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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 7, 1906)
ttiC OKJEUON uAltrr jOlKWAU roTLANP, "FRIDAY EVENING. DECEMBER t 7,-1806. 13 TO BE PROBED Intsrstats Commerce Commls .slonprder. Investigation of Traffic Lines. PARALLEL LINES OWNED ; ; BY HOLDING COMPANY Sherman. Anti-Trust Law, Interstate Commerce Law and Statute Againat .? Conspiracy Said to Have Been Violated by Harriraan. , ' r (Journal flnaelal Service. 1 Washington, Ixjc. . lv An investiga tion of tha Union Faoiflo railroad and . ,of the relations between that road and . tha Southern Faclno eystetn, growing out of their common management and control baa been ordered . by the Inter : state commerce commlailon. frank B. r . Kellogg and C.X Severance of SC. Paul have been retained' by the oommlsalon -. to conduct tha investigation. The moat aerloua Is that a condition similar to that which prevailed In tha ' Northern Securities ease exists, the Oregon Short Line company being a holding company. - . Backed by' standard oh. Backed bv Standard Oil money. Mr. ' Harrlman haa gathered under one com mon control more than 1 3.000 miles of rauroaa , representing a capitalisation . Of 12,000,000.000. " The Interstate commerce commission Is convinced that - Harrlman, In the ... Union Pacific, haa not only violated the - Sherman anti-trust law, but also the . Interstate commerce law and the ststute -sgalnst conspiracies. The Oregon Short Line Railway company haa been used - by Harrlman in his work as the hold ing company, while 'not a competitor or the Union Paclflo. , Harrlman and the Standard OH Interests have been . using the holding company as a mere . cioak to hide their violation of tha law In suppressing all competition between the Union Paclflo and the Southern Pa- clflc, which are parallel lines, ,' Plenty of Evidence. There Is plenty of evidence to prove that Harrlman and his associates have euoceeded in stifling all competition be . tween those two roads, J, C. Stubbs. --at-a-natary Bf f S0.0OO--yarriS- di rector of trafflo in control of the two lines and dictates ratea and distributes .traffic When the Union Paclflo recent ly lnoreased its Individual rate to 10 per cent a year, a .proceeding which even Wall street denounced sa an un - pardonable stock-Jobbing transaction. It waa officially atated at tha headquarters .of the Union Pacific, that the-increase was In part warranted by the large reve nue derived by the Union Paclflo from Its holding of Southern Paclflo stock. Arrangements have been mads for be . ginning the hearings later In the month, the exact date not having been selected. Chairman Knapp estimates that it, will take at leaet 60 daya to complete the -Invest! gat Ion. " - " rv WHO BUILT THE FIRST-CHOUSE IN LINN COUNTY? (Special Dtapatca te "torn Journal.) Albany, Or., IXo. 7. The Linn county council, patrons of husbandry, . la . de- termlned to locate the oldest loif cabin ' In the county and also the location of ' the first frame building1 erected within , tfie county; A committee haebeen ap- i pointed by the 'grange to Investigate and locate the bonor wherever It Justly belongs. Mart Miller of Knox Butte Tie chairman of the committee that will '': conduct a thorough investigation. . - It Is thought the first building dates '. from 1(46. The result will be of In t terest to a large class of pioneers In . Linn county, and the Investigation no . doubt will also discover much valuable I historical material relating to the early '.days. " WBAT'S I -worth doing Is worth doing well. If i you wish to be cured of Rheumatism, . use Ballard's Snow Liniment and you will be "well cured." A positive cure '- for Spralna, Neuralgia. Bruises, Con . traded Muscles and all the ills that : flesh la belr to. A. J. M. Williams, Nav- - aaota, - Texas, writes: - - "I have used Rnom Liniment for sprained ankle and it gave the beat of satisfaction. I al ways keep It In the house."'. Sold by by Woodard. Clarke Y Co. , , ,.. I A H 'al sjetn -oa 1 aoi TJ3S .. I I : ' 'oqt nsj mat sesfs J 1 , 1 m . 'siun um j a-m 1 1 ' Tto. 1H satoiiaoiiaq. m I ' aaODONITiqHpal ' M l-'-A a.VI" 3ai ,uop imm J vmii 'jjg.ggfl?fiu THE PASS 1 By Stewart Edward White THE PASS C4 Story of Modern American Pioneering THE PASS Beautifully Illustrated and Decorated 4- Book to Keep and a Book to Give Awa$ THE PASS By Stewart Edward White , StF.,7, (01.25 Net)-' : . ':J,-'y THE OUTINO PUBLISHINa COnPANY. ' 35 and7 Wt JlatSCNew York : 7V Colontl SMyst " 'Yt cm Mti 'most Wry momn' Kttri, tingut," in ''THE BALANCE OF POWER,' ifu American novel. Paodermo C"iw,"ts::3. izxtn MISS LUOV MAY, ' ' ani.4Mlk, Ohtcago. Seoderlne makes the hair feel like inwoven Uk. It produoei that tUk and glossy elTeot so much admired. It eootaloa healing, eoollng and tlmulatuis properties, Just what tlioscalpuoeda, and whal fliln and (alllDB hair mutt have. It Is ihe only balr remedy ever made Coat wilt post. cively produce capillary attraction aad natural fulf'ooe.. SOW at all druggists, three sties. S3o 600. aad 1 .OO par bottle, yrwlT rTOTf DANDXSIME CO CUeacSb FOR SALE - AND QUARANTEED BY WOODARD. CLARKE & CO. Jonathan Bourne and Amalga- mated Bidders for Original Discovery. ,: . COWBOY DISCOVERERS PkU THEMSELVES RICK Offer of Hundred Thousand for Pros pect Hale Declined Claims Staked , in Darkness, So Great the Rush- Plans for Developing District. (Special Dtipatek te The Joornal.) - Grants pass, OrM Dec. T. M. Marks, who with several Seattle and southern Oregon associates. Is opening up a rich property la the recently discovered Windy Hollow mining district, near Lakevlew, haa come .in from the new camn, and equal to that of the famous Nevada bonanzas "IS on at "Windy Hollow. Two cowboys, James ' and John lioftua, d1s covered a glory-hole by accident They took out a, snug fortune in a few weeks. and have uncovered a. wide ledge glit tering with gold. , They, have been of fered $100,000 cash for their property by Jonathan Bourne, also by the Amal gamated Copper company, but have re fused ths offers, preferring to work the property themselves. . This strike has caused the first rush towindv.jiollow.,.and it. has hmm on day and night ever sines. Claims were staked In ths darkness, and many dis putes and no little run play followed. giving the new Eldorado a genuine border time atmosphere. The Loftus discovery Is called the Jumbo, and will be fully developed. Around the original strike claims were staked in all directions, no part of the whole Coyote, HUI rang being overlooked. Mr. Marks and his . people were among the first to get Into the new dlstriot. and believe they have acquired a good group of claims. They adjcln the Jumbo group. The corpora tion organised to develop and opersts them Is known as the Lakevlew Mining It Milling company. Mr. Marks, who la manager of the company, haa already lt a contract for driving a long tun nel. . Minora quarters, buildings, shops and mess house kre being erected, and the camp shaped for permanent opera tion. . - The principal proposition of this com pany, liko that of nearly all the claims of the new district. Is that of a bugs dyke, carrying Its values In a quartsito and phonollte composition. These val ues are regularly and constantly dis tributed through the entire content of the dyke, which has a width of more than 100feet. The outcrop of the dyke appears on a steep hillside, offering splendid chance for economical develop ment and operation, as all ore cao be removed by tunnel. The values of the dyke - are principally free gold, with some silver and copper. ' , , The Influence of Art. - In framing appropriately, so that tha shape, the finish and the ornaments com bine In perfect harmony Is magical. We have all the season's pretty styles and there have never been more artistic ef- i fects. Call and aee them. Sanborn, Vail cc 170 nrst street. BAN peiove if GREAT j RUSH TO wuioy HOLLOW DiYflfs opinions OrtESSilOE Nebraskan 1 finds Both Praise . ;' and Blame in Roosevelt's ' Latest Effusion. ; MORE DEMOCRATIC IDEAS STOLEN BY PRESIDENT Censure for Placing War as First Consideration of Country Legisla tion for Japs Should Not Interfere With State's Rights.. ' (Jeoraa! Special gerrlee.' f' '-' ' ' Lincoln, Neb., Dec 7. Commenting on Prealdent Roosevelt's message, Wil liam Jennings Bryan In today's issue of the Commoner says:' ' ' ' "The message contains much that la Democratic and for which the general public may well thank him. It contains some things that ought to arouse severs criticism. The president boldly appro priates some doctrines whioh the Demo crats have been advocating, but on the other hand, , ha announces ' doctsinee which are so afcsurd ss to excite amuse ment If the suggestions earns from a less prominent source. In some eases be takes advanced ground; In some casea ho retreats from ground already taken." - - , Warlike AtUtads. . Finally, Mr. Bryan deplores what he calls the president's wsrlike attitude. Me taya in conclusion: "There will be general disappointment at the warlike tone of hla message where be discusses the army and the navy. He speaks of the navs as the surest guarantor of peace, which thla country possesses. Shame upon the chief executive that he should place an Instrument of brute force above the na tlon'a sense of justice as a guarantor of peace. " The beat guarantor of peace Is our nation's .purpose to deal Justly with other nations. War ought to be a last reaort, not a first consideration. It la bad enough to have a few profes sional -soldiers. It Is not necessary that the whole nation shall be keyed up ail the time to the fighting point," Staads for State migbta. " Mr. Bryan complains that what ths president says on the subject of govern?! meni oy injunction win noi do .awa fac tory to the laboring man or to these who respect the right of trial by Jury.' The president's stand on child labor Is ! commended, aa Is also the position he takes on the eight-hour law and the j right of the people to criticise a Judge, j Referring to Mr. Roosevelt's reference to the Japanese question, Mr. Bryan j aays;- "He pays a deserved tribute te the) progress of the Japanese nation ana asks for legislation whioh will enable congress to protect treaty rights for foreigners. That there should be such legislation cannot be generally disputed. t deal aepenas upon tnexnar acter of the legislation. . It any bUlS are presented- tn xegard -to-thts-augges-i tlon, they must be careruuy scruunisea to be sure that they do not deny to the various states the right to protect themselves and their people in matters purely local. THIS IS THE MEANEST THIEF-lli-PORTLM- Stsals Salvation Army Collection Box From Store Where Jt . . Had Been Placed. There are thlevee of high and low degree In Portland, clever thlevea and thoae who are crude, but the meanest and pettteat of 'the whole bunch la the one who stole the Salvation armya con tribution box from Rowe Martin's drug store, Blxth snd Washington streets. The theft occurred Wednesday night, and since that time detectives have searched In vain for a clue that might lead to the arrest of the miscreant. The box contained between It and $4 in amall change. It was aituated on a desk In the front part of the store, near the telephone. - Many persona request ths use of ths telephone during the day and even a larger number call during the night for the atore la open at all houra. it' was late Wednesday night that the theft of the box waa discovered and the loss was st once reported to police head quarters. The salvation army keeps similar boxes in various : stores and - public placea where the charitably Inclined may contribute -their pennlea or other small change to help the poor. Officers of the army declare that the theft of one of the boxes la extremely rare. A NEW DEPARTURE Yhe Cost of tn term ants Baa Beea CI real ly .Bednoed by the Solas Tadsr takJaa Company. Heretofore It haa been the custom of funeral directors ,to mske charges for all Incidentals connected with a funeral. fThs-Eaward-ntrtmsn-'trtiaartaklng com pany, the leading funeral directors of Portland, beginning July 1. ltos. will depart from this old custom. When ths casket Is furnished by us its cost will Include all charges, such as conveying the remains to our cbapeU outsids box, embalming, hearse to cemetery and all servlcea which may be required of us except clothing, oemetery and carriages, thus effecting a saving of 2t to 17 oa each funeral. THE EDWARD HOLM AN UNDERTAK ING COMPANY, 110 Third street, corner Salmon, ' THIRTY PULAJANES DIE IN FIGHT WITH TROOPS (Special niepstck te The Joarsal.) Manila. Dec. , 7. A column of con stabulary and troops encountered - a bsnd of JPulajanes between La Pas and Tarragona, on the Island of Leyte, De cember (. In the battle that followed four soldiers wsre killed and eight were wounded. Among the wounded was Lieutenant Ralph P. Yates Jr. His wounds are pot serious. Thirty Pulsjanes were ' killed and many wounded and captured.. No de tails of the fight have been received. . ''Buffered day and night the torment of Itching piles. Nothing helped me until I used Down e Ointment. It cured me permanently. Hon. John R.Jar- rett. Mayor, uirara, a is. , ' Preferred Stock Canned Ooeta, -Allen dt LewU' beat ibrand. WECURE -MEN FOR CONSULTATION FREE We'll treat any single . uncomplicated all- ment for 110.00. . Under Absolute Guarantee NO PAY UNLESS CURED OUR METHODS .Are all of a strictly scientific treatment, being highly Indorsed by the medical authorities of the . 'our offices are thoroughly equipped with all modern appliances. . .' - We also treat all forms of Skim Diseases, Ulcers, Hsrrous Troubles, Xldaey and Bladder Blaeai aiitd Varicocele. We wish to lay special atreesSupon our method of treating Blood Poison and typ hills without using mroury. Our fee being so low It enables many who are afflicted to procure the highest scientific medical assistance. Terms made to suit if necessary, oo that every one need not go without treatment and be eared. Those who are afflicted with such troubles and are In a position where they cannot pay ,ue a visit, assure 'you that our home treatment is efflotent and wehave cured, hundreds at bojne. , j . We Want Brery Xaa la the Country Who le Afflicted to Write as About BUs Aliment. WB CUBB YOtJ AT XOSCB , HOURS t TO ti I TO 1:8) DAILY; SUNDAY TO U. , . ST. LOUIS MEDICAL AND SURGICAL DISPENSARY ' OOBBXS llOOn aS9 T1EDU ITUlIt, POBTX.ABS, OBXOOB. v Cures Biliousness, Sick r. : Headache, Sour Stom- -ach. Torpid Liver and r laxative Fruit Syrap TOB I1LI BT 1U SmVOOIaTTB. The Best Dental Work in the World At Cut Prices Until Dec. 15 Oood Set of Teeth....... S4.00 On Rubber Plates. .Bo.OO Oold Crowns, per toTTTa. . .BS.OO Bridge Work, per tooth. ...S)3.00 Cement end Silver Fill ings, each .i 25f Gold and PoroeUla nil- ' Inge, eadh fl.Ow TCvtrantlna- free. I Teeth oleaaed free, - " Yate Dental Co: 1S7H rxBB nun, Between Moerlsoa and YamhHL Phone Main 4(47. Of toe Heme I t t islt I . a. SIGinODAGIlE Posltiveir eareeT f CARTERS these) Uttie ruis. ' They also relieve Me tres from Dyspepsia, In digestion snd Too Hearty Eating. A perfect rem edy tor Dimness, Nausea, Drowsiness, Bad Taste riiTTLE IflVER ta the Xovtn. Coated Tongue Fsla in tfce side, TORPID XJTXR. They regulate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable, SXALLP1LL SMALLCOSE. SISALLPRICL Genuine Must Bear , Fso-Simils Signature . CARTERS IflVER 1 1 PILLS. REFUSE SUISTITUTES. cas. vnsLows sooti:ij;q syrup bMbeaaeeedbr sTlllloasef Kothert fhlldrea while Teethlus. for orar PIT t aootbee the eblld, aorteas tke gun all pain, euras wind eollo, aad Is TIIUobs of Kothert tor tbew Firty Tears. nma, ajiai nnMlr fnrdlarrhi TWInTf.rlTS VIIITS A BTVTTI, TRANSPORTATION. North Pacific S. S. Co.'s Steamship Ceo.W.Elder lino tnoa, tall for Ran Franrlace, Vat Anteles and Bnreka Thanida, Derember S, asd Taora. day, December so, at s p. Sk 1B00 tens. Mill Tboraday, Dteembar It; Thsra. day, Deeenber sr. Vmm Martin's Dock, foot Reveateenth at, Take S or gliteenta-at. cara. Ticket office 131 TbhA at., near Alder. Pboae Mala 1.114. II. YQXJNCl, Aceat... Deck phone atala I'M. Upper Columbia River ITGAMER Chas. R. Spencer Leaves Oak street dock every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 1 a. m. for TXB DAU.ES and BTATB fOBTAOB, Returning, 'arrives Portland, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at I p. m. Low rates and excellent service. Phone Main 20.' S. S. F. A. Kilburn rar Cans Bar, Berets asd Sas rraaelaes,' Nrit sailing from Portland, rrtday. Mo. 1C Nex Sailing from Baa rraaelaep. Tsar., Nev. K CHAS. S. STEILSMITH.-Steal. .... Oak Street Oockv Phone Main 2960 KSteamship-Roanoke BSTABUSUB ' SS YZAJtS vk romTXAvs. ssms I havs treated men's diseases Ttwenty-flve years, snd one year of tlce represents a greater volume of good ex perience than several years brings the aver age physician or specialist In explanation of thla statement will aay that I have been the bualeat specialist upon thla coast, curing several caaes to ether physicians' one. I be gan my practice with accurate knowledge con cerning men's diseases, and my patlsnts havs ' received thoroughly scientific treatment I have not only treated an unuaual number of casea, but have treated them rightly, thue ac quiring an abundance of the very best kind of experience experience of positive value te T those I Heal aud experience tnaTanibfea me to offer cures with certainty of effecting them. WEAKNESS My ability to euro thore derange ment a com monly termed "weakness", has dons mors to extend my reputation as a specialist In men's t diseases than any other thing. I, was the first to discover that "weakness" la merely a symptom resulting from a, chronically In flamed prostate gland, -and that to remove monently restoring lost vigor. To my systemof ijocal - treatment Is scientific one In use.'- In years I havs aot failed to effect a complete euro. There are two reasons for this. , First, the unequal ed effectiveness of my method; second, because I attempt to cure no lnourable cases. My or .mlsleadlaa state long experience enables ms to recognise those .meats la ' anaounoe- that have passed Into an Ineurable eUge, aad boVthe BQUAjaS?XOaT- I treat only such as I can eure, ' XBT TBuTK. a i Advice & Consultation Free Come and have a private talk with me concerning your ailment Even If you are not prepared to undergo treatment at thma time, I ean alwaya give helpful euggestlone to men who are dlseaeed or weak. If you caji- not eome to Portland, write for particulars of my system of home treat ment Interesting literature and colored oharts free if yeu will call. M. TAYLOR co. S34H MOBJUSOV STBEBT. . rOBTXOJTS, OB. Ooraes Kortleoa aad eeoad Street ' orrxoa XOTTBS a. as. e S p. as. ataadaya, 1 to 1 only. IN A . We treat successfully all SBX TATB, BrBBTOTTB aad OHBOBT10 BIBBASBB of men, also BLOOD, STOKAOX, B3ABrr, UTEB, BXOBBT and TXBOAT troubles. We cure SYPHILIS - without operation or pain In IS daya. We stop drains, night looses and spermatorrhea by a jiew metnoa in jt snort ume-vecaa Trest6retfie sexual vlgor of any man under to. and many over (0, by means of a local treatment pe culiar to ourselves. We Cure Gonorrhoea in a Week The doctors of this Institute ars sll regular graduates, have had many years' experience, have been known In Portland for 16 years, have a reputation to maintain and will undertake no ease unless certain cure ean be effected. - -v t We gnaawsteo onre lav very oee w aadertakr or charge no fee. Ooasaltattoa free. All Medicines Free Until Cured Letters confidential. Instructive book for men mailed free In plain wrapper. If yon eannot call at of floe, write for queatlon blank. Home ,tre4t-' merit successful. j COISSUL.TATION AL.NVAV8 PRQE3 Office hours I a. ra. to p. m.; Sunday and holldnys, 10 a. m. to II. OTBB BO m CBBTT OT OTJB BATtBBTS KATB Bill OTTKBS Torn tio.oo ajto wlabtt obxt sb-oo, dtjbubto txi iabi ibtib. TBBBT TBABdk WB SZTB TXB SMT TBBATaCBaTT AT fcOVIR FBZCB. . ' Dr. W. Norton L Offioea la Taa Boy1, Zotel, SBVfr Third Bt, Ooraer SHae, rortlaad. Or. eMWWajpeatfiP--1-',aiiaaj...,.M. We Treat Men Only - Our specialty of men's diseases U broad one aad by concentrating-, all out efforts to this we bars suooeeded be-, yond all measure U our practice, aad a oail at onr ofiloe will ' surely onvinoe yow that all we aay Is absolutely true. If you are la meed of medical aid we s ho aid Ilka to aee yon aad hare a talk aboat yon ease, . country, and" tea. Strtotore Cleanses the system thoroughly and clears sallow complexions of pimples and blotches. It is guaranteed only for my prao- SB. TACbOm, The leading- Specialist. BY mi ss In Any TJaoomplioateA .. . . .... Caaa ... PayWhen Cured I Also Cure PROMPTLYand PERMA- NENTLY. this day 1 the - only. w&vlMwialaL KvdMMMla. XBases, tHoture, Oon- osThoea, Oleet, ByphUls tad ail Bf.ea AU aasnts. Ton never find absurd . WEEKS Davis t&Co. pa SOCQ) TRANSPORTATION. - Antr?nrt iinirr MKn afaawjsiaiuietf 1 mm KaorfPiicinc 3 Train to the East Daily 3 .Taioab liihaas standard and tearat sleaa tncears dally is fbkaa. Spokaui Thnwich r.i-linLis ehalrcalra leeata tree) te the kaat dallj. .- . i IMi-H i . Leave. Airlee. CLkaxo-fceertand Rpeetal fas tbe Eaat via llaotlntnn. dir. 1:80 ( 1:SSB1 Jr"e . Fixer for ; Cuaters Wlnrtos, Walla Walla,. lwliton. Ooesr d'Alene and reat North.rn polnta. dH. T:0 pnr-g:e0 saS Stlantle Rxpreei for the Bear via Honflnston. dallj. S:1S sat S:S0 IBS . Portimnd-nfwa Uw! iu .ti . points between Birr aad ' ' Portland, dally...... IK m "S:4B BS .COLUMBfA, RITBB DITISIOIf. roe Aarnrla aiwt W. imht, MNiuwtlna wtt rreamer for Jlwaco and Kortti Beach- Bteaaiee Raaialo. Aah-at. dock, leaves S p. SB. dallr, aieept Ssndari SatnrdaT, te a. at. Anrtees P- Bt..' exrept Sncday. YAMHILL RIVBB BOTJTB. ' - w,pa viiy aoa xaoiaiii naa fXats, jaleamer Rats and Uodoe. Aab-at, dock, wave I L n rial), MMin faui., aee- Sa'nda''' AreW 1aQ B dail' easesS STf Akd KTTBIt BOTTTS. ror Lewlatoa, Idabe. aad war potnts fraea tna leave B:0 a. si., or Boos aniral Train " dally evrent Satsrday. Anire 4 B. St. dallr eeent rrM.r. Ticket Office, third and Wiehlartoa eta. Telephone Main Til. f3. W. BtlNOBIt. City Tlrket Ageet. Wsi. MrMlllllHT. Ooneral Paaaenaer A(Ml. " EASTvu SOUTH onloa Depot - Leave. Arrive, r Or liana ami Haa hM. claco Bzpreae Stops only at Boat Important atatlona i between PertUnd aad Baa ' k ; Pranctsco; eonaectlons at San rranclace foe all points . Eaat and South lliSSaal 11:30 BD Overland KipreM Trains ior mn steal points South. Sacramento, Baa Franrtece and points Eaat and Sooth. IMfm S:S0 pa Mornlnf train roaaecta at Woodbura dally eacept ' " Sundar with hluont Anaal and Silver ton local ..-B:80 sat - tJ SI - Cottase Onrra ' paaaengef r " , - - eonnevts at Wosdbars and , , Albaar dallv. aacent Sua..... . .. I dar. with tralna for Bolnts. - on Woodbura-SprlnfSeld and Ainanv-Ktnanoa brancnea.. i:i",s -limn Corrallla paaaenirer. ...... . T:SOam -B :50 pal Sherldas paeaensar........ 4:KBai 10 0 am roreat urov paaaen(er....iiiwo aaa Kwiiia roreat Qrore pansr. , . . IIS'Mpsa Mmm- 'Dally. MPallv except Buaday. JErrERSON--rKE8T BTATION. - rot Dallaa and tatoraMdlate points dally, T:SS a; a. and 4:1 p. at. Arrive Pertlaad 10: IS a, m. and C:3S p. at. roe time aaa ears or oewesw enrrarnae naias apply at Clt y Ticket Office, or atatlne. Tlrketa to Eaatera points snd Baronet saw Japan. China. Honolnle and Anetralla. City Ttrket Office corner Third aad Wash. Inston etrt. Fnoas Main T1J. 0.-W-.-T1NfR WB3. UrVmtllAT. City xieaet AsesT. oes. Pa TIME-CARD: . OF; TRAINS Portlands Leave. Arrive. ranowstese Part -ftanaae Otty f'jntraTu, UlnipU ii I V" Harbor, sosta nena. Tncoms, Seattle. Spokane. Lewlatoa, Butte, P.IUtae, Denver, Oea. ba, Kanaaa City, St. Lata la and Booth eaat, dally :MBS1 4:BtBSB VJorth Coaat Limited, eleetrta ilea tea, ror-Taeoma. Seattle, Spokane, Bstte, al I nana so I la. ri. raw nne us a,eai, oaiir . snwpas viwaaar rnset sovao i.imirea. for ClaresMet, Cbeballa, Oea- , traUa, Taeoma and Seattle only. Jelly.. 4:Mpa i:BBe Twin City Express for Taeo ma, Seattle, Spokane. Helena. Barte, St. Paol. Minneapolis. ' Lincoln. Bt. oaepk. Kamas ' , ' 5!T. City, Omaha, Bt. Loela, with-' set cbanre of earn. Direct eaaeeetlone fee all petata Bast sad Southeast dally ll:8 ass tS:Bi sat ii YNC COBIfOsrrASIX VMUC 2 Overland Trains DaHj 2 "Tke Orleatal LtmJtad, the rae tun" VIA BBATTLB ABO SPOBASB. Portland time acaedale Dally. Dally. Leave. " Arrive. Te and from Spokane, -St. I'anl. Mlnneapolla, rmlntb aad all polnta ' Eaat Via Seattle..... l:Mla T-Se ll:Sps e:Spai To and from St. Past Mlnneapolla, Dnlath and ell polnta Baat via Spokane. T OO pis SrOS sat Oreat Varthera Bteaauhlp Oa. Balling from S-at'le tor Japan aad Cblna porta and Maaus. . eerrjlag pae evneers and frelsbt , S. B. Itlnaeaeta, Jaavary S. S. B. Dakota, February IT. .. XlPPOir TVSKB XAISBa, JJapaa Mall Steemahlp Ce.1 S. I. Kas Barv will aall from Sea Ult nbout December . tt.f at Japaa and Chinese perls, earftog paaaeasers and frelaht. Tor tlrketa. rates, berth, reserve. tlona, te.. eall oa ar addrase H. CIcnCBOV. 0. t. t. A., It! Third St., Pertlaad, Orefea. raeae BUta see. Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co. Union Depot Leave. Arrive. roe Masera. Rainier. Cmts kanle, VSvatport, Clifton. Ae , . torla, Warrentoa, riaveli i Hammond. Port Htevens, Wear- kart Park. BeaaMe 1:00 am II, 'St Sas Aatorla and Seaabore, express . I dallr TSase All trains dally. .. ' , i. C. M ATO, f. r. snd r. A AatoHs. Of. C. A. 8TCWABT, omnerelal Afaat, SS Alder etreet. Pboae Mala Sue. POR.TLAND-ASTOIUA ROUND TRIP DAILY Bxoept Sunday The ss Steaates TELEGRAPH Lsaves foot Alder st st J;0a,B, Arrive Astoria I a. m. Leave Celtsnder ekwk. Astoria f p. tn. Arrive Portland l 4Hm. feels Served a U Oares. Phone Mala tl. H B. SCOTT. A;'- l2&f syMTjl IQIoecifH tnAStaJj , .-: 11 I 1