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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 7, 1906)
r: THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENING, 'DECEMBER "7. 1808. 13 JACK O'DRIEH HAS z-mm . Bob Edgren Says That PKila delphian Ha Nerve to Think , of Jeffries. , ' ' IRISHMAN THINKS TflA WEIGHT MATTERS LITTLE Writer Asserts That Jeff Could Tike on a Kins Full of Fighters Like . Burn and O'Brien and Beat the - Entire Bunch. ' T VI outpointed Burns, I think, but I wai 4 little -too light (or him. Hereafter I ehsll fight in the middleweight class." Thf what Jack O'Brien bad to say for himself after the fight with Burns on -Thanksgiving eve. . When you take this statement and compare it with what he said to me a - few months ago. Jack looks very much like a Joke-- living monumental Joke, says Bob Edgren In the World. ' Jack called In to see ma and talk about his ."championship." Ha put his silk hat on a bookcase, placed his cans and hla gloves carefully on top af my desk, aat down In a chair and began: "As for Jeffries" "Yon don't - mean to tell ma that you'd have the nerve to fight Jeffries!" I exclaimed. : Jack looked severely pained. - "Certainly I would fight Jeffries! I'd . be very glad to fight Jeffries If I could persuade him to reenter the ring. Why notr It would be easy for me!" . "But Jeffries weighs 150 pounds!" eeicl L. "Why, you" - "Weight makes no difference!" re plied O'Brien. . "His weight would han dicap him. I'd be -so much faster that I oould easllyjab Mm and keep out of range until Hiadhtg!'sclosed, Tike Kuafmsnn's In Ban lTancleeo, - and then" j Now O'Brien thinks that he is "a lit tle light" to' fight such a man as Tom my Bums height i feet T inches; weight, 171 pounds. reebla slenvywelghle. Z-r' -If the O'Brien-Burns fight showed , nothing also it proved conclusively that the present crop of American heavy weights Is a feeble, scrawny ' output Imagine either Burns or O'Brien In a ring with .Torn -Sharkey-or-Bob Flts stmmons as they were five or els years sgo. Imagine O'Brien or Burns pitted against a John I Sullivan, a Petsr Ma rie r, s Ous Ruhlln. a Kid McCoy. What would Jim Corbett do to' either of these fistic Jokes? ' (Neither Burns nor O'Brien would be able to atay a round with Fits or Shar key In Horton law -form. And as for Jeffries why, Jeff "could take on a whole ring full of them battle royal, with all the O'Brien-Burnees fighting against Jeff st onceand Jeff would wallop them all, out and chuck them through the ropes one after another toieane, . , , ' ..Take a couple of tnlnutee off and fig-' ore things out sclentlfcally. Fighting In the Myle affected by Burna and O'Brien 4n thla encounter, each man landed at least 10 blows to the round. "Twenty would .be a very conservative estimate, for while O'Brien did a lot of running,' Burn - was ' after him an the time, and Jack was forced to fight fast to save himself. "The average number of blows landed being 10 to the round, for instance. and 10 rounds being fought each . man i.if ntfat mini-,.. .1.. k...i-. erobi 400 times during tha battle. Many of these blows naturally, didn't reach danger spots. But scores of them did and there waa no knockout. There wasn't even a knockdown. : Now compare that with tha work of tha real champions. To begin with Sul livan, hew many tlmss would John L. have been forced to hit a 170-pound man to put him out? ' ' ' Xa Other Bays. j "Not 100 by a long shot. Ones in a while a 140-potinder went four rounds with Sullivan but not often. And ths fellows who gave him longer fights Were giants and near-champions Jim Corbett might have hit a man like Sullivan or Jim Jeffries 400 times without finishing him. Probably he did land that number of blows on Sullivan in New Orleans. But Corbett was al most a novice, fighting a giant whose name was a - terror all throughout the world. Corbett was extremely cautious. When he did meet a little fellow, like Tommy Bums - or x5"Brln that was Charlie Mitchell he . landed the' final punch within three 'founds. And Cor bett didn't punch Mitchell 400 times to do It, either. After thst Corbett began to lose class syillllUIIXnZCTUCNIHIIB ! National T;: Sweet Wine? Pure Angelica, - Muscatel 'and Tokay, All $1.50 : Wine, THIS WEEK ONLY 99e ..." - -. ' - . . a National Wine Co. , THE QUALITY, STORB ; Fifth' and Stark Sts. Phone Main 6499 wli.ire.iiliAvF... IktiwA. WATCH OUR L'crrnnacrssszxxxxsszxzxxBxzKSSsas when he i'ltsalmmons fought Corbett in Car son. The fight went 14 rounds. Corbett Jabbed Fits repeatedly for six rounds. then fought cautiously. Fits merely followed Corbett around and around the ring, doggediyjwaAc.hingr XT-.a enema 16 puT In a' knockout Ha didn't land one blow in ten landed by O'Brien or Burns, but when he got .bis opening in the 14th he ahot home a thump mat waa heard 'round tha world. Remember when Fits fought Sharkey? Twe rounds that was. .Did Fits hit Thomas 400 -times? Not Quite. About 10 or II times, perhaps. And Sharkey wss tougher than O'Brien and Burns rolled into one. How many times did Fits Jilt, 1 us.. Ruhlln the week before In the six rounds that OusTastedTt vary many. Fits waited for his ebance and finished Qua la wallop. Sharkey In his best days put Ruhlln out-with one pane h. He did the same to Mexican Pete Everett.' He put out McCoy the only , 140-pound, man he ever fought in 10 rounds, and that night McCoy '- would . have whipped OBncn and Burns in five, rounds each. . Pater Maher.was a real heavyweight and a good one. Big Joe Kennedy came east after beating Ruhlln and ., was matched against Peter, . who was ' al ready "on the slide." ' Kennedy, tagged Peter for one round. When he came out tor the second, Peter put one over and Kennedy slept for hslf an hour. uimw w mm wvvv. . j Ruhlla was good once. He put Peter Maher out in two 'rounds and Sharkey out in 11. And these were big fellows no wu-pounaere. - : And Jeff. Why,' Jeff doesn't waste punches st a 400 clip. At least he didn't alter he "got onto hlmaelf." , 1 saw Jeff In San Pranolsoo nearly wauop for Dei t in tha second round, end then save him and teas him along for eignt more just to i give the crowd run for Its money. Jeff showed what a finisher he could be when he wsnted to once. . Jack Munroa waa the victim. Make no mistake Jack was a tough nut to crack. Jeff cracked him In a round and a wallop. Jeff never fought any 170-pounders, except the great and only Bob Fltsslramons. Hs didn't waste nearly half a thousand punches on Fits at that. - . There may be a real heavyweight champion somewhere; but hs Is etm loading trucks or shoeing horses. - YESTERDAVSHACINGIJN THE COUNTRY'S TRACKS (Jearul 'Special Servtet.) San Francisco, Dec 7. Results of races at Emeryville:. Five and a half ' furlongs, Benin Oalvestonlan won. Bush Thorpe second. Avon third; time. 1:01 1-6. Futurity course, selling E. It. Brat tan won. Silver Sua second. Cocksure third; time, 1:10 1-t.- ' "Seven furlongs, selling Tellow Stone won. Watchful second. Alma Boy third; time, 1;2I 1-8. - - - . - Mile and a sixteenth, selling Fisher Boy won. Dewey second. Governor ra. vis third; time. .1:47 4-1, Mile and 40 yards, selling Water Cure won. Fury second, Magrane third; time, 1:41 l-i. Futurity course Sugar Maid won. Dslagoa second, '"fJosslper third; time. J ' ' At Sew Orleans. ' (lonrnel fDectal Bulge .1 but ha waa . great man whipped -Sullivan. '" New Orleans, Dec. T. Fair grounds!. t.ti.A4,-,M. race rvBuua; . Five furlongs Mortl Boy wan, 8 pi on second.' Duchess, Of Montebello third; time, ItOI. I-S. ; Six furlongs, selling Darling won, PlnsUcker. second. French Nun third; time, kit s-e. . Five furlongs Blackburn won,' Bert- monf second, . Montere third; time. 1:01 4-. Mile Charlatan won, St. Valentine second, Lady Ellison third; time, 1:44. Five and a half furlongs Refined 4 - rt - - T nn I wmo won, Quince secondjJjrasejBeorgaXhlrd Mile, selling Abe Meyer won. Bitter Hand second,- - Dargln -' third; time, 1:41 1-5. . At to Angeles. ' ; (Journal Special Service.) Los Angeles, Cal., Deo. 7. Results of races at Ascot: . Steeplechase, handicap, short course Casador won, Potrefo Chlco second. Dr. Logan third; time, 1:14. Mile and sixteenth J. F. Donahue won. Bill Curtis second. Uncle Henry third: time,-1:48. , Five furlongs Elsncer won, Fltsglb- bon second, Lady Kllly third; time. 01H. - Mile and 70 yards, handicap Stlllcho won. Oarsman second, W. 1L Csrey third; Ume. 1:44. . , , Mile Pirate Polly won, Mortlake sec ond. Vsn Hope third; time, 1:41)4. Milwaukee Country Club. Eastern and California racea. .' Take Sellwood and Oregon City oara at Flrat and Alder. , Fraf erred Stock Canned, Ofoods. Allen Lewis' Best Brand. Wine Co. WINDOWS Gallon SPORTING GOSSIP - OF-jHliy - Hunt -Club Will Hold Paper " " Chase One" Week From , ' Saturday. INTERESXJS.KEENJ.rt THE LOCAL CLUB RUNS Large Number of Old Time Players , : Ar . Running Out Getting Into . Trim I6t the' Holiday Games With Seattle Brief Commcnta on Sport, ; One week from tomorrow the Port land Hunt club will hold its first paper ohase under direction of the newly elect ed officers, and the event promises to be ons of great Interest. . President T. a McRath has appointed Dr. and Mrs, W. L. Wood as hares for the chsse and those clever horsemen are already en gaged In laying out a trail for the ohasa. The interest in ths Hunt .club rldss is increasing at an encouraging rata. Un der the management of Prealdent Down ing and hla able cabinet for the past three years the club made rapid strides In the matter of increasing its member ship and creating an enthusiasm. Now comes Tom McRath and a board of di rectors and officers that Intsnd to main tain the good work dons by Mr. Downing.- Proof of the present Interest is the announcement of a chasa for1 ene week from Saturday. " It has not been definitely decided whether or not the club will hold a big run on New Tear's day. There la talk that several mem bers have expressed a desire to put up cups for a chase, but nothing of a tan gible nature has been accomplished. i: 4 ' . ' Tale and Harvard had a very warm gument ever officials; There Is noth- ing in the new rules to prevent it, but It doesn't sound quite like the "love your brother" spirit of the regulations, e e A test case proved that betting at Banning is illegal, but as no one wished to elaborate the tast everybody haa continued to bet as usual. This proves that it's aaf s to break the law If no one klcka about it e Jamestown exposition authorities will not-be-wlthout opposition in thalr ef forts to have the National Association of Amateur Oarsman hold its annual re gatta nsxt season In connection with tha exposition. Ths rowing man at Philadelphia are anxious to have the championships decided on the Schuyl kill river, and at a meeting of the naval board of ths Schuylkill navy dele gates this week all were emphatically in favor of advancing Philadelphia's cause. Ths next step wlu be an appli cation to the national association for a bearing. The Phlladelphlans say that the Canadian oarsmen, as far north as Ottawa, sll are unanimously in favor. Frona the number of football men" that are turning out for tha Multnomah team in preparation for the Christmas and New Tear's gamee with the Seattle Athletlo club some of the old players will havs a difficult time in holding thalr positions. The faot that , thla year's game compels man to train harder than ever before haa spurred several of tha eluYe old playere to turn out in an endeavor to get into condition for the fray, knowing full well that the men who will make the team moatbe in the finest physical shape. Multnomah realises that Seattle. has a great foot ball team and one that wlU be Ht" for great struggle. Nearly exery man on ths 8. A. C. eleven .is a coach or player or national prominence and, with an aggregation of t eae man, old Multno mah will have to go some In order to be In the game. It Is certain that there will be three or four changes on ths Multnomah team. What those changes will be hsa not been given out by Cap tain Jordan, but there le a probability that the announcement will be made on Sunday morning: Tha line will - be strengthened somewhst ' snd a sort of general shakeup will bs given the en tire' team. e e Judging from the long wait, Fttsslm mons' -next sensation will bs a corker. , ; , : 'a.i The bookmakers are suffering at Oak land. Save., your sympathy and Isavej it to ths bookies, i ' e e - - . It is a matter of deep regret that a day has paased without Seattle A. C securing several new football stars for ita team Thla should be looked Into at once. .1 A. O. tJsee of Tscoma haa. been chosen to captain the Willamette uni versity football team for next seaaon to succeed Ralph Rader of Portland. The choice waa unanimous. "Race Horse" Nacs haa played a great game at half for Willamette and to many of hla admirers he hss no eauel in the state for aggresslvs ground gaining. His work In the Corvsllls game wss supsrb and won him over again ths title of ."race horse." Nace la a sopho more in the medical department of the university snd ene of the beet all around athletes In the , college. Last season he captained the Willamette baseball nine and did some ". perform ancea in Sold athletics. . . ' . .. ' An athlete whose number wss It won ths cross-country run on Thanksgiving day. It was the screw number in this case all light , " The New Orleane Athletlo club haa refused to lift tha ban from Rube Wad- dell. Rube hss not been popular since he Insisted on going into ths pool with hie clothes on. - s . When ths football seaaon la over it will be possible to kick a person in the head without breaking the rules. Long live the rules. , WALSH AND ATTELL READY FOR CONTEST (Jeeraal Iperlal lerrlee.1 Los Angslea, Cal., Dec 7. Abe Attell end Jimmy Walsh of Boston, who meet In a 10-round bout tonight before the Pnclfle A. C, hsvs completed their work of preparation for tha fight Both are In good condition and eager to get into the ring". Consldersbls intsrest is man ifested in the bout, owing to the fnet thst the featherweight championship tlUe Is Involved in the result LYRICS TAKE TWO OUT OF THREE FROM DALES The class B teams. Lyrics vs. Happy Deles, played their match Isst eight ' " .' - .".... S A - l - wrr S ew . . .. - -. ---mm -mm, Tha Lyrics have been strengthened by the addition of Ambs. who had high average of 1I for the three games. Volsinst wss a close second with Just a fraction ahort. Kalk rolled ths high est single game, tot. The scores: LTRIC 1 I . ' Ave. Ogdea .,....U7 a. IT 140 Strstton ISO 1ST 1T4 170 Hlnnenkamp 174 111 110 161 Ambs 18 S04 1 lt KalsT-.-TTriV-."iTiii-iT-.ll 17 Ii 171 Total til 171 ttl , . HAPPY DALES. lit Ave. Tonslng Ill 111 111 lit Volslnet ...........III "111' Sll "lit Dais lit lit 171 lit Hill 117 .. .. 117 Withers .. 141 171 lit Madden ., 141 lit 114 144 Total ............741 711 lit Tonight the class A team Montavllla plays the Gold Leaf, and class B team Commercial No. . 1 against Commercial No. t. , . M0RLEY OPPOSES BERT- FORtEAGUFPRESIDEtiT ' ' (Jrarntl Ssectal Service.) '.'.' Los Angeles, Deo. 7. The directors of ths Paoifle Coast league began their an nual meeting yesterday in this elty. Ths resignation of Secretary J. W. Anderson was accepted and Danny Long was sppolnted in his place. James F. Morley was not present but sent word that ho would fight tha league If Bert were reelected president Morley says that Bart la incompetent and demands hla retirement. The officers .will be elected today. " . ' Basketball a Faoiflo. " ' tSpeclal IMapetrk to Tb. Joaroal.) - Foreet Grove, Or., Dec. 7. The girls of Psclflo university have ehoaen De cember 17 for the try out, which will de cide whe will represent' the girls In ths co-ed 'debate between Paclfle , univer sity and MoMInnvllle college. Those who will try for the honors are -the Mlasee Holmes, Clapp, Fsrrin, Temple ton, Fitch, Silverman and Hoge. HUNDRED-TON MILL , IS THE PRESENT NEED Canyon City. Or., Deo. 7. The Stand ard Consolidated company will start a 100-ton quart mill tha laet of this week. The- Present Need mtne is prov ing to be a dividend psyer. ,lt Is a free milling ore and promises to be one of the beet properties in ths Qrsnt county district. - -' " ,J" ' " MM --Suits, Overcoats, Topcoats STATE INSTITUTIONS F0R - CRIMINAL INSANE Dr. Williamson Also Advocates Making Expert Testimony Imparital. (Specie! Dlepatcb te The Jesraal.t Olympla. Wash., Dec 7. Dr. Vf. - T. Williamson of Portland, Oregon, read a paper before the Thurston and Mason County Medical society ln this elty last evening In which be advocated the ea tabllahment of a state Institution for the crlmlnsl Insane. The eubject of tha paper waa "Insanity snd Responsibility for Crime." Dr. Williamson thinks many persons thst commit crime are In sane, and for that reason he thlnke there should be a special Institution for the criminal insane. He would have the crlmlnsl tnssna committed for an inde terminate eentence and he would not leave DO NOT DOSE THE STQMACH Curt Catarrh by Breathing HyomeL Sold Under Guarantee. The only eolentlflo and common aanse way to treet catarrh of ths nosa and throat Is by a local application that will kill the catarrhal germs. Ordinary atomach dosing is worse than useless Tsklng medicine into the stomach to curs catarrh of ths head can have no good affect and often leads to serious derangement of the digestive organs. By breathing Hybmel three or four times daily through the neat pocket In haler that comes with every outfit its medicated, healing air penetrates te the moat remote parts of the nose, -throat snd lungs, searches out and kills all catarrhal germs, and soothes., and heals any Irritation In ths mucous membrane. Woodard. Clarke Je Co.'a faith In the wonderful merit of Hyomel as a sure for catarrh le-shown by tha guarantee they give with every Hydraei outfit that the money will be refunded unless the trestmsnt glvss satisfaction. A complete Hyomel outfit consisting of a pocket Inhaler, a bottle of Hyomel and a medicine dropper, costs but tl, extra bottles of Hyomel, If needed. II cents. Woodsrd. Clsrks V Co. give their personsl guarantee to refund" the money If Hyomel does not relieve, so thst you run no risk at all is buying thla re liable remedy. , You may not believe us when we tell you style' and lit 4 Come into our storjs friend with you as "referee" and we will convince you that we have the kind of.clorhing you are ; looking for, prp- vided you are willing to pay from vercoats, Raincoats 87 Third THE OPLN WINDOW STORE, stltutlon to say whsn a person should be eet free, but would have a court or commission determine that matter after a written report wss furnished by the superintendent and assistants and after an investigation waa made, ' Another recommendation of Dr. Wil liam eon that seemed to meet with gen eral approval waa that experts called la eases where a criminal is alleged to bs Insane ehould be called by the court and should not represent either the" defense or the prosecution. - He said en expert called by either elde waa too likely to be How Do You QUALITY HAT MB "JOc Saved" Top and Bottom Shop WASHINGTON ST. - ... t West of Fifth . hats, shoes and Mors Fur.::::::::: hat the - - Is just as perfect as we picture it here, but you can ; trust t your own eyes. 7"-':X- n?' any dayrribring-all - '"""t MOD eLL - eomewhat Influenced by a feeling ' ef loyalty. He said an expert In such cases should submit a written report ta the court after examination of tho Mrooti alleged to be Insane and should, if de al red, go en the wltasss standi later ts give the reason for hla- oonolasiono. ' Feadletoa Bnys Street (flpeetal Dlepatrh Tee JeafmaL) Pendleton, Or Deo. 1. Pendleton will have a street sweeper within a few days. One has been purchased from a Portland firm and will be shipped at oooa. Like the Style of This One? It's a "Quality" of course. There a distinction .about our styles that you won't find in even higher priced hats. : :