewed, and ta speaking said "should net ba psrmltedV very esa-paattcallr- BeUftsej Oeeta Klaa Bfssjay. . Because the toasts ef his religious ba llet prohibit rtdiag on streetcars bia Sabbath, M. Schmttser. a dealer ta sec end-band wares at JJi Water street, waa waa arrested yesterday an a charge af keeping hie estabttshseent apea last Sunday, walked te tha pollcs court this mormrag wtt the reswlt that he arrived half aa hoar late snd his ball ef $li was dlared forfeited. Schniltser In formed Jwdga Cameron of tha cause of hla tardtaae in making his appearance ta court bat the jud was sedarate as4 refused ta reopen the aaee ' - THE AIGRETTES ,MAYvN0T BE HATS ; BUT THEATRES WILL BAR THEM How large eaa an aigrette be and atlU not be g hatt Or ta an aigrette a hat, anyhow T . Also, what Is an aigrette! ' The beat answer la elmply Don't alt behind an aigrette at the theatre. It's not quits so bad as mother-in-law's aeat behind tha peat, but it makes .you Jbjnk yourtp. jlunka psrjhsaban thrown away. ' "' ..' ' ' "'rrr '"" -"-. Last night at the Helllg - waa a woman slth a little oontraptlon on her head. It had a feather in it. but still It waant a hat quits. 8 he got the bad tya from her neigh bors. The husbands inquired of ' their wives what the thua-and-ao -was tbs woman wearing, anyhow. The wlvee soma of 'em wlahtd they had dared wear one. "Hush. dear, that's an aigrette,' they whlaperea. And the usher on that aisle MARLBOROUGHS UNABLE TO REACH AN AGREEMENT - ei -mmt ia -. Duke Determined Not to Sun render Children to Duchess, Who Will Join Father. ' (Jearaal Seeelal Service.! . London, Ceo. S. The Marlboroughs ere unable to come to any agreement aa to the euatody of their children. De- spits th children e pleading and tha In tercesslon of ths duke's relatives he Is determined not to surrender them to the duchess, and la making arrangements to carry on their education under hla own direction. . The duke holds frequent con sultations with Sir Edward Carson, for mer solicitor general, who Is hla leading counsel, and whose employment creates the Impression that ths duke intends to bring bis alleged wrongs Into court Oliver Belmont, the duchess's step father, arrived on the scene last week, but only to find, his mission fruitless, so far" as reconciliation or a mutual sep aration agreement waa ' concerned. ' Meanwhile tha duchess has stripped Blenheim, of all her' belongings and la living quietly at Sutherland house. W. K. Vanderbllt is having bis yacht fitted out at Marseilles, and it is in derstood ths duchess Is to accompany her father on a long cruise. While the mother of the duchess, Mra Belmont, is loyal in her lovs for her daughter,- there- appears to be . no con firmation of the story that tha duchess has been offered a home at her mother's estate at Hempstead. Long Island. SUICIDE VANISHES IN PACIFIC JEALOUSY (Special DUpatrfc t The Joeraal.) Seattle, Wash.. Deo. t. Edward Beck with, a saloonman, who has been In business in Valdes, Seward and other towns on tha. southwestern cosst of Alaska, sat on ths rail of the steamer LNoxLhweatern Thursday night while tha Don i waa en route xrom vaiaes 10 Se attle, placed the mussle of a revolver to hla head and pulled the trigger. sending a bullet crashing . through his brain. His body fell into the ley waters of the Paclflo oeean and disappeared. . Beckwlth. accompanied toy a -woman, boarded the steamer at- Valdes, ' Thurs day night the woman waa promenading ths deck with another man. Beckwlth watched tha couple for a time, and then, going to his cabin, secured a revolver and ended his Ufa. Jealousy, combined with ill health. Is given ss the cause ofh'fuTmebT-Mfflusis tif ths steal' er. which srrlvfT"thls morning.. Beck wlth waa about 14 years old. GAMBLING GRAFT NEXT INLINE FOR INQUIRY (Jearaal Special Servtee.l San Franclaco, Dec $. As soon aa the grand Jury completes ths investigation of ths alleged theatrical graft the mat ter of alleged protection granted gamb ling Joints by the police will be taken up. It is claimed that fully S00 gamb ling places are in operation throughout the- city, many of which are open day snd night, and that no effort hss been msde since the fire to close them up. It is the contention of the Investigators that a large corruption fund caused ths Inactivity - of the- police. , SIX-INCH GASH IN NECK FROM TEN-CENT ROW tSpectal Ptaoatrb te Tbe JearsaLVL Pendleton, Or-Dee. a. In a roapver a tl game at tha Owl saloon at Echo at midnight laat night H. B. Stewart a gambler, cut John Dollarhlde In the neck, making a wound six inches long and requiring It stitches. The row etsrted over 10 eenta Stewart escaped. Dollarhlde was brought to a hospital here In a dangerous condition. MARK TWAIN BEGINS -TO BOTHER CONGRESS (Jearaal Special Servfe,.) Washington. Dec (.Mark Twain baa written to Speaker Cannon and asked him to gat by pcrauaaloiv violence lor otherwise, the tbanka of congress for hla not bothering them for Tl years. Ths- hamertat today ,tnnk poaaeaaloa of Cannon's office, wearing a black suit and proceeded ta lobby for a copyright law. "v Aeeaeed ef Bmbeaalesaaat, ' Benjamin Snow, alias Charles Murphy, employed aa a teamster by tbe Pony Express company; waa arrstd laat night by Detectives Mallet and Klenlln on a charge ef embessleraent Tbe de tectives were not armed with a warrant at tha time ef making the arreat, but subsequently-secured tha necessary pa per from Clerk Hennessey. It is al leged that Snow collected tit belonging to Bis anrptoyera ana taud ta turn over tha money. He will be tried by Judge Cameron oa Monday. . I . r ta Jail Saateaea. Emily Maddaa Clark, who waa before Jndge Cameron eome .time ago on a va grancy charg. failed te take advantage t an opportunity granted her ta tear tha city and waa landed ta the city prison last eight by Detectlvo Hill for coatempt of court. This morning the court sentenced her to SO dhya la the city artsoa saU ah will bav aa fpr tunlry of assisting , Mra. Simmons la propartag tha Christmas torksy. Ttekc XUmrt W-ileaSis. , Heretofore th Southern Paclflo com pany ha limited winter season excur sion ticket frees Ortfes -la rVHrthvra California to tore mvatha. This bmlt has proved to fee unsatisfactory and tbe rallrnail emnpaay tta dci44 ta extend tha time to ata saoataa OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SATURDAY saw trouble, bad, troubly trouble,. ahead for himself. ' When t the show began tha people In tha Immediate rear tried dodging the aigrette. Finally the usher was auras, mooed. - Whispers. Than the usher to the woman In the case more whlspera The aigrette shook violently, but It stayed pn bar head. Tha usher retired to read the state law proolbUipg-kt la: thsatroaTh people In the rear bummed "It was the Man Behind" to themselves and cussed tha aigrette. Finally they requested the aigrette to get off... It did so, and peace was restored. Until the supreme court of tha state of Oregon -decides to tha contrary the Helllg theatre management will bold the aigrette to be a hat- They are not wanted particularly when "tha most beautiful actress in America" ta en the stage at two plunks per. --. HIS r.lOTHER-IN-LAlV ' HIM ARRESTED HAS Dr. Samuel Johnson Is Accused of Disorderly Conduct by Wife's Mother. Upon complaint of Ura. M. A. Mor rla of Twenty-eighth and Eaat Ankeny, Dr. Samuel Johnaon ef Seattle was ar rested at the Oregon hotel last night on a warrant charging him with disorderly conduct The complainant who Is the mother-in-law of the defendant alleges that Johnson created a disturbance at her residence yesterday. Johnson waa released on bail and in tha police court thle morning asked for a continuance ef hie case until next Thursday. Ths medico alleges that hla troubles are the reault of too much mother-in-law. He is separated from his wife, who realdee with her - mother. He elalme that he went to Mra. Morris home- In response to a note from his spouse, but was denied admittance. It is reported thst Mra. Johnson fell heir to a large estate and recelvea an - in come of $800 a month from that source. Interesting developments are looked for at the trial. . - NEGROES BATTLE . . JN DINING ROOM One Gets Black Eye and Scalp Wound and All Get Into ' Jail. Several things not on the menu card at the T. M. C A. dining room wore furnished theae who happened to be in that eating place yesterday afternoon. Tha declination of Cook John F. Wil liams, colored, to abide by tha mandatea 2LT " .Sin pr,"tl0!- auocoi. ored. reaulted In a pitched battle. It ta alleged that Thomaa brought in to play a fork which he anatched from a leg of mutton and Jabbed at Will lama with the weapon. At thla - Juncture janitor Mills, uitewiae colored, took a hand in tha melee. 'At tha conclusion of the - battle - royal -- Williams, upon summing up his Injuries, found that he had sustained a badly discolored optio ana several scalp wounds. Williams hastened to tha police eonrt and secured warrants for the arrest of Thnmaa n a i-h.rr. r . .... ok aoead!yweap6n-aHa Mills fur Simula assault Tha two men were taken Into custody but were released without ball upon the promise of Assistant Secretary Wright of the T. M. C. A. to produce them in court today. - Tha cases were continued thla morning until next Tues day. - WOMAN SHOOTS BROWN EX-SENATOR OF UTAH Jaraal Spedal Bervlee.) Washington. D. C. Dec t. A woman shot and seriously wounded Ex Senator Arthur Brown of.Utah. at the Raleigh hotel this afternoon. She fired two shots, on taking effect in tha stom ach, the other in the hand. ' Brown wss removed to the - emergency hospital, where It la said he has little chance for recovery. The woman was arrested and gave the nam of Annie Bradley. -Miss Bradley arrived from Utah this morning and engaged a room on the same floor on which Brown was. This afternoon a maid heard her loudly knocking at Brown's door. A ahot fol lowed. Aa elevator boy found .the sen ator lying on tha floor with Ml as Brad ley standing over him. The woman refused to' discuss the af fair, but when told that tha maid said shs heard two shots fired sha said, "I only shot once." At the boapltal Brown wae Immediate ly placed on the operating table, and the surgeons began to probo for bullets. Y.M.C. A. ASSOCIATION IM SFCQinM AT FlinCWCl wa-wwiwi. m i-uiu: (serial Dtspatrh re Tbe JaaraaL) Eugene, Or, Dec I. The seventh an nual convention et the M C A. --a-clatlons of Oregon and Idaho la in ses sion here under a temporary organlsa- Many prominent people are on thaTprtK gram. Delegations hav come from nearly every association In ths two state, the colleges being especially well represented. About Hi delr galea are present Portland has a considerable delega considerable delega-"" h, !,i kT,-7- AmL M w JT5 w riJi. - tion, a number of speakers, aa I. H. J. C. Clark and H. W. Darts. CHRISTMAS PRESENTS RETURNED FROM ALASKA, ' ISiweUl tttesatrh ta Tbe JowraaLI Seottl. Wash. Dob. S Nearly a ton and a bilf of third class mail matter. rnrtadlag Christmas B.rcw.rr n";!! VZ? ...t l. this city by th postal authorities at Valdes, because the government contract for carrying malls ever th winter trail does not permit the sending of mer chandise. ' Merrhaadtso- can only bo car ried during the open oeason. Many people of the Interior of Alaska will not bo able to recetvo their presents from friends anttl March er April. Ths mail came back oa the steamer Northwestern arriving thla morning. . Aggie Mast Sooa Xaag. ' Washington. bc t. Th supreme court refused a aew trial te Agnes Mey ers, ef Kansas City, the woman wha killed har husband. Sha must hang an - Waa Governor folk taterferea, LOCAL r. nil Relatives Unable to Find Any Trace of Jue Sue and Fear - for His 8afety. PRICrHAITBEErrSET , ON HEAD OF CHINESE His Little Daughter Writes Pathetic Letter tooths Police, Asking Them to Aid in Finding Her Father for . Her. V ' ' ' '. i : ' Where te Jue Sue, mandarin of the province of Canton, property-owner and successful Chinese merchant of ' thle cltyT Has be been laid low by- a bul let from a gun in the hands of an Im placable enemy, or baa some skulking highbinder brought . hla - hatchet into play and earned the price ef blood f - These are questions that are agitating his wife and children, and gloom per vades the home of Jue Sue, where all was eunahlne two ehort weeka ago. Bidding hla family good-bye on the night of November tS, Jue Sue lsft his residence on the top floor ef the build ing at Second and Oak streets, osten sibly to take the train for ths north, "I'll be back in four days," he said, as he rescsnded the stairs, valise .In hand. - "I'll write you tomorrow." Thirteen days have come and gone and no word has eome to hie anxious family. To make the case more per plexing reports have been received from Chines friends thst Jus Bus wss seen In Salem, North Yakima. Seattle and Port Townsend since leaving Portland, but the missing man matntalna et range, inexplicable alienee. . . , Wrttee letter ta Voile. . little Mary Jue Sue, who heroically saved her father from the attacaofaJ highbinder several months ago by bar ring ths hatchsttnan from har home and telephoning to the police,' la grief stricken over the peculiar absence of her parent Feeling aasured that -the police of the white devlle will eurely find some trace of her father, Mary, who has been educated In the Chinese mission, determined to write a letter enlisting ths aid ef Captain Bailey. Thla is the child's plaintive appeal for as sistance delivered to the police official laat nlaht. 1 "Dear Sir Captain Bailey I vrrtte-yo some letter to papa. I don t know where to fine him. Papa did not tail use where he le going, but . mama asked him so many times where you go. He then said I can't tell maybe go to Salem or go to Port Townsend, Washington. So we do not no where Is the real place he go, so I writs this three letter for you police headquarter to find papa in thle three city. I give it to you and ask you to eend It to Salem police headquar ter to look for him. Tell this three city police to go to the Chlness store to fins htm, ssk them it they seen Jue Sue or not tell them Jus come from Port- 1 ttIld net we whr 4s horj-i f ts Is Jue Sua give him the letter. Captain you tall police in Salem and Port town- send. , .. . "Da not ' say mama want him, eay some people want him. If war not in Salem, sent one letter to Port Townsend and look for him in the Chlnsse store. sent It to Port Townsend police head quarter. If were not In Port Townsend, Maybe In Please fine him on Lhu ""l JtttrJ. '"n 9r"on' Port VV1. " wefningrpn. or in "Their are three letter one for each i F" ?"r .B"rtrtr in look and give h,m- f apa gone forthre weeka and did not write to us. Please fins Pspa for me, . we - looking . for him. Ton rs truly M. J. s." rears Me Mas Met Mann. When eeen thle morning little Mary wae reluctant to discuss bsr father's strange abssnce, aa she wss fearful that in ths event that no harm had come to him he might ba exceedingly angry that publication was mad during his absence. "Pleasa .don't put thle In the pe pers.. esld ths -little elmond-eyed beauty. "My papa would not like It and Beld Back and Ho. Sang, my ancle, would be angry." "My papa left and said ha would be back in four days, but be never wrote to ua He esld when hs left that be waa to take tbe train at 11 o'clock, and that he would hava to go 40 miles on account of flood to get another train. W think that he went to Port Town- send, but hsvo beard of .him In other places. Ho Sang, my uncle I think sent him awsy. but hs will not tell ue where my papa has gona "I am afraid some hlghblnedrs have killed him. ehe added, as the tears wsllsd op in' her eyes. Jus Bus is ene of the most prominent members of the Chinese colony. He has been successful In mercantile pursuits, and there hav been whisperings from tlm to time that a price had been set on his head. On several occasions pa trolmen have been detailed to guard hie home, but the only real area si on of alarm for his safety, waa whan llttl Mary courageously slammed tha door In the face of a highbinder who was at tempting to enter the Jue Hue homo Th ,hrM utters entrusted to r.nt.l Bailey to send to ths police ef other cities will be forwarded and In this manner- some clue may bo obtained to the whereabouts or fate of the missing Chines merchant " HE-SCATTERED-CATSUF OVER THE RESTAURANT J. L. Martin, salemsn for Msson. Ehrmsn A Co, wss befora Judge Cam m" cn""' . orderly conduct Martin while e went Into a restanrsnt on Sixth t night In company with a frte eron this morning, on a charge of dis- excited street friend. Something occurred to arouso Martin's ansrer and he proceeded to demolish articles of glasswsrw. Aa a relish he le said to hsvo poured several bottles of catsup on ths table. Patrolman Broth- ttry of condiment, which h mistook for f .AH gore, at first though that a bloody crime had been committed. , , Martin, fashionably attired, appeared ,m repentant mood and oscapod with a U fin. TWELVE JAP POACHERS BROUGHT FROM ALASKA - Seattle. Wasb4 Dec I. Twelve Japa nese caught on Ptibtlef Islands laat Summer and who served threo months ta the federal Jail at Valdea war brought south this morning aad placed In th county )alL They will b taken to tho .detention tatlaa at fort Town. nd. and held to await deportation. The Japanese are members Of (h crew - of a whaler and were only captured .after five f their nembor Bad, 1 killed aad to a weaadod, v EVENING, DECEMBER 8, MH E. Z. '4MHHMIIItHtlllMMMIHMHI MIIMIIIIIMMMHItHIHMIMMIMMUm 1. STRANGER -Mr. Mark. I' the celebrated pert re It Dalnter. I have been eommlaalonsd by tha Soolety af tha V Daughters of the Planet of whloh Mra. Mark le president to paint her portrait. They Intend presenting tt te her at her '. next aleetlon. They wis the faot kept seoret from Mrs, Mark,' ' ' S. MR. E. Z. (returning) Hers are tha very things. . This beautiful pearl neoklace and this diamond dog collar. Mra. Mark Is very proud of them, and It will delight her ta eaa them reproduced In her portrait, r Yau will take great cara of them, I'm sure. STRANGER Oh, thank you, Mr. Mark, I will return them In a day or two. - MMIIII)IIMHmilllllt)llHMMMtMMMIHHMtHMMHIHMM'IIIMMMMMH TAET-IS-KOT-A-CANDIDATEI FOR PRESIDENCY President Studying Hughes With View of Making Him His Suc cessor in Office. Uieieel SMalal S.i Washington, Deo. S. The announce ment is unofficially mads that Secretary W. H. Taft under no circumstances will be a candidate for tbe presidency. Mr. Taft eays all tha time that hs is not a candidate, but It ia uncertain that be le eliminated aa declared. It is said that President Roosevelt haa been .made aware that Taft will not take the nom inatlon. The president la greatly ItS' appointed. He wonted Taft to carry out his policy, ss no other person would follow Roosevelt's tdess so closely. as ths war secretary. Taft knows the rones. Roosevelt In a reeponss to ths desire of th politicians, will soon know his choice. He is studying Hughes ana will hold a conference next week for the purpose of learning tho views of tbe governor elect of New York on great International and domestic questions. The cholc nsrrews down to Hughes. Root or Fairbanks, for th president Is determined to designate his enccessor. WAS NOT EXPERT AT DODGING THE POLICE Apparently Joe Chiistner's forts does not lie In being able to dodge (hs ponce. for 39 minutes sfter hs and two over coats disappeared from Prlts'a concert hall he fell Into the clutchea of th law, ao personified by Detective Hill. It Is claimed that. Christner . purloined - the garments belonging to two young men, while the owners were absorbed .In a game of billiards. Hs disposed of on coat to a Third street pawnbroker and waa endeavoring to sell ths other when apprehended by Detective HIIL The prisoner claims that hs purchased th stolen garments from a msn in Wslla Wslla and Judge Cameron will listen to this story on Monday. - PERSONIFIED HASTINGS -ANiTGOT-CASR-ON CHECK Reperesentlng himself to be Ernest Hsstlngs, the new leading msn with ths Baker stock company, a smooth stranger succeeded In pawing a worthless check for tit on A. W. Cnrter. a bsrteader for "Mysterious Billy" Smith at tha Atlantic cafe on Third atreet The atrangor entered the place, purchased several drinks snd then presented a Check. II clslmed thst ha wae tha Bskers nsw leading man and on the strength of his represents tlons obtained the money. The sffalr was reported to the pnll today, but the stranger has not hn lo cated. II Is described Ss shout IS yesrS of age. fir feet ten Inch ta height with dark hair and smooth shaved lac. DEATH OF REV. NICHOLS. NORWEGIAN PASTOR OseHil fttaBetrs to Tks feare!.) forest Grove. Or Dec . Trie Rev. Danforth Bliss Nichols, a retired min ister of tho Congregational church, paesed away early thla morning at the age ef te. He wsa bora at Rebonoth, Maaoachasetta H a cousin of Cornelius N. Bliss, who wss one srTe tary of -tha- Interior. .la. th caiilnat t President McKlnley. ,. . t Hla early life wsa mostly spent In th esst Ho wss a graduate of Oberlln college end a member of the first class going from that Institution, la oom ' 1 - ' . . ' V, - 190. LIARIC ASSISTS THE ARTIST. leee,- by I am D'Aubaa, ' pany with General Howard and others he organised Howard university, of Washington, P. C, and for many rear a waa a trustee of the institution. - At the sgs of to he started ss a missionary and organised a church at Mission Hill, South Dakota, where he wae pastor fur It years. . Ha also took a medical course at Howard -university and graduated from tho institution of which ho was a trustee. Last spring he came to Oregon aa a retired minister. HANDY IRONING BOARD Attached in a Convenient Place on tho Kitchen Wall. The house wife has been so long ao- eustomed to spanning tha Ironing board across tbe backs of two chairs that shs naturally never thinks of any other 4m . Hie thod of doing It But there srs more onvenlent ways of supporting tbe iron- ng board, aa ahown by tho Illustration. The Idea I certainly a good one. and any housewife would welcome tho in troduction of one Into her household This simple arrangement of hanging ths Ironing board on brackets attached to ATTACHED TO WALL. the wall wsa designed by a California he has had It patented. Still, tbla Is no reason- why any housewife cannot have oas made. A glance at th Il lustration will suffice to show th con struction. When .th Ironing board Is not In us It ia swung back against th wall, where It la held in place by an arm connecting tha top of th btackele. It can bo lust aa easily lowered. , CHRIS JENSEN JURY . DISAGREESDISCHARGED Wslla Walla, Waah.. Dec. I.- The Jury In th land-fraud ess tgslnst Chris Jensen waa discharged by Federal Judge Whltson this morning, falling to sgreo aftar having bean out tt hours. Jensen Is a cattle king of Walla Walla coonty. He lo charged with fencing In a sectloa of land and asserting an eluslvo right to It It Is th first laiij. fraud ease evr tried In this county, FRAGMENT OF BLASTED STUMP KILLS MRS. 0TT Ofsgon CHr, Poo. t Mra Ott waa killed thla morning by a pier nf a atump which struck her head. A rnl errw-was blast ma out atttmpo 1r frnrtt ef her hon.e st Clm-kamrts station snd aa shs atepperl out of the r!ir door the heavy pt' ce of wood waa blown over the roof of her houne. 1. MTn on her head,' She lived but a fir minutes. i port under way and all I now need la soma III tie trinket, soma little Jeweled ornament belonging te Mrs. Mark, that I aan lnoor porate In tha ploturo and thus land an ln etvlduallty to the portrait. A neekJaoe or anything of that kind will do. 4. MRS. MARK (later) Oh, LZ,tll My dog collar and my pearl neoklace are Jionel WHAT! Yau loaned them to an a ra it who Is painting my portrait f Soolety af the Daughters of tha Planstf There la no such eeolety, and I'm not Its president. Oh, you Idiot! This la the (set straw! I'm done with you FOREVERI CnPlnLfVHlT UUUinL . L Lit I OCCURS TONIGHT Annual Banquet of Washington Chapter, Royal Arch Masons to Be Held. -Tha most 'lniborttrrraaonTasocTar event of the year will taks plaea thla evening when Washington ahaptar of Royal Arch Mi sons will gtvo th aaaast banquet of the chapter, to which wilt be tnvlte-1 the member of th ahaptar and a few special gueata from other chapters who have been Identified to some degreo with th work af tha Washington chapter. Th Washington chapter s umber wnvug ii Bumnw. ! v in miiwi prominent men of the state and tho banquet this evening lo expected to b a moat interesting snd pleasant affair. The program is aa follows: "Remtnlo- csns,. Pennmbra Kelly. T. H. P.; mnsto, Everest s orchestra; "Ulster Cbspters." Commander N. R. Cox. E. H. P.. Portland chapter If. tt eong. BL Bol lock. P. H. P.; "The Spirit of Harmony In Masonry," Com p. JE. O- Jons; nsuate. orchestra; "Memory." Com p. J. H. Ara orman; music, orchestra; "Practical Ma sonry," CorapxM. C Ooorgs; eong. Anlt Lang ByneA companion. Clyd Evans, E. a. F, arm aat ao toestmastsr. PLAREN IS MAYOR OF NORTH POWDER notetil tnapstek ts TVs 1 1 ! North Powder. Or., Dec S. At Wort Powder's town election. Herman Both- chlld. -the "lone Democrat- that so. much waa written about after tho last stats-election, was defeated for tho of fice, of mayor. J. R. McLaren wao tho successful eandlda.o, with a snug ma jority. Three eounrrllmen wr lod. as follows: H. W, Polea. Walter Joaeev H. O. Oorhain. BuiiAiaar : A permit haa been tsavert tho Berk Investment company for tho baaomant of Its new building on Seventh street between Oak and Ankeny. It win cost t,000. Tho Concrete Construction pany ties1 the' e'rH tract for tho excava tion and foundation work. Other permlto havo bn lssu4 as fol lows: J. M. riacher. two-story dweil Ing East Salmon between East Thirty fifth and East Thirty-sixth, eoat tLlee: I. O. Waggoner. on-tory dwelling. East Thirty-second between Hawthorn avenue snd East Vain, coat tl.; Jamra Cook, re pa Ira, Front between An keny and Burnsid. cost tt.e04; Wslter V, Smith, warohoas. Watar betwaew Market and Clay, coal tS.See: Sumser Newell, one-story dwelling, Clsrenvmt between Winona and Mora, eoat ll.: J. Rsgen, shed, Esst Twnty.onth between Alberta and Wygant, at H. OonUat Help It From Harper Weekly. ' A well-known Allegheny clergymtn recently spoke at a religtoss aorview in th penitentiary at Woods Bun. He no ticed thst on of the-convlrts seemed extraordinarily Impressed. Aftar ,te ervlce he songht him out snd es tlnund the good work by remarking: , "My friend. I bop yn will profit rv my remarks Just now and become a new man." "Indeed I will." wa tha chearf il r-. plv. "In fact, t proml.e In f. t t.r t I Will never commit n)".r i r e, I will lead an-eemplry !.. l i y C day."- -"I am veer ' 1 I ' r that," ssld th rieryn-ii. i t i certain v wi!I ' ' I promise?" "(Hi y'' 1 JU l i 1 i