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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 8, 1906)
i -. crrx.i t;f TT zt . 16 -V THE OREGON DAILY4' JOURNAL. PORTLAND. SATURDAY EVENINO, DECEMBER 8, 1908. PORTLAND REAL i 4 Proposed Construction, of Several Big Busi Outside Capital; Pouring Into the Cityfor In vestment Activity Seen on Every Hand. ; Buildings Being Erected ; i : " ness Blocks Announced During the, Past . Week Other Real Estate News il : i i : ? : , Ths preaent week haa been, made not- able by the announcement or tn pre- nose'd - construction of several large bualnes block end of at least two " now hotl. The yndlcat or neaius capitalist--headed by R. M. Klnneao, , 'who recently purchased the 9-foot lot Just north or the uregon itu .nu savings bank fin Sixth street, are hav- In Ahe plana drawn for an elght-atory ' steel frame bualneaa block to be erected on their lat purebase.Th lot.-wtitPh ' waa aold to the Seattle ayndlcat by ; Grind taff A Bohalk. la now covered by . frame- building . xna announcement,' made that a firm of Seattle archltecte . are at work on ' the plana, and that " work on the new building will begin about April 1. Color U lrit to the report that the atructure will go ujk byth tact tnai the owners have ref uaed aeyerai offer to- leaae the preeent buildings for a Inn nf yeara and have limited all ' lease to three montha from the first of the . year. The plana are said to . provide for two store rooms on tne ground floor with the remaining aeven stories to be arranged for of rices. " , Another Family XoteL 1 ... . It has been officially announced that Upper Washington atreet la to have i another commodious family hotel, which will be the handsomest atruoture of Ka kind In the city. The site of the pro posed new hostelry will be on the weat aide of Ella street, ISO feet from Wash ington, on a lot 110x125 feet recently purchased by J. H. MeClung and J. TL Weatherbee from Richard Knoll and the 1 Sorenaen estate. - The plana for the hotel are being pre- .wrence. While all tne details nave net been settled. It Is known that the building la to be six stories high and eon tain lit guest rooms, all having an outside opening. The rooms are to be quipped with all modern conveniences. Including baths, telephones, hot water and other modern comforts.. There will be large dining rooms, smoking rooms, billiard rooms and safe deposit vaults for th guests. . An attractive feature of the atructure will be a roof garden, the first ever constructed In Portland. Jtt-WULb especially attractive, aa it win afford anhoTWw u -thaottyv-Every effort la being made to make It F,p. , ..... , j s.i.m,.., insp.liis .1 i li )" lawaj UJimiata r "X.i .. dfr V ... c ' If. v. I m.y a g af agj&tffoM&sSdte atrictly a first elaaa hotel, such as la found only In th largest cities of the country. T"ho hotel will euat not less than 1171,000, exclusive of the cost of th lot. A 10-year leaae of th hostelry haa been signed by Miaa M. Frances Mur phy, at preaent proprietresa of the - Q lads tone and formerly of the Hobart Cartl Miss Murphy will open the hotel to th public about th mlddl of the summer. Portland haa a dosen or more of these elegant . family hotel among which might be named Th Hill. Houart-Cur-. tls. Norton. Nortonla and Elton Court. There Is a report current among the realty dealera that a party of Seattle capitalists haa eecured an option on one of th most desirable corner in the ' business district and that the option is now In th hand of a local banking house. The story run that th option will be taken up about the. first of the year, when preparations will at one be , made for the construction of a it-etory steel frame skyscraper. It Is further . said that th capitalists backing the enterprise have ample capital and that . It la expected to put out over ttOO.000 In the new building. Including the cost of the site. It Is confidently aaaerted thai definite enouncemcnt may b ex- peeted by January 1. .Tor Canaea'a Olabrooma. Th Portland Railway, Light aV Power company haa engaged Architect David lwls to prepare the plan for five buildings, to be located In th vicinity . of Ita car barn and to be fitted up . as cluba or recreation rooms for th ' ' car operatlvea of the company. ,Th structures will cost about f 10.000 each ' and will be built near the following ear barns: Waahtngton and Twenty-third xt ret-1 a. Piedmont, Eaat Twenty-eighth street, fiavler atreet and the barn nee r Mllwaukie. . Th rooms will be fitted up with th convenience neccnaary to the comfort of th men. Including, bathrooms, ahow or and tub, hot arid cold water, billiard and poolroom cardrooma and reading ' room the latter to contain a well selected library, together with maga slnea. peiio-llcals and newspapers. Ths ' nun Bin ' Cough yourself Into a fit of spasms and then wonder why you don't get welL If "you will only try a bottle tf Ballard's fiorehnund tfyrup your cough will be a thing of the past. It Is a positive r for Coughs, Infltiensa, Bronchitis and all Pulmonary disease On bot tle will convince you et your druggist, It o. - - Sola 1. by j. WooUard, cur- Co. - - ID Mr building of these clubhouses war de termined upon by the company at Ita annual meetlna- laat spring. ' The orlgl nal plan provided , for but one general club building la h center of the city; but that plan . waa abandoned and it was decided . to build several smaller clubs, one at each car barn, nearer to tne nomes ox tne. men, - -' IdUa Will Solid. -AJj.- MHla.rr president of the Plrst National bank, ' haa asked for bid for the construction of a residence that will probably be. the handsomest home In the city.' . The aite la at the corner of Twentieth and Johnson streets, where Mr. Mills has lived for the past 15 yeara. The building la to be of preaaed brick with an interior finish of hard wood" and "will cost between 3.0fl0 and $40,000. Th plans were drawn by a firm of Boston: architects and will be strictly colonial to design. The foundation Is finished and the basement piers of the Wilson building at Fourth and Burnslde street are up. The structure will be of reenforoed con crete, three atorlea high, with walla aufflolent to support . three additional atorlea w Office Building. The - announcement - ia made - that a quarter block at Tenth and Alder streets Is to be the sits -of a new orflca build ing. Lease contracts are being made now for the office floors. It Is under stood that the entire' ground floor haa been leased to a downtown mercantile establishment.' The promoter of ' the enterprise at first doubted the necessity for another office building at thla time. t they have met with aueh olgrtei success la leasing office space that all doubt has been dispelled and the work of construction will probably begin In the early spring. The steel frame 1 up to and includ ing the seventh story. It is thought that' the remaining three stories will be flushed Jn about SO day. MUCH IN DEMAND Many Buildings will Oo Vf Bear City Lota in th vicinity of the city hall. 1 . i. tT - m mil Residence of Leo Freid, Corner LucretU and at Fourth and Jefferson streets are In active demand. Two quarter blocks at Haa lrilaia,tl... as 1 1 aaf In j1 b ji svui viv w a rtroTtn aa ritl ay x r t r- son have been sold in the past week. Laat Saturday Olds, Wortmao King bought th aoutheaat quarter block at the interaction of theee street for - a consideration of 125,000. This firm has announced that a four-story brick ware houae will go up on the alte In the early spring. . Wednesday of thla week. Ooldsmlth & Co. aold for the Ottenhelmer Invest-, ment company th quarter block at the aouthweat corner of Fourth and Jef ferson for an Increase of $5,000 over the price paid by the department atore firm for their two lots. The name of the purchaser of the southwest corner la withheld, for. the present. There are four frame residences on the property, which. It is understood, will be removed, at once and replaced by an up-to-date brlrk apartment bouse. The quarter block at the southeast corner of Third and Jefferson wss sold two weeks ago to B. M. Lombard and associates for 137.(00. which waa con sidered an exceptionally cheap prlr OLD LANDMARK SOLD Kearletta Plow Kill Bought by V tilla Land Company. The Henrietta flour mill, one of the landmarks at Echo, which waa erected by the well known pioneer, J. 11. Koont in 11(2, haa Just been sold to ths Umatilla Ranch company. Thla THOMAS 0TCHIN, 0NE OF .FIRST jMONEERS, DEAD (Hpeettl 'Wepatch te Tbe loe real.) Hlllsboro, Or., Pea I. Th funeral of Thomas Otchln, who died at hi horn In this city early yesterday morning, was held her today, with service at the Methodist church and Interment In West Union cemetery northeaat of thla city and near th old home of th da ceased. Mr. Otchln waa born in England near ly $2 rear ago and In llll cam to the Oregon country as an employe of the Hudson Bsy company. He aettled on a homestead on the Tualatin plain In 1141. Hi is th only homestead in Washington county that, haa remained Intact since aequlred. Not an acre ha ever been conveyed or mortgaged. Hl wife died many yeara ago and In recent years he has lived In Hlllsboro. cared for by his niece. Mia M. A. Simpson, No children war bora to tlx. and lx OUultt . ESTATE SHOWS CITY'S GE -fr-.- t-7ri'Si---T5-tp- -r--rrj-rr-:"- t '- - y ... J. .. ,'i.iv.)OTti '; ' - t , X " , , ' i " " X "x - - ' V , - r - l - , . . t .v , , . -a-- ' - l ,' s ; -x '. ,! . - " ' ; ' c - -, '' - , ?. um, . Mmw , - i v r-TV if r rCfrPn-Puil4?rig, Te" J , 1 lUHTi"''??T,''r Everett. eompany haa alao purchased th Hunt property at Echo and Foster. For a number nf yeara thn Henrietta mill haa been Idle, but It la understood that It will be renovated and put In operation by the new purchasers. It Is said that the Hwift Packing company la Interested In the Umatilla Ranch com pany and that the mill wilt be used In grinding feed for thousanda of rattle, sheep and hogs, which will be fattened at the ranch, before being shipped to the slaughtering houses on .the Peninsula near St. John's, which will soon be built by the Swift company. The mill haa a capacity of 150 barrels of flour per day. The best of water power and an unfailing aupply of water goes with the - mill. The - water power alone , la aald to be worth more than was paid for the entire plant. BIG TIMBER DEALS Xalf Million Dollars Bare Beta Paid ' Out "Lately. More than 1500,000 has been paid out In the past few weeks for Oregon tim ber lands. Several deals Involving over 1 100,000 each have recently cotrie to 1'tht. The NehaTem Timber e6mpanyTwu aold to A. S. Kerry or Seattle 4,500 acres of fine timber land In the Ne- hnlem valley for a consideration of $100,000. and to the Waahington A Oregon Timber company, the Plttock Leadbetter corporation of Vancouver, Wssblngton, about 0,000 acres In th same dlstrlot While th consideration CHEHALIS HAS A GOOD . WEEK IN REAL ESTATE Chehall Wash.,' Dec I. Over. $40,000 worth of Ctiehalla city property has changed hand thla week. Thla doe hot Include any deal mad for railroad purposes. Considerable of It la bualneaa property. .One deal, for" the. Murphy Rtuchell atore building, aggregated $12,000, netting -th owner $2,000 on an Investment of a few month , e-' j v j A Western Wonder. There'' a Hill at Bowie, Te., that's twice a big aa last, year, This wonder Is W. L. Hill, who from a weight of 00 pound has grown to over 1X0. He says: I suffered with a terrible cough, and doctors gave me up to die of Consump tion. I was reduced to 0 pounds, when I began taking lr. King's New LMacovw ery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. Now1, after taking 12 bottles, I have more than doubled In weight and am completely cured." Only sure Cough snd Cold cure. Gusrsnteed by Red ('roe I'hsrmacy, druggist. -10 and L0f. Jrlal botU free. . I - f-""" " V ( v I Hi hi x ! J - rr.ry Steel Frame puiMipg.Prne in the latter deal I potT at $111,000, It 1 known that tb price waa $16 per acre, or $235,000 for th whole tract. S. N. Steele A Co, of Albany have Just completed an important deal In timber landa that haa been under negotiation for aom week. It involve th sal of 4.S00 aorea of heavily timbered land on th upper Calapoola by M. J. Cameron and associate to Man at Montgomery of Portland for a little over $100,000, making the price paid equal , about $4,000 per quarter section. On of th master at Niagara, New York, third aa rl stent postmsster-general under Presi dent McKlnley. It 1 believed that these claim will reach a valu ef at least 110.000 per claim. An effort I on foot to get a mill established at Al bany to cut up th Calapoola timber, There 1 on of th finest belt of tim ber in th world along th river, whloh ought to be cut before a fir run through it, and partlajly deatroya Its value. 8. B. Dakln of Eugene haa aold to th Bth.TT11r T.r.r efunpany a htWIy ef timber land, principally In township 11, range 1 weat, aggregating nearly 1,000 acres, for about $25,000. Whll this land was held by Mr. Eakln In trust, it was a bona fid transaction and th named consideration waa actually paid. The salea of timber land in amall scattered tracts still continue says th Eugene Register. T. C. Starrett and Horatio Horey of Detroit, Michigan, ar picking up all th good timber they oan get In -Lane county and hav already W become blg ownera of thla valuable property by paying actual cash. to th owner and much money ha com to thoae who were wlae enough to hold to their timber land notwithstanding the tempting offer made" by speculator when good timber land waa much cheaper t haa it Is now. . , O. a. Grose, th timber land agent. haa aold a total of abgu g.00 aorea of these small holdings. Th price has ruled around $2,500 per quarter section, aggregating $67,(00 that haa -been paid DAY'S EVENTS OH east sp y St. - Johns 'Council Settles Its Differences With City Health Officer. ' EAST SIDE CLUBS MAY EFFECT GENERAL MERCER Central Body With Delegates From Each Organization Is Proposed Would Give Concerted Action on Subject Effecting the Entire East Side. v : (Baa Sid Departmeal) - ! . Th council of St. Johns haa agreed upon a eompromtee with Dr. E. W. Ros si ter, health officer of that city. In the payment of his .claim against the city for, professional service rendered dar ing th recent trial of W. C Adam. - Dr. Rossltar bill originally was $10. but after th. consideration of two ses sion It was decided to offer him $ rather than nin th chance of having to pay coats In a ' suit for damage Bom member of th council thought th professional service of th health officer of Bt. John was not worth so much, other denied th authority of the . municipal court to thruat such a charge upon the city government, but when th- committee on f Inane ak4 the advice of City- Attorney Oreen. Mr. Oreen atated that the city waa responsi ble for th cost of examining th de fendant, and in the fac of auch an ad mission the city1 would stand poor chances in a suit, so compromise of $t waa offered and accepted by Dr. Roa alter In payment of hi services. - Post meets Officer . . The General Compsbn post. No. 22, O. A, m of. 0W Jutma aiacUd eXfloar A' fifth, gjld MoniaOB ft .-. .ii out to Lane-county people, largely Eu gene resident. Messrs. Starrett A Horey are still In the market for good timber. They, have a number of con tracts of sale pending In . which th land la being cruised. Thursday; Th following I a list of th officer elected:- Post commander, P. W. Hlnman; senior vlce-oommander, B. W. Snow; Junior vice-commander, Daniel Calktna; aergeant. P.. T. Hanson; officer of the day, George H. Adam adjutant. L. C. Chipman; quartermaater, W. W. Raaar. These officer will be Installed at th Joint Installation to be held th first Wednesday , In January with Women' Relief corpa. These two organisations ar planning an entertain ment to take place In Bt. Johna In the next two or thro weeks. Aotultted of Charg J. Pierce, was acqulted of a aensa ttonal charg In tbe municipal court of St.' Johna yesterday. Captain Bnow conducted the defena while Attorney Oreen attempted th prosecution. There was a lack of evidence on both aldea in the action. 1 ' St. Johna wants an, opera house and sentiment 1 ' being worked up in th community which will-undoubtedly pro. duo on before long. There is also a movement on foot among local capital ist at St. Johna' to establish a cold storage snd lc plant. , ' Building permits hav Just been Is sued for several fin residences In St. John ' Mrs.' Charlotte Carlson,. W. F. Stsxlelman and Inkerman Davla . are among those who hav receiUy taken out building permit to erect home in that city. , . Merger X Propose., tw The' inevitable movement to merge all th progressive associations of th east id is now taking definite form. A proposition ha beent submitted that each club of th east bide elect a mem ber to an executive commute In order to keep all the separate organisation tn touch with each other and so that eaah on can work In perfect harmony with all of th other When a question ef legislation la proposed that affect th entire eaat aid th concentrated ef forts of practically every part of th eaat aide can be exerted on tb action. That th movement will meet with Instant approval In all tactions of th sat. side. 14. th general. ... opinion... al though Mr. Saatham, seoretary of th Mount Tabor Improvement association, thlnka that one member from each or ganisation ia not aufficlent for tha oon atltuency of such aa executive body. - -; mm Bid Xffota , .,, , , ' "A Mothers' and Teaohera' club was organised tn Arleta yesterday. Mia A. L. Dlmick, principal of th Brooklyn achool, preaent and aaalated In th organisation whloh wlU follow the gsa- P".wi;.,''.,:'-v'jm.miiuhiii iu lynuM iwi.mawpwwweew' hi piijiwrwwsewwew"wwieewiwvwefif ' ' jJ'"S"''ji i;m 'wt.iu""H"HJ-''i".'.i.' vi a l'e?ywPW A.Si-ew. I .'I rt , - I.I Prosperity la pouring. into Portland such as ha never before been known, Prom every section of th great Pacific northwest eastern . 1 Oregon. aastsrn Washington and Idaho north. aat and south, comes the story of It, growth. New railroads thousands of miles be ing built "toward Portland, the develop ment of new country, th opening of new rlchea. the coming of new aettlers. new resources, new businesses ell con' trlbutlng their share In the grand and marveloua growth of Portland. The greater development of Portland 1 as decisively demanded and as sure aa the, development of th great Pacific north west, which is now lust beginning along tremendous lines, and the one caanot ocour without th other following. . 'Large sums of money can be Invested BOW In Portland realty to"1hc greatest possible advantage. Thla capital la al ready being brought forward by outalde interests In largo amounts, who appre ciate th advantages offered the Inves tor In th olty of Portland. Money in vested in Portland real estate at th present time offer an absolute free dom from uncertainty, not only. In th valu of th holding Itaelf. but also in the matter of unusually liberal profit return Portland today offera greater opportunities than any other city on the Paclflo coast and ita real estate la aold on a safe, aan and secure basis. Basis ef Bresperlty. 'Portland la not dependent upon th return from on or a few limited pro duct a of the soil from a comparatively amall area, nor la it dependent Upon the uncertain coming of a few Inches of rain, each , seaaon, or upon the chanoe that a touch of frost may blight; th hopes of th orchardlat or th vlnyard 1st, though everything else be favor- abl. It 1 not dependent upon th movement" of the tourist, who la inter ested almost' entirely by the continua tion of "good times" and th easy con dition of th money market. Portland' proaperlty la based upon mora aubatan tlal thing Portland recelvea th bene fit of th resources from a vast terri tory aggregating two hundred and fifty thousand square miles from which I contributed annually. In sver lutiroaalug quantities.-mail j pioiluula I ill lI'Qfr Reildenc of O. W. Boachke, 819 Love wheat, grains of all kind lumber, wool, hop fruit of every description, llve- atock. the rlchea from, many mine and frora th f leherle which in valu reach th enormous total of over $40. 000,009 per year, from Portland' own ral plan of th olub at Brooklyn. . Art Important m sating of th Mount Tabor Improvement association will be held at th Woodmen hall on Weat ave nue next Monday vnlng. Members ar especially requested - to be present aa several matters of important) will com up that will need close Judgment and united action. , Two unsuccessful attempt to hold up persona at Woodmer and Kern Park In th Mount Scott district ar reported.' . BAILEY DREW DRAFTS ON STANDARD OIL (7onraal pedal Berrlce. ) . Austin. Teg., Dec. ; . Attorney-General Davtdaon haa made publlo eople of document - In hi possenston showing money paid to United Bute Senator Columbia Graphdphones and Records a5BSS3aBBSaBSSaBI I II PORTED GRAND OPERA RECORDS Call at out retail aalaarooa and hear .then. Ifnt door to Star Theatre, Colombia Building. WIT PAT ta-SO AJTD S.OO when tha abey prloe oaa b obtained. oOc COL I) MB I A PDONOGRAPn CO. 371. Washington Street state Oregon, alone. This fast grw ' Ing Inland empire la what make -Port- ' land' prosperity and what la making It ' th greatest oommeroill olty of all west, era America. .. . 4 ; ' ' Outsider Investing. . While discussing the heavy raovei mant in Portland real estate and. th ex traoruinary activity in Dullding now In progress here, H. W. Lemcke of the H. W. Lemcke company said thla morning: ' "Our home people do not seem to hear fortune' if knock upon their door. In-' vestors from a dlstanoa ar coming her '. with a few thousand dollar Investing . It In Portland property and reaping rloh returna in a ahort time. There are aoore of -men In Portland, who have ' good, heavy bank account that oaa't be.lnduoed to buy Portland realty. They ': really want to Invest, but they, are ' afraid. They continually hum the old refraln. The bottom la going to drop out.' Our 'people can't seem to realise that bualneaa property In Portland 1 today selling for less tnant 10 per cent of the Bailing price of property similarly altuated In Loa An galea and Seattle. Taking into consideration relative value of realty between Loa Angela) and Portland. Oregon th dlfferenoe la o great a to cause widespread aom- ' ment, and especially In view of the fact that Portland haa everything to coast or n we way or natural reaouros : while thoae of Loe Angeles are few and. far between. The block oppoalt th Commonwealth building - on Blxth and '. Burnslde waa purchased for approxU ' mately 12t,000 but a ahort time ago. A piece of propery similarly altuated tn Loa Angela recently aold for Mil, 000. Property a far out as Sixteenth and Hill tn Lea Angalea sold for 11.00 per front foot. That location woeld be . over 16 block from the eenter of Port land' retail bualneaa dtatrlct. Bam Conditions la eattla, "The aame relative oondiuoa prevail tn Seattl Lota three or four square from the business eenter of Seattl eaatly aell for from-11.000 to ILI00 per front foot Water fronts g In Seattl -on Lake Union, which, from a point of comparison doe - not offer any of the advantage of th water frontage on th Willamette river, aold, nevertheless for 1.150 -per-front foot. - Joy. "I don't believe th altuated water frontage In Portland haa ever brought that price. To me thla signi fies a lack of confidence in Portland' future on th part of Portland' peo pl" 7-- . J. Ballay by th Water-Pierce branch of th Standard Oil eompany. Th expose 1 mad because of Bailey charge that th document were for gerle The document consist of per sonal voucher of H. C Plero the voucher record book of th oil compa nies and sight draft on th Waters Plero eompany drawn by Bailey aa' well a youoher of th Standard Oil eompany. IVomr Walt. . What was the trouble with that ens tomerf" aiked the torlst. . "He wanted to know something abnet that mall oratory plant," replied the assistant. -, "What of Itt" - "Well, he wanted to knew If It weald Mnont when it was a hundred years eld. I said It would. Then he aaked bow eld It waa, snd I told hint it waa S years eld." - ' "Welir" " "II said he gneaaed fee wouldn't watt t an H bloom." Columbia Building -te ALWAYS ': t A- f -