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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 8, 1906)
. . .. THE OREGON DAILY 'JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SATURDAY EVENING, ' DECEMBER 8, 1906. 11 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. - AN investment paying 14 Mr cent oet -.,. est, good botldlnga. splendid location. 2.hio Nine-room bouse, well built; not Ituflern; good tut, lot 130 frost bi N eaali.v worib price without building. TM . to very cheap. U.ttoO New, S-rooe boa, Kat hum t.j flu locatloa, earner lut. A Mm home on eaeverma. j,.iu r in room, new hraM, Hast Al II eoareDleaeea, t. walking distance; rbftp, 2,.l ioa4 Botkwtck SC., near Rpeeb: all wmuI..... Ice MM - I B-roeut house. -f- - :!. Rodney ih good corner lot; fwj convenient; ant little bom. Terms. 1.160 Holladay Park, Marly hw, B-room ho:iM. lull let, nr car, wll locality. 2.2&U hew B-rooai college. Hum) raids; ""7 up to flat; nicest klud of a Mat; juu raen. balance monthly. 1.260 Nlr b-ro-rn bow. (nil lot. Belt wood; rtoo caan. balance IIS month. .1o0 Hoc lou. Hrfiluo. 1 blocks from car. $30 eaab. HO moutbly. be our UaU betor DuyiOgV B. B. COOK A CO., U1 Alder Bt. CAN'T BE BEAT. $280 Full lota; $8 down, $5 Mr Btoath.. l-Mo lota ua Waaoo at. J0 Full ku on Kaat Flender at. IMPROVED. I.TSO ran lot, asodera T -roots) boom. !.B0 full Wit L.hib modem houM. 1.7&0 roll lot. modern rood bout, la Bolleday Perk Addition. We hare. many others; eowult before , buying. 1. H. Hkit.rronnkr A CO.. 17 Lumber Bsc bangs bldg.. id bad Stark. ltd O. MAYOR. Maaager. $0 FOR 6-reouv boom with JJ. lota, till , balaac rear. $1.800-B-room boUM with bath, ate., eloa . to car; 800 eaab. 'balance $12.80 per mootb. , ,1 $2,8M takaa a nw 7-room atr Icily modern - fcouM on Kui lTih at.; tbla property la worth : just awaw la (or cad to aau; oa eat Uila la to bay it; term. . BT7B Lot on Kaat Taylor, waat of Both at. J. 200 (or o-rooaa aew modern boa, walk' lug dlataace: It'a a bargain; tar ma. 8TEINMKTZ at OO., - Tba HomeMUera. IBS Morrison at. Vacant Lets row (all lota aosr Hawthorn ., $1,000. . 7:.100 (tat aaar Mortlt Alblna car bema, coca p. Choice lot on East Ankeny at., $2,000. uoi oa uay aL, wwt aid, o.wu. Henkle & Harrison 21T AblBxtoa bide. HKRH la a an IP (or aotn mm; coa(cettaBry, fruit and tobacco ator la rood locatloa, rant only t7r lacladlac llrlnc-rooua; aaw 1m um lty lamat bo aold, MtotnaMta Us., nu norriaoaU-j . . llllajaa in,, BOiTO, eorBcr grocery atoro. U.0U0, half caah Modcra T corner lot. electric II flits, faa; corner East 4oth and Taylor ata. aaathwaat :i,o00 d-rwm aww bouav, 100x100, aarth wsst corner Xntb and Yamblll; cloas to car. 2,300. halt eaab Uooso Mxit. rooau, Dw; lot 50x100, alley. 'MTU Alblna . tl.ftSO eaab A fins lot 40x118, 4 mo in cot. tare, eoncrste bsaamsot. Marcuerlta an. 1300 1st SSxtlo, Kaat Tayloc at- awxt to corner of 40th. ROOM M PbotM Mala 4BS3. XrtH Waabteftoa St. -ROOM ,,.1,TOO "room bouss, B lota ..... S.SU , S.OUO , B.XS0 ... 4.000 aid. 6-reom nouM ft-rwom bouse ' 7-room bouse, new . . . . , ll-raom house. Btfat., , T.OOO RUTHERFORD A CO.. Bit ComaMTctal lUock. . .. Mala BIBO. MODERN B-room fcooaa, $1000; ttwo, BIB monthly. Mudera 7-room boom, t2.(S0O; fBOO, fM monthly. Owner, vbons Kaat 675. MODERN T-room bouse, cheap: roost eell that week; part cash. I'bone Kaat BM1. A riMB new hoUM on Bflth and East Clinton; ' bona la new and coat B1.B00; lot la worth Btoo: owner la leaelns th city and will Mil for (2.230 oa easy terms. B 80, JoaraaL TURNER 4k 'WALKER. Baal Kstala. rartas and Stock Exchanaea. ,, ,. . -JOfl asll l"ttj ahaHI -- - Raaekaa, ; 11.060 BL'TB a fnraUbed Boom cottsas. H blurk to ear: terms to suit Bnrcbaeer. Stat Land Co., ISSVk rlrst St. teW modern. B to a room bosses. Bl.lflO . to II.SOO eai-a ; terms to aalt. Lots (or asla all . prices. BOO to :; H cash. Bt per Booth. ee WDor. jo ft sab, at Millard see., ftsan ' elite addition, oa Mount Boott earliast. A Is ' 1-acre tract (or MbiO; B50 aowa asd $M i 'Par atobth., .. j. t: , . fl.HUI H'f.VVH wfckai lU ' P , WIIVB law ment, bara. full lut; $300 dawn, balaac 818 , , mouth. TV4 Minnesota are. Phoa Wood Issra IBB. kOOat BoderB boom, 100 feat from car; " erected; price $1,800; term. $400 balance Ktontbly. Owaar, paclSe 274. lnga. being FOR 8ALB Rnbarbaa horn; 10 . lota la a hoara, 1 'a acre, at Osk Oroea, oa Oregoa City csrllne; U. la garde ad fruit, rery rich aoll; boaa and chicken-boom; will aacrlBr for $1.4(10 If takes ooa; terms. Ad dree owner, or pbene PaclBc 2B18. M 84, care Journal. 1 Af'RR. T mlantee walk from Ana be) ata. . tkm. Moant Brett car; ll cleared and fenced, water mala laid In front of property; rery desirable (or set orbs a bom; prlc $1,000 cash. . Call 28 Ash St.. room 1. , ACRE TRACTS They are this at As of Wood. , stock, host of garden Mil, cloa to Be ear ' (are, oa good gredod grsrel road. Come oarly ' - to get roar choice, as they are Mlllng Uroly. v STEINMETZ tt COM Tho HoeoeeeUer. IBS Morrlaoa at. CAN we help yoaf Wt bolld. bay and Mil opoa essy paymenta, earn aa resL Stat Land Co., . lJ.ll ru-ai si. d LOTS la fnlreralty Park. Willis boalerard, , easy terms, no Internet. BYM II ret. Phono . Mala 8770. after Bp.. FOR 8 A LB It Box 1 00 ; ran double year Bwney . la 1 yesr; 1."0 bssdles this deel; located a Flit at.; get a more oa ye ir yoa waat Bargain. AuoreM a sr. car Journsl. S-ROOM $:.4taj. new modern boo t. J. Oedor, 1 m aear Raat Grand are., Ash, orth. . FOR BALK', block, 100x100, So anautee car ride, .e; iu aowa. io nor aaonth. s. t. Uedrr, 1 urana are., norm. oxioo-rOOT lot oa Boaa at. First,- north. . . 14. sir 828 Beat A FIRST-CLASS room bona, 48xl7 . Sootu Portland; 8"B0 down, balaac , Bwetb. Krunor, room 18 CambrldVo bldg. OR 8 (In lot oa 81st t ,ar Clinton, fin tlew of tli city, $300; oa sy terms 11 28, ear Journal. po you want a real ehlckea ranch 1 Bar It . Ml 8 acraa, right ea O. W. P. e lee trie lino, B mllM fram the center of the city; good hoM.- good bara, all fenced; nearly 'half rlear, fine aoll, good aprlng, .no rock or - grarei; pric fi.Buv; ran gir time on part. Tbla la jiiet what yoa bar ba looking fori AtldreM W 88, car Journal. Sellwood 1 ., laih. Morvhaoaa A French, MTB R. Phnns Bellwond 74. - fity Tlew Park lota, $.178 aad ap; Roa Addltloa lota. $100 and ap; $.1 dowa aad $1 a Bmntk. Hobim from $Ms to B.omk. Lota isoo and up, I all parte of i-11 wood Lisa; roar property with- aa; w will Mil It FIBNI811KU new modern cot tare, fine appear anre, cement baeement, cellar, atatlonary tnba, $on hath. BBB range, 8 (nil lota, ehlckea perks and houses, about 4 dosen chickens, quartered Hi furniture, frnlt treee, berries. 8 cords wood, garden and other tools: pleasant ... home for young or old couple; $2,auo. Owner, X 80. car JoaraaL $1A.OOO 1.AR0R profitable ranch. I 400 acraa, - on railroad, wall watered aod well el tasted; Terr nive.. 2T . 400 CdrheT lrT,'ll7B ITIcT Tmkmookr atMH SMI 4 lots In Arbor Lodre. 81.2UO 10 lots ktl kilning Point Tlew: be tween earllne. . laqulr 2s. 210 Commercial blk. TWO arrea. near Odd Fellow" heme, ra city limit, near car: high, with fine rlew; ttlesl for sutnirbaa home, or pnnltry aod berry farm; price reasonable; 'would sell on sere. Address C 81, Journal or owaer, Raat Thir ty fourth aad Hokgate. , . ACRICAflr. rine locatloa. erarel road, on Wooletoek ear. $io to "A0 per cre. They are fine and going Mrety. Btelnmets Co.. IHJ ainrrlwia st. Baadays. see S. FsiebeM :-A .sslio-llcai.- , SIS-ROOM modern eottsge. $li: v gjo . atontbly- Hre-roora, mo.ern eotfece, l,AiM. AMI, (18 monthly, I'bone East (1T.1. FOR BALK st a sncrlfic, a new 5 room, twre etorr house ss miNlern s fher mpks. them; lot BOxKsl; n.'r twu car tines, lu Alblua. I kon .vll 6ui6. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. 7-room new nvtxlara hooas ' In Lowor Al oma; (mom aew atodera finely flnlabed bnaM, lot MilDO (nt; but part of t'ppsr Alblna; Be. Boo. I twim booee blthJinntrr. haairmrnt, ktr -aesT-lllllnma stcuuo scbol: la.JftO. o-room rut tags, good condition, caraar lot -aear Williams ses: Il eal. . 7 -room new mrwWa bouse, alca lawn, choice location: near William aeeose; -l.(VU0. B-room houeo. double narksra. hall, pantry batb: (Hixltai around: Is wo. (lowers, (rolls. berries, chicken Bh.baxu;. -ia flroos-lya ttcisbta. 7 room beaM, corner lotj aear Brooklyn Brhool: iiir termai 12 fMo. - B-mom ctt, aaar Brooklya acbool; ay terms; Bl.MOU. o-roum new modern boas Bear North Al' Mas car barns. 12.A00. ft-room new modern eottam. lam aroonda. cuotea kxatloa. In St. Jokss: aaep at H.SuO. Boob cottage, aaar Mrooklya acbool; asX terme; fl.eoo. - A-mAm enttses ' OnSTell at. t tl.600. ... B-eoasa haesi, on tarutbera at, west aid; B2.IKW. "IKmn MIih Xeffeeann St.! BS.B00. a-room bone. -eery larae corner t. irn and shrubbery; ear line; on K. 10th: fd.600. B-raom bosse. en Northruo aL: BB.oOO. -room boiisa. (nil lot, close la, oa -Rait Darts:' 13,700. . . B-room bouae. ball, maatry. cloMts. bath boose built of ' first-class material; concrete waias around boua. nice lawn, choice frolta. atreeta improeea, waika latd, aloe etew aa eenient te ear In Wood lawn; only f 1,800. Fin Isree bosae. (In esrnets and rural. tare, loonoo groand; choice locatloa, la North roriieoa. - -room benee, well conatracted, basement. concrete walks, barn. 4 lota beaatlfnUy cated: a anan at t2MOO. ' Splendid house of T rooms, B fir place, uaa grouaaa, looxioo; 4,O0O. . v Henkle Sc Harrison ; BIT Ablagtea bldg. . DROP s a card mention fas- your wants hi tbs real null line, w can (apply you; a (aw samples below. A partly (amlsbad B-room eettaga at Mid way, one Bi.oooi terms to ault purehaaer A asodera B-roani cottage at Kara fark. tziso cash, balaaca BU monthly. B2.S00 (or H acre la St. Johaa with. S-room cottage; a good bay. To -teede A -T-room haoM IB Snmoter. Two lets sad small boase oa Raat Klghth at., N.. prtc ei.aoo. A aaodara B-roooi eettsge la Sellwood. -Two good lota fat Keallworth, BBJB. A modem B-room boua oa niUaaoak I ' IM r Ninth at., prle B3.B0O. 6,000 (rait (arm to trad (or dry property. Small boose and. S lota in Arista No. 2. nrn-a B4S0: 1B0 caah. - B-room house en &aat rUaderfl aL. price gs.oou; ate ptace. - A cuiasf It "Cray a crossing, prlas $4B0; tai uia no acre to eichang far city property, .price ' STATB LAND CO.. 1SSH rtrat at. Snaps $1.100 8-room houee. (all Int. oa Mhsrla- aippl ae. ar Cook; rented (10 per month. $1.100 New B-roota boos, plaaterad, (Ire- piece; ehlckea eorrsl. woodboUM; nlea la lueai snouroaa boom: M eean, haiaaea terras. 6,000 New amdern B-room nous, east aide, walking distance; moat b aold. 1.850 eoxlOO, B room booae. tiaataabala. Beer Roaaell; eee that tor a bargain. 30,000100x100. ttUean. aear onion depot. 10.600 Wat Park, near Ullsaa at. Property m all part of tbe city. ThWasningtcn & Oregon Realty Co. 108 at. Pboaa Mala 904. NEW. 8 noma, pantry, bathroom, aloaaas, hall. cement baeement, wood elosat, B parches, -electric . lights, hot and cold water ; price 1.T50 cash. 10SB Beat Or ant. . Pboaa Tabor 270. ...... ONR lot. dfixlSB, oa Rnseell at- oaa block from postnffles; only S1.ZB0 l( aold at one. That wlU aaU (or 82.000 within 8 mostbe. Two lota oa FaUlnoat.. an Meek TJniou ae., good locatloa and plenty f fruit tree at a bargain- ' Oaa kit. Muiinl Taby,T Waal alopo, oa Mock in car, llboap (or oarb Qaartar Mock. Portland Height, fla tW of city and mountains. Bsay terms. Rt'TRERrORD A CO.. BIT Oommerrlal Ulock. - Mala 81 10. Sell on Installment Band New nooaa 18x32. 4 Noma, t I 80x100. all fenced with pickets, woods bed and aenboaa, 11 trait trees; 8 block from Lsurelwood ststioa oa hit. Scott line; will ell oa tastallmonts. Inaolr of owner, 108 Bsooaa Bt fortlaad. jOT 80x100, Bast raTlssad -Msl.t.lance, $5M. l0 month; all Improre- meate in. iim nne; last chance to get swell lot fa thl locality for bom or speculation on oaar terms i a nargaia. uau at 183Vk roarth at. - Acreage A choice tract of land, no grasal, raanlag water, oa ae canine, win aeu yoa a or asore so May term. Henkle & Harrison ' 8JT Abnsgteti bfdg. FOR BAT E Acreage 01 - son; 200 Ooodnoogh 1 east Sid. bldg. U R. Dod- 200 FARMS, small tracta aad lota: tMrgatm on O. W. V. electric line. O. R. addltloa, Lenta, Oregoa. Take Mount Scott ear. Be. CONSIDER "TrLTON S ADniTION" BEF0RR BI'TINO A LOT TO BUILD. Belmont street will bare cement sidewalk and bard -surface paeeBteat; Iota 8 feet a bore aidewalk: 1 block from car aad 10 mlnntee te city; $fv below price asked for nearby lota. THOMPSON A OObKN (Branch I 800 Belmont 8t- . Pboaa Kaat 4200. $4.200 T-ROOM hoaaa, walking distance, west aide, lot 80x100. $B.000 Fine T-rooai bobm, corner mart ' block; fine frnlt of all kinds. Kaat Madlaoa St., near bualnrM center. $1,8004 tots la Center addition, on block from car. Room 80. Washlngtoa Bldg. FOR SALE FARMS. Farms 85 acre, all choice land, near Rldrefleld. Waablngton. convenient to railroad and' rlrer trananortaiion: nouee. Darn, woodshed, or chard, Bice aprlng water, land all fenced. IS crea cnitiratra; i,znv. 38 acres good lsnd. 30 acre rultlrated family orchard, good 8-morn bouae, fair barn. 2 springe of wster: fine neighborhood; i ennrcne ana eroooiaouM within 1 mile, oa good road. R. F. D. aad telephone. Bear Me Mlnnrtlle, XamhIU county, Oregon; a anap; f l.waj. 200 acres, all good aoll. 140 a cree eultl rated. 20 acre timber. 20 acrea to apple orchard in gooa munition, zn acre in boua. Ttmnlns" tirtait water; Snrs large dalrr. bara, nopnouM; rsrm lies nere xo euofllvtde, loin a good town na rlrer and rail,' In Wil lamette ralley; fin ator, mills, banks. schools, college, church, etc. a good bay I () per acre. 40 acre, all lie nice to culttrat; 22 acrea rultlrated. acrea n) orchard; new bonae, B rooma plastered; nice bow barn, oat buildings: furniture, nice piano, 1 bone, 1 Jersey cow, 100 chickens, 1 boggy and Imple ments; near Oregon City, drive to Portland; might take aome good Portlaad property la trade: $.1,000. - Henkle & Harrison 217 Ablagton bldg. DESIRABLE FARM. 88 ere of the finest black loam anil; all In splendid rultlretlon except IS acre of timber; on fin eouaty road, with telephone and arall route; H ufle to acbool, 2 mllea from a Tin market, rlorr -to -Portland; T room houee. barn.- windmill and good variety of fruit; tn fart, everything that goes to mak a flrst-clsa farm. Addreaa eraser,, care JoaraaL ACREAGE NEAR (ITT. fl.TBO 8 acre on Mt. Scott earllne, Uttl cottage, all fenced; mum frail; eelendld for a little ehlckea re nek. 2.A110 ft arr,s ta city limit. 4.000 8 acre, well Improved, half all from he afreet car. Ilood term na all. OTTO, CROCKETT HAHKHOK KB ALT T CO., i - evuvk ytesaiagion. 48 ACHE8 30 aerea and- plowy hslstrcr esiinr clearaal; ruanlng water, gnod well; 4 acrea beaeerdami good B-moai bouM, bara Mido, dalry-bouM aad woodshed; piece all fenced, clone to erbflol, church and email towa; price, $s.inO; term, !. down. Addrem owner, log Vancouver, Wash. , FOR BALE Broall frm S mllea weak of eOnrt- e nan- Avt B0, b,-n., less tuka i ImyreTemsnU: tuuts 2, city. FOR SALE FARMS. 120 ACRES level land, 10 ml 1m from Portland, Hi mtlee (rem rallraed atatton; halt of thla land la aah. ek and elna mepte swale; 1.000. 000 feet e( food aaw timber. IIW cords ft bardwsd; best of aoll; asaranteed ae adear tleed; 11,000 caah. I.alaoc B yeara at B per cent. I'rlce only per kcM; ISTOO JO arrea front tag oa Onlnmbla rleori IB sctm cleared, a acres orchard ; smsll bouae and bara; (la tw (-th Culuoibl rleer. $3.300 40 seres. 1NH )! from Portland, mile from railroad station, 4 mlsss from' Niatlandlng; 25 aerss cleared, some petn ... tluitr balaae pseture; sll fenced, B room bouM, fair bara. sums orchard, good wster; on count r road, R. r. D.; B acres n boo. 0 acre spuda, 100 bnsheU of wheat. 11 tons - bay; (1.000 caah, bslaoce good term; th eery, bast o( aoiL $2,70040 la Clerks enauty, Waeb- tngtkn, 12 mile (ram Vancoarer, s4 miles from rallrnad alstlou; 20 sctm In Bur atats e( cultlesUon, bsunco eery easily- cleared, all fenced, all lerel, on mala eooaty road; falr bulldlags.. B-eoem beaae,- bara, granary, woodhouse. rootbooM, bsnboflM, family or chard; 1 good span of borsM. wsgon aod barneea. light wagoa; 1 cow, ;2 belters coming In In the spring, farm Implemeats, bay anonsjb to wlater stock; eery best ntt aoU; giro term. 8.800180 acroa In Clark aoonty, "IPash Ingtoa; SO scree In cultivation, 40, acre green timber, bslsuce paature; all fenced with post and wire; 8 good aprtngs, good 2-atory 8-rooea boua. good fram barn BdatOB feet, macbln . cry abed 40iiw, rhlcku-booM 14x22. mllk booa: rannlng water through mllkhoaae; fraoary ISiM; one apan horsM worth I3.V). 7 milch cows. 2 heifers, .1 bull, bogs. M chickens; 1 McCormlrk binder, mower and rake, all aaw, disk. 2 wsgona, top boggy, . cream separator, feed grinder, plows, hsr-' row, cnltlTator and a lot of small tools; VO . tons o( hsy, timothy and eloror; U mil to acbool; 2U acre bearing orchard; beet of ..."u:. J3-60?-'"0!- blnca J, yaara at per " coot - $3.400 1M acre. 4 mile from Weodtatwl, Clarke eoaaty. Washington, an Lewis rlrer; IB acre cleared, aero variety orchard; Bw B-room (ram boom, good barn 8046 (eet. fruit dryer and other buildings; (In well at door; 44 mil to school and store; 1 boroos, beary wagon and barnosa, light wagon, . (arm Implements, 8 cowa, bay, grata, some hogs, chicken; fin dairy (arm; best of rlrer bottom land. Terms. $2,000 eaab. be lane 8 years at. 8 per cent; will taks part la ox- caanga tor city property. - $8.300 80 acre. 13 mile from Portland, n aeuiueioci county; mj eeres in cuitlT tloo. aereral seres . green timber, balance saaliy cleared; good B room boom, good barn. family 'orchard, all fenced, on main county -raw. k- s. sno leeeonono; neat or eon. ft, Mai lIO aeeee, 111 ml lee from Per land, In Washington county, 444 mile from Reedrllle rallrosd atatlon; 40 rr In cnltl ratloo, 20 acres In pasture, 100 arrea One green timber. 2.000.000 feet at leaat; lerel land: areall boom and stable, family orchard. an irnceu, county maa on X aide or plan. K r. I. and telephone: fine lore t ton; beat e( eon: tbla la one or th beet buya on th Biarlet; tnMtlgst tbla before buying; gnar antaod as adrertlsed. $2,70040 acraa 12 ml lea from Portland. . 4 biIIm from , Bearertoa, V .mile from rail road elation; 20 acre In eultlrtloo, acroa Essture. 14 acres green timber, 2H acre raring orchard; new B-room honsa, cost $00; fair bars; mil to acbool. R. P. D. and telephone; on county road. (In locatloa, boat of soil; half cash, balance good terms. 82.0OB. 10 ate) 4a Waali lug tun ctejut, 8 mllea from Reedrllle, 18 mllM from Portland) IB acroa cleared, 17 acraa green timber, all fenced, all lereh email houn; county road oa two aldea of pises, K. P. 1. and Ulepbona, 2 mllea (ram uwmlll, near school. Half caah, balaac fi years at 8 per cent. ,000 200 sctm, 4H mil from Colombia rlrsr. In Clarke county, Waah.; 80 acres la fine stat of cultivation, aerral acres green timber, balanca Mslly cleared; all fenced with post and wire; lerel land;, good 2-story 11 room bouoe, new (re ma barn 64x72, other out buildings; family orchard, small fruits of all kinds: the plea I all aeeded to fall grain and grasa; water 4a houM, B good springs; R. I". !., mils to acbool: personal property (" with place: team beery borne worth , arirlng -"-i 2 TT a stums, , B test, new mower and raka. all - farm plementa Ibati are needed oa a fsrsB; 29 bead of cattle. 17 mllcb cows, cream Mpsratnr, 12B -chickens, 00 roe aoge; BO tone of hay. -a.uuo nneneie or oars, IW onaneaB Of wheel. ' 12B wcka of spuds; If yoa are looking for a . nice farm and a good bsrgslo tareetlgat tbla place; erery thing I guaranteed aa ad rertlaed; half caah, balance 8 years, 8 par cent; will tk pari la city property , 1 88,000180 acres, 10 mil from Vancourer, Clsrko ennoty, Vtaak., 1H miles from rail road atatton, oa mala county road. R. F. D. 00 acroa ra ealtleatloa, 80 aero aaw timber, balaac oaally cleared; tboro I 75 cro of this land besrerdsm swslo, bslancw ash and Sir.,, .11, le.el, r.-lly e----t bouM, fair bsrn, 2 good wells: neroooal oroo- mrxj bum wiin piece; ma, now wagon, buggy, cream ee par tor; 26 head of cattle, IT eow. oom hoga and chicken; new mower aad rake, other farm tmplemeatn that are needed oa a farm) 00 ton of bay, aetae parte an gram, au ions 01 neera; cream route, roothoose; thw Is one of th beat bay on th market; there I at least 1.000 worth of saw timber, ready Mh, Mwmlll 1 mile; bait cash, balanca S years at 8 per cent, iBTMtlgat thla before baying. 84,800105 arrea. 14 mllea from Tanconrer, 1H mllea from railroad atatlon, ea county road. H mil from acbool: 48 scree cleared. -T ecres green timber, balance easily cleared; all lerel; good I H -afore 8-roora booae. good bara BOxlOO. good rootbonse, good henhouwi; "1 'acre rartety orchard! good, well at door, creek near boos and barn; good team worth fctfo: 10 bead of cattle. 2 wagons, l baggy, T sheen. 11 bogs, 800 chickens; 200 bnehele est. 100 bushels wheel. . boo bo. he Is spuds, BO tons hsy; all farm Implements; $2,200 cssh, he lanes 8 yrnra at 8 per ceat. : Washington Orc-foir ::.:;..;.: Really Xo.---'-- 108 Second t And BOO Mala at.. Portland, Or, Yanooarer, Waah. CLABKE COL' NTT, WASHINOTOR. 29 acra. 2 mile from thl city oa fin grareled road. 18 arrea under fine atate of cultivation. 1A acrea bearerdam land, running water and good well at houee, good 4-rooin house, barn and all other oatbulldlnge. piece all fenced end cross fenced, of a mile fraei acbool. R. V. !. and telephone. If yea ere looking for a good place near town, see this; a snap at the price, f3,pno. Term. 80 acrea,. fine land. H mile from thla city and-"4 mile from country town: church, acbool. atorra, etc.: go acrea under fin stat of cultivation: living stream and good well at bnnee; good all room house. Urge barn and other outbuilding: 18 head of cattle, fin team, worth at leaat ;nm; wagon, barnew and a full ret bf (arming Implcmcnla, all la good condition; place ell fenced and fenced; aome fine green timber, balance of place alashed, burned and seeded. . Price. $4.110. , 70 acre. mllea from thla city; fin grsr. Vied road, 88 acre cleared sod under fin tat of cultivation, balance all alaahed, burned and seeded: good all -room boum, barn 4B0, granary, cblcken boaac, etc., fine Ur Ing stream and pood wells) -21 seres of lsnd ,11m so tkst II ran be Irtlgeted, 1H will from country towa; church, stores, creamery. etc.; R. F. D. and telephone; H mint from .orhool; team, wagon, buggy, about 80 tone f hay, 1B0 bushel of oat and full Ml of - farming Implement. Thla la a aacrlflce; If yon are looking for a anap, ae tbla before hnvlng. Price, 1.X). If yon fall to ae wbst yoa Want la tb abor. writ or call. W ran suit yoa and are yoa money. THOMPSON SWAN. Fourth and Main Sta,, Vancouver. Washington. Reference Vancouver National Bank. IS MILKS west of Portland. Beer. Reedrllle, Wsshlngton county, for cash only; 88 acre, 28 clear, well cultivated, oa creek t good) well, aprlng. An frnlt, new wire fence, --pood B-room house, barn, household goods, ebickena, bees, toola. etc.; I ml lee from rallroed. school and chnrch; telephone line, milk rout, R. F. D ; l.Ot Mrs, A. K. Lgetscber. Bearertoa. Oregoa, Grain, Stock or Frnlt Farm 1,400 acre, about KA scree nnw'rultlvated, 3&0 acre mure ready far the plow, bslence In pasture; some brush end timber; reiuM, hern, orchsrd, fine running wntrrj choice Io cs tloo I finrjglaa ennnty. Or., 21 mllm from a good towa on rallrnad; a vary cbesp fsrnv worth much nvre then prlc now offered at. Henkle & Harrison 21T Ablngtna Bolldln. . . 4 ACRKS on Willamette slonrh, 18 mllel (mm I'ullaad4.,(Ms- feer Or, ghtrnt houM and bsrn, about 10 acrea cleared; rare chance for home cbesp. AddreM II 80, Journsl. FOR SALE 100 acrea ef Isnd: boas and barn. 8 oae Bay. young orchard, soring water eoee to boo. 8 Bcree deseed. 4r scree slashed. 80 acre plain timber, miners! spring oa place, 1 mile from railroad depot, 34 miles from Portland: $11 per acre if aold withla 80 day. Fred Rica, 144 Fourth at,. alt. 1 :...,...., ...::.:,....:L ini :flJiir must FOR SALE FARMS. 20 ACRES, all Impeorod, good bnlMtng, ran' alng water, eloee to carllna. $2,800 term. Sawmill aad t -acre timber land and "timber off of 8 80 adjoining It; all the apparunanco to th mill; $,B00 term. 100 aerea. eow ranch ef which 100 la rirer-oottom and graas land and the bslaoce be neb land. wKb boom, bsrn, orchard snd a creek rannlng arroae the piece; within H mil ef the depot. M mllM from the city; can be had for $H2.80 per kcre If aold 80 days; after that tlm price adraacM $S per acre aatn aold; thla I map pay (or a bub moBing lor a aatry kbcb. W bar T other dairy ranch, with without crock, at fair price. SO acres flrst-clasa Isnd within a half three smarter of a mile of the new earllne being built from Salem to Portland, mllea from tbe city; about half la beare rdam land snd about 400 cords of wood oa th esme; land la net cleared; Arte Bowleg epring th whole year through tbe place; price $1,B"0, pert trade, balance aah. If aold within th Best au uay. 120 era of land, In Mnltnomah county, near th railroad. U mil from the rbool. 2 cree merle close by; 80 acrea In high atat of ealtlratloa, BO acrea In pasture. Brat-clae fence, nm timber, good family orchard; bouM and 2 berna, all new, 42x86, concrete . foundations; chicken -hcoM, granary etc. t 2 borsM, harneM and wagons, IB milch cowa and some rounar stock, mower, ra k ea . aelf- Implemenni necossary en the place; thla"ls' good onion land; will rale anything. Bo nat ter land In America: aa good a market aa there la oa tbe eoeet at borne; Bne road to Portland and eloae In; price $8,800 on easy terms; any one that buya thla place can pay for It In tar yeara off th place. SO aerea, half under eultlratton, balsnc May cleared, ley well; boom and barn, good well, nlea orchard; excellent Mil; only rlH mllea from courthouse, 1 mllea from rail road ststioa; a bargain; 82.2M A MONEY-MABTBB. SO aerea, 70 In caittratlon. bahtnea ta paa tor. some timber: good buildings, good well and creek, 12 acre la 1 good orchard. 18 acre in 11ns nops; sit aa son; 10 nnw irrua Portland, mile from railroad and town; thla place will clear over $4,000 thl Far; prloe $10,000; assy terme. 1 ISO sere. 18 In caltfratlori; 8 room hoaee, sera 40x48; aprlng water near bouM: a fine lot of eedar oa place; all good aoll: en a mala eoaaty road, 81 mllea from Portland; R. p. 0. by tba door) price $2,000. Bend (or farm list. ftinna 810 Commerctsl bide rner Second and n asblngtoa. HORSES, VEHICLES, HARNESS $200 RTTT8 good work teem and harness, . weight S.800 lbs.;. slm new chill plow, 88; slip scraper, $4; Western wbMler, $30. Brubakar, 834 and Lincoln, ata. - BOR8BS esd bugglea ft aad asontb r apeolal ra Slith and Bawtaarne, seat by day. wee! to bnaloiae-aot eat TB. FOR 8ALB Two teams, kernes and wagoa; one teem woigne 8,000 and tae other 8.800. I'bobo Beat ioa. PE buy, eell, Mddlea, harm Hubert A BaU. SBS 4th at. FOR SALE at once, bore, wagon and karneM, ror eipreMtng. uu ail rirn . Pacific 7. BARTER AND EXCHANGE. WB bar 10 acrea good mad.- email bomei rloae to city; will crept a email rooming bouM la exchange and giro terme oa balaaca, 2 year at T per cent. Alexaader Land On., HH Hlxta. Bear IIM. raoae I 'a cine ca. WKLL-EOVIPPBD chicken-ranch for sal or trade tor grocery, rooming-aouM or Bona and lot. Addrea E 44, care Journal. WILL exchange land for good rooming -houM; 4.UUO. uwaer, oea aear ittn at. MINES AND INVESTMENTS. OOECR D'ALRNR MlNINfl STOC I am always la th market either t buy e aell any active mining etock; loens made ea any Hated securities. T. P. BROWN. 40t McKay bldg. TIMBER. Tlmfcerl Tlmberi Timber! Do yea want ta Bell yoa timber T Da yoa want -your timber property handled in tbe most Mtlafaetory way te yea In all details! If yoa waat a hayer uttlrk and want your money la a hurry, yon cannot afford to de lay placing root timber lamia Immediately with our timber department. Our connec tion with timber-buy ere from all part of America piecee aa at your dleposal la way that will bring yon a Piyfltaole buyer. Call or write our timber department. NORTHWESTERN tU'AHANTKE TBC8T COMPA1HX. Lamber Exchnngs bldg. (second Boor), S. B. cor. Second and Stark ata. WANTKJI TIMBER LANI'S. ' To tb owner f timber Is mis W .rep- reMnt very kesry buyers in tb roiiowln connlles'. Crook, Klsmath snd Lk. an owing to the fart that our 'buyer bare the Mtimatee oa th greater portion of th tlm' ber In tha above counties It enable a te make dnlrk Mies, therefore tend ns your full description and tbe estimate; sta your lowMt net caah price, aad we can do hnal aaaa with . pen so short tlms n piaainj price soea witn ss. 0RE0U BROTHERS, 84 Sixth t . KIT and 818 Fantonl bldg. Portland, Oregon. TO THB COAST TIMBER OWNERS D yoa . want th beat ' TelcM for your timber! Do yon went tbs sals of It handled la a way that will be satisfactory to yonf Po yoa want It (old quickly f If M Iwr It with me. I am In constant touch with good borers, now on th coast, that are ready to cntlM ny tint beg land 'that I right In price, Wrtte or call on rse at once. 1 will eell with - out delay. J. N. Blair, 818 Ablngtna Bldg. 8.820 ACRES yellow p1ne So.noo 4,11 mill, within 8 mllea of live rallrosd town, active demand for all lumber: land valuable when logged for many ami etren annual etresm for power. Hum log etc.; $18,0)0, perhaps ' lees. wlTl . handle deal; good enntrerte for lumber, ties and poles; more limber ran be had. E 81, esre JonrML TO OWNERS OF TIMBER CLAIMS AND . TIMBER. W will bar e"f food timber tributary to Nehalem river; will deal with owner only; no otiiera need answer. Write, giving full psrllcnlars, te Bog 8, 17, P, ata I Ion, Portland, Oregoa. i WANTED To purcksM timber landa ra Tilla BHsh. Polk, l.lns. Lane, Oongla,, Jaeksn or Klamath enuntle; karge trarti preferred. sect H-n lore to--MsreT syndic! t. H earn Journal. llAVi! yon kskeii" a" timber claim? Wa"hee a few choice yeimw pine limner ciaime for entry; good location. Call and M aa. IdBl Thh-d t., room B. FOR SALE " ecres timber land with t.onn.. wet feet epvuee; eicoe i sarorie, irr pecirtc cennty, Waablngton: will sell cbesp If fakea anon. CalLBli Mar-iiiam bldg., 1'ifmnd. . FOR good timber slslaw anal aomMtMd pboad Scott 80 ae, . TIMBER. TBI mlllloa feet good yellow fir at $1.28 per thoaaand atnmpags, 1H mtlM from rlrer sad 20 miles (rem Portland; good cbanca (or mall mill or lugger. N IB, Journal. CAL-INSTRUMEN1S.- 8HERMAN. CLAT CO. are the largest (rtaao deeler ea the Padoo ousel., Be them It yoa seed a piano. . rOR BALr Good sprlght cssh; owner tearing city. piano; chMp (or 870 )2tb it FOR SALE LIVESTOCK. t FIRST-CLASH freak cowl for aale. . Spencer at. Phone Tabor 184. 233 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. IF 0U WANT i .A new store, so to th 8. . A new range, go to the $. ' . '. To trad stores, go to th $. ' A water-back put In, go to th $. - furniture, go to th $. . eVI2 lint st. . Mala B3T4. HRATTNO 8TOVB, hot-water eel), need tn con- nectlon with gat rang. IS. fbon Sellwood'. FOR SALE Foiterrtrr pap. 44 ' Kbr t., Mantrlll. Pbons Esst 18. sk for Bran. SBWINO - MACHINES bought, sold aad ex changed. $5 and a p. West era Balraga Co.. 27 Waahlngtoa at. BOOKS bought, aold and exchanged at the Old Book Star. 22 fambtll au WB print yoor nam oa 80 calling card, oroner la and style. 86c; 2V bnalues cardv. JuJ. sv. w. nvu u, t. .,o., s irsa, roriiana, ur. SHOWCASES, coanters, flxtsres, bought, sold or rbsnged. Western Balrag Vo., BV7 Washlngtou at. Pacific TB3. 80 SLIGHTLY damaged aew log machtnea at rery low prices; singer) Wheeler 4k Wilson, Domestic, Wbllte, Household. Dari and others; to make room (or new stock Wheeler A Wtleon and Singer. S. S. Slgel. 838 Mor rison at, Marquara bldg. 8HOWCA8ES and fixture, r hand. Carlson A Kallatrom, w aad second 28B Coach aU BILLIARD AND POOL table for root or for aale on esey paymenta. TUB BBUNHWICK-BALKR COLLBNDBR -CO. 4 Third at., Portland. 8BCOND-HAND bar ft r tores, pool tsbls. urea. tables, chair. Western Salrag Co., B27 . W aahlngton sU CHERRY TRHK8 of the only original parent tree, tbe new cherry, the Olant; first clsas treesi Jallaa Kalllcbi Weodlswn. Oregon. FOR SAf.B CHEAP 200,000 feet of lumber, 00.000 feet 8x12. 5 per 1.000. U. R. stout. 748 Ralclgb. Phona Mala 28S8. A BARGAIN 800 homer and homer-dragoon cross pigeons; am moring away; no aale with out inrestlgatloo. 0 serge B. Houts. Kalama, W asblngtoa. BOLDRN'S RHRT'MATIC CURB Bur ear fee rheumatism. . Sold by all druggist. WILL aell piano cheap or trade for automobile or city real Mtats. Aaareaa IJ 4V, 'Journal. ARTISTS' materials, picture and framing. , H. Moorbouae Co.. BIS Alder St. Ign, Hsbl Blh. BIl'T boginy ca as. cub. . Call at 811 Wmt Psrk at. FOR BALE CHEAP B beautiful mstqnenie ulte. 1 a Hamlet, tbe other a Dnke of Okia cester stilt . Inquire at 448 Hawthorne are. FOR BALK Paint and pattern for embroidery palming on eel ret at T7B- Bui Both st. Pbon Boott 4402. - 1,200 LIOHT WeetlngbonM ltertit1ng dynsmo. anon roita, with exettor and pole trans formers, In Sue condition, cbesp (or cssh. Kdwln O. Annie, S"0 Alder at. FOR SlLrV-Rldpath library of TJnlreraal Lit- erxrnre, zs rois., entirely new; cost v; wnai will yoa offer? K 81, rare The Journal. 1 r,N aar yoa money on yoor print fug 61 it ou uooanongn ouiiaing. FWRBLJTcimfMairrlt puppies, ti months old; price to stilt. Phone Kaat 681B. FOR S ALB Office furniture, typewriter, roll. too nee, eto. . raoom it ajoncora oiag. - PERSONAL. DETECTIVE AQRNCT Confidential Investlgs tlons; report furnished on Indlvldoila, thrlr character, responsibility, etc. had debts col lected; missing relatlvM located: ctiargee rissoosoie; correeponornce riiciteo. uregon . bldg., lotb aad. Waahlngtoa . ata. 1'booe Main 0818. T0CT0 man mrlored tn city wtahe to cor. . re pond with young Isdy who la tired of llv Ing a alngle llfei fortana-aeekera Mva atampe. u as, care journal. TCRKISH BATHS, BOO Ore go dan bldg.j ladlsa oaya, gentle mea nignra. atata ibbs. SWEDISH trained nana, Henlngfora grednate. positively cures rneumstism, sromscn trouble and nervous disorders by bsnd-rubtilng, steam, writ and tub baths; both rexes. No. T Eaet 11th at. Taks "Rest Ankeny car. Phon hut son. Marriaur paper, 12 page. deerrthlng wealth and beauty, aeaied; no $S fee, Denver, Colo. price juc, pMinsld; L. U, Lore, Box 1400, MANLY rigor reatored by Dr. Roberta Nerve KioO'iM. on month treatment, g); I mostbs. 88: Mnt securely sealed nv melt Agests, Woodard, Clarks A Co, Portland. Or. ML BOe. Ladles' skirts pressed. 60c. Gilbert, 10014 Sixth St.. tt to vueue. i none ataia auoav - BEST magastn clnb ever offered: Mad price; agents wsnted. Joae'. Booh rro.-e, 2V1 Alder St., portlaad. or. MOLES, wrinkles. superBnen hatr removed. N charge to talk It over. Mr. M. I). Hill. Room too ritedner Bldg. Phon l'scin IM. DISEASES OF WOMEN Privet msterntty koe- pitsi, quiet loceiiin; specisi cere. nr. A I Wood, room 8. BOOH Morrison. Tel. Pae. 17B8. BOLD ON There la one thing that will rare rhenmstlam. Ask your draggle! for bark tonic or add-ees or call J, U. Clemeneon, oruggist. rortisna, ur. WFBFOOT Oil Blacking aarra the Uatber; sb- oiuteiy waterproor. QEHMAN books, msrsilnr. nnvsls, etc.; 0er- man. Engllah. French, Bpanlah, Swedish aad Italian dictionaries; foreign hooka ef aU kind. Scha ale Co., 228 Flrat It. BOI.DEN'S RHRCMATIO CL'RE Snre ware for rnrumausm. Bold by all drecgnta. - A. RFINRR. PRAtTU'AI. Fl'RRlER. ' Expert fitter, furs remodeled, repaired and redred: 80 years' experience Inaurea entire stlafsrllon. Phon Pclfle 24IIT. Iwls bldg. IEXINR PILI4I cure all form ef nerron museulaa weaksa.a, For men e I'rl.w $1 a box. 8 bote 8, with full guar ante. Addriw or call J. 0. Clemrnson. drug gist, necona sna xsmniu. st., fortisna, nr. DR. RINQ CHOON1, Importer Chine root medicines; Bella Chines te. certain cnr tor all dlessM. 1UI 2d, bet. Ismblll and Taylor. DR. O. V. KETCHCM cure promptly private disease, kidney, nervous, skla and (pedal remai trouble, rail or write, time 17. m Third at., cor. Yamblll. Phone Paclfle 222H. BA1.M OP FIDS for ill female-disease. It bone Esst 4084. 828 Ran Belmont, LADIES: I'm Antiseptic Cophi for monthly Irregtilsriflee; safest, surest, most convenient; need hically; no iiengerons druga to awaltowj lerr box $1 .10. Mra. Carrkf xoang, Adrian. Minnesota; Hog' 88. MIS rillteON given scalp 4eetB)gjlti-BTsi xnntk sf'irrisnn St.. room fis. DOf f . TT-TSPITAt Repairing and dreMlng. Room 8. 84JH4 Washington st. MANICI'RINO. chlronody snd aloohol robbing. rsrior si a no xz. xnit Btsrk at. TO! NO ladle give massage treatments. 11014 Fourth at., ror. Waablngton. REFINED' young lady hist arrived from New ynrk ; massage. Koom a, jem, . ider gt. - tATtlFff: " Tit. l a " Franco's "Tompoiind: ssfe. speedy regntslor; 28 cents, dmrgists or mall; hook let- fa. In. I. a Irsana, PhiladalpktsjreHtr RFFINED ladr give trcstment for rheumstlsns snd all chronic allmenta; also chiropody. S1S Third St.. corner Tnylor. MRS. SOPHIA B SKIP, reltsM peveMe; row eolt her fw reloehle lnfrmstii. st;iv, Yam hill, room I. Circle Tnceitsy evening, YOrNfl eclenllrV msssene gtve electrical. a. Co hollo snd medh-atcd trestmenra; rhiropodlat aad mank-urUg. 41 fialelgk bldg. FINANCIAL JIR8T RATIONAL SANK B 10TXAD. 0BI00N. Demlgns ted Jei!ti r and PMSiIm. r a v seir ra at Caehler.... ..rk.'a- a. -.m C. 4 ALVUBW I BIAS a. T " .'lra,.'. "!... .n r.m-T. .. " ?... VMeee. St. I . s ': .""T'ejte ana jsisgrapaio- irasMwe Mia ea eisp - Bs, Part: Oma a M - - . . . . . . . , ... N.lbvesL mS'" i I""' .-TlnVama W ZW TerkaVoV Part.. ierMa. rl2-,srhi ongkoag. fokohama. Copoakagea. t'krtstUsls. Btockbolas. Bt. ystersborg. Mosw. bjcks. LAtO A TTLT0R, BAh-REaB tcrssbltetsd ta lBftB.) . . Trsaaasta a Oaaeral Banking Bwslnsss. Collecrien msde l 1 r' .v. r-.u4 ... b" term. Letter ef credit la.eed srsllsble la Korop esd sU no'00; " '.' JI? 's'ht Rxchsngs aad Telegraplrte Tran.fers nld on New York. Weblr-te. rhusse Bt. I-oule, lienrer. Omaka, Saa rrawlsc aod Montsaa and British Colembls. tachang Umdo, Barla. Berlin. Frankfort. Hongkong, yokokama. Manila aad Henolala. MM MEROTf ARTS RATIONAL BANK. PORTLAND, OBIOOR .1- r"NK WATSON President B0YT Cashier TraasaeU a Aaaaral Banking Bnatn. trs(ts All Psrta at hs World. USITEB STATES RATIONAL BARK OP PORTLAND. 0BIOOB. ' . : Northwest Comer Third and Oak Btreet.' '- . ; .- . s e ewTiB, B nral Banking BualMaa. DRAFTS IMSDeo ArallsMe 1 a ,i.V raereatted StetM sad Europe, Hongkong aid Manila, Collection Made oa Feeorahl' Torot. r rSlT aJsSM ' . . . ..awa BR BR Vkes-PeZ.-Alir - AirtBWOitTri ee-rrM!dent ,W. I.EA BARNRS I.KA AMlstant Caehler... B ABXERS A LtTMBERMEV'S IllfK.rwnid Ctow.eai. rVarsae Bueai seal .Itsrh Street. Crmimerdal snd earing department. r r oJi.J r4t.lud Mailable I all part f (be world. irVHii ? 52T5CLv,LD'- r,' 1e-PrMldet H. D. STOREY..., Assistant Caahler -?-?A?t!.-seon Tlco-Prsetdenl PLATT A P LA TT. ............ teersl Coaasel THB BANK OF CAIJTOBNIA Zatahllaked 1B84. Ttaad Ofllea, Saa Frsastsee. Callfsrnla. ei-S? i L "J'd "..; -....$4 ooaono Nnrplus'dnd nndirlded proBts; $ al.!C,,n nli Ftcbanre Btialneas Tratuscted. Interest On Time I "e posits. . -BATIN0S DFPA RTMKVT Account may be opened of $10 nd apwkrd. ' - Portland Rraach Chamber of Commerce Building. yj. ACRAB. ..j.... ; Manager I I. T. BPRTCHAtt.L "..Aeeletart .Mansiree TRUST COMPANIES. PORTLAND TRTtST COMPANY OF 0REO0M Th Oldast Trust Company tn .. RKBOCRCES OVER tl.TDO.O00. Oenersl Banking. J per cent Interest on check teren bendredal on AaU kel.nM. e iMOm e.. r ... . Mli, .veb.m r Llr . TD. wrr"1' "srlnrs accounts. Tim certifies tee. Jjoo or orer, 2 te 4 per rent. . r-mt beast Corner Third nd Osk Z , WW1'-110 N ' President "' LWB PAOBT.. Secretary C YCTJRrTT SAYINOS A TRITST COMPANT Jy Treaaaet a Oeneral Rankfne Baalneaa. B TIbm and Sartng Aecoent. Acta aa Credit Aeellable la All Parts f tb World, " " a !" f.1???'- ,...Preelnt I f. A. LEWIS ...Ftret Ylce-Preoldent MILLS Second Flee-Prealdeat B. O. JTBITJJ Becrtry CRQ. F. RrsgELL.... Assistant Becretsry T'tB M0BTRAOB BTABABTTEB A YBTT8T CO MP A NT BANK, Tranaaeta a Oeneral Ranking Rsslneas. latere! Psld en' Time Deposits. . Sartcss DPrtaat 4 per cent tntereet allowed, eompoand-d anartertp. , r CAPTTAL. v.-..;.".:'...., j. 1100.000 00 BJ..W. WATSHRURY. Preelrleot 0. W. MILLER T1ce-Pra14 . . B. LOO AN BAYS,,.... slatant Secretary r Wnr Tempi. Serenth and Stark Street. Phone Main IS4. Open Saturday RrealaaT B te B VYOBTHw-SBTIRW OVARANTFX A TRUST 1 Lumber Bxcbtnge. 8 B. Corner -FrSCBtr-WNT tebt, fYsgatr. Municipal and Corporatlnn Bond Bought snd Sold. New mterprlsM ergaslsed - and Una need. Stocka and -bonds gusrnateeoj. TPT.B OWARARTEB TRTTST 00 MY AN T 840 WABRTROTOR MURTOAUS LOANS on Portland Real Ratals at Lowest Rate. , Titles Insured. Abstract furnished. TnoRBHRR ROSS.. 1 Presldeirt I JNO. R. A ITCH f BON.. 0E0R0R B. RILL..: ...Tic. President BONDS AND M ORRIS BBOTHTRB, Chamber ef Comma Mnntdnal. eallroad and pVOWlfTNS-HOPRrNS O0MPART Kstabllsked INS BROKERS. I. i STOCKS, RONPBc gBAfNRogfUt Sold for "Caah BiaYarg4iT PrlTsts Wlrea. BOOM 4 CHAMRR 0. UR O0MPAMT OommonweaHh Bldg., Sixth and Aakeny at., Pertlaad. Oregoa, Brokersge 'hepsrtmest H. W. Donahns, Manager.' Pa Before Buying or Belling Stocks ee Bond. Can Always Bare Tea Money. 0UIS e. WTLDK BOMB TELZPH0VX BONDS BANK STOCKS. . Member Portland Stock Kxcbsnge. - Corner Birth and Washlngtoa Btrrst. Portland. Overbeck, Starr & Ccoke Co. Bnt, PR0YT810RS. fJOTTOW. STOCKS AND BONDS. wi SO AS STRICTLY COMMISSION BUSINESS. Market by Prtrat Wire. Quleh rrrlce. REFERENCES Ladd A Til to, are. aad United Btete Natloasl Bank ef Portlaad. Coatli -PERSONAL. MISS RAYMOND fire maassg trMtmnt. pltw Motu-laon St., 14. ATTORNEYS. n. ft PtnnoTT AND J. A. FINCH Attornere-Bt-Law." ""PirTctlce la U enurta. 4 Mulkey bldg., corned Second and Morrison. ART. PORTLAND WHOLES ALB A RETAIL- ART CO. HcnuBeutlrig one of the largaat asatrm mi facturera, are able to now you tb Bneet dlenlsr of Dlctaree In tb city. W oordlally Invite yen to call before porchsslng elae- where. 888 Washington at. FRER LEMONS In embroidery rvery dsn new stamped shlrtwatata, roraet-eovera, no tere leckets, hate, umbrellas, eto. The Nerdlecraft Shop, 81 Washington St., twees Wat Park and Tenth at. PROFESSOR R. MAX METER, 848 Aider. Portrait and landscape artist ana I earner. ASSAYERS. 0ARYIN CYANIDE KKTRACTIOft CO.. aad Montana A easy Office, la Morrlaoa at. BLANK-BOOK MAKERS. HOWE. DAVIS ft KILHAM. 108-111 Second St. Blank books manufactured; agent lor 4 ones Improved Looae-Leaf ledger: are the new Eureka leaf, tbe best oa the market. BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES. BUTCHER SUPPLIES S. Blrkenwald Co.. 804. 4118 Everett at.; la r goat ootcnsr supply on th coast. Write for catalog". BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES Ado lph A Dekara, 1.11. 1H3 atrsl St.. csrries e tun line sno co piste assortment at ' loaest market prlcee. CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMIST St. George Ormcnde . Mak no rbaaxe la hoslneaa, do not bny .sell a rooming bouse, do not buy mining stocks, do not buy a kit, a farm, a ranch. or make a lease without rlrst seeing Or monde. He will advlae you to your ad' vantage. II aak no question, no writing ea psper or slates, nimply your hand. TELLS XOI! WHK.K ANl WUUM YOU MAHRY. REUSITTS THE BUPARATEO. TELLS YOU HOW TO WIN TUB MAN OR WOMAN YOU LOVE. Tells yotir fnll nam, sge. occupation. H BURETS TOC SHOI'LII KNOW, now .ran I ancceed hi buslneee? ' llow can I win tb one t love I How can 1 make money f How can t conquer enemies! , How marry the one c' my cbotcr! How aoou'can I marry! ' How eonqnor my rival! H.,w Bonn will kirVr prnpcael - . How can I get a, position 1 , " How to regain your health! How bold bnabnnd lor!. How notd wife's tore! ' How tettle quarrels! .,-''" How ran 1 hsv good Rick! How can t make my horn BappyT - flow cen 1 marry well! How can 1 be successful tn mining? How can I get a letter! Teaches personal magnetism, cures lost vi tality. Develop clairvoyance In you. 110H FOI RT1I ST.. COS. WASHINGTON BT. Walk rlgbt ap.- corner room. Don't 'mlatak name and place; A Sl'KlTAL (5.00 REAllINU FOR $1.00. FOR A FEW DATS ONLY. ' A SPECIAL $.1 HE AIM NO FOR $L ALWAYS CONSULT THR BEST. PROF. R, Kill MO, 0retef-rlvtttg-sfral dead franrw - rtsfr So T j tit of the age; ADVISER ON 111 SINKS AND ALL AFFAIRS OF LIFE; whom yoa will marry, bow to control the oaa you lore, even though miles sway; reunites tbs sep arated; give eeret powers to -ooatroL I will do all other advertise to do snd a great deal wore. THE RN TIKE W0KI.D ft AS Hf.r.S STARTLED WITH THE POW. EKS OF THE UNSEEN FOHCK.S I UAVR AT MY VOMMANO. and I prove It la yoa with out price by glvina yo a . ..- e)h,K f KKt FRBB By hrvtne your NAME TOLD MR Prt-I. J(ST WRIT T0U f'AME rOrL and sirs notf fTrW"T.W!TTite1jJ FRFK before .m d. , ,e o have reading. WHO CAN fiR Will, iO WORE TO Ili.ttlM" THE BKKI'IU? 1 10 NtlT VIS THIS OI'I'ORTtNIT X, AS IT WILL NOT BE OFFRRKD TO toU AUIN. PROF. E. KltlMO. Permanetly lxcsted In III Owp flom. BOI'HR, lt TO 8, DAILY AM St MiAT. No, 2"3 Fifth at., cner Madlso at. RorESSOR WALLACE, pslinl.t. clalrrovant a 4 asd 8, and niertlnm; re, llniea .",IV, I arUi Tha Cosiuoe., 2i'!i Xlurrlson at. BANKS. rtnaectal Agent of fa trnfted P1" --.. 1 o .a,i e. w - - - . AaelatsBt Ca abler. .B- r. BTBB8 I R. L. DDRHiM '....Flee-President .Aseteiaet Cssale aad AratUbl t I OBOBOB W. H0TT.. and Letters e( Credit It Collections a Specialty I csakler..., ,.... W. r n" ; I Aasatiat (Tsabter 1 W. Am BOLJ ..A. M. WRIOHT Interest psld en MrlBg aecoBat. Drafts aad Oregea. accnon'a nee oa all certificates. 8 to 4 Cll for Bonk of per cent: ehorf-ran apeois, ILLCSTRATIONS." "treeta. Phone Print I H. L. PITTOCK. I J. 0. OOI.TRA , Exchsag T3. Ylce-PrMldeet Aartetent Becreter BOB Marrlsoa Street. Parttsnd. Oregoa. SAYINOS PEPAHTMENT. Interest Alloere. TrartM for Berates. Drafts aad Letters COMPART Portland. Oregon. Second and Stark Street I around Boor I. FOR CORPOB ATWN8V BTREXT. Secretary ........ Treaenrer T. T. RtJRKHART.... INVESTMENTS. roe Bid. public aerrlaa cotpurarloa hoods. R ef C0MMBBCB. Ph om Main ST. .TZtT Bask- CfVIfJENTER8-ANt-BUILDERS. t. A. MELTON, tha carpenter. 204 Store and offlc work. Mala 178T. -u''u C"IROPODI5TS. CHIROPODY and Pedicuring.' Mra. I Boom 830 FUednor Bldg. Panaa I D. Pea. nnu 133. . CAFES. r THB OFt-TCB 388 Washlngtoa St., phooo Mala T71. Samuel V Igneor. CARPET CLEANINa- TANDARD Carpet Clesotng Co., largest plant wu .h uaioa sna sisraing sta., tele phone East 2S0. I arpeu cleaned, refltted. Mwed and laid; both steam aad Is test com pressed air process; renovating mattresses and feather a apectalty. SANITARY carpet cleaning, eaettoa aad com- pressea air eomoinsa; carpets clesned oa Boor without removal Main 8SS4. Mala 8200. CLEANING AND DYEINO. CLOTHES cleaned and preened $1 pea Tt, 1 ni'iue isiioring to., siay Btara at. B. W. TURNER, professional dyer snd ckraa BOB Jefferson st. Pbon Mala SSlfs. PORTLAND Steam Cleaning and Pvlng Work, ait rourrn si. I'renne rscinc stir. COAL AND WOOD. THB PORTLAND FUEL CO.. Successor to -C. R. DAVIS FUEL CO., Phon F.aat 28. 28T Eaat Morrtsoa st. ALRINA FUEL CO. Dealers la eordweod. coal and grMB and dry etnbwood. R. R. and Alblna ave., 2 blocks sail of ferry. But 874. STEEL BRIPOR FUEL CO. Dealer la eosL eordwoud and dry alsbwuod. Pbooe East 424. OREOON Fl'EL CO. All kinds of eoal aad wood. 234 Alder at. I kons Mala 43. WESTERN FEED FUEL CO. Hot Phoae Mala 101. blacksmith roa la. STAR BOX WOOD CO. Phone Mala SI 48 tor box, block and alabwood. DRESSMAKING. TRY Angelre Dreaemaklng Parlor. 242 Fifth nd Mala, rarlfle VS2. DANCING. DANCING heeaoo. 2Se; elgseM or prrratoi wait. Inr. two-step, three slap, etc.j stag dancing, buck and wing, clog, reel, aklrt. Hpenl.11, Highland fling, ate. Prof. W WUlaoo. old. est rrrognlsed tcacbsr, Allsky bldg- Third and Morrlaoa eta. Prof. Rlngler. Mlae Bnekenmeyer Leading scnooi; ba 1 iroom etiquette; Correct axial dancing: cUs Toe. -Hal. eve ; cbtldr Kut Pm.; pririt leasoaa dally. BuB A'dc. . Mala WOODWARD DANCING SCHOOL CIsm Mob. Thursday and Saturday eve.! aortal, 4hry and ep dancing Uugfft; fearing taught; private IpseniiB dully, V eatern Academy ball. Second and Morrison, ferine ISau. FROF. EATON Danctng school; rla for Isdl na gent aionaay ana Tbnradsy sveaJuaa. Arloa balL Pboaa East 3004. ROWN'S Dancing Academy, Ritrthard ball, t.7H East Bornslde. Pbon Mala 87 IX Peace Tuesdays. EDUCATIONAL. MARY DAVIS MAOISM. ."earner ef conven tional and naturalistic china; watercoanf beads a specialty. Studio Ml R. Bth at., N. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. PACIFIC ELECTRIC CO. Engineer, eowtrec tors, repelrere. lecfrl wiring, eei'nne. First, our. Klsra. Mais 4(0. H. B. Tale, mgr. fVPf ER.N' ELK' TKIC R01IK8. 81 S'nk at Contractors. aleclrIC anppilcs. ero.or, sno aVtlseeoe- sr loeteJl Uskt and power plauts.... FUKNACT" OTNTON fsrm sir fr"-s sees fnl Barer Fnrneco v., ' ' fence a::d v.t 'II N 11 V. ... t St., 1 .( d.