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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 7, 1906)
: THE - OREGON - DAILY? JOURNAL- PORTLAND, FRIDAY . EVENING. DECEMBER T..1SC3. No Shopping Tour Complete UNTIL YOU HAVE VISITED Staples Jeweler -The LittleStore jt 162 first Street On the East Side of First Street, Just South of Morriion A few Christmas Suggestions FOR THE HUSBAND: 17-jewel Open-Fate Filled Watch ......... ?22.50 FOR THE SON Silk Umbrella, beautiful handles .......... ?5.00 FOR THE BABY Silver. Brush and , Comb .,i..3.00 Solid Gold Ring. .$1.00 FOR GRANDPA: Gold Cane .......87.50 Gold Spectacles ..$2.50 FOR THE LOVER Signet Ring ...... $6.00 .FOR THE WIFE Diamond Ear Rinps, Dia mond Brooches $15 up FOR THE DAUGHTER Gold Locket and Chain ........ ...$5.00 FOR THE NURSE Gold Trimmed Back -Comb. . .$3.50 to $6.00 FOR GRANDMA Gold Thimble ....$4.00 Silver Thimble .....40 Gold Spectacles ..$2.50 FOR SWEETHEART For the SWEETHEART Silver Mirror . . . ... .$15 STAPLES, THE JEWELER Gives this Automobile Away-January 1,-Q7. Tickets ' with all purchases Mr. Staples will give you his personal attention on request ; ' Mail Orders Given Prompt Attention REFERENCE First -National Bank or Merchants' Na- : tional Bank 1 -." - ' , "; :v I THE JEWELER- 162 Tirst Street Open Evenings During December , CTIDTT?C '1 vf '0eJ$ t f - THE SUITS, OVERCOATS '-AND RAIWGOATS-I We show for men and young men are the right garments for Holiday attire.' They are right in every detail. The materials are honest, the styles are correct and the tailoring is faultless. Select your Christmas outfit now while the lines are complete, why delay? You. do not have to pay for it right now. . Our part pay Iment system privileges you to select and wear whatever you may wish and pay for same later on in small weekly or monthly payments, let s say IMO-a-Weelt We beg to remind you that we carry a splendid assortment of Men's House Coats and fancy -Vests. '. " '"' " "". ? : EasternOumttingCo !TheStpre Where Your Credit Is Good" WASHINGTON AND TENTH STREETS On the nOJ J t is.. ; A small payment down, then a dollar a week is ' all we ask. ; Step in tomorrow and see our . clothing man about it. We carry only good goods and sell on a close margin. No interest asked. , No extravagant prices. ; YOU ARE WELCOME TO CREDIT Watches and Jewelry Finest Makes, Finest Quality On Easy Payments V A convenient way to secure your holiday gifts. You are invited to make your selections NOW. I GEVURTZ ONS 173175FirsrStreetr &s 219-227 Yamhill Street" ... 1 SII'IFM ARF FIHFn AIM UIKfiiHIHS UllUkllU IIIIS- I IllSaleV 11111 IIUUUIIIIU IV "-BOUND OVER-TO GRAND-JURY Woman Who Threatened Strow bridge With Blacksnake ; ., Is Found. Guilty. COURT SAYS CHARGE OF EXTORTION IS PROVED Woxsmith Denies That Human Agency . Brought Whip Into At torney't Office and Judge Laughs tt Him. ; V . "" "It is exeeedlncly fortunate for these defendants that a chare of extortion was filed by the dtatrtct attorney In thle case, as to my mind the erldence plain ly establishes that offense. It would eatabllah a dangerous precedent for thta court to allow the defendant to o without Imposing aoma punlahmenL It la nay opinion that Jacob Bauer enl- ncerea xnis unuit ' ana used nl wife and Woxamith aa tools to effect his pur pose of forcing the plaintiff to give up the money In question. In view of this fact, Jacob Bauer will be bound over to await the action of. the grand Jury in the sura of f 1,000 on a charge of threat ening to kill and, in addition, it la or dered that ho pay a One of $50 for as sault and battery. Mrs. Bauer will be fined $24 and Woxamith til." .This la the way Judge Cameron summed up the ease' of Jacob Bauer, a aaloon-keeper, his wife and Louis Wox amith. who. were tried tola morning for assaulting Attorney Joaepb A. Btrow bridge Jr. In the latter office la the Commercial building laat Monday aft ernoon, Mrs. Bauer at the time being armed with a buge "blacksnake." In the bearing of the caae the court re fused to allow any testimony relative to the dlsput between the defendants and the lawyer Tef-the etock-af -the De Forest Wireless company, which the Bauers claim was sold to them upon Btrowbrldge a solicitation for. five times Us market value. - Mr., and Mrs. Bauer and Woxamith were repreaented by Attorney Schnabel and Deputy Irtatrict Attorney Bert Haney conducted the case for the state. The "blacksnaka" used in the encounter by Mrs. Bauer was brought Into court by the defense and played an Important part In the case. Attorney Strowbiidge Jr- the com plaining wltneaa, was the first witness called.' ' He testified that Mrs. Sauer, ac companied by Woxamith, cam to hla offlc Monday afternoon and the woman demanded that he pay her !00. "Prom the expression on her face and the end of a blacksnake hanging from beneath the folds of her wrap I waa convinced that ther would be trouble, so I thought It best to get out." testified Strowbrldge. , The witness then stated that as he arosa from hi dealt Mra. Bauer polled the whip from her coat and atruck at him. Woxamith than hit him a terriflo blow on the back and Bauer, attracted by the noise of falling chair, mad hi entrance. AH. three of the assailants juinperon - tB alluiuej and reallalag that th odds were against him 8 trow bridge gave up th fight and announced ha would settle. In th meantime At torney Paddock and W. Harrla, a real estate dealer, occupying adjoining of fices, 'rushed to. th seen and Harrla want to search for a policeman. Btrowbrldge further testified that Mr. Bauer, before drawing th whip aaldi You 11 never get out of her allv un less you settle," and that Bauer, after hi advent Into th room, mad th earn statement. Btrowbrldge filled out th check a requested and after hla unwelcome vlaltora had departed stopped payment of It by telephoning to th bank. 1 W. Harrla, who waa seated In the anteroom of Btrowbrldge' office during the altercation." testified that be saw Woxamith grab Btrowbrldge by the throat while Mrs. Bauer waa trying to atrlk the attorney with th whip. Loula Woxamith, an oystermao of SI Third street, one of the defendants, de clared on the stand that Mra Bauer did not attempt to strike Btrowbrldre, but that th lawyer shoved her roughly. He denied striking th complainant at any time during the row. A to the whip, Woxamith on crose-examlnatlon declared that no one had hold of It, which called forth the sarcastic ques tion from Haney. "Well, then, you are prepared to testify that It waa sus pended In midair?" Wltnees wss badly tangled In hi anawer to Haney s cross-examination. Mr. Bauer next told her etory of the affair and gave aa ' her reason for carrying th blacksnake that Attorney Bchnable had Informed her that Btrow brldge waa a deputy aherlff and had a big revolver In the back of hi desk. Sh declared that ah bed the w"n!o Only for therfpurpos of defending herself from attack. She also denied ever stria log him with th rawhide. Jacob Sauer awor that hi wife did not strike th attorney, and denied ever making threat to kill. "I said that I weald oiweeh his fae If be aldn't m my money," be added by way of explanation. , Peputy Haney, la summing up the ease, declared that Woxsmlth did not once tell th truth In testifying, and knew that he waa perjuring himself. Aa to Sauer, th state's attorney asked that he be put under a heavy - peace bond. . His promises are valueless, aa Is evidenced by the fact that he tried to assault Btrowbrldge two weeks ago, and then gave hla promise not to repeat th offense. He should be prevented from assaulting th plaintiff In this case In th future, aa he I Juat tb kind of a man that would burn down" Btrow brldge bouse and slay him . In th dark." Th three defendant paid their fine to Clerk Henneaaey, and SauSr will fur nish the 11,000 peace bond later in the day. Attorney 8chnabel announce that a civil action will commence to recover the money alleged to have been fraud ulently obtained by Strowbiidge. 8aur declares that th 100 share of D For est Wireless stock which cost him 1600 can be bought In open market for 71 cents a share. X4ma Coasty Tanner rrosperoaa. Th farmer of Linn county have made money this year and many are buying Ed 1 eon phoncgraph from Fred Dawson. th Jlv Albany, druggist.- If you want one, writ him. Ceaaeat Company fco-aee by Tire, " Elizabeth, Pa., Dee. 7. Th plant of th International Cement company was destroyed by fir this morning; loss, $200,000. fcfc The l' T-- S atisfaction Line U.FoiW&C- GoJdenGcite hiTrrTe.-; OOLDEfj f XtraxT : Ia.foloer:?? tOFFEE AAJOLGERAC" J . Mrai s. ' m ijOLUCitUA High brads r SPICES "Sold on Merit" 1 ;,- J. AFolger'& Co., San Francisco - .' - ' - i- - . - Slip f;- sas sea-.-a' MJM m v, CEYLON EVENTS IN REAL ESTATE-WORLD Yesterday's Transfers Total More Than Quarter of Mil lion Dollars. TWO BIG DEALS ARE INCLUDED ,IN AMOUNT Residence- Property and Suburban Lots in Active Demand. Many Sales of Such Nature Being Report ed by Prominent Dealers. Real eatate transfer filed for record yesterday totaled 1J88.I10. Of this sum just a quarter of a million was repre sented by two deeds, that of the Ter williaer - Land company for 71 acres located In South Portland to th South Portland Improvement company.' with th consideration named at 1110,000, and th transfer by Mary A. Hunter to Jullua Durkhelmer of lot 1. block 14, at th aonthwest corner of Firat and Mor rison streets, consideration 1100,000. . E. J. Daly sold ' to John Dellar. a fractional lot. 10x71. at th aouthwest corner of Second and Flandera. for 117, 600. ' Thla lot waa owned by Beno A Ballla. . John MoCracken sold to a local eapl tallat th half block on th north aide of -Irving, - between 'Thirteenth- and Fourteenth street, for $40,000. K. VT. Wright sold to Addle and R. E. Bryan two residences on Irving, between Twenty-second ana Twenty-intra streets for 11.000. CcL. Jackson eV Co. report a consider able movement in residence lots on the lower peninsula. This firm ha recently sold to Mrs. Edith a. Smith five lots In Peninsula addition No. t, consideration not stated; also five lota In Peninsula addition No. I to H. W. Peterson for 11,000. The Oak Park Land company sold to J. L, Ripley of Albsn'y, Oregon, the house end lot at 491 East Sixteenth street for 12,000. "The southwest corner of Bast Salmon and Thirty-seventh streets waa bought by Mra. Henry Eaaton of Rose burg from Willie C, Moor for U.400. Mra Easton also purchased from the Title Guarantee A Trust company the fractional lot-adjoining th above prem ises for 1400. Reed, Fields' Tynan report the sale of five residence' lots In South Sunny side at 1600 each. The buyera. Henry Newbert,' M. A. Clelnaw, C. B. Hurd and C. O. Crampton. have engaged to Im prove th property at an early data FASHION IN MONTENEGRO ' From Blackwood' Magastn. Tb soldier-Ilk bearing of th peas antry Is greatly accentuated by their scrupulously shaven cheek and chins, according t th custom whioh. as classical writers have testified, pre vailed among th Celtla tribes at the time of the Roman conquest of Britain. Then th national dreaa, . universally worn by men of all ranks, aav the bearded clergy, i practically a military uniform. Under a whit full-skirted woolen coat, adorned with altver but-1 ton and gold embroidery, according to th ' means of th wearer, is wqrn a double-breasted scarlet . waistcoat, broadly embroidered with gold. Blue cloth pantaloons, wide and pleated In oriental fashion and supported by a silken loin acarf, com below the knee, meeting whit Blocking of- else white woolen gaiters, fastened at tb back of th leg -with myriads of silver button Then com a pair of soft-soled white shoes, of which th advantage will be come apparent to th tourtat who at tempt to traverae In hobnalla thla re gion of friable Umeatone. He may get along well enough on th highway which carry a very fair aurfac. but for mountain - path, mule track or river bank Engliah boot are Intoler able, unless mad with thick felt sole. Esthetlcally the foot covering Is th point In his attire wherein th Monten egrin la apt to be disappointing. On Sundayf and feast days, when be wants to appear particularly smart, he has contracted the deplorable vie of draw ing on a pair of what we uaed to call "Jemima" boots black boots, that Is, with elastic sldea Destnlt la placem th ' lamentable affect of these loans from western civilisation upon a co tum otherwise so archaic and exquis itely romantic may easily be Imagined. Th headgear, - happily, remain Incor rupt In winter It 1 a fur cap, with a looaedrooplng crown of whit cloth, exchanged In cummer for the bsrreta. Or round forage cap, black bordered. with the prlncVa initials worked- In goldUi upon in crimson top. Even the parish priests, who go clad In flowing black gowns, habitually " wear - thla., berretaw th recognised badge of nationality and loyalty to Prlaee .Nicola, but. than, th pariah priest la oftsn th crack shot of his village and captain Of the looal company of sharpahootera. ., .' .. Harsh phyalca react.-weaken the bow si Si cause chronic constipation. Doan'a Regulets operate easily, ton. the tom ach, cur conatlpatioa. , . lie. 1 Aak yoar druggist for them-. . 1 . I , '. toSfeagUt to XCeet The Eaual Suffrage i aaaoclatlon will meet tomorrow afternoon at i o'clock In Mra. Mallory'a parlor, ltl Sixth street, to hear th report of It special oommlttee on a new constitution. - The. public Is Invited to be present. Now the nlckel-ln-the-slot maohtn must hide a rain for a little while. CASTOR I A lor Infants and Children. Tha Kind Yon Hits Always EougM Bears the , Signature of SI T MOT Ml . . ; ; "0' SPECIAL SALE OF SHOES FOR TOE : LITTLE FOLKS A positive saving assured. You no doubt have more or lees trouble these wet days with your children's footwear. Come to us and we will guarantee to sell you -satisfactory shoes at very, attractive prices.-A trial will convince you, that in trading with us, you have found the right store.' ' : MISSES' FINE KID OR BOX CALF SHOES, extension soles, patent tipsy lizei 11 to 2, values $2.00, now... fl.OO . SAME as above, sizes 8 to lO'i, value $1.50, now,.. f 1.25 SAME aa above, sises S to 8, vslui $1.25, now. ..fl.OO BOYS' KANGAROO CALF LACE SHOES, heavy double sol, extension, sires 2 to iyi. ..,....a.OO YOUTHS' s shove, sires from 134 to 2.......i....f 1.T5 LITTLE GENTS' same as sbove, sires from 8 to 13..$l.BO We also sell LADIES' STORM RUBBERS - WITH EX-, TENSION HEELS, worth 65c, at...;. 60e ROSENTHAL'S -4 149 THIRD ST. Best Shoe Store Portland's 7 .V 7 - : rv V 4 i-M..