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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 7, 1906)
I JO THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENING. DECEMBER 7. l?S3. Phone Main 1412 Phono Main 1412 PINE TENDER CHICKEN Per pound.......!.;.:.......;.;.:.... All orders for ALBINA and EAST, SIDE must be in by., one joldocfc for deliveries Saturday. . XT FIRST AND TAYL.OR x tSft54NA .: I 22 Pounds Cane ..Granulated .e:;:;.;:Sugar--- 1000 Cases of Peaches: Pears, Apricots, which we i oo BUTTER. Best Creamery ... ............... 55 :. '; EXTRAS ; ; 2 packages Gold Dust ...35 Shredded Wheat - 10 Arm and Hammer Brand Soda.... 5 I Bottle Ammonia ..... . 5 Bottle Bluing J. ......... . ... ...... ...... .5 -3 packages Acorn Matches....... 25t- : 1-lb. can 20 Mule Team Borax.., ..10 8 packages Toothpicks ........r ...... .25 3 packages Jello . ............. .... . . .25 ' 3 packages Toilet Paper-'.... ............ 10 2 cakes Sapolio , . . '. ... .15 2 cakes Ivorv Soao .."........... ...V. .15 t i i ntt .a. a ids. stripped coa nsu. ...... .u . . . 1 gallon Catsup ....... 50 VEGETABLES 3 Hot House Lettuce ..10 20 lbs. Burbank Potatoes .25 12 lbs. Dry Onions ...... ......... 25 New Cabbage, lb. ..................... ..2 FOR YOUR FRUIT CAKE 2 packages Currants .................... 25 3 packages Raisins T. ......... rrr;- i.-.25 1 lb. Lemon Peel .... ... . . .V. .'.20 1 lb. Orange Peel ....20 1 lb. Citron Peel ........... .30 ' " ' ' ' Kens' ' ' " - ' - : . X , . lOc " JOC X - will sell SATURDAy ONLY : 2 Cans for 35 Cts. Remember these are of the Highest Quality Guaranteed Fresh Eggs . .... .... . . .... .30 TEA AND COFFEE SPECIALS 1 lb. U. C Japan Tea....... .....25 1 lb. Gunpowder Tea ..................25 LMtiiii . 1 lb. Army and Navy Coflae..... 15 1 1V Tnwn TalV Coffee.... 20 1 lb. Monarch Coffee . .... .25; Sirloin Steak: ; - . Porterhouse-Steak Porterhouse Roasts Sirloin Roasts . Boiling Beef . Pot Roasts . . Hamburger . . Bologna . . . ... Shoulder Steak Weinerwurst Loose Pork Sausage . Prime Rolled Roast Beef Veal Roasts . V - rOurJVealausag'e-lZ-. pound Choice Eastern Ham , i -. CHEESE . - - 2 lbs. Full Cream Cheese..... .......... 35 2 lbs. Half Cream Cheese... 25 Swiss Cheese, lb...'.t.....v............20 - soaps 13 bars Royal Soap 25 8 bars Silk Soap 25 8 bars Monarch' Soap ........ i ..... . . .25 " 7 bars Golden Star. Soap ...........4.. 25 8 bars XLNT Soap ........25 i. ",,';, V .'.'CREAMV All kinds Cream, 2. ....15 3 bottles Tomato Catsup . ... . . ......... .25 BEANS . f 7 lbs. Navy Beans 25 7 lbs. Pink Beans 25 CEREALS " - v Scotch Oats .10 , Violet Oats, 2 packages 25 Quaker Oats, 2 packages .25 ' Force.r packages . . ................... 25 Grape-Nuts, 2 packages ............... .25 " Figprune ...... .20 Postura .20 10-lb. sack Rolled Oats....... ...35 10 lbs. Corn Meal.,.. .25 lQJbsjGraham Flouf ..r.25 V1Q lbs. Farina..., 35 , Mns of any kind of Cream for. 15j , . . xmn ,, . 8 cansSalmon . . .". .25 i; -8" cans Domestic Sardines . iv. . i . ; . ;v.25 2 cans Mustard Sardines ...,.15 . 1 dozen Alaska: Herring ............20 ' PICKLES ' Home Made bill Pickles, quart.. ..U.... 10 . , . , m r I nomr xviaae oour r-icxies, - quart.... ...;1U . pO UnajOCr .I lome Jdade 5weet Pkklea, quart. . m. 20 . z Domes nckies Mi... ...... ...15 -Home Made Sauer' Kraut, per gallon; t.30t oc anavc Z2, pounds lSpj puunua io5r A pounds 25c ; V, . ;' , lOc 3 pounds i25c . lOc 7c, 8c and lOc pound 17 ic L 1 I The Markef Basket Thar 1 l oln to" b a nerl . rlranlnr ud In the rrocrr and provU- ' Ion places when the. new pure food Uw goea Into effect ftic nrat or tne year. There will b a vaat Improvement In many Unea of good and other booU ' that do not come up to the proper ' standard will be barred from the mar ket by the government. Dealers are therefore getting ready to obeerve the ; provisions of the law and this U the reason why they are going rather alow In getting all their canned goods Into stock. - They first want to know poal 'tlvely whether the stocks wlU reach government standard or not. If not Uhey will not be displayed. . One of the principal lines In which Improvement will be noted 1 that of . preserving. Fruits and Jellies must te pure after the first of the year, accord ing to the government standard, and If adulterated the label must so state. 'Then you wlU know whether the cur rant Jelly you are buying Is really made of currants are was manufactured oul of something entirely different from that fruit and was almply given the cur rant taate by flavoring. Strawberry preserves will really be made of straw . berries hereafter, ' for the government ears that no adulterations wUl be al lowed. In previous times some enter ' prising manufacturers were said to have 'manufactured strawberry preserves out of something also, and had placed amall .seeds In to give It a strawberry appear, anoe. - No more will apple butter be manufactured -out of anything but ap plesthis being another mandate of the new law. The new law will also make some dif ference In the color -of -augaff-for no longer will It be possible for refiners to use a bleach to make the stocks pure white. After the first of the year you'll find your granulated sugar; showing somewhat of a yellow tinge, for this Is . the natural color. t While today's price of creamery but- Fresh Dressed VlllVIVWllO EVERY DAY J Best Creamery But ter 70c Per Roll f ... Strictly Fresh Ranch Eggs. 40 .Razor Clams, Crabs, Shrimps and Crawfish. Xew Holland Herring, " keg ?1.25 Anchovies, lb. ............. 15 JAH kinds of Fresh and Salt Fish Jo be found in the market. V .... ... . . , Columbia Fish Co: Third and Ankeny Main 5 ter Is the highest since the general establishment of creameries- In this state, there was a time when butter really touched the top and .then went up soma. In the winter of 188(1 there was a sudden cold snap. This killed out whatever little green feed remained end the result was the cows did not give such goodly amounts tf milk and this caused a very heavy shortage In the supplies of butter for over a week. But ter prices began to show wonderful ac tivity about that time and It was noth Ing out of the ordinary for manufac turers to quote an advance of 10 cents a roll. After many fluctuations the price went up to II. 2 a roll, this prob ably being the highest price ever reached In the retail markets in the memory of this generation at least Eggs from local ranches sre coming In so slowly that It Is exceedingly dif ficult for store keepers to secure ade quate supplies even at the high prices now ruling. At this time of the, year the price of chickens Is generally at a low mark, but the absence of arrivals during the past few days has caused a scarcity and prices are higher In consequence. Very few turkeys are coming, but - there Is little demand for these birds at thl time. The activity will begin the latter part of next week. . . - - ' The housewives who availed them selves of the extreme low prices -which have ruled In the sugar market daring the past few days are extremely lucky, for already the price Is on the Incline and Is trying Its utmost to get back where It was before the recent sharp break. Vegetables are. considerably higher owing to the oolP snap which put the Oregon gardens out of commission for the rest of the season. With the ex ception of cabbage and cauliflower, practically everything Is coming from California and that always means that prices are higher. Tomatoes from Los Angeles are ngaln in market, but are too high for every-day eating. Beans and peas are running about 20 eents s pound and are 'not plentiful at that figure. . N A few retail prices for you: Berries Huckleberries, 15c pound. ' Fruits Bananas, ISO dosen; lemons, J 6c dosen; limes, 20o dozen; .'apples, 11.16! 50 box; pineapples, lu40c each; grapes. 76o basket; chestnuts, 10910a pound. Vegetables Eggplant, 12Hc poifnd; peppers, bell, lOtoUVie pound; peas, telephone. 10c pound: string beans, 20c pound: cucumbers, lo each: summer squash, tc pound; new Oregon onions, ltoCcZe pound; potatoes, 1 Ho pound; green onions. 26c dosen 'bunches; new carrots, three bunches for So; head let tuce, f 6 ' head f radishes,- Sea bunch; cauliflower, lOo head; tomatoes, 15c pound: mushrooms, 26c pound; celery, three heads, 26c; sweet - potatoes, te pound. Fresh Flat Halibut I012Ho pound; salmon, 103M2C; sturgeon, lie; sviped baas, 20 25c; soles, 11 V4 016c; black cod, 12c; perch, 10c; flounders. 10c; shad. llHc; sea trout. 20c; crabs, 16o each; salmon cheeks, 25c dosen; shsd roe, 25c pound. Butter and Eggs Best creamery, 15c 070c per two-pound roll; cooking, toe roll; fresh rsnch eggs. 41c; eaatern, lie dosen. Poultry Chickens, -20c pound; dueka, ?tcT 11.21 each; squabs, 75c pair; spring cbockena, tOQIIc pound. , v ' A goqd eook and good flour will pro dues bread or biscuits and cake dell clous enough to tempt the Jaded appe tite ansl enliven the dead digestion. DALLES DIAMOND Flourwin-maka-tha lightest, 'Whitest, most Inviting, most nutritious and most wholesome baked delicacies. DALLES DIAMOND Flour will make your baking success ful. It's the kind which good house keepers and economically inclined housewives buy. There are , other brsnds aa cheap, but no others so good. Aak your grocer for It, Call Early For your SUNDAY DINNER and you wlU get the choice of our Poultry, Fish, Oystersand Clams. We have the finest stock In the city. ' - " G. Covach (& Co. 878 rxmsT IT, rnowa kazv 535. NEGRO CELEBRATES RELEASE FROM PEN (gpKtl Dlanatch to Tbt Joemil.) Sulem, Or., lec. 7. After having been released a few hours from the state penitentiary, where he had been serving two years for aasault with a dangerous weapon on a Multnomah county cltlsen, Edward Andrews, a negro, made a vi cious attack with a knife upon David HcFadden, the night bartender at the Anderson, saloon on Commercial street. Fortunately the Intended. victim of the Infuriated negro made his escape from the barroom without suffering any In juries Officers Longcor and Buslck arrested the man and placed him In the county Jail, charging him with assault with dangerous wespon. Andrews was located In Doyens' liv ery barn, where he was hiding. Earlier In the evening Andrews went to the Willamette hotel and tried to borrow money to buy a hat. ' He then went tn the saloon, where the attempt at murder was made. On his arrival at the livery barn he attacked Dick Weatacott, who. defended himself wltb a pitchfork. ' EIIUKXX BUTLER I CO. WHT DO WE 8ELI4 BUTTER BO CHEAP Because we buy Urge f quantities and pax cash. Today we will seU Fancy Table Butter, for 50 PER ROLL. .. - . i . . - DON'T- FORGET- that -we carry the largest and cleanest, best kept line of Fresh Fish In town. Also we kill and dreas our Poultry fresh', daily. Ton will find our prloes always the lowest for the quality. 10 lbs. Tellow Dry On tons.. 2 5 4 10 lbs. Sweet Potatoes...... 25f t lbs. Fancy Baldwin Apples , I dos. Fresh Eggs 55 for ..,..fts Per box ....91.15 New Fresh Mackerel, large else, 4 for. 25f Free Delivery to All Parts of City Z inRniiixxiiiuinxni nninninxnxuxEzzxxzx.1 Fresh Creamery Butter 65c & 70c Fancy Creamery Butter . 55c Oregon Ranch Eggs, 40c A doL Ooed Eggs 80 Wa get our eggs from the farmer, but ter from the creameries no middlemen. Cross Blsckwell Lucca OH, qt...65 Cross Blackwelt Chow, H'Pnt..20 H. O. Oats .10 1 can good Peaches or Apricots... 15f BLandard Tomatoes, I cans... 254 Scans Corn. Peas or String Beans.. 2S Evaporated Cream. I cana for 15 1-lb. can Baked Beans 6 Hammer Soda.. 81 T0WNSEND & VAN SCH00NH0VEN Wholesale and Retail Grocers . 147 FIRST STRUT Btady our prloes the yo will as way our trad baa Increased. Oar goods are of taa highest quality aad wa ekalleage a omparlsea wttfc tfca Aaeat thai can be foaad la amy stare. . 1-lb. pkg. Arm and Neptha Soap. for. bars Baby Elephsnt Soap .,284 1 lb. English Breakfast Tea. ...... 2Sf 1 aack Gunpowder Tea 25 I sack Beat Valley Flour. ..... .fl.OO 1 sack good Hard Wheat Flour. .. .904 I aack best Hard Wheat Flour (patent) . ...... , i ... ., fl.18 i Dome woroesisrsnire sauoe, 16o size .lOf 1 lb. Whole Nutmegs 354 New Crop Prunes, per lb ..-34 New White Honey, comb IB4 uasi eiae aeiivery lueeaay ana rnaay. 1-lb. can corn Beef .....104 H-lb. can Deviled Ham, t for 284 PHONE MAIN 1282. Empire Packing Go Corner First and Madison Streets BUSTING THE MEAT TRUST! FIVE WEEKS OLD I WATCH US-GROW I v. This Should Show You That We Mean Business speoai i.r sbrpay Smoked ? Spare Ribs 10c All other meats proportionate! low priced. Come, see us. We ' need vou and vou need u. OUR : B REGULAR SSesss Coffee & 25c Our new Canned Goods are now In, -and, aa usual, th pries ara 20 per cent below other ttoraa. - The goods ara the finest, frtshett stock quality of the highest But it is not in Canned Goods aloha that we can save you money. Dealing with us will save you 20 par cent -on your grocery bills. E. B. COL WELL y : Third and Jefferson Streets. Phone Main 403. pBMMZXXXXXXXXSSSSXSSZSZSXXSSSSXSSSZZZSSSSSZZZZXSSSl (jSutter-Mut-Bpead ll Is the Biggest i ScUer of All Loaves It Has tht Flavor That Pleases All Tastes i Loaf l IJUfj At All Grocers A. H. Willett & Co. CEMEMBES OUR, MOTTO: Wholesale and Retail Grocers "THK HOUSE OF QUALITY" . PROMPTNESS AND QUALsTT'. After all the true Thanksgiving; festivities center about goorj eat ing, aim our grocery comes aooui as near meeting every, want as it is DOSsible for anv one store to nrnvirlr Fin onH trm.u-.. . J I - IIMUb of COUntrv nroduce. truita and nut of all IrtnrU th K.e t ...... y g , - - - UW, Vft CTtlJ variety of vegetables, canned delicacies and pastries.' Nothing lack- uig iui vuur taoic or your culinary preparations. . XOU save money Dy Duying nere. 128 ORAND AVENUE r NEAR EAST MORRISON I PHONE EAST 383 ' ' THE - ; A HIGHEST GRADES ' OF COFFEE ROASTED IN THE NORTH- WEST AT YOUR GROCERS." EJeTW(e.oeoofl . . i" T ' ' ' last It the Trattt l It la Impoa.lble," he said, "to take greater from the less." "Tes,", she replied, ut there, Is pretty alpae approach to It frhen the conceit (a Ukea out of a maa." i O r SPICES, v o C0FFEE,TEA DAinr.opowDzn, AksoluNfirlhr. fines! flivor. VLU55ET O VAitlQ . PORTLAND, OftlO ON. I- !...!,.. 1 I, J , 1 x 'V ; .' r