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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 8, 1906)
THE OREGON. DAILY JOURNAL,' PORTLAND! SATURDAY - DVSWnra. DECEMBER 81808. 12 GASOLINE ENGINES. "OAMM.INB engine-. eP Bless t3"i Inweet aer-ea7 atolfaea tetttil C. HOTELS. Thb prnrrt Foarta ad hime et-- Rooms aoe ep; stee by week or moutbi HSZt-Umm trio, eolicltcl. 1'acia 2IQ0. IIOTTL Portland. markka plea; M- $ act any. BKLTEDtBa1: Saroo-aa plant 41k and Aid c eta. HARDWARE. PORTLAND Hardware Ce, eollclte onportnslty M ihN eric-. 74 Sixth at. PaeUcJM. JA8. Mcl. WOOD, employers' liability sad In. dividual accident security bonde el ell kind Psoas 47. aua xacnay MONUMENTS. b.KU A KISORLET. 8S final at.. Portland leading,, maroie ana ji.uh.. Land scrip. WANTED AND POB SALE Lsnd scrip, all kinds. Including a p proud forest fiami tor -surveyed, unaurvey-d, timbered and prairie ',' government la ad. U. U. Hamilton. Tb Part land. Portland, Or. - 'TOR "rUr tkBd- Scrip. omHBcdB-rB4 .... irrn . always " - .' aa. - pnrtlsnd. Oregon. Maglonls at Boa. MACHINERY. B. TBENKMAN CO. Mining. eawmlU. lo rlnc machinery; hydraulic pipe, caatlugt all kind repaired. 104 North Fourth. - THE H. C ALBE8 C. Beeond-ban chlaery. aawmllla, ate. M Uraod . , . A. 1. PACU 10 Flrat at., ortBCk. bnllara. aa. will afkhwry; Wloka' Broa.' floorlai ft- rJ: MUSICAL. . - '- THB WF.HiirB 8TTPIO MaodnllB. banjo, fnl tar fnatracttoa; Ulbaoar uaJidolliiav isSM . WnahlnftoB. PIANO, Tlolln, piana, trambniM, rlartiwt. Pi , taaaor B A. Iislth. IStk. Mala 4701. r.annie aroric at Uai'a ataaaa aooa. 17 1 Fourth at. M0NEY-TO LOAN. HOMY TO LOAN Oa Impnrrrd titf pronartr ar for balMIng ' aurpoaaa, foe fron 1 to 10 raara' Una, wltk rtTllrfa U repay all or part of loaa aftrj two raara. loana apprerrd troai Plana aad advanced aa building aaugcmn; .. Bertram takrn op and replaced. t'itKU H. 8TRONO. rinaaclal Agfat. , H Stark at. COKriDENTIAL LOANS ea aalarlra, Inaaraaea aollrlea. Blanoa. furnlrnra. warebonaa re WllbVaUartTyiw-1jIa?"ry-'r or Bwotbly Inatallmenta. - VIW EaU LOAN tt TRrsI COMPAHX. ut Ablngtoa bldg. . - WONBT LOANED TO SALARIED PEOPLE Jaat a rour oara aaaaa no other aecarlt1 : dna't borrow nntll jaa aea aw; mr arateaa U toe beat for railroad mea. raarka, bookkaepara, . - aQeetnr aaaa and all otber eiaploraa; bol- Nt atrtctlT coUtdenOai, r, A. Itewtoa, 424, Abingtua bldg. . ' MONET ADVANCED SALARIED PEOPLE And otbera upoa tbelr owa naaea wltaoat r aerurltjr; cbeaprat ratea. eaeleet paraaeatai afficea la do principal cltleai aaaa aoaraalt awner br grttlug our tor ma flrat. loLalAK, Ablag ton bldg.. t0dV Third at. WANTKD NMea, aiortgagea or aoatraeta a ttia: acennd niortcagea pnrctiaaed it well aa eurad. a. K. nooia. iu iommerciai bib. uakct ta loaa ra nan ta aatt. aad nara. aa low aa per rent, oa Improved rltr prop. ertr. Munltnn Scobaf. Ml Celuaibla bldg.. 805 WaablBgton at. DON'T kmiuw awae aa aatary nntll rea aae , tu Dekaui bldg. W. S. WARD, lawyer. Allakr bldg. Probata aad mortgage buatnraa aullcited; awderata treat haaa inouer oa anortgagea from I'MJM up; aaay .teraia. MONET loaned oa farnlinra. plaooa and atbar . eeenrttlea. VI. A. tiauiawaj, rooai .. WaabiDgtoa Bldg. Phoao Paetfla M3JL MONET to loan; large loaaa apedaltr: alee bnllillng loana; Inweat ratea fire laauraaca. (! ! I ' 11 1 IK twiw, ..... .... WUllaaa O. Beck. 811 railing bldg. CRESCENT LOAN CO., 42S Mohawk bldg Money to lead oa eee -payment plaa ta wage-earoera; atrlctly eonndantlal. MONET (0 loaa oa all klada af aerarlty. William Boll, roam a. Waablngtaa bldg. TO LOAN Soma to aalt aa chattel aeenrtty, B. A. Frame. C14 the Marquam. MONET TO LOAN fire 1 nan ranee; real eatate, al otter As aUKenala. 8g-iC10 Commercial blk. A LOAN tor tbe aaklng Salary ae ahattaL The OSTEOPATHIC FHYSICIANS. nun AOIX A NOHTHHI P. 41S-1A-IT Dekam " bloa-T' TbB ia Waahlngtim a la. Ptteoa Mala 848. Eiamlnatloa frea. OPTICIANS. DaV B. 1. MILLS Ontomrtrlei anl Cyealrlit Voortaltat. Booma rT. (23 Waaklagtoa Street. PLUMBERS. 'POX A CO. aaalrary plumbera. tn Seeoad. bet. Mala aad Balmoa. Oregua Pkoaa Mala 8001. DONNERBER3 RADEMACBEK, No. BUI Barna:ae at. - PAINTS, OIL AND GLASS. r. E. BEACH CO. The Pioneer paint Co.; window giaaa aad glaalag. las ruat at. ' Paoae lilSe. PRINTINO. Ton MODERN PRINTKRT Artlatla arlntlag. 84 Rueeel bldg., ronrtb and Morrlaoa. Pbuua I'acine uxa. EVERYTHING IN PRINTINO Prom elrcalare 'to catalogiiee and newepapara. r mviFopuuua rnnKing wo., let vront at. OC1LBEF, BROrl., prtnttra CardJ, billhead. eie. run, aaam 4009. laeia a araa BL PAINTING AND PAPERING. roil UMt yh. nrMoftmbl prjr, Bhhy Vm)t J maUUHA, HetV MtUB 9UilL ROOFING. TIN ROOFING, gntterlng. renah-lDg and general RUBBER STAMPS. r. C STAMP WORK. 149 AltVtv at.. pboM aWT mlft Tift' nhlaada Shmtl U AltaawAa.1 Im a k... latva H"" vw " mm, vi m ma aK8 pilMI, ; .lKEAL .ESTATE. ' Paynt & Van Tyiie Real eatate, Ineeattaeota mortzagaa, 110 Allaky bldg. Phoue Mala 2MH. rARBISH. WATK1N8 A CO., Real eaUte, loeurance, rental aad maa areata. 8M Alder at. J. W. OOlI.ttFR. real eetaf aad loanat eatak- Ihrae-1 1m: -4o Fr4 ., ma ll. - A. B. BICNARPrlON BBAL FSTATB AND MORTOAOB LOANS. " IIhw Mala 8P. r.'8 Chameer of Commarea. SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES. BlUiWCASKS of every d-eerlptloai ha, nor ' . and atore dature stad order. Tha Ltk MaDiir.rtu.iu ,., Portia ad. B, H BIRPBAIX. d-algnerj a rent U. Wlrft-r . Immbar Ca, t Bamtltea bldg. mala 8M0. 7 INSURANCE. rr : 1" '' . ISA AO L. WHITS, Are lasareac. 844 Bhee. 4ocfc Mile.: ;: ' . SAFES. I'OKltAND 8AFK Co., sole scents fi Herring- : Hull-Marvin a.f.-e Kid Maruuuieee Weel , I'.- bank uIh. lb largi.t worluil i : hlgk-rail Ore and biirglar-pfoof alu lu the ourtbweot. 2 Seventh at. .1 D1FBOLD msngsueae and Sre-proor aarea; M; tllta epeBiiil; xn-lri AiUlxi.e, Bad jail work: jarke. J. K. Davie. ettlidT alWI83r K1QHT secondksnd ekfee and twe secondhand bank a.fce (ur sale cheep, al TO Sixth at, IWIlaad. Of. . SEWING MACHINES. PHONE - ParlBe STMw and I peraonally will eall and reoair toot eewlng-iaacoloe: work i gnaranieed. . Same, adjueier. Hoi THIrd at. STREET PAVING. WARREN ConatroetloB Co., a treat paring, aide, walk aad araaalnge. 14 Lomber Kichaaga. THE Barber Aapbalt Paring Ca. at ParUaad. , Office bXiS el'orceater blk. ' SIGN PAINTERS. PUKTER TlLEISEK S10N8. W hare built ap tbe largaal alga' baameaa m tbe ctly by flrat-claaa work and keeping i ear proailaea. Oar prlrea a-e right. Fifth aad rerett ata. Pbona Ex. M. W. P. BBRGER A SON. ZS4 TanhlO at. 'Sign of aU klada. Phone I'eciOe. SKI8. "8IONS THAT ATTRACT" A. H. Boat. Co., 88T Btark at. rnoae t'acioe lowo. i TYPEWRITERS. HEADQUARTERS tot,jw and rebnllt typa- -wrltara oz au aiica. bob our w iiimi. , 1 1 3 are going to buy a new typewriter aea aa to fore ba; lag; wa eaa aare you moaeyi wa a a re raru for repairing all aiachlnoo; ata la ageat fur the Vlatble Pox; wa hay all klada of typawrltera. Tbe Typewriter Exchange, Joe, B. 1. tlllaoa, manager, 84 Third at. WE eell Remlngtamt, Smlth-Premlara, Deaa. morea, etc, lower man any etaer company; tareatlgata. Caderwood Typewriter Co., an 8th. TTPEWRITEB repair and anpply Co., Waablngtoa ac t none aiain none. BLICKEN8DERFER trpewfltera, 4( and $; aoppiiea, repairing, gone m uuea. i yt more. TOWEL SUPPLY. CLEAN TOW ELB-TIAILT Comb, hrnab. aaaa. 81 per moath. Portland Lannarjr ana J owe Bapply Co., Ninth and Couch. Phoaa 410. TRANSFER AND HAULING. TUB BAGOAGB OMNIBUS TRANSFER CO , cor. Sixth and - Oak eta ; baggage checked from botrl or realorare airecx 10 aeaiination; paaaengera therefore arold rnah and aaaoy lace at depot. Private exchange OS. , BAFEfl ntaaoa and furnltar moved, parked ready for anippiug a no anippra; ano anippea; an worn aaranteed; large. -atorr brick, are-proot warenouae w , v' ' " - - Olaea Roe. 1'boa Mala 547. C. O. PICK, office 88 Flrat at.. Between stark and Oak ata.. pnone two, pianue ano larnjiore moeed and parked for ablpplng; eommodloa brick warebouaa with, ae par a la Iroa reema, Front aad Clay at. COT ratea an. bona hold to all oolnta auiuu julouu ineclal room for I trunk while waiting. Oregon Aula-IieapaU-h. . . . . 1 1 ,..!. I 18 tint at. rnoaa maia i -a. B08R CITX VAN CO., ofo 141 Flrat at.. phone Main o-wCO. eorniiure inq iHeBV-e-VTiug a pecllty; wa guarantee our work. RATIONAL TRANSFER A STORAOB CO. 870 (laa ex. leievevue ww. , ring aad taring.-- - - OR BOON TRANSFER CO., 134 North Sixth. Pbona aula on. neary aaouag ano aiorage. INDEPENDENT BAGGAGE A TRANSFER CO. Storage. AM Star n. maia eui. . FOR hark, furnltnre wagon, trunk or piano moving, phone tteaaian, a.aax ouoe. . iPeCA-aUJVeUlT-JtafeaWlea Ingtoa t. Phone Main 81 WHOLESALE JOBBERS. THB BRETMAN LEATHER CO.,' Jobber af aaddlery, hardware, horee gonfla. leather, and. Inge aad aboe a tore auppllea. Fifth aad Oak. M. A. OHNST A CO. DISTR1BI T0R8 OF PINB CIGARS. PORTLAND) OREUON. SHERK, GAZB A OBAHAM (Ioe. commtaaloa mercaaata. joonera oi iruni, unnjuce, tic; coaelgnmenta aollclted. 128 Front at. L4r- aad mlaaion merrbaata. 140 Front at., PartlaaiL Or. Pbona Mala IT. ' OREGON Farnltora Mannfaetortng Company Manolacturera ox luraiiore aur lue traaa. Portland, Oregon. WADHAMS A CO- wboleaala grocer, mana facturera na eommieaioa BDvrcaaaia. aoarta and Oak ata. FURNITTJRB mannfactarlng and a pedal erdera. Bavenaky a lanniure xaexory, ovi vroax ALLEN A LEWIS. eommlMtoa and prod oca mer chant, rront ana uavia ata-, r-oniaaa. vr. WHOLE8ALB crockery and yUaawar. Praet, Hegele A Co.. 100 ta 108 Fifth, cor. Stark at. WlNES AND LIQUORS. COLUMBUS, California win depot; an ktnda af wine, Ac a glaaa. Cooke aad Ceoka' Help er liMdnarter. 148 Fonrth at. Pkoaa la- elfte 21KI. P. LnratL SAYS HER HOUSE IS HOT OF GOOD REPUTE Rose Hathaway Makes Novel Defense in Suit, for Pay ment of Piano. Ros L. Hathaway, defending herself In a suit brought by Etler piano houa to recover $700 for an eleotrio piano, aa serfs that she is the keeper ot a hoyae of ill fame; that the Ellers people kne the pinna waa to be used in her estab lishment, and. that therefore the contract Is void, as havlna; been obtained for an Illegal purpose. . '"' Tbe piano was sold some time ago, to be paid for on the Installment plan. rOhe "or "two" TnatalTmentS-Wf jrpald bjf tbe defendant. She then decided that she didn't want the pltvno, and Bought to return It. The dealer refused to ao cept It, and sued her on the contriot to recover the balance due. :. . . The defendant In answer alleges the bad reputation of her resort, states that the piano house knew where the lnatru tnent was to be used, snd that the In stallments would have to be paid from the earnings of her place. Another de fense alleged is that the piano was re turned to the store. SPANISH SHIP RAMS FRENCH WAR VESSEL ' -Jnm-Pat Pparial Serrtco.t Tangier, Morocco, Dec 8. The 8 pan Ish steamer Carmen, steaming at eight knots, rammed the French cruiser For- bln st anchor this morning. No one was killed. The Carmen's bow : was crumpled up like cardboard. The war ship was uninjured. . SHAH OF PERSIA NOT- DEAD, BUT VERY ILL (Jonraal Special Service.) Teheren. Petal. I too. 8. It la stated that the shah of Persia' Is not dead, though he fa very weak. lie Is sleeping enri nas improved. - ; ' The troops are.-being paid their ar fat a. TODAY'S MARKERS AMERICAN LARD TO Demand From the Orient Is In creasing ince Russian Law Was Modified. ' GROWERS ARE NOT SO -tv. FIRM IN HOP HOLDING Potato Market Steady but Shipments Are Small, Ovrlng to the Lack of , Cart- Good Ton in Eggs Con tinues With Eastern Quoted High. v : Prlnclpaf market fratnree toaaFf'"' American lard for China.. . ., Grower not firm oa hop. Soma wheat being bought. ' (lood to be la egg eontlnaea. , ' Tokay grape la from the aouth. , - Turkey receipt ara lncreeaing. .' Prraaad meat demand m firm. ' Two cam aweat potatoea arrlva. Potato hold vary walL . " American Lara for Orient, ; Slowly though nrely the demand for Amer ican maaaXK-tured lard from the Orient 1 lncreeaing. Than I a territory that the larga na.W- are .net heelnnlne to think amoUOta to aometblng and af late the aalr In that dl rectloa have been eotmlderably lncreed- ' A yet th Oriental bar not be. a fully edoeated np to the fact that Amencaa laro ai iu nnxtneed and the cheaper arada which la aoma- tl mea offered bp th Chlneae nndar tba Amer. inn name eelta more readily ea acronat of the lower priced For-eome iliae.ll w. th taw to ahlp Amwlraa li Into Siberia, but thl baa now been modined. and aeoord lng to Conaul Green of Vladlvoatok tb boal ta wen amrih eolna after. Oonanl Greene write the Department of Commerce and Labor that tbe Ruaalaa regulation prooinuing u. lmnortathm af hog producta Into Siberia ha now been modified to the extent af admitting ep-called melted bog fat," t, ., lard. 11a eontlnaea: , i , .t mwniA i-iisuteratandln and delay la paaalng the lard through th ctratom-hooae tb bill of lading anfl 'ablp'l manlfeat ahould con tain the word lard." It I aeeireoie .-o M ris in the aame- way lard campoonda. area though they may cantata no bog' fat. "Tbl ruling aln make it poaaiuie w i a . i KM.n.w Tlarftvnatok to Maa- - .'"-' '- , ,i i - i . a. i ckorta. There la a good market n -.-'- for lard and lard compound, tnonga ax piw-en. a aomawbat erode product from Cblaa which ran be eold cheaper la being importea i tba nam of "AmerlMn lard," and th demand for the genuine American artlda m coaaetroeatlp reduced." 1 Drawer Net Firm a Hops. Dnrlng th peat few daya there ha been a noticeable weakening ot bop-grow era, ana many am Tan-v Aff.Hn their BfoancX TOT Be I. xur- Ing th paet 84 boora only a few aalea bar beea reported; one of tbeea being at 18He tot .--(-n -4t- ahlnnlnr aooda. Thl eem th nrr inn of th market at thl time; tboa ahow-L lng a loaa la price from pravloo aalea af that quality. Tokay Or pea Tram tba aoata. a ,til, At rirat.rti In from tba eoutb thl morning and found at 8I.7& nar crate. '-Orange are' of better color, bot aalea -are not yet liberal. Former nrtcee re mala. Jap orange ara In aomewhat larger "PP'T e-m r.iifnia but ara finding a fair de wnmmA a, l TK M, line. Two care of aweat potatoea were reported ta tola morning. Price tiff at iwc. . Turkey Beoeipte Ara Inoraaaing. Recelpta of turkey -Wer aomawbat mora liberal today. Practically all the etork coming la dreeaed. bot thl I all th trade care for during -the holiday. Price about tb eome. rki.,.n, Ha-a in fair recelnt dnrlng tha part 9A lumia hill th mlr aaa IW la.' the Uric OB fknCF bCB. Receipt of atrlctly freak local err continue very niU. with all but ana dealer claiming nu, tha nrlce received I from tbe trade. .Better grade of eaatero, egg ara Bald to b aelllng at bzswkic. . Dreeaed meat demand m very firm with re celpta not liberal. - Glut In llveatork market held th prlea along tb atraet autlunary. ' - ., , . Petat Market Soldi Wall. While there, I bat emaU amount of trad ing reported In the potato market, tha tone la holding teady. Lark of car la all thai 1 keeping tbe trade from aaanmlng larger pro pnrtlona. Soma order In from Arlxoaa aad Texaa, bot era cannot ba aecored for hlp- ment In tht direction. - Brief Bote of tb Trade. Creamery butter M firm, although aeveral city ereamenea now ciaun wax way a.,-, eu- vancad their price. . . 8om email aalea of wheat are reported dur ing tb peat 84 hour, but tb price remain There are renorU of off-grade (agar being old at a dlecouut, but Jobber y It la not tru. Tb general market Jnet atrady. Th trad paya the following, price m rrom treat. Prtcea paid ablppws ara Maa regular commlmlon: ' Orala. Flour and Fee. GRAIN BAtiS Calcatta. Ii boytag prlea; Belling. S- WHEAT New crab, etct red Raaataa, 81; bln-atrm. e8c; valley. 87c. B A RLET New Feed, 8M.00; relied. ,22. 0; Brewing. 822.00. ., CORN VVhola. 82T.O0; cracked. 128.00 par toe. BTE 81.88 par cwt. " OATS New Producer' pH-eN. 1 wklt. 8a4.00r(t2.00l gray, 123.0028.00. FIAlCkV K.eateTB Oregon pat.nt. " IS 80; tralght. l.o; export. 13.06, 88,40, grakam. : 830O; hol "heat, 83.7B ry. no- halea. t2.T&. MlLLSTI;rF8 Bran, r.0 per tool mid dling. 8200! norT. country, i.uo; dty aianO- rhon. 8ie.0tlt21.0O. n. V Pv.Mtncera' tirlce Tlmofhv. Willamette valley, fancy, 12.00y 18.00; ordinary, $a.oo IO.OO; eaatera Oragonr 815 Ooem.W; mixed. $10 00(310.60; clover, 7.00it.00j grata, Lfid tt8.BU; cneax. i.ovw . Butter, Zgg aad Peal try. BTTTTFR FAT F. a. b. Partkad-Aweet cream. 83! aoar. 01 -,c. miittkh -City creamery, 85c: ontalde ranee gj'.ei eedlnrya8M'0ci. "tore, 18iai7, . EUHS Kxtra ' "ndledV" SilxcrToc! aad eaatera torage, ouqutc CHUWiB New Full creain. flxta, llflu,, Amertra. UK01DM.' POULTRY Mixed chicken, ,1c per lh; ken. 14c per lb; rooatera. ,u loe lb! fryer. 12e lb; broiler 12V4C per lb: old ducka, HH per lb! aprlng durka, 13 Vie lb; gee. 810e PW : turkeya. 17lTi,e per lb for old; dreeeed, fancy. 2e21Ho lb; culla, lSdylflc lb; anilaba, ,2.00 par do; pigeon, ft. 00 per sua. Hope. Wool and Hid. IT0PS 1908 crop, cno ice. jac; prim ta choice, loe; medium to prima, luQlie; me dium, 10 U He. ... WOOL 1108 allp Valley, m028t eaaf'era Oregon, sue. uouiih New. nominal. SHKKPHKINS Sheering, lf2n eeh abort wool, 8R4c; medium wie. B0O7ee eack; long wool. 7oc8l.OO eark. TALLOW Prime, par lb. tV.Ol Ma. I and grcaae. 'iae. . ?HITTIM BARK H7o U1DBS lry. h: I. 18 lba and ap, 1HQ 17 Ue per lb; dry kip. No. 1, 8 to Ift lba. 140: dry calf. No. 1. andec 8 lba, 18c: called hide, terra, enund. SO lb end over, loylic; row. m'4c; tag and bulla, aoand. 87r; kip, 15 to 80 lba, c; calf, waxnd. uad.r 15 lba. He; green, anaalted, lo lew; cnll. I par lb mm; Core hide, aalted, each, $1 2'.l.r; dry, rerh. ai 00 A 1 bo: colt blriee. SAaaoci roat akina cooimca. each, 0ylftc; Angora, eack. atcO TralU nd Vegetahla."1 POTATOFS Baying price, eaatera Multno mah and t.'Uckamaa, no'ai.wi; ordinary, S0C1 Bbr; weeta. 2.nu23.7B. - ONIONS Jobbing price new Oregon. SOcSJ ll.oo; buying price. 70(7V; garlic, aJO ih APPLE! Fancy Bond River Hpltaenherc aad Tellow Newtowna. 2 50: fancy Willamette valley anil aouibera Oregon, glo; ordinary tock.- 7r-rrll 2K . UtKSH 1'Rl'ITS Orangee, new navel, 8.1.00 H A W; baaanaa, 8c per lb; lemone, choice. $4.09f.00 per box; fancy. $.V0O 50 per SoAi Uiaea, Meitcaa, f Lev par MW; plaaappla. VLADIVOSTOK CALCUTTA BAGS WILL- BE HIGH, SAYS REPORT 4d444444444 'Latest- advices from Calcutta' say ihat th Jule production of that country will not reach . the proportions expected earlier In the season, and th prospects now are that" prices here during for HOT ' grain season will be fully as high ss the one Just -on. Large buyers here say that they have already made contracts for Calcutta bags at materially high er values than they paid at this time a year ago. . - - f4.0oe3.o pw dear grapes, California. II. TSJ 2.00; Malaga, 87.50 keg; pear. li.iBtJl.Bfl; hackleberrli. Be; pineapple, 80.00 . per doa; pomegranates, ll.I6tjl.60 per box; grap fruit, 84.70. . .'.'.. VKUETABLK8 Turn I pa, aw, BOcCIl eack; carrot. 76cul per eack: beeta, 1.25 per Back; Oregon radlahea, 20e per doa; cabbage. Ore gon, 1.2Atl.50; bell peppera, ( I per lb; to mato, 81.8oi2.O0 ear crate: naranlDa. SOcCtlli atrlng beaoa, 18c per lb; cauliflower,. 8128 per ooaen; pea, inc: noraeraaian, wegiue per lb; artichoke, 1.00 per ooxcrr; aquaeb, TocCll.oO per box: excDlant. 81.60 per doeen bunrhee; celery. 7iH.-vc per doaen; eggplant, 81.75 per crate: pumpkin, lc; ern berrlra, meal. (12.00 per bbl; Jeraey, 81150. UK1KD FRUITS Apple, evaporated. SCtT per lb; apricot,' 18V.W20C per lb; peacbea, 12ai8'4e per lb; aacka, (, par lb leas; prune. 80 te 40, BMac: c drop oa each 1-18 email- lae; flea, California black. CHe per lb; California white. Srd4c per Tb: date, golden. S.a0 par box; farda, 1.40tl0 par 18-Ib box. OreoarSea, Jluta, Eta. BU0AR California A Hawaiian Coba. 15.40; powdered,; berry. 85.15: 0. C 85.05: dry granulated, 83.16; Star. 4.5 conf. A, 13.15; extra B, . 84.60; goldea C. 84 0; D yellow, 84.45; beet granulated. g4.vo. - Waatera Cuba, 85.40; powdcod, $5.10; dry granulated, 85.16; P. t: 3.u5; conf. A, 85.15; extra U, 84. t; goldea. 0. 14. 56; D, yellow. $4.46; beet granulaud, $46; bbla, 10c; V bbl, SSe; boxee. Sue advaaca on aack baaia. lAbere prlee exa 80 daya ael caak ataeta- tlona.l . . HONS x ss. so per crate. ' WHA-Hlkin braada, $18JB4B.TB SALT Coane Half around, love. 80.00 net too: 60a. 8U.60: table, dalrr. 50. 818.00: 100. 12.76; bale, ll.Wl; Imported Lmrpool, 60. ltt.00; luoa, $17.00; 224. $18.00: extra fine, btila, aa, 5a, 10a, $4."6'v; Uveriiool lump 1 li K.1 a... '. . a.. K anafe . U lima. $100. - (Above ' prlcea apply w aalea of lee than car lota. . Car lota at apotial price aabjoet t Bucruaiion. r RICK 1 mo-rial Jaoaa. Mo. I.' Sc: Me. t. 5Wc; New Orleaaa, head, T) AJaz. tat deolr, 5c. BKAN8 Small Whit, $2.80; brga white, $3.25; pink, 2.00; bayou, $3.76; Umaa, bmei Mexlcaa red, 4c, NUTS Peanuta. Jamba. SUe eer Tb: Tb-tlnl. THc per lb; routed, 10c per lb; Jap- aeae, OuSVic) roaated, 7S7H P ceco-i-nuta, s?mwoc per doa: walnut. 19c per t HtiMflri--fiemtr Hxr-n.i v (- aw .nr. .r"--.- 'V..' ".VH lOe par lb; rheatant. aaatera. i5Jloc per lb; Braall ill ante, 1M per lb; filbert. lUt21Vio per lb; fancy pecana, 10c; almond, 18u21Ho. Meat, Tlah ami Previalima. . FRESH MEATS Froat Street Hoc, faacr." Se per lb; veal, 'extra, ec par lb; ordinary, 'aXtftH per lb; poor, 8c lb; mattoa, fancy, luiHe per lb; lambe, SOPe. UAain, xtAfwUn, a, j u. rortiana para tmcaif bama, 10 to 14 lb, loe lb; 14 to 14 lb, lfic lb; 18 to SO lba, lac; break fax t bacon, 18HtJ-ie id; picnica, ivmc id; cottage, aitte Per in; regular aiiort claara, anamoked, LM per Ih; vmuked, 13c per lb; e'ear back, anetuoked. yje per lb; mokea, ise par na; union botte, 10 to 18 lb, anamoked, 8e per Ih; any tad, 8 per lb; clear belllea. anamoked, lac wr lb) moked. UW per lb; abouldera, 12nt par lb; I pick icq longuea, fo.uu quarter nni. i.tA.AL lakh nettle tfll. 10a isu am In, ba, 18 per lb; 60-lb tine, 12e per lb: steam rondoroo. lOe, par ahrjOa, I2t par Hr; ennrpound, 10a; S4e CANNED SALMON Columbia river, 1-lb talis, $1.80 2-lb talla, 82.T6; fancy, 1-lb data. 81.K0; H-lb fancy data, $1.15: fancy 1-lh ovale, 82.T6: Aiaaka Ulla, plak. tttePOci red. $l-6o; awmlnai 8a, tell. $2-00. FISH Rack cod. 7 Pet Tb: loan-ra. Be per lb: halibut. 6 We per lb: eraba. 81.0011.50 ner doa; atrlped baaa. 12 We per lb; catfish, 10 per lb; aalmoa, Columbia river allveralde, 8c; ateelhead, lOe per Tb: herring, o per lb; eolea, Se per lb; arlmpa. loe per Tb; perch, 8c per lb: black cod, 7o per lb; tomeod. 7 per lb; silver amelt, 8c per Tb; lobatara, la per lb; fresh mackerel, 8c per lb: crawflah. rAxrrii; itorgeoa, lot per tb,' bUcg baa; 20c per lb. . O1HTKR8 rThoalwater bay, par gal, 12 10: per 116-lb rack, 54.23: oiympla. per gallon, $2.25; per 115-lb rack, $5.00 to $5.50. . CLAMS Hardabell. per box. $2,001 rasor ctama, $2.00 per box. Paint, Coal OH, Xta, ' BOP B Pure Manila, 16He; ataodard. !$!! kial, lie. COAL OIL Pearl ar AetraV Cse 18 per gal; water white. Iron bbls 14c per gal, woodea 1c per gal; headlight. 170-deg. aaaa life aer UABtiiaii-s eo-aes. ensaa nam Pr gal, iroa bbla lc par gaL BKN7.1NK CJ-oea. aaaea SBe Bar gal Iroa bbla 8Ve per gaL . TUKPBNT1NB la eaaa See per gal, weodea bbl. 0.1c per gal. WHITS LEAD Ton Iota, TV par tb; SOO-u Iota. He per lb; less lota. SHe per lb. tiinK a ailb irearat oaaw ax 2.o. LINSRED OIL Pare raw, la 8-bbl Iota, foci I -bbl lot, 88c; ca-. Me per gal; geaalaa kettle-boiled, raaea. soc par gal; S-hbl lota. 64c; l.hhl Int. aAc Dee cal: around eake. ear lota. $20.00 per ton; lea ihba eat KKa, $ao.O par f TTBTTZB STATES OOTgruratXaTX BOMM, Mew Tork. Dec .Official prlcea : Hate. Bid. Twoa, reglaterod Opt. 103)4 - do coupon Opt. 104 Three, regie tared Opt. 102 00 coupon .i-,, itn Small bond .... H'2 Four, regUtered InOT 100 do couooa.., 10OT 101, Four, rexlatered 1P25 lHti no coupoa a. ltuo 30 Panama 2s.....,.,. 104 do coupon .... 104 - Dlatrlct of Columbia........ 1024 115 --- Philippine a 108 ft . MIW TORK BA1TK iTATXHlrt. Mew -Tork, Dee. 8.- Braerv ............. Reaerv. lea C. B. ... -Bank atatement: - -Deere. ...$ 8.161. boo S.HSSflO ; .u.a.5t 0.7H2.2O0 -i 2.5.1.'l.4O0 ,.... 1S.457.200 -418,600 Hxn$. Specie lgsl Depoefta Clrculatloa ' Ii Mew Terk Bond Market. New Tork, Dec. 8. Official price: . Hid. Ak. Burllnaton Joint 4 100 lOOU L. Ar N. untried 4a... ..I0114' 102 N. A W. Con. 4a... ,., 0414 944 Atlantic Coaat 4 psx, 04(4 Liverpool Oottea Market. Liverpool. Dee. S. Cotton fntttrea rloaed $ to $ point up. Middling A polnl up. Maw Tork' Oaah Coffee, Mew Tork, Dee. S. Caah coffee: Ne; T Bio. T4e Mo. San toe, 8. ...... SUGAR MARKET DROPS TEN CENTS DURING DAY 444444 X The heavy advance quoted In 4 sugar aeveral days ago by local d Jobbers because one refinery had 0 placoA-altauo tat tone there, did d 4 not meet with the approval of the e 4 iraoe in general, ana tne result d waalhAL.oina secret cutting was alleged by some Jobbers. To- 4 d day the market became weak, d 4 and In the afternoon all refiner-' d e les prooucts are quoted 100 per d hundred pounds lower. The new 4) Hat takes effect st once, and 4 th new prices' lire that amount d 4 lower than the quotations In the d 4 regular report 4 Ak. I lo4 I , lo4 I 4 niSMr. S 108)41 3 ioi" 44 102 4 lit! 106 I iifiiriT-nninrTiniifinrt irr1 riinrnTrrrH llla.ll I 8 1 1 1 IS I IIU IB I lla.B.ia.8 Sf 88 k. W S Be lf I DEBATABLE While Traders Were Generally In Favor of a Rise Friday They Are Now Standing, ' SPECULATOR'S DIVIDED AS TO FUTURE VALUE May and. July Loss a Quarter Cent at the ; Close," While July Is Un changed Latter Option Is Rather ; Quiet- . ' BBLATlTB'WrTfEAT YAtTJIS. ' Dec. S. Tlee. T. ' Ijmm 10hR December. ....$ 74aB $ .75 $ .Ooti $ .o'4 May .T0WB .7U. .OOiI . .NNU July ......... .18 78)i .83 )i Chic. Dee. 8 rt mmm a HrMnm. Mae al. tbougb tha Wheat market natnralle harf ann,a help from the bull aide from tba improved feeling In corn, eata aad- provlaloni. Nortliweat dlapatrbe claim that nearly TO par rent of tha year'a crop ha left flrat banda. Kanaaa City re porta northwestern mill buying wheat mere auu ciaim met atork wi 11 decree- very faat aooa aa cara can be had to ahln tha grain to Mlnneanoll. After decreaalne atnrka of nearly 8,000,000 bnabel for th week Duloih cieareo another l.OOO.OOO baabela of wheat to day. The lata dellverlee thla week have all gon Into the seme boldtng aa a week ago. Corn waa atrong. Ixwal Intereata which nought over l.OOQ.OOO bushela ot May yeetarday took tba aame amount today. Tha market bowed better strength than for aoma time aad It may be that tb ginectejL.nafllna ef price nnaer (krTy movement from th new crop will not take place on echedaled time. - - A lea dltl a strain hnuae honeht Mae oat a Chicago 1 shipping oat oat faster than they come la loaettled wtbr ha helped the market. Some nervonsnen la noted In tha nrovlstnn trade. Thar waa buying of January aad Bell ing of May lard by th parking, Intereets. Official, eontatlona bv Overheek. Stare A Cooke company! WHEAT. . Otien. Hleh. Low. Cloae. 74 B 78 j December ..... 74 '4 75tt . .744 J ,,,..,,,, iv. ivia fv July ......... , T7'A 784 . COBM, December ". 4244 48U, 4244 48 May 1V 444 ' 43t4 44 444 44 OATS. December ...... MV , 84U May r.. 8A1I July' 83 4 834 $84 83S $ . 84t4B 86 s 18TB -16S5 S80B' 872 MEMS PORK. Janaary ...... .1H40 1540 1540 1668 May ...........1600 1000 LARD. December ... SnS a SAO 800 January ....... 8H5 875 SHORT RIBS. May 870 (W0 BBS 8TT sua' sao 882 830B January . 8-15 R60 May ........... 837 868 pkhcast wEajm movxmiht. Today Tear age XJTnLFOOI. OX-ATM MARKET. . Liverpool, DocC S-Offlclal prlcaai r. WHEAT. , w Dec 8. Dee. T. ' Oaln. December ea 8T44 ea 84d Ud May a fi)d 8 4?4d Hd "AnTCAj 1 wujut rjuues. May ... -.L May. Mlnneapolla ..$ .1A Duluth 814 Kanaaa City .. .78B Chicago . . New Tork St. Louis , ,$.7H)4B ,78 . Chloag Oaah Wheat.' Chlcaeo. Tc. lAA wbeet Wa S m to7e)fet No. I 1,74(9750; No, S herd. 75Q 7)4c; No. $ hard, T8)44.7(lc: Mo. 1 northern, R2'aHc; No, 1 aortbern, eOQSoej No, 8 spring, 70ilioc. GREAT NORTHERN SHOWS SOME ACTIVITY . During the Day -Ten -Thousand Scares Are Sold on 'Change Under Two Cents a Share. 1 Oa tbe Portland etoek exchange today there waa a a harp advaace of lSe la Snowsboe and 28a aahar In Bhowstorm. Ilolden was 4c lower la tbe bid price. There waa renewed activity m Gnat North era. Manipulation aad litigation have cauaed a heavy (lump In thl laeua. Someone la trying t gala control of the property, say tbe friends of tbe mine, and thla la aald te hav cauaed the drop In valuea. A year ago Great Northern was ready sal t 60c a ahare. whtl today 10.000 shsres were old IS various lota at prlcea uuiler 2e a ahare. Tne tranaactlon were ureat Northern at 1)4, l.Ooo st m. 1.000 at 1 and 8.000 at l,c. Today 100 Snowatorm changed band at 83.ft5. Mammoth bidding wa very lntereatlnr around 12. .... Official price; BANK STOCKS. , . Bid. Ask. Bank of California. 803 Bankers' A Lumbermen' ... Kqultable Ssvings A Loan ... Merchanta National 155 105 S7 Oregon Trust A Savings... 112 United State National 200 140 BONDS. City A Surbarban 4a Colnmbl Southern Irrigation oa. . , 87 O. R. A N. Ry. 4a... loo O. W, P, A By. tax 101 10.1)4 Portland By. 6a 101 MISCELLANEOUS STOCKS. Aaanemted Oil 60 52 ' Cement Products - ' 50 Home Telephone 22)4 40 J. C. Lee Co 60 Oregon City MIU A I.naiber 5 ... Oregon Journal, preferred.., 116 Oriental American Co., - 7.1 rortland Height Imp. CO ... 52 Pacific State Telephone 108 . 113 puaet Sound Teiepnnne ... an Taguln Bay Telephone $ , 12 V MININO STOCKS. Aiaaka Petroleum , . ,. ". 18)4 Columbia Aml.-. 0DT4 ... C'a-cadta AO -84- Dlxle Meadow 02 ... (lallaher OR 'OS Oolcond 01 . m OoldfleM Trotter . 7."..'. .TT '"20 Great Northern - 02 Lee' Creek Gold ,. 01 ty 02 Ilolden 10)4 14 Mammoth , 12 18)4 North Falrvtew , 06 Oregon gecnrltle .r.,i 02 02 S Kainliler t'arlhoo 24 ' ' 82 ' Standard Con.- , 10"4 11 " Tacoma Steel t. ...... ,12 u, 18 . . COSUBD.'ALSSa.JJISTRlCt. Alameda ... Hnlllon .... Bnrke , Copper King o-rtie Happy Iay , Idaho Giant Mleeonla ...............a Park Copper ltex Hetndeer , Hitth Con. Ha iwalio nawwaUsm ,!.,. ,,,$.64 . v , riuan. rtuHh. Wbaat ..................... exft.OflO . uorn i, a.... nirtlPrtl 738.000 I Mhipmenui , . .... ' "iiwi ... ......a. ....... ... wo , 'a, i, rum Cora ...... .J..... 220.000 - , 434,000 11 20i 114 122 0214 wi 2 . .82" 17)4 1 wi m 11)4 1:114 ON l 10 08 0U HU " 2214 o)i . 01. 10 , 12 an 00 4U-J Buyers and Sellers Say There Is Every Pros pect .That the Price of Grain Bags Will Be Fully as High Klit Season as It Hat This. BY TRADERS Belief Is General That United States Treasury Will Come to ::v Aid of Market. REPUBLIC STEEL VERY ' , BULUSH FOR COMMON Advances Several Points' Despite a : General Slump in Values in New York Steel Official Holding Back. J. NET LOSSES. u'.; a ui . 4 1 Northers, J'ge, jjLaaeL .... H kaly HI do pfd .... Si Out A Western .... .... Pressed Steel Car... ..... H Rock Island ,. ..... H' Souther Pac....... H laloa Pacific ...... felU. 8. Steal ,. NBT GAINS. - kmslgamated Itchlaoa ..... sugar -,, amelter ........ Irooklyn It. Paul Canadian Krle LoulavlU Anaconda .... , Car A Foundry Pennsylvania . Cotton Oil .... ... 4lN. V. Central ..... ... V Reg Steel ......... ... U. 8. Steel., pfd., . ... al .,' Wtl Street Mw Tork, Pec. 8. Tne stix'T market waa very alow today, tha total aalea amounting to but a few over 800,000 ebaree. HepublM Steel wa vary bullish aad mad eererel points aiivaaca daeplts tba geaerally knwr market. Bom relief from th money sit oat loo, la now expected from tb tressury officials. London ' aettlemeat begins Tuaiay, Steel eorporattoa official ara making effort, they say, to prevent a runaway market la steel share. L Official .quoU cooka eoc.pny. DESCRIPTION, AmaL Copper Co... 114)4 45 108 118)4 44 102 X 82 "i 74W Am. Car A Found., com. uo preiarreu ia. Cotton OIL com M)4; Am, LocotuoUre, com.. Am.a8ugar. com..,,... Am. Smelter, com 7 124- 184 168 W 162 do D refer red 118)4 lllSValllS Aaaeonda Mlnlna Oa 1 Am. Woolen, com..,... jcmva.zar Aicoison, 00m. doprfcrrcilt iioiwi 102:110241 Baitlmoce A Ohio, asm iii.-a 2)4 79 I IPS T4 12 )i oo nrererred Brooklyn Rapid Traaatt Canadian Pacific, enaa. ChL A O. W com.... (hi., Mil. A St. Paul.. ChL A N. W., com.... Cbeaapeaka A Ohio.... Colo. Fuel A Iron. em. 20S n 07 67 7 68 Colo. Southern, com.... do 2d preferred do lt preferred em Delaware A Hadaon.... Denver A B. U., opca. . do preferred Erie, com v ,2.1 )k 22 14 l I 43 67 I 67 7511 75A do S prefrred.,i,. do let oref erred nilnota Central 175 1176 xiuiavlll A NMhvUlav, J3ia414fi)..14.All'6)4 aiannatian Itauway . Mexlcaa Central By. M., K. A T., com.. do preferred MieeewH Pacifle ... ntlorr-T Leeti New York Central... N. T.. Ont. A W eater. Norfolk A Weatera, com ao p ret erred . , , Northern Pacific 220 I2--M Pennsylvania Batlway...;ii:ts r. Li. at xi. to Praaaed Steel Car, com. MS MS H 14HU an nrererrea Beading, com do 2d preferred P4HI POVil no pa Rep. Iron A H'eeL com do nreferred 80 I 41V RH'Al 41 U i"in,iioa nomiota; Rock Island, com... do preferred St. L. A S. F.. com,. 01 i HI HI el . T do 2d preferred. ... do let ore f erred. .... St. L. A 8. W., com.. do preferred Southern Pacific, com do preferred Southern Railway, com do nreferred Tennessee Coal A Iron.. Texas A Pacific Tel.. St. L. A W, eoi d preferred Cnloa Pacific, com.. do preferred....... 0. S. Rubber, earn.. do preferred tJ. 8. Steel Co., com. do preferred Wenaah. com do nreferred.. I-Sliei4 8 aa snt4 MiH o4 -u 4814 414 104V4iin4Tt Weatera Union Telegraph Wisconsin tVntral, com. "Total aalea for' day. 808.000 share. . Call money closed at 6 per oent ... - NEVADA MINING STOCKS - 1 r ' rurthey Xeduotioa la Bid Frloe of Xeou ZllUoa. Saa Franelaco, Tee. 8. Official bid prlcea: Exchequer 6d Nnrcroaa . ... . ..$ ,(K " (Jo4d Crown .... .21 ' Oreat Bend .... J. 07 54 Heacne 26 Black Bntts Fx. .14 Montgomery ML .46 Hnnet . IS Vernal ........ .21 Wonder .06 Kewanoa 1.60 Yellow ziger,.. Scepter Msnbsttan .... Hey lor-H umprey xter . Oranne Oold Wedg ., , .16 .65 .20 .15 ,7T .88 .28 f .82 -J4 .28 .1 -.11 .26 Lone Star Great . Bend Ex. do annex.,... Crescent ....... Cowboy '....,,. Denver annex. ,, V. Y: Conaol... Manhattan Coa.. 1.00 Little Joe... .06 .SO Mayflower ..... Jumping Jrck.. Red Top Ex ... . Mustang Hull Frog Mln.. Triangle ....... Lna Dillon ..... Pin Nat .65 .80 .17 .44 .86 . .41 .20 B08T0B COPPER BtAKKIT. . floe ton Dee. 8. Official bid or Ices: Adven tnra. $4.76; Alloues, 254.75; Arcadian, SU.K'- -Arnold. $1.25; Atlantte, $18.75; Bingham, $30; Calumet, $K50: t'entenrjil, ,H.f0; Copper Mr., $4H; (Vipper Kange, $Xo.fl0; Daly- Weat, $20.30; rim River, $1.50; Franklin, $22.25; Green Con., $25; Gramby, $13.50 aeked: Maa., $7.75: Mo. hawk, $7. 50: Nevada Coo.. 81K12H; North Butte, $111; Old Dominion, $54; Oaceola, 61.11; psnrot, .t r-nnenix,, wuincy, aooi Koyal, $23.75; Tsmsrsek, $10: Trinity, $10.73; r,,li.d rvmoer. 174 sakeil: Wnlverhl.- SlrltTi tl. S. Mining. $r!2: Tenneaae Cofiner, $46.80; Nlpplalng, 14; Kly, 8I1.K7H: Butte (Vie la., $:i. I2)i Boaton Con.. $31: Calumet A Arlaona, $107; Superior A I'ltts., $112. Tw Trk Coffee Future. Mm Tork Dee. 8. Coffee fntnre:! Decern. her. 8.4r.8.5o; Jsnnary. 8 50l5.5fl; February, 5 eo5.65; aMrch, 6.7oift5 75; April, B.0r5 5; May, B 40H5.5lr J'i"' $ MltO-Julr.' 0BT 6 10; Auguat, .106.1B; Septemb-r, 6 206.25; October, 2oMS.Oi rovenioer, n.vtva.eo. ' ftonga, ca tit rood. -From tho New Tork Press. Th child had been taught to gay grace at the table. Occasionally n varied It. v "Oh. Lord, pleas forgive vs for thla breakfast they've put on th Uble," be ald on moralos. i . . Belmont $S.7)4 Caah Boy .15 rtold.a Anchor., ' .40 Horn .18 Jim Butler 1.40 MerNamsre ... .75 Midway ....... R40 Montana ; $.50 North Star .... .46 Ohio 24 Tonopah Ex.... 8.50 . Nevada .......10.7.1 W-at End 2.25 Adams - .16 AMsnta .70 Bluebell ...... .86 Booth .no Columbia Mt... l.SO (Ton. Qnarry .25 Dlsmondfleld .. 53 Mile 18 GoMMeld 1.40 Jumbo $60 do' tea..... 1.80 Kendall .mu., ,.M Lsguna 1.00 May Quean Si Mohawk -,....14fw Red Top ...... $.75 Sandstorm .70 Silver Pick .... 1.45 St. Iv. ..... .78. Con. CL..Va.. 1 in Ophlr S.75 Mexican Ml Ciledont ..... .85 COUNTER CHARGES OFFRAUDFILED Wertheimer Alleges Nathan Ap- : propriatedThreeThousand -? Dollars of Firm's Money. V '- CONVERTED MUCH CASH . TO HIS PERSONAL USE I Troubles of Wholesale Clothiers ' Promise Much Work for Courts Both 1 Partners Charge Extetvslvs -Thefts on Part of the Other. ; Counter charges of fraud tn the man agement' of tha firm of Nathaa tt Wer theimer are made against A. BX Nathan In an affidavit sworn 14 by a a Wer-' thetmer, filed Ih .the circuit court this mornlna. . A suit for an accounting and the appointment of a receiver waa begun Thursday by . Nathan. Werlhelmer, In hlav affidavit, -denie all -the oriarg-aa of fraud made by -Nathan and states that they ara falsa and "malicious. -.- Nathan la accused - of fraudulently withdrawing from the Flrat -National bank of thla city and converting to his own use, over $3,000 of . th firm's money. Wertheimer states that of an account of $5,000 the firm had at tha bank, but $40$ ramalna, and that Na than fraudulently diverted tha balance to himself. Nathan in his complaint stated - that r there - was $1,000 - of tha firm's money In Portland banks. Wer theimer alleges that In view of this Statement by Nathan, the withdrawal of the money Is not only a fraud on tha firm, but a grave Imposition on ' tha eourtr Wertheimer states also that ha gave Nathan checks amounting, to $1,404 to ; be. deposited to the credit of the firm and that Nathan did not depoalt them, but fraudulently misappropriated them. The affidavit etateei that while tba capi tal stock of th firm was supplied equally by the Nathans and the Wert helmers, th credit and stability of tha concern came through th Wertheimora, and that whatever loaa the buaineae sustained waa through the New Tork branch, which waa under th manage ment of A- b. Nathan. . Wertheimer asks that when re- -elver Is appointed he be required to demand all th funds of tha-41rm from Nathan. ' In hie . complaint Nathan charged the Worths! mere of frauds In--vol ving' many Tnouaanda ot dollars, ANOTHER 10 CENTS LOST 111 CATTLE MARKET - Receipts While. Light, Are Still Too Heavy to Keep Price . Where It Was. Portland I'ntoa Stockyard. Doc. 8. Lrrsatock recelpta: . . ' a. Hoars. Cattle. Sheeau fTod' ,............... 70 - 2ft iT. week ago , i arte o. - , zzo Moath ago 820 ST t 81 leer ago .-...,...,-.-- no - z While recelpta In tba atockyarda were very light today, tha few that are coming ar too many for local pack ara. and tbey eat the price of cattle another loe. Thla, with tbe decline of S5c excluaively reported: by Tbe Journal yeeterday, glvea tb market a mea of S4c la two daya, owing to the lark ef care. Hog dull, heep firm, N receipt la tha latter. Today Condition a year ago! Hnga firm, bat un changed, cattle firm and aaehanged, sheep ftle lower. - - Official nvtetnek prices'. - Hoae Beat eastern 'Oreena. 8S.TB: atnrkera and feeder. $6.50iu6 60; China fata. $6.80. Cattle Best eaatera Oregoa ataera, $A85( 8 00; beat cow aad act fere, $8.00 stock ara aad laeaera, fn.w; nuttn, gxuo. baaap Mixed, )4e; lambe. . : EASTERN HOCS ARE HIGHER Clilaa lrloM S be 10 Cents TJp Oattl and aThaep sTteaOy. . . Chicago. Dec. 8. Llveatork recelpm: Iloaa. Cattl. Bheen. Chicago .............20.000 500 2.0UQ .ansa city 4.000 no ..... Omaha 8,000 800 Hog r 8 to 10c an, with 1.700 left ever from yesterday. Beeelota a year sere were 24.000. Prices: Mixed. 86.104t6.46! good and heavy, $fl.866.47: rough and heavy. S3.064S .2nT-1ghfr fdOBilMZ i aiiie aieauy, t Sheep 4)tesdy. Chief of late) Brake AJia-araT. - Chief Grltsinacher made hla return In . th federal court tod, ay in th habeas corpus proceedings Instituted by Oil Hlng, gin seller. Chief Orltsmscber set up In his return that On Hlng was an Immoral person snd that tha ' taking away of his liquor license wss Justified, 1 Judge Charles E. Wolverbpn set Friday, December 14, as th time for hearing th : trlaL l'f Wv7nrow av voorovtSTii wj If Ij IJ m mtr'r vhnYoueanel K(ATN'S RciiABit CiASJirifO NAMiS of OrgaonkWiihinqron rrmrl.f ruit,ofaiB,lipi pofatoi,cbicKnl .JlocH, number si Tmr, ttt RURAL OIRtCTORY C ! Taw t, posti,aw8, owteeei Alwmy , Rwiae'wi.-a- the Pntl Nam) r. tiatlve itronio Qcibin CrataCeMltiOM mm El c: 9 i v1- 1