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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 7, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENINO, DECEMBER 7. 1SC3. . ' St '. favor: LEGISLATION (Continued from Pag On.) of th subject.- It will b an Important "question and Tutand much la favor of remedial legislation of aome kind, my " only heeitaney being to the best evthOd' 3t, affording tho people the moat complete relief. At tho earn time I would not want to eeejnjuatlc don , th railroad, but, wish both to hav ' Justice." - v . "' " : SatOV ITfceaMOBW IdaW Senator N. Whealdoaval Th.DaJlea, candidate for president of tho enat. doa not look with o much favor on railroad commission, bslnr rather hi fa vor of a reciprocal demurrage bill ao ' drawn aa to give protection to tho ahlp pera. 1H0 la not set In hla contention, however, and wUl wait for time and discussion to ahow whether the ono plan . or the other la-tho bettor. , . "The history of the railroad commls- ' 'aloa In Oregon does not lead roe to fa vor oommlaaion bill very much." aald the aenator, "and I rather Incline at thla time to a reciprocal damvrrag bllL . I am not, however, decided In my .own mind, for there la much to ay on both Idea, and It will take careful eonalder Uoa on the part of the legjalatur to '' arrive at the beat oonelualon. Some leg lalatlon ahould bo provided, - however, whether a commission or om other form of regulation. : ' : -If a commission ia decided -upon I would favor It being appointed by the board of control or etate board In order that It might be held oloeely reaponalble to aome . one Immediate power. Th queetlon ia a deep one, which will take time and oare to oIv.. , . What Davey Baya. ' Frank Davay of Marlon, one of th leading candidate for apeaker of th house, ha not mad up hi mind wheth or or not a oommlaaion- ahould b cre ated, but If on ahould be he would b - in - favoe of. having. It lctd byth people.' "Th railroad Ieglltlon question la a yet a. tenUtlve one," aald Mr. Davey. "la nay opinion It wm be ta on que Uon requiring more deep and earnest consideration on the part of th legisla ture than any other measure proposed for consideration. I do not know that a commission would b th aolutlon of th question. I hav not seen th draft '-f the bill proposed by th Portland chamber of commerce and ao cannot glv any opinion aa regarda It. It may be that when the-matter ta atudled out that a commission will be the best thing, but if on 1 provided for It should be .clothed with authority to regulate the abuse now practiced by "the " railroads: The fault -of -the - pre vious commission waa not ao much th . pessonnel of th commission ' as th lack- of authority vested In It by th law. Either th commission ahould hav absolute power or th state offl- ' errs should ' be empowered to enf ore th recommendation of th commis sion, i ' .-.-If 4 commission la provided' for - It ahould be elective,", the speaker contln- ; ued."! have fslth in th' electorate of . the people, and I think honest men can be found In tho' atat who would do their duty Just aa fearlessly and faith fully aa tin governor. I would" hav th menibsra of th commission directly responsible to th people of Oregon, as the other public . offloiala are. But." concluded Mr. Davey, "I do not know that I would favor a commission and ' aaiiixixaaaaxaxxra ' rs . , .... . - - E3 I 'slCA I Rain Proof Overcoats i - - ' r .- f , ' . When you need a Raincoat you need it bad. No matter hpw many overcoats you may have there, is nothing, to take the place of th.e useful PaiwfftstHfra-Wft-fiiivii trVTintat will keep you dry There ii only 'one right way to waterproof cloth so as to give satisfaction. AH our Raincoats are treated in this-right way. We offer you a great variety of fabrics but only one variety of waterproofing.. Tie prices are no higher than' the ordinary overcoat $10 to $30 - GusKuhnPropv Complete CXi'thtters" for Men and Boys ' ' 8' 166 and 168 THIRD ST. ticszzrrzrszHmuiiiaiuiiiixaKzxaBKtxtiu! will not until 1 - have studied deeply Into th question. I. am in favor of om adequate railroad legislation' aomothlng that will protect aad relieve th people of Oregon from' railroad op pression but I do not yet know what rorm thai law will taa in my own mind." r ' JaatfaLJ"a?rn. n.n T Vf ). rL.a aanatAa from Sfult- noma aad -candidate- tat -presides of the senate, is also In favor of a rall- sttlon, though he has not had time aa yet ' to .make an -examination of th chamber of commerce bill." H aio la In ' mJnm tha a nnll It t mailt fif th commission, should there ' be one, by th governor and of It accountability a . . a m r-, rn Inrin. Mw.r w . . p,.j.......P - . u h.4 i. too full of a law cas Just now to glvs aa opinion on any. thing I might bellev. ald th aen ator thla morning. - I am In a general way ' In favor of a aommiaslon. how .. Hlnl that - arwvi AOmmll' slon' would be a good thing - for the people. ;n rauroaas uuuuuiui regulation. . 1 "I would want to see practical rail road men on the commission," continued . -mnm t "mwtA 1 mm afraid that th election of th commission by the peo-' pl-would-enur praotioal men r,l In the hodv. - I would insist that men who had been In th railroad service, ana wno mow now railroad business la carried on, be ap- tKti am th. mmmlulnn. Thev would WM -- ae th defect and abuae and would know how to remedy tnem. I nave nai had time to read the bill prepared by . v - tHM.MtilrtH MfflmlttM Of the Ul- - .U.(IWI ... chamber of commerce and so cannot sav whether I would ravor us enaci- mtnt or not I favor some railroad u.t.utinn hnwinr. which Will bring relief from existing condition." L1IM rroposea am. ' nrfn.M n rh, of Portland, can didal for apeaker of the house, ia much In favor of th creation of a railroad commission and 1 pleased with the bill prepared by the transportation commu tes of the chamber of commerce aa far aa he has atudled It. Before giving his unqualified approval to tna piu n noia out th rervatlon that subsequent . . . . . umvtnM ' him that aom IllUf ... J ............ - amendment mould be mad to aom of Its sections, but he mase mis excep tion to hi approval only beeaus h has not as yet had time to study th mens- . . . v , . t m t a In fxvnr of ths urw. m i . v. ) i ' m ... ---- i appdliitment of th comfnlsstdjir bf thrt governor ana tna t momu-r-commission" be held strictly accounUbl by the appointing power and b entirely under his control. Thla would not only make th" governor responslbls for any abuses practiced by th commission, but wouldc provide- remedy In -ease-th commissioner did not do their duty by the people tairiy ana n. -"I am decidedly In favor of a rall- MAMmtMatm .lid tMinsMiiient rail road leglslstlon," said Mr. Chapln this morning. inina ins people vi in sist need and deserv protection from h-rallroada and their, enforcement of high freight rates. As far aa I hav examined It, th bill prepared by- th transportation committee of th cham tut. nt MMnmitrM is a rood on and meet th requirements of auch a bill. "A to th appointment- or election of th commission, in my belief th member should be appointed by th governor and that he should hav th sole power of appointment and removal. Th people should hold him accountable for th action of th commission and should be allowed to make effective complaint agalnat any 1 member who was not fair and honeat with th people. I am not in favor of th election of th commission, for ones a man ia elected to auch a position h 1 there and there to stay until th expiration of hie term of offle. If h was appointed hla term - i KigamKigzsa 1 MOHAWK BUILDING. 'r: ' I y ' 1st It casts no shadow and drops no fire, as is true of an Inverted light using an open bottom , or air-hole globes. ; , 2d It is constructed on an entirely new principle embodying fea 'tures not yet employed jn any other lamp. 3d Being enclosed In a globe, the mantle is free from suction, which adds materially to its life.. ;.;' DEALERS IN GAS AND GASOLINE LIGHTSAND SUPPLIES nf Afrtrs wonld deDSnd In large n ur upon hi good behavior. If It were not eontrarv to th constitution I would b: In favor of allowing the governor to appoint th member of tn commission for terms to continue during their good behavior and tha fair and honest admin istration, of ths duties of their offlo. Thla would take th organisation out nt nniittna and maks It more effeotlv and at the same time fearless. In my belief a atrong and fearless commission, honeat In Ita treatment of both the people and th railroads, would serve a a aafety valv on rata condi tions. It might not be necary for It to interfere with th tariff aa mad by th road for knowing that thy would be called to account If they were not fair In their treatment of tha po ple, they would play fair. I am In fa for of th commission, of It appoint . v v. .n.pnni and of onlok and adeaual rsgulatlon. of lbs railroads." SHIPPERS ACTIVE . - .. .. jLr Wot malaxing Taelr Btforta so Oret ,: Shortag regulation. j Shipper are not relaxing their active efforts toward ahaplng leglalatlon to re ii.v th. rap hortae and kindred trou ble that hav arlaen between them aad th railroad companies, it is aaia a large number of Interior lumbar mill men will b bankrupt within a hort Iplng thlr product. - Th. opinion wa general at in uugene cr irw( . i.. th.i another meetlna' should be hold In th valley within th next two week. - - - , " 'Many InaUneaa of heavy losses or hankmntov ara cited In th neighbor hood of Eugen. Cottage Orov and othr InUrlor cltle aa reavlt of pr- nt and past car snortages on m ern Paclflo railroad. ixear voiiaa Orov ara many lumber muia, varying In sis and capacity from 10 to to mill . In attanilanca St th Eugen convention were men who' hav lost thslr capital aa well as othera who wer out of work by reason of failure railroads to furnian car. - Th Paclflo Timber company of Cot lg Orov in 10I had a larg buslnee in cutting and elling round timber In Oregon, Utah and California markets. The company had a payroll of $11.00 per month. nd fin propect for per manent prosperity Campbell at Alex ander, th owner. wr progresslv and thy purchased large timber hold ings and built a first class logging plsnt Ths railroad frslght rat on piling was 14 to California, potntaand the -demand wa '""unlimited. Th com tany had about IJS.000 worth of piling on th skids when suddenly th aupply of care wa hut off. Th trouble con tinued for eeveral weeka, but In th fall a few care began straggling In snd they prepared to resume business snd recoup their losses. Th railroad company gav them no chance. They had no more than renewed their con tract on tha old baal of ratee than th Bouthsrn Psclflo traffic depart ment Jumped the rate on round Um ber from M to f to California points. Th Paclflo Timber company waa un able to aurvlv that second blow. Campbell at Alexsnder lost their equity of 1 00.000 in th property and th works were ciona nw openeLJ1sy ths tcka of piling they "had out during th oar shorts' h m . . ..aid ear aaasai TsVaa afc i as lg tit aa ara to pd aesn imiing ')' IDAHO PEOPLE GO TO ' BED TO KEEP WARM (rreiat !( trk te The J"nml.J Pendleton. Or.. Deo. 7. While ther ha been no real suffering from the fuel shortage In eaatsrn Oregon, report eeme-from- Bolsa. and different point In Idaho that in a number of instances families were obliged to remain in oea to keep warm. In many home th . . ... ahmit with heavr wrens on and a few families wer compelled to Dress up ineir lunrnun iw aTf fire. Women wer een begging for a few ohunks of coal "for baby aak." At Bolss 11 wss niciinrr ic . Bm families to go to th hotel. tt rtMVAM t hasp as wvnulrl Kas dire aufferlng If It were necessary to oepena vnnmr v ' 1 11 " vmn be secured In small quantities from mountain, point, though th prices are very high. Oorvallla Tythians .leot Offlo. ' - rSmvUl DUMtrli te Tttn iHfuM I Corvalll. Or., Ieo. T.-Th Knight of Vvthla have held an election of off! rre. 'with th following result'. G. C. Robert Johnson; V. C. Oeorge Kerr; Prel., Chsrle Colbert; M. A., B. F. Bur nett: K. R. 8.. Tras McDevitt; M, of K. Thomss Whltehorn; M. of F., Frank Francisco; M. W., O. B. Whitney; L O., W. W. Uaker; q. o.f m. js. wn 11 Itsr Most times 'A . vs Z, "' 'm'r&f, :": LOCAL OPTION WINS Iff FREEWATER CASE Case Turn on Legality of Calls for Holding Local Op- . tion Elections." (Special Dtspetrs s Th Joarsat) 1 rw ttM 1 .n v a aria Inn A Wllliciuu, v,., ' . f.fmf if Jnrtea William Hmlth ,of tiaaer county in m in"ini case tha aid of th local option people i ...... ihraufhAuL and no aa. loon will be allowed to operate In that part or umatuia county um.w u i. aitaraJ ti the auDrssne oourt. Th cas wa tried before Judge Smith upon chang ot venue hciuh ureuu Judg Bean wa serving aa county judg when h ordered the Freewatr local pp. Uon election. . , in I mwiior of th defense was that th Judg had ...thnrltv tn nnlar tha election, but that It should hav been called by th ntir noara or. comnnn.iuii.i - a other countle of tb Uto the coramls- slonern csllM tne elections inn now in. Is a strong point, with Hood's SarsaparlUa A bottle lasts longer and does more good than any other. It Is the only medicine ot which can truly he said '-1 as as . aa ' ' aw m : ' V n. IV. wrong L ... i . . ri , aw 7- Economy 1 00 DOSES ONE DOLLAR marvelous invention in gas lighting facilities Wm'mA N NIN G'S s : CLOSED GLO BE INVERTED GAS LIGHT PATKNTJCD BY 4th ITS POINTS OF EXCELLENCE ARB: : gth SEE ighiin& -if at gift would bring iiffliilH!K, PIANO? If you should secure a piano which can music roll as well as by the keyboard, so that every play it, you would recieve two-fold the enjoyment affords. The Knabe Angelus makes an ideal J :m ii II ii - n ii ii y j- ..... u ermt .inr'w-r.r! In' aV Js J Vfc w wsww,. , ' 1 . a " :e1uXoirlltnceeehereitt ordinary player when you can just as well nave tne superior piayerinc nKciu3. We also have-some splendid values in pianos. Come and see them-fine new piano, $so5. -. . ' Sherman, Clay k Co. Sixth and Morrison, Opp. Postoffice ; Portland - Seattle Tacoma - Evetett Bellingham - Spokane San Frandsco v-'- : . . . Oakland Stockton Los Angeles : ' W 'have teoured a small lot of ' THAT BEAUTIFUL POSTER TDE EraiAN QUEEN vThll thy last - S3 Cents Each ; No more to b bad. omaooaT rabro btoox oo. The Kodak Store - ill aisth. kTear WaaUcW question is raised' as to whthr or not their action war legal." Should Judg Bmlth'b affirmed by th uprme oourt, ther I a possibility that all other place in th state may become wet because tha commissioners Instead of th Judge alone ordered the election. ' Th decision of Judg Smith la aa fol- !OWr-" - vr ' Th oourt find that th election wa In all thing regular. That th act of th county Judg of said county In an nouncing th proposed election wa and la "uasl-Judlclal, and It la not In any senss or from any viewpoint "county business requiring action by th county board at a regular session, and that th action by tho county Judg when In ses sion for any purpose whereby notice Is given of th hording of th proposed aleotlon nnder th aot in question satis- flee th etatute, aa does the act of th said Judg in declaring uniawrui tna sals of liquor in th district wherein th aleotlon waa held and prohibiting such al in such district thereafter." HIGH WIND AND HEAVY RAINFALL AT SALEM '. (Rpeelat Ptipefr e Tke losrnat) Salem, Or., Deo. T. A high aouth wind blew over th city last night and played havoa with telephone snd lighting wires. Th phon of tb fir department was n A n Dill R W. MANNING OP THIS There is absolutely no breakage - It is just as effective for decorative purposes as electricity. DEMONSTRATION AT SALESROOMS, STORE OPEN EVENINGS. N p-t w- l Awuv jmja rr" more of good cheer to your the oiano or olaver oianb - . : '.:-'.-";,..-.:.'";.- "THE HOUSE OF QUALITY" Men's Neckwear Suspenders, Gloves, r A ' Handkerchiefs, Hosiery, " '. Housecoats, Bathrobes -JJ5E51'ANDARD.MAKES AND EXCLUSIVE :v tJ , , ; DESIGNS : . . . . - We have made special preparation for the Holi day trade and here you will find a convenient and pleasant place to make your purchases for themen. We especially invite tne our lines. ; v. ' ... ",'-:l"' .'.'"'.. DUNLAP HATS ' , C j i aani a. . i n . i g m m n-aasss ' 4 - I Robinson Co. 'HOTEL PERKINS BLDO. put out of action and Fir ChUf Savag kept .watch In th -city marahal' room during th night In rdr to get any fir signal that might b turned In. a 1 nninv thla mornlna' 51 telephone linea hai suffered serious damag from th atrong wind. Th two aro Ughtg on o . 'S r of modern is shown in CITY - on the glassware. " X '' 43TIIIRD STREET. Htt. Aah anrl Plna ' Telephone Mala 2311 ' home than a QUALITY be played by means ot the member of the family may that the piano ordinarily V ' ? ; . . f question, you should see the . . . t;,-. v-. ladies tolook through ... top of th Stat house dom want ut at n early hour. - The wind was accompanied with a tor rential rain. . - - U Contentment and ambition don't work wall a a.Uam, ; ; aA-A- --,a Va V-