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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 7, 1906)
1 THE OREGON -DAILY JOURNAL PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENING. .DECEMBER 7,i:ieC3. ;...;.:;. ':. ', 5 p. m. to 9 p. m. " - ; ': POSITIVELY NONE BEFORE THIS TIMp- I The me Medlfcainie Old (Peopfle Need JO E! JAP TREATY ,t .. t - - 4 ; I ' 1 ' i' - x ... .' : - " MR. JOSIAH ZaUTLIN. . ' ' J Duffy?s Is a absolutely pure, gentle and Invigorating stimulant and tonic, builds tip power to the bran. strength and elasticity to the muscles and richness to the loroes. it maxes oiaestion perreci ano . . . L . - . vatam. la a nromotar of maaA haalth " Malt Whlakav enntalna no fuaal nil old by all drorrtsts and rroeers. at direct, la sealed bottles cwlyi aerer U and see that the "Old Chemist' trade-mark Is OB the label. Beware of refilled tltates offered tot sale by aareUable dealers. They are hanafal aa doctor's advice free. Duffy Malt Whiskey Co., Koohester, . T. BIG BUILDING WILL BE BUILT Eight-Story : Structure - to Be J Erected on Sixth Between , f Washington and Stark. The syndicate of . Brattle capitalist r beaded by R. M. Klnnear, who recently purchased the (0-foot lot Just-north of the Oregon -Trust A Savings bank on ; Blxth street, are preparing to arect an : alght-etory steel frame business block on the slta The' lot was sold to the Seattle purchasers by Orlndstaff ft Bchalk for It in now covered by frame buildings. It Is announoed that a' firm of Seattle architects Is preparing the plans for Tthene-T5uTTarn ria tint wurk' wl'l begin on It about April 1. Color is lent jj BAgTgmw OUTriTTIaTw COatAjrr HAT3CaT OPTTITTU8 001aTArT By those who have seen them, especial interest ' : - has been manifested in a number of first copies '. ofrTartsiaa custumcs vvhicrrour-Eastern buyer sent us this week. Other choice and : ; - - exclusive modes in tailored Suits, Costumes, Outer GarmentJand Waists await your early Inspection. Judging by past demands, we do not hesitate to say that our present showing " comes as near being ideal as custom made garments ever will. Here you will find a com-. ' . . bination of style, quality and moderate prices. . We will be glad to tell you about our deferred payment plan how it costs nothing extra to wear"thegoods while "paying "unmissable ' weekly or monthly payments. 7 - . - ' Our holiday displays are at their best. . Everything suitable for Gift purposes. . EastemOutfittingCo. Washington Pure IVflalt enaoies vou xo gei xrom ne iooa you ri - m i 1. 1 . 1 1 j A Ickly children, as It Is a and loncevltv. makes the old young ana ' ' .J . , and la tho anlv whiakev that IS T-ecOCniSed to the report that the structure will go up from the fact that the owners have refused to consider ny proposition to lease the present buildings for a period of longer than three months, It Is further said that the work of tearing out the old frame houses will begin about March 1. . ATHENA GETTING RID , OF DEBTS RAPIDLY ilwui ruinate ta.ThalMrm.Ll Athena. . Or. Deo. ,7. Athena has levied a mill tax for the eneulng year. The tax therpasa year was f mills. It Is -bdped thia win greatly decrease the present bonded indebtedness of ths city, which la saw 128.000. A meetlna will be held Satiirday. for the purpose of levying a school lax. n is oeing argea that s 10-mlll tax be levied. With a lo-mill school tax "daring the past few years the district has reduced Its bonded Indebtedness from 17.000 to t80. and 'Its floating Indebtedness from 14.000. to 11.000.. ., - ' . i and Tenth Mr. Tosiah "Zeitlin,- 101 years " old "July, 1906, lives with his daughter, Mrs. Jsaac Krinsky, Brooklyn. Mr. Zeitlin was a promi nent business man in his na tive land, Poland, , many "years. In 1882 he retired and came to. this country. - He says that Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey has prolonged his life, and is the medicine to restore health and vigor in old people. ' He writes: : ' V "Although I wa 191 years old on . Julr Sd last, I still feel that I am good ':. for several years. 1 wu born at Lode, In Poland, and after a lengthy business life In the old land cam to this coun try 1a to reside with my daughter. I have used Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey for many -years and And It very bene ficial. It tnvlgoratee and dye me - strength. I feel that it has helped me to live 101 years. It seems to be the very medicine old people need to re store their falling- health and strength.' Joolah Zeluln, ll Lexington Avenue, Procklyn. N. T. August 10. HOC. ' Mr. Zeitlin Is one of the many tbou " ' sand of men and women throughout the t!nlted States who owe -. tbelr vlior,. strength and long life to the great. ' Tonio Stimulant and Renewer of Youth. Duffy's Pure Molt Whiskey, and Join In extolling Its merits. the nerve n" "?,Yli the vita! blood. It J brings into " u 1n- food already digested. --i. i ,v,. .Anii a ir.inv a niiia. 11 n. nin. Keeps inv xvuuB .... mtvnnm I In fT V stron. Duffy's Pure SB a medicine. This is a guarantee. ZJSSiTmiJSS. bottlee and "fS''S wlU-ao cure. Medical booklet and TESTIMONY GIVEN 18 Convict Jess iiall Gives Evidence Against ChickT Houghton " in Larceny Case. . DECLARES HE SAW HOUGHTON STEAL PANTS Detective riellyer Tei tifies That Man croieddrnfaed-fee-Theft When Arretted Houghton Denies Hiv ing Committed Crime. Damaging testimony against "Chick" Houghton, ex-convict, was given at his trial before Judge Fraser In the state circuit court this morning on the charge of the .larceny of a - pair of trousers from a etore at 47 North Third' street. Jesa Hall testified that ' he had seen Houghton talcs the troussra. He said: "Houghton and I went to the store to buy a revolver for the purpose of hold ing up people on the streets. The owner of the store was busy, and while I waited for him. Houghton went to the back part of the store, took a pair of pants from the eounter, rolled them up and put them under hls'ooatt , I saw him do It. Then he came up to where T' was. The owner of the store fc ad finished talking to the other men, and we bought a revolver. I paid for It and we went awsy. After w left the store, Hough. ton told me ha had' stolen a rlr of pants, but that they wars smalt He took them to the Cafe R6yal and gave them to the bartender. I gave hire the revolver I bought and have never sen it slnoe.' . Hall letTlng- eatenoe. Hall is serving a sentence of It veara In the penitentiary for holding op auto mobiles on ths Linnton road in Beptem Der. his arrest wss brought about by Information given the police by Hough ton. . Hsll denied that he was giving false testnnony through enmity lo Houghton for Informing on him. "I have bo hard feelings against him now." said Hall. "I had at first, but I believe now that he did right In tell ing the police to arrest me." Detective C R. Hellyer testified that Houghton had admitted to him that be took the pants. - Hellyer ' said that Houghtog took him to the store where "the" pantsliad 'be'eh"sfdlen. David Stein, proprietor of ths store where the pants were stolen. Identified the goods, and stated that Hall and Houghton had come to his store and purchased a revolver. He did not know , anything had been stolen until tho ! trousers were returned to him by the ! police. " ' j Houghton denies having stolen the troueers, and states that they were given to him by a friend. Attorneys H. C. King and M. MaoMahon are de fending Houghton. ' Deputy District At torney H. B. Adams Is conducting the prosecution. The Jurors who were ac cepted to hear the evidence ere El W. Hatch, B. r. Kyle, George Clark, 8. C. Jones, Oeorge Zimmerman, -4. - Sharp,; Robert Hauswlrth, M. Meier, Ernest V. Kroner, CMhepherd, J. ALfarree and E. & Ward. The. trial Is being continued tbls afternoon. TWO INDIANS HANG IN NEVADA FOR MURDER , . . - j. ... '. (Joweal parll gerrtae.t Carton, Nrv., Dec. 1. Two Indiana, one known as Johnny, the other Joe Ibapab, were iianged hers today for the muiuvr wi . m uaiiii iwinvq rw r orw t men. Foreman, who wes a one-legged ; men, wss attscked at Elko a year ago ; and stabbed to death. His body was afterward herrlbJyv mutilated and then placed slongslde a log fire, being partly j cremated. Itobbery was the moUve, I Whiskey ef DAiiiAGIliG President Announce That No New Agreement Is Con- templated -Perkins Insists ' That It Is, However. V fJeanwl special Servtes.) Washington, Dec 7. Assistant Beo retary of State Bacon, while in the house this morning after a oonference ; with the president, announoed that no new treaty or modification of the treaty with Japan was contemplated. He said that the president wished the announce menti made aa etrong as possible. He said that the president also wished to state that the visits of Ambassador Aokl were not for the discussion of possible ohengea of the present treaty. Senator Cullom. senate chairman of the foreign affairs committee, says that a- new treaty with Japaa la. not con templated. Although offlolal denials continue to be made of the report that preliminary steps have been taken, looking to a new treaty between Japan and the United States covering the Immigration ques tion and disposing ef the San Franolaoo school question,. Senator Perkins comes forward with an admission of ths truth of a story which la the sensation of the day and ,1a the subjeot of universal com ment. i : Perkins was seen by a correspondent after he had called to pay hie respects to ths president. He said: - - ,j mooaevelt'g Xntenttoas.- '"The object of President Roosevelt Is to get the Japanese government to agree to ths restriction of coolls labor Immi gration. He wants to take the sting out of the Imaginary grievances . under which Japan is smarting and soothe the sensitive orientals preparatory to mak ing, overtures for a new International agreement which should give us the ad vantage we particularly desire In the way of restricted immigration. "I am satisfied that such negotiations are being conducted, and I trust they will result to the advantage of both countries. I de not see how Jspan can object to the exclusion of coolies, for she says they are needed In Manchuria, and we do not want and will not have them here at all. ' , "Regarding the ' message, ita author being the chief executive, I have, to speak from the national standpoint 'He means to do right and I feel assured that the trouble will be adjusted satis factorily." :. ' . President Conservative. -, The senator remarked that the presi dent, who had a confidential talk with him. was much more conservative In bis utteraneea than at their last previous Meeting. ' - - ; "He desires to dignify labor and does not favor cheap labor, whether coolie or other,"- said 8enator Perkins. . A senatot-.from ajmpuntalnstate talked with frankness today -regarding the contention at San Francisco on the Japanese -question. He would not per mit his name to be used, "because care ful statesmen Just now do not want to pose as - alarmists, - he- said. But -tie msde It plain that the people la hie stats do not regard the question as merely a local Incident in California. lAGRANDE SUGAR FACTORY TO RUN ON (Special 'Dlapatr te The Joorol. ' La Grande, Or., Dee. 7. The managers of the La Grande eugar factory yester dsy announced to the farmers that beets will be In demand, next year and that beetgrowers should plin for aa great acreas-ea next year as this. 'This an nouncement puts to reet rumors that the factory will be Idle next year. giving at this season (If . ' 1 ' faleiOi; ' 1 ' - I 1 " acceptable gifts. Our showing of .both cabinets : desks-atis-time-was-neveiscCxuDmplete offering an extensive gathering of pleasing de- Signs to tnuvsc ii uiii ;; hoga y, golden oak, walnut and birdsepe: maple, v . n in th . of th polished and dull finishes, the appointment many styles and sizes being the most prac Weare also showing special cabinets for ' ticaL phonograph records. No time like the present to -make your selections stocks are complete in as- ' sortment. Selections if desired. 1 Your ( I Credit Is Good ' '' aMS iTowcuorr I UdOOO j To maintain a well dressed appearance the hat is. of vital import-ance.- -' ;--.:.:ui;.:,;,.' The Beaver is a hat of both quaHty, and . style, ' 1 ana we guarantee n xo give satisfaction or a new one in its place. ; V Stiff and Soft Hats in fashionable shapes and shades ...... , .:-r. 33.00 -- -- - Sold exclusively by LION , "ft ClotiiinQCb CuiKxhnPt , Men's and Boys' Outfitters. 166 and 168 Third Street Mohawk Building. Grab Scheme With All Its Ram. ifications of Donations Beat- en to Standstill In the . House and Abandoned ' (Soeelal Dieeetcb te The' JeornaLI Washington, Dec T. The ship sub sidy scheme,-as passed by the senate, with all Ita ramifications : of Indellnlte donations, haa bean beaten to a stand still In the house and abandoned by Its friends. Instead there will be adopted compromise - which wllk -enable the government to pay subsidies to specific linea between the states and Central and South America. ' - Theee"nnffieTIT tgmtnst tlis general subsidy bill In the bouse, especially among western members, , haa been per sistent. ... Speaker Cannon has not relaxed his opposition te the measure, and In view of this fact and the noncommittal In dorsement by the president In his mea sage, ths ship subsidy people finally ad mitted defeat and have practically de Music Cabinets AND Writing Desks Two useful furnl- ,', ture pieces that are especially , popular for gift- pieces that will always make 'piaiit axiva wiivtu -n iiux- held for Christmas delivery . SUBSIDY C0HPLETE'H005E-FUmiI511ER5 - Regular Value $2.00 K ' , ; ; - PICTURES 21x25 INCHES - , Frames in golden and weathered oak, brown and gilt' REGULAR VALUE 60c CRYSTAL VASE I i . ml' - elded to abandon all the general pro vlelons of the bill. Including the scheme for a naval reserve and all general sub ventions. - ' The oreeent plan-eonteeaplates one line from New York to Rio de Janeiro, and another from .New York. Boston or Norfolk to Buenos Ayres, a third -and f oui1 1 li f 1 out 1 New" srleai America and the north coast Of Bouth America. A final line would be from a rranolsco to Panama. - There are one or two tentative propositions in line, that for a faat line from Charles ton to Havana, and anotner irom nan Francisco to Honolulu. In the compromise amendments, tne subsidy to the Jim Hill line from Puget ' '1'" ' Special Saturday In"'DraperyDcpartmentr--Sixth Floor Decorated leather sheepskins in red and green . for hangings in mission halls, dens and living rooms. Four Bohemian and two animal subjects -'' . to select from; $4 values, special, each. . . . . .$3.00 Leather pillow casings, fringed one end, sides s and top laced, hand decorated, air-brush paint and burned designs; $6.50 values, each. .$3.75 ' i . REGULAR' T VALUE 60c sound to the orient and the Una front, ths Atlantic coast to Booth America and from the eta tee oa the coast -of the Gulf of Mexloo te the republlo ot Mexico are all out out. ... ,4j , OLD STYLE OF SPELLING ' AVORED-BrCONGRESST Washington. IX C, Dec, "7. The legis lative, judicial and executive appropri ation bill, when reported to the bouse today contained the positive requlre menta that the old style of spelling be used In all printing authorised, by con jraaa, - --r .. Saturday Special Mission pedestals, in ' the . weathered oak 18 inches high 9-inch top and base exactly like cut. These sell regularly for $1.25; special for tomorrow only . . . . . . . . ; . . . . . . . . . . .65c ' No mail, telephone or C. O. D. orders taken for this special. Rogers Bros.V Silverware ( HAKE YOUt 1 FT A -