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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 7, 1906)
TIIS OnZGON DAILY -JOURNAL. POKTLAND FRIDAY EVENING, PECEM3E3 7, ISCX SAYS E LOOTED ESTATE Petition. In -County - Court . Charges Augusta Hegele With . Stealing Much Money.', ; .. ESTATE INVOLVED IS G. W. HILDERBRAND'S AJleteg That, Woman Withheld $7,500 In Cash Handed to Her by Deceased During Hit Last Illneaa ' e-AIao a Watch. -; XEGUTRIX : jgi pjjl 5 ' This genuine Spanish Leather Child's Rocker for Saturday only $4.00. A bargain that you X . don't want to miss; It is. the, height of , comfort. Roan Skin Seat and Back. It is a large, ' roomy rocker, strongly built and will last for years. ! It will make- any child's" heart elad..i.The:X f chair is suitable for any room parlor, sitting room or bed roonvT'Let us put one away for you . 1 fnr Vmaa ';'--...( -...'. : , .'. V". '..-' .' : : i SOMEWIUG FOR EVERYBODY We have got somethme in Furniture for everybody, from the little toddlinz tot to old rrav- t v haired grandfather, something that will please and at the same time be eminently, useful. No, J X need to be bothered about what to give if you come here. Happy suggestions meet you at every 1 X. turn in this big store.... .-.V . W .- . - v-) . ,; ,r-:- t J-7-THE COMPLETE HOME-OUTFITTERS, SECOND AND MORRISON STREETS LAST NIGHT'S GALE WAS THE MOST VIOLENT IfJ TWELVE MONTHS Wind Reached Velocity of Eighty-: Eight Miles an HourTwo ' -. , ; Resulted, as Far as Known". 'V j L A . msirici rorccuifr jieajs esiapuanea : his reputation yesterday for truth and veracity whan he an Id that storm would iwMp aver the country, before the end of ft houra. The Jfclnd-came with a . roar. . TJmbrellaa were twtated Into un recognisable bundle, women's hat were torn from their fastenings and went roll Ins down the street and men had to de pend, on. fleetneaa.,f .loot to recapture rieelng Fedoras, -The height was reached at 7 o'clock let night, when the wind attained a velocity of I mllea from the southwest. Electric wires were - disarranged, the streets were in dark ness end those who f ad to venture out - were fearful lest the power moving the streetcars would give out as a result of j ;-' the Wife troubles. Houses, exposed to the free "sweep of the wind, rocked like - ships at sea, but luckily they stood the test, and so far Ss reported no serious damaxe was done. 1 Two fires were started from defec tive insulation, but they were quickly extinguished. . The telephone wires in many parts of the city were -disabled and friends were prevented from Inquir ing of each other how they liked the weather. Thla was probably one of the most annoylng-fnaturas ot -the storm. The theatres were not packed, because many who bad tickets lost courage at the last moment to brave the boisterous elements. - For a while the nla felt In torrent and. soma of the djowu town thoroughfares were bo slippery that su it jr j tomotller every now and then refused 0 N R 0 ' The New $3.00 Hat Sold Only by' . M. Sichel 329 Washington St Imperial Hotel Bldg. . MEN'S S H OP to sneer and Instead of keeping on the straight path brousrht nn on curbs and sidewalks, much the' same as a helpless windjammer plies up on a gently slop ing beach. M. Beats says the storm was the worst In a year. JHe kntwveiterday morning that It was coming and so or dered storm warnings displayed at all coast points as early as T o'clock a. m. At 11 o'clock the wind attained loclty of It miles an hour at the mouth of the Columbia river and it increased In fury until after sundown, when it blew at tne rate of It miles an hour, the highest velocity attained for . many a month. Reports from Tataash island are missing thla morning, so it is not known how the people fared, but it is supposed that the blow there was fully severe as at North Head. . - The wind veered around from the southeast this morning to the west and Immediately subsided to a light breese. Nevertheless, the Columbia river bar was breaking violently this morning and no shipping was reported.' The British shl.. Qlenerlcht has been outside since Tuesdsy night, when she spoken by' the British' steamer- Apollo, which arrived here yesterday. The British bark Formosa, which reached Astoria Wednesday, reports that she sighted a four-masted bark off the bar Tuesday evening and the vessel Is sup posed to be the Musk oka, from purope. THINGS OF PAST (Continued from Page One.) " TACOMA POLICE 171 RAID Oil ENGINEER'S OFFICE - Mayor Believes H.. 4. Fuller Is Idling Over Water Sye- ; ,' tern Plans. the shaking of - dice for cigars to cease was entirely unfounded. He said that no suoh order has been Issued and that. as far as he knew, one would not' be Issued. It is conceded that ' unless shaking dies is prohibited It will take the place, to a limited extent, of the slot machine crate., Saloon men are not nearly as much concerned about the reault ot the en forcement of the law aa the cigar men. They argue that much of the money that In the past has gone into the slot machines will hereafter pass over their counters for drinks. , A novel scheme for turning the use less slot machines . Into instruments of charity was suggested today by John Kelly of the firm or uasweu Keny. family liquor dealers at Park and Mor rison streets. Mr. Kelly's plan Is to take the cards out of the machines and turn them into contribution boxes -for the benefit of the two orphans' .homes .LI- .11. K. la uim ' r "Of course.. I would not do it alone. but It would be a One scheme If every body will sgres to It,- said Mr. Kelly. "My plan is to leave tbe machines on the counters .until New Tear's, mean while turning the keys over to one of the newspapers. If the plan la put be fore the people properly I believe that several thousand dollars would be col lected by the first of the year." TOOK THE MEDICINE MAN TOO SERIOUSLY (apwisl Dispatch te Tee Joorosl.) ' Pendleton. Or.. Deo. 7. Two badly battered Juliana sought succor of the police yesterday, following an Interview with a medicine mui m n" nn of tba city. According to tne tale told br the Italians they purchased medi cine of their assailant. It was "guar anteed to cure everything or money, re funded." Falling to get aeeireo results from the medicine the Italians returned It end demanded their cash. Then thu trouble ensued, and all were badly bat tered In the scuffle. The eas will probably be tried In the Justloa eourt. (spertal Dispatch te The Joarasl) ' Tacoma, Deo. 7. Chief of Police Thomas Malony and flva policemen last night raided the offices of the special hydraullo engineer, H. J. Fuller, ap pointed by the city to draw plans and make eatlinatca of a proposed new water system. There were . several serious claahes between the officers and Puller and hla, attorneys and for some time it looked as If Fuller and several of his partisans would sp-md their night In the city Jail. . v. . - inis action roiiowea the summary dlsmlpssi of Engineer Fuller by Mayor Wright.- Chief Melon? had Instructions to secure tbe maps, drawings and kin dred documents relating to the proposed water system. Immediately upon enter ing Fuller's office they proceeded to take possession of everything tn sight. Attorney Johnson, acting for Fuller, telephoned the sheriffs of flee, for pro tection but was told all the deputies were out of town.. . Wright accuses Fuller of Incompe tency, of padding estimates and of hold ing up work on the new water system. Unsuccessful attempts : were made thla morning to secure a writ of re plevin by Fuller.' -. HALF-MINUTE QUAKE . AT'SAN LUIS OBISPO (Journal Bpeclsl KvrW ) " San Luis Obispo, CaL, Dee. 1 -A Blight earthquake of seconds' -duration van felt at San Luis Obispo and in the vicinity, at 10:10 last night No damage was done.U-. . , . r Stomach Sufferers Squander Millions In Search of Relief. The world la full of disordered stom achs and 0 per cent of the money spent upon physicians and drugs goos in an attempt to cure tbe stomach. People are made to believe that In order to gain health they must doctor their atomacha and use cathartics. So the doctor gets his fee for the stomach treatment and the druggist for the physio, until the savings of a lifetime are exhausted and yet no cure. Let s be reasonable. , The sick stomsch is In every case the result of over-eating, hurried mas tication and Improper choice of foods. The. mucous lining all the way down the food tract loses, its ' sensitiveness. and when food . is forced down the muscles fall to respond. They do not churn the food aa they should. The glands no longer give out gastric Juice to dissolve the food and render it ca pable of assimilation. Tbe man has be come a dyspeptic. . There is one sure wsy and only one to bring positive relief. Put into that stomach of you re the very elements mat it lacks to get thar rood Into liquid form. It takes pepsin, diastase, golden seal and other ferments to accomplish thla The. healthy stomach contains these elements. The dyspeptlo stomach lacks part or all of them. Stuart's Dyspepsia, Tablet Is made up of Just what the dyspeptlo stomach lacks nature's digestives. ' Stpart's Dyspepsia Tablets sre not a medicine, not a drug, not a cathartic. They do not curs anybody of anything but Dyspepsia and Indigestion and such allmsnts aa arise from poorly digested food. . . , . . , . While they digest the food the stom ach recuperates. ' The mucous mem brane Is coming out of its stupor, the gastric Juice is coming to the surface, the muscles are regaining their power. Every orgen of the body takes on new life, the skin gains color, and the eyes are no longer tinged with yellow. Tou live. . Why doctor and "hy drug yovrselff Stuart's Dyspepsia Tsblsts will - take ea re of your food-while Nature cures you."- Try a bog at your druggists. 0 rents. Or, If. you prefer a free trial peckage before buying, send your name and ad dress todsy. F. A. Stuart Co- Stu art Bids, Marshall, Mtctt, That $7,(00 in- cash and other prop erty of the esUte of George W. Hllde brand has been fraudulently secreted and disposed of by Augusta, Hegele, the executrix of the aetata; is charged In a petition filed in .the .county court this morning by Attorney A- F. Fleget, who appeared for Dorothy Htldebrand, widow of the- -deceased; Bmma " 1 Greene, a daughter, and Nellie F. Htlde brand, widow of a deoeased son of Hlldebrand. . ' . Mrs. Hegele . was appointed' executrix of the estate on July 24 of this year. Later in the month an inventory was filed showing that the property . of the estate was worth H.I60. The petition filed this morning alleges that Mrs. Hegele has secreted and disposed ot a large amount of the estate property and documents pertaining to it. It ia charged also that Mrs, Hegele has entered into a fraudulent conspir acy with her husband, Charles Hegele, to defraud ' the estate and petitioners of their Just proportion of the prop erty. The petition states' that the executrix fraudulently neglected to include in the inventory, $7,(00 in cash that she re ceived from Htldebrand during hla last illness; that a large number of bs per sonal effects were omitted from the In ventory, among them a watch, library and ore specimens, and that the Inven tory failed to mention interests of the deceased in mining claims in Califor nia, or papers relating to. the title of the mines. Based on the etltlon. a citation was Issued by Judge Webster ordering Mrs. Hegele to appear in court on December X7 and answer under oath concerning all the property ef the deceased that hafcomejwlthlnhrknowlsdgeAi. NOTED AS. AH ORGANIZER FOR HIS CHURCH Rev. W. 0. Forbes Closes Castle Rock Meetings Opens To nightat Camas. " f (WseHtl IMspateb te Tee Jnereel.)- Castle Rock, Wash., Dec. 7. Rev. W. O. Forbes. D. D., has just Closed a very successful series of evangelistic - serv ices at the Presbyterisn) church In this place. Unusual Interest "was manifested r i i Rev. W. O. Forbes. throughout the entire two weeks of the meetings. He expects to begin similar meetings on this evening at the Presby terian church at Camas, Washington. Dr. Forbes came to Portland II years ago, and organised the Forbes Presby terian church. . He was Its pastor for It rears. About five years ago ho gave up his pastorate to become Sunday school missionary in eastern Washing ton, where he has since labored. During that time he has organised If Presby terian churches and received over 700 members.. About six weeks ago ho was appoint ed evengelist ,for western Washington, under the general assembly's evangel istic committee, of which Dr. Chapman ia the head. n Progressive Merchandising.'.- - When one stops to think what a vaut difference there is .between the holiday shopping of today and the yuletlde trading of the bygone past, he certainly experiences a feeling of surprise, aston ishment and gratitude. He must con gratulats himself on living In an age of progress, of Invention: and of Im provement. At tbe Eastern Outfitting company s stores tne evolution or busi ness Is plainly visible. All the old-time difficulties which have asually eon fronted buyers at this time of the year seem to have disappeared, the tiresome task of choosing gifts for the various members of the family circle Is made easy and pleaaant by timely and author itative suggestions and the most im portant problem of how to please the dear ones wunoui reeling me ourann of the cost Is suceessfuly solved. The 22 beautifully decorated show windows en the outside silently yet loudly speak of the abundance within; they attract the attention and admira tion of all classes, all sexes, all ages and all fancies. Every section in the house offers volumes of hints as to what to select for a Christmas gift to be accepted, appreciated and. remem bered. Everything, from the moat use ful articles to the most charmingly or namented things, are arrayed In Im menVe varieties. The lower floor represents an tin rivaled collection of home and table ornamentals sanctioned by good taste, good Judgment end good house manage ment. The prices are so moderate cs to appeal to the most thrifty, t Besides, the part payment system or tae house From now until Xmas day we will give FREE with every Juvenile and Boy's Suit, Overcoat or Cravenette choice of the following selection. Genuine Victor Footballs,"Spalding Base ball Mitts and Gloves and Fine Three and Four-Bladed JacKKnives. X?VERY effort has been made to make Yule- sjsawSxsiixsw tide shopping at our spacious Juvenile Out- fitting Department ;.a pleasure. Mothers are assured of prompt and courteous attention, x an Satarday pecian MX' 0-.j, Vlj ? o rasiiw 'REDUCED $1150 Values, Tomorrow Only an Now is the Opportunity to Secure a Handsome and Very Appropriate Christmas Gift at a i Goodly SavingSee Window Display VURTZ & S QE ONS 173-175 First Street 219-227 Yamhill Street :zx: prlvllegee Its patrons to buy whatever they choose and pay .later on in smalt .weekly or monthly I payments, small enough not to be missed by any one. ' :;..'"' Ateste Otty aUeottoej Koaday. . Adams, Or, Deo. T The city election for Adams will be held Monday, Decem ber 10, the following ticket being in the field: Mayor, T. A. IJeuallen: recorder, J. D. Oregotre; treasurer. Dr. E. R. Todd; rouncllmen. H. A. Richardson. J. O. Hales and J. A. Winn. Kow ths nickels most be good. lire Has rscl C-" (Krwl'l W'ftrtt la Th Smr I ) Joseph, or. 1". 7 "ilr I ' No. S41, I O. . f.. has 1 t- following off. r for te enr r t Noble rrsn.l. O. V. ' i j a i i,r,'"i 1 ik . !J ii r r