The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 07, 1906, Page 14, Image 14

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-----'. l ' ,
Th man woo procrastlnatsa
Who-netilecta hi buslnssa
"" T". Who wastes tila money :
' Ths bm )i Is alirays on time
Who Is dlllsent In business
Who works early and late
" And ho puts hi money with the
-Oldest Trust Cmpay-.
In Oregon"
WJiero It drawa from I to 4 per
. rent Interest, depending upn-
I whether It la placed on Checking
; Account, Savins Account or Cer-
tlflcato ot Deposit.
Call for book of ' , ,
7 Portland , Trust Company :
7 of Oregon
8. Cor. Third and Oak Bts,
Phone Exchange 71. -
' BENJ. I. COHEN President'
H. I PITTOCK. Vice-President
B. LEE PAOET. ;.... Secretary
' i. O. GOLTRA...As't Secretary
Will Build to Suit Tenant
ICS x ICO Btlmuit ml East 7th
H. P. Palmer
222 Fatting Building Main $661
City Real Estate
Pfirrish, Watkins & Co.
M3.O0O-'N'w and Btrtctl? modern B
bunralow, Tery attractlro and
. desirable, one block south Fir land sta
tion; terms.'
49 lf BOO New, modern (-room cottar.
built rlrht. two blocks north-Flrland
"Bta,tlon;' tsnusi Boo '. ....
Offioo of Baselwtld Lumber COv, Arleta.
Take Mt. Scott car. Phono Union 117t.
Two Bargains
: V-room house, SOzlIT, modern, Haw
thorne Are. Easy terms.... fjl,900
V-roosa fcousev. 100x100, modern. Mount
Tabor. Easy terms f 2,500
Jordan & Garbade
Oe paaele sw oat la the wood and parehase
lots and hare to raw whva th Noatrr crew
ta erdar te set te tbtlr plare et baainna, whaa
they eaa bay a lot for Ira snwr and enlr
IS sUnntas from Ftrat and AJdert Baatad
rata, elertrte llsht and Boll rea water. Boaie
ea tbe Installment plan. Take Bellwoed car,
et ett at crasiatortam. Sfrnt on the (reand.
t L. P. . LM CtiatPTK.
Elrhty aero eloss In, will sell for
double tbo price If platted.
as. rAJutxsx co
431 Zeuabo Bzohaa-o. rem KaU Oil.
BTrxsn in owi mm.
nir: iaa iom, wmcn evxivw i;nu rnci
llf.iOO ,000 cash, balance in three
years at per cent. This property ac
quired by trust estate on foreclosure of
mortrnse. For sale St cost. FRED
ERICK H. STRONG, Trustee, at Ladd
at TUton's Bank.
PToral daaisae ead est sewer eea be pre.
eared (re sa at snr hour et sight or dar.
' , Pnese Mats 1B. Hot (maa Brae., 7M QUaaa.
Dwanaef. McEetae A Ollbaack. ndertaker
eed eatbalaaara: awdara hi avarr datalL Mereetk
and Ptae. Mala daO. taa aaalataat.
Baet Thlrtaeetk and ImatUla bt. pheae aU-
- - t r
rteksoa Cndertaklnf Co., and embelarinf. 40
u reoaw auia im uar eaeiatant.
J. P. Plnlaf aV Boae, Third eed Madtees sts.
Ofsre at eaaaty ceroaar. Pheae Mala .
Ctarke ree.. PloHata Pine tewefs and
aaalcna. ass aaeirans u -
gdwerd Helmaa. oadartaker, S Third at.
arru tixw czhxxxbt. -
' lokfle sravee. !. raa.Hr Ma. 1100 te 11.000.
Tea eeljr eantry Is Portland whlrb pr
pateatlr aealetalna and carre tor Iota. Par fall
lafaraiatloa SDfvIr to
at. pirawn,, w
. Ladd, nraatdeet.
eaatar blork. clt. W.
anai mtt railTIlT.
k Mea-le traara. A te Si faeilla We 5B te
. 7(W Kaat 4. rraeaeet at.. nrnT .ei '""r
road: anertteeet et ewtr, Pkoa
Tak r full leforinatlon pplr
pTaak SHileseL 001 CeaaBMrvlai blk. fkeae
TO "term noted yeeterday BMralug approach
ing the Washlae toa coeit proved t ke un
usually eevcre. Ike following wilmna wind
velocities occurred lat sight: North Hed.
sa mile. Bout beast: Portland. M mile. outh
weat; Tecoma. 28 . mll. aoathweet; Walla
nana,- an aillr. outh: Snokan. 28 mllee.
aiMllMifat. Mmmb- 1mm Tiijkuh Island and
British Colombia are miaalng. The alarm has
mminiasea greatly la energy daring th laat
(aw hour and It la bow apparently-eatrl
over eastern British Columbia. Heavy rains
nava raura in .western Weshlngteu ssd north,
western oreeoik aud lls-hter aaiouata are re
ports la the sdjolnlna territory. Th lake
term ka move east te the Maw Knslaod
eoaat end rala tarnlng te anew has occurred
Smerany la in lower lak region. Bundle
tlintlc aod New England (tate. A bl(h
preseur era overlie th Mtsslsalppl valley
na ma temperatures are from 90 to 80 6-
(Tee colder ta the Mississippi aa4 Ohio Tat
leys ana
tke lake reelon.
Tb Indication are for anrk colder
rala la weers .Oregoa and waatara Waablug
ton, and with Tain turning to aoow eaat et
the Cascade mountain.
Oboervatleoe ukaa at a. n., Paelfle tin:
Btatlona ' u.i
Mia, Prectp.
Paker Cltr. Orrroa ... no
Poaton, MaaaarhuaatU...... M
CblrafO, Ullnola.., .
Deorar, rolorado'. ti
Kanaae Cltr, Mlaaeerl , 84
Ijtm Anavlra. t'alirrala.... T4
' 48 .
- S '
- .6
' .0
' .23
Urlran, Uoulalana.. 76 . .
new lore. Kaw lark.
Portland, Orraon.......
.. 60
64 .
Roerburs. Orrsoa a
St. LeuTa Mlaaoorl
Salt Lake. I'tah
Rpokane, Waablnftoe.,.. ..
M ,
8aa Praeptaro, CaUtorala.. KS
7acoma. Waahlnftoa........ S4
Walla Walla, Waiolnftoa., 4
Waahlnaton. O. , 68
Mia J. Bale, 38 Hall etreet, 23; Vera
Frewr, 18.
Albnt Andereaa, St. Jehaa, Orefea, 2d; Lea
Beratad. 2.
Robart IMetimaa, 28: Allre Preadmtfeal, 26.
Ol O. OnDderaoa, 088 Tbsrmaa trt, S3;
Uabrl Nelaon, 18.
William N. freebe, Wasce, Orefoa, 42; Motile
Qoaea, 16. .
C. D. Sntberland, 80S Wheeler street, 2S;
Delia M. I'ltcnford. 16.
Job W. Cliarxa, Doty, WashtBftoe, 24; Bosa
A. Kuppert. 23.
Waddlns Oarda.
lnf ton bide, ear.
W. Q. Smith Oe.. Waih
Poorth and Waahlnstoa ate.
Weddlas and. . ealllnf cards enfraead. ef
prlntrd. B. T. Baaktoa, 223V Waaklnftoe at
rail dree aalt for rent.
Tailoring Co., 0S -Mtark-a
Gear W. Brown te Portland Realty
A Truat eompanr. property In Laorel- i
wood. La or i-l wood Park, Errlrn, Ar-
lata Park No. 2 and Woodmara f 1
Flrland company to Walter C Uardr,
kt 22, blor-k 5. Flrland t 108
Wllllim J. rcrrrll te Klbert L. Par.
. rail, lot 12. block 14. Paradise Bprlnss -
Tract 4 BOO
Barry C. Hodsea and wife te Jroate O.
Thome, lot 4. block 18, Central Al- '
bla (oe
Henry C Hods and wife to Mary R.
Pardea. kt a. block 12. Oaatral Al-
Dorra Trapp to Lovitm'for-n at HI.
north 22 foat 4 lathe of lot ,
block 73, Canithars' Addition to Ok
rather' addition :
Bohort H. Bloaaom to Charle F.
Wrlsbt, lot 20, black 78. Waat Ire
tastoa ....7T..:.,,. too
U. L Bloaaom te Ch arise P. Wrlaht. '
lot IS. bkwk T. Wm. trai..,-. OKA
Johanna and Florlaa Porta to Prank '
iwmoiia, lot s. Dtock 113. Btepaen'
addltloa sens
0. Frederick Bitter to Mathilda Drake,
aooineaac corner er Kt 1. block 11.
orlalnal towaalta of Alhlna
Joeepk Dlmoa et al. to Charles L. KIs-
ner, lota S and 6. block 66, Vernon..
Inmatment company te H. P. Boott,
Iota 1 and 2. blnrk I. Ptrdiaoni
Thomial. Krje and wife to Frank May,
lot 13. Blnrk 24. Multnomah .T.r.-r7
B. 8. McKlnnry and wife te Hannah
Beckaua, lot 15, block 10, Olea Haras .
Park ..I , 1
John AUealna te Nlllo AUealaa, eaat
H ef lot 5 and eaat H ef lot deblock
283, city : 1
James D. Hart and wife to Frank Ms-
letta, lot 1. block R. Tabor Brlshte.. 206
Max Loeweoeon and wife te Fred H.
Rathchild and B. W. H airman, lot
S. block 118, city 28,000
Ira o. ghattark and wife to Job a B.
Mass ad wife, 60x66 feet eommaac
tar at point 80 feet 8 lack eaat of
eouthweat corner of lot 18, block 8,
nnnrald4 .-. 1.200
,JUtaObrock. tawCthcrln.Wlon and
ion 4. nroer. mm i ana a, piocs ii,
Alblae Homeatead . 1.000
M. t. Clobeaay to Hlbernla Barlnc -
bank. 81.68 ef weat ef Tbomae
B. North otp donatloa land claim, la
aeetloa 21, towaablp 1 eovtk, raafe
1 eaat - 1
0. A. and It. L. Emmtt te Joha C
McAUlater, 2.62 acres beftnnlnf at
eootheaat esraer ef Caplea' addltloa
to Bt. Johns, la eactloa 12, towaablp
1 Berth, ranse 1 weat t
Portland Troat Oompaay ef Oresea te
nary a. nuacuara, lot s, Dlocx zu,
Woodatock frB0
Meta II.. Meyer to J. B, Belllck, lets '
6 and T, block 4, Wanko 1,800
William M. Ladd eed wife te Bacartty
Banns m Troat company,, pert ef '
Becnrlty BaTlnsa A Treat compeay to
metropolitan urns company, 10 eeree .
eemmenclnf at polat ea eonth Bne ef '
aeetloa 16. 88 rode waat from eosth.
eaat comer contalntnp 10 acre 10
Hear Maaoa to William J. Pat toe, per-
eel of land bertanlof 27 rode 7H tact
weat ef aertheaat corner eecttoa 6,
township 1 Booth, ranse 1 eaat 271
Lember and Caroline Demkra to Conrad
Htark. part ef lots sad 6. buck
827, etty 1
Bomulo B. Carey to flaorae H. Hill,
lot 8. block 16, Central Alblsa TOO
Joha and Meta Mattbleaea to A. Boe-
nateln and I. I. SVhllt, Booth U f "
lot 8. block 7, city 20,000
Tbe Lend Company of ureses to P. B.
Lensdos, lot 8, block 0. City 'View
Park . 429
Title Oaarantee A Troat company t Al
bert Linares, lots ssd 2. block 4,
Qneea Ana 1,106
J. T. Tamleete to Berbard 0. Bribers,
lot 2. block 82, M. Pattoa's Becond
addlttoe to Alblna 10
W. B. and Mary J. Market! te Orlando
Jack, lot 8. block 1.- rbaae's Sddltloa '
to Pleaeant Home ddttles BO
Title Oaarantee A Troat company to ,
Romuloe B. Carer, hits 6. 0. 10, 11,
12. 80, so, 41 42. 48. block 41. Pa
alnaalar eddltlna- No. I- 1,000
0. M. Fraley and wlf to T. A. Oar-
bade, lot 4, block . Paradla Sprlnf '
' Tract . 400
William M. Ladd et aL to Mary A.
Ilimblet. lot 7. block 2. ssbdlTtalos
ef eaat H ef block T.. city 2,750
Tbomaa Wllaoe aad wife to N. A, eTInf. . .
198 acre beginning at eonth cornar
et laahella Lot la donatloa laad claim,
la aeetloa 18. township 2 north, range 1
Y weat. on riant bank of Willamette -
lough . . , B,OW
ilem rVwrTngimrrTffif "T WTtarrr .
W. Plrkard and wire, mt IS, Blocs
5, City View Park addition 228
Henrr Htlier et al. to H. B. Joy.
lot 28, block 20, Alhlaa 2,200
Arleta Land company to Id M. P.
Roland, lota 2 aad 20, block 2, Arleta
Park No. 2 '. 200
John Neville and wife to Manda A.
Tim. lot 17, block. -20, King's Becaed . '
addition : M
Angelina B. Rlrbardaon to Henry Kaha,
lot 8. block 7. Blherta 178
Terwllllger Improrement company to
Boats Portland laprewmriii com- .
nany, land crtnmenclng at point la -tin
dlrldlnt the eaat and weat V of
Soaattoa land claim - ef James and
Phllaadar Terwllllgar Is Boatb Pert
land -, 180,000
Terwllllger Lend company to Portland
Improvement company, commencing
at point In emtb boundary ef Reymotir -erenoe
at tntereeetkia with eaat line
ef block C. Portland Homaatead Ex-
Frank J. Rlrbardao et al. to Trrwllll- .
ger lan company." lane commencing .
1 at point ta line dividing the eaat and
weat H ef donatloa, land claim er
Jame and Philander Terwllllger, la
Smith Portland Id
Portland Realty A Troat company te
R. O. Alfrrdenn, Vt 3. Mock 6; lot
' 18. bloak 7; lots T sod 8. block 4. .
Laarrlwond , ' 400
Mary A. Hoeatna te Jollas Durkhelmer,
lot 1. block 14. city ................ 100.000
Mary E. Guthrie to Joha Clint,. land
commencing at point 1.076 feet north
of a point 22 chains weet and 21.78
chains north ef aeetloa corner of
eertlona 8 asd 8, township 1 aostb,
rang 3 eaat F87
Foe abstract a. title' tnanranee e nMrtgaa
loans rail en Pacific Title A Troat compear,
204 SB-T Falling building. ' . .
Get yoer Imraranc and natrct te real
Jsaay, 240 Waehloftes street, eerssc Becead.
' 4M
' 1.206
Q. W, meat tonight la tkslr
ball. Kaat Blitb, soar Gaat
Alder. All aialttag selcbbor
eordlatly welcomed. .
J. C. JONB8, C 0.
DANCB ta by Tbaaneld Lodge, No.-1, .
I. H. 8. For eaters' ball, Bctnd end
Yamhill, Saturday, Vocemba 8. Admlaalos
28 cants.
M. W. A. BVBROBEKN Cams. 6.406,
Wadneaday eraalas. Auaky bldf, Tklrd sad
-Moarlaoa eta. ...
M. W. A.. Oragaa Orape Camp. No. 8.878, Mob
days. lTth and Marahall: la 1 tore waleoma.
ttgbtiPBOPOBALB .Invited trm aiippHc fnr - the. Prt-
goa tat penitentiary for the period ending
June no, iwu,
. Healed bbls for drsge, drygeoda. grocerlee,
better, leather and findings, plumbing aup.
"nltee, hardware, floor, f'.m. aieat. etc., will
he received at tbe office of tbo snperintendant
ef tbe Oregorf elate penitentiary until De
cember lit, 106, at 2 o clock p. m., at which
time tbey will be opened.
A deposit of 1200 In caab or certified check.
payanie to tna ouperimeaacnt, maat accoai
pa'hy each bid for meet end floar, end all
otiier bide moat b secompaaled by an amount
eqnal to 10 per cent of tbe enxwat of tbe bid.
Kamplee t acceoipany all bide where prae
tlcable. The right la reaeraad to reject ny
and all blda and to accept er reject any par
tloa nt a bid. Oa each envelope ahonlil be
Inarrtbed the nature of tbe bid. .liooda of
Oregoa manufacture er production will re
ceive v preference, other thing being enaal;
All gooda and anpplleo must be delivered te
the penitentiary witbla 40 days after tbe coo
, tract I awarded. -
Schedule of the varloua line ef good will
be furnished spoa appllratVie to the eoper
lstendent. Vao.-her will be leaned for payment en
the flrat ef the month following the eoro-
fletlos of toe contract and monthly on coa
inooaa contract. C. W. JAMES,
fiaperlDtendent Oregoa Stela Penitentiary.
Balcm. Oregoa, November 18, 11)06.
th mum or Milton i. Harder, eecsaaaa.
Notice la hereby gives tbat the undersigned
ha beea duly appointed as admlntatratrlx ot
tbe eetate of Milton J. Barber, deceaeed.
All persona having cwlma agalnat eald estate
ere hereby notified to present the as me duly
verified within alx eiontbe to me t th efflce
of J. F. Cahalls, 616 Featoa bldg, Port
land, Or.
11 a tad November 18, 1906. '
Admuiletratrlx of the Estate ef MUtoa J.
Barber, deceased. -
J. F. CAHAUN, Attorsey.- -
EXCATATINO and grading. O. B. Pottage,
jCommrcJai-aux t a
STRAY FT) or stolen from Monta villa. 1 key
burkakln horn and 1 bay roacned-mana pony
with halter; liberal reward for retura to J.
Smith. 801 Kearney St., MoctavUla.
FOUND A plaes to save batr mattresses rave
vat ed and returned earn day. 228 Froot at.
Mala 474. PartU4 Curled USD gaetary. ta.
Metager, proprietor.
FOUND "A amall launch."
Be a Amos,
lauach Bva, foot Stars lb
WILL party who- took gas (A. H. Halys
. sm on aams) by mlatake en Saturday's
koDtlng ooat, ring paoas van sisv. ana ex
ckangei LOST Gentleman's gold watch at eoraar Haw.
taorne and Margaerlte evee.; rewara. sheave
at Journal etace.
$10 BBWARD Loot, at Bakar theatre, or ea
way Bona, una uracaici wiin
tinge, future Mr. 0. Bnrchrd. 478 Mala at.
WANTED AT' ON CIS 800 eeaad yeung saea.
g IS to so, lor nremea ana wsitaws on
leading westers railroads and for new road
now being completed; experience anncceassry;
fire maa $100 per month; brakemen $76; posl-
xloas sow opep: wrna si one xov psnira
lare. National Railway Training Aswlstlon.
780 Pai ton block, Omaha, Nb or 881 Btdge
bldg., aUaaas Uty, Mo.
WANTED et one Btsve-eolt setters,' wages
era Ceopertge Oe., Btaarss Bldg., Portland,
er Boaltos, Or.
MEN AND WOMEN to leers barber trad Is
Ight weeks; graduate ara from 616 to 823
weekly; expert loetraetors; catalogue free.
Molar Bratem f Colleges, 88 Morth Feartk
, t. Portiepdi. .
WANTTO An ssgrever fsmlHsr wlrk Soar -bag
brand work. Apply - i ooc A
Neville Cs. Fifth and Davis sts.
TOU eea make $100
a week by
airing Dar
fformancaa la nerxa.
in parks, theatree, cluba, eh arch ea.
schools, etc. with a moving picture machine.
Call at b'ewman'e Motms-Plcrare Co. far par.
tlralara, 140vs Sixth at.
WANTED 10 mora solleltor; beet nttlon
Is Portlsnd) men arc making $8 daily U
after boos. 2S1H Stark t, '
.Union Hotel
Free employment to ear pa trees.
Weekly rates: Boom, 81.28 apt room as
beard. 84.80 as. Aodareoa, proprietor.
WANTED Twe or three flrat-cl, 11-ereasd
Basra ins men ; psrvsneBT paeinon, aoow w . .
Oragoa Furnlturs Mfg. Co., Macadam load.
WANTED Baleamso; maay make 8 '00 te 8100
per month: eome eves more; etocs ciesa;
grows os reeervattoo, far from eld orchards;
cask advsneiiS sreeklv: choice mi terrltorr.
Addraee Wssblsgtna Noroory eempasy. Top-
peniaa, Waablagios.
DON'T work for a email salary;
. Pacific Aid association for a
tloa, 224 Lam bar Excbaage.
er write
WB get work for oar member: apse!! mem
bers. 23. T. M. 0. A, Fosrth ssd Yamhill.
SEVERAL good noattluns ones for high-class
salesmen: life Inanrance maa with good rec
ords preferred. Cell oa or write tbe Realty
Asaoclatloa ef Portland, Oregoa, 804 te 811
Iiekam bldg., Portland, or. . -
SOLICITORS Conpon; good
gain Btndle, 8oJ Oodiagh
tioa. as-
wanted Ooatmakere: highest blU paid.
0. Braalt, Hamlltos bldg.
MEN to learn to operate motion -pi crtrre ma
chine; graduates eara from $20 to $38 per
week. Rtwaii Motion-Picture Machine Co.,
14&H Sixth st.
WANTBD Upbolsterar aad laungamsksr.
North Front, corner Devi.
CONCRETE maa, thoroughly experienced la
cement plaeter finish ; must be rapid worker;
good wage. 8 hours; permanent Job.- 807
""'' -g -
WANTED Te sell my plane at a bargain! will
sell for part caah er trad for city prop
erty. Address W 88, care JoomsL
boy for basts
i tSce
WANTED To learn macblnlsfa ssd black
ralth a trade; 3 boys; pay from start. Call
t to p. m. Friday. 604 Sherlock bldg.
A PARTNER la dyeing work; bo experience
required; must have $80: , Inveetlgete this.
Address W 83, car JournaL
AGENTS wanted. Oragoa, California. Idaho,
rvaehington; health end accident menrance;
eld reliable company; good contract; refer
ence required, t'nlted State Health A Ac
cident Insurance Co., 200 Marquam.
SEVERAL Portland roang aiea er vicinity,
bright, energetic, fnir education, hot making
leaa than . $900. will profit by seeing Mr.
Hern, 818 Columbia bldg., 868 Washington
BOY wanted to work la drag- atove: mast be
Indnetrvm as save aom d oca tloa. . Ad
dress E 4S, car JonraaL
SAI.KRMEN Experienced 'anoctsl contract men;
6100 per moii in ana commission. I onscrvs
tlve MutaaJ Life Ineurance Co., Elks' bldg.
A FIRST-CLASS ahanrrman. Apply Ofceon
Furniture Manufactunjig CO., 121 Macadam
WANTEf A reglatered phyalclaa, efflce prac
tice; a goon piac ior ins riav man.- ten
t room 8 Tan Nor hot!, corner Third snd
Pins sts., Portland, Or.
WANTED AT ONCF A drag clsrk. Cell at
r corner 18th sod Umatilla sve. Phone Sen.
wood TI. - ----
ONE flrat -class eboe eeleeman wanted at ones.
-v v w I tti y
TOrNO maa to leara barber trade; salary la
sight wk;jteay Job. 101 urano sve.
BOT WANTED, about 18 er IT years eld. 88
klorrla t., Alblna.. .
WANTED 2 good steady boys, 88 Frost St.,
corner of Davis.
IF Ton WORK, why not cars mere than a
living I Be Independent; do good. Tbe Vlavt
Co. already milo7 12.000 women; th work
cover 33 countries of tbe world: we will
eatertaln anpltcatluha frost eapabla woman;
sor eaavaaalng, bet kclnfuL dlgolflad work.
Address by mall only. Th Vlavl Co.. room
204-3-6,-7 TUford bldg., 10th asd Morrlaos.
16BM Fourth St.. corner Morrison, B pats Ira.
Pbone Main ottzo. , .
Alongside the Y. M. C A. bid.
GIRLS WANTED Operator to work ea ablrt
nd overall. Lessons gives to loexperleacrd.
Apply at Standard factory No. 2. flraad a,
and Eaat Taylor t
lngtoa at., cor. Beeanlb, spstalra. ' Phon
Mats 2662. Female help wasted.
FEW lad lea wanted to assist making ay
fancy work spar tlm at home; good eteady
pay; no expertenee required, sz
bldg., 407 VV sablDf too at.
0IRI4 WANTED Chorolato dlppera ssd pack
ers. Bueacll A Gilbert. . - ,-- -
SCHOLARSHIP Is bmriBM college, night
claaaee, tt girl who will care for child
du-lng day. B 847 car Journal.
GIRLS. 16 to IT years ef age; a somber
wanted; apply at oace to Old. Wort maa A
WANTED Smart girts to wrap chewing gu;
Americas coicis no., si Aorta a root aj
COMPETENT girl la family ef tww;seed
. wages. 804 North 24th at
GIRL as chambermaid aad waltreaa la privet
family. Apply Is morning at 248 Ford St.,
cor. Weet Mais at,
WANTED Olrl for boasework. Phess Csms
WANTED Olrla, x par lanced pa perbag -makers,
Amerlosu Chicle Co., 81 North Frost at.
WANTBD Te exchasgs room for sewtof.
king. CaU r address 801 ta Mom.
WANTED 2 saparteaoed body-troaer.
Laundry Ce.
COOK In small fasally.
288 Ktng st. rheas
Mala 3D11.
OIRLB fnr burnt work; must be pood letter,
ere; wholesale eouvenlr house. 102- North
Fifth St., npatalra.
lor DeemotlJ-s Dtsaiatlc Bai Oe.t steady
" work during winter) good salary, haw maa a
Theatrical Circuit, 14&V Sixth St. .
FOB SALE A srnotarehlp food la any oovr
Is Behnke-Walker colleg. st 6 hsrgala. Io
' qulra 826 Hall St.
HELP wanted, mil er female, to tell good
for whoieal-hoas; ealary gaaraateed $3.80
per day. Commercial Hotel, room 81.
HELP wasted s od enpplled. mals er female. B.
O. Disk. 208 H Waahlngtoa at. Paelfle 1870.
YOUNG man wb spoake Orrman,Worweg1air--
Danias aad Kngllah, expetieutea la general
Viucw WUi., mimr wva .u. ui,um gwwe
dealrea position l employed St preeent. N
83, cere Journal.
A MAN of nnqnaetlaned abDlty, hiving worked
foe one Arm 17 years, eorrect aceoaatant,
' atenograpber. type writer. delroa employ
ment. 2 8X esis Joarnal.
B, E. PARADY, retoucher. Weet Betel, 81H
North Sixth ei Phone Mala 8372. ForUasd,
WANTED Pool tloa by as experUnced stenog
rapher sad ssslsttnt bookkeeper. Addreaa B
66, ears JonraaL
WANTED Place for IS year-old girt te wwk
for board and room sad go to scheoL W 80,
- ear JoraaL
AGENTS, peddlers, canvaasira sod street wort,
ra, get roar sapplVra from B. M. Plammet,
200 Third at.; new goods, bottom prices.
AGENTS Canvasser, rnlxere, peddlers, solld--vtors.
mall order people, etc., ahould bay
Kramer' Book of Trade Secrete; regular price
$3, hat balance of laat edition for $1.28 as
long an they last: guaranteed; order quick.
Sioux Pub. Co., SatberUnd, Iowa.
AGENTS WANTED to eeU ear complete lln
ef bleb-grade nursery stock: en tilt free; cash
weekly. Addreaa Capital City Nursery Cow
Salem, Oregon.
BIO money to hustlere. Why work for seme.
body else T Be ladependeet end roar owe
- bosa; we can snow yon how to make $18 s
day. Addreaa B 84, care Journal.
Legging esmp snd farm help a pelaJty.
20 North Second at. Pbone Mala S2S6. Be
pay ell telegraph charge.
28 North Becond et. Phone Mala 1838.
.J061. Morrlaoo St.,.,.. Phone Pacific 28
27 North Second at.....
AI.PINB Employmeat Oo.. 231 Morrleos et.
Male end female help. Phone Mala 1817.
WANTED TO RENT Honeee, eettages, flats,
atorea, office, rooming houses, eta. Land
lords will do well to call oa
Panne Es. 73. S. E. Cor. Sd end Oak.
WANTED Te lee with porehaee privilege,
, 20 or more acres of Improved land, convenient
to Portland market; give particular is
answer. Address U 61. csr JonraaL
LIST your property with m far quick sale.
I have buyer waiting for homes, bualnea
proper tie and creg. Tb best of treat
ment accorded to all. Thomas p. Thornton,
818 Chamber -et Commerce. .
I WANT s bouee en east aide; will pay $.VM
caab, balance monthly Inetallments; If roar
price la right and location stilts will soy.
Adore N 71), car Jouraal.
I DESIRE to bay os the Installment plan a
6-ronm 2-torv sou; must be s bexgala.
Addrees W 67, cars JournaL
A HOMB WANTED -CVt In, Bear car; er
lot to build; If you'll sell, phona Mils
2420, or ee ths Home Land Co., lBVi
first st.
A SMALL lubnrbiB bom. frult farm, dairy
farm or poultry farm and grain farm. In
the Itat of Oregon; price- to range from
8HO0 to lltj.ono. V 84, care Journal.
WANTED A boas ad burn with emsll scre
es or lota, cloae In. Till phons Mala 1281,
st aulresa 816 Marquam bldg.
WANTBIa Msdara koaaa.-abeat 6 rooess, walk
ing distance from Morrison bridge; moat ba
rvtNsiuiv. rnjBf ociiwooa vi.
- THIN.'.VAK CU. 837.
HIOHEBT cask price paid tor all kinds eae
kaud goods. Phone Mala 2111. 82 H. Third.
I Boot ,
I Cash.
AueiiyN boomb.
211 Flrat at.
Pause Mats 8658.
Ft'BNITUBB -. reupbolstsred ' sad repaired.
iwugiaa iJroa., r lrai at. rsone atais
JUCCATATINO sad ATadlng. 0. B. Pottage,
468 Commercial at Pboo Tet 618.
I PAT caah for koosaaold gooda. W. W.
- Bavage, 843447 First at. Phone PaetOe 208.
BOM E8TB A 1)8 FRHB Fin land, very valuable
euo ai Morrison it. . j. n. roramaa.
WANTED Printing pre and outfit) atate
farucuiara in iuu iaa price, auarvsm n
4. cere Journal.
WANTED Victor phonograph with reoord.
Addrcae B. H. L. 16 Union sve. -
THE RICHELIEU, 83 H North Sixth t.-Ble--
gsutly rurnlahed: ah am beat and baths.
FURNISHED rooms snd furnished boaeekeenlng
j nwmo uir soBt ex loe vaacoave eve.
THE GRAND, 43 North Third at. Booms tor
geutiemea $1.23 per week aad up.
THE WIIXAMETTB Under sew nssagemcnt;
permanent and transient. 144V 81xth t.
ROOM with all modern conveniences, from $2.23
to 88 s rerk. 808 Jefferson St.
NICF.LY furnished rooms. shone, bath: nrl-
l vate family. 18 nth at., and Alder.
$1.20 WEEK CP, rises, furnmbed Booeekoes
Ing roomei parlor, bath, laundry, forsscs
heat, yard. 208 Vk Staatoo, V ear. .
$1.80 WEEK Sp, large, clean, furnished house
. keeping roame, laundry sad bath. 14 Sher
man aoata, Portlaad.
THB MLTCHELL Hoaeekeefrrot end trsnsleut
rooms reasonable. Seventh end Flanders.
8 F
NIRnED houaekeenlna-l
Pettygrav at. Mala 2423.
R RENT 8 nnfnrnlahed honackeenlng-rooma:
bey window, 11 light, corner. 894 Sixth at.
FOR 1 er 2 employed people; also roommate for
quiet refined young man:, walking distance;
modern. 624 Kaat Morrleos,
A FTR8T-CLAS8 autta sf room for sentlesMS,
call at 206 14th at. Phons Main 1636. -
I WANT s refined roommate ts private borne:
reasonable price. Phase Mats 16S8. 288
14th St. . .
BOARD AND BOOM by week er month In pri
vate family for two gatlma prvferre.
84 East Eighth st. Phone Bast 4188.
1 OR 9 ladle to board: private family; very
central. Mrs. Nselmas. Psoas Mala 2220.
FOB BENT 2 nnfnrnlahed froat rooms, up
stairs, 1 block west of V carllne. TOS
Vancouver av. .
FOR RENT CHBAP New 6-roor modem
house with lares grounds, chlckes-yard. 2
blocks west aod 1 block south ot XashvlUs
tatlon MrMannphonUnloa12J,
7 -ROOM bene w aarUne, 811. O. fl. Plggott,
owner, lawyer, room 8 Mulkep bldg.
at. Apply
next door.
FOB BENT o-room eat tag, 188 N. 21st St.
BBNT s plane ssd later buy It; all rst ap
plied as purchase. Bharmaa. Clay A Co.,
Sixth A Merrtsos St. .
$80 NEARLY new modern S-rooa bouoe, fur
nace, gas, bath, waahtaba. Phene Mala 4454.
NBAT sxedara 6-Toom eottag. $30. 44S Usloa
av.. north. Phone Beet 463.
8-BOOM heooer large yard sad fruit trees, flas
location. 186 Carry at.. South Portlaad, $16,
FOB BENT a-rasa house, yard, gas fxturaa,
rang, curtain, good soadltton: block from
car, B6-Cpma st; -rest $28,
TO RENT Modern 8-room eottoge, $18.
86th st, 8. TeL Eaat 2827.
1H-STORY eettsgs, gas snd bath. Isqntrs 222
Eaat rirer, nortn.
WB have 2 or d olegsatlr furnmbed Sals is
ths heart ef elty; nrlcss raaeonahle. . 243
Btsrk st.
PIANOS far ml ssd Bile; our paymests.
Hhermaa. Clay A Co., Sixth ssd Morrlaos sts.
8-ROOMS reaaooaMa, north weet sor. 12th aad
- Eaat Salmea. - inquire grocery tor.
NEATLY furnished 8-room hoc
Inge. Pbone Woodlawa 883.
FLOOR 80x108
Complete fixtures, --
Heart sf Jobbing Center.
.' BS0Bbl6
" Bnitabls for
Jobbing s Balaereom.
44-48 Front St.
OFFICB-ROOMB. ssfnrnlshed rooms sad sasv
pie-rooms for. rest. Ooodnough hldg. Apply
DE8IRABLB efacae. Including eleetrle Ugbts,
hot asd sold water. Janitor and elevate
eervlee. In tbe hew, dry Commonwealth
bldg., eld pos toffies site. Sixth sad Bursald
sts. Agent room 411.
FOR BENT Star, fifth -st. ld Ooodseugh
bldg. Inquire elevator Is building.
r0M6.K "taquliy ? sUti. ur ls- XuUltt'ut?"'
$10 FOR RENT A sirs little sfSce, pertly
- funrlsbed, Tblrd ssd Morrison, second Soor.
Apply room T. - - -
FOB BALE Furniture ef 6-roors modern house,
nearly all new; rest reasonable; tare blocks
from poe toffies; -good transient boos: will
oell .at a bargain If tike by th tret o
- Lecomber. 2u8 fifth St.
FURNITURB ef 11-coom hooBe; 8ns lacatleal
bouse full ot romers. Phona Mela 4844.
NEW furnlturs ef 18-room bones) Icea; terms.
242 Madison St.
NEW furnltur of T-rooa hen, rant $20;
near city hall; term. 242 Msalsos. Mals
6202. V
FURNITURB ef 7 -room Sat, centrally located,
room full snd boarder! must be sold st oaee.
Pbon Esat r,mm
Splendid berraln opea antll Monday, Deeem
10. Farm, consists of nearly 100 seres, beat
farming and dairy lend In Willamette valley,
es railroad, good Improvements: rent for
farm $130 nor peer, with option for term et
years; tork eooolsts of T milch enwa, 12
B-yeer-old freah la opting, epos boteii. h ar
ose, milk wagon, cream separator, hogs,
8 doaes chicken: price $2.
245 Washington SL
FOB BENT WSI1-liiiifwiad fruit fsrmi - een
alee handle considerable stock ; near creamery.
Address W 83, car Journal.
HALL and ballroom, aanarate er together; sew
aod with all coBwmleeoas. Pnaoa Male fca.
BABB OPPOBTl'NITT S-room bona, ewall
neighborhood, Everett Bear 16th at.; neatly
, furnlabad. nernuuant aoameea, exeeUsnttaUi
board eaar-bv: aood luoonie uver all ea
panaeet rset 8.10 per month: lady will avll
U furaltur except -piano, 6700 caah. Bee
,' A. H. Bin-ell. 2"! l- McKay bldg., cor.
Third sad stark eta. - -
I860 TAKES cigar, fruit and candy. Ic eteaa
parlor; soda fountain, all complete. -ttno
Cigar and tubacco and fruit atand.
63UO CollcctloB agency doing good Business,
8360 livroom furnished hjuse. eVos la.
251V Alder. Ho ma U aod 16r .
Cord Wood Proposition
40 j)er acre W acree, 3 mile from . 0.
vr. P.; will cut 8,000 cords or wood: excel
lent buy; terms. 84,' 237 V4 Waahlngtoa su
FOR SALE Good paying newllng-alley Is beet
city outside et Portland; s bargain If takaa
now. Addrosa O. J. A., Vancouver, Waah
lngtoa. .
FOR 8 A LB Oroeery; food baslasaa. fine loca
tion. 6-year lease, cheap rent; Inveetlgata.
N ss, car eJuraaL
AN OLD eetabllahed basin. hh-t nd waist
factory, fully equipped. Address U 86, ear
JournaL . . . . . : .
SAVB MONEY Aaythlng la printing Mid
den. Odd Fallow' Temple, Flrat nd Alder
- sts. l upstalra. , .. . .
WANTEIev-Ptrty with $1,000. to tak on third
" Interest in oatabllsbad bualnea! anllmltad
field tor profit. Addrees L 00, oara JournaL
FOR SALE Prosperous grocery stare et Lento,
- or woald exchange for eaat - aid residence
property. TeL Scott 2284. ;
$300 BUYS 8 rooms: -well furnlahed. Fourth
-near Harrison. Call 264 Jefferon, Pacific
DO TOII WISH TO BRLIj W hav ths faclll
tlea for dlapoalng of ll kind of property.
Quick sales nd mail profits la ear motlo.
Diamond Realty Co., 232 Alder.
LUNCH- COUNTER and bootblack atand doing
good bust n see. , Call t 290 Burnald at.
$480 BUYS 8-rooma. wU furnlahed In good lo
cality; weat aide: low real, Hagemana A
Blanrhard. 1 Fifth t.
RKSTAI RANT snd lunch counter for Bale!
positively good moneymaker; living-room.
212 Fourth at.
FOR SALS to- the highest bidder.- la one week, a
nice little restaurant with good trade. -Ad-
drew U 60. care Journal.
BUTTERMILK rig snd route. Sea Wstkmo.
Oregoa Creamery. 106 4 th at., 10 a. m. dally.
A SNAP Small restaurant for ale: owner elek,
want te leave the city. 637 Flrat st. - - -
FOR SALE A Srat-class cleaning and dyeing
hop. good location. 11214 Fourth St.
Booms 20 snd 21. 264 Morrison 6 1 rest,
SOUTH PO RTLA N D New. Saedera 8-rosso
2-story huusa.. lot 80x100. awr, erttor, go,
bath, cement walka, Improved street; pries
$4,230, half caah, , . .
BEAR 8TB BX. BBIDOB Oa Wltllama sva.,
8n modrra T-room 2-tory hoas. lot 40x100,
cement eldewelke, cement be ee ment. gee,
hath; bnllt 2 years; s bexgala tor $2,800.
WEST SIPS Seventh St., eloss In. 6 -room
sottage, brick basement, all Imprevemeste
In. lot SSHxlOO, alone worth price; $4,800,
' $3,000 esah. , : - - v . ,
NOB HILL Hear Johnson snd 28d sts..
B-room modern honss. Improve msBts 1 all
to, 100x100 feet of froasd; pries $16,000,
half cash.
BAST TTH NORTH.' seer Alberts t '
' 8-itsjm sv'W huuaat; moqefn, eeinrul p
aseat, bath, gas, improved txt, lot 40s
100; prlc f i.suu, aoov oowa.
8-room mod era cottage, lot 84x100, pretty
lltUe home; pries $1,730, $300 caeh.
NEAB SUNNYsTdE i-rooas snttaa. 42d
St., Mt 68x100, fruit sod ornamental trees,
chicken house; a Sas buy for $3,000, $708
dews. ( .
Asd asany ethers. - Corns ss what . era kss
HERB I a anap for oom eae; eearectlaqary,
fruit snd tobeeoe tare la good Iocs tloa, rent
only $17, Including living-rooms: owner leev-
$3,200 CASH OOP Williams sva., 80x70, aasaer
grocery lor. .
$3,000. half ' cash Modem 7 room bouaa,
om lot, , swctrle lights, (as; southwest
-corner Rest 40th end Taylor its.
$3,600 S-room new bouse, 100x100, Berth
Writ corner 2Mb and E. Yamhill; close to ear.
82,800, hilf cash Hoose 24x88, 8 reeeaa,
new; lot 80x100, alley. 876 Alblna av.
$1,830 caab A fine let 48x118, 4-roem sot
tage, concrete basement. Marguerite ave.
$300 Lot 83x0. East Taylor at. Bait to
corner ef 40th.
Phons Mala 4668. 227VI Waahtngtos at.
MODERN T-rosm benee, chwipt mnst Mil this
- wk; part cash. Phono Kaat 8S4L,
A FINB sew bouee sa 26th aod Best Cllaroa:
. houae la Bw and coot 81,800; lot la worth
600; wnr Is leaving ths city snd will sail
for $2,280 sa ssay terms. B 88, Journal.
.Seal (stats. Farms and Stock Bascbss.
, Exchanges. .
606 U Waahlngtoa at.
$1,030 BUYS s fnrnlahed S-rooa eottag, H
block ts car: terms te enlt psrehaaer. State
Load Co., IM14 pint TH.
166 ACRES on lias st proposed eleetrle road
to Mt. Hood.
2H scree near Portlsnd. with both rtver
ssd rail transportation, 6200 per sere; pood
soli and fslr Improvement.
10 acre east of Milwaukee, $200 per sere;
BO Improvemcnte.
20 acres fine land, sightly loci t Ion, aa
South era Paelfle rood, between Clackamas
aad Orvgea City; house, bora, bs srlng fruit,
i ste. ; saly $200 psr see.
22H scree, 14 mile from railroad station
and near Portland; fair building; part ssdar
cultivation: only $4,000.
8 sens lust esst of Montovflls, $800, .
., ... I. O. DAVIDSON.
408 Chamber ef Commerce. -
NEW modern 8 to S-room bouses. $1,280 to
$1,800 each; terfla to eult. Lot for sal 11
Eric, 8U0 to $.400; $8 caah, $8 per month,
ra owner, Joe Naah, at Millard eve,, Nash.
. villa sddltloa, oa Monet Scott carllne. Also
1-acre tract for ' $330; $30 , dowa aad $30
per BMBth. t
$1,800 6-ROOM cottsg; both, gas, brick base
ment, parn, rail lot; iwu oqwn, mun m
month. 74 Mlnnaeota av. Pbone Wood-
Uwn 188. , .. -
T-ROOM modem bouse, 100 feet from car; bains
erecteu;- price fi.wat; terms, a"" swwm,
balance monthly. Vwaer, Pacific 2748, avea
Ing. FOR SALE Bnbnrbea hornet 10 lot In
bunch. 1 sere, at Oak Ofwv, on Oregon
City cerlln; all la garden and fruit, very
rich soil; bona and ehlrken-boaee; will
' aa orifice fnr 21.400 If taken eoos; terme, Ad
dreaa ownev or phone PaclAe. 2616. B
care Journal. .
1 ACRB, T Bilmtre walk from Anabal its.
tlon. Mount Scett car; all cleared and fenced,
witer main laid In front ef proretrty; very
desirable for uburba heme; pales $1,000
caah. Call 242 Ash it., room I. 1 -
ACRB TRACTS They ar this aids sf Wood
stock, beat ot garden Boll, elnee to Be car
fare, on good graded gravel rood. Come early
to get your choice, aa they era sailing llvsly.
Th Homllen, 183 Morrlaos st.
CAN ws help you t We build, bay snd sell upon
eaey pajmenta, aams ss rent. But Laad Co,
138Vb First St. ?
8 ACRES Honss, good well, neer car, ea beet
vouniy loaui now piew .w. ."...niw,
chicken and children;. nly $1,200. .J. J.
uoer, X conn wrano av.,
$1,230 7-ROOM boos, Is good eMdltlon, smsll
bara end chicken yard, trait bearing treoa, 8
lot. B, B. Carey, Pesmeulsr sutloa.
$1.200 6-ROOM house, with 8 lots. 28x100 feat
each, en corner; good garden and small fruit;
discount for caah. B. B. Carey, office st Pe
ninsular status. 4'
Tbe "Tiltos Addition" must be .ld; lots
.st, half, value: Invest SnM and oshle your
money; near-by lota Belling fmn $1)00 t
$l,2ou. OfSc cernar Belmoat asd Bast 28th,
' UCN0X. . . .,
A. C. Churchill & Co., Inc.
PH0NB MAIM 1748.
sto ol Urk "v eeont
$10,300-Cornor lot. oa Flinders st., with
Xmoders house; very dealrsbls neighbor.
liSrl ' swdera T-roora heuee.
If?"?01? "' 8-room cottage.
$1,800 loox loo, room cottage, Portland
Heights, near Observatory, cio u eer.
JTS0" hooses. ruat $98'
per month, clone In, . .
.f.-tl!J!w ''ctly modern 6-feem houa.
Sl'.l5,,--.B',t SUU '' H"sosy's AddltUn
scry dealrabl. '
$4.000 Lot with two S-rooa ke. Rod-
aev av.. near Tillamook; eell en or both.
$2.630 Knott t.. neir Williams av.. 42x
133. with T-room bouee.
$1.8.10 Let with 2 eottsges. Upper Alblsa:
rent $20 ner month. '
Vacant lou on WUHame tad TJslea arss.. -
- eloss In.
- aA ao . 2" -t a-onad.
$10.800 Corner lot. on ria4r t.. with
2 modern hon: very deetrable aelghborheod.
8J.0OO 23x100. Qtilmby t., 3-room eottag.
8I.S00 100x100, 4-ronm eotuge, Portlaad
, Heights, netr oheerri'-Ty. cloe t ear. n
cast Mill,
$6,250 Corner lot,. S aew booms, rest $68 -
. W.?-Nw. strictly modera ssna bona,
foil lot. Bast Sixth St., Hollsdsy's sddltloa; -7'
very dean-able,
84,000 Lot with two 8 mom h on see, Bodaey
ave., near TUlasiook; sell one or both.
$2.630 Knott st.. near Wlllisms ave.. Ill
133. with 7 room bouse.
1.830 Lot with 2 cnttsges. Coper A lb Ins;
rent $20 per month. ,
Vacant lots oa Williams ssd Varna seas,
doss In.
rroo 4 room hoas, lot 100x100. -'
1.06O 8-room house, wood-fiber slsstar,
' eleetrle light. 2 block from carllne. , .
1,000 8-room boose. 8 lota,
il. OOO Beautiful building alt. 100x100. In
City View Park. crnr lot with small
house; Improved street.
$1,850 rnem bone,- S
Sciiiotdj,-- - S - wti -
$1,200 6 room houa. elertrte Ilrhta. etc.:
- U block from carllsr. ee Improved etreet.
- $1.800 S-rooa modern cottage.
' 82.000 T-reon asodera eottaga.
. 8 WO 100x100. corner, oa county rood.
$130 Fine Vnt. rkjoe to new wuolea-mlu.
H. P. PALMER. Mgr..
223 Falling bldg. Main 6681. .
Or tak Bellwoed csr. gt off st Tenlns st,
Pheaa Bellwoed 161.
830 DOWN, $18 monthly, buys s eomfartabl
boum ef 6 large coovrnleatly arranged ,
rooms, en East Ankeny at.; brick basement,
cement walk to porch, 80x100 lot. ebole
collection of rosea. brubbry aad larg -
bearing mlacellaaanoa fruit tress: food In
come rental property: must be old; price
BitBA mi It and maka na offer. Home
Land Co.. 143 Va Flrat t. J r
$1.8BO AND 61.800 asw 1 ream eottagas;
modern, bath aad as, aesr Alblsa ahopa.
Sua Fourtt at, Tslepbso 212S, r Mala 8U0.
7. lota 40x100. else red, all teeprtbe ta one
tract, for $300: eleee to 10-room school st
' Lents; fine Iocs tlon; wster free; Be fere te
sny port ef Portland; tens. - 0. B, Addltos,
trot, Lenta, Oregon.
4 LOTS ta Calvenlty Pork, Willi boulevard,
eiiy term, a Interest. 888 First. Phons
Mala 6770, after 6 p. sa. ,
FOR. flAUft Lot BOrlOO: ci a onubls your money
Is 1 year; $16,000 hahdleTthls-deal. hunted
-an Bixts St.; get a bow ea yssj 11 you want ,
a bargala, Addraea B 87, ears JournaL '
-ROOM aew modern boose near Bast Ah,
83.400. J. J. 0dr, 1 Orsad ave.. Berth.
FOR SALB u block, 100x100, 20 mtaatas csr
rid, $800; $10 dears, $10 per Stestb. J. J.
Oeder. 1 Grand are., north.
MODERN home la all psrts of city, sast snd
weet side: recast lets ssd buelneea property.
Metro pollUa Realty Co., 281 H Aider, roe ma
18 and 16. ' .
SOxlOO-FOOT lot sa Bess St. loqntr 222 Bast
. First, narth. .
18 OB 20 scraa: ready for platting: )ut satsldo
-city limits. H. 0, 141 4 Flrat at.
A FIRST-CLASS S-rooa bones, 48x178 mt,
South Forties: 6780 dews, balance 328
smth. Kroner, room 16 Cambridge hldg.
I OB B flBO Iota oa 81st St., aesr CUston.
fins view et the city, $380; sa assy terms.
- H 28, ears Journal. -........
DO TOD want s rssl chicken ranch t Hers It
Is: 6 scree, right on O. W. P. sleetrte lln,
8 mile from th center of the city; good
bona, good bara. all fenced, nearly halt
clear, fine anil, good spring, no rock or
gravel; pries- $1,200; caa siv tlm os part, '
This la Just wast yoa hsvs bees evoking fee.
Addrees W 66. ear JournaL
Morahoase A French, 1670 B. Itth. .
Phon Sellwood 74.
City View park lota, $3TS sad Bp: BoM
Addition lota. $100 snd sp; 86 dowa ssd 6.1 s
Bxmth. Berne from $300 to 88,000. Lot 8300
nd ap. In sll put of Sellwood. List yr
trspsrty with ss; ws will Mil It
FURNISHED new modern cottage, Jlne appear-
aca, remest bsssmsnrT" ceflif. Stationary"
the, $60 bath, $D6 range, full lots, chicken
porks sad honss, about 4 dowa chickens,
quartered esk furniture, fruit treee, berrlee, 8
cord wood, gardes snd other tool pleasant
hooM for yonng or old couple; $3,800, Owssr,
X 80,- eer Jonrnl.
: V- $9S0 v ' '7
U sera, small bona, fin erk, assrly
all in eultlvatloB. cloM to achool and cart
""pflB'CBBh, balance easy terms o" tlm----Bi
TH Waahlngtoa St.
18 MILES weet ef Portlaad. Bear Beedvtll.
Waahlngtoa county, for rain enlyi 88 scree,
28 clear, well cultivated, oa creek: good Well.
Bring, fin fruit, new wire fence, good
s-rooa bouse, barn, houae bold goods, eblrheoa,
beea. too la, etc. I lVs mil from railroad,
school sad church: telephone Us, milk route,
R, F. D. 84.800, Mrs. A. H. Lastschsr,
Besvsrtoa, Oregon. '
$850 f ' "7"'"
t Mra, Sns, with splendid creek, elcs
to ar aad school; $200 caih.. balasee nleaty
ef timet eplendld living In li for goeeT stand
family. 84, 227V . Wasbtsgtos St.
FOB SALB Small farm 8 milM waat sf esart
hons, lee than Improveasau). Boa 80,
routs 2, city.
m sens beaverdam la high rte ef culti
vation, fin creek, tlw to rarUne: will pay
for ItMlf every 2 yean; $8no cash, balance
plenty ef tlm. 84. 237V Washington st.
44 ACRES on Willamette slough, 18 mile
froa Portland; 4O.000 feet 8r, good bouee
nd hern, about 10 acre cleared; vara cbanca
lor kern cheap. Addra U 80, JonraaL
' ' ' ' $1000 ' .
seres, half beevardaa, aH Is high ruHlva.
-tlon, aplandld craek. close to csr and BChool; ,
will pay for Itaelf In S year; $200 cesh.
- balanc eaay terma er time. 84, 27 Waab
Ing ton t. . .
$1,000614 ACRES heeverdaa land, clone to
will double Itaelf 1 2 yeare: $300, balance.
Inatallmenta, or $leaty Of tlm. 84, ill m
Wuhlagtoa st
APPV St ths Boole Blore, FUt asd Balmos.
, ... ' .7. - A . ' - '.
ildrea 816 Mai
. 1 i . '"' V .