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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 8, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. SATURDAY EVENING. DECEMBER 8. 1906. IS " DROPPED FOUR AGES TOCHASE BURGLAR - fi - -fl ; .. . ,r . Lsl L , Uf - vi8 (Runt News Service.) New York, Dec. T. -To bold four sees In big "Jack-pot" and have to throw them down torunto. the assistance .of a Hfellow being and chase a mere burglar la the trying experience of Mrs. Morris Goldberg. When luck finally came her way, she had to forfeit It, with the result that three burglars, who had chloroformed Mrs. Nellie Munaon, a bride next door, were put to flight, and one of them captured just as they were packing up the-wedding stiver and Jewelry.--- - - ----- Oesse of Beany ate. When tha three cracksmen made their" entry Into the Munaon flat at 1 o'clock In the morning, Mr. and Mrs. Goldberg were engaged In a game of -penny What he held he doean't remember, but he knows .It was a reel good hand. The man sitting next him had three ktnga; beyond were two. sixes and a pair of -Jacfce. Everybody "staysd," then Mra. Goldberg, to the right of the dealer, looked at her. five cards, suppressed a start of Joy, as she saw three ' aces, "stayed" and drew one card. ' It was anpther aoet But her husband "filled" ' his hand, whatever It was, and to the 'three kings next door had come, two . duces; even.. the Jacks and sixes, had turned Intft a "full hmiitV on the draw, v and than the betting started. Every ' body raised everybody else until It reached Mrs. Goldberg. She looked Over , at her husband and knew that he was going to raise again. She could hardly keep from leaping from her chair In . triumph, but Just as she took up her ehlpe to make a raise herself there came to her ears a moaning, half -smothered 4 wall from tne next nouso. i j . - - - Mori. Suffered Jwenty Years by KodoIT)yspepsIa Cure, OFFICE The Prison Commission of Georgia JOB. TtfRICJBH, - - Chalrma. TOM BABON. ' Cotamlsslonesk OOOSCiOB TAJfCT, E. C. DeWltt ft Cow, Chicfc-o, IlL -" Dear Sirt "I have tuffcred more than twenty years from Indi gestion.. About eighteen monthi ago I had grown so much worse f that I could not digest a crust of corn bread and could not retain anything on my stomach. My heart would beat bo fast I could not I "leep7at tlrriee I would almost draw stomacn. I lost twenty-five pounds; in fact, 1 made up my mind that I could not live but a short time, when a friend of mine recora- ' mended Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. I consented to try it to please him and I was better in one day. I now weigh more than I ever did in my life and am in better health than for many years. Kodol did it. I keep a bottle constantly, and write this hoping that humanity will be benefited." Yours very truly, - ( JAKE C MOORE. Kodol DyspcpsU Cure !s the only cHffestant or combination of digeetants that will digest all classes of food. In addition to this . fact, it contains, in assimilative form, the greatest known tonic and reconstructive properties. All other digestants and dyspepsia rem- edict digest certain classes of food only, and are lacking in recon structive properties. , , Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Is prepared at the laboratory of E. C. DeWitt St Co., Chicago, and is sold by leading druggists everywhere. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure DIQESTS WHAT YOU EAT Sold bj Woodard, dark, ft Co. aad Skldmore Drug Co ' - . . Annual VS) . Above Is Mrs. Ntffie Munsoru Be low It Mra. Morris Goldburf. "8ave met" a woman's voice was cry Ing. "Save me! Help!" i- Catches the Burglar. - For a fleeting second Mrs. Goldberg's next moment she had thrown the cards upon the table, and with the reat of the party at her heels was daahlng down the front stairs and Into the entrance of the nouee nexi aoor..iney iouno irsvun-r aon lying bound upon the bed half dead from chloroform. A half-emptied bottle lay near by on table. The dog Fannie was also tied and semi-conscious and the silverware lay scattered all about the floor. As she ran back down the stairs to call a doctor Mrs. Goldberg saw a man fleeing from the building. She gave chase, crying for the police at the top of her voice, and captured tbe man heraelf two blocks down tne street. hotter Honrs In Bnode Island. A redaction la the hears of labor la the robber factories er proviaence, Rhode Lund. has recently beta granted. The employes bow Mirh nliM honra a Am inmt mm A mf I.. L ... without redaction la pay. Tbe coaceetloa kens- rtted. about io,uoo perms. . , . , sas With Indfgestion, Cured OF CIiBMXNT A. BTANS. : :.,Onmmlselones; J. C KOORB. , " tats Wardea. AtiantA, August 10, 1904. double with pain in the pit of my PEACE PRIZE FOR -THE- PRESIDEriT- Nobel Award to Be Made by King Oscar at Stock holm Next Monday. SPECULATION RIFE AS TO PROBABLE RECIPIENTS Roosevelt's Sponsors Said to B Pro fessors' of Three Universities List of Those Who Have Been Recog nised in the Past. 1 - 7 (Joe real Special Service.) Waahlngton. D. C. Dec . Will the Nobel peace award. go thla year to Pres ident Roosevelt - In recognition " of his services in ending the Russo-Japanese war?" This Is the question that la be ing asked today In Washington and tv lilch. .will- U -iMtwered-ext -Monday In Stockholm. when, the king of Swe den will declare the annual rewards. Candidates for this highly honored distinction must be proposed by legis lative bodies, peace organisations or universities. It Is aaid that Mr. Roose velt's sponsors are Professor Harbenger of the University of Munich. Professor Judaon of the University of Chicago, and the faculty of Georgetown univer sity at Waahlngton. A complete Hat of thoae who have re ceived the Nobel prises, founded with his vaat fortune by Alfred Nobel, the Inventor of dynamite, to reward each ear those who have moat aided human- ItVhy scientlflo or medical research by Idealistic literature, and by the promo- peace, is as follows: l01-Roetren, X-rays: Van 't Hoff. phyalciatVVon Behrlng, developer of an titoxin fdc diphtheria; Sully-Prud-homme, poetVHenry Dunant, founder of theHffeaCT8Bv I'leJeilu l aasy, writer j on peace.' 1901 Lorens and Zeeman, physicists Flecher,-- Investigator of " uric acid Major Ross, malaVJa In veatt gator Moramsen, historian; Prof, de Martens; wno visited America i peace envoys. I 103 Beoqueret, of theX Beoquerel rayar u. and Mme. Cure. f!n. dtum; Arrhenius, Swedish eht sen. discoverer of Flnsen ray a; son. poet: w. K. Cremer, M. P., efforts In the promotion ef inte rtrattorc " 1104,-BarDn Raylelgh. Brltlah Ri Inatltutlon; Sir William Ramsey, ohetn lat; Professor Pavloff, St. Petersburg Military Academy of Medicine; Frederto Mistral, provencial poet, and Jose Each egaray, (Spanish dramatist. ' ltOS Phlllpp Leonard, cathode rays; Adolph von Baeyer, Investigator In or ganic chemistry; Professor Koch, for researches to promote the cure of tuber culosis; Henryk Blenklewlcs, novelist; Baroness Berthe von Suttner, for labors In the cause of International peace. a4aaSah" 'ArTKrTHEATREJ Tonight Maxina Elliott. The lsit performaBce ef the Uleated sag DMsttrul aetrees, Mulne Elliott, is Clyde Fitch's coaedy. "Uer Great Matcb," will be t rlvea at tbe Relllg theatre, rearteeath end ' WMhlnrtoa streets, tonlht st S:1S o'clock. , Miss BUIott Is supported by an eccelleat eom- ' paay ef players, tba prodoctlos Is elaborate end 1 complete, the play Itself eellsbtful takea all in au, yoa win witaees s riolabee perform. aaee.. Seats sslllog st bos efflce et tbe theatre. Scat SiTe for JamesCNeiU. ; The adraace sest sals for James O'Neill will epea neit Monday morning, December 10, at tbe box office of tbe helllg theatre. Mr. O'Neill will present his famoae success, "Monte Orlato," net Wednesday and Saturday slants and Satur day matinee, December 18 and 15. Thursday and rrtday alfbta, December IS and 14, Mr. O'Neill will present his powerful biblical drama, The Voice ef tbe Mighty." Last Time Tonitht. Toalght Is year last chance te see the Biker stock company la A Social Hlfhwaymaa," the play that has beea making a alt all week. You doa't waat to miss It if yea aavea't area It. AU the wall-knows members ot ths earn. pany hsre good rotes. Ths stage settings are gorgeous. "The Merchant of Venice." Icilaaias tomorrow matinee and esntlnning all week, the Baker eompany will pat ea a magnificent product loa of Shakespeare's la- mortal comedy, 'The Merchant of Venice." i Thla production hia beea la preparatloa for : aome time, and will be one ef the big events ef . the theatrical aeasoa. Magnificent aceaery that I outthlnes that of say trarellng company will j be shown. Jobs sainpoiis win os seea aa nny lock, Beraeet Uastlnss ss Bsesalne, and Lilllaa Lawrence ss Portia. Great eare has beea takea ta asslgalng the otker roles. Tonight "Quincy Adams Sawyer." At the Empire toalght the lsst pot fur Bianco ef the New England drama, "Qulaey Ada ma Sawyer" will he gleea. It Is a pity that every mis, vomit and child la tbe city of Portland could not be able to see this really great rural alar, aad bs made better end mors contented with the world generally, because of It's homely pictures of life. The Two Johns" Tomorrow., "The Two Johns" will opea at the Empire tomorrow matinee, end tble bundle of rattling fua and lively mnalcal rarce will sola tbe boards sll Bext week with the aeual Wednes day Sad Saturday matinees. "The Two Johns" la' ens ef tbe cleanest aad most laughable of all the farces, and thla eeaaoa Is being pre sented by s capable eompany. with lots sf scenery, pretty costumes and newest song hits. - - At the Grand. . There are many features em the bill at the Grand, which, will ekee with the part oral nee tomorrow evening. The vaudeville entertain ment con ta loa lood alnsere, good dancers sad clever comedlane. Gsffney Brows baa a cigarette which does sverythlng . bat speaks sod this cigarette alone la worts the price of sdmlaawe. There are many other pieealng sets. however, and when seeking light amuaemeat ths Orand is a good place te visit for a couple ef sows. At the Star. The Olrl Slave" will he renested at tbe Star tonight and tomorrow afternooa and even ing. It Is being played by the Alien stork ipeny sad entertaining thousands. There Is s southern etmospbere. for ths scenes are laid la ths south about the time of Ua war. la the title role, Verne Fleton hae the great- eat emotional role she kss attempted end For reet Sesbory has ooe ef the negre comedy rhareetere, la which ha makes every one happy. Teeloie ' will be preeented Beit week, kesla- sing Moaday Bight. Seats are Sew ea sale. WILLAMETTE DATES- DEBATING CONTEST (Special Dispatch te The Jeeraal.) ReJem, . Or, Deo. I. The debating council has announced there will be three Intercnllegls te debates- thle year bealrles a few minor Intersorlety and Interclass contests; The Wlllamettd ra-etls will ao Is IfrMlnnvllla March 1 J te dlacuee with the girls ef McMlnnvllle WECUIUlf (ft --MEN.FORl(j) CONSULTATION FREE We'll treat any -slnsls uncomplicated all- meat for $10 00. , . Under Absolute Guarantee NO PAY UNLESS CURE0 OUR METHODS 7 Are all of a strictly scientlflo treatment, being highly Indorsed by the medical authorltiee of the country, and our offloea are thoroughly equipped with all modern appliances. We also treat all forms of Bala P la eases, TJloers, Bervoas Troables, Sidney and Bladder Blseaaee. Btrtetare aad Tarlooeele. We wish to lay speolal treeedupon our method of treating Blood Votsoa and gyp hills without using mercury. Our fee being so low It enablee many who are afflicted to procure the higheat scientific medical aaslstanca. Terms made to ault If necessary, ao that every one need not go without treatment and be eared. Those woo are afflicted with euch trouMee and are In a poattton where they cannot pay ua a visit, we assure you that our home treatment la efficient and we have cured . hundrede at home. . . We Want Beery Has la the Oomatry Was Is Aalloted te Write as Aboat Bis Ailment. Wl CVBB TOU AT BOaCi HOURS TO ; TQ : DAILT; SUNDAYS, t TO It.- ST. LOUIS MEDICAL AND SURGICAL DISPENSARY OOBITEB SB COBS ABB TIMHU STBBBTS, VOBTXABB, OBXttOB. V ... W M . HslBfaB TrlMT,1 rtlBW 1 fllSB-aBM Qfllf TO 1 twenty-five yeare, and one year ef my prac tice repreaenta a greater volume of good ex perience' than several yeara brings the aver age physician or specialist. In explanation ef thla statement will eey that I have been the busleet specialist upon this coast, several easee to other physlolans one. gan my practice with accurate knowledge corning men's diseases, and my patlente received thoroughly eclentlflo treatment. have not only treated an unusual caaea, biit"havotrSttd tlisin rlghtlyi quiring an abundance of the very best kind et experience experience of positive Value ' te I treat and experience that .offer eures with certainty of effecting them. WEAKNESS Mr abnjtjr to euro thoca deranfnntt com monly termed "weakness" has done extend my reputation ae a specialist In men's dlaeesee thanany ether thing. I was the first to ' discover tRat "weakneas" Is merely a - symptomresuUilnt from a chronically In flamed prostateglend, and' that " to remove the Inflammation, la the only method of . per manently reetoring lost vigor. To thle day my system of. local treatment la ecientiflo on in use. - In yeara X . failed to effect a eomplete euro. There are two reasons for thla. First, Nhe unequal ed effectlvenooa of my method; eeoond, because I attempt to euro no inoureblecases. My long experience ansbles me to recognise thoee that have passed Into an incurable stage, and I treat only euch as Z eaa sura. ! Advice & Consultation Free! .Come and have a private talk with me concerning your ailment EvenJJ If you are not prepared to undergo treatment atthla time, I can always" give helpful suggestions to men who are dleeeecdyor weak. If you ean- not come to Portland, write for particulars of my system of home treat- " meat, interesting literature and I M. TAYLOR co. i! BS4M BtOBBIBOB BTBBBT. Corses Xorrlso a OrrzOB BOtTBS a.m. w Neryous Debility AB CBBTAXW AB BTOBT TOUVOWB . BAT There is a fixed penalty for the viola- tlon of any law of nature. The punlab ment which surely cornea eooner later, may be either sickness, pain, de cay or death. If you are Buffering, It la certain that you have, knowingly or unknowingly, transgressed. Tour chief concern, of course, le how to get well, not how you got elck. We ere restoring men to sound health every day. ME IN Aa we treat diseases of men only, the position we occupy among spe eiallate la unique. Our methods of treatment are unlike those employed by other phyalclane. They are original with oursalvea end are the moat effective methods known to medical science. They Involve the eclentlflo application of every curative Influence In the treatment of men's diseases. "Our offlees'ar an exposition of delicate and-coatly eeutpmant, reuoh of -which la especially conatructed to meet the requirements of our distinc tive methods of treatment. We have heeltated at no expense that rould add to the efficiency of our work or the comfort of our patients. There Is no ether equally equipped medical Institute In the Paciflo northwest. ( We Guarantee a Cure in Every Case We Undertake ot Charge No Fee - PAY WHEN CURED . Any person taking treatment with us may deposit the price of a euro In any bank In Portland, to be paid to us when a euro la effected. If the patient prefere, we will take weekly er monthly Inetallmente. . Consultation free. Letters confidential. Instructive book for men mailed free in plain wrapper. If you cannot call at office, write for question blank. Home treatment succenafuL Office hour t a. m. to p. m.; Sundays and holidays, 19 a. m. to It. DR. W. NORTON DAVIS & CO. . Offices la Tarn Bey Bote, SH Third uiiuiuiiimiiniuiiniiiniiniiiiiinnniuS college the question of municipal own ership. Last yeer the local girls were worsted by the co-eds from the Baptlet Institution. e The big debate ef the year, however, will be the ocntest with Whitman col lege raVWalla Walla"; April If or It. The debate with Corvallls la to take piece" aome time between February 12 end March a at Corvallls. The local team will eubmlt the question and the O. A. C. will choose the side. . The UPlveralty hae now two men'e literary societies, the Phllodorlan and the Websterian. Both societies' will have representatives In the tryoute. January . The girls' socletlee are the Aadelantea and the PhUodoalana. Their imiums TlilS . W POBTXUTD. SB. TAYliOB, The Ieadla4T Bpeclalis. xt raa ss curing urine; 'f - 1 H m number thus ao. Zm Any TaeenmpUoated Oaae. enables me Pay When Cured I Also Cure PROMPTLY and more to PERM' GENTLY the only Tarlooeele, Hydro eels, losses. Btrtetare, Ooa- have not ee-rboea, Oleot, Byphllle T SBsnte. To merer Bad abeard st . misleading etate aaeats la aaaouoe meats. I state aothlag bo the BOTfABB, BOB BBT TBDTX. eoiored cnarta rreer yoa will oeiL ' BOB! OB. f aad Beooad aTtrees. p. aa. aTnadays, 10 to X ealy. - or OiNUY St, Corner Biae, rortland. Or. try-outs te team that choose the co-ed 'varsity rill meet Mchtlnnvllle will be held January 7 BOY ACCIDENTALLY. Kl LLSLiTTLESISTER (Journal Special Service.) Prairie Im Roche. Ul.k Dm. .The ll-y ear-old aon ef William Blow shot and killed his T-year-old elster acci dentally while playing this morning. neve aee assay Waat A As ta e4ays fearaal taat will Utareew ywe iinuHiinunnnKnil We Treat MeirOnlyH Oar specialty of maa's disss see la a broad, one aad by eoncentrsOag all em effort te this we have eeded be yond all saeasare la ear practloe, aad a eall at ear eSoe ' will rarely eceivtaoe yoe that all we say Is abaolately tree. If yoa are ta seed ef aualeal aid we sbeuld Uks so see yom and have a talk abomt roar ease. . , . C GEE WO Portland's Widely Known and Successful Chinese Medicinal. " Root and Herb Doctor Hie famese remedies, the Inaredieata et which we Import direct from the Orleat ta lerse essstltlee ae4 erepere sad aat ap fef eae la kla ap-ta-eate labatary. No SMreary, sotaeae er trass of ear kla eead. rarely trf-table. . The Doctor traets saeeeaeeeUy end faerenteee Is eare all atemarOj treablee, eeterrh, astkme, araf. tbrrvat. rheamatlam. aw laanaaa, lleer. kidney aad Inst weekend. . riMAU Taoratis . at au bbivats DISXASza Ne falae er mUleedlag statemeate as the (fSleted. A safe aad watlas rare la the e.sle eat soaslble time and st the lowest east see Mhte for baBMt rrestmeat. If yM eaeeet eall. write rev eymetem bleak s4 eirealar. lerlnee 4 eate la stemse. COIfWXTATTOB TXM. fltat'aX, 1aUrrwatWfertIaat,oi.,ir Please BMaUea tela aapae. Scott's Santal-Pepsin Capsules A POSITIVE, CURE for Inflsmmstloa erOatarrhof the BlsdJar end Illaasead AleV sera. BOCUBSBOrAT. tores quickly sad sersiesentiy ths worst rsaM ef eVeaiwrrfceaa aiews. Be matter sf bow ioibi eiy drueeiets. rrios SI .SS. sr by nail, post paid, tl.eo, k Vessa, tt-Ia. . THE SANTJU..PEPSIN Ca BeltrseaUlas, Ohas. Wssdsrd, taarke A Oa. Evory Woman la lateral tod and shoqld know . . Boouiinswonaerrsi MARVEL vhJrlifti Sorev I The new Vasteal errawe. ie'ee. nea asje AHcfiee. Mest-SaC es M oat i -ouven lent. Xa. llCleaaeee leeaaeU, aianwdrasfMlere, r na cannot snrnlytbO' I A av at,, scent no outer, but eetia atsmn far llluatrsted book aeaUs. ttaivas full eertleolera end 'tlractmna to. valuable lo U.1tee. M4HVII, rO., e t. see sr.. a ate i nan. see 1 OOSAAD, CLASSa CQ. aVD LAVA-SATIB siu oo s SToass. EffaYHo yaX1'p1 lls aOAeflsMl ASM fOUr I UjIm lev's PI nA i14 Kiel Ik -its Blue Hibone. J aa BuV of rt Prurai iti.riire.Tr K' r.vui.iaa. aha af DIAMONB BMASD) fll.lfce SS my reen aeearieq aa na. eei yeen J aa SMI. seftMt. Alvarl lteHte S-ilil W Drueeiinj everrvhera. fcee CJ-II (V. Palledelshw. Pee TRANSPORTATION. North Pacific S. S. Co.'s Steamship Geo.W. Elder 1100 tons, sail tor San rrandsce, Lns An sales s4 Sural a Tkuredsy. Decemoee S, snd Thsrs 4 ay, beeember So, at S p. a. Steamship Roanoke t Boo tons, satis Thnrsday, December 13; Tksrs dsy, Pecember XI. f From Martin's flock, foot Seventeenth st. Take S or, esra. Ticket ofd.e 1t2 Thlil St., aeer Alder. i-aone steia l ne. TOU.NO, Agent, uoca paoae aaia e'. Upper Columbia River STEAMER Chas. R. Spencer Leaves Oak street dock every Monday, Wedneeday and rrtday at T a. m. for TMM S1UII and STATB BOBTAOB, Returning, arrives Portland, Tuesday, Thureday and Suturday at p. m.Low raieajui4.tKJl?j)LtervJce!hont Main attoi S. S. F. A. KUburn far Coee Bey. Saeohe aad Saa rraansae. Welt selling from rertlsad, rrlder, Mae. j& Hss Sslllag from Sa rrsaelees, Tkar., Me. S4. CHAS. B. STCCLSMITH, Agent. OaK Street DocK, n.zr.t V.un 2;:o IO ll'M He Vj5i -esveaT -tea Bale by a . 'JI .11 ej I : TIB 1 -W 1SV V a. P uie 14 sxeera'y.a boaaa. iiiliAV ikeeeelkee, M aad lit M V A TRANSPORTATION. V ainrnnn ako DwiorrtlinHC 3 Trains to the East Daily J Thieagk Paltmaa eteedard aad tsarlet eee f-cars dally to Omaha, CkMese. Ssehaaet i1 eleaplBB-ears dally te . lasses UlJ. Tbrourt reciiaJag efcalrcalra asa(a (reel le the ICaat dally. .. rWeato-Poct'laiMl Seeftal ret " .m nuinnitnn. aiy. s :so am t.w i Spnkae. riyet for gaatera ' r ".'''"jrtwi. Walls Walla, , f b-n Sleee asl "S! .1iera points, dally. 1M pal Si Atlanta. Kipra fnr Me Cut , Ja Huntlnetoa. dally .Heat S:SelB .ndjllfr. .:. rer all pets hetweea . Blare sad Fertlaad. dallr. . . 7T. . I IB am S J sal ; ; . . Columbia aivsa mtisiom. Aatoria eud way polete. useartbie with Jeamer Car Ilwace end Nort'j Beeca. Steemee """Xah-tt. Wk. Vveie S p. . dalle. ."'X'r! Baterday. 10 p. m. Arrtvss boat p. .ep, nr.T. tamrili. atvr.a aorrm. . ror Paytoa, Ureroa City and yamktn He f""ts. eteanera Rath end Modoe. Aehet. Seek. Zy. ",ev m. daily, except Suaday (water pee- ' Ismta A,rtT t:S ''' ' SNAKB RITglt KOtTTB. lewlatoa, ldaha and way pelata trum Itlperla. Waah.. steamers Spnkase end Iwlo. lese ;3 a. m.. er epos arrival Trela Ne. . dally Satarday. Arrlre ; p. m. dallr nmt rrtdar. , Ticket Office. Third end WatMagtea ate. TiWtain Main .TU. . e. W. atlNOMI. nty Ticket A fe Wm. McMraSAt. Oeeeral Peseeeeee Aeeet. EAST VIA SOUTH t'aloe Danel PorUaad and Sea rrea eiece Siprraa Stops enly et stoat important atittoas -betweea tVrtland and San rrajH-laee,- connect loos et eaa rrenclsce tar all points Cast end Sooth ll:S0pm UtSSpa Orerland ' Ripreae Trains for ill local 'oolnre South. Sarramento. Mi rraacktce ana points Kaat aed South. : pa HM pa klornln train raeoeeta at ttoodbura dally eicept Sunday with Mount Angel ana BiiTertoa meal. . S:S0aa f:pa twttare Urore paeseager ronnerta st Wondbura and Albesy dally, eicept Snn v ,- day, ellli iialm ftir wiluls' oo WoodDnrn-SprtnaSeld ana AIoenT-u-banoa brenches.. M li 'irmii Corvaflle paaaenaer. . . TDrtam S.BOpm 4:10 pm eio au sa llllTonam li-onem eneriaan paaaenser.;.... Poreat Orove pasaenf er. sorest wove paaaenirer. US to pa ll:epm Dallr. Mhallv eieerit Sunder. JFrrSRaON eTRKRT STATtON. Pee Dallas snd BUersMdlats points dally, T'SS a. m. ssd 4: It p. m. Arrive fartJasd ISilS a. m. end S:25 p. a. for time and card ef Oswees. eeaarbee tsams apply it City Ticket Office, er ststloa. Tickets te Eastern points snd Enropet eaa Japan. Chine. Hnnolnla and Auetnlta. City Ticket Of fire enrnrr Third sad Wash. Invtna atre-ta. Coons Main Til C. W. ST1KOBE. ' Wuv MeMrRBAT, - city Ticset assoc. oea. raas. IIMECAR OF TRAINS Portland! Laeea . Alva Tellowstone fart Kaneae Olry St. Lotrta Special roe ChebeUe. Centralis, Ulympls, Uray's . Harbor. South Band. Tacoms, ttls, spotaoe. Lewutea. iiepai Biaeea, ume ba. KimIi t?ttv. Bt Letale ssd Sostkeeat, dally i.K pea 4:SS s) worth Coaat Limited, eleerrla iltbted. for Tacooia Seattle, ' Spokane, Matte, Mlnesapnlis. St. Peal and the Beat, dallr. t.OS pa f :SS ss I'ntet Soaiid Limited, for Clarvmoet. - Chehella. Ceo trails, Taesma ssd See ttls ' only, dally 4:SSpa g: St asp Twin City Kipreea for Ta co ma. Seattle, Spokane. Helens. Rnrts. St Psnl, Mlaaeapolls. Lincoln. St, Jooeek. Kaneae City, Omeha, St. Loals, with out ehaace ef eare. Direct connect lone for sll aotata Bast ' sad Seatbeeet. delly llieS sea IStSSaei 2 Overland Trains Daily 2 ThsOnsatsl Lemltsd.tae fase Mall VIA SSI TTLS AWP SregAWS. rertlaad Ume aehedals Dolly. Detlp. Leave, Arrteet Te and from Spokane, St. Peal, aflnaeapolle, Iu1uth aad sll nolata Beet via Seattle S:Saa T-eeaa llidSpsa :sepa To and from St. rent MlBseenoUe. - Dsluth sre ell points Beet via Spokane; T:oe pa S O aa Balllug from Seattle for Japan aad China ports and ktsans. earrylag pee eengers snd freifbt. r . S. S. Minnesota. J a emery S. , S. S. Dekata, rekraery IT. XIPPOM TUBES KAISHA . (Japan Mall Hteemehlp rl - S. S. Ksga Mara will sell trees Seattle about December tl to Japes and Chinese porta, earrytag paasiaaera sad trslsht.. . for tickets, rates, tierfh, iisins Hone. etc. eair ea ar ad ill ass H. PICKSOB, 0. . X. A. 1SS Third St., Vertlead, Oregea. rhsae Mats SsSt Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co. Caw Dope-. Leave, , Anlve. rot atayiere. Balnloe, Oats kaala, neetport, UUftoa. As toria, Warrentra. y level, llammoad, rort Stsvsas, Oeaf hart fork, gesstds S.eS aa tl SSses Aatorta sad aeaeSora, aapraaa . aiir lly I.WIO m mw p. ,U trains Sally. - - . ; , . . C vJATO. ii. T. aad T. A.. Astoria. Or. A.- STBWAHT, tommeresM assent Alder street, rbeae Mala Sue. . POK.TLAND-ASTOWA ROUND TRIP DAILY - XSeepr Bnaatar-The ae teaaaeg ' TELECriAPI! teavee foot Alder et. alt , ,--1 f)1 a. m. , , 1 04 p. m. Arrive Astoria lae Callander dock, Astor's 2 11 p. m. Arrive Portland ' . feals g-rrf t I' i phone 1 M'3 : C U- I IQIoopm itmr 1 I ,Y eoiiTis lO. uava. ami m 1 THK COMrOftTASLC WAV. jj --V:.--: : ' ' ' ...