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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 7, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL,- PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENING; DECEMBER 7, ; 1803. K iftlB iwm A U 1 r r : minriTrn rnn hiinoinrnnnn S m GESFCIIfllNfi CANNOT EITHER FIND OR LOSE HER HUSB AND JURY 10 TRY TUMI -yidentrThatnsahitls-tof. yy Boy Murderer Sits Listlessly Throughout 1 v.; Trial -.Sensational Features Cropping : OutCharge of Fraud Against Prosecutor .' ' (Special Dtaparc. t Th Journal.! . Tacoraa, Dec 7.It may rsquir sev rel days to ikun a Jury la the Chester Thompson trial But Uttl progress bad. been made op to noon today.. Each candidate Is subjected to a very long and elaborate questioning by both pros ecution and defense. ..making selection very difficult, with the - proceedings varied by considerable wrangling be tween attorneys. ' " - '.Thompson pays no attention to any thing... and throughout this morning's session, sat listlessly. The courtroom was more crowded today than at . yes terday morning's session. Insanity Defease Indicated. -- While no direct statement k--. made by the defense the following question put to veniremen by Attorney Morris Indicates that insanity will "be the -plea: "if by the evidence and un- " naiructlon of the court It Is proved that at the time of firing the fatal shots Chester Thompson was under mental derangement and could not distinguish right from wronj or that be lacked suf ficient power of the will, while able to distinguish right from wrong, to do the right and avoid the wrong, would you In such circumstances convict him of vt,iH.. i- .u. . . . that th. m.V;- .1 "own,Talmoat to languor. He dresses In black. that the penalty la dnlhr The sute's attorneys- vigorously ob Jeeted to this question, but Thompson's attorney usually manages to get It In by putting It In different language. Under Instructions of the court Jurors are permitted to say whether or not they would give to the defense of I. aanlty the same consideration and Im portance that they would to other vl dene Introduced. ' Defease Attacks Attorney Tanoe. Sensational features are already crop ping out la the , rase. A charge of fraud amounting almost to that of bribery has been made againat Prose cuting Attorney Mackintosh of King County. The' chars -was mad iindM oath In sworn affidavits submittal v . Attarimva Ja.iu w ..... t , . , , . . ,. i I" - w ' -a. I .IIU n 111 1 1. i nompsonrratner of the prisoner, on motion to force the exclusion from the case of Attorney Thomas M.- Vance, former assltaat attorney-general of the state, who will appear as one of the associate counsel for the prosecution. Attorney Thompson made an affidavit ,to the effect that to his belief Vance bad been offered large sums of money to appear and secure a conviction re gsrdlesa of the Innocence or guilt of his son. During the argument In favor of the motion to exclude Vance Attorney Morris charged that the prosecution Is 'eking t vengeance, and - not i Justice. .Prosecuting Attorney- Mackintosh as .well as Attorney Vance submitted affl--'dBVitso the effect that, the latter had not been promised any money to appear In th cas and that he-expected no reward whatsoever for his assistance. Judge 8nel finally ended the long and bitter wrangle by ruling that the prosecuting attorney had the right to engage private counsel If he so pleased. The eminent array of counsel Indicate RAGE RIOT RAGES AT GREENVILLE MagBBBBBBHJBag Five Men Shot to Death in Clash Between Negroes . and Whites. Oeanisl Special Serrtott Oreenville, Miss., Doe. 7. A race rloi ts . raging hr. , Plv men hav been killed and th town r under martial law. ' Th trouble was started; by an attack' upon white by negroes In revenge for a " recant lynching. A band of black fired upon several unarmed Whites. Their friends Immediately came to their as lata nee and fu si lades were exchanged, resulting In five being killed and a num ber of other being wounded. A aya'tematla hunt f or negroes - te blame for th disturbance by armed white was stopped by the ordering out f troop by th governor In response to an appeal -ey th mayor. Several houses hav been fired and bloodshed t feared tonight. . FULL RIGGED SHIP IN ; FEDERAL COURT ROOM ' In Order to explain th different be tween th fo'castl deck, main deck. mlssenmast. mainmast, main bulkhead, ' collision bulkhead, .haws pip, under pinning, and maky other toohnlcal ma rine namea, th attorneys In tha eaa of Balfour, Guthrie gt Co. against th British ship Nlnfs. a suit for libel In the United State district court, brought a minstur full-rigged ship Into th court room today that Judg Wolverton might not be at sea In regard to the rautioai tarma introduced Into a ault In admiralty. Tha ship la enclosed In a glass ease and Is said to be on of the most per fect reproductions of a Bailing vessel vr seen In Portland. Alt of the out rigging and abov deck trimmings are brought out In dttall, whll below deck th hold I divided ss In a larg sea going vessel. . GAME PRESERVE FOR , LAST HERD OF ELK S fwaaaisgtea aafeaa r nt JearaaL) e Washington, Deo. 7. Th 4 'house today pa sod a bill ereat d ' Ing a gam preserve of 760.000 d acre within th Olympic force t 4 reserve for the - protection of the laat big herd of elk In th d Pacific coaat state. Mondall of Wyoming protested and voted against this bill, con- tending that It abrogated . th right of a stat to maka tt own 4 pollc regulatlona that the struggle for the prisoner's, ife will be one of the hardest fought ever witnessed In the state. ,' Thompson's sweetheart to Testify. . The ' examination ' of witnesses will begin Monday. There are 100 of these. of which 21 will appear, for , the "de-"N fense.. . : t . ' The sis'r witness of the .prosecution will be Miss Charlotte Whittlesey, the girl for the love vof whom Chester Thompson shot Judge Emory. 8 he has already -left .New York city, where aha Is attending school, and will arrive here next. Monday. She will probably go on the witness stand Tuesday. It Is inti mated that she will testify that she never loved Thompson, and . that she I aged his attention - The witnesses for the defense have not yet been subpoenaed- and will not be until the" last aioment. Some of them are from In diana, where the Thompson family lived, and they . will be placed on the stand to show that heredity Is to some extent responsible for the - crime of Chester Thompson. ... . lew Thompson Acts ia Court. ' Young Thompson is In looks a mere boy, brown-haired, pink-cheeked, blue? L I eved ana witn eyed and. with a dreomy look amounting with a low collar and Windsor tie. He Is rather undersized, but notwithstand ing haa the name of being an athlete, having -for years - trained himself by bard field exercises. The young man la an exponent, of the cold bath, and every morning is permitted one at the county Jail. He haa numerous fada. One of these Is the eating of cereal foods, and any billboard luridly de scribing the muscle-producing qualities of some new brand of, cereal breakfast food is sure So. catch his eye and find an ardent patron in him. He has won some little distinction among his friend In Seattle as an amateur photographer, and Is also known as a boy who haa a very wide knowledge of history. . 1 -1M SOU! focatlon yesterday afternoon and this morning, th crowd being largely com posed of women. Young Thompson sits for th most part . without paying, ap parently, ahy attention to the proceed ings, with his father on one side and his brother. Maurice Thompson, on the other. Once or twice since the trial haa begun his brother, who appear - to be In a highly wrought nervoua state, ha been moved to tear when Attorney Morris, speaking for th defense, ha mad some feeling reference to the prisoner. But nothing ha broken the prisoner's sllenc, and for balf an hour at a time he will gaa without speaking st the table in front of him. .. This, tballoft b defena will later -undertake to show, 1 on of hi striking peculiarities.. It wHl be told that for day at a time he has Idled about hi bom without (peak ing to or noticing any on. HI face, nevertheless. Is not that of a morose person, but has pleasing lines, with an open countenance, which at time leema ready to expand Into a am lie. POLICE BAN. ON DICE SHAKING Chief Critzmacher Directs His " ' Captains to Enforce the " Ordinance. ' On account of th many lnqulrle re ceived by the police a to whether dice shaking would be permitted . herVafter, Chief Grltimacher laaued th following order, which will b read by all captain on duty today: . "Numerous Inquiries have been ma do to this offlc lnc the ntrkel-ln-the-elot machlnea were ordered out a to wheth er or not th shaking of dice for cigar would be permitted In cigar store or saloon. Instruct all the officer of your relief that dice-shaking for any thing of value Is one of the element of gambling strictly prohibited ' by ordi nance No. 4. $7$ of the city law. Notify all dealer In cigar and saloon-keepers to this effect snd beginning Monday. Decern bar 1, 190$, strictly anforce thii law." , s . PACIFIC WILL OFFER: . PEDAGOGY COURSE - (Spedal IMapateh to'Tb Journal.! Forest Orove, Or, Dec. 7. Th fao ulty of Paclflo university ha- decided to offer a course In pedagogy, .begin ning with the winter term, after the holidays, and running through ' the year. - It I dealgned for uch atudent - wish to prepar themselves for teaching, and will b open to all stu dent of th college and those of th fourth year of Tualatin academy. Pro fessor Coon of th academy will hav charg of th work. POTATOES ALL RIGHT UNDERNEATH THE SNOW (Special Dbpateb t Th Journal.) .Athena. Or., Deo. 7. 8now fell on th mountain and foothill districts earlier than anticipated this season, and th re sult r that only about half th potato crop waa harvested. Th other halt re mains In th flld under several Inoh of now. However, this ha occurred be fore and th potato hav been dug In th spring, coming to market In good condition, wben th prlc 1 generally higher than at any other season of th yar. . , '. HILL MILITARY ACADEMY " I STUDENT RUNS AWAY Dr.' Hilt head of Hill' Military acad emy, ha reported to th polio that Curtis Moody, 17 years of ago, ran away from that Institution last night. Th youth haa an Impediment In - hi speech, and this fact is mentioned In the description furnished the pollca Dr. Hill states that th boy may b found ' around North Rlxth street and bllvs ' h ts planning to laavs th ally, .- ...--.:.-...,....:., . - . : HI ?teA - V''.lQ " rjyi . :?-Xy' ?v- : r.v" v. k j j Sit - yfo : Mrs. Max Josephs and Her Child. Below Is a Photo of Her Husband. ' Hrt Kswt Berrlee.) New York, Dec. 6. To have a. hus band, yet be unable either to ftgd him or to divorce him, la th unhappy plight of Mrs. Max Josephs, whose spouse, a Brooklyn lawyer, dinappeared four year ago. and who haa been sought by the police Of many countrtee. Recently th New Jersey courts have again refuaed he woman xer plea rur separa Th real cause of the present separa tion of husband and wife la Just a mysterious a when Josephs deserted a lucrative practice to sink from the knowledge of men nearly Ave year ago. Nor did hi return last year bring any explanation. - - The husband made no defense to the suit, but lira. Joseph ha not lived two full year in New Jersey as the law requires, and therefor her suit did not com fairly within th law of that tat. Well Xnowa a Xwyer. When Mai Joseph. -who -w a well- known member of th New. York bar. Brooklyn, four years aao. be wrote a letter to hi wife ay Ing tbat he had been called to Mount Vernon to look up a Mrs. Testa, whose husband had ben killed on th Harlem ran road. The -next day Mr a. Josephs received another letter from, her 'hu band saying that he bad arrived In Mount Vernon TW waa th last com-. GRAND JURY PROBING ACTS OF FRISCO SUPERVISORS Part'Takert by Ruef in Sunday Night Caucuses and the Belvedere Case Taken Up. tJonraal B rectal Service.) . San Francisco. Deo. 1. The examina tion of members of the grand jury on the motion to quash the Indictment agaTpst Supervisor Nichols, accused of accepting a bribe. - was completed this morning and the ease of Peter Duffy, accused of bribery In connection with the Nicholas case, wss called. and proceeded on the same motion. The de fense accepted th examination of th Jurors In the Nicholas case a applying equally to the caa of Duffy. 'The court fixed . Monday a th day for pleading. Tha grand Jury reconvened thla after noon. The part tbat Abe Ruef took In tha Sunday night caucuae Of the board of aupervlaora, and th Belvedere, mu nicipal brothel and printing deal case were taken up. The supervisor hav all been subpoenaed to spear before tt. In the Belvedere case. If Eddie Oraney till withholds certain facts, hi arrest for contempt ia likely to follow. GAMBLERS ARE FINED ' .. ' ; BY JUDGE CAMERON John Latfre, proprietor of th Turkish cafe, SS - North Sixth street, and R Pappaa and Tom Ferras, who were ar rested with-him by Sergeant Baty and Detective Burke laat -night, for gam bling, wer found guilty by Judge Cam eron today. The gam waa poker. ,Lat fr was fined $15 and the other two scaped with $ fines."' - In th cas of 19 Chinee, arrested by Detective Mallet' and Klenlln last night In a reaort at 2S0 Oak street on a charg of playing fantan, th attorney for the Celestials asked for a continu ance until December 11 for trial. A peculiar feature of the raid I the fact that Sergeant Baty and Detective Burke located the game, which was running but half a block from pollc headquar ter, although th Chinatown aquad were unable to find any.vldenc ot gambling. . , ' .. DISHONEST" BUTCHERS' ' MUST STAND TRIAL Despite th fines Imposed on a num ber of meat dealer aeveral month ago, dishonest butchers are again In jecting preservative Into their meat. Yesterday evening a deputy In th of flc of th stat dairy and food com-mlMloner- reported that h had found some embalmed beef on sale at the Oellnaky-Holderwtah market at t4 Kaat durnside street. A complaint waa filed by Commissioner Bailey In .Justice field's court and the defendants will appear la odurt tomorrow. . munlcatlon of any sort tbat h re ceived from him. ' Once a report convinced Mr. Joseph that her husband was dead, and she was finally paid the amount of two Ufa in surance policies. When she learned a year ago that h atlll. lived in Auckland h went to Trenton, to obtain rett 1ia-pToved-trr br-fotty-aa good as th dene. She started the preaent suit a few months ago. Josephs on returning to Brooklyn a year ago went ' to the home of hi father, at No. Ill Bergen street. He mad no effort to see his wife. Then hi attorney, R. H. Elder, declared that domestic trouble-had driven him from home. This wag emphatlcallV dented by Mrs. Josephs. 8I1I said Melr horn 11 f had always been happy, but that her husband wsa Involved financially, and this, ah believed, waa th real cause of his departure. He had re trieved his fortune during hi absence and waa able to mt all hi obligations. NEW CAGES NEEDED FOR CITY PARK ZOO "Those animal houses at th V City park ar o rotten that they d 4 will fall down before long and - tha lion will be running loose around town." . Ion Lewi told the other mem- bera of th park board thla morning of th absolut need of 4 spending some money at the 4 soo. 4, Superintendent Montleth also V Included In hi report averal4 4 - rwcommendatlon. among which was on for new cage. Th . present houses ar unsanitary and - Incite many-- unfavorable - 4 commenta. 4, Mr. Montleth estimate th 4 cost of running all the parks of 4, 4 th city and of making th neo- 4 4 Msary Improvements at $71,000. 4 The city park naturally get th 4 Jargest..hare.. but -ail are re- 4i membered If only by provision xor caretaker. 4, 4 - . What Is wanted la concrete 4 4): animal houses, and these ar t04 4 b heated by th hot water ys- , 4 4 tern. - A there 1 a constant 4 4 demand for young trees a plot 4 4 of ground I to be aet aside aa a 4 4 nuraery. Owing to the danger 4 4 of fire In Macleay park a tele- 4 4. phon booth is wanted there, so 4 4 that the watchman can summon : 4 4 help. On all th park next year 4 4 tt men will be needed, Mr. Mon- 4 4 tieth reported. . . 4 4 TWO MEN INJURED - - ON PUBLIC STREETS W. H. Addlngton. whll running to catch a car on Hurnsld street at 7:1a o'clock last night, fell over an - open trapdoor tn front of W. Wlldman'a store and plunged headlong to the basement. He was removed to th pollc station and after having a scalp wound dressed by Dr. Bponcer . was - able to go horn unassisted. ; , John Haulthaus. whll -walking along th upper dock at. th foot of Salmon street at 12:20 a. m. stepped off Into space and. fell a .distance of six feet. Hla left leg wan broken by the fall and h was- removed to 8t. Vincent' hos pital In th patrol wagon. Over-Indulgence- In stimulant Is assigned by th pollc a theTeuM of the injured man' failure to keep In the middle of the road. EXHUMATION OF VRZALL : FAMILY IS ORDERED (Journal 8ieclat- Brlee. Chlrago. Dec. 7. The court thl morn ing ordered the exhumation of th bodlea of th four Vrxal children and their mother who' committed aulclde, for ex amination for evidence of murder. Th body of Anna, aged 12, wl:o died Thanks giving Cay, will be the first examined. Th pollc are Informed that DIUakM, th clairvoyant, ha traveled extensively and- piled hi avocation at Ban Fran oisoo Jr long lira. ' ; w ' Windy Hollow. District One That Is Already Develop- Ing Bonanzas. 6RET0RMAT10N SAME : AS NEVADA DISTRICTS Prospect Holes Look Good. Enough ', to Tempt Veteran Operatorf to Put - Their Hard Money Into Them Exact Location of New Region. ' (Journal Special SVrtlf V Ashland. Or., Bee.- t. M. Marks, who 1 Interested In valuable mining claims In th new Windy Hollow region, dis covered by the Loftus brothers, and who has mined In Australia, Alaska and this stat. .declare that there - Is no question about' the richness of the new find. The' ore, formation and surfac showing are Identical with the Gold field district of Nevada. The ore, which 1 a brown and gray porous volcanic conglomerate, lie In dyke ZOO feet and more in width, and contains gold values "In free gold,- tellurlde. snd gold sulphide from 120 to over 11.000 per ton. The formation ia a Uthoidal porous rhyollte. . TUe altitude at the Jumbo mine, the firat locution and the present principal mine of the Loftu brothers, la 6,800 feet above sea level. The mine is situated about nine miles due north f Plush, the nearest post office, and four miles west of Christ mas or Warner lake, adjacent to Tippy Wells canyon. The country Is known ss the Windy Hollow mining dlstrlot. Some call it the Lost Cabin district The entire country - surrounding the Jumbo mine, five miles in width and 'even mile In length, la all staked off -as lod mining ctatm. About S00 of th location have the 10-foot discovery shsft sunk on them In conformity with state law. . Jumbo Xln Worth a Million. Th Loftu brother hav refused sev eral offers of 1100,000 cash for the Jumbo mine alone. Rub Johns, who operated the Gold Bug and the Mt Ruben gold mlnen Josephine county, Oregon, after examining the Jumbo ten dered a 120,000 check as part payment while at the mine and $80,000 additional to be paid soon on returning to Lake view, the county aeat, but th offer waa flatly refused. Last October J. W. Rog ers and Torbert W. Sanford of th Ore gon hotel, this city, spent two weeks prospecting and examining the country pro.pector of considerable experience, says the Jumbo mine la easily worth near the Jumbo, Mr.-Ronara. who I a $1,000,000. Bonght a Prospect for $39,000. Mr. Marks paid $55,000 for th Snell- itng claim, adjoining th Jumbo on tha eaot, before any development work waa j don. Since opening up the property Jumbo. The dyke of ore, precisely the same kind as that on th Jumbo, 1 over $00 feet In width. Numerous samples hav been taken across the 200 feet of the dyke at different placea on the claim and none of the aamplea gave returns lsa than $20 to th ton-. The first bouse-In th district was erected by Mr. Mark. H now ha a crew of men at work opening up th dyke to the depth of 300 feet by tunnel and will Install a to-ton gold quarts mill at th mine in th early spring. Nevada and Colorado mining men re beginning to arrive at Lake view to took over the. district, and from all. jndlca- ft ions southern. Oregon will hav thl coming year a genuine mining atam pede based on solid foundations. Th Lcftus brothers ar well known tn Ashland, being old-tlm residents of this city. William H. Hosier of Ash land, a mining man of wide experience, he having prospected and mined throughout the west and Alaska, say th Warner lake district I as good as th Tonopah and Ooldfield districts. and Dttr. - The new district la situated about ISO miles nearly due east of Aahland. In township SS south, rang 14 ast, Wil lamette meridian. ' , . CHICAGO DOCTOR SHOT BY WRONGED HUSBAND (Jcrjrnal Special Serriea.) Chicago,..Dce- 7. Dr.. .Benjamin Harris, a prominent physician, waa shot five times and fatally wounded thla afternoon by A. C Campbell of Polar. Wisconsin, in the office of Attorney Hayea In the Stock Exchange- building. Campbell denounced Hrrris a having irulned-hln-fsmlTy. Campbell, according to Hayes, Is su ing his wlfa for a divorce, alleging Intimacy with Harris ever since Harris began attending her medically 10 years ago. - Mrarltarri waa-to have appeared t Hayes office thl afternoon to mak affidavit concerning her huaband' al leged Inttmaoy with Mrs. Campbell, was arrested. GIRL DISAPPEARS BUT SOON RETURNS HOME Relative of Edith Ertckson. a 17-year-old telephone girl, reported to the police thl ' morning that ah started to. " wOraT St t 0,cloctr-7nstnlhTrT)ut never reached th telephone office. De tective Pin waa detailed to .make a search for th missing girl. Late thl afternoon It waa learned that ah had returned homei-t She said that she had been taken audiTenly til' Snd tin, spent th night at th horn of a girl friend. FIFTY MILLIONS FOR RIVERS AND. HARBORS 4 (Jon real Special Service.) . 4 4 ' Waahlngton, Dec. 7. Th 4 4 Rivers and Harbor eongr -4 4 today adopted a resolution ask- 4 4 ing congress for $50,000,000 to 4 4 Improve waterways. 4 4 This afternoon the'delegstea 4 were received by th president 4 V D. R. Francl of Missouri, who i 'Is also' s leading spirit In tha w 1 Trana-Mlsalsslppl congress, waa made chairman of a committee ot 18 to present the resolutions to the president and both house Of congress. Th Rivers and Itarbora con gress today elected Joseph Ran- -dell of Louisiana president. - y. Bedrock rth Till aaaas... Mlk Kelly, arrested several day ago by Deputy Sheriff Leonard on a charg of stealing g suit cas, wa found guilty by Judg Cameron today and antancd to Bin months en th rock pU I Teat Presents Resolutions to Congress Which :Are:AdoptedDecIar Needed to Regulate Railroads Bourne Entertains Delegation at Luncheon (Wtlhtnrtqs Bniwas at Th JaaraaL) 1 . Washington,- Deo, 7. Resoliy ton of th rtver and harbors congress urging the national congrea to appropriate not lea than $50,000,000 annually for th Improvement of river,, harbor and wa terwaya, commencing with the present session of congress, were presented by Chairman Teal thla morning and unani mously adopted. In presenting th reso lution Teat said. In part:. v Greatest of Issue. Th shortage of equipment ' from which th country now suffers causes valuable products to rot or rust at tha originating poJnt.J becauaa th shipper cannot obtain cars. The losses run Into hundreds of million of dollars annual ly. W aak congrea to solv tnVprob lom In a large part by liberal appropria tion for the Improvement of river and harbor, so that 48.000 mile of In land water suaceptib) of navigation may be utilised. In view of th Inabil ity of transportation corporation to handle the tonnage.- which haa Increased 47 par cant, while the mileage baa In- " v """" "-"- i'T. Kl' Z". posala eonstltot th mot Important economic laau now before th nation.1 Th convention agreed , not to Incor porat In th resolutions th enforce ment of any specific enterprises, dealing only with general principal GEORGE H. GREGORY DIES HEAR I.1DLAUA Busy and Useful Life Closed Al most at Four-Score - . Years. (Rneelat Ttiasatek ta Tba Joornal.l f7r,Bona i'V .ZIZ7 Gregory 8r died st 4 oclock 7Mtsrdr morning at th bom of hi son, George H. Gregory, who lives near Molella. HI age was 7$ year months. Th funeral will be held from the residence tomorrow morning at IS o'clock, Bev. Sole of Marnuarn officiating... Th body will b brought to this city for I Interment 'In "MOuntUn Vlw cemetery, Mr. flreaorv . waa... born in 1JJ in Someraetahlr. England. In IttC, h cam with hi wife to th United State and settled In Now York etat. where he lived for many yeara. Whll there h engaged- eztenalvely In th growing of teaaiea and , .gcaulxeiLeonaiderabl property. th aprlng of 1004 he came to Oregon and ba alnc llvd with his son. Goorg H. Gregory Jr. ... HI wife died within a few months after ar riving her. The deceased Is aurvivea br seven children. 8. El Gregory of Cams.- George H.-Qregory of Molslls and five others residing la California and the east. YARD MORE WOULD HAVE FIXED THIS INEBRIATE He Stood on Track at Midnight, and Only Brakes Saved - Him. - Oregon City, Dec. 7. Knocked down by an electrlo car at midnight, aa un known man, who waa the worse ror. liquor, narrowly escaped a terrible death- last night at tha corner of Eleventh and Main streets. - The car that leavea here at 11 o'clock and go to th Mtlwauki barn seldom ha panger and leaves th city at th highest rat of speed that Is permissible under th city ordi nance. There la a dangerous curve at Matn and Eleventh street and the cars are usually slowed down be for reaching thl point. -To thl alone I du th fact that th man'a II f waa saved. He was seen lurching down the track, and th motorman, never suppos ing that the Individual waa drunk, rang his gong furiously aa the car neared tho man. who did not leave th tracks. Th air brake wer applied auddanly and th car atopped Just In -.time, aa th man waa knocked prostrate, though he suffered no injury. . He waa aaststed to hla feet, somawhat sobered by the en counter. BOARD OF TRADE TO CONSIDER THE LOCKS . Oregon City, Or.. Deo. 7. The board of trade will hold It regular monthly meeting tonight, and aeveral mattera of Importance are to be considered, among them being the purchase of the Willam ette river lock by th government or the construction of nsw locks on th east side of th river. Kolllagwwortk-atr. Oregon City, Dec 7. -The marriage Of. Mls Reva Holltngsworth and F. W. street ws solemnised at 10 o'clock yes terday morning st St. Paul's Episcopal church. Kev. P. K. Hammond officiat ing. Miss Holllngsworth arrived, her from California yesterday and was mat by Mr. Street and hi -stater. Miss Emmlltne Lily Street, and W. P. Haber lach. The groom la a well-known man of Clackamaa Station and Is the son of Charle F. Street, th well-known florist of that place. A second wedding In th Street family will occur next Sunday at high noon, when Mr. Street's only daughter will be married to Mr. Haberlach, old Win to Boy. Joe Wei, a saloonkeeper, arrested for selling a quart of port win to Ar thur Atklna. a 17-year-old lad of Htlla boro, aat Saturday night, wa found guilty by Judg Camaroa today and fined $1$. , CPls of Injur! rroaa Jtr. (Jonra.l g)clal SfVrw -- Ithaca, N. Y.. la 7 James Mo Cutchaon. of thoe Injured in the Fra ternity hall fir thfa morning, 0 14 this afteraoos at th CyincU 1: r.riuai y. , x w a w w a w w ' After adjournment of tha morning session. Jonathan .Bourn entertained the Oregon delegate and Senator Pul ton and Oeaiin and membera' of th Oregon press at Iunchon at a rtaur ant at I o'clock. Oregon delegatea and senators wer given a hearing on th Oragon projects by Chairman Burton today. Mr. Teat presented the view of th ' delegation. ' urging that th mouth of th Columbia and th Cel'lo project both ba provld- ' d for, and go hand la hand. Burton questioned closely Into what aid had been given by Portland to rtver ' Improvement below th olty, and tha extent of th river trafflo above Calllo f alia, and asked that a detailed. Item ised statement be furnished. H called attention to the exceptional appropria tion mad laat year for th Columbia bar. Intimating that a continuation of thla work would ba all hi oommtttoe could provld for In to entrant appro prlatlona. ioggie Appeals, fot Oooa. Pater Loggle roads . aa appeal far Coo bay. and waa promised by Burton fthat' an appropriation would b mad for lta aurvay. Oregon and Washington delegate, member of th liver and harbors commltta and representative fo venlng by Senator ITultoa and Qaartn. PIOHEERS TO CELEBRATE , GOLDEN rEDDlSG Mr. and Mrs. H. Ji.4 Cridley In - vite All Their Friends , for Monday. Vancouver, Wash., Deo. 1 On next Monday from X to 10 o'clock Mr. and Mr. H. H. Grldley will open th doors of their home to their many frlnd throughout thla city and county. Th occasion will h th fiftieth anniversary of their wedding.. ItwlU in a aense be a golden Jubilee. No formal Invltatlona have been sent out but Mr. and Mr. j qrdVy wish It understood -that Invited; and It 1 needles te add that the numerous friend of theses pioneer of Clark county will call during th day to offer congratulations. . Mr. and Mrs. Grldley cam to Vancouver-In th spring of 117 U, Th fam ily horn an Twelfth and B streets was purchased and upon this Mr. Grldley erected a mU dwelling house to serve until a better one could be had. For veveral ' year Mr. Grldley was actively engaged In the furniture business, retir ing In 1892. Sine then and until th T..t T... h '-"'' - ti th culture of fin fruit on hia farm near Burnt Bridge creek. Mr.-Grldley was born In Tioga coun ty. Now York, tn 18IU. H moved with hla parenta to Kendall county. Illinois. and In, 184t went to Chicago, when that place waa smaller than Vancouver la now and contained but two brlok build ing. WISD AT VANCOUVER WAS EXTREMELY VIOLENT Only Minor Damage Done but Navigation Was Made Very Difficult. Vancouver, Wash., Deo. 7. A flare wind blowing between IS and SS rnllea an hour vlalted thla city last nlghc Whll no serious damaga waa doow fences were blown- down and. navigation on th Columbia river waa mad exeeed-" Ingly difficult." For several trips tha ferry had great difficulty In soaking her landings. A towboat from Portland. which wa towing a raft of log front Camas to Portland, waa delayed two hour hear the mouth of th Willamette -Th wind waa from th southweet and as th steamer attempted to turn tnto th Willamette ah waa carried arosa to th north shore of tho Columbia and It looked for a while aa If tho ateamar and also th loga would go aahor. WOODCRAFT WOMEN'S " MEMBERSHIP CAMPAIGN Oregon CUyte IeU 7 Tba offi cer of Woomen of Woodcraft circle in th Jurladictlon of Portland and vi cinity met yesterday afternoon tn tha Woomen of Woodcraft building at Port land, and dlsoused"p)ane for a mem bership campaign that will cloa with, a great rally April 1 and 1. 1107. at tha Woodcraft headquarter building In th emtropolls. Th circle la thla Juris diction have pledged l.tOO new mem bers to be Intlated before that time. Tha. members of tha commute from Sola circle of thla city that attended the meeting wero Mrs. Frank Belsel. Mrs. S. F. Kcrlpture, Mra. Sol & Walker and Mra. Elmer Lanklns. Sola circle will hold a regular meet ing tonight in Woodmen of th World hall. The membera whose names com mence with C, D, and B will provld entertainment for th edification of th circle. ;..,.,;... DUCK-SELLING CASE V IN COURT TOMORROW Oregon City. Dei. 7. The ea of th State va. C. K. Nnah and Chr! f)af. who r charged with aelllng duckt. Wtlt com up in Justice court at I 'clock tomorrow morning, when the At tendant will enter a pia. Ihs -ae u excltlna oona!dTr.e Intnreat, aa tt I tha first rosrutln knuen un ler t' i law in Clarknmas c"J"It, If not lo 1 attre stete. Tin tt.itnv f r tK fens contend fi't Mtt ' committed no i.frwme wtmti-v.r sansutne of belnS a! f 1 acqulttitL r -