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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 7, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENING. . DECEMBER 7,. 1803. IFiVnvn TVc l! 00VEL1R '.., .Mails KUlott la 'Hr Oraat Match" "A Social lllllljrmu" vuinrr Aflrnua sawrar' ..."lli Waaoe of kiu" "A WhltS vlrl ! Vaadedli .....uui..-.VauilsvUl 1.S90 New Homes. w believe ther ar 1,000 new homes In thisclty that have not a roa bush la tha yard. For these we have prepared a col loot Ion of .11 popular roses known as the Oregon collection, value 1 4, special this week 13. in this collection we five ypu one - iraii js.arj jjruachkl, that a rand, new, white rose, value 11. Can't you afford .11 to beautify- your yard? Ask our salesman' about this collection. Phone Main 471 or caU Portland Beed Co, , , Front and Yamhill streets. , Mrs. Prank Thompson asserts that ner nusoand s Jealousy led to his swear ing to a complaint charging her with ' insanity. After an examination yester ;.' day Afternoon before the oounty court, ' Mrs. Thompson was declared sane and released. Thompson declared that ; his wife had come under the Influence of a clairvoyant and since then had re malned away from horns a great deal ana exhibited evidences of Insanity. Thompson Is scow-dweller.- - - - Spending Money for Christmas We sav you from It.tO to IS on a suit or overcoat; .we save you from too to 11 on a pair of shoes, pants or a hat; we save you from I5o to Mo on. underwear or overshlrts. Big selection of regular tl neckties for too, and the too grade for 15c John Dollar. 111-111 First street, corner Yamhill, and SI-E5 North mra. corner Davis. It W. Gumbert who pleaded ' guilty some time ago to stealing a horse, was sentenced to three years In the peniten tiary and paroled by Judge Bears In the state circuit court yesterday afternoon. uumDert will be allowed his freedom .during good behavior, but for the next j xnree years must report to the Prisoners' Aid society. ... " The Spanish Literary olrole has moved Into Us permanent quarters at me rooms or the Oregon Conservatory of Music, Washington and Seventh streets, and will hold a housewarmlng tomorrow evening at I o'clock. The llt rary program will be impromptu and refreshments will be served. A . civil service examination for a chief of the laboratory of physiological chemistry was announced today. The xamlnatlon will be held December it. The position paya an annual salary of 1J.600. For full particulars concerning " the 'examination,, applicants ' should s Z. A. Leigh at the postofflca, Hattle A. Gallagher, this morning filed In the state circuit court a suit for a divorce from Myles A. Gallagher, charging desertion beginning in Octo ber, 101. The litigants were married in thla city in May, 1(04. Attorneys Ed and O. . R. Mendenhall appear for Mrs. Gallagher. . It would not be Jong before every body In Portland and Oregon will come to know that at George Rubenateln's Is lbs best place to have good, reliable rtaases made aneaaonable prices. Ill Fourth street, between Yamhill and ..Taylor.. . The Ladles' Aid society of the White vTemple. Twelfth and . Taylor , streets. ; will hold their annual basaar and sale ! rriday afternoon and evening, Deoenv ber 7. . Light refreshments will be served. Articles of Incorporation of the Btalger Bhoe company were filed In the office of the county clerk this umpire. Lrrtg..., Mar. . ... taataiM CranS ., .morning Btalwer, Ai L. Calir andTWynerlo" around to Portland because of W. H. Btalger. Capital stock 111.000. That man Is a prlncs who has his garments mads by Armstrong, the fash lonable 4 or, Raleigh building, 121 Washington street Tour clothes fit you If Armstrong cuts them. Tour eyes examined Pres. Ws are still selling eyeglasses at 11.00. - A per fect - fit guaranteed. Metiger Co., Jewelers and opticians. 111 Sixth street. ' Japan Basaar, Sixth street south closing out sale of 15,000 worth of Jsp anese fancy goods. Must bo sold re gardless of cost. Going out of business. Dr. Walter I. Howard has opened of fices In the Commonwealth building, Sixth street. Chronic diseases, elec tricity and electric light treatment Rabbi Wlllner will preach this even ing in Temple Ahaval Sholom, Park and Clay, streets, on "Freedom Despite Bondage."- Services begin at 1 o'clock.. Steamer" Jessie Harklns for Camas, Waahougal and way landings dally ex cept Sunday. Leaves Waahlngton strset dock at 1 p. m. Wm. Lee Greenleaf, Impersonator, at Third Presbyterian ehureh, Friday even ing. December 7. Admission, It and fO cents, . . . Window glass, plat glass, glased and set F. E. Beach A Co., The Pioneer Paint Co., 136 First street Phone Main 1114. - : Woman's Exehanga, 131 Tenth street, lunch 11:10 to 1; business men's lunch. Acme Oil Co. sells tha best safet'ycoal oil and fine gasoline. Phone East 789. Dr. O. M. Wells, residence 745 East Burnslde Street Phone East. 1660. fln- ChrlstmaaresenF ton Navajo Indian blanket Pendle. For Quality. Quantity and Quickness, go to Morris1 restaurant . , Dr. E. C. Brown, Eye-Ear. Mnrquam. " "Public stenographer. Phone Pacific 91." TATE may gain your atten- " " tion with words, but your appreciation only by ! T-L . service, i nc priming wc produce is good printing. We 'do not waste our time and your money on fakes and fads, but infuse into our work the skill and knowledge of artistic prin ciple that rriakes it attractive not only for a day but for all time. Phone Main 165. F.W.Baltes&Co. Iirst and Oak Streets LEADS iniEXPORTS Portland Sent Great Quantities - of Domestic Products to . . Foreign Countries. COLLECTOR OF CUSTOMS , ISSUES MONTHLY REPORT Statement - Shows That . 49' - Vessels - Entered the Harbor. "During the . Month and That During the Same Time 52 Vessels Cleared. " Portland has reached the top notch In value of ' domestic exports last month by sending away to foreign coun tries products that will enrich the city and surrounding country to the amount of I81S.7IS. This Is the biggest month's business during the fiscal year, xoeedlng the reoord of last month by nearly 1 100.00. Sim the first of the fiscal year the values of domestic ex ports for each month have been aa fol lows: July, ftfl.SSO; August. 1500.164; September. 16S7.7J7; October, 1760,286; November, 18(1.71. A summary of the transactions at the custom houss for the month of November was Issued today by Collector Patterson, as follows: Vessels entered forv foreign ports, 4; vessels, cleared for foreign ports, IT: vessel entered for-do-tnestio ports, 4t;- vessels cleared for domeatlo ports, 16; entries of merchan dise for duty, 108; entries of merchan dise free of duty, 12: entrtea for ware house, S; antrlos for warehouse and exportation, 4: entries from warehouse for consumption, 14; entries from ware house for exportation. 1; entries for Immediate transportation without ap praisement. 47; total number of entries of merchandise, 211; certificates of en rollment granted. 7; licenses for coast ing trade grauted, 10; licenses to ves sels under. 10 tons granted. 1; total number of documents to vessels Issued, 10. Beoeipts) Tront All Sources. Duties on Imports.. 1(3.622.91 Duties on Imports Philippine Islands , .70 Fines, penalties and forfeit ures , 11.75 Miscellaneous customs re ceipts ;.. eo4.ll oiorage. moor ana ariage.-. ss.ssi 1 Official fees.. 61.10 II Total .....1I4.14S.11 Wheat, flour and lumber constituted the chief articles of. exports.. WILL REMAIN HERE Kaa Who Brought srteamsr Wynerlo j , Mere a Voted Teaor. J. Lloyd Gibson, who came here as chief engineer of the British steamer Wynerio during the tatter part of Oc tober, has located In Portland and given, up the ae tenor and has already associated him self with the choir of the Holy Trinity church although he has been busy since arriving here getting established. Mr, Ulnson comes from a decidedly musical family, being the eldest son of. Annie Lloyd, the famous Welsh prima, aonna. ne became Imbued with the spirit of the sea when a young boy aad sailed on the Atlantlo for some time before com tug across . the continent Then he ran aa chief engineer on the trans-Paclfle steamers out of Victoria i ror several yearsJ;HJ,oo ono of hsr engineers having fallen 111 at Victoria and one visit here wss enough to oonvlnoe him that Portland would be Ma future home. He Immediately sent for his wife and child and secured a cosy home at 711 Albina avenue. Mr. Gibson was tenor soloist of the St Andrew Presbyterian church at Victoria, and member of the well-known Victoria Arlrm club. He has already beoa approached with flattering off era from soma of the leading churches. OLD WINDJAMMER HERE Bark Diamond Bead Was Built la Xioa non forty Tears Ago. Th British bark Ivarna was to have reached tbs harbor this morning, but she will not be her until tomorrow morning and then It will bo In com pany with the American bark Diamond Head. ,Th towboat received orders yes terday afternoon to drop th Iverna and return to Astoria for th Diamond Head and bring the two up the balance of th way. Th Diamond Head comes under char ter to th Portland Lumbar company to load lumber for a California port She Is one of th oldest windjammers afloat anywhere in the world, having been built In London, England, In 1816, or 40 years ago.; Shs first touched tho seas under the name of th Gainsbor ough, but waa transferred to tha Ha waiian flag and rechrlatened th Dia mond Head many years ago when her business kept her far away from her old English home port .trading between the Islands In the Fact no. Th annex ation of the Islands to the United Stales brought her under the atars and stripes and she, Is now a money maker, hauling lumber. , - - " ENCOURAGES PROJECT 1 arrlva omsiawje gags- VorUaaA-SJhevld Establish Steamship Line. S. T. Jeffreys, a lawyer of Nome.1 Alaaka. is In Portland for a brief visit among relatives end friends. Ha Is anxious to ae Portland establish trade relatione with the northern country and declares th opportunity for Portland Is beyond- estimation. He tamire those to whom he has spoken 'upon the sub ject that a steamahlp line from Port land will have the support of th Nome merchants. "Alaska offers a great field for commerce.- said Mr. Jeffreys, "because It le a vast territory snd reached" 'chiefly by water. It has a shore tin greater than th circumference of the earth and an area aa large as California, Ns veda, Arlsnna, Oregon and Wshlngton. Th greatest need today at Nome Is a line of steamer from some other port than Seattle and the merchants look to Portland." to sea rough and he Columbia, coal. land. The be lifted painting Monday. During cargoes mills of trlct, th ALONG THE WATERFRONT Z1.I49.R1S Th stesmer Geo. W. Elder sails for Port Los Angeles this evening and th steamer Columbia sails for 8s n Fran cisco. . "- ' Th steamer Alllanc wilt b about a day late reaching Portland from Eureka and way points on account of last night's storm, fth brings a full cargo of canned salmon. i , Th bark Homeward Bound mad a rattling quick trip to Ban - Francisco this time, covering the a cutanea rrom th Columbia river In flv days. Sh left 1907 Calei4art In Wonderful Assortment la thuBook Department New Trunks. Traveling Bag and The Meier ;& Frank Store 10,000 Dozen Handkerchiefs Great Annual Holiday Sale The Great Annual Holiday Sale of Handkerchiefs! 0.000 dozen All style&-j-AU grades Matchless bargains in Handkerchiefs suitable for Christmas gifts Economical shoppers will profit, by these splendid valuesMail Orders Will Be Promptly Filled 200 dozen women's pur linen hemstitched Hand- . kerchiefs ft and J-inch hems; -. regular 25c , values, on sale at this, low 1 price of, each.... ...i. sVyQW 300 dozen womens" mercerized lawn handker chiefs in the latest checks and cross-baT effects,. , 54-inch hemstitched border. . ' v ' Q Regular 15c values, at,.. ..... 500 dozen women's pure linen hemstitched Hand kerchiefs, 4 -inch nemstitched border. . Regular Uyic values. ' f: on sale aj this low price,' each..... J - 1,000 dozen Women's sheer Swiss Handkerchiefs; prettiest designs in hemstitched and embroid ery effects, with scalloped edges; 150 patterns to select from. Reg. 25c and 35c values... 19f Women's pure linen Handkerchiefs, hemstitched and embroidered in cross- ., ' bar effects; large assortment C Best 25c values, on sale at...lJw , Women's pure linen hemstitched Hand kerchiefs, colored embroidery border, dainty bowknot, fleur ' de lis snd French knot designs. 35c OOs1 values at, each.V. .....VeWV Women's fine linen hemstitched Hand kerchiefs, beautiful hand-embroidered designs: each one in a fancy Ck Uais,ii9s v avu uuc . box; 75c and $1.00 values, at. Women's pure linen unlaundered Hand kerchiefs, hemstitched and embroidered designs, 35c val...sWswl Women's finest ouality oure linen un--laundered Handkerchiefs, $4-inch hem stitching, hand-embroidered designs in - the corners, 65c vslues, at the A(L ' low price of, each .tUU Great special values in children's Handkerchiefs; all styles; all grades. New Everything that's new and useful in Leather Goods is-represented a com plete stock for your choosing and at low prices. Mail orders promptly filled. Thousands of :new Hand Bags in all leathers at from, each . 25t to $25.00 Entire new lot of Music Rolls at the low price of, each. . . . . . .50 to 98.00 Wallets and Card Cases, all leathers, at the low price of, each.505 toSS.OO pttathrCigarmdCtgarette Cassat prices ranging from, each 50Y to $7.50 Leather Cuff and Collar Boxes and Rolls at' prices from, ea.$l.UO to $0.00 Leather Jewel Boxes and Bags at prices from, each.......... 25 to $5.00 Leather Work Boxes at prices ranging from, each... .....$1.00 to $5.00 Leather Writing Cases at prices ranging from, each. ..,.$2.50 to $10.00 Leather Dressing and Traveling Cases for women and men, all styles, all grades, at the, low prices 6f from, each .$1.00 to $20.00 Leather Opera Bags, Drinking Cups, Purses, fitted Hand Bags, Photo Frames, Chatelaine- Bags, Bill Cases, men's . Wallets, etc. - Immense show- jpo; iri all graa HranHI yaliig Mail nrera-rfrtlyn4rMllyHfrr Chafing Dishes, Silverware, Etc. Nicekl-plated Chafing Dishes me i dium size, fancy cover. Regular lar $10.50 value.. ...88.39 Nickel-plated Chafing Dishes . wrought-iron stand, plain cover. Regular $4.50 value, on sale at ' this low price of, each. . . .$3.78 Chafing Dish Trays Plain edge, 12-inch sizet Regular $1.75 value on sale at ..,............$1.29 14-inch Trays, $2 value $1.62 Nickel-plated Nut Bowls, $1 value, on sale at, each. .79 Blue and white glazed Umbrella , Stands. Best $2 values, at. 81.49 $2.75 glazed Umbrella Stands $2.19 $3.50 glazed Umbrella Stands $2.78 Metal Candlesticks at, each. . . .19 Nickel-plated 6-O'Clock Teas on - nickel stand. Great special values at . ... , . .$2.19 ' Portland with a carro of lumbsr a fsw weska a so but was delayed at "Astoria. On her way north th Homsward Bound ran into bad weather and was. so long making th voya that her food supply ran short. Th Hsrrlman llnr Asto is du to hsrs from ton frnnf Bandsy with gensral cargo, tms wm prooaoiy b her last trip, now that th Columbia I back on th run. Th government Under Major Quy Howsrd will arrlv her this afternoon from Astoria for a ceneral overhauling. When Captain Cann. th bar pilot, took th NorwsKlan steamship Jsthou -on . rucnuay, ins whs wd outside for him to b taken off went on th steamer to uritisn where th vessel goes for Captain Cann will return over steamer Astee, for Portland. Astoria, Dec. 7.- Condition of th bar at I a. m.. obscured; wind east; weather foggy with light rain. British bark Iverna will probably on the drydock for cleaning and ts soon as th steamer Apollo has been attended to. The A polio win be floated today and probably lowered MRS. OSA CABLE DIES AFTER SHORT ILLNESS Mrs Osa Cable, wife of Dr. Elbert E. Cable, died at noon today at th Cable family residence, 708 East Burnslde street, after an Illness of several months. . Mrs. Cable Is well known In Portland, having been a resident of th ...... ' th month of November, 21 of -lumber were .shipped by th th Lower Columbia river die csrgoes aggregating a total of feet. MARINE NOTES 4 olty for many year and had . a large clrct of friends. Funeral arrangements Astoria, Dec. f. Left up at 1:16 a. m., bark Diamond Head. Railed at 1:50 a. m.. steamer Atlaa. for Ban Frano-lsoo, have not ret Arrived down at S;J9 a. m bark B. P. Cheney'. : Astoria. Dec. .arrived at 1 p. m., schooner Andy Mahoney, from San Fran cisco. Ban Francisco, Dec. I. Arrived, steamers Costa Rica and T. A. XII buro, from Portland. Sailed at 1 p. an Idea Long after have faded away, tiful picture on your friend's wall will b a reminder of th giver. W have them. XT First Street. Suit Cat on the Third Floor 500 dozen" women's pure linen Handker- . f - ; If. I. ' cnieis. irimmea in lino laces vats, and Mechlin edges and insertions; beautiful variety . to,- select from, 35c values, at .....Jmi 300 dozen women's sheer linen Iswn - hemstitched Handkerchiefs, hand-em- . broidered initial and -inch hem; 25c values, on sale at the low 1 Af price -of, each IfC 300 dozen women's fine quality sheer Swiss Handkerchiefs, hemstitched and embroidery effects, with seal- I I loped edges; 20c values, at....l Iv 200 dozen women's - fine quality sheer Swiss handkerchiefs, prettily trimmed with Val. lace and insertion, . also lace and embroidered effects; -1 '1 20c values, at, each , 1 1C 100 dozen fine quality sheer Swiss Hand kerchiefs, beautiful variety in hem-' stitched and embroidered effects; 65c and 75c values, on sale A 1 at the low price of, each . ... . . Ht m C Goods Keady 90c brass Candlesticks on sale 71 Great special holiday sale of glazed Jardinieres and Umbrella Stands. Best styles, all sizes, grand values as follows. Basement. Mail orders filled: 6- inch glazed Jardinieres at. . .21 7- inch glazed Jardinieres at. .32 8- inch glazed Jardinieres at. .49s) 8-inch blue and gold Jardinieres on sale at, each. ... .. . 894 j- 9-inch glazed Jardinieres at $1.22 , 6-0 Uock Teakettles on wrought iron stands. Reg. $3.50 val. $2.80 Child's silver-plated Mug, fancy en- graved. Regular $1 value at'79? Child's silver-plated Set jn lined box. Very pretty styles. Grand vals. $1.25 Set 99 $1.75 Set $1.42 Cracker Jar, fancy decorated cover. Regular $2.50 value at, ea. $1.99 Women's "STRENUOUSLY" REDUCED Every trimmed Hat included;' hundreds lOjchoose fromT"tdck7 complete, with fresh additions daily from hands of expert trimmers, One fourth to one hslf off from our usual low prices. FUR HATS. Your old furs well make up into swell new hats with surprising results. . Fraley'aS Hattery 214 THIRD STH COR. SALMON. STOLE CAYUSE-TO RIDE FROM DEATH BY COLD peM Dl'oatrh fa La Grande, Or., Dec who claims to be th ious prlsefightsr, Is" at this plac charged horses. Sharkey admits that he took a cayus. but says he wss Justified In so doing, although he expects to serve about four years for It. . j , According to his story he hired out to a rancher to go on Snake river to hard horses. Thstssd h was sent Into th woods, wtaer It was so cold his toes were fro ten. He took th nor and rod to civilisation in order to kep from frees! ng to death. Th rancher for whom Sharkey wss been mad. for a Present. the memory of other gifts each look at th beau working says 8'isrkey twen a eouple of days olothe and Jewelry on him. J- Sanborn. Vail A Co. Artistic PIctHf Framing to Yonr AxnU-for- By ttericlP'ttTni-TAd ss TJie Meier & Sale of Women Fine Coats Values to $ 7 Special Holiday Sale of women's high grade Coats All this sea son's exclusive models selling at prices from $32.00 to$75.00 each. and Yt, length garments in loose, tight-fitting and semi-fitting backs Plain colors, ' plaids and mixtures, in blue, brown, red, grays, tans and mixtures Beau- tifully made and finished All sizes 'and - greats values - at, each $33 Coats reduced to $33.00 $34 Coats reduced to $26.00 $40 Coat a reduced to $29.50 $44 Co ts reduced to $33.00 $52 Coats reduced to $38.50 $53 Coats reduced to $4 1.00 $58 Coe s reduced to $44.00 $73 Coats reduced to $58.00 New Fur Scarfs $3.95, $5.45 Special lot of 75 women's- Trench Coney Scarfs, in the elaborate new J"Zata" style, trimmetl with two or naments nicely lined with satin a style and quality of scarfs the ex clusive furrier asVs Ct O'C you $6.50 for.'. j07 Special lot of 75 blended river mink Scarfs, four tabs, finished with tails, chain and silk ornaments; a style and Quality scarf the exclusive fur- rier .asks . you-$8.50 -or 110.00 forv Uur special price tor c? sr sr them, is, each PJ',fSaP Handsome $ 1 .50 Dressing Sacqucs 98c Eo. 200 heavy fleece dowir Dressing- Sacques,-square collaret rimrae44nl4nch-satin band; pretty effects in figures and polka dots, pink, blue, gray and tans; all QO sizes; the best $1.50 values on saj at this low price....,., ,70C We are showing a magmificent Assortment of attractive styles in Kimonos, Dress ing Sacques and Tea Gowns suitable for Xmas gifts. All grades. All sizes, and at reasonable prices. Mail orders receive prompt and careful attention. . Holiday SIe of Great special holiday sale of fine fetas : also black lace And net Waists new and attractive waists-for middle urand values. $15 Waists redued to, ea. $11.85 $18 Waists redriced to, ea. $14.25 $24WaTsts reduced to, ea.$ 19.85 $40 Waists reduced to, ea.$29.5Q Grgat Holiday 1,000 ysrds of high-grade fancy Ribbons; besuttful effects in silk warps and fancy weaves; 5 to 7 inches wide; suitable for opera bags, coat hangers, etc., etc; values up to $1.00 a yard, on sale C St this low price JJv 5,000 yards of fine all-silk French taffeta and dark snades, in great assortment, ' um!' wnnirful vslues St this special low price, yard No. 1 colored sstin bsck velvet Ribbons; " Q 10 yards in a bolt; 35c values at, bolt...."..... 7t 3,000 remnants of Ribbons, satin taffetas and silk taffetas; all colors, all widths, all lengths; values up to 60c apiece, at ,.,..s?Jt 15,000 yards of beautiful all-silk taffeta Ribbons, in black and all colors, all widths; grand bargains at the following low prices: No. 2 7c value, yard 4 No. 3 10c value, yard... T No. S22c value, yard .. .M No. 9 15c value, yard .............. 10 No. 12 18c value, yard.,.. 12 Hats PRICES. Watches-Diamonds SOLID GOLD JEWELRY Th Mstsger A Co. Easy Credit Plan wtU appeal to you and your friends. We will sell you ail of your -Christmas gifts on on bill only Jl Down, $1 a Week Early selections are always ad visable. We shall be pleased to lav them awsy until th day you wish them. Open evenings. METZGER & CO. in nxn mill, The Soamal.t 7. Jim Sharkey. son of th notor In th county Jail with stealing Sampler's sTsw City Of flows. ; Sumpter, Or., Deo." 7. Following ( Is th result of th elty election at Sump ter: Mayor, L. C. Edwards: council msn, J. P. B&lrd. 3. A. Howard. William Oraen, short term; A.. Shields and Tern Jackson, short term. Tom Allan, eity treasurer, was reelected without opposition, X,a Oraade OommerolaJ Olab Sleets. . -.1 Grande, Of., Dea 7 The follow ing directors hsrs been elected for the La Grand Commercial olub for th en suing year: Turner Oliver, r. U Myers, slipped Oui...bsl and took all the th ranoh with - . , , Order f pcUIty--Second Floor Publicat I ont and. ColambU.Ynu : r .. . .1 ., Frank Store 5 All Reduced Black Silk Waists black Silk Waists in messaline and taf trimmed in lace, ribbon and velvet: AH - aged and elderly women; All sizes. $16.50 Waists reduced to, ea. $12.95 $21.00 Waists reduced to, ea.817.25 $30.00 Waists reduced to, ea. $24.25 A sensible article for Xmas gifts. Sale of Ribbons Ribbons, light tio j incnes .17c No. IS 20c value, yard... No. 22 23c value, yard . . . , No. 40 25c value, yard.., No. 60 35c value, yard.;, No. 100 50c value, yard.. .18 .23 .32 YOUR GLASSES EO TEXT riTI If thyr ant EX. SCTLV rlfht, let as naka then n, yhs we St yon. we SI you EXACTLY. Long riporteocs, srsry seroaury sala tltto apparatna and tse requtrod kaow. ledsa enablln s te eometly oa th aaoia, oar ows (nmplot workshop with eery facility evoa to tha srindlng of apertal lena axe all at your ala. soaal ber. asaurlng a aorvlra aot pus. albla with sthars hM fortsaatfl aqulpp. Artla, se yoat glaaaas I'll, or Marly fltl Munsell Optical G. William Miller. Charles Dunn and A. T. Hill. As as soon ss tbey qualify they will elect their officers Sot th nsulnT yar. . Osorg 1L fltrowbrldg. I Thomp son and A. 1. Fann. appraiser of th satat of Melissa Btnlth. filed a report In the county court this morning show. ' Ing that the sstat has property valued at IS.Ji. . . ..... ,,, . W.. , .kA W . ACClnenia win it-vr-n, ,.w w-- regulated families koop Ir. TlumiaS' .- . i - . I r. m ,,h .m., f . Subdue th pals snd basis Ui kwlai t I- I : i J ?