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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 7, 1906)
THE OREGOtt DAltY- JOURNAL, PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENINO. DECEMBER 7. 1SC3. UO FEAR OF VJAR, IIE DECLARES Prominent Japanese Attorney yt Japan and America Will Not RghtT V" RECENT INCIDENT CAN V EASICYBE SETTLED " Says Japanese Hold It of Little Mo ment and Belierp Arbitration Will ' Solve the Problem Without Retort ' toArme. ' - T. Oganhl of Toklo, Japan. at present a Suest of the Portland hotel, says that the differences between the United States and hie country are trivial and that all : talk of war between them la foolish. He holds lightly the aeitatlon which lie says seems to be confined to the . United States, and adds that the differ- enoe of opinion has not eaused -even a alight ripple of comment In .Japan. : Mr. Ogaahl Is an attorney and soent years la Germany In study and a camber of years In London Id the same pursuit. He speaks German and Eng lish fluently and has a high reputation la his profession In Japan. Hs arrired in America on legal business about a month ago and will bo in this country a least another month. He said: "We hear very little of the Incident that seems to havs so stirred up Amer ica la my country. We havs considered It trifling from the start and do not believe It. to be of any eonsequsnoe. at -Mast not ef sufficient consequence to causa war between the two countries. It U a matter that oan easily bo settled by representatives of the government. Outside of that I do not care to discuss the matter. Mr. Ogashl leaves todarf or Beattla tTSTUrn to San Francisco by the way of Portland. POLICEMAN DETAILED IN POSTOFFICE LOBBY e Because of the depredations $ Of petty thieves and pickpockets w la the lobby . of the postofflco building during the holiday rush. 4 .Postmaster Mlnto appealed to Mayor Lane today for a special - policeman to be detailed on duty In the main corridor until after , the first of the year. One plain 4 , clothes man Is already watching 4 " the maneuvera of the light- 4 e fingered gentry and many arti- e e clea that have been stolen from 4 patrons of the office have beon e 4 returned to their owners. One man Is not considered sufficient e e by Mr. Mloto, and bo has asked 4) for a poUoeman In uniform. 80 - e) s bold have become the depreda- tors that It is unsafe for a per- e a son to leave an umbrella or packsa-oii-s--ealt- and . walk,- a -across the lobby to mail a letter. s THREE-STORY BUILDING t -FOR' BURNSIDE STREET A three-story reenforeed concrete building Is to be erected on Burnslde street, between Fourth and Fifth, by Mrs. R. B. Wilson. It wlU cost 145.000. Tills 11 111 hs ess of tha Tmrrpnxrnte I structures in tne ciy. juigeit eon ere the builders, according to tha permit Just Issued. Other permits have beon granted as follows: H. M. Fancber, one-story dwelling. East Washington, near East Thirty-seventh, cost 11.600; 8. Morton Conn, two-story dwelling, Johnson, be tween Twenty-second and Twenty-third, cost 11.600; Dr. Brown Tynan, repairs. East Third, between ... Clackamas and Halsey, cost $1,136; C M. Mansion, one story dwelling. West avenue, between Belmont and East Morrison, cost tl.000; C. H. Thompson, one-story dwelling, Wsldler, between East Fifteenth and East Sixteenth, cost 11.800;-J. B. Tan ner, one-story dwelling. Weldler, be tween East Eleventh and East Twelfth, V cost fS.SOO; B. Gobbl, two-story dwell- Ing, East Second, between East Irving - and East Hort, cost $1,600: F. W. Burnett, one-story dwelling. East Eighteenth, between East Ankeny and Eaat Burnslde. .cost $1,200; R. W. Par ' ker. foundation for barn. East Stark, between Eaat Ninth and East Tenth, coat $200; Star Brewing company, re pairs. East Morrison, near East Water, cost $160; J. C. Jameson, one-story dwelling, Rodney' avenue, between Ma son and Shaver, cost $400; W. J. Hot V: mean, two-story dwelling, Hancock, bo- tween East Twenty-fifth and East - Twenty-sixth, cost $6,000; John Stewart, '. two-story dwelling. East Twenty-first, .between Thompson and Tillamook, cost . $4,000; T. O. -Schori, one-story dwelling, ' East Twenty-third, between Sherrett and Clackamas, cost $J0; peter Esch, shop, Multnomah, between East Twen- . tleth and East Twenty-first, cost 11(0. M. B. Greene, one-story dwelling. Mln nesota avenue, between Mason and Skid' more, cost $1,100; Mrs. Ellen E. Mundy, ' one-story dwelling. Mount Tabor ave nue, between First and Second, cost . $(00; J. Cook, repairs. Front, between Oak snd Pine, cost $300; W. Stahlman, !; one-story dwelling. Park avenue, be-wesa-Jaae-ThlrteeHth snd F.sst Four teentb. cost $1,(00; Guy L. Anderson, two-story dwelling. Twenty-ninth, be tween Thurman and Sevier, cost $3,)0; W. St. Clair, repairs. Commercial, be tween Shaver and Mason, cost $200; . - Bolslgsr, two-story dwelling, Mal- ' lory evenuer-between Going and Pres cott, cost $1,400; H. H. Helser, two- story dwelling. Stanton, between Union and Rodney avenues, cost $2,700i. W. O. . Woods, one-story building, Vancouver , and Shaver and Mason, cost $1,260; Mrs. Rose Toung. one-story dwelling, Oolng, , between East Seventh and Eaat Eighth, cost $2,830: Laue-Davls Drug company. repairs, second, between Morrison and " Yamhill, cost $160; H. Bean, one-story dwelling, veimont. Between East Thirty sixth snd East Thirty-seventh, cost $1.. . 100; J. E. Redman, repairs, Klnael Park, . COSt $250. Wm and Everr Dojr and Girl la Portland U Inrltod to Dt Prttnt SANTA CLAUSWILL BE HERE ! And between . the hours of 9 and 11 o'clock . tomorrow h e will give away A BAG OP CANDY TO EVERY CHILD FREE! Who risita thia section. Remember the honra, from 9 to 11 a. m. only and coma. It will be the greatest Xmaa opening ever planned by an house in Portland, and the greatest Toy stock in the city is here, too. Toys o! all kinds and Dolls till you can't rest. More toys and more kinds than you ever taw before at once, all will be on display and marked at Oolden Eagle prices, which means a paving ot a full third under any figures quoted in the city. Come and see for yourself and bring the children. Let them enjoy this marvelous Toy show let them shake hands with old Santa and tell him what they want for Christmas. You are invited and expected Come. Doll Specials Dolls Dolls Dolls Tboofandt of them in one of the greatest" assortments ever shown and at all prices from 19c up. " Special 500 good size Dressed Dolls, bisque head, sleeping eyes, nicely dressed; made to sell at 65c .Special.. Dolla'r25c High Chiirs ; special . . . ..'i.T. Dolls' 25c Rocking' Chairs; special.., 19. Children's Clothes Pins, barrel.; Regular 5c China Dolls for ,. ..,..2e' Dolls 17c Parlor Sets for... ..8V Regular 5c Tih Trumpets ....; ;..2e) Mechanical Toys, worth $1.25. ...95f f is Half Price wiae iuu 10c 5,000 yards No. 40 Satin Holly Ribbon, in pretty colors of red. green and also white: wide full width of 2yi inches, and a grade that always sells at 20c Just half price, yd Kimono Handkercrilefs All 10c oner at half price but only a few. dozen to go. so hurry; large full, aize - Kimono xlandkercmets, fancy patterns; all 10c ones that s what 'they were made to sell for Half Price Sale Perfumery. Just the thing for Christmas gifts Ed Belezaire's famous French Perfume, all odors, nicely' packed in 1 and 3-ounce fancy bottles; tha same others show in their windows at 25c and 50c bottle, 29a artdTTT; Bring the Children to THE TOY OPENING Tomorrow 5c UUCI, U9 lie An Extraordinary Saturday .Horning Cloac Offer FromTS to 12 Only -168 Worn Samples Worth, $ 1 0 to $ 1 8 Choice The most sensational Cloak bargain ever offered here, elsewhere, anywhere. Women's sample Cloaks at $5.98, worth to $18; it's an offer that's .never been equaled, but there's only 168 gar ments in all, and if you want the best-wish an $18 cloak at this price be .here when the doors open. ...... All the Season's Latest Style t a ;m i kiwi I The handsomest, prettiest of this season's garments, for these are' samples from New York's foremost maker! beautiful models la ,, the long three quarter and seven eighths 4ength; made of fancy novelty checks, stunning plaids, rich mixtures, etc. in alHwaatetfr- colors, strap, velvet and fancy trimmings; some silk and satin lined; but one, two and three of a kind, so don't delay choosing. All in one lot 110, $12, $15 and up to $18 cloaks-r-for 4 hours only tomorrow morning from 8 o'clock till noon choice, Women's $7.50 Silk Petticoats . In all colors and plaids, made good and full Remember, $7.50 ones, and the same others advertise at much tf i iO higher prices. Special CM HQ For Women's , yI4yO $22.50 Raincoats Just eight of them; made of extra quality silk, fancy styles; the same we have in regular stock at $22.50, but these are samples, that's why they Cfi Oft go so cheap. Choice. ilyO .Pick Out Women's $10 Skirts $4.48 Less than half price, but only a price, but omy a smau lot which we picked up far under value; mad of black crepe Panama, ful ly tailored, latest stylet all $10 skirts choice.......... Women's $2.50 to $4.00 Waists , : - .... ., .. - - 1 t t f j e-1 ea T, 4.1,. - -u : 1 f . j r .:it. ei - i . i t,... tu ifrx. ixw iwiig a nit iuti . $4.48 1 JLL CAcn Women's Knit Underwear rants, axi 1.42c Best of 75c qualities at 42o Wom en's natural wool and fleeced Jer sey ribbed Vests and Pants, all silk trimmed, pearl but tona: best 75c values you ever saw. Special 69c for $1 Bottle Heroicide IS tne new cnx price arng iccnvn - Oentiine Newbfo-Herpidde, the 1.1 A . mmm. .f1..ftlu1 in th. MUU ' magazines at (1 I bot- gify &i.Fr.'.:.f:r:....mpVC Zarge Pint Jars Petroleum Jelly ... eamtf as - 7:, Vaseline Pint Jars Remember, that, " made t to sell at 200-Hall I rlea. Jar... VV Candy Free For the children attending tha Toy Oneninr from 9 to 11 tomorrow morning. Entire Factory Clean-up of Men's lOc Linen COLLARS Box ef One Dozen Y2 for 1BC A thousand dozen of them 12,000 collars and at this price every one should go tomorrow., It's a. bargain that ought to crowd tne store to the doors. Good 4-d1v linen.' all sood shapes.' stand-ups snd lay-down styles and plenty of all sizes in the lot luc collars at i-jc eacn ana mat s exactly what we mean. Sold only by the dozen, 12 in a box. worth. $1.20, at, box 18c Saturday Bargains In Men's Furnishings Read every word if it's bargains you're after, you just simply can't afford to stay away. 100 dozen Men's 'gray mixed Rockford v WorkSocks- The kind that sell the world over at tl 1 2 pairs for 25c. Special for Saturday 1 U Pr only. Men's black sateen and black and white , 1Q stripe duck Work Shirts; 50c kind. Special.. 0 7 1 - Men's fine Swiss ribbed wool Underwear, tans only, no other color; that's why this $1.25 grade CQ- goes at, garment 0"l Men's President Suspenders, the genuine; never known them to sell less than 50c, did you? JQ Well, here's a thousand pair that go at, pair.. 0"C Regular 2 for 25c Handkerchiefs Plain and colored border, hem- ' stitched, full size; remember, reg. Z for 5c values, that s guaranteed -5c each, or 6 for 25c Men' & Extra! Another Gigantic Purdiasc. A. $10,000 scoop and it's one that's of interest to every man in Portland. Entire stock of The Oregon City Woolen Mills Co.'i MEN'S $5.00 TO $10.00 PANTS Think of it Men's Pants at $2.98 that are worth from $5 to $10 the pair. There never was an offer like it before. Only $2.98, and at that price you get the best Men's Pants you ever saw. This Season's Newest Styles Made of best all wool worsteds ana cneviots in new stripes and checks, all colors, handsome patterns, well made; every pair cut by expert tailors and -'made and AQrtat Chanca to Buy linisiied in tne nest possioie manner, rants tnat yon know and we know are never sold for less than $5.00 to $10.00 that la the Oresron -Woolen Mills' rea-ular. orice S 800 pairs of them to go Pants for you and every other man, and valuea up to $10- At this price every man in town should buy pants for the. next year to come. See them that's all we ask A look costs you nothing. Basement Bargains In Crockery and House Furnishing Go where you will, youH find no Save on the things yon need every day. bargains to equal these: 1,000 palm leaf Table Sets, 4 in set, all fancy designs; 15c kind. Spec1.e) 25c large size ini cut glass Berry Bowl Sure Catch Mouse Tnptn&t 15c Dover Egg Beaters T 9c fancy blue decorated Japanese Mush Bowl ;.... 10c Tin Wash Basin.....: ..6a 5c banded Water Glasses Zftf Coat and Hat Hooks; special 2 for 14 5c Lamp Chimneys, with ' crimped top 3 Large JOc size 6e 4-piece Kitchen Sets of Bread Knife, Meat Fork, Can Opener and Paring Knife; worth 75c, for... 49a 15c Extension Curtain Rods, with sil vered ends; extend 6 feet; special. Bargain In Hnctery A clean-up of odds and ends of Children's Hose at 9c a pair All mixed lots, black, fine and heavy ribbed with double beel and toe, all seamless and sizes 5 to 8& Pick out any in the lot there's plenty of 25c ones to go 3Q-, pair for 2Se, or, pair ."C 50 dozen Women's Black Cotton Hose, seamless, double heel and toe, fine gauge. Enough for 1 day only and all 20c grade. . A Half price, a pair.......,,.,.IUV Women's Wool Cashmere Hose, with merino .heel and toe, black only. It'a what's left of 7Cv our 39c grade. To close, pr.. Xmas Jewelry For Men Worthto75c 1Q A sale of esmples end yea know what that means, so get here in a hurry Men's Jewelry, every sort witch chains, foDs, stick pins, locxets, cuu ounona, lodge pins and various other pieces heavy triple and quadruple plate; one, two and three pieces of a kind and a whole tray full to pick from; 50c, 75c and even $1 values are all included. Choice pieces 01 19c Tomorrow the Day to Buy n Groceries Cheap -We handle only the best goods and guarantee every thing we sell. Cut down your living expenses by trading here. Remember, yon run no risk at thia store, for we gladly give money back for anything tnat does not prove satisfactory. Granulated f 1 LBS. FOR Sugar ito bottle Ketchup.... 8 lis tot. Pepper Sauoe &4 rice, pkr 4 Abotta Blaoulta, 4 for ...15 All lSe pkr. Cakee...8e So ean 8ar41nee.;....8 Oood Prnnaa, Ib......4 WhlU Bwu, lb 8 Comb Ronay, I tor..ZS4 e box Free' aCatobaa, t fee ....Set TeUeya Oreen Label Taa. lb. 8S4 S-lb. box Craokra..aO Imported Sardines. .10 Ivory ..Soap 4 Qooa Rlea, b 5 Candy in Arcade 1,000 lba. Devil Peanut and Peanut Brit tle Candy; never sold under 20c One day only, in the Arcade Reg. 20c Mixed Cream II Beat - 25c Chocolate Candy. Ib Ityif Creams, lb.... IS if 'I Offieete ef OervaJUa Axtlaaaa. (Spvrtal Dlipatrfe to Tka Soaraal ) , Corvallla, Or., Dae. 7. The local lodte ef United Artlaana haa elected offlcera for the year as follow: P. It. A.. H. H. Cronlae; M. A., w. K. erinn; euperln-J tendent, Mrs. rrana cole; Inipector, Mr. Soot t Kins; eeretary, Mlae Kva Starr; treaeuter. Levi Wooater; aenlor conductor. Mre. R. C Willi; M. C Oay Clark; J. C, Mre. VT. BJ. Brtnn; field cnrnmandcri, Mr a. Tlllle Reed and Soott Kins. -The Corvallla lodge baa a tncmborihlp of about 110. . nm are aaaay WaaS Aea la teaayt geanal that will Utareee yen. BENEFIT FOR THE OPEN AIR FUND Prominent Musicians of Portland Are Planning to Give One Soon. SANATORIUM MONEY IS ALL EXHAUSTED Object Is Worthy One and Musicians Feel That Public Will Respond - Generously If Given the Chance- Arrangements Not Complete. . A movement haa been Inaugurated to supply a fund which may be drawn upon to aid those who are without meana and who need the treatment afforded by the Apen Air aanatortum. The coat of the treatment la lie a ween, ana mis piseea It beyond the meant or many who need help; the country poor farm la no place TKATS Rill Cough yourself Into a fit of apasma end then wonder why you don't set welL If you will only try a bottle of Ballard's Horehound flyrup your cough will be a thing or tne pani. ii is a positive cure for Couehs. Influence. Bronchitis and all Pulmonary dlseasea One bol- tle will convince you at your oruggiat, 160. too. Sole by Weodard. Clar.e Co. ., .. for them, and that le where they muat ao If without means and friends. Borne years ago a little band ef Sun day school children gathered together such a fund, and It haa been used for this purpose, but now It Is all gone, the laat 140 beingdrawn to (Ive treatment to a young woman who Is now a patient. The Open Air sanatorium 'la doing a good work and the eatensloU of Its help to consumptives who need It Is a cause worthy of the support of all oharttably disposed persona exeraXnfF oruand 1 .prominent musi-i elans and singers have Interested' them' selves and are planning to give a benefit concert, the proceeds of which will .be used for this purpose. They believe that at thia season, when hearta are open to the kindlier .impulses, such a cause will not lack support. The bene fit entertainment will be held at tha Auditorium on Pecember IT, Offloere 'of Ootui Sherwood. (Sneetal DIM tea te Tat Jeeraal.t Salem, Or., Lee. 7. Court Sherwood. Foresters of America, has elected the following officers'. Chief ranger, Lee Abby; sub-chief. Clarence Perry: treas urer, Ira Jorganson; financial secretary. A. L.' Brown; recording secretary, r. E. Anderson; - senior woodward, Martin Vlesko; lecturer. Dr. a B. Miles; se nior beadle, Levette Miller; junior bea die. It Nlelaon; trustee, Oeorge Patterson. - 1 POSTOFFICE REVEALS GROWTH OF CORVALUS (pedal tXtpatra to Tae JosraaL) forvallia Or. Dee.' 7. There la . a eteady Increase In the business of the Corvallla poet of flea From the Novemt bar soles ot stamps, stamped envel. opes, eto.. the receipts were tiitji. There Is also a steady Increase along the four rural routes out ot this city. During November the recelpta ef the four routes from the sales ef stamps Mme. Madeline Linnwood BSmVAT0T,9OXS. nrsioiL ovx.TVBB, snrsou ajto arxsra mxnxaimm. ASSISTANTS - -Jlmee Irene Myres TRADE SCHOOL FOR WOMEN AND GIRLS HOME CULTUBJB AND PRO FESSIONAL COURSES. Te Immediate process for re moval of wrinkles, smallpox pita, birthmarks, scars, superfluous hairs, eto- sclanUflcally. removed - without the ue of surgery or electricity. Manicuring, seals, facial treatment and hair dress ing. TDK! MEDICATED CLATPACT. a com plete facial treatment. Office and School ' Ji, J4, Lewis lief., Herrbee Park WEIGHT AND HEIGHT FAIRBANKS' BATH ROOM aad PHTSICIANB SCALF-S.' Popular fo home and office. CHRISTMAS QIFT8. . parnnasrxs. koisi oo, - FlreS aad Stark Sta. wsre l4 l. On these routes JJ.I7I pieces of mall wsre delivered and Mil collected. . Tha neat CArvallla Baatafflaa la almeat PURE CALIFORNIA WINES Full half gallon California Port or Sherry 60e Pull half gallon extra Select Port or Sherry...- T8e) Full half gallon select Unseat or . Angelica TB- Fnll half gallon special old Port or Sherry fl.OO 10c rebate for return of these bottles. Full Measure House 327 Washington St. Phone Main 2394. Free delivery. Great Auction Sale Of Japaneae and Chinese curios, confining; of old Bronie. Sil ver, Cloisonne, new BrsssL Sit- sums, una aecoratca lea acta. Lacquered Ware, Ebony Carved Furniture. Embroidered Screens, Oriental Rugs, etc Owing to the overcrowded con dition of our small store, we are compelled to dispose of our great stock at auction. The publie is cordially invited to ex tend this sale. Unprecedented bargains sre certain to be had. SALE AT 230 AND 730 P. M. DAILY. Andrew Kan & Co. 287 MORRISON ST. I I Wl 'flT it?" S r- .. a r i ' I TWif'Ir,w v veer AtvttnsJ Vf II "er.wbsnvsaeaaeet. KtAt'N'S RuiAStt Ciawinti NAHKaf OreeenaWasraaatsa raniMri.frair aram kJ t . . . ' r w Kwl,liMri.recil,(sfr Slteaiav.tft. l'iit, eeertawe e Christmas Gifts in Cutlery Make moat useful presents. Our stock of Uteoe goods contains many artlclm that will be thoroughly appreciated by ladles, gentlemen and children. They ranae from nri nt ms. . Ak knlvea. scissors and numerous handy articles, msny of whloh are put ap In u-iiumni, ceeee. naung a gitt mas is not only a thing of beautv.. but ana af very practical-utility. Avery Co. completed and will be ready for occu pancy December It, If finished wltk eee tract ti-na There writ be new and ale gaat t.res that alaae U eoee f . II M l i 1 1 II I 1 av j.. I and tV e"- ' ' ' ' ' le-;e:....l i: k - -1.