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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 8, 1906)
a - THE OREGON DAILY 'JOURNAL, PORTLAND SATURDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 8. 1906. 10 NEW TODAY. AFTER January 1st Interest charges will be added on ; '" those choice lots in .ft " -THE CREAM OF1 Which are now being sold for ' " ' ' only '. Fall Sized 50x100 Without Interest Or Taxes. Ten per . cent , down and balance on easy terms. Don't fail to see these before purchasing elsewhere.". For further information see The Hart Land Co. "7- 109 Sherlock Bldg. " ' Or O. E. Carter at Montavilla Offictv815 Villa Ave., ., Take M. V. Car at Third and Yamhill Streets Two 5-acre tracts on Base Lint, east of " Mt. Tabor, ; occessible and at bargain price. A chance to make money. Let as tell you about it T E. S. JACKSON & CO. 246 STARK ST. PHOINB MAUN 345 An Excellent Investment 600-aera ranch at one half Its acre valua, suitable for-dividing into small farms, adjoining county seat in Wash ington county; 500 seres under plow; 100 acres beat timothy and clover pas ture; too acres good wild paatura land; 'all1 level! fertile soil j t we creeks;.-nu - tneroua springs; 100 acres good timber; railroad runa through the farm; main county waon road on two aldea; land - adjoining this farm Is Belling for from (70 to 1100 per acre. 'If you wlah to double your money In side of 11 months It will pay you to In , vestlgata tbla Immediately, Address F.M. HEIDEL HILL8BORO. OREGON. 1 ' Before Investing: J Your Money ' " . . , See .:; GREGG BROTHERS We have a fine Quarter block, close In. Weat Bide; two flna factory or ware house sites It St Johns. within one Kiorir ot railroad: also some fin acre treots. It will pay you to look theaeJ up, ss they will sell at a great oargain " If sold at once. Coma In and let us Katharine Montavilla S!50SI50 AfPPlitft? talk It aver with you. Gregg: Brothers M ttm Bi, BIT BM BIT ramtoB 9Ug. NEW TODAY. CHOICE mom& SITES imwOlTI and Grand are, ' - 87107 . lWO Alborts and Congress ats., JH tiu ssoo Albion. 2 lota 100x100, 10 ft. from Portland boulevard S1550 Arbor Lodge. I lota GOO Arbor Lodge 18 lota ........ .Bl.TBU East P1n fit, 100x100 .11. ROO Eaat Pine St, 60x100. .......... -f 750 Eaat 27tb 8t. 100x160 . ..fl.800 Eaat Portland Heiuhts, 60x100. ..S500 Franoia addition. 74x100.. . S250 Excelsior. 60x100 ........,...,..$250 Eaat Madison, near i6th, r - ' looxioo ...... .... ......... .f2,300 Eaat Salmon and 16th, 0x100 . fl.BTS Eaat lth and Weldler, cor., - 6oxioo .f 1,400 Eaat lth and Weldler, Inside, 60x100 ; .....v.....f 1,200 Eaat 9th and Weldler, 100x100 ........93,000 Eaat 17th and Weldler,- - 60x100 . fl,2SO Holladay Park, 100x100 ..' $1,525 Holladay Park. 60x100 . . . f950 Irvlngton, 60x100 fl.lOO Irvlngton Park, I lota Logan'e addition, I lota Logan's Addition, 1 lot 01.8OO fTOO 400 SI. OOO Richmond . Riverside, I lots St. Johns, T lots .$2,100 St. Johns. 1 lock-rrriVTix.-rT.8.OO0 Saratoga, t corner lota, each ..... $200 811 wood. lota $750 South Sunnyatde, 60x100., $675 South Sunnyalde, 14 block. .. .B31,5UO Strawberrydale (Montavilla), 1 , lota . 300 Tabor Side. 60x100, each ........flOO Woodlawn Heights, 60x100 $400 West Bide, 12d and Lovejoy.. .$3,750 s okajbtbeb or oo: $21,500 100xi00. on N.E. corner ld ana wonnaon, witn a-room- awouing and four modern flats, paying good Interest and room to erect four mora flats, mating possible a II per cent Investment; terms. $8.000rEeuUful bouta. full .. lot, Laovejoy, near 12a. xjmi us anow you. 1 - - $6.000 Modern l-room dwelling. electric ugnia, noi-watar neating, ce ment basement' and walks, full corner lot with stona wall; close In on Weat Side: a bargain and terms If desired. Lot alone worth f 1,600. and house cost $1,600. $3,000 Corner with good l-room a welling, itv jsei ia nu, oa car line; a gam of a home; terms. $2,000 Neat, modern 7-room new dwelling and full lot, Mildred avs $1,800 60xl00. N.W. earner-East 12th and Schuyler; a good lot. Im proved atreeta and fine shade trees. 1.275;-God inside lot. Eaat Madi son at, near JJd; small . payment down. , $350 Choice lot, near East Uth and ' Pre scot t; easy terms and growing lo cality. Lota of lots on Peninsula that are abuut them. E. S. Jackson & Co. raons Maia taa. 44 Btark W. J. W. Ogilbee Room 11145 First St. $3,750 Quarter block, 100 by 100 fcrtrwith two cotfafrefow-Stepb ens' addition. " , . 1,T50 58 kcres, . imall amount slashed, lies nicely on the main road between Milwaukie and Da mascus, about 11 miles from' city, and. is a good, solid, substantial offer. Would take part cash. $7.000 Good corner lot, with three cottages, rental of $60 per month, finely located on Caruthers street $550 Choice building lots -te -Tib-' betts homestead, on Gideon street $17,50020 acres, all in cultivation, near car line, and one of the choic est pieces of land adjoining the city limits for platting purposes, either in acres or lots; on the east side of the river; a fine investment. . OMORROW r Take a Look at These 2.000 New and strictly modern I room bungalow, very attractive and desirable, on block, south Flrland sta tion; terms. l,50O New, modem l-room cottage, built right, two blocks north Flrland station; terms. Bee Office of Haselwlld Lumber Co.. Arleta. Take Mt Boott car. Fhon Union 1171. Bargains in Real Estate $8 O.OOO Quarter block on First at . fays o per wn, v $8.500 1 H acres within city limits. A gOOO SUDaiviaion prwwniuii. $3,30O 1 by 100, corner Oanten bln and Stanton.-- $1,600 -room house, lot 40 by 117, Montavilla. Will exchange for acre age property , - , ; .... . . . .. , .,, . $1,200 -room house with t lota at HU Johns. 8 holes residence lots, 17th and Haw thorne avenue, on monthly payments. Stevenson-Brown Co. 11 Second Street NEW TODAY. W H V Da people f eat la the wood aad 'parrkaee Iota and kaye to rlae wb.a tbe runatey cows In order te set to their place ot eealiwea. wh.n tn.y eaa nuy a aot ror leaa aioney ana oaiy IS minutes from . First nd Alder? Heated cere, aleccrle llaht and Bali ma water. Soma on Ihe" luetallinenrplaa," ' Ttlllwon rmr. g.t off at cramaiurldm. Acrnt oa-Hha greaad. I a m. fm i.uia. 1 FOR SALE PLAINNELD - ADjorjrnro uoxxora Beautifully altuated. overlooking- the city; 112 lota, each 60x100 feet. Price $17.4 00 66,000 cash, balance In ' three yeara at per cent Thta property ac quired by truat eat ate on foreclosure of mortgage. For aale at coat FRED ERICK H. STRONO. Truatee, at Ladd at '111 ton e Bank. tw -. -v -v Vx-4l -- S I Fine Quarter block paying H - per cent net Income. Hera la a chance to make goooV money In the Increased valua while getting Interest on your money. bPMlNXAQENCY,30S5tark Street 11,000 roRtuir block Tina Bite fog nata, Between Grand and Union avenues. t Only five blocks from Hawthorne. HART MAN & I H0MPS0N -- I CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. WEATHER REPORT. Tbe atom yesterday ever Rrltlih Columbia kas greatly diminished In Intensity and sd r a need rapidly southesstward te Kanaaa. Tbe barometer la again falling over toe aorEVa clflc states, and unsettled weather continues en the I'aclflc slope, where light rain haa bera genersl aa far south an Ban Lula Obispo. It la much cooler la Oregon and Washington. A sevsre cold wave haa awde Ita appearance la the Canadian northwest.- and aaro temperatures are noted In northern Montana and northern North Dakota. Another, bat more moderate, cold ware prevails In New Enfland and the middle Atlantic atataa. Teoiperaturee kare rteen decidedly la the lower Missouri and appal Mississippi vallsye. The Indications are for rala or anow ta thle district tonight and Sunday. - , Obeervstlous takaa at a. m.. Pacific timet Tamo. Max. Mln. Preelp Batef City, Oregon.. .... Boston. MaaaarbuaattS.., Chlcaxu, minola Denrer. Colorado 48 U 81 0 28 20 24 .0 .0 A A JO .0 .0 .14 . .0 .0 .0 .02 .1 .02 .0 Kanaaa City, Mlaaonrl... Loa Anaelaa, California.... 12 60 New Orleans, Louisiana.... eO 4 New York. New York 80 - 10 Portland, Oreson M 40 Roaebars, Oreiron. .. BO . 88 Ht. .Louie, Mlaaoarl 88 80 Halt Lake. Utah 62 84 pokane. Washington M 80 Han rrancuco, caiiromla.. ea bo Taosna, Waahlnrton... ... 60 40 Walla Walla, Waaoinctoa.. 00 M WaablDften, V. O ,. 36 22 IARRIAGELICENSES.- Fred W. Rorce. 104 BlaTentk a tract, ST; Iffle Oreenatreet. 10. n. E. romery, km seeona street, ZD Baby w ursrie, iv. Cecil J. Bancroft, SB; Laara A. nerbyahlre, 2 Robert A. tirltura. 8ookano. Waahlncton. 44: Auxiiata feVibkamp, 28. . ii-t Orauqulet, 80 Tkurnua a treat, 23; Ber tha. Swenaoa. 84. Weddlnc Cank W. O. Smith A Caw. Waah- Infton bldg.. cor. fourth and Waahlnstoa ata. printed. T, Rnahton. 122 y, Waablnftoa at. TONSETH A CO., rLOHISTS. KOB FLOWERS Or ALL RINDS. 12S SIXTH ST. Pall dreea sulfa for rent, all Tailoring Co., sue Stark at. Cnloaa BIRTHS. DORM AN- .Pcrember 8, te Mr. and Mrs. Bd- -ward Dorntan. St. Vlaatent'e bo pnt a noapltal, a boy. ITALLlSTEii XnrenilHirU. to air. and Mra. Da-Tld B. McAlUstar, niB Mlcbigaa areuue, a Doy. 4 8HAVKR Derember 4. to Mr. aad lira. Georae W. Kbarer. 743 Tealao STeuua, a Ctrl. SHILLOCK KoTember 29. to Mr. and Mra. JiB C. Hhlllurk. Ilarrlaun court, a boy. BAMHDLLIv December-B. to Mr. and Mra. Clar. eore I). Kamadell. -804 Drnmrnond, a boy. nyDSltT-Xl.TemlleJ. to Mr v d Mia. At -bcrt K. I.lDdacy. 11SS East Taylor, a boy. NORMS Norember XT. to Mr. and Mra. N. A. Nnrri. law Kaat Twenty-third, a hoy. HUTU Noyember 23. to Mr. and Mra, Wilt MET7,EUAAk Noremher 2A, to Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Metslaar. 81 Tillamook, a boy. SHAW Koyember 25. to Mr. and Mra. Frank Hnaw, ISo Beyentb, a Boy. DEATHS. NBVALAINBM December 3, Fanny Neealalnsn, .8 years. 160T Penlnsulsr syenue, rubercaisr menlna-ltls. THOKHtN December 4. Oscsr Tboreen, 33 years. 64.1 Hood, robereulnata. HL'MPHRKT December . Pearl Humphrey.. years. Oond Samaraa hospital, paeumonla. COUt December 3. Oeorge E. Cole, 7 years, Hofl. Oregon, old age. HERKICK December S. I.ymas Herrlrk, 71 years. 40 Esst Twentylith norlb, araamls polannlnar. - MATTSUN December 4. Miosis Mattaoa, IS yeara, 34TM Fifth, aspbyilatkia. BRICKBON Deremlwr 8, Ida A. Brtcksoa. 19 ysars. 347 4j Fifth, sapbyxlstloa. UNDERTAKERS. Floral designs and cat Sowers caa be pro cured from us st any boor ef night or day, Puone Mala 1048. Hoffman Bros., 70S G Ilea a. Dunning. McEntes A Otlbsugh. undertakers and smbsimere: mooere is erery aeiaik sayenta aad Pine. Mala 4iX. Lady assistant. A. B. Hems tor k, undertake aad embalmer, Eaat Thirteenth aad Umatilla aye. Pboae Sell wood Tl. Erlckaoa Undertaking Co., aad embalming, 41s) Aldor at. Phons Mala S1SS. Lady aaalatait. J. P. Flnley di Hons. Third snd Madlsaa sta. Of flee et county eoroasr. Pboae Mala S. Clarke Brae.,' Florists Fine oral designs. 2SS Morrises St. Sowers and Edward Holmsa. andertsker. 220 Third at. - RIVER VIEW CEMETERT. ' Single graree, f 10. Family Ma, f 10O to 11.000. The only cemetery la Portland which per. petually maintain, aad raree for lots. I ee full Inrormstloe apply to W. R. Markenste. Wor- eestsf block, city. W. M. Ladd. ureal dest. ROSE CITT OEMXTERf. Rlagls g raree, 5 to W; family lota $25 ta ITS. Esst end Fremont St., corner 1 of Cully road: superintendent at cemetery, Pbooe Tabor 2"K. For full Information pply to Frank fVhlegel, 001 Commercial blk. Phons Msla 2M2.1.' REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. James V. Outhrls to John Cllne, 2 seres commencing at a point 1,074 feat north of a point 32 chains weet snd 21.73 cbslns north of hi section, cor ner of sections S sud , township 1 south, rang, a esst , 8 I Anns U Tomer to Oeorge C Birelow. 40x60 feet, eommeDcmg at nortbeaat corner of lot 1, block S3, Carter's sddltloa TR0 Newton MeOy-and-wlfe. ts.U.-Tr Kirk. 76100 feet, ' commencing st northeast corner ef lot 17, block 4. Alblna...... I W. J. CrowstoB sad wlfs to Agnes Crowetou. 47 2 3 .-ecree, beginning at a point M 3 feet east snd e.3 feet . south ef northwest corner of south-, west M at section 83, township 1 north, range 4 eaat I Joseph (. Taylor te J. M. Merchant. lots 6 sad S. block 80, Heltwond S60 John Csraos and wife to Char lea H, Later, lot 7, block 10, Cole's addition to Eust Portlaad ' 1.000 An tor, E. Johnson et si. to Stey Prry bylakl. Ibra 7 sod 8, block 1. Pettea ger't addltloo .700 Emily W. snd Florence v. Brown to Lola . W. Thorn peon, lota 7 and 8, block S, " Hotlsday Park sddlMoa. .-. , , j r.i-. . .-.'.r-S.BBO Eocene C. Hossnisn snd wife to Oeorge Stephenson snd wife, lots 1 aad 3, Work 84. Central Alblna 1 300 P. D. snd Mrs. J. A. hoyd to Sophls M. , Brott, lot 36. Mock 7, Laurel wood.... iff Salem Floarlng Mills te W. E. Coebraa, lot 11, block a. City Ttow Park sddl- , tloa .,tuMvu- M REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. J. i. ritasarald te (marines Taratsef, ' lota and a, VX aufc Uolladay ad- Cdnar J. Daly t SI. ' te John txllar. - TftaeO .-feet, beat ulna at a iolnt M (eat eaat from DortharMt eornar of lot 8, block Id. Ooorh's sddttlos ST, 800 at. U liol brook and wire ta VTULUm It.ldt, toiloo (eat, baatantna at a,itiiT raniar-nr btark ta in Jaaaaa Joiin a addltleo to St. John. 10,000 usury ueuiea to Ha Ilia m. Bulla, lot e, DKtca Mt. . Trenoot.... . .. . 100 T. Vribwa aad wife te Angaata Knaba, lot li. block 1. Hunnralda addltloo.... 1,000 Ifoura layeauaent . coaupany , to Carrie ' 1 Fankbooar, lots S snd 7, block 40, ' ' Vernoa . . . . . . ; aas Joha H. and F. I. Mana to Birdie Skat- tuck, T3i29 feet ta fractional block 40, Caruth.ra' addltloa Caratbera' aduitloa 1,500 Real Gatate luyeatownt aaaoPlatlon to Charles O. Tbamuars. lot 7, block. 100. Hellarood 76 Rl Ketate layeatmrnit aaaorlatloa' to bar lea O. Tbumhrrg, Iota-10 and 11. block 110. Sellwoud ' 500 W. K. Plfer to Fred A. Thumberg, kU "4 a, block 1UU, Sellwood.... a W. II. and Emma B. Dohrne to O. I. lot 7. block 14. Slanebery'e ad- dl(loa' r.r...T. i. ;.-..'?;.--. 133. Moore InycMoent company to Ola r'rlck- eon, lute a, , j, a ana , Blocs lu. Vernoo SCO T. M. and M. L. Bureta te Louie and David Freadmaa, part aa donatloa laad claim of Jehe Swltaler la aectloaa S and S. towaabln 1 aorta, ranee 1 eaat.. 1 Patrick and Bridget Hjan to Antonla . and Ignaslo PUaaa. 100x100 feat, begin- alng at a point wuere eaat Una at bliM-k I In Smith's sddltloa to- Beat . .' Tortland iBteraecte aoulh lie. of Pow- eu v vauiy roao a,wv J. W. Taggart and wife to J. J. Kunts, tola Bl, and 85. block X, Bmlthaoa Land eomnany'a addltloa........ 1 William B. Btreet.r and wife to F. W. ' Ieadbatter, south Vs of lot S. block 77, city SJ.900 Brneat A. Gawaton to O. L. Price, S.7a acraa In section la, townahlp 1 aorta, ranee 1 eaat t a, 000 Dennis Harrington snd wife to -W. A. . Hnoyer, mt a, block 0, Joan trying a -Flrat addltloa to East Portland 1,600 T. 8. and Lnla J. McUanlel to II. Ilar- grearee. net V, of lota 17 and IS. block 4T. buony.lde BOO WUllam a. and Mollle Martin to Alex ander H. Boyd, weat 4a feet of tola 1 aad 2. block 7. Dolaa'a addltloa.;.. 4,000 lws snd Ssrah .W, . Kuaaell to . Altha N. Emmons, lots 0. e, 1 sue . oioc 64. Tlbbett's sddltloa to Eaat Portland 1 Oak Park l-and company to H. C. Cook, - lot is. bav'k o, uak I'ark aaaitioa ro. a St. Johna . - 1 George B. Cook to O. W. Powell, lot 31, block S. Keeeyyotr ran -. a.uuu Herman Metarer. trnate., te O. W. Powell, lot SO. block S, Reaeryolr rark ISO B. A. Kellogg to Jacob H. Steyena. lot ,u T. block S4. Woodlawn ow J. H. Nolta and wife te Frank . and , A"ZV - Mary V. Ailama, lota 10 ana 10, in I'arton'a tract 360 Illiabeth May Steyena to Rodolph Hchnelder snd wife, lots 1 ana z, auo dlrHlon 1 of -a l-aahntutt at Oatmaa'e Little Homes addltloa 1.400 George B. Waggoner and wife to F. 0. waggoner, lot is. owes 1. uungaiow Glade 00 650 1.390 Mary W. Gaatoe to Oeear P. Waggoaer and wife, lot 31 or uaaroa tract C. Darla and wife to O. W. Reward, lota 7 and 3. block Tt, Highland. Mutlnomah Cemetery company to B. W. Clement, lot 84. block u, atutioomau cemetery - ' Clars I. Dsrr te D. 0. Henny. Vrts 7 snd 8. block 40, Carter's saditioa; sna su that portion of lota 1 snd 3, block 40, lying west of Heights Terrace 6.000 mi a m 11. Jt wmeay to u. A. -soane. and Mlltoa H. 8terenaon, lota 1 and 2. , block 69. Woodatork 800 lasac Vlggers snd wlfs to Mike Abplan- a In. lot . block. Park View renlat. . 3.100 Joseph Ooodmaa and wife to Wakefield, -jcsles Co., lot 1, blocs ZT, low nana . of Alblna 1 W. II. Chapln and wlfs 'to Addle B. am, lots a sna s, sna tnst psrr or lot 1 not d-dlrated for a street, block 1. Crystal Hnrlnga Park 800 U. I., llolbrook and wife to School Dis trict No. 3. lota 7 to 16. Inrlnelre, block 1, Holbrook'a addltloa to St. Johna S.408 Title Guarantee 4a Treat company to Charles J. Dean, lot 6, block 8, Weat Piedmont 87S Eilrar W. Wright and wife to Addle and Khta'a Hecnnd addition 4,000 Victoria M. and John Careoa to Jobs F. - Carson, sooth S of lot 11, block 82, Tromont Place .- ' 1 Emma J. and D. C. Rosa to Mary Rrog- . ger. part of northwest A of sect Ion 10. ' townahlp 1 sonth, range 3 asst......., 1.000 Otbo U kcrrla et al. to I. M. Walker, o T, block B. First addition to Hollo- . day Park addition T7 Jnllua Durkbelmer and wife to Cloaeet Reelty company. Jot 1, block 14. city. For sherrscts, title Inetirance er awrtgage nana can oa raeiric Title a irnal company, !'4--e-7 Falling bulldlug. 1 " Wat setsta uui luauiama snd anetimw s eisl from the Title Onarsntee St Trnst eoat- pany. 340 Waahlngtoa atrast. earuar Beceed. NOTICE. PROPOSALS FOR SUPPLIES. Salers. Oregon, Noeember IS, 1008. Ths nosrd of trnstses Oregon state Ineane aayltim hereby invites sealed proposals for furnish ing tbs following supplies to the -Institution for ths all montha ending June 80, ltT: Orocerlra, mill feed aad duur, meats snd 8h, dry goedi, drugs, stationery, leather and Hndtngs. shosa. plumbing, hardware, tinning, crockery slid glssswsrs. Li.te of ssld sup pllea will be rurnlabed by tbs clerk of tbs hoard upon sppllcatlon. Samples eaa bo seen st ths ssylom snd goals must be In ' accordance therewith. Wbsrs samples ire . required snd aot furnished by bidders, ths articles mnat be snusl to ssmplss to be seeu st the asylum. snd bids will bs assumed to have bee a made oa baala of asmples. All goods must bs lu strict sccordsucs with ssmple In orlgtnsl packsgs when possible, - sad delivered at the .ata ts Inaane aaylum within 20 daya after contract Is swarded, snd bids must be In blank forma, which will be furnished together with Instructions to bidders by ths clerk, upon spplii'sUoa. Each bid oa Sour or meat suit be ac eompaaled by a certified check for .K0.uu, and each bid on flab by a certified check of 873.00, ssd sil other bids by certified checks equal to 10 pw 'Cent of the amount bid: checks of unsuccessful bidders to bs re turned immediately, and those accepted when tue contract la completed. Bids must' be en closed In sesled envelopes s(f3 directed to tbe - tmsrd care of the clerk, snd plslnly marked "Bids for Aaylum Supplies," snd tbs clsss ef goods should slso be Inscribed on ths envelops. Price, fitness and quality being ' euual. preference will be glvea to articles manufactured, grown or produced In this -stats. - When a particular article is specially called for, bids for other kind, or manu facture, or brand, equally good will be enter tained, but to Insure recognition of sack bids ssmples of tbs srtlcles It Is proposed to supply mnat accompany them. The board reserves ths right te reject sny or sll bids, or to accept or reject ssy part of s bid. Bids will be optned at ths rspttol st Halrtn st 10 S. B. Wednesday, . December 19. 1808. By order of tbe board ef trustees Oregon ststs insane asylum. - - W. 5. OATENS. Clerk. FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice Is hereby given thst ws. tbe executors of tbe estste of F. M. ilchtenthsler. decesaol, have fliea eur final a, count" therein 'with-ttlg"'CIr8 Hf Itie CIRIllly court of ths ststs of Oregon for Mnltnomsh county, and aald court has set and appointed January 14, 1007, aa tbe time for bearing objections thereto and final settlement cf said estste., NEWTON M'COY, M. F. MILLER, ROGER. M'AFRB, Executors. H. B. NICHOLAS. Attoraey. NOTICB. Notice Is hereby given that commencing December 17. lPoe. st 10 o'clock a. at., I will sell sll property, both resl snd persons1, tbst Multnomah county has heretofore ae- Sntrsd title to by virtue of sals for tssss, aid asle to take plsce at the front door of the Multnomah county, ststs ef Oregon, courthouse. Dated PortlsudV Oregon, November 13. 1008. R. L. STKVEN8, 1 1 Bhrtff ssd Tax CoHectoec EXCAVATING and grsdlng. 0. . PetUga, 480 CommerHsl st. Phone Bast 8108. MEETINQ NOTICES. M, W. A. EVEROREBN Camp. S,4Ae), meets Wedr.esdsy svsniug, AUsky bldg., Third snd Morrison its. If. W.' A.. Oregon Orsps Csmp, Na. 8.878, Moa days. in jtad Marahall: visitors wslcoma. LOST AND FOUND. BTRATEfy -or-stoiea- fresa- MsatsvUla. 1 . bay buckskin boras snd 1 bsy roerbed-msne pony with kslter; liberal reward for retura te I. Smith; 001 Kearney at., Montavilla. rni!NrLA olaea as hsva hstr mattri rated and returned aama day. 323 groat et. Msla 474. Portland Cailsd HsLT reetery. H. MstagsTr Woslelav . - , LOST AND FOUND. WILL party wbe took gaa (A. H. Haleye aama oa aame) By mistake en Saturday s auaiing-ooei, ring a none saal 8184 eaa as ebaaawl ..-.. LOUT Oenrlamaa'a gold watch at eoraa Haw. tboraa aad Marguerite area.; reward. . Leave at Journal or nee. Sic aawARD it. i i . way bom, link bracelet with diamond set tings, suture Mra. C. Burchard, 47S Mala et HELP WANTEDMALE. WANTID A? ONCB 60 -seen yoaag aaea. . are IS to SS. (or flrymea and brakeawa oa Medina weetera rallroada aad (or aaw eoeda Bow being completed; eipenence aanei asaary) . nremea gioo per aaonia; Brakanwa 79; poet tloaa saw oocbt write at aoce (or pertlro lara. 'National Railway Training Aaaoclatloa, TM Paxtoa block, Omaha, Nab., or Sat Midge bldg-Kaeeaa City, Mo. WANTCD et encV Btaye-bolt eatters. wages 11.40 ear cord: st.ady work. Auplr Woat- L ern Cooperage Co., Slearna Bldg., Portland, UT flVUIlUB, Vf. ' : MEN AND WOMRN to learn barber trade la eight weeks; graduates earn from SIS W $Si -weekly; expwt iaatrectorai catalogue fre. Moler Syateni at College. S Marts FeurU at., Portland. YOU - eaa make $100 a weak by giving per formance, la parks, tbestrea, elnbs, churches, schools, etc.. with s moylng-pletura machine. . Call at Newniau'e Motkia-uPWure Ca. .for par. ticulara. Sixth at. WANTED 10 more eoUcttora; beat poeltloa In Portland; men are making 0 dally; call after aooa. Zvltt BUrk at. Union Hotel St NORTH SIXTH ST. Free employment to oar patrons. Wsekly rstes: Koom. tl.aB op: room board. S4.60 ap. Aadaraoa, proprietor. WANTED Two or thre. first-class, sll areead macalna men; peraanaat poeltloa. good wasee. Oregon Furaltura Mfg. Co.. Macadaai read. WANTED Salesmen; maay make IIOO to S160 - per month; aome .yen "mora; atoek elaaai grows oa reaeryattoo. tar from eld orchard,. eaah adyanced weakly: eholoa of territory. Address Wsablagtaia Naraery eompany. Top- pealah. Waahlngtoav DON'T work for a email salary; aee er write Pacific Aid aaaoelatlae for a good proposi tion, S24,Lambar Bichange. WE get work for ear members; snedst mesa, bars. 83. T. M. C. A, Fourtk and YamhlU. . MVlAIgooa4olUBPSforll)gh-cUe I - lilMinpi ; Htm IngtiipeiiiM iTkaata wvifh triaihrl rd 1 arda preferred. Call oa or write the RssltyJ, hw i,iHn ot roriiano. uregou, gti'a V9 vis i ifiun Diug.. ruruauo, ur. SOLICITORS Coupon: good gelue Studio, 603 Good do ugh proposti blk. tloa. As- WANTKD Costmakrrs; highest bill paid. O. Brault. Hamlltoa bldg. MEN to leans te operate mottoa-plcrure ma 'chlnea; graduatee .ara from $20 to 38 pw . week. Newman Motloa-Plctura Machine Co., Sixth st CONCRETE man. thoroughly experienced In cemeut plaster flnlah; muat be rapid worker ; good wages, g hours; psrauosat Job. 807 Tllford bldg. WANTED To sell my plans st a bsrgaln; will sen lor part rasn or trsao ror city prop erty. Address W 68, ears Journsl. A PARTNER In dyeing work: no experience reuuirw; mnat nave sou; investigsie uia. Address W 82. cars Journal. A0ENT8 wsntsd. Oregon, California. Idaho, wasntngton; neaitn and acciuent insarsnce; old reltsbls compsoy; good contrscts; refer ences required. United -Btstea Health A Ac cident Insurance Co., SOB Marqusm. SEVERAL Portlaad yoeag mea or vicinity, bright, saarjretlc, fair sducstlon, but making lcea than $S"0. will profit by arcing Mr. Heynea, 815 Columbia bldg., 80S Wasblagtoa street. BrfTwsnti Industrious sad bsve aome education. dress z 45. care Journal. A4 SALESMEN Experienced special contract meal . $100 par month and eosnmlsstoa. CoDserva '' tire Mutual Life lamranca Co.. Elks' bldg. A FIRST-CLASH - sbsperman. Apply Oregon Furniture Manufacturing Co.. 1314 Macadam road. , WANTED A registered pbyslrlsa. office prac tlcs: e good plsce for tbe rlrht Bias, (all st room 8 Van Nov hotel, corner Third and Pine ata., Portland. Or. WANTED AT ONCE A drug elsrk. Csll st "corner 18th-- Bell1 wood 71. XOI'NO ansa te learn barber trade: salary Is eight weeks; steady Job. 101 Grand ara. BOY WANTED, shout 18 er 17 years old. Morris sC, Alblna. a FBESDFEEDER, printer and Simplex Operator. Courier, Oregos City. WANTED Plantra preesfeedsr. McKlbben. 6d First St. Oravee A PLIMBER. . Howard. . CaU at 424 Morrison at,, A. U WANTED 2 good ateady boys, 55 Front at., corner of Davis. HELP WANTED FEMALE. IF TOU WORK, why not sera mora than a tiring T Be Independent : do good. The Vlsvt " Co. slready employs 12.000 women; tbe work covers 23 eonnrrtes et the world: we will sstertsln sppllcstlons frotr capable women, not canvaaalug. but belpful. dignified work. Addresa bv mall only. Tbe Vlavl Co.. rooms 204-S-41-7 TIKord bltlg., 10th snd Morrlsoa. nOMB LADIES' AGENCY. ICSM Fourth at., corner Morrlsoa. a net a Irs. Phone Mala 6830. Aloogafde the' V. M. C. A. bldg. OIRLB WANTED Oners tors to work oa shirts snd overs He. Lessons given to Inexperienced. Apply et Stsnderd factory Ksv a. tirsud see. snd Esst Tayluc St. HANSEN'S tATIES AOKVCT. 843H Wssb Ingtoa st.. cor. Seventh, enstslrs. Phone Mala 20tS3.. Female bslp wanted. FEW ladlea wanted te s sal at making easy fancy work at -are time at home; good ateady Ear; so experience required. 828 Fletdnsr lag.. 407 Weeblligtoe at. GIRLS WANTED Chocolate dippers aad psck ers. Rossell at aiibart. WANTED Smart girls to wrsp chewing gum. Americas Chicle Co.. 81 North Front st. COMPETENT girl In family of two; good wsgea. 804 Norlb tltb at. UIRL aa ehsmbermsld and waitress In prlvsto family. Annly la morning at 248 Ford at., cor. West Msln at. WANTED Girl "for-nouaesorV Tb6ne'TnIon KM. WANTED Olrls. experienced psperlg-msker. American Chicle Co., 81 North Front st. WANTED Te drsas making, eon st. exchange room for sewing, Csll or addresa 8A1H Morri- W ANTED 3 experienced body-lrOBsrs. City Laundry Co. ' COOK In small family. Main 2511. 238 King st. Phone OIRLB for burnt work: must be good letter era; wholesale souvenir bouse. 103 North Fifth St.. upstairs. WORKING OlrhV Home,. 20 Esst Sixth North. bosrd snd room, 250 per week. , Phone "sst 281.' " J WANTED Olrls. experienced paperhox-mekers. Americas Chicle Co., 81 North Front St. WANTED Ledy csnvssssrs; nothing to aelL Call at No, 2,10 Third at. - MALE AND FEMALE KELP. WANTED, IMMEDIATELY Clever amateur for Desmond's Dramatic Stock Co.; stesdy work during winter; good sslsry. Kswmsa'g Theatrical Circuit, IsOVb ftlxth st. FOR BALE A scholarship good .In any course In Bebtike-Walker rollegs, st a bsrgsln. la gulrs 828 Hall tT. ... HELP wsnted. male or femsle. te sell goods for whoieesle-housa; salary guaranteed .2.80 par day, , Commercial Hotel, room 81. BELP wanted aad supplied, msla er femsle. R. 0. rks,8vy Wsshlngtoa st, padis 1870, WANTED MALE. w. ..e - ...y . SINGLE sua ef 80 with 8 years exnerteaee 7 as s eauvasssr desires position witn soms firm In city aa elty sslramsn er collector: rsfsreoce glvsa. Addresa W 44. care Jouraal. A MAN ef unqusstloosd ability, having worked fur oss Srm 17 yeara, . correct accountant, ateaograpbsr, typewriter, desires eatpluy aseat. 2 82, ears JouraaL SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALB WANTED Position by as experienced stenog rapher and saalataal bookkssuar, Addrsaa B 68, care Joaxaal. WANTED AGENTS. "GREATEST INTENTION" Phoenix gaa gaa a tsl preserver , ssves msnt dollars, aad will be bought et sight; - ssmple 80 cents, enough to prepare ever 100 maatela; sgsnts wsnted everywhsrs. Apply C. N. Boecamp, - S78 Sixth at.,- Milwaukee. Wla. ' AGENTS, peddlers, eaarasssre aad street work- era, ret your supplies from at. rlumi Sou Tbira at. I new goods, bottom prices. AO K NTS Canvsaasra. mlxara, - peddlers, soltct . tors, mall order people, etc ahould buy Kramer'a Book ef Trade Secrets; regular price 86, but balaace ef last sdltloa for 11.28 aa long aa uisy last; gusrsatssd; rerdec aolca. Sioux Pab. Co., SutberUnd. Iowa. AGENTS WANTED bs sell eur complete line ef hlgh-grsde nursery stock: outfit free; essh wsekly. Address Capital City Nursery Co., Salem, Orsgoa. , - BIG money to fenetlere. Why work for sorse - body else 1 Bs' Independent sad your ewa boas; ws eaa show yon how to make 815 a dsy. Address K 84. cars Journsl. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. RED CBO8S EMPLOYMENT OO. Legging csmp aad farm hslp a specialty. SO North Ssooad at. Pbooe Mala SsVS, B S psy all telegraph charges. , HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFF1CB FOR MEN. M North Second st, Paoas Msla 1638. PORTLAND EMPLOYMENT OPFICB. 306 H Morrlsoa at Phone Pedne 338 37 North Bsoond st Pboae Pacloa 1800 ALPINB Employment Ce.. 303 Morrhma St. Msla sad femsle help. Pboae Mala 1817. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED TO RENT Houses. Co tt a gee, flats, stores, offices, rooming bouaes, ate. LaasV lorrie will do wall to csll ea - POBTtAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREOOSl. - Pboae Ea. 72. B. B. Cor. 3d and Oak. ,v WANTED-REAL ESTATE. LI8T your property with toe for Quick ssles. 1 ksvs buyers waiting for no mea, business propertlce sad sere age. The beet ef treat ment accorded te all. Thomas P, Thorn to a, 810 Chamber et Commerce. I WANT a house ea eaat aide; will pay $VI . . I ILI. 1 . - 1 1 . , r . . n, paianc jnonioiy imiwiw.,,,, vw price Is right and location suits will boy. Address N II, care Journal. I DESIRB te buy ea the Installment plaa a e-room 3-story house; must be a bargain. Address W 67, care Journal. A SMALL subnrbaa boms, fruit rartn. sairy farm ot poultry rsrm sna grain isrm. in tbe state of- Oregon r price to range- fress t'WO te 810.000. 0 34. care Journal. WANTED A bouse and bare with email acre age or lota, close la. tau pnoae aaaia una, er address 515 Msrqusm bldg. WANTED 6 -room boase and M at lowest price. within city limits; win pay casn; no agents. Btate price and locality. Address N S3, care JouraaL - WANTED Modern boose, about 8 rooms, walk ing distance from Morrison nnage; must do reasonable. Phone Sellwood 07. ' WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WB WILL BtJT flRLL OR TRADB ANY OLD Hl wttaiuaw unaua wr- s- 2 WASBINUION. PACIFIO TS - H I fiM EST essh pries paid tor all kinds see hand goads. Phone Msla till. 82 N. Third. WANTED. ' ' ..v. t. , , Furniture . v.. . I For Furniture I Spot Farnlture I Cash. PORTLAND lCCTIOI BOOMS, -211 First st. . Phoae Mala 865. Ft'RNlTURR reupholstered aad repaired. Donglaa Bros., 840 First St. 84(17. Maia EXCAVATING aad grading, a B. Pottage. 4 .tt CVimmssclsl st, , Phons last B1W I PAY caab for household goods. W. W. garage, 346 347 First st. Phone Pacific 80S. WANTED for adopttea. girl baby, 1 .te yes re old. H 68, cars Journsl. WANTED Victor phMogrspb with records. Addrsss E. H. U. 100 ioiob avs. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT BI LL DOUH FOB SALE English bull terrier pups, 3 white, with Utile black. 1 dark brtn die, price 316 each. To my former patroos I wlah to aay that these pups are by far tbs finest ones I ksvs ever owned. W. B. Brown, Lockaley Hsu, Sesslde, Or. THE RICHELIEU. S3H North Sixth et. Bla gaatly furnished; ateam best sad baths. FURNISHED noma and furnished housekeeping noma (or rent at 703 Vancouver are. TUB GRAND. sf.H North Third St. Booasa for gentlemen 31.25 pet week sad SB. THE WILLAMETTE Under sew mansgement; permanent and drsnslent. 1444 Sixth at. ROOM with all modern conveniences, from 12.23 to 18 a week. 300 Jeffarsoa at. NICELY furnished rooms, phone, bath; prt vsts family. 183 11th st., snd Alder. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING. 014 FIRST ST.. cor. Stark. 4 anfuralahad housekeeping rooms; nrst floor; bios roan, reapectable ; cheap rent; Flap suite ot rooms. FURNIHHED housekeeping' rooms, low rent. Furnished waterproof, comfortable tents; 84 per month. Phons Esst 4128. . 11.35 WEEK UP. elsen. furnished hoeseksep- Ing roomst parlor, bath, isunary, waaaw bsst ysrd. 303 H glantoa, U ear. 11.60 WEEK sp. Isrga. elese, furnUbed bouss kseplng rooms, laundry and bath. 184 as ar ms u aodth, Portland. THE MITCHELL Housekeeping aad transient rooma, raaaouable. Beveatk aad Plana era. 8 FURNISHED bonsekeeplng-roome for rent, 6M Pettygrvve at. Msla 8428. FOR RENT 8 unfurnished tWMSBkeerdng-ewome; bsy .wlodoa-aU JlghLeorner. . iws pii'n sy UNFURNISHED ROOMS. TWO unfnrsished rooms In refined home for eongenlsl people 1 modern house. 847 Elev enth St., bets sen Msrkst and Mill. ROOMS AND BOARD. FOR 1 er 3 employed people: alee roommate for unlet refined young man; walking dlstsuee; .modern. 624 Esst Morrison. . A FIRST-CLASS suits ef rooms for gentlassea. call at 206 14th st. Phone Mala -1838. I WANT a refined roommate in prlvsts home: rsasonsble price. Pbooe Msln "634. 803 ' 14th st. BOARD AND BOOM by week er month la pri vate family for two gentlemen preferred. 84 Esst Eighth st. Phone Esst 4138. FOR RENT To two working girls, pise sent room, with board If dsslred, TsU Pacific 484. FOR RENT FLATS. WE bsve 8 er 4 slegsntlv furnished fiats tn tha heart of city; prices rsssonsbls. 343 Klarh St. ' e PIANOS for rent sad asls; esay payments. Bhermsa. Clay oe niim ana Morn rlaoa ata. 6-KOOMS reaaonabla, northwest cor. 13th aad awTTaaifrliTri.'r'1"1'' '.THlimJL wTl 1 1 "siisi I , FURNISHED HOUSES.' NEATLY rnrnlahsdJi room Souse. CtU Inge. Pboae WeeJlawa 833. . ) v SITUATIONS FOR RENT HOUSES. " FOR RBNT. No. 483 B. Coach, near Eighth St., very seed ;8-roon cottsgs, 15 per month. . No, 888 Bast Morrison St.. 8 room residence, with bare, all sunveuleuces. good , yard, 8 par gaonth. No. 1181 Mont., a . Norfl Alblna. etyb Ian S-room Vuesa Anne cottdge, euraer st vsnr eonvsnlent, 30 per month. No. o93 Hows St.. P. .wii... lmm eaaa, , isnea. 3 lots. outfmlMl,,.. an u. T No. 1616 Rockwell st Woodlswa, verf cosy 6-room cottage, 311 par moath. - Na 1SW Belmont. . a room cottage. Ka barn. 317 per month. -TUB DDNN LAWRENCE COMPANY. -; 14UH First at.. . - FOR RENT . CHEAP New e-rooes . gsoaers boose with lsrgs gTounde, ehickea-yard, 1 blocks wsst and 1 Mock south of NashvUU " ststloo. Mrs. Mana. phono Union 1270. FOUR-ROOM bouse, shades, water, 810. Bl room house, bath,, water, 314.50. 413 Vaaceuvar ava. , IK-ROOM, modern bouse, farnlshsd. 325 1 as children. Phone Beat 875. . . ' . 7-ROOM boose -ea esrllns. Sis. a H. riggwtt. owaer, lawyer, room 4 Mulksy bldg. 8-ROOM eottsge,gss, ' bath, baaameat next doer, 428 Harrlsoa et. Apply FOR RENT -rooai cottage, 188 N. Slat at, BENT a plane aad later buy It; all; real a p.. ' - piled ea purehssa Shsrmaa, Cla A) Cs.. - -. Blxtk Morrlsoa et. 830 dt EARLY sew modern S-room Senas, fur. nsce. gss, bath, waabtube. Phoae Mala 4454, NEAT modern" 3 room cottage, 330. 448 Cnloa ava., north. Phone East, 4U2. S-BOOM boose, large yard and fruit trees, fant 1 loeatloa. 188 Carry at. South Portlaad. lis. FOR RENT 8 room house, ysrd. gaa fixtures, range, curtains, good condition: block from " car. 358 Chapman st; rant 825. FIVE rooms, lower flat aad half baas mast! gas, bath: 820; West Dsvls at. Inquire 1. kt Lather. New Wsstsra hotel. Tta and Pile. a. TO RENT Modern 5-room cotUge, 1S. -88 8th at.. B. Tel. Eaat 8637. - MEW modern 4-roaat bones, 883 14th St., assl Moatgomery. -. I-ROOM bouse, partly furnished. Apply 171. Bmereoa st,, Ocklsy Green. " 1U STORY cottage, gas and bath. Intgulra 333 SiS Esst First, north. J-a. is. FOR RENT STORES-OFFICES. FLOOR. 50x100 Complete flxturos. Heart ef Jobbing Oeates. Bsasonable ' Rultable for Jobbing or Sslssroonv, .. 48-48 Front St. FOR RENT. Two stores ea Union svenss aad Bast Bsb aoat street. Reasonable terms. UARTMANN THOMPSON, 8 Chamber of Commerce. OFFICE-BOOMS, aafurnlahea rooms sad seat-pie-rooms for rent, teoodoongh bldg. Apply - slevstor. DEftlRABLB effices. including skeetrts ttghea, hot and cold water. Jasltor ssd elevsto - service, la the new, airy Commonwealth bldg., eld Bostofftee site. Sixth aad Baraslde . sts. Agegt room dlt FOR . BENT Store, Flfth-st. (Ids Oosdaeagh bldg. Inquire elevator la building. FOR BENT Store Flfth-st. side Ooodaeugfe bldg. laqutre at elevator la Wilding. IIOFOR RENT A alee little efAce, pertly rurnisoeu, inira aas saorraaua. Apply room T. HOUSES - FOR RENT FURNI. TURE FOR SALE. FOR BALE Furniture of 8-room modsra aous. - nearly sip trew; rent -rsssonsbls;- two bloehe -from postofnos; good transient bouse t will sell st a bargals If takes by. tbe arat ed December. , SuS FlfU St. , FURNITURE ef I l-room house; Sue location) boase full of comers. Phone Mala 4348. NEW furniture ef 16-room houss; lesas; terms. 242 Msdlsoa st. NEW furniture of 7 , ncsr city hall; tera 8203. s bouss, rent not 343 Madlsosu Mala FX'RNITURB of T room gat. centrally located. FOR RENT FARMS. FARM FOR RENT, STOCK FOR BALB. Splsodld bargain open anlll Monday, Decern. -10. Fsrm consists of nearly 100 acres, bsst fsrmlng snd dairy land In Willamette valley, . ea railroad, good Improvements: teat for farm 3150 "per year, with aptloa for term of esre; stork consists of 7 milch eowe, 12 -year-olds fresh la spring, spas bunas, hsr asss, milk wsgou, cream separator. 4 bogs, -'8 doses chick ens f price 8ir. OTTO, CROCKETT HARKSON REALTY COMPANY. ' 245 H Wsshlngtoa St, ' FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS. H 11, snd ballroom, separate er asgetberi sew and with all eoaveateaees. Phone Msla 8M. BUSINESS CHANCES. BARE. OPPORTUNITY 4V room bones, swell neighborhood, Everett aesr 14th St.; nestly furnished, permanent roomers, excellent table bosrd near-by: good Income over all ex penses: rent 830 per mouth; lady will sell sll furniture except piano. 87(a) essh. See A. H. Birrell. 301-308 McKay bldg., cor. Third and Stark ata. --- - WANTED A trustworthy mas wbe ess lav SKK) la an old-eetshttsbed money-making ere terprlss; psrty must be boneat, wllltug tg. work snd fin-slab suitable references; psy I snout 3130 moath. Call 198 H Fourth et. HERB Is a snap for aome ews; confectionery, fault and tobacco store, good loeatloa; renl only 817, Including living-room: ewnsr com. Belled to sou. Btslamets Co., 108 Morrt- sun st. FOR BALE Good paying bowling-alley la beat city sutslds of Portland; 8 bargain If takes now.- 'Address O. J. A., ' Vancouver, Wash- Ington". - . . FOB gALE Grocery; good buslneaa. 8ne loca tion. 5-yssr lesse. cbsap rent; tavestlgate, N 88, cere eJnraaL . AN OLD astabllshsd busluese, shirt aad waist factory, fully equippeo. . Address O 84, eare Joaraal. AVE MONET Anything In printing ese Mid. . dsa. Odd Fellows' Temple, Flrat and Aide ,L.- ais.1 ..anatslrs . .1 WANTED Psrty wltb 31.000 te take ese third Interest hi established business: unlimited field foe profit. Address L 60, cars Journal. FOR BALB Prosperous grocery or would exebsngs for seat property. TsL Scott 2284. st Lenta, residence 8600 BUYS S well fttrnlshsd. nssr Hsrrlsoa. . 2260. Csll 364 Jeffarsoa. dfie DO YOU WISH TO SELL We bsve the fsellle rise far disposing ef sll kinds ef property. Quick ssles snd smsll profits Is eew motto. Dlemond Beslty Co.. 368 Alder. 8450 BUYS 8-roome. well furnished In good lo cality; west aide; low rent. . Hagemaas dt Blsncbsrd. 81 Fifth st, RE8TAURANT-aa-leak-ountBf for aalei. positively good money-maker; 11 ring -rooms, 813 Fourtb at- ink BAf.n as ha hlsbeat blddse. ta aa alee Utile restaurant wits gooo. xrsoe. ay dreea U 80, csrs Journal, BtTTTBRMILK rig and routes. Bee Watklwa, , Oregon Creemsry, 108 4th at., 10 a. as. dally. A SNAP Smsll restsurant for ssls: owner elstw wanu te leave tbe elty. 837 First at. FOR SALE A Srst-clsee cleaning and dyalaf shop. siodlorstloB. 313'e r,onr'fc ,',, FOR SALEREAL ESTATE . HOUSES and kits from 8 to 8 rooms; prbee, fl ."O to 82.6fir); will take pis no. tesm, vs. east lots or small sireags ss psrt psym nt. pa Usee eaay. What have you to effvr. Bur. den, Mt Cssoa street Montsvllla. Pboas - Best 4440. will give work te right psrty. -4 -----