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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 8, 1906)
7 :-..v THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. SATURDAY EVENING, DECEMBER ; 8. T 1808. SIX DAY- BIKERS - ARE READY- Noted ' Bicyclist - Gathered - t Madison Square Garden for the Annual Struggle. FOREIGN RIDERS ARE HOPEFUL OF VICTORY Ede Root, Winner in tht Last Two Brents, and Jo Fogler Are Looked .' Upon as Having Good Chance ." French Team Has Merit ; (Annul Special Service.) ' New York. DeA I. Two dosea bicycle nUra.-the pick of two hemlapheres, are " now entered In the International slx Bay bicycle championship which begins '" ' in Madison Square Oarden shortly after mldnlaht tomorrow. As the men will --rldeuin pair.', thla will make at least , a doxen teams who will start to the grueling rrind for the big money prises, : The event thla year la regarded aa a , : little more open than haa uaually. been the cae in the past, aa a number of the teame In the race are ao evenly matched that the winner may not be decided until the final aprlnt n Satur day night. Dee. IS. The' Hat of American riders la again headed thla year by E. r. Boot and Joe -.' Fogler, the team whtch won the high honors last year. "Bobby" Walthour. the famous Atlanta rider, la -coupled ? with Hugh Mac Lean of Chelsea, Mass. The Bedell brothers of Newark, Downey of Boston,' Hopper of Minneapolis, and ' Downing-ot Ban Jose are among the 7 entries wearing the stara and stripes. ".: " The unknown - quality of several of the foreign riders on this aide of the wster will also make the result of the race doubtful. The foreign era .who are here to compete In the race are the pick of the bicycle riders of Europe, - and good judges who have watched them In their training at Vallsburg de clare they will mala It Tory Interest ing for the American riders through . out the race. The 111 feeling that exists among sev : eral of the riders will also lead Interest to the contest, as each one will use ; every trick possible to gain aa advan tage aver the ethers. , . . , . -YESTERDAYS-RACING A Boston schoolboy was tall, -weak and sickly,- His arms were toft and flabby. He didn hara a sironf musclo in hie entire body. - . J - : . . . ' . , . Tbe physician wbo had attended the family for thirty years prescribed . Scoffs Emulsion. .- NOWt V:;:',; ;'iv;':' To fee! that boy's .arm you . would think he was apprenticed to a blacksmith. ' . . . , .-. ALL'DKUOOl8T8i BOo. AND St.OO? ' BERT REELECTED PRESIDENT Morley's Threats Go for Naught With the Coast League . Directors. ON THREE" TRACKS tJoarnal Bneclal Service! Irfta Angeles, . Dec , I. yesterday's rar results: Five furlongs Pepper and Salt won. Blue Bottle second, Proliflo third; time 1:01 tfc. , Futurity course James A. Murray won.-Young Davis second, Creston Boy third; time. 1:10. Bix furlongs Judge Denton won. Bet- ' ay second. Lord Gladstone third; time. 1:14U. Five-and one-balT rurlongs coionei - Jack won. Treasure Seeker second. Ban i Alvliff thtrdr Tlmert:otH. " Cms mile and 70 yardsJetsam won. 1 . Legatee second. Charlie . Wallworth third; time. l:4H. . , 1 Six furlongs Perry Wicks won, To! !ler second. Nothing third; time. 1:1114 " At Mew Orleans. , (Joe rut Special Senrlee.)'' .:; .. New Orleans. Deo. ,1. Fair ? ground. ' Summary: Seven furlongs Golden Circle - won, Olendover second. Spider Web third, timeTrarr-g. Six furlongs, selling Woodsaw won. Operator-second. Happy Jack third; time, 1:1S 4-5. , Six furlongs, selling Airship won, Columbia Olrl second. Auditor third; time. 1:1. Seven fuYlongs Bill Phillips won, ' Mortl Boy - second. Monet third; time, 1:2 4-i. , Six furlongs, selling Knight of Ivan hoe won, Sir Vagrant second. Gold Duke third; time, l:lt l-l. One mile and one-sixteenth Old '"" Stone won, lA Cache second. Sanction .third; time, 1:41 4-5. - At Zmeryvllle Track. i (Joeraal tpnrlal Service.) ; Baft Franclsoo, Deo. I. Races at Xra- ,aryville: v Five furlongs SIver Una won. Jease ' Bell second,' Mrs. Matthews third; time, i 1:01 1-5. One mile Susie Christian won, Cher , Ipe second, Isabelllta third; time, : 4-5. ' One mile Monaco Maid Won, Cloche d'Or second, Alice Carey third; time, 1:41. ( Futurity course Fireball won, 8. , Francis second, Rotnalne third; time, ' 1:10. " Six furlongs Oolden Rule won. Clan ;" destine second, Tltua II third; time, 1:14. , Xlne mile Stand Over won, Joe Coyne second. Baker third; time, 1:41 1-5. . ' Maiden Trip- ef Saw Uaer, -'" .,., Journal Special arrte.) Liverpool, Deo. I. The magnificent . steamship Servian, .to be operated by the Leyland line in tha service between Liverpool and Boston, sailed today on her maiden trip to America. The Ser vian has a length of 600 feet and By die placement of 10,000 tons. The- steam ship Is designed to carry only first-class passengers. RESOLUTIONS ROAST EX-ANGEL MANAGER Account! Wera Found in Apple-Pie Order and Treasurer . Ewing Was Given a Vote of Thanka Who the New Officials Are. (Joeraal Special Service.) Los Angeles. Dec. I. Despite the op position, and threats of James F. Mor leyr ex-manager- of tha-lioa-Angeles t--' f- ff J-. Eugene F. Bert, Reelected Yesterday President of tbe Pacific Coast League. BpnyZi J. B. Waterman of Watertown, O., Rural free delivery, writes: "jay daugh ter, afflicted for years with epilepay, was cured by Dr. King's New Life Pills. She has not had sn attack for over two years." Best body cleansers and life flvtng tonic pills nn earth. 26o at Red rons Phnrmticv drug store. A Full Dollar's Worth of MAN MEDICINE Free For Six Cents . -. Hr' s eroDMtties, bps. rbit mk. It e.ay ysoiOH for , week sua te try MAN Tils ap tit reeht rifht tht whole dollar'! wortk by r.tsra suit n g.t . wll at soim quietly. HAH atJClHClKB. sera, to TBI STtT for tbe vrek. weary mas. II I. tb. mull .if ytrt t etavrtwe sad Mod? of nwe'e ,wiiiin, Jt I arteatiac an4 It la kirmlvaa, knt tia avMk artla la man-KnlMIng work la a woudor. MAN MEniC'IN pata tbe "irt," Int. a at.a: It ukr. lb. llurlilng wt ef kls n and -trhlea kie. ba-klie. . It will jnm mrll .Mrtlv. erlf-eouHdeat. able, powerful u4 trbwnl with tbe Stanly nali-e that huh--tle aa to tbe etreas-aerve bod. Be that Sire ! a L.J ! mmrntm alT! we wfll aaad m te.uar ia MAM KXD1CIVI worth a "dot. t a donp." aonie peopl aaf. Ie't dalajr IkWa aothl.f o the gnwa fontatnol that will tk. work or yne Ilka Maa Med tela. It .eta yaa ale eraf te try tb coat of (be ' ee !. in ret a rull-alaed dollar a--kf. rf MAN MRMrlNS sent tree te foa Via. I pUUi eanark.4 wmnw. Itnratal. IUaM4 Oa.. TM Laca bMg., IXtfeM, altesigaa. Baseball club, Eugene F. Bert was unan imously chosen to succeed himself as president of the Paclflo Coast league at yesterday s annual meeting. Money warned the directors that If they did not repudiate Bert he would take steps to organize an outlaw league in Califor nia. The warning went unheeded, and for his pslns Morley was given a roast ing In the resolutions that were adopted. The other offlcera chosen were: First vice-president, W. W. McCredle; sec ond vice-president, C. W. Pendleton; secretary and treasurer, Dsnlel W. Long; directors, E. B. Evans. Fresno; Russ Hall, Seattle; C. W. Pendleton, Los Angeles; J. C. Ewlng, San Fran cisco; B. N. Walter, Oakland; W. W. McCredle, Portland. The salary limit for 107 was fixed at $2,400. It was also decided that Coast league players that performed with outside clubs would be subject to a fine. The directors found that the acoounte of the league were In flrat-class condi tion and Treasurer J. Cal-Ewlng was ac cordingly given a vote of thanks. . Here are the resolutions: "Whereas,, tha said Ewlng advanced gratuitously large sums of money throughout the period of our mlsforv tunes to keep the league afloat and es pecially the elty that was represented by a disloyal director, whose lack of true sportsmanship caused the league unnec essary annoyance; now, therefore, "We recommend that the league com mend Treasurer Ewlng, not only for. the accuracy of his accounts, but also for hi. nnrhanx'.ng loyalty , and hls rady and Willing assistance financially, whenever and however needed, which assistance saved us from the rocks. - "Whereas, we also received gifts from many associations In organised bskebail throughout the United States, as shown by the treasurer's books and the aecretary'a financial statement, which have been of Inestimable 'assist a See during our period of adversity; therefore, "We recommend "that the secretary send to each and every one of such as sociations an expression of our warm est and heartiest gratitude and thanka" SCHMIDT WILL MANAGE THAT WHITMAN ELEVEN Walla Walla, Wash., Dec. I. At the meeting of the Associated students ex ecutive Committee Erneet Schmidt wss appointed as football manager for the coming season of 1107. He .will tske the plaoe so well filled this year by Arthur Morgan of the junior class. Schmidt Is a member of the sophomore class who came to Whitman from Spo kane, where ha graduated from high school. He has played quarter on the 'Varsity team for two years and Is wsll qualified 'to manage tha team as well. In ease he' does not play next sea son. Ills practical experience will be of value next-season. In. that case. An effort will be made to secure the return of Coach Balrd to train the eouad again next year. , J , SPIRITED BOWLING : ON THE .OREGON ALLEYS Two. Classes of Ten Pinners Make Good Scores Last Evening. The two classes each had teams rep resented last nlhton theOregon al leys. The claas A event, Montavllla vs. Oold Leaf, was one-sided, tha Villa team belnar short a man. It waa hard luck, as one mora man would have won ona or mora games for them. : The Oold Leaf got all three games. Aus pach had the best average, 100, also highest, score for one game, til. Tha scores: , OOLD LEAF. . ' 1 Sheffer ......17 12R Hague ........ . v -i8' 6i Boulanger .........195 ll Gatllard 16S Kneyee ............171 170 t Ave. KOERHER TO LEAD iJIOARDIIIALJ Oregon City Man- Elected Cap I tain oV the Stanford UnUJ, vereity Football Team. NEW LEADER POPULAR WITH STUDENT BODY Third , Time "Succession That a Portland -Academy ' Player Has ..Been Honored at the Palo Alto In. atitution Koerner Is Very Clever. . (Joaraal Special Service.) 1 -Stanford University, Cat, J?ec t.-At a .meeting of IS 'varsity football players last 'night William Koerner of Oregon City, Oregon, - was elected captain of the Cardinal football team for next sea. son.. Stott, the retiring captain, re ceived a good vote. Koerner played forward thla year on the victorious Rugby - team and last year he was and on tha team that de feated California by tha score of to B. In his freshman year Koerner played end in tha Intercollegiate freshman game, but did not make the 'varsity that season. Ha is a strong, aggressive player and is popular with the players as well aa the undergraduates In gen- Feral. His election waa well received by all, and no mattsr which game la played Stanford Is sura to have a good captain. .: Koerner la well known In tha college. He has played In ' tha class baseball team and la a prominent member of the Junior class. . He is a member of Skull - and Snakes, - the junior -society, and of tha Kappa Sigma fraternity. Koerner la tha third Portland . acad emy player in succession to captain the Stanford 'varsity football team,- Chalm ers and Stott being his two predeces sors. . - - - Total (51 171 MONTAVILLA. It! Sloan . . Auspaeh Parent . MoCaslln Total , - - 1 -,....171 ...,171 ....117 lit . t 171 101 118 171 t Ave. 170 17( lit 200 IS 136 lit ISt .141 7S 711 - The cjass B match was Intereating and kept tha spectators keyed up all the time. It waa a match between top and bottom teams. Commercial No, 1 against Commercial No. 1, tha latter team class shape for the holiday games. Tha reat of the squad is In good condition, snd will resume the work let np on Thanksgiving. The practtoa will be at II o'clock sharp. e e Heeler- and Holllday wera awarded the doubles handball pennants In the Multnomah club tournament last night. The singles began last evening with the following results: Van Voorhls won "from Gammie, 11-11, 1S-11, 11-11. William Patterson won from Morgan tl-t, 11-11. Boulan won from Healey. Scores, 1-IL 11-17, Jl-S. Livingston defeated Edwards, 11-10, 11-17. e e Tha baseball fans of Fort Worth, Texas, will see both the "White Sox" and "Cuba", in practice - games next spring. e e There Is great guessing in Detroit aa to tha make-up of next years ball team. For 4 HQU RS TONIGHT ; In order to induce new faces to visit our most excellent Hard ware Establishment, we will sell to" all who jmay come, r ' . - v 40-Cent Saucepans and 4dCent Lip Preserying Kettles at each, Sale opens at 5 and closes at 9:30. , These prices are far and aWay below wholesale cost of these first-class JCitchen . Utensils.. 1 L GET-IN EARLY-AS YOU CAN l . i TT TT TT -aw 1 loeny 130 First Street, Between Washington and Alder, Next Door to O. W. P. Railway Waiting Room. Telephone Main 1382 ; taking - two of the three games, also ' So far Manager Jennings haa declined bringing their opponents off their lofty perch. The Wll lamettes again lead the class : B - teams - in tha - percentage col umn. Lamond was the top man ef tha eon test, getting highest single game, 14S, also high average. Davidson" made a good showing, securing two double century- games, and averaging ,1(4.. Tha scores: COMMERCIAL NO. I. 1 ' - Are. KlUlngsworth ......154 11 15S 1 Sumption ...118 159 145 1(7 Davidson ...10 J4 107 187 t Kaes itt ll it Ht4-ft a t s i ea m -Tu rnl sir a pfttYtooG idea ....111 141 111 161 Total ..tit 771 COMMERCIAL NO. 1. Ill 111 Ave. Lamond 140 114 147 190 LaRoche ...........111 171 lit 167 Deavera ...........lit 171 11 16S Meleen ..Ill 1(1 141 1(7 Armltage 111. 141 111, 149 Total ............131 III 10 ABE ATTELL KNOCKS OUT WALSH OF BOSTON (Journal flpadal STTlee. -Loa Angeles, Dec. g. Jlmmle Walsh of Boston waa knocked out last night In ths eighth round by Abe Attell, the featherweight champion. .WaJeh was no match for tha champion. A right Jolt to tha solar plexla put Walsh in dream land. He remained . unconscious for three minutes. "SPORTING GOSSIP ' After a rest of nine days, during which time tha players have been nurs ing sore shins and black eyes, ths Mult nomah club squad will turn out tomor row morning for the first workout in preparation for tha Christmas and Nsw Year's games with ths Seattle Athletlo club team. The rest has done the play ers considerable good, and there Is no doubt that they will settle down to seri ous work for tha all-Important games that are to some. While there has been considerable said about chsnges that will ba made on ths club eleven, nothing of a definite nature has beea deolded upon, and it Is quite certain that noth ing tangible will be known until a few days before ths Christmas contest. Dallas college team 41 to . This was ths first game of tha season. ' During tha past four afternoons a smsll squad of clubmen haa been out on the field, getting Into condition. Ru pert, who suffered an injury to his left leg esrly In the season, was out warm ing up. Ed Morgan of sprinting 'fame snd an end of reputation, put on his suit and enjoyed seversl days' work out. Morgan Is one of ths speedleet men cn the coast, snd ha will be a wel come man an ths squad. Harmar, a for mer oenter on Multnomah, haa got ths fever and be, too, has been working out James has been taking light exercise. snd says that his leg will ba In first Stomach Troubles V: to give a atngla tip. Outfielder Ganley - of Pittsburg has had quite an experience In baseball. He hss played In Merlden, Brockton, Al bany, Schenectady, Marion.. Columbus, Milwaukee, Des Molnea and Oakland, CaL v. - , . ' ,. ' e e In the California championship games Hal Chass plays first for San Jose and Prank Chance for Stockton.- Tha best In major league circles. . . e Figures given out by tbe Nsw Tork of what It costs to run a minor ball league. Transportation cost 11,101 and hotel expenses 111.061. Salaries aver age about $1,000 a month for each club, fee Southern football teams played Car lisle a stronger game than the North ern teams; Vanderbllt won from the Indians and Virginia lost by tha close score of II to 17. - e a ; The Tala freshman football team thla year waa a hummer. Soma great ma terial there for. tha 'varsity next year. WOODMEN AND ARTISAN " OFFICERS ARE CHOSEN (Spadal Dispatch to The Journal. Tha Dalles, Or., Dec. I. ML Hood oamp, No. II, W. O. W has elected the following officers for the ensuing six months, to ba Installed after January 1: W. M. Cook, consul commander; John Hackmann, advisor lieutenant; Oeorge R. Baker, banker, one year; John Mich ell, clerk, one year; J. B. Golt, manager, year and a half; J. S. Fine, escort; J. D. Hockman, watchman; W. J. Vshsr, sentry. . Dalles assembly. No. IS. United Arti sans, has elected the following officers for the term beginning January 1: M. A-, P. F. Mulllken; -superintendent, C. A. Hunt; Inspector, Mrs. Rose Rob erts; secretary, P. R. Angle; treasurer, W. A. Klrby; 8. C Mrs. Emily Sanders; M. C, Mrs, Sadls ButU; J. C .Mrs. C A. Hunt; field eommsnders, W. O. Wood worth and Mrs. Lottie Watts. Thla sssembly is enjoying unusual prosperity snd will soon move Into more commodious quarters In ths new Odd Fellows' hall, ... a . ... . . Worth Powder's JVew Officers. (Sptrtal Dlaeatcb to The JoeraaU North Powder, .Or., Deo. I. -Tha At Dallas last night the Chemawa eUT election nere nrongni out an un- baakettair teamks -oTRateatSy--TBs aeua-liy heavy-vote., yna flowing, were 41 to I. Thla was aiayor, j. xj. mcu.ron, re elected; N. O. Oorham, Walter Jones and H. W. Polen, councilman ; Chris John son, who had no opposition, treasurer. The referendum, "City Wster Ditch," carried. Frail: Lands -AT- Irrigon, Oregon LOCATED ON THE-COLUMBIA RIVER AND OREGON -. RAILWAY & NAVIGATION CO. , ,. .... - . . , . ;i ., . Three hundred fourteen days' sunshine where one can make a home, whether on a large or. small salary, get 5 or 10 acres of land, . rplanteda fruitrandimprovedor you; thenhaveyour-ownincome and be independent; one fifth cash; one fifth each year; 6 per cent. " ' The Title Guarantee & Trust Company 240-244 WASHINGTON STREET. -'ill POLITICAL FROST FOR FAIRBANKS Triumphant Tour of Vice-Presi- . .. dent In Recent Campaign Proved a Hoodoo. ''The Honest Through sixty I Positively Cured by "Nature's Own Remedy, Bassett's NATIVE HERBS, or costs you nothing) 25c and $1 (contains Sight Draft for return of your manrr 4 net carte ) At Druf (lata n Mack kaacta ar Trial Baa raCE-br -mens Basaelt's Nativa Herbs Company Cala a. UtMa see rreacleca. 11. , Sozodont Dentifrice." years no honest effort, has been spared to "give to the public a Dentifrice that the teeth require. It is an Alka line, slightly astringent, de liriously fragrant deodorizer and tonic-for the tooth and "mouth structure. It is "your ,loss if you are not using it (Waaktnttea Banes ef The 7aanuL) Washington, Deo. T Something In tha nature of a political frost settled down upon tha Fairbanks boom In ths very homo of tha genial statesman him self at tha lata' election. It la all the mora disquieting to tha friends of the boom because the vice-president him self waa made the central figure of the closlnw dajs of the campaign. Tha funds of tha state oommtttee. most of which waa subscribed by rail roads, wera expended In arranging a personal - "triuraphant-our'1 for ths vice-president, and he waa whirled, over ths state, speaking at the little towns, receiving tha school children and talk ing In that fearless war of hta about the beauties of childhood and ths sweet perfume of the Dowers snd the glory of tha flag. The relation which thess things had to- the Issues In tha Indiana campaign Is neither here nor there. But the vice-president was here and there and everywhere, smiling benignly upon tha voters, where ha could get a sufficient number together. A newspsper In Indianapolis on which the vice-president holds a first mort- r unite in tbe shape of 1200,000 in bond, finish." The oandldatea for congress on tha Republican ticket, tot whom he made a special plea in every district, are ready to agree that It was In the nature of a "finish" aa far as they are ooncerned. For while the Republicans carried nine of the thirteen districts, the net total of ths majorities, by congres sional districts, showed that tha Repub licans carried the state by only (,020. Two of the' Republican members of congress, Cromer and Fred Landls, were dereated for reelection. The vice-president made a special plea for tha reeleo tlon of both of them. Soma of those who were reelected came In on small pieces of wreckage. Mere are some of the Republican pluralities: Representa tive Brick, 107; Representative Qllhams, SCO; Representative Chaney,-410; Repre sentative Holllday,' til. It is true the stats tlekst had a plu rality of I0.I2&, but a reform laaua was precipitated In the campaign by Gov ernor Hanly, who has been sending some Republican office-holders to the peni tentiary and compelling others to resign, and the state ticket came yirough on the Clarke. Woodward Drug Co. fa Kaaaaoturlag, Wkoli Xs porting m assla. Ninth and Hoyt Sts. Greater floor apses, larger stock and more convenient shipping fa cilities than any - houss on ths coast. Private switching track to our door from terminal grounds and ' all transcontinental railroad lines. Direct importers of gum camphor and menthol from Japan, precipitated . chalk and aundries from England, fine perfumes and proprlstanlea from Prance, hypo, soda and; heavy chemlcala from German, Haarlem oil from Hol land. Buyers of Oregon beeswax, cascara bark, grape root and crude druge of tha northwest - reform sentiment with.' a loss of about 10,000 from two years ago. Preferred gtock Canned woods. Allen at Lewis' Best Brand. A ympethetlo SonL Prest the Mlaaeaeella Journal. ttaenetsaaer I abould ilk a ale alrlola (task, swdluai dose, with a lamp e( fine tot ter ee to. Walter I doa't blame roe. i-THEiNEWYORK wSatlNSTlTUTEJ n This Is a Burrlca! and Medical Institute or Dispensary for the successful treat ment of all diseases of both men. women and children, and Is fully the very latest and moat mflndern outfit of acientina surgical end equipped with loner clectrio apparatus. nr nur. fresh medicines, with s, flrat-class phar- macHi. io gmprnni mem. If you are sick. If your fsmtly doctor and his medicines cannot cure you, come at once and inveetlaate the succeaaful treatment given at the New Tork Sural-, cal and Medical Inatltute. No matter what your trouble may be. If you are not getting well, come to ue at once.' ' Electricity given patients without extra charge. The doctors of the New Tork Surgical and Medical Institute trest and cur all disease of the eye, ear, none, thrnnt and lungs, heart, kidneys, bladder, ' hraln o tarrh, asthma, rheumatism, bronchitis, ehllls snd malaria, skin diseases, neural- hemorrhoids and rectal troubles, and all eured and their effects headache, Insomnia, deafness. ala, diabetes, dysnensla. droDsy. forms of sores, blood and wasting dlseasee. All private and wasting dlaeues promptly permanently eradicated rrom tne system. . Dlvtases of women and children given special attention. '" Nervous dlseaees and nervous prostration mads a specialty. - Erxema and all skin dlsesaes promptly cured. All medicines are furnished to patients from the laboratory of the Institute. -- - Consultation either at tha Institute, ar at tha patient's home, or by mall, free. , Office hours t to 11 A. M., I to I P, M., and 7 to I P. M. Sundays, 10 to 11 A. M. . NEW YORK SURGICAL & MEDICAL INSTITUTE I Permanently Located a Corner of glxtk and (3334) Waabington gtreets, POmtXAsTO, OI.XOOBT. i i -4