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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 8, 1906)
..-'j.;...' ' ' THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL,. PORTLAND. SATURDAY; EVENING. DECEMBER 8," IVW. I1ICI RAILROADS TF0R FRAUDS : Federal Grand Jury at Salt Lake V, Accuses Harrlman and Gould Systems. ': "TWO DUMMIES CHARGED" 1 V WITH CRIMES OF PERJURY 3 , Violations of . InirstateXCoromerco Law for Discrimination, andxCon- j spiracy to M Defraud . Government, Out of Public Lands Are Charge " - : " (Jo nit) fl pedal Bervlee.l . . rMUC- UiAD V 1. vw. - - - ; grand Jury has Returned Indictments i egalnat the Harrlman end Oould Ball road companies and their agent forj , lajid fraud! Jn ucurlni ooel lands and j gainst two dummies lor perjury- Investigation will be continued after the bolldaye. :- - - aailroada Sadloted. "The Indictment agalnet the Harrlman companies embraces the Union Pacific. ' the Oregon. Short Line, the Union Pa- olflo Coal company. Everett Bucklng- bam. general superintendent of the Ore gon Short Line and a roan named ' Woor. " Th Indictment eharges vtola- tloa of the interstate oommerce law, al leging discrimination against D. t. Sharp, a coal dealer In Salt Lake City, i who was forced out of business after he had cnt prices below the nricee charged by other dealers In coal. - -' i The Indictment against the reprer eentntlvee of the Oould Interests em braces the Utah Fuel company, H. O. Williams, general manager of this oorn-1 pany; Robert Forrester, the eompanys geologist; W. R. -Foster, secretary to , Robert Forrester; Alexander M. Cowl .general manager of the company's Wa satch store, at Bunnyolde, Utah; Elroy K. Clark, the Utah Fuel company's at- torney at Denver, and George A, Moore, the company's agent at Denver. They are charged "with defrauding and at- tempting to defraud the United States government, the charges' being based on ths methods pursued in acquiring title . ' to eoal lands In Utah. CHURCH LS-E-R-V-IG-ES' NMK ON ivtv moi )owKe.Y's Chocolate Bonbons .. Always Delicious Pure Wholesome Digestible Oae Box will make " A happy ' Home 1 Every 8eslsd Package guaranteed . Fresh and Full Wotffht Pmacy Begee mm4 Realera tm txchujrp THE WALTER U. LOWNET CO. Makers ef Caeea and Chocolates BOSTON, MASS. - Aoonsed ef Faytog. - -i- '' Bench warrants for ths arrest ef ths persons aeesisfd la the two Indictments - were issued. Bonds In ths case of each : Individual eoeueed were fixed at 11,000. Theodore Schulto, an employe of an Insurance firm, and Thomas A. Moore, abstractor In tha -county recorder's offloe, are indicted for perjury com mltted before the grand Jury Both were arrested and released on 12,(00 ball. The charge of perjury grow out f ths belief of the grand Jury that the men acted as land locators, for the Utah Fuel company, but refused to admit ths fact when examined as witnesses. -" The other defendants appeared before United States Commissioner Baldwin to r and gave bondforttie .St any-time designated. Admiral coghlan . RETIRES FROM NAVY i (lonraal BpeeUl Barrio..) Washington, Deo, I. Rear-AdmlraJ Joseph B. Coghlan, for several years paet commandant of the- New Tork navy yard, will reach his elxty-eeoond year tomorrow, ths ags limit for aotivs gurries In the..fiavy. AflmJraLCfighlan retires with -a brilliant record. A na tive of Kentucky, ha was graduated ' from ths naval academy in 1883. He - was promoted two years later and as signed to ths flagship Brooklyn, where , he served for two years. .He was execu tive officer of the Pawnee In 1117, and on the steam frigate Ouerrlers In llil. . The following year be was on the sloop Portsmouth, from which he was trans ferred to ths Richmond on ths Euro pean station. .For several years there after ha waa in command of Various 'vessels in .Asiatic waters and other ' parts of tha world. He was Inspector .of "ordnance at League Island in 181 -mna -was-made, a -captain- In 18. As commander of tha Raleigh In 111 bs took part in the battle, of Manila bay. RIGHT OF WAY INJUNCTION HEARING AT CHEHALIS Decision -Will Have Important Bearing on Relations of Two Roads. YOUNG TEDDY REPORTED " V. ENGAGED T0.AN ACTRESS (Special rrLpetea te The JoornaL) on injunction proceedings before Judge Rice of ths -dispute -between ths Seattle A Portland Railway company and the Oregon at Washington, in which the matter of right of. way through the lands of Richard Conrad, eight miles southwest of this city, waa the Issue, hss been completed. The case will be argued early in Janua' ton of Portland, W. H. Bogle or Seattle and Judge H. 8. Elliott of Chehalls appeared for the Oregon at Washington. The Hill interests were represented by B. S. Orosscup of Teeome and Forney Fonder of Chehalls. There la a narrow paae at the point In question. Conrad claims that In 80, when the Portland & Puget Bound, which was the' original Union Pacific extension through here, chose its right of way It made an original survey; that later it changed thu route slightly; that accordingly he built his fences, barn, etc., and made other improvements. Sev eral' months ago the engineers of the Oregon A .Washington line made a per manent location over the route origi nally selected by the Portland A Puget Sound. The surveyors of the Portland ft Seattle company, it is alleged. Instead of following -the second definite loca tion f the original Union Pactflo ex tension, changed their route so that It covers exactly the route choeen this summer by the newroute or the" Union Pactflo men. Men were put to work by both companies clearing right of way, leaning, etc. There was danger -of a conflict between them, and finally the companies went into court. - Judge Rtre Issued an Injunction against both com panies forbidding them from going upon the disputed property until the rights of the contestants should be settled In court If the Union Pacific loeee the right to go through thle pass it Is not at all unlikely that the route of that company between Little -Falls 'and Chehalls wlU be enlrely changed, and that Instead of the line being built on the west side of the Northern Pacific main line It will be built on the east side. , . ' BAPTIST. rtr The White Temple Twelfth ead Tar Vw trMiti: Rev. 1. Wklteomb Brouxh. D. D, At B a. m.,- Bible Kboil at idiln-itrwl braneb; 10 a. ai.. eoe-aceord prayer dhwUui; 11 a. m., werakle- with a-rnn by Uot. 11. Wrae Jotwe oa "HveTan"; f m., weipie hioia ecnooi; o:ao p. m., n. x. rv i;. mwi- ids; r:a p. ai., MrBHa or hot. k. h. iieruiia tuu ea "Watchataa, What ef the KlgUtl" Spe cial maaie. ' " Haconil Herenth and Bait Aekesr streata: Bt. tiioiuo V-fcapaau, Surtisja at Vi-.W . m.. eiu ewsaon; eeratoa at T 30 p m llilila arhiwii at noon, . Uraoa il.mtaTllIa; Br. Gllniaa Parkar. PrpacblDg at 11 a. a.. "The White Btuoe auj tha New Kin,"; aarmoB at 7:80 p. m., "Our Kormer Oondltloo, WlUwat Uod ar llopa." Hjirclal aiuale. imoiaaurl Second sod Mda etraeta; Eer. . W. Urlffla. Sunday erhnol. 10 a. m.-. B. Y. f. V.f. B a . s. preactilBg, 11 a. n. and 30 p. m. HnlTeMlty Park Bt. A. B. Wait a. Sunday r-hwl, lu a. ta.s preacblng. 11 a. Dl. end T:su p. n. . ' Centra tRaat Twalfth aad Ankenr treets: Mr. T. Jordan,. Prcacblnr, 10:10 a. m. Bun dr achooi, 13 b.; rrTloe at T:90 p. m.. "Wbr We Iminerea"; 13:10 g, ai., aermoa to Cbildran. Spwlal ntuatr. ' t ArlaM John Brtililaa, Sunday school, 10 a. n.; preachlnf, 11 a. m.; !:IIO p. n., sermon; B. V. P. t. :S . n. klouqt Ollra garantb end fcrcrett ' streets, i'rracblng at 11 a. m. and S p. ai. St. John a Hetv. aV. A--iMar. - tnsday acaj,-io -a.-m.; preaching, 11 a. B. Tiatf p. m., prarBtBg, Ttilrd Vanrourer krxnoa and Knott streets Rew. K. it. Bllaa. At 10 a. m.. Sunday acbooll 11 a. u., preacblng; sermon, 7:80 p. m. wll,h Unyt and Klflranth atratar"Rv. Erie Bcberatroai. Prearhlng, 10. 6 a. a, aad T:30 p. ai.; Sunday echool. II m. UllblanU Alberta aad Sixth etrceta. Praacb Ins, 3. SO p. m., by Key. K. at. Bllaa; Sua dar ecnool. 1:80 p. . Taunt Carmel Poeitaeatk and fiaedert atraeta; Ray. A. J. Sbephard. Sunday school. IS . i prrarMng, 11 a. mn and 8 p, n. Sollwood Elayaatb aad I matllla streets; Rae. Gaorsa A. Leers. Sunday ecbooU 10 a. at.; preaching. 11 a. m. and 7:48 p. s. Flrat tiermaa Poarth and Mill atraets: Ray. I. Kratt. Prrarhlng at 10:40 a. n. and 7:30 S. m. B. T. P. D, TIM (, a Sunday school. :4S a. a Second O. man Rodney STanee sad MorrU atrretj Ray. tv Byaorman. Preacblsg, 11 a. a. and f:S0 a. m. ; Sunday acbaol.8.48 a. a. B. T. P. V.. S 43 p. a. - Calrary Kaat Elybth and Orant streets; Bay. A. LawTence Black. Bible ncboel, 10 a. m. awmon, 11 a. a. S:S0 p. a.,' Xoaag Peo ples meeting; 7:S0 p. au. sarnoB. PKSSBTTZSIAg. kflapab Mafy and Powell atraeti; Rev. Je rome R. Wctilade, D. D. At 10:10 a. a., ser mon; 7:80 p. m.. preaching. ' Calvary Klayanth and Clay xtreeta; Rey. Bae-kara Stllra Ely Jr.. D. I. Serrlcaa, 10:30 a. a., with eeraton; Sunday echecj. IS ax.; aer aon at 7:30 p. m. Third fca Tblrtaatk and Pine etreets; Ray. Andrew X. Motityom ery. Preacblng at 10:80 a. a., "The Miaalon ot Jreua"; 7:4 p. a., sermon. "The Importance of Trlflee." foortb girat and Cllbba stmts; Ray. Joba R. Welch. Preaching at 10:80 a. an.; Sun day school. 11 a.i C. P. S. a R., S:S0 p. at. I at T:80 . a., sermon. Hawthorne-Park Twelfth aod Beat Taylor treats; Bay. - B. Neawa Allan. Sunday ecbool, 10 a. a. i Drenching. 10 So a. a., "The Die- logne or the Dead '; T:80 a. Pleasant to taho and does not gripe or nauseate Cures Chronic Constipation, Stomach and Liver Troublb Stimulation Without Irritation. Oriso Laxative Fruit Sjtud ia a new native a TroD combined with, the deli cious flavor of fruits, and is Terr pleas ant to take. It will not gripe or sicken. It is much more pleasant and effective than PUls,. Tablets and Saline Waters, as it does not derange the Stomach, or irritate the Kidneys, Liver or Bowels. Constipation. : ' Oanco Laxative Fruit Syrup will posi tively cure chronic constipation as it re stores the natural action of the intestinal tract. Ordinary cathartics may give tem porary relief but the stomadh is upset and the bowels are irritated without any permanent benefit having been derived. The condition of the patient remains un changed. The Stomach, Liver and Bowels have not been stimulated andnn"TfeW days a stronger purgative may have to be taken. .This is why Pills and Aperient Waters never give permanent relief. Their violent action results in an unnat ural movement of the bowels and it is nec essary to keep taking thera, indefinitely. Why ORINO is different. Oaiao Laxative Fruit syrup is the only preparation that really acts upon all of the digestive organs. T Other prepar ations act upon thelower bowel only and do not touch the Liver. It can very read ily be eeen that a preparation that does not act upon all of the digestive organB can not cure Chronic Constipation, Torpid LerAJndigestion, Sour fitomaehreto. For Biliousness and SIcH L-f . Headache. Take Qmho Laxative Fruit SyrupJ It sweetens the stomach, aids digestion and acts as a gentle stimulant on the liver and bowels without irritating these organs. Clears the Complexion. Oboto Laxative Fruit Syrup stimulates the liver and thoroughly cleanses the : system and clears the complexion of , : pimples and blotches,. It is the best lax ative for women and children as it is mild and pleasant, and does not gripe or sicken. R.ef use substitutes, f - OUR GUARANTEE Take ORINO Laxative Fruit; Syrup and If you are not satisfied your money will be refunded Prepared nly by FOLKY CO. Chicago, Ilk OLD AND RECOMMENDED DY ALL DRUGGISTS (Joeraal Special Service. ) Cambridge, Mass., Dec I. Theodore , Roosevelt Jr. la engaged to be married to Klsle Jsnls, a 17-year-old actress, ao cording to report. Mlaa J&nls made her first appearance en the etage tiro years ago when' she attracted much favorable comment by her mimicry. She was then It years " Old end appeared In vaudeville. friends of Miss Janls and young Roosevelt emphatically deny they are - to be married.- They even aay the etory waa started as s practical Joke on young . Roosevelt. . L . 1 . 1 METCALF SUGGESTS LICENSES FOR TRUSTS Joe real BmeUI Berrlee.) . Washington. D. C., Dec. V. tt Met calf secretary of the department of oommerce end labor, has submitted his annual report to the preeldent for trans mission to congress. The report tells of the commercial progress made, by the United Btatee and gives valuable data concerning general Industrial con ditions. The recommendation Is made for the adoption oftbe license plan over the greater Industrial corporations deal Ihg In staple commodities. . "Robert Bonn": Y. P. 8. O. S.. 80 n. a Highland gast Thirteenth and wygaat; Bev. O. A. Blair. Sunday echool, 10 a. bj.; preach- log. 11 a. s. ana t:w p. m. Pteamont Cleyvlaoa: arrnai yrotrBooarr. Preecblog at 11 a, B.s Sonday acbool, 18:18 p. m.; T:80 S. m., aermoa. Special mnale. Weatmlnatar Baat Tenth and Weldler etreets: Bay. Henry L. kfareotta. Uorntuc eerotoa, 11 o'clock; aranlng sermon, 7: HO o'clock: Sunday ecbool. 13 :80 . B.i t. P. S. C. B., t:iO ''tint Twelfth and Aides streets. At 10:90 a. m., eerytcaa; 1:46 p. m., preaching by Bey. J. B. Kittredsa. Sallwood Serantaenth , street ead - Spokane aramier ttr; D. 1. Ttaompaoo. Sunday aehool. 10 a. m.; earmon, 11 e. m. ; cnriatlaa Knoaayoe, T p. m.l ewmoa at T:80 p. m. Faltoa Her. A. H. Borkholdar, Sermoa at T:4S p. m. . Marahall-Btraet Maraball aad North -tranth atreetai Kar. C. W. Raye. Bonday ecbool, 10 a. n. J preaching. 11 a. s. aermoa, 1:80 p. m ; T. P. S. C. I.. S:46 p. m. Mount Tabor Belmont and Pretty man streets! Bar. Edward ef. Sharp. Sermoa at 11 a. av eervlee et T:SO . m. Special araale. . kTZTHODIST. Moatarllla Ray. Harold Oberg. Preechlns at 11 a. m.t Sunday school, 10 a. ; Rp worts Leagne, S:80 p. m.; eermon. f:80 p. m. , Central Bnaaall end Kerhy atraata; Bey. J. T. Abbott. Claaa meeting, l it e. m.; sarsioa. 10 80 a. B.; Sunday ecbool, 12 au Leasee, fl.80 p. at. i earmon. T:80 p. m. Trinity Beat Tenth and Orant streets; Rev, U F. Smith. Bunday ecbool. 10 e. m. ; preacb lng, 11 a. m : Epworth League, S:80 p. .; aermoa at T 80 p. m. Taylor-Street Dr. rrancle Burgette Short. Claaaee, S:S0 a. m. ; aermoa. 10:80 a. m., by Clarence True Wllaeo; Sonday ecbool, 13:15 p. m. ; Epworth League, .30 p. m. ; maslcel pros ram, T:at p. m. Grace Twalfth and Taylor etreete; Clarence Tree Wlleon. I). l . paatnr. Sermoa, in 80 a. m., by Dr. W. B. Hnlllngahead, prealdlng elder: Sunday ecbool, 13:16 p. m. Epworth Leasua. p. m. ; aermon, I SO p. n., "Why Mtntaters Aak People te Stand or Ceme For ward for Pray era." Special muale. Pattoer Mich Iran end Carpenter etreets; ftae. Melrlll T. Wire. Sermon. II a. aa. aermoa at t 80 p. m.; IMrnday ecbool, 10. m. ; Ep worth League, S:80 p. m. Bellwood Fifteenth and Taeoms etreets; Bee. A. U. Wagner. Sunday ecbool. 10 e. m. ; eer mon, 11 a. m.. "Commnnlon sod Tranafirma tlon"; elaaa meeting, 12 lo p. m. ; ehllriren'l meetlnc, 3 30 p. m. ; Epworth Leasne. S:30 p. n ; aermoB, 7:S0 p. m., "A Nameieas Otrl Heroine." Sonnyelde Taaihin end Kaat Thirty-fifth etreets'. Rev. T. B. Ford. Sunday ecbool, 10 a. m. ; aermoa, 11 a. m., by Iter. 1. D. Drlrer; Junior League, I AO p. m. ; pedal aermon et 3 p. m. by Dr. Drlrer oa -"Rome Knotty Quae tlonS tot Men of Today"; Epworth Leasue SO p. .; aermoa by Dr. Drlrer at 7:S0 , . .- IPISOOPAL. ' " St. Vfark'a Nineteenth and Qutmtiy etreeta; Rev. J. R. Slmpaoa. Holy communion. S a. m. ; Sunday ecbool. 10 a. m. ; morning prayer and Mtany. 11 o'clock; ereneoog end eerexia, 7:30 o'clock, . '... Trinity Nineteenth and Everett etreeta; Rev. Dr. A. A. Morrleoa. Holy communion, a a. m.: morning aerrlce, 11 o'ekick; erenlng errrlce, 7:80 o'clock, with eermon. by Rer. F. C. Wl. llama, oa "The People That Walked In Dark- aeaa Hare Bees a Oteat IJgbt") Buaday school. s:l s. m. - - . -i Bt. Darld'e Eaet Twelfth end Belmont etreets, Rer. J. B. Van Watera. Sunday echool.- :43 e. m. ; prayer end aerrooe et 11 e clock; evening prayer and aermoa at T:S0 o'clock; holy communion, g p. m. St. Andrew's Unlreralty Park; Bev. W. B. Powell. Gerrtce and aermoa, 11 a. m.J Baa day ecbool, 10 e. m. Good 8aTrherd Sell wood a treat and Van Co a rer arenae: Rey. John Dewaon. Holy eora munlon, 8 a. m.t morning eerelce, 11 o'clock; Sunday ecbooL S:et a, m.; prser and serMS 1:9V p. m. 81. John's Memorial Bellwood: Rev. W. R. Powell. Sunday ecbool, It a. m. eerrlce end aermoa, 7:4 p. m. St. MattbeWe First and Centners etreeta; Bay. W. A. M. Brerk. Holy eommonloa, 7:30 a. m.; Bunday ecbool. S:6 a. m. ; aermoa, 11 a. m.; aerrlce and aermon. 7:80 p. m. Bt. Paul'e Woodmere; C. L. Parker, lay reader In charge. Morning service end eersaoa at II o'clock. - All Baluta Twenty-eeeood and Reed streets. Bunday school, 10 a. m. j erenlng eerrlcea, 1M e'cloek. COMaREOATTOWAL. TTrjlrerelty Park Artlaana' temple; Rev. D. B. Grey. At 11 a sj., preaehlng, 'The Beventh Oommandment"; Bunday echool,. 10 a. sa. Flrat Medlaoa and Park etreets; Rev. B. L. Hooee, D. D. Bermoa, 10:80 a. m., "The World'e Greeteet Impeachment"; T:'80 p. m.. sermon, "Hlmoa, the Croaaloarar.P Mahelle .Hiiaemaiiil l I aiaiiaaiaa) iniaaii THROAT AND FOR COUGHS AND COLDS CURES ll THROAT hoLUFJG DISEASES SAVED HER SON'S UFE My soa Rex was tiken down a yer ago wits lanr trtmble. Ws ' doctored Some months without Improvement. Then I began giving Dr. King's Hew Discovery, and I soon noticed a change for tha better. I kept this treatment up for a few weeks and now my son la perfectly W!U.!:0!!L-y lnliltUMP.silPPEafATalMo. 60c AND $1.00 SOLD AND GUARANTEED DY RED, CROSS .PHARMACY. Blsei ti ClirlitlanEndeayor aerrlee, 7.18 p. m. ; Bunday ecnool, lx m. Buanyilde Beat Taylor . and Eaat Thirty fourth etreets; Rev. J. 1. Btsnb. Morning serv ice. 11 o'clock, with sermoa, "A Graduate From God's Training School"; Sunday scbool, 10 s. m. Senior Christian Endeavor, 7 p. m.; aermon at 7:80 p. m., "What Your Mind Feeds On." Mlaelaelppl-Avense Mlaaljcrlppl " sveone aad Fremont atreet; Rev. William L. I'pabaw. Sunday echool. 10 a. m. ; aermoa. 11 s. m.i Chrlstlaa Sndeevor, T p. m.; aarmon. 7:10 p. m. HlghUnd Beat v Sixth snd Preeeott streets; Rev. E. 8. Bollinger. Sonday echool. 10 e. m. ; aermon. 11 e. m., "Borderland Chrlatlanlty"; Chrlatlaa Endeevor, S:e8 p. sx; eervlee et 7:H0 p. m., sermoa, "Tha Bedemptloa of Jethre Baas." Laurelwood Arleta hall: Rev. D. B. Gray. Sunday ecbool. 10 a. m.: I. P. S. O. g.. S:80 p. m. ; aermoa at .7:80 p. m., "Jaoob and Prayer. " . Haaaale-Btreet-Bast Be Tenth snd TAssalo. Sermoa. 10:80 a. MS. : Sunday ecnool. aeon: Chrlatlea Endeavor, S:eB p. m.; evealag earv-.j ice, 7 :eo o ciocb. awaaow. iTmriug., ' St. Jsmes' Bngllah West Park sad laffereoa treete; Key. J, A. Laaa Services at 11 a. sa. Bunday echool, 10 e. p.; aermon, 7:80 a. BL Lather Lrarie, S:St p. m. Zlon a German Chapmaa sad Belmoa atreetai Rev. W. H. Behrene. Bervtcee at 10:18 a. au and 7:48 p. m. Batanls Denlah Union avenue and Morris atreet; Rev. Oodmund Grill. Bonday eet iluae, lis. m. and s p. m. Norwegian Byaod Eaat Tenth aad Orant etreeta; Key. O. Uagoee. Sunday school, 8:80 s. m.: service. 7:80 p. m. Bt. Paul a German East Twelfth end Cllatoe etreeta; Rev. A. Krauee. Bervioa, 10:80 a. m.; eervlee, 7:30 p. m.; Buaday ecbeol, 8:30 p. as.) Bible echool, 8 p. m. Norwegian 40 North Fourteenth atreet:' Rav. J. M. Nervlg. Servlcea st 11 s. m. sod T:88 P. Swedish - Imaaanel Nlneteeeth ead trvtag etreeta; Rev. O. J. Kenhard. Bervlcee at 11 a. m. snd I p. a: Sunday school. S.-48 s. as, Bwedlah Rodney aveane ead Stanton street. Buaday -ecnool, 0:30 s. m. ; servlcea, 10:80 a. m.; servleae, 7:S p. sa. . CHRIBTIABT. Flrat Park sad Columbls streets Rav. R, 8. Murkley. At 10:80 a. m., sermon, "Gbrlat's Guarantee of: Ruecraa; 7:80 p. m., aarmon, "Sunday Theerree, Sunday Saloona, Blot Ma chines and Public Morals": Chrlatlaa Endeavor, 8 :4ft p. m.; Bible echool. 13:10 p. m. Central Eaat Twentieth ead Eaat Salmon etreeta; Rav. J. F. Ghoruley. D. D. At 10:4S a. m., aermoa. "The Frllowahlp"; Bonday echool, 13:18. p. m.; Senior Eeleever, 0:48 p. m.; eervloe et 7:80 p. m. Special maale. Rodney-A venue Rodney avenue - end Knott street: Rev. F. Elmo Roblneoa. At 8:40 a. m.. Bible echool; 11 a. m., communloa and aermon, "Hlddea Bint'; S:80 p. ., T. P.. 8, 0. B, 7:80 p.'m., sermoa. - Arleta Preliminary servleea st S p. B wbea Rev. J. F. Gbormley snd ethers win speak. WoodlawB Sonday ecbool, 10 a. an.: preach Ins. 11 a. at.) Chrletlaa Endeevor. 1 p. m. services S sa., with special mssls. rvms ztavoexicaI. First Eaat Tenth snd Bhermia etreets; Rev. A. A. Winter. At 10 e. m.. Sunday school; preaching, 11 a. m.; 7:80 p. m., sermon. Second Fsro sad , Karby streets; Rev. J. Roweraox. At 11 s. B., preaching; 7:80 p. ro., aermon, "Frsyer Without s . Doubt"; Sunday school. 10 a. m.; K. L. C B.. 7 p. m. at. John a tTanooe end Jobs streets! Rev, E. R. McVlrker. Bunday ecbooL 10 s. at eloee ef morning tervtrei Wednesday evea tag saeetlng at 8 o'clock. Second Church of Chrlat, Bclentlet Elks' tem ple. Stark and Seventh etreete, Sunday eerv irea at 11 a. m. and S o. et.. etiblect. "God. the Preeervet ef Maa"l Buaday school. 11 a, sa. aprmrrrAxisTS. Flrat Spiritual Society 10tt Third atreet. Bervlcee at 11 a. m. and 7:40 p. m. : lecture by F. B. Coulter en "The Law ef Compensa tion"; lyceum at 11:80 p. a., spirit meeaages by Mra Iidd Finn lean. Church ot Flrat Bora Drew hall. 163 Second etreet; Rev. R. E. Coon. D. D. Conference, 10 a. m. ; lyceum, 11 a. m.: aermon and teets, 3 P. m.; dlscourae and teets. 7:80 p. re. Miniature' and Medlnme' Protective Bplrlts allat Aaaortattonj Woodmen hall, Selllng-iltrech building. Tenth and Waablngtoa streets. Lec ture et 7 4S p. m. by Rev. Dr. Dickey, fol lowed by Oertrade WoedOeld with spirit mee sagee. ' . Tnrrrxi) brxthseh nr Christ. Sirat Eaat Flfteeath and Morrleoa etreets; Rev. H. C. Shaffer. Bible echool at 10 s. m.; sermon at 11 s. m , "Ths riaiaenrs mee . . ..b, w i.k .i i. . , i... aage ; aennoo as f "-, . Blot Oembllng"; T. P. B.C. .. 7 p. m. gecono wixia anu ukumi, v. P. Rlancbard. Sunday echool, 10 a. m. eermon. 11 a. m. and 7:80 p. m. trmTARlAJT, 6ur Father BaVenth in TaeihlH rreeta: Rav. W. O. Kllot, Jr miniaier; T I- Eliot. D. D.. mlnlater emerttse. Bervlcee ai 11 a. na., ndnvi " - , - -, - -of Naasreth In Hie Own Day and Generation"! Sunday ecnooi,:eo . , a. B.. elaaeeej X, .F. B- u. a,., e:o p. aa. HZTHOBIST, SOTTTB. at.einu Second atreet. roraatere" hatl; w. H. Mowre. At 10 s. av. Sunday school: 11 s. a., sermoa I 8 :30 P. .. Kpworin League j T;80 p. as, preacamg. ouwmn u, ' 0. ART) U. A. . e M UtdteaiaP A - sRVat Mala eSeeta; Rev. C. D. Bawtelle. Preechlng. 10-80 a. as.; Bnnday school, 13:18 p. m.f Teemg People7, meeting. S:80 p. m.1 svpageUat servlcea, TJO p. . . . . v. ': t.m.0. a. . a a-Aei A .WM,.4s. sMHl StM. a A sa m. man's mMtin with ftddttM nd . a . a Au.e sslMeuaJI mm I I ! I Wtmft CliriByllBm e versa ssm.nn arr-.wnsa aaaaas tamttmiAmm IIQ aUlaKvaili ' vetwrnw uvhutw. ueaiej acbool, 10 :80 - a. ss preaehlng. 11:80 a. JB. 1 praise service. .7 p. bm sermon, 8 g. sa. .' ' .' ' ATOaT. ' -rkrkttlsa' Cstbolle Church In Slen Allaky haU. aecOCU BOOT, iniro annm airevia Rav. cnariee "lv " - --1 Dreachlng. 11 .. 8B.I . I. A. C. M.l p. m. Orklef Orean Sunday school, 10 s. m. preaching. 11 s. m.; Young People's meeting, 7 p. m.; preaching, 7:90 p. as... rrurozuoAt associatior. First Englleb Eaat Sixth and Market streets; Rev. B. A. Stewert. Preaching at 11 a. B., "Fmgreeetve Chrlatlanlty"; Sunday school, 10 s. m.: 7:e8 p. m., eermon, "The Grestest Sin"; Teoog People's Alliance. 4:48 p. m. Orsee Lenta; Rav. H. O. Hendereoa. Ir each Ins. 11 a. sa, snd 8 p. m.; Yonng People's Al liance, T p. m.s Bnnday school, 10 a as, Flrat German Tenth snd Clay streets; Rev. Theo. Scbauer. Bnnday ecnool, 8.30 a, m.; aermoB, 10:48 a. m.; preaching, 1:48 p. m.) T. P. A., 7 p. bu Memorial Tlbbetta and Eighteenth streets; Rev. L. C. Hoover. Sunday srhont, 10 s. m.; preacblng, 11 s. m. end 7:80 p. m.; I. P. A. drvotlonal servlcea. 8:80 p. m. North Portland Twenty-Bret snd Pettyrrove streets; Rev. E. U. Hornarhueb. Sunday school, 8:48 e. m-l preechlns. 11 s. m.; . P. A. prugrsm, 7 p. m.; preacblng, 7 JO p. m. MISSIONS. Llfht Mlaaloa II Fourth etreet, .em I sorts. Preechlng every sight asd Buaday I at 8 p. m. mi., rtranefc Mlaaloa 20 First atreet neat ' rmiimhls. Preacblng every nlgbt et 7i80 Bundaya, S p. m. Sonday echool. 1:80 p. at. St. John's Hollnaaa Mlaaloo 320 fcacoaa atreet Kev. Joba F. Glaaeo. Services ... mnA Sander et S eed f 80 p. m. - Chinese Beotlat 34S Beeood streeL Bervleas , at 7:80 p. sa. . mnern aaiiimilll CTtereh ef the Btrangers Waace street snd Grand avenue: Rev. B.,Earl DuBols. Slornins : service, 10:45 o'clock, with sermoal Sunday i S-nool, 12 m.; sermon, i .o v. - ... .. .. . . u-K..Ame ..eeefat Rev. ' A. W. Wllaon. Morning eerrotijl. 1O:30 a. s. SUOasy scnool, IS a. , eerw, e-. rrwaTsrVTAsT SOimCX. Ftret Church e Cbrlat Bclentlat flenttlah Rite cathedral. Morrleoa and lownadale . mm. m.a m ea in . lun Itfv a A"'!.;." .t ,M.."'Suadir echool eervtcss. :reeoi ; At 3 p. am.. Bible study; LATTER-DAT SAINTS. ' r,. t Jeane Chrlat ef Latter-Dey Saints Hall 400. AHky building, Third aad MorrV ao. atreete. Bervlces et 11:80 a, St. aad 7 p. na. Bander scbool at 10 s. m. , e " xzsrs xxaoRT. Men's Reeort and Peoples Institute Fourth sod Bnmslde straate. Btereoptlcon Bible staay boor. S p. m.: bmb's meeting with sddreas. 4 p. m.; people's gospel fervlee with speclel music, 7:46 p. as. lEORSAjnZXS BAINTB. a t . , , n.4. T a .. ML neoraeniaeo ii'ik." o Day Halnte Rroed atreet end Holladay avenue; Key. V . A. UflMWin, prewiuuia .we, .. k tn . it m. naa 7 .10 a. st.s Sunday scbool. 3:80 p, as. ADTntTIBTB. - . . ooaii 'etle' ateeet nevenin-l'ay aanmuai. , V. " . between Taylor end Salmou; Rev. George A. Bnyder: preechlng, 7:80 p. m.. "Chrlatlan Llb ertv the Prooer Relation ot, the Church -to liumas and Dlrlne Lew." , ' rRJINDS. ' Friends Church Eaat Thlrty-Sfth snd Main etreeta; Rev. Lawla I. BsUley. ' rreennng ei CHEHALIS GUESSING ON . NEW SURVEYING CREW (Special Dispatch te The Journal.) . ' Chehalls, Wash.. Deo. I. There Is a new party of railroad eurveyora at work about three miles southwest of Chehalls. It ia claimed that they are neither Union Paclflo nor Northern Pacific men and there ere many who figure that they are Milwaukee men looking up a route through thle valley.- On the other hand there are some who believe the men may be looking up a new route be tween Chehalls and South Bend for t line that was Incorporated a few weeke ago." .The Milwaukee company, through lta agents, has purchased over IJ0O.009 worth of timber near Bolsfort, south weet of here, snd la said to have other deals under way. , Freferred aTeoefc Canned (foods. Allen eV Lewis' Bast Brand. rovnn LiilLnJ nn UVLl NEURALGIA, KIDNEY TROUBLE CURED BVSVArJS0rJ'S"5DR0PS" IL V. BURNETT. Dexter, XML, writes "Your "3-DROPS" has cured sue ef Kheumaiiam. There ia so symptom of the dis ease shout me. My mother bed been down with, the same disease for nine years, nineteen months of whtoh time ehe bad te walk with e crutch and cane. Mow she bee threw away both andgoea. Where ahe pleaaee without either of them. rhe la 71 years old. S(1N M a- liKi ll-'K.- 1 eaar,inai end waa eared of the Rheumatism by 8 WAK5ON S I shall never be without your remedy In my household." LaFOllette, Term., writes: "My haa proven to do an you oiaimeo. MRS. 8AIXJK BARRY. bnaband Bars your "t-DROPS' Tha doetor said mv kidneys were In bad condition. W.en I waa down stairs I waa unabletogoapagalo without assistance. Your "-DROPS' baa made me sound and well, and I have been able to do mora work the peat six months ibaa I had la ftve years Before." . . SWANSON'S .M8-DR0PS" (s an Internal and tt- ternal remedy, that fives quick Telia! and permanently cures Rhenraatism, Lnmbago, Sciatica, and Neuralgia. - M8.DROP8" taken internally will dissolve tha poisonous acid, remove it iron tha system aad cleanse the blood ot ail impurities. An application f 5-DROPS" to tha afflicted parts will stop tha paint almost In.tantlv, while tha cauae of tha disease Is being iurely removed by ila in ternal use. - - .. --"i . . v . SWANSON'S 5-DR0P5" Is th most effect sjal rcttiesly evar discovered for Kidney Trouble and Liver Complaint. A eingle does will give immediate re anltg.' It Koes direct to tha spot. It keeps tha liver-cells properly at work. It restores tha kidneys to their normal condition by removing tha acids which are the cause of the trouble. It is tha best blood purifier ever discovered. ' "3'DROPS" win ourm Rbountatltm, Moom raJgimtKldn0yTrMM0flMarlpp0tOoda0 s-a .a.aa- InaahaM. JtnimtEnm- flnMrt- AVnUlffBala Omtnrrh, Hmifottrntwrnma, Baokaot, Dyvmil, IntBgomtlon, Oroutt, Nervtwn mndNourmlglo Headmohm, Heairt YtaaktiB; Paratyl; OfmninQ Mambnmma, SJaaploMtws, Eozama, Scrofula and all Blood Dhtoaaom, , i m ' f?5 iv rai f f Test 5 Free A trial bottle will be mailed free of charge to every reader et this request. Cut out the coupon and send to us witn your name aaaaooreas. paper npoaj Writs toeai. riflTIOC M5-0OPin is entirely II U I lUki free from alcohol. ' a te s . other injurious drugs. If 't-BBOPl't is not obtainable'ia your locality, oraar direct from as and we will send it pre paid on receipt of price, $1.00 per bottle. Large 4xa Battle (JOS Deees) f l.vO. Per - seee ay urairanat ASK yseir aruggwx rer tne sere care ler ca opi- salicylatee or Kg II a. sad T:80 p. ; BOBesy acaoot. l. .; Bndeavor. 8:80 p. ss- tWTDEB0aOIA. Mew Chsreb Society Eleventh an , Aldet streets; Bay. Hiram Vrooman. II ll a. servlceei Sonday ecbool. 10 s. m,., emu nvrn czvm. mm .. tmt , . it. v m Knl Mine Third and rmin i,npe., j,,,-- - -- - , -----MorrM streeut Bev. Th.ddeu. M Mlsjud, Services at 11 a. avs Bnuday aehool, 13 m. nguaoa vi rfhereh ef Ood Chapel. 480 Hawthorne a venue 1 Bev. 0. X. sl. Bervlces st 8:80 s. am. and :80 p. Sal Bunaay cuw, w m . Church ef the Meeerene tag Bernelde street; fev. H. 0. Hendrlchs. SarmoTia at 10:80 a. .. p. m. and 1M p. m. Bunday ecaool st lO a. as. nn ihthowbt. s .. . . Ml .k mm.A Uttl aMA. Preaehlag. 11 a. m.; Sunday echool, 10 a. ss. Kn.UHIAt DAW. ...... i . n a e Ball, aeeend ead Millennial , . II ' " Morrlaoa etreete. Bervlces st B:B0 p. . ' TsTVIBSALIST. . . . rinMlk .treete At rx7Z irw. Bti.7- day school. 10 a. m. . . - nzromifxs. Flrat German Tenth snd Stark streets; Rev, Q. Hafner. Bervlcee st 10:48 a. as. snd S v- P. B. C. B S P. m. - GRIDIRON CLUB DINES - PRESIDENT AND CABINET (Joarhal Special' Service Washington. Deo. I. The flag of the famous Gridiron club floats over trio. New WlUard hotel, where the annual fall dinner ef the club tekee place to night. A brilliant eptertalnment has been prepared for a long list of dis tinguished guests, and It will be a not able effsr. The president," members of hie gablnet, the speaker, justices of the slpreme court, nmhasssdora, eon atora, rt preaentstlvea end men eminent In ell I elks of life are to be among the guestiv i - i ' i treferred atoek Canned Oooda. i Allen ss 1-e wis'. Best Brand, Swensea Pill.' Fries. Z$ eta, FREE COUPON Ho. 43 Oat ea eMa aaeeea ana eand H wtta your name aad e4Sreas ea Swaneon RheeaiaaleOare 0.,(uruail yoawlll be aan e trial heeUe et b&Orf tree. poeteeiC 'BBSM.avaheW-- J tTPiaoc MANIC SWANSON RHEUMATIC CURE CO., 160 LAKE STREET, CHICAGO s rmmgasssBSSstssi ..... - - iw v a iff) X 2 7 " afi i -r a coia I (Irjr X This Is an a L 1 1 ' ' wAstgrar tmd, Produces intenea ' . tvtal without saookg at smell because H is aqejfppcd with emokeleae drvice no trouble, . ao daof sr Easily carried around frosA roam to room. - Yoa cannot torn the wick too high or too low. As assy gad simple to cars fog aaa lacaa. Tha . . PE1CTEC1TON Oil Heater -r--v - -(Eqalpp4 wvitts Siiekclai Dvlce.) ,' , is an ornament to liehofne. It b snaie in two rmlslvts oickgl snd Ispan, Brats c4 fount beautifully embossed. Holes 4 quarts oi oil and bums 9 hours. Every heater warranted. ' Do not be satisfied with Mythmg hut a PERFECTION Oil Heater. If you cannot get Healer or informetien from your dealer write to nearest t(ocT ' desoriptJva circular. TheiMLarnp . -""r., ;. t-t -i snakes the koma i avright. It the safest tail heat laen fee .et A t" uU -m.. il-M. eleee. steailv llwbx. Fittaal i i.nmnu Bweuiw. m -1 r I . with latest Improved kumcr. Mada of brass throughout and nickel elated. Every lesnp warranted. Suitable for library, dining room or parlor.' If not at your dealer's writs to nearest agency. ., STANDARD OIL COMPANY. ... V