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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 8, 1906)
- frvt M CANvouev ) J6U K W -''IZ'-X " 1 ' f w that vtuoivjTUFr)" VP''l T4 Although Fanny YeDow Hair found all kindt of ttungt in Windtgo Land to intrt and tmuae her. aha miaaed aoma thuiga the umscJ to have when ahe lived with her own people. One of thee was chewing gum-of which aha waa very fond. One day ahe laid to Little Growling Bird : ."Did you ever Uate chewing gum? ( It'a awfully nice when you're not hungry. 1 wiah I had aomenowr Little Growling Bird knew very well what apruce gum: tatted like, and replied: "Kayget yeil Me know place heap plenty tpruce gum ia,-Come along; we get aomer-SoheyitartefdriheSpruce Grove. I DO NT HAVE TO BOTHER. CLIMBNO; IJOPT una i ID' 1 f rxx y ., a,,.,,,-, - rSJ - .. . x l'Ci oil - aomethinc tood to eat. he waa quite anxioufrto go along with the children. Soon they came to tha Grove of Spruce Treea. and ttanding in an open apace waa a Mg Spruce, on wJucn the patca oi gum coiua dc pii7 " . : with the little boy-t atone tomahawk and too thick and mootb lor him to chmb. - But llttla Bletk Bear aaid HE could climb it;j. 7 ALL RtGHT.' ) I CAN GET A ' n - T - , , ,T, i PLENTY GUM), fc 1 t h ..-VOL J.yv h&fm ; rs -KJ 2E HEY, THEKESJCOONf! YOU'LL GET ALL GUMMED UP VUMIYUM! THIS TAcTT&T 1 GREEDY -BEATLhSL ALL TlE r U'3 i'-'(V.:i' Li T' LITTLE K-S ft J i 0 cTTOP EATNGf. ALL THEvUri, cfCAATCH IT OFP AND A1E cATPH IT IN ' ii 7-l 'I,'- Little Growling Bird boosted him part of the way up the tree, while Aundak, the Crow, flew up on a branch to boat the job. at usual Now in thote daye the apruce gum oozed out of the trunk of Shingoob. the Spruce Tree, all through the warm tummer time. '-It waa quiu toft and aticky then, but when the cold weather came it hardened Into little white and yellow lumpa. You eouM find it almost anywhere' on the tree where the branchet joined thejruntjnd wheaitwaaboiled over the fire, and the bark and ctat mmmed off. it made very fine chewing gumrindeei When Little Bear waa tafely perched on a limb cloee to a patch of gum. Little Growling Bird told him to acratch it off witlr ; hit aharp clawa and he would catch it at it feU in the little pail he had brought along. But 'Xoona. the greedy Little Bear, began putting the gum in hia mouth and eating it aa fast aa he clawed it off the bark.- Now that waan't at all nice in Little Bear after be ing taken along and helped up the tree. He acted just like tome little boy and gtria ao wnen tney are naugnty. nut tea watt -. , ... : ... . S, i , m " i - fwuucncu to nun mn . . ' . - , - - - . ' - ' - Jle itd no attention to wlut Little Growlinft Bird and Yellow Hair said to hi'm. but kept on stuffing himself with the nicest ptara of unik. He was so greedy hwiL!Ltto Tifjorgot toho'd on to the tree, and nuddenly he test his balance and tumbled off . the (ranch 1 ' Down be came, head first, yelping loudlyl "He trucTrTKarr'ptaft" otii'tJir ilit'uinl wttli the top of hia little round head. but. of course, his iikiill was too ihKk and the rest of him too fst end rolly-polly ro be easily hurt. Anyway, he made an " sIul noine and fu lnf St served him right lor bring so greedy and unfair. . : x '.: . . . , .. ... .,. . . . .... .': . ." .. - Ha whimpered ao much that the children lorgave him and helped him toddle back to the Wigwam. They had gathered up ' tome gum that had fallen on the ground, and Nokomia fixed it ao that they had enough chewing gum to last them a whole week. And' evet since then the Black Bear will climb almost any tree in' the woods except Shingoob. the Spruce Tree. Maybe he ia afraid the limbs won't bear hia weight f And Shingoob himself It not to free with hit gum aa be used to be. It grows NOW only. at the VKY TOP OF THE TREE, and little boy and giila who cannut climb very wall find h very bard to .get at I A.T.C iv'