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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 8, 1906)
0'- PAGET COflllDS IRELAND'S IIRLlf LlST VJEEli OF THE GREAT BY PRETTY GIRL" THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SATURDAY EVENINO, DECEMBER 8, 190. RODDER CAPTURED II 11 ' ",' ...J- " i i i i , - : . '' - ', -.yi ..a, nw ii -!- .aiiisssg ., .'... a. pjiassasaa- m m nism .,.. . in, i - i is. 1 1 n i n .')-) n . p. . (1 Brave Young Woman : Leads Chase on Street and Across Roofs for Burglar. .'. . - Heart Hew ' - NwToTk, Ovc, l.ln the . Tomb waiting trial la Harry Meeker, a thief, who m a few days ago captured by pretty Eloiae HaIvIJ- her. sister Con- , aunt, after an exciting chaaa through 1 r I "f I mm Miss Eloise Hale. the at reel and over houaetopa In which women, policemen, fireman, trolley ear conductor, motormen and .'Other eltl gens took part. . Mr. Hale, hla daughter and hla wife bad dined with friend and war return ing homo... Mr. Hale stopped In a cor ner store to get a cigar and the mem- the houee. The Hale, have the third th l.00 tenn1ee away from my Ore- , 7-. - 'ij?! ' aocumula- - C? i eels collector had an tlon of pennies.-- He told his would make him a preaent -entire lot If he-would pot them-In." boxes, th same number In each box, . . . There was an odd number of pen ult so that If a put an eauar tram ber in each of two boxes there would be one penny left over; in a like mea ner be figured on S. 4, I. t, 7. . . 10. 11. 13. It. 14. IS. 14. 17. 15, It. SO, tl and 2 boxes, but in every oaa jf he put an!' number In each bos there-would be one (only one) penny left over. The son gave It up and told hla father. he thought It Impositble to perform the- fC - Hie father replied: ' "8K1DOO 2r for you." The eon then ut the entire lot or pen nies In 1J boxea, the same number in each box. How many pennies were . there? ' . - - .. ' To make the problem plain: The entire number of pennlea waa a number. ! t which If divided by any number from to 22 Incluaive- there will be a re mainder of one (only oae) and If divided by 21 there will be no remainder. Address all. answer to null XSITOBV, The' Journal,' Portland.' The prtics are worth working for and winning. To the peraon who sends. .In th best solution of the Sklddo problem, $10 In bright new pennlea will be given: for it others, beautiful ! stickpins are the award and others .will get tl pennies Just from the mint. i. . ' - Coprrlgbt ISO hy C. C, Kelly. Cbleeae. ' - V Have You Sent the Answer? Husband of Mary Stevens Suc ceeds General Wallace Crenfell. - ' . JUST ONE MORE CHANCE TO ' ANSWER THE SKIDOO PROBLEM . . . . 'N '.:..' ;"' , ." Skldoo! " ' t There wra g7,84l pennies." eays at- Time's nearly up. After tomorrow 1 torney B, D. Pulford of Myrtle Point, no more. answers will bo received to the J who gives a fine Illustration of how th has lost the chance fo win the prizes for solving skldoo it haa not been -the fault of the puttie editor. But it Is not likely that anyone will be late. Indeed.' It seems now ab If at leaat - one member of every family. In the Oregon country had a solution. . - From California, -and British Colum bia, and aa far away aa Arizona and New York anawera have been received; but none haa touched the puzzle editor eo deeply as haa this: -'Berkeley, CaL, Dec, 4. To the Puz- ale Editon Jh one year ago today, j with my parents. I left Eugene, Or.. and I am aa homealck aa a 12-year-old girl can be. to return to that atate and place. This deslre-'to be In Oregon and again take part In pony racea. awlm- mlag contests In the upper Willamette la my onlyxcue for trying to take flat. When Miss Constant-reached the landing at the top of the ataira a man ran from the apartment, nearly' knock ing her down. Aa he dashed down the stairs she ran inside and . opened the window.' uaotnt nr out as the fellow ran from the house she shouted -"Police!'-' and "Thief!" as loudly - as she eoulrf. Mrs. Ilale and Mlas Klolae had followed ; the man and were eloee on hla heels aa he ran down Oatea avenue. . . , Sprinting at top speed. ' the ' tMef swung- himself onto, a .trolley car that had turned Into Franklin avenue. Be- 'Mnd'the-car'eame'thsr two .women erd ' Karly Taylor, a colored man. ahoutlng "Thief f'. and yelling tor the ear to atot. - Policemen joined the pursuers and tho thief fled Into an apartment-house. Here he fled to the roof. Through a . side door be attempted to escape and was seen by Mlas Constant Hals. "There he is." shouted the young woman, aad aa he started to run asaln lie threw herself at him with the vigor of a football player snaking a tackle.. In the coat the fellow had ' thrown away were found three gold rings, a silver watch, two gold bracelets, a gold locket, a beaded chain and five brooches valued In all at 1200. gon friends. If yon read my solution of the "Skldoo Problem"- carefully, and it looks aa plain' to you ss It seems to me, I sm sure te win. IMRA WANTtf. 2511 Hillside Way. Berkeley. Cat. Oregon, haa been a loving mother to her children, and that letter shows that her offsprings JoveOregoaCThe. puz zle editor, of course, haa no preferences. but If little lrora Wann's solution Is the belt well, we'll see, we'll see. MAY GET FREEDOM (Continued from Page One.) jtro-blem w solved. "I have the answer; 141 pennies." writes Robert Lee, Vancouver. "For ward pennies or check by return 'msil." Robert, please understand that the conteet la not over yrt. The prise edi tor must positively refuso to send any prises until all who desire to solve the puzzle are hesrd from. ' Here. Is a commanlcatlon that la very tlnd in intent. It would aave the puzzle 31 tor a good deal of trouble:. "To the Publlo We have bad so many answers that we don't know who to give the prise to. But after thinking rather aertoualy we have decided to give It to John 8. Mill, who answers 22, and lives at 747 Raleigh street, city." All right, Johnny. The fact that you have "made life a trifle easier will be taken into account aa filling one of the requirements "of theolatlon,ana tr' your answer Is the best It won't be skldoo for you. . .... . j J. H. Hastings. Bridal Tell, sends s carefully prepared sheet on which 12 I boxes are nicely drawn, with thla ex- planatlon: 12 multiplied by 17 equals Stl pennlea Oood, Isn't It Maybe ne ii win. - (Hearst Nswe Servje. . : London, Deo. 7. -Lieutenant-General Arthur Henry Paget, grandson of the second Marquis of"Anglesey and hua band of Mary Steyene, daughter of the late Paran Stevens of New York, haa v Mr. Beanies referred bitterly to the manner in which the Oregonlan handled the story of the murder and trial, and aid: - - - "I bad many signed statements from Dora and her brother, and when ' the Oregonlan correspondent- learned of It - he asked for them. . I waa away at the . time and my brother refused to give ' them to him. The correspondent then -threatened to take the other side of the case unlehla demand -were eo- j - ceded to. He kept his word, and by ' his stories to his paper . Interfered greatly with the prosecution. The cor respondent afterward told me that ha .- thought both ' parties guilty 4 of the crime, but that the publlo liked to have . the story handled, the way he handled It That may be newspaper work, of which I know very little, but It Is not just and the Oregonlan la largely re sponsible for the feeling stirred up against the state. Mr. Reamee left today for Balem, where he will take up the case pf Jen nings next. week. XMtok of TJaaarmlty sTe-Vae, - .- From thai variety of answers received. the Impression grows deeper In the put ste editor's mind that these seems -to be a fcaek of unanimity among the members of the Skldoo club over the answer. All are agreed that they have found the correct eolutlon, however. For Instance t T. Brown of Medford. says: "Tour puzzle Is too easy for any but kids In the kindergarten. Answer, 12 pennlea Bend 1.400 pennlea by express, prepaid.": ' . "I have." writes Arthur Laagenderfer. Vancouver, Wash., "made eut your skl doo problem; 11 by 11 no remainder." "Your problem is a -very easy mathe matical proposition: 171.141 pennlea" Victor Farnelk Salem. "I want the pennlea for Christmas." writes F. T. Wright, Mllwaukle; "please send them at once." Mr. Wright forgot to give his answer. and It was not until a latsr mall came In that this waa received: "Oh, I for got to give you my solution: the boy had (21 pennies. Don't forget to send the pennlea "The boy had pennies, say av. r. : Grainger, Ashland. I Into the big figures:- W. W. Olosby, The Dalles. 1,426.055.111; Martha Mon tague. Albany. I1.514.R45.241; Willie A. Hughes, Woodbum. 4.052,404.141: J. K. Forbes, Wasco, pennies in each box; B. T. Morris. 1441 Esst Oltsan street 102.421.714.40.1: L. a. Wheeler. 110 Sixth, street 112.104,071.- i M,ivu,i,vei. Am, eesae UttW Ones. But everybody does not think. Skldoo gees aa far aa that Lloyd Rhlaler. Har ris burg, says It and Skldoo for ' the editor. Mrs. M. Toaiee. Mllwaukle. 171, end also Skldoo for the editor; Lester M. Robinson, 11, and "Eureka"; Frankle Braley. Arleta. 414; Amelia R. T. Baker, 116 Hasaalo street end Jerry Rveboda, 21 Union avenue North, say (21 pen nies. Other answers have been received from John Kerrlsh. 210 Front street; F. H. Bremen, 471 Guilds avenue; Dor rts Brown. 224H First street: J. D. Jackson, 114 First street; William J. Draws, 67S Trinity street; Edith Hay- ward, First and Terwllllger avenue: W. W. Merrlam. city; H. R. Martin, Amity; 8. J. Ktrby. 171 East itnkeny street; Frank Davey. Salem; .F, Genoa, 171 East Twenty-sixth street; H. L. Ciider, Dallas; J. A. Guy. 171 East Twetleth street . f iyfy - r1'""11 fi , I . f! Mrs. Arthur Psget. been selected to succeed General Fran cis Wsllace-Grenfell as commander-in-chief of ihe armjr In Jreland. General Paget "who la stin young and whose marriage to the New York society girl 1s a matter ofreeent his tory, won hla spurs In the South Afri can war. which he entered as colonel of the Second SCets Guards. He was mentioned frequently for gallantry In action. Since Hoi General Paget and Tils wife in urn MlMf To suppose that if a furnace heats a house it is necessarily a good furnace, and if it does not it is necessarily a had furnace. Any furnace having the requisite amount of heating surface, if supplied with a sufficient amount of pure air, will warm your house but the fuel consumption may differ. JTS PROPER INSTALLA TION, the right size pipes and a good furnace that makes a good job 11 KicPherspn XompaDy ; Heating Engineers - First Street,-Between Pine and Ash" CARBON PAPER TO BE EMPLOYED Orders for Supplies In All City Departments Will Be Made Out In Duplicate. . ONE POINT IS WON IN'MAYOR'S FIGHT City's Chief Execudva Declares That Heretofore Requisitions Have Been Made Out In Blank and List of Purchases Filled in Afterwards. Mere are some anawera whTdTrTrerpTTiave Men NEW OFFICERS-ELECT OF SALEM SOCIETIES rSpselal Dhipstck te The leerasl.t Salem, Jr., Deo. I. The following of ficers were elected last evening for the ensuing year by Salem lodge, A. F. eY A. - M. : W. M., M. P. Baldwins 8. JF, John Sweney; X. W., M. A. McCorkle; i eoretary. Charles P. Elgin; . treaaurer, Dan J. Fry. Sedgwick poat. No. 10. O. A R., has chosen ' the following officers: . - Com- . mander, John P. Robertson; senior vioe Oommander, "William Lnslng; junior vice-commander, ' Comrade Thompson: chaplain, William Roblnaon;. officer of the day, Gideon Stols; sergeant, V. H. Simpson: cuartermaater, J. n. Smith; officer of the guard. J. E. Ross, Innsr guard. E. S. Brlggs; trustee, w. A. B" .. . :. . .. Capital assemniy, no. a, irnnea Ar tisans, held Its election last evening, with the following result: J. E. God frey, master artlssn; Margaret Pome rov. superintendent: Mr. H. M. Bran son, inspector; William McOllchrlat, secretary; W. M. Hill, recording secre tary; 8. R. Vail, ssnlor conductor; Kate Bernardl, master of ceremonies; junior conductor. Anna High; Joy Turner, mil slclan: Mrs. Anna Miller and, Mrs. James E. Godfrey, field commanders. IDAHO PIONEER DIES , IN BURNING SHACK fSMu-lsl nisnsteh te Th Jeenisf.1 Pocatello, Idaho, Deo. 1. Frank Me- Keon, aged veteran ana - pioneer, was burned to death yesterday in a shack where he lived. It Is believed he wss drinking and accidentally sst the blase himself. FOR FIFTY-FOUR YEARS . HE LIVED IN OREGON nael1 Dlseatrfe te The JoaraaU Salem, Or., Dec tj The funeral of David McCully, a pioneer of this city, who died Thursday afternoon, waa held today it 1 p. in. from hla late residence. The Interment was In the Odd Fellows' cemetery In the family plot. Rey. .P. S. Knight of the Central Congregational Portland, Or.,' December 7, 1111. Mr. I Samuel. General Manager "Ore gon Life," Portland Or. ' ' Dear Sir: I desire to eommend to the eitlsens of Oregon the promptness with which 'your -company pays Its death lossea My" son Chester took a policy, with you on 'July I, 1101. At 10 o'clock this morning, I presented proofs of his death at your office, and within one -hour you handed ma a check for the full amount of the policy. I have never heard of such extreme promptness from any life Insurance company. Tours truly, " 1 ' OLIVER ORTON. - Mr.' Chester Orton wa an Inspector "Tof Ihe Portland General Electrle com pany. church, officiated. Mr. McCully was a native of New Brunswick. - In 11(1 he came to Oregon and after having lived a short tims at Harrlsburg he cam to Salem, where he hsd resided continuous ly until his death. He leavee three sons snd two daughters: J. . W. and F..D. McCully of Joseph. Wallowa coun ty; Albert McCully of Buttevllle; Mrs. ,M. J. Crelghton and Mrs. A. N. Gilbert of Salem. Mrs. McCully died about 11 years ago. he held a command second only to that of the commander-in-chief of the Eng lish forcea there. General Orenfell has been eldaV of the Egyptian army. British commander In China, governor of Malta He served with conspicuous bravery in the Kaffir snd Zulu AnFrheTlrst "of "The year" carbon paper will be uaed in making out re quisitions for supplies in all the city department. Mayor Lane haa won that much tn his fight for additional safeguards In the accounting system. Heretofore the stubs of a blank book have been, consid ered sufficient. The mayor declares NEGRO HOBO JAILED FOR ROBBING, PAL fSpeelsl Slsseteb te The leeresl.t ' Eugene, Or, Dec. I. George Williams, a young negro, Is serving a 11-day sen tence In the county jail here, having been brought down from "Cottage Grove, where he was tried and sentenced by Justice of the Pence Young for rob blng his companion, another negro, nsmed Donahue.- -L The two negroes were hoboing through the country and when they reached .Cottage. Grove .became drunk. . Dm. sr. J. nrLTOsr, Vararoyetk. . More than half the disease of human ity are due to absolute Ignorance, and the other half la prolonged becsuse of leek of knowledge. People get slrk snd csnnot explain the reason. Then they bltndlv follow their doctor. whn Mn. verses with them In Latin-written pre scriptions, snd. like the rest or us poor, deluded mortals who havo been eating the glucoee-polsoned candy, they "take their medicine" and continue to be sick. I GIVE NO MEDICINE AT ALL And yet I cure even those who have been treated In vain by the drug physi cian nave iMKT-tnerr -stonwehs deluged with nostrums, pocketbooks depleted, their pains not abated. Employ No S urgery The knife Is not a part of my prac tice. I cure without It. I -do not re move one part of the human anatomy to While Donahue was asIeepWllllams ex tracted from hla pockets 1(0 In cash 2.1... :Z T .k.- IT. . " or ' Purge another of lta dtsesse. -ww ...v.. a V .vrwu. C , WSV caught at Roseburg with a part of the money and the other plunder en his person. BURGLARS OPEN SLOT MILLS AT SILVERTON i ". (ftpeelsl Tlsptrh te The Journal.) SUverton. Or. Dec. 1 Vsn Hooser A Brooks' saloon waa entered and robbed of about 111 In change and a few bottles of whiskey. Entance was made by breaking a window. From all appear ances the job was done by parties living In the city. The money waa takv-n from a slot machine. The cash register was broken open, but no money had been left In the drawer. Another slot ma chine was badly broken In trying to get the money from It. v WHIRLED BY MACHINERY "DENUDED AND BRUISED (SseHsl (Heeeteh te Tk Jearaaf.t " Baker City, Deo, I. While watching the big aawa In the South Baker mill of the Oregon Lumber company, Frank Waters' clothing was caught tn the ma chinery and ha waa whirled In ths air several times Every stitch of clothing waa torn off him except his shoes and the cuffs of his undershirt. Waters was uninjured eioept for . painful tnuss. ..'..''.. ' wATTraoyATarr ctrmxs AOooarBw TO SATtSXI ItAWS. That'a the secret of It all. It la the jewel of scientific achievement. Its teaching Is spreading like fire upon the dry prairies. It has scaled the moun tains, and on wings of mercy hss crossed th oreana. It has cured more dlsesses in It years than all other sys tems of treatment combined, in Fort- land, within five years, I sm sure that no other doctor no half dosen have as many cures to their credit have UU aa many euree to their credit aa I can name, end many of the have been of th. moat difficult and serious charac ter. I have taken patient after they had been ordered to the hospital, doomed to operations that wonld have caused them life-long agony had they lived and eured them. t OAST CT&S TOTS, TOO. as the present system remains tn force. Auditor Devlin. It la . understood. -baa agreed to the change. -' "The requteltlona are being filled In now Instead of- being mad out In blank," ' said the msyor today. "They are in much better shape nowand by the first of the year the record will be a lot better. ... "As to th letter of the auditor to the executive board yesterday?' I sm told that In the fire department at least, ths requisitions have always been made out In blank, and the Hat of purchases filled In afterward. Thla haa been the rule tver since the auditor Went Into office. and yet It lias taken htm all thla time to find It out." It la reported that at the special conn ell meeting Tuesday an effort will be msde to call In the eommlttee appointed to Investigate the auditor's depart ment. The councilman have decided that a special session is necessary but me msyor nsa neara notning or it today. I was authorised to appoint the com mittee, and I appointed Measrs. Kails- her, Vaughn and Rushlight," said he this morning. I supposed that -they wouia go anead and make a thorough In veati ration. It la possible that the council will en gage experta from outside Portland to- examlne the auditor's department .laltv H-V - -tt-irTnTHM-SlSalS 1 ! S.H i ST sir The Kind Ton Hare Iwars Doasrht. said which haa in use zc-r over ao years, has borne the tlffnatUTw ef - and has been made under his per 5V2e. son&l supervision since Its lnfkner. ft f4 , AHotr no nna til dsMlvn mm In this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and h Jnst-as-goodM are bus Experiment, tbat trifle with and endanger the health ef -Infants and Cfrndr .iExperlne What lc CASTORIA Cast4ria Is a harmless snbstltu'e for Castor OH, Par tori , Drops and Socthinjr Syrups. It Is Pleasant. It contains nc'ther Opium Morphine nor other Xareotto - ibstanco. Its afro is Its truarantee. It destroys Worma W4 aunys rcverlshncss. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind oUc It reliever Teetolnsr Troubles, cures Consttnatlon nd FUtulcjcy. lC assimilates the Food, regulates tha stomaeh and linwrfi, rT"g healthy and natural bIoct. The Children ; Panacea The Mother's Friend. - GENUINE CASTORIA ALVAYO Sears the Signature of - .,'"---: The KM You Hare Always Bongbt , In Use For Over 30 Ycara wa eirrMS eeweaev. rt aoaaav eraaSe. veea etra. Dr. N. J. Fulton TATTBOrATat. 315 TWELFTH STREET Corset Clay, en slock from St. ft. ear, ana from 13th attest ear, S froca ?f. frta eat. Tlhoa Mate SUS. SPARK IN GUNPOWDER THREE BADLY BURNED ("periil Dl.nateh to The leernal.l La Grande. Or Deo s- Conductor I Charles Stacy of this city, J. P. Rorers, ticaet a sent at Meacnam, and. Jat Kay. a laborer In a construction crew, barely! eacaped aeatn laat riant in an exploalon of a can of irunpowder at Meaeham. The men were moving the cans from a boxcar to the platform when one can touched a charred battery, cauatna; an exploalon. Th men were blown acalnst the building, their clothes trnlted, their face smeared with powder and their hand burned so severely that th skin peeled and the flnrer nails curled up and fell. off. The unfortunates were brought to this city, where their wound a were dressed, snd this morning they were sent to a roniana nospitaL Stacy uvea in tnia city, and haa a I family. MURDEROUS NEGRO UP FOR TWENTY-FIVE DAYS rseeetal OlsiMtek to Tn Jearaat.) Baiem, or., Deo. I. The negro ex- convict, Scott Andrews, alias Edward Andrews, who assaulted Dave McFadden In a aaloon Thuraday night, was sen tenced to days In the county Jail by Recorder w: A. Moore yesterdar aft ernoon. It seems that the knife which he used In hi attempt to carve the bartender had a blade less than four I Inches long and therefore the charge of assault witn a dangerous weapon could not be preferred against him. ' The charge Of assault and battery was msde, to wnicn Andrews piesaed guilty. NORTH POWDER SHUTS - UP FOR SMALLPOX fSpeelsl Di.pates te Tl. Joornal.) North powder, ur., Deo. 1. Just aa th publlo achool bad closed lta Thanks giving week of vacation a ease ef small pox brought In by a transient closed the school of lift pupils for the preaent week, rfo Sunday schools, no church service and no lodgejneattngs-are hadd as ft Is th wish of the entire cltlsen- ship to eonfln the disease to the man I who brought It In from Huntington, '- i .... , - Seaside Sunday Excursions. The A. C R. It. K. will run an ex cursion to Seaside snd return every! Sunday at the round-trip rate or II I. I Take advantag of th low rale and ! th ocean. Ticket for sale during th week -at 141 Alder treat and' at thai alnoa dapet, Sunday morning. . You will scarcely be lieve a soda cracker can be so perfect until you taste the one perfect Soda Cracker Unoeda Biscuit So deliciously baked so tender and flakyso won derfully preserved by a moisture proof package. It is the onlyrw Soda . Cracker. NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY s d Malcc Yoursdfi.Usefial And help your wife t paint her kitchen., fee BAT STATS paint, and you will not Only be gratified by 'the ease with which yen oaa use them, but also at the small eost, not to apeak of the delight you both fast V th tlwin and neat appearance ac complished by your work. ti:ec:gpaotstc:.: Fishcr,TI:cr::n raoav Ajra tez vvwHMt;tMmmmvvv?t:.: f