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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 7, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENIYm, DECEMBER 7." 1EC3. 12' Dealers, Art Buying Heavily of ' Sugar Be. causa. They Believe the Market Will Advance Conditions Continue Mixed at This Time WHAT DEfALERS SAY CilITLFVilLUE15 AHEAVY sADVAnCE OF LOCAL MARKETS TODAY'S MARKETS 1 cereal auestiorisdtled rt ; '' ' ." , 77y " When you know Ihil tho gretit PilUbury-Wsbiiii CIIINIf.1 BARK AT J t IITS-POI)fiD- " Great Increase - in Demand Is a Shown and Prices Begin to, .7 v Climb Rapidly Here. ; ; EUROPE AND THE EAST . ARE AMONQ PURCHASERS With Shortage of Refrigerator Car .Local Dealers ' Are' Taking Very Long Chances ' on " Shipment! of '-' '. Sweet Potatoes.'.' .' :, ,. . Principal market fearer today: . ... Hnv edranc hittlia. Taking enaaree en Sweet potato. v r ' Ordinary potato bold steadr. ' 1 ' ' reamer butter bold well. ; ' , Egg are (trad and ancnanged. ". , ' Free aalfaoa I can again. - Htgeer prle named la poultry. ' Small aalc at floor to erleaU ... Hop trading en fair acal. -. ... . ; Sugar ecosldered food (amble. Hear? Advaaos Im CUttla Bark. " ' Tbr I morn excitement In tb thlttlm bark market. Demand baa ail of a sudden . .assumed sery heary proportion and tb mult ' la tbat prlr ar not tandln( ulet. A large , m erat of tb rail now ahowa ia coming from - Kurope, n iporter ar . liberal barer ef bark wba tby ran obtain It at price tbat do not rch ever To a pound la car load lota. : - Tbe fact that tbl jeer peel of bark la tb fsrlfie nortbweat wber practically all tb bark need by tb msonfseturers of tb world la fathered wa nominal add to tb wonderful snowing mad by recent" priced. artery dealer la new after cblttln bark, where a montk at be did not car whether be-bonfbt or not. area at tb low orlree that ruled at tbat time. A ' loral exporting firm and a Front street bona carry Boat ( tba cbltttm held In tb nortbwt ' aad aeKber la going to aell mnleaa (Iran tbolr - ewa arte. Of lat yeara tb demand and con eumptioa f cblttlm bark baa been vustly u- . eressed, while euppllre ar aat about at ever. Mich wagea for labor b fire a a ream for the email peel thai eeaeoa ha Oregoa and Waaa- - Inrtoa by nurere. While tb peel- thl eeesna waa nominal, considerable atocka were carried ... ever from the ererloua aeesoe, but practically ". ell tola bark to ! -wry nttee JmniJa. ' Taking OkaaoM en Sweat Petat. . .. . ".'.' neeonat f tb Inability nf ahlppera la : California to secure a suflrlent number of . refrigerator car for the ahlpment of sweet Catoea tbe local trad I. going to take very cbancaa and wlU bar aome of tbe atocka ahlppsd Is ttala dlreetloa In ordinary boxcar. The trip wear tb mountain 4-ery dangerous - unless stocks are snipped la ventilated car. '" Two care due today.- . " Ordinary potato ar holdlnt nite steady "with purrbaaea reported by dealer aa high M ' II daring tb pact 24 hour. ... Sugar Oensldsrsd a See Gamble. In Ita present elite the augar market to eoa . aMered a good gamble by tbe Jobbing trade for it at- nothing but a gamble at all tlraea, according to a local dealer today toea prlcaa are at 111 below those of tbe eaat and tb market . earn, la holdlnn ateady for both tb raw and refined prod act. Mo change la price ap t Turner Mom Varna, la Poultry- -rieea are herns named tn tb poultry . , market aa a reaalt of the unexpected email arrirala during tbe peat few dare. Recelpta r --tk-n- Mr email wKb demand liberal. rancy eoopa of ben are eelllng today akmg tba afreet a blah aa 14e a pound; aa advance at about H er rormer . ngurss. Local eggs eoatlnoe t email aupply. altbeaeb . one rront atreet bone claim eery liberal ehlp tnnta. Generally apeak tag, tb prtc I sold- . tog steady at ST$er . Creamery butter la holding well at tb recent ' sdrssca f Ko Trading ea Fair ioala. ' A reported by Tbe Journal yesterday there baa been a reeumpttoa of aalea In lb bop ' market, but only for tb ordinary grade. There la but little cbole gooda to be bad at thla time and tb highest offer reported la 10 a pound, , with practically all tbe oemaad uader that - "f '" Brief Beta 'ef' ta Timde. ' - rreeh aalnma to scarce again and prleea are atUfer. "Klab recelpta," aaya O. J. B. Malar key, "ar rery light at thla time, especially , , hi aalnra. Huwerer. tbe mipplle ta moat line bae beea quite fair tbl week ap to tb time." Bom email aalea are atlll reported la the - flour market, praetleaUy aU tbe traaaactloaa belag tor Japan. - . II, naiiirt meat demand eonttnae eery goo with former top prices eaaliy maintained on aocount of the Inadequate OTpply. AnDh). demaad la Increattog atowry. but de mnd to principally for cheaper (rade at Jhl "tb trade pay lb following price t rront atreet. Piicea paid ablpaera ar Irs regular " rommlsalcat: ., Simla. Hear ami Teed. ' OB Al BACH Calcutta. Se haying price; WHEAT New elob. ! red Baaalaa. ale; bluestem. Sc; valley. d7c. - - - lKNew-t eo. ta WS relied. (2S.M; WhS'-Wneto; I3T Ml erackr. 13108 per "bTB ll.M per ewt. ' ' OAT New dncerr rce Ka, J whlta, (24.u04t2n.00; gray, a.0026.00. VLOL'H taatera Oregon patanta, ' M.; aalghta; export. M 06. talley.- M.40; Klim. 14e7 io; whole waeat. U.; ry. r 00; balea, f 2.T5. Min-nFT-Branr -1. per tent- mid- dlmga. r.00: aborts, eonatry. 18.0U; alty, II 00; chop. $l.(j21 .00. war Producers' orice--Timothy. Wtllamett ' valley, fancy, $1.00JU.OO; erdlnery, fO.OOai looo- eastera Oregon. fl6naia.0O; mixed. IO6aiO.BO; rlorer. tTOua-OOi grala. $1M ibeaU T.00a.O0. Butter. Egg aad tWtry. - : Bl'Tl EH TAT. b. - Pertlead Sweat ' cream. a3'i . BUTT-bV Cllf ersamary, Hie; outald fancy, e; ordinary. tors. UlTe. koG Extra fancy, candled, eiMl total and eastera itorage, STHataoo, CHKtsa Hew Full cream, aata, ItQltHe; Tom Amerlra. IbaylbHe. eoOLTBY Mlied chtckeua. 12V401V per lb; ' faa? bene, Mulec per lb; roost era, eld, ' lue lb; fryers, lb; broiler, lzu uer . lbl eld ducks, lSe per lb; spring dock, uik , lb) geese, 10o per lb; turkers, llanu, m lb for eld; dressed, fsocy, a.aJIHe ll; culls 15ai lb; aauab. 34W per doa; pigeon, Ilaj , par don. . ." Bpa.rWael aad Bide. ' HOPS 1KO0 erop, choke, 14c; arlras t. choice, ISVbc; medlom to prime. llOUlaVj a! dtwta. lOVkallle- ""!s WOOlr-ll tllp-TaUey. foa,, Mrtrr, ' Oregon, 10c ..... I o H A I R N ew, aemlneV ailKKfRKINa ftbeertog, lBOXw esrki swt "--Kj-wtof rer" greVr C'HITTIJa a-aaKmTe UIDEB Dry. No. I. 1 lbs end ap. itua , ITS, per lb; dry kip. Re. L, to lb Mai jV?, t dry calf. No. 1. nndee g lb., iVjuT.r.' OREGON WOOL FIRM? i: . IN BOSTON MARKET t (rdal Die natch to The Journal.) Z hav boon obtained In tha Boa- 4 tea market thla week tot aaat- rn Oroa atapla good, rholc ) Belling- at 2H' and It cent, 4 wall much stock .has been Bold d at II to 14 rent a pound for d) average wools, ' Tha acoured 4 basis la figured out at about 74 d oeata a pound, 'd '" d d Br Everdlna rarrell. 4"?reuTfryTtBiunuil haa beea vgrif.. rood thla - waclc . wnn receipt p d light and prleea satisfactory. d d " Hena " and " aprlngi ; hara aold - d b readllV at II and UH oants. d with rood drcsaed bringing d d mora. Turkeys and (esa have d d baen la rery Hht receipt, 'at 17 d and It cents for good turka. and d 19 cants for eao. Ducks are - d also verr firm and receipts are d d far short of tha requirement. d dj Wa' are quite aura tbat there d will be a continuance the com" ' d lnar week of the present good d d demand for poultry, and believe d f that holders can ship , freely d d with perfect safety. - There will , e d be a very heary demand for fat d d dressed turkeys and gceee for d d the ChHatmas trade, and It is d 4 " advlsabta the . holders very' d shortly declare themselves . In, d the ' matter, that handlers, here d d may know what to figure on, d There will he plenty or eastern d 'chilled roods here at that time, d but buyers win . not taae amaiy ey d to. these, if they are asaured of d) d plenty of 'fancy local' foods.' Wa e d ' are much disappointed at the ap- d d parent shortage of the gooae d d crop this season, as we have for ; d some seasons been endeavoring e to stimulate this department of d the poultry bualneaa, the demand - for these birds having lnoreased d greatly of late. They seem to be very short, however, this sea- son. - We trust . that producers d will do better the oomlnf season , d In this respect. d steer, sound. SO lb and over. 10dlle; eows, HHe; ataga and balls, aound. Tc; kip, IS to SO lbs. be; calf, sound, under lb lbs, lie; green, nsaalted, 1 leas; culla, le nor lb leu (orse hldea, salted, each, 1.Van.7s; dry, each. t.01.60; colt hldea, KOOucs goat aklna, rommoa, each. lOQlbci Angora, each. ICcQ 11.00.. Traits aad Tagetablaa. POTATOES Baying price, eastera afnltmv Uc; aweeta. 42.50ia.75. US1UMI jobbing price new Oregon, aoca 1.00; buying price, 707r; garlic, S8 lb. rrucn rancy noaa Kirer Kpitaenberg sad Yellow Nswtowns. 42.50; fancy Willamette alley and aoutbera Oreaen. kl.&O: ardinare atoch. Tftee4l 25. - . uicsu rKUiXB-rOrangea, saw aarsl, 43 00 03.50: banauaa. Se ner lb: lemons, eboiea. 44.0Oifl3.0O per box; fancy, 45 OOtfS &O p.r box; llwrl(eilran; f l.tft per -loot elseappka. M oOftS OO per doa; grapes, California, 1.154 100; Malaxa, 47.50 keg; peers. Il.2fi4i.a0; huckleberries, 10c: pineapples, $5.00 per doa; no-iegrauatee, I1.2CQ1.50 per box; grape fruit, ' TROCTABLKS Turnips, new, OOcCtl' ssrh: carrots, 75cl41 per sack; beets, 4)1.29 per earn; uregoa raaiaoea. xue per ooa; cabbage, ure gon. fl.25ftl.iw; bell peppers, ( I par lb; to uistoea. tl.WCt2.00 oar crata: narsslDa. nucarll: atrlag beans, I3e per lb; cauliflower, 4125 per. onsen; peas, jsc; norssrsoisa, tiiw per lb; artlcfaokes, 11.00 per doacn; equaah. 75c41.00 per box; eggplant. 41.50 per doeeo buachee; celery. TbUHt per doses 1 eggplant, 41.75 per crate; pumpkins, le; craav- oerriea. jorai. ai.uu aer noiz jeesev. iisml vaisv s kui j a Appies. eeaporateo, e7 per id; apricota, lantern per lb; peaches, . -A .a.. IK w ik - - - . SO to 40, ottoc: Hs drop on each 1-14 amallet tiae; nga, caiirornia buck, SHe par lb; rallfbrala white. atMUe nrr lb-. datM. eoldeo. 46.50 per box; far da. i.aHM per IB-lb box. Orsosrlsa, Xata. Eta. . , U0AR Caiirornia a Hawaiian Cuba, 15.40; powdered. 45.25; berry, 45.15; C. C, 46.03; ury graauiaiea, 40.1a: star, gt.vs; eonr. A, 45.15; extra B, $4.50: golden O, $4.40; I, yellow. 44.45: beet arannlaied. 14.BS. Weatern Cube, 5.40; powdered. 5-10i nry greaulsted, 45 15; P. C. 45.06; cunf. A. $5.15; extra v, sa.oo; golden V, w.oo; V, yellow. 4445; beet granulated, 44.M; bbla, 10c; H bbte, 25c; boxes. 60c adranre ea eack basis. 1 A oore prices are (0 day aa. caah yejjta- HONET 4S.0"oer txilt. ' " 1 roFf'EE Packags braads. 16.26in TB. - SALT Coarse Half ground, loos, xw.uo per eon; 50s, $0.60; tab Is, dairy, 0, S14.00: loos. 41175; balea. 11.85; Imported Lt-ersool, DOS, 41S.0O; 100s, 417.00: 224s, 414.00; sxtre fine, bbta, 2s, 6a, 10a, 44.6'ejS.b0; Urerpool lump SlA Ka . ,. k n... I... e " e- , ww vcat. ap-wi iwa, 40.04. (Apor prices apply to aalea or leas than car lots. Car Jots t special price subject ( gsctuatloa.) -- . HICK Imperial Jap. No. 1, Sc; Ms. t, 4c: New Orlssna. bead. Te: A tax. As: Creole, 6 4c. BBAN8 Small whit. 43 SO; brge whtM. 13.25: pink, $2.0t beyea, 43-75; Uau, Si4l hi ei Iran reds, 4e. . MLIS Peannts. Jumbo, 4 He per lb: Ttrglnta. THo per lb; roamed, 10c per lb: Japa nese, tnc; rosstsa. IBIM per u: eecoe- nuis, avxHMM per don; walnuts. 18e per lb. plneuuta, 10t124e per tb; hickory Bute, lOe Der lb:, cbestnuta. eastern ' lAftrlOc nae lb: brull nuts, llw per lb; filberts, lur21Vie per lb; fancy pecan. 10c; almouda, 121 c Meat, risk aad rrerlaiena. FRESH HEATS front Stree-.finara. r.m- Vi per b; veal, extra, fee per lb; ordinary, 7SiHe per lb; poor, nc B; multon, fancy, 4XJSWC per lb: laaibs, 80c- UAalS. BACON. ETC. Partlsnd pack flora I kama, IS to 14 Iba. toe lb; 14 to 1 lbs, 16f,e lb; IS to 20 tba. 16c; breakfast bacon, 16H20 U pk-nlra. 10H lb; eottago. 11 He per lb; regulsr abort cleers. ansmuked. Urn ner lb: smoked, 18c per lb; clesr backs, ansmuked. 12c per 10; smosea. ue per 1: lialo bntta, 10 lo II lba. anamoked, Se per lb; amefced. fee a-i r lui ci vaiina. iBfuwai u. Jse err m amoked, Vse per lb; shoulders. 12 le per lb; lckb-d tongaes, $.no quarter bbl. LOCAL LAUD Kettle test. 10 UK , per n, se, IStso per lb; 60-lb (la. 12, per lb: stssm renoereo, 10c, is yc k; ss, tffcc per lb; compound, lus, bc. uaniu nrer, 1-13 tana, l oo; 2 1b talis. 42.75; fancy, l ib Ssta. $l.i; a-lh fancy data. $1.16; fancy l-lb eeal. 42.751 Aiaaka Ulla, pink, S69uc; red. $10; aomlaal la, tall, $2 00. nun noes eoa. te per mi snauors. se see lb: halibut, per lb; era ha, 41 ootfl 50 per do; striped bass, 12Vk per lb) estrish, 10 per lb; saliBos, Columbia river . allyemlde, Sc; ateeines. loe per n: nerrlng, a per lb; aulas, aa per lb; abrimpe. lOe per lb; perch. per jo; surer smeit, oc per - w; joosiere, .toe per in; rreso macaerei. a per in: erawnen, 20 per doa; atargeoa. 10 per lb) black baas. sue per in. OTSTERSrTuoelwater bay. per aaL 42 2Bi per 115-lb eack,. $4 25: Olympla. per gallon, 2.K; per HtWa. sack. $8 .00 to $6.60. rLAMH Hardshell, per boa, $1001 ' ran tiams, per 00. falat, Oeal 00. St. J0PB Pax Maalla. UU suadard. Un steal, 11. . uuAt. till fean or astral' cases isuje see ?al; water white, Iron bble 14e per gal, woedea It pet (si; headlight, 170-deg. cases 21 c per gal. uuuuni aa-aea. rases hwi ear aai. ma eois inc per gas. B5M1M1 4j n. cassa sue . pet ami. iron neis ine per asi. TUHrKFiTi.iB la eaes see aer sax. bble. 3c per ssL . WHITS LEAD Ts lots, Ti Per lbl SOO-a wis. itc pr id: Mae iota. g per IS. wikb nan. i-reeeoi basis at 12 so. LINSEED OIL Pure-raw,'la6-bb let, 40c I I -bbl lot, Sc; eases. Me per gal; genuine kettle-boiled, esses, so see gal; S-bbl lts,-4 I-bbl lot, SBe per gel; greued eake, ear lots, 420.00 psr tea; lose thsn ea lot. $40,00 per Va-TTED iTATXa SOTXSSafZST B01TDS. New tore. Dee. f. Official price: ' ' ci . lat. Bid. . Ask-. Two, regiatered. ,e ". do coupon Opt. Threes, reaistsrtd Opt. do coupon. Kmsl bonds .... Pvura, rexlatered.,... 100T do Coupon. ; . . nrn-nm 1907 Fours, regiatered... I25 do eonpon .. l&Mi Panama 2a .... do eonpon. ... , niatrlrt of Columbia , l24 PhlllppbM 4s A 104 li lorn 104 1U2 102 I02VJ 103 101 101 H 102 - mil ' ni i.)!4 m 114 . 104 . 10$ lib .... lom, .... POlTtAJIB BAJIX iTATtKEjrr. Cleerlara today ...,....'..$1.2.7.TB Clearings year age ,. Oo3,540 52 Oala today $ $26,ia 24 -mm m- Local Market In Bad Shape Ow ( Ing to Lack of Transportation , to Northern Cities. COULD SAYS RAILROADS ARE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE Assistant. Manager Placea Responai- blilty for " Present Slump With Poa5a"for " Refualnf , to Give" Cars All Lines Art Dull,' rortland tTnloa Btockyiras. Dee. T. LlTseteck recelpu: , ,. . ,.- . , . Roes. Cattle. Bheeo. Today ....'......' 04 ' $ ... Waeg ago... 2D .115 ITS Month sgp .... 902 8T . 61 a ear ago.......... S4U 52 l.OHd "It's up to tbe railroads now." That ex presses tb opinion of Assistant Manager Gould and tails tbe livestock situation ta a nutshell. - "I'm sore and I don't care who knows It," says tb asslstsnt manager. "The railroads ar not doing tbe right thing by ahlppera and by tbe refusal to giro tbe livestock ahlppera cera tor northern delivery they are responsible civ ue.sawer price ana me (tagaaaea la oust. With all eutsid shipment cut off tbe lies- stock market, with Its vsluea, I st tb mercy of a few buyer whoa wanta are limited and who will not pay tbe price formerly quoted." A a result of the lack of transportation to tb northern cities tbar 1 a greet lack of buying power aad tb local clique I hammer ing all ralus whenever glrea bait a chance, , Tbe cattle market waa today scheduled tor the slaughter and with liberal recelpta prices were cut to piece. A long ne tbere waa legitimate ""-pit'"Vr atd re"""1 traffic wss fairly open there wss a very good do msnd tor beat steers as high a $4.25. ' Tbl hi tb price tbst bss ruled la the local yards tb put few day and which continued ap te tonsy. Tbl xsornlrik. with fair arrival at cattle, tbe buyere bald back and would not but at former values. Stocks hsd to be moved, how ever, for tbe yards are badly congested and the price suddenly dropped 85e with Dest steers ranging Between s.saa.ou. lioes. while weak, did not Show snr earl an break la demand, aad while the aalea ar few the price bold nt 4 75 for beet. N sheep arrived la during tb1 past 14 hours and that market la dull but ateady. with value unchanged. Nine bead of haras wara-amosf today' arrirala. Coedittooa n year ago: Hog. Arm and an changed: cattle, arm. Me ap; sbsep, weak, 25c lower. ..-...,. Official liTeatecb pne: Hues Best eastern Orecon. M.TS: stock era and feeders. $a.5ot(.0: China fats, 40 50. Cattle Beat eastern Oregoa brers, 43,854 4.00; best cow and heifers, $$.00; stocker and feeders, $2.00: bulla. $2 00. cheep Mixed, lite; uau, , . SNOWSTORM GETS BULLISH Price Advances on ; Portland Exchange J." C Lee Com , pany Issue Higher, ; ; Over 7.000 bre war traded ia ea tb Portland stock axebaag today. Thar waa a wonderful react toa la the price ef Snowstorm. ssl being msds ISc higher thsn the bid ef yeetsrdnyi Queen gasurlflss wss ia demand 1 1 ad ssl was made le higher than tb bid price of y eater day. Reindeer closed Ha lower, but no more stork could be obtained at that agure. J. C Lee company I bowing signs of returning strength, for while ae sale were made today tbe bid price xs 10 higher than yeaterday. The aakad price has also advanced. Oolconda advanced ever tba eale or Ice ef yeaterday. Morning lost tc. Today aalea were MJ Pari He State Tel- rhon at l'a,, 1,0(10 Le Creek Gold at 2c. ,000 Reindeer at 044, 1.000 Oregon Securities at 2a. 1.000 Britlah Columbia Amekfamaud t 4 and 1.000 Morning at t. ;. utuciai cioaing price: BANK STOCKS. Rid. Aak. Bank of California sat Hankers' A Lumbermen' ... ' 108 Seuitable Barlnge Loaa 07 Merchants' National 1KB ... Oregoa Trust a Baring ........ 112 ' 18$ 's bnitea BUtes Aatlosal 2U0 ... BONDS. City a Suburban 4a Columbia Southern Irrigation Se. TB - O. R. A K. By. 4s ... - 0. W. P. By. as 101 ft 7 1O0 10SV 101 8$ to "ia " Portland By. nj .-. . MIRCELLAKEOL't STOCKS. Aaeorlated Oil 61 U Cement Product ... Home Teleohone ................ 20 J. C. Lee Co 2 Oregon City Mill Lumber .... - M Oregon Journal, prd lis Oriental-American Co , ... n M lit 60 . 10 in 05 " e e Off 02 10 02 IS 20 - 02 -'it-it - Portland Helghla Imp. Co...... ..." Psclflc RUtee Telephone ........ 102 Pnget Sound Telephone , .... I squliis Bsy Telephone ....... 7 mining stocks. Alaska Petroleum 1H4 British Columbia Amalgamated.. Mil Casrsdls 2 ' Dixie sMsdows ..... 024 Osllaher 03 Oolconda . 01 Ouldoeld Trotter Leea Creek void ,. . 01 Holdea 16 Mammoth 11U North ralrvtrw ... Oregon Beciirltlea OX Rambler-Cariboo - 20 Standard Consolidated ...... . ..." 10 la coma 8fee , 12 COEUB ITALElfl DISTRICT. Alameda f IS Bullloa iH 02 11U Burks 08 Conner Kin $ 4 ' 22 tier tie ., Hanpy Pay Idaho Olant Miaaeula Park Copper Rex , Helndeer Ruth Consolidated flnowahee boo era torn ....... 06 05' 12 14 AS 10 21 Si IS os 10 ' 72 '. 234 oH 14 WIRE SERVICE HURT BY STORMS IN EAST ' Owing to severe storm "te tbesf,ths telegrsph compenle wire wre generally 4b sbled and Tbe ioarnel le aneble ta prsasat , roller report ox tn eutsios market today. WHEAT: ' - Open, Hlrb. Lew. , floea. Pecetober 74'A 75 14 76 May 7B' , 19 TP 1 JulJ - 784 7s(i 77 78 V4 CORN. fWembmr 42A 42 1.42 42 Msy 42T4 44 - 44 July 44 44 44 44 OATS. December 28 22 $2 (asi Msy ftft R5 Sn( $5 July ..- 8S 88U U $2 MKHfl PORK. January ....1640 1646 1622 163$ Tirs) IliooarhAs. FYom the Philadelphia liedner."" "I want a business suit now," said Slopay. "I wss thinking' of something in the way or a small plaid - "And I," replied the tailor, "can't help thinking of something In tha way of a small check." -.JMBINe.IHE.DnY III IIR. YORK Three Per Cent loney Adds to - Buying and Leaders Show , Good Strength Today, CANADIAN PACIFIC IS V SHOWING LARGE GAIN Closes Si .; Points - Higher - on Big Bnyinc, Orders. From London Union Pacific 4i a Share Up Good Rise In St Paul, ' : - KBT OAIMS. AmslgaauteS. 1 1 laloa PaclfM . sugar .......... Smelter ........ Atchison ....... Baltimore Brie ......, Loulevllle .' Missouri Pacific I 1 5 N, Y . Centrni. People' Oaa , Brooklyn Oanadlan Paclfla.. KV.I1). B. fltsel... 81. Psul . Svr do preferred . Peaaaylvaala ..... 1" . , NKT LOBS. Beck Island, common.. WU Street. Mew Tor. Dee. T Wit S net cent money tbe stock market was very bullish today, .aad practically the roll list responded te the new ee-diUons, . CanadUa Pacific was tb leader aad ea aggressive London buying closed 6S potato higher than yesterday. Lon doa at very bullish oa Canadian and claims are maoe ny financiers mere mat tao price wiu go consldersbly beyond tbe $200 mark. Cnloa Pacific wa very bullktb and sdrsnoed $4 a ahare, Bt. Paul weat up ever S points ea keary bUTtn. urricini aeration ny ursroscx. ntarr cjooae compsnyi 1 ssscsrrnoa. AmaL CoDner C0..1.:. 112 184 16l 102. Am. Sugar, eoa.,... Am. Bmslter, eon... Atchison, com....... li.lilu a. ctuL KtrooS Ira Rsold rrrsnait! 117, TP lMta v-nauiaa racuic, com. . ObL. MIL at Bt. Paul... .181 Colo. Fuel Iron, (on.. 68H 44 ft). sri. com Louisville NaahTllle. bllsssurl-Paolfle , .. . New York Central 12a Pennsylvania Railway., p. o., u a 0. o...... Reading, com. Rock Island, com , Southern Pacific, com. . Union Pacific, com.... V. . Steel Co.. coo... 1ST 2 14U sou. ail 184 474 o preferred 104 S Total aales for day, TU.100 share. Call money opened at 25, high at St, nad closed at 1H Per cent. CONTINUED BULL TRADE CMoaf Wheat Starket AaU Xlfbex o; the i'oy oha. : SSLATITS WH11I TALUKS. ' . Dee. T. Dee. C. Onin. Deeembar ....$ .75 $ .74. t Mli I .MVa May TO. .7B .00 U .KOvZ July ... .78 .7i ..... .S4J Chlcaao. - bee. 7 The - wheat market eaav- tlnuee to Improve. Not akm m tbere a better burin demend. but all eondltlono are at acaaopt Meal 1 or a ouu movemeat. nearoy isootna In beat 'call. December and May cloaln Va higher than yeaterday with the sloes at tb top, July ruled withla very narrow limit aad Close sncnsngM, NEW BOOKS FOR THE LIBRARY. .. -;., 1 , ' PHItiOSOPHT. ' Bturt Personal Idealism. " Wagner On Life's Threshold. Woods Mental ' and . Moral . HoredltT tn Royalty, o KKI.1UIUN. Bruce Providential Order ef the World. - ' . - Drummond aSplstles ef . Paultfie Apoatle. Jolly Christian Progress. . Lawrence How to Conduct a Burr- day SchooL - - - Morr&n Trn Estimate ef Life and How to Live. SOCIOLOGY. , Bonar Philosophy and Political Economy In Boms of Their Historical Relations. Ponnan Advanced Civics. Henderson Social Elements, Institu tions, Character,. Progress, Krsus, Boelts at Kraus Kindergarten Oulde, vol. I. Letowmean Property; Its Origin and Development. . Nltchle Lessons in Lip Reading. Bchaffle Impossibility of Social INVENTS AIRSHIP Latest Photo of M. Lcbaudy, tha In entor of $ dirigible airship, bought by the French government that it , now going to build tha first serial - lhK . , f , ,(V4. 1 .... I- l f iir: ."'. : 1 v ' i.j . " ? - i ry f v 1 ... . ' 1 V; i : lfiS BlibT Cereal, Vitq? 1 1 : r : -rr t- lf k V u ,JT I - -TKe white hesrt oi the wheat- A 2 lb. package -7 i . IWir i I'' I mVelMia.laJK w aWl Sai7i Vci S at-l aayP VA eAVreBbSU T TlUaW I M ''i 11 -ft r 'ousc)okdfo)d . i : Y ; Wl ' niakea "The Hour" J' ""-""' IkebsffJ FOR BREAKFAST- Stir slowly m baH cap . tm&h C.U:. & ? rrM .toL -v.i -f-r. II ! i - Ill i . . . ....,, ..II". I jm Buy Your '7PYP T 9(0 t WWii Christmas Rocker at v!lM-sw V JjyLjJLM u) . u 11714 ni ' ", ' - - . . ,...,:... IMS 186V, 193 ,. ' : . .. l . l - ' ' i ' ' ' . llili, flSM9 A From 5. to 9 lip vLllllll S) Y 'uL, o'aock 185 ikis lhsTi - ' - . .rSlt V . 44. assL sasZ .--.!.. " -i - A I 11 el at loae'iosniH., i i i a v - - Tl . ' .. .- ; I IT II I i v . .... 1 ' ' i IV .J I Exactly as Pictured This is an elegant bargain In golien oak finishedhas wood - ; ' Democracy. Spahr Essay an tha Present and TMs tributlon of Wealth tn tha - United States. Walker First Leasona , ta Politioal Economy, Weyl Passenger Trafflo ff " Kafl ways. Woolhon Mean-area, Weights and Moneys ef All Nations. ' , - PHILOIXKJT." ' Henry Short Comparative Oram mar of English and Oertrjaau -i y r r 8CIENCB. -' . Invention and Discovery, ltOI. Lubbock Scenery ef Swltserlsnd. lltt. '.,'.. '" . 4 Soudder Brief . Oulde to tha Com moner Butterflies of the Northern Uni ted States and . Canada. Kit. Talt Heat," lilt. - . - . i. - ?w . usefuiarts. '. - '. i Considers Experimental Researohea on Reenforoed Concrete, ltot. ' Copp American Mining Code, 1101. . Curtis Nature and Wealth, tiot. Partner what to Have for Dinner, 3osr Natlonal Association of Stationary Engineers. Report of tha License Com mittee, 101. Rose Metallurgy of Oold, ad. I, lltt. , FINE ARTS. . BottlcUl Botticelli, by Ernst Stain man. ; Henderson Art of the Singer. ' Hart Designs for Parish Richardson Picturesque Designs for Mansions, Villas, Ledges, Eto. . .,. , ' AMUSEMENTS. , . Hanks Camp Kits and Camp Life. . Shelby Bridge Abridged. ... ' LITERATURE. Chance Sunshine - Thoughts for Gloomy Hours. . '. Pi J. P. Souvenirs of Rhyme. TRAVEL AND DESCRIPTION. Amelung Holtslnger Mttseuma and Ruins of Rome, Id rev. - Be wen Oregon and the Orient. - Evan a Highway and Byways in Ox ford aad tha Cotawolda, Hammond Reminiscences ef Pioneer Life. . . HIttell Commerce and Industries of the paolflo Coast . ., Navigator To which Is added aa ap pendla containing an account ef Lou isiana and of the Missouri and Colum bia rivers as discovered by- the voyage under Captains Lewis and Clark, 1111, ed. 11. r . . Mulrhead America, the Land ef Con trasts, Id ed. ' , Scott Romance ef Polar Exploration. . XT' if am W 9 --'LMgas. V ' V. na--' v 1 - a medium-priced Child's Rocker. sest, and is strongly braced; height 28 inches;. width NONE DELIVERED ' ; FrorrrthVtheapest to the must your wants. We carry a larger assortment other house in town. .CLOSE PRICES 184 ALL THE CREDIT HI8TORT. . Dodge Plonr Hlitory of Ooea and Curry eounuea, uregon. Nixon Whitman's Ride Through Sav age Lands. "T . BIOORAPHT. ' Atkinson; O. H- Biography ef Rev. O. H. Atkinson, by Nancy Bates Atkln son, with an eooount of his cburoh work in tha. Paolflo northwest, by Rev. Myron Eella, Descartes, Rene Deaoartea, by J.. IN Mahaffy. Portrait and Blographloal Record ef Portland, Oregon, and Vicinity. ,. ....'.' FICTION. ' .' Blndloas Alton ef Soraaece. Ooodwln Claims and Counteromlma. ' Lloyd Six Stare. - , , Plttock Ood of Civilisation. : . Riohmond IndlSerenoa of Juliet. Richmond 8oond Violin. Sabln When Toa Were m Boy. ' 1 1 Stovall Susanna of KerbyvUle, BOOKS FOR CHILDREN. ... Chance Little Folks ef Many Lands. Dodge Reader la Pbyaleal-qesgra- phy, 1104. Orover Art . Literature ' Readers, Primer. . .'' - - Orover Art Literature Reedtre, book one, I y. , , ' Orover Folk Lose Readera, Primer. Orover Folk Lore Readers; book one. . Orover Outdoor Primer. Gunnison Hinds" Noble'a New Dia logue and Plays. - , . Holbrooke Northland Hareea, Holder Half hours With the Lower Animal a, 1101. : Huated tor lea ef Indian Chteftalna - Husted Stories of Indian Children. - - Jamison Tolnette'a Philip. , , Lane Industries o Today. ' , Lang Animal Story Book Reader. ' Smllea Self-Help, ed. by R. L. Bower. Thompson Shipwrecked tn ? Green land. Trimmer History ef the Robins, ed. Hale. : . : ... .. Victoria, Queen ef Oreat Britain f Tn the Daya at Queen 'Victoria, kr A It, Tappan. Wade Our Little Armenian Coualn. Chiistmaa bulletins and their aooom panying books may be found In both the circulating, and children's depart ments. Teachers will be especially in terested la thla collection. A-roand) -table- for- teachers -upon li brary nsage will be given in the patent room of the library, beginning Monday, December I,' at S o'clock. The subjects ta be considered are the use of Indexes, the catalogue ef the library aad the .an CD): .'r, ..v,- Ca-eDunpmilfir 1 50 Va.erJ leUSM yAtVV .e 3 ...' W - .., -, . -eVVtrJ"!)4 .A v If" li It Is made from stroof mapJo, rpeTisive-Rockwrogf stock canyapplyfl of Chairs of all kinds than any, BAS Y TERMS. V" - 186 First Street YOU WANT I 1 (Hi mm mid ielt :. ;s4lM .1 lls aiininTjirjiB qd most usefuh reference books. The plaa of the course will be upon the line of work given to - students In normal erhool a rm -the o ae -of -the library, and tha books are those that the pupils f nwui'i learn to us. Alter ine urns meeting the day and hour will be ohanged It necessary te suit the eon vanlenoe af aa man sua ansaitMa I' J A' , ! ' 1