THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. TUESDAY gVENINO, DECEMBER -4, 1S0& t "I f ... .. NSPECTORS KEEP FIIIDIIIGS SECRET Mestrt. Edward and fuller De clde Cascade-Lurlina Col - -y- 9jon Matter. -:' OFFICERS OF STEAMERS - ; ARE BEING NOTIFIED Newt Will Be Broken Through Mail and Then the Public Will Be Diily Notified Public la Deeply Inter. ' eited In Decision. . - . ; i . Messrs. Edward and Fuller, Inspector ' . of nulla and bollera, have reached a de- clalon In', the collialon between' . the j ale mere Cascade and- Lurllne. but the j finding! will not be made publla until ' - the parties directly tntereated have been f served notice- by tnalL Thla la beln - t " done today.-- - - . t . The officers who had chart e of the I'i steamer Lurline at the time of the col f: llalon are out of the city today, oper- 4 sting the steamer Undine on the Lur line's route between Portland and As ' toria. and the steamer Cascade la out : towing logs for the North Pacific Lam j ber company. , " ' The eolltaion occurred In- the Colum- :.! bla river o?T Rainier at o'clock on the .i- morning of October M. while a fog was 'r ranging over the river. The watchmen " aaid that they gave warning of the other - 'i. steamer's approach as Boon aa the lights ' j were seen, but In view of the fact that ;, the Inspector decline to- give out their findings until after having notified the ' Jl vitally Interested parties. It t supposed - "j, that the rules of navigation have been , violated, and that the officers of one v of the two craft, or perhaps both, wm be punlahed by the suspension of their licenses. The Inspectors ' Viewed the steamer Lurline yesterday afternoon at the ' yards of the Portland Shipbuilding ym. pany. .where ahe was hauled on the 'i waya for repairs last Saturday. , The " ' 1 ateamer Undine will be at Taylor street dock tomorrow morning on her return - j front Aetorta, so the news so carefully - -r guarded bf the Inspectors will In all - 1 probability be -broken to the LurUne's - (Officers first. ,. .... ' ; Steamboat circles ' are ' anxious to . .' i learn the fate of the officers, becauae . .1 the cane. Is one. of more than paaaing ,i 'Interest" ... . . , SHIP CARPENTERS WANTED 4 rllwl.Tu vU All riftx Kn .-' to Its Myron at One. ' " Local' shipyard owners are lamenting the fact that they are unable to get t enough men to handle the -work that . la to be had If only it can be completed . wlfhta a' reasonable apecifted time. Many v companies would lncreaae their fleet If ' the ahlpbulldera were In position to give them soma sort of an underatandlng J. -When the work could be expected done. . The Portland Shipbuilding company in South Portland would add 10 men, to J Ha payroll could they be found. The '. concern has a lot of work on hand which cannot b- touched unless Its '. force of employes be enlarged and far that reason the managers axe eagerly . looking for - competent men. Ship fru'lflfrs nf all knd.tijjtfftnt'1. caulk ers as well ss-carpentera, and They are - paid good wages. . It Is said that if the : ship carpenters of the Atlantic coast i knew of the opportunities out here many ox men wouiu come west at ine fehfntiiillrflar Mini,! flrlv, Mnnlnvmant , In Portland and many more hundreds could find ready 'employment la the , .various yards along the coast from ; Puget sound to the Oolden Oat. r -The shipyards ' along - the Oregon . coast are busy building steam schoon er for the lumber trad and similar conditions exist hlh-yart"north of tbe Columbia river. IVERNA IS CHARTERED 4-r vhaatom ..Back ftta ew laifacwmeBt ;-' 7-"-to 'Carry Wheat. . .- - The British brk Iverna will be In th harbor In - a day or two to begin i loading wheat for Europe. She was chartered yesterday " by lhe Portland : Flouring Mills company. The Iverna Is the bark for whose -1 safety so much concern was felt a few ''. weeks ago. She appeared off the bar " i October It,, and then stood out to so , and weathered the storms for more than - -. a month. - In the meantime nothing was , heard from hex. and it waa believed that she turned turtle and went down. The ; revenue cutter Thetis waa sent out to search for her, and then one fine dajr , . the bark hove In sight again and waa promptly towed into port. The Thetis reported, a few daya thereafter that she had seen nothing of the missing bark. The Iverna; started for the Columbia , river under charter to load wheat to - t Europe, but she failed te arrive in time ' and ber charterers canceled the-eon-;: tract. . CONCERT FOR SEAMEN fame Cormaek Baa GTharg at Znstltut Totaortvw Bvenlng. ; . The weekly concert at th Seamen' ""( - Institute, 100 North Front street, will be -r""eTlvei -tomorrow, evening at o'clock, T ut under th direction of james Cormaek. ii" ".II,?!WJ" .'""f . 2!" lR,l .. rJ. V. S Uul 5,BTth allegerltempt'town'hr-tny- Miss Ma Collin. C M. Godfrey, Men' Resort quartet. C. t. Mat his, W. E. 81 moBton, Howard Toting, Mis Kerns, Mrs. a J. Mathis. M. Petit, French ship . Jaoobsen; O. McMahon and R. Emraott, British ship Robert Duncan; P. Hure, ' French ship Empereur Menellck; Her mann Pletsch, Hermann Fulfs and Carl Thiol. German ship Marie Hackfeld; N. : Ewlng, British ship Olenaborn. . --. DETAINED BY FOGS raok.Bark ad teem Sehooae Am eho t th Blver, .' Th French br Neoml and th team choonr Helena, In tow of the Jkf (Treafment . If you hav any Blood I 1 L I alwarear. 114m Uvea. I I SSMaaar r taxaai SI... I I I m, CeaxieattM. BASitTT't I I I VaTIVI NtaKt rilaanaMl ' I naauaam, HHae - II 8w rWrfik ak IX aa t . V rmm m Ui - a-w ar raa TtiM S tm in ill . M M -- hHmk Cm , f f steamer Ocklahama, were for-bound Id the lower Wlllamett all forenoon, and may not reach the harbor tUl Ute thia afternoon. They atarted from Aatorla Sunday night, but ran into fog 84 thick and often that alow progrese was -iThe French bark FfyRT'LvSMch lfni Aatorla reatardar morning, reacnea me harbor laat night She managed to keD ahead of the fogbank aa they drifted alone the river, and ao did not have to drop her mudltooka at regular Intervale. Her captain report toiTdv voyage from " England. - but no - great damage done. The Bayard la at the . Qa dock at a cargo of ooal. EXPECTING BIG TRAFFIC P. . ft A. ST. Oa, WU Overhaul Steamer Salle? Qatsert. The upper Columbia excursion steam er Bailey Oatxert -was taken to the Alder street dock a' couple of days ago to undergo her annual overhauling for the Bummer exourelon season. Moat 'if the work will be done at the dock, but .the craft' will be hauled, out on the waya later on to have her hull cleaned and painted. . : Manager Marcus Talbot of the D. P. ft A. N. Co. stated yesterday that the company expects a big excursion busi ness this year, as -the population la In creasing and touriat traffic promlaea to be heavy next summer. Lqst year the Bailey Oatsert carried about all the pas sengers - she "could accommodate, and capacity load are expected next season. PULLS SNAGS IN HARBOR Ooverameat Boat Xathloma Ylalte and Boss OooA Work. Several Immense snags were pulled out of the harbor yeaterday afternoon by the government snagboat Mathlom, which la here for a few days on her way from the ' upper Willamette to Lewis river. The snags were brought down by the recent freshet and lodged in places Where they might have proved dangerous to navigation. Assistant .United States Engineer D. B. Xglen made a tour of the harbor oa the sdag-puller during the day and dis covered the submerged snags. Another hunt will be made today for hidden obstructions and they will be Jerked out wherever -discovered, The snagboat Is elf-propelling" and moves about quickly aod gracefully as a stern-wheel passenger steamer, ALONG THE WATERFRONT ' W .MMV The Norwegian ateamer Jethou broke the oonneoting rod of her engine on the way to Astoria yesterday, and will be detained there a couple of days while repairs are being made. The French bark Bougainville cleared today for Limerick direct with 110.11 bushels of wheat, valued at I8I.11S. The American bark, B. P. Cheney, cleared tor San Pedro with 117,000 feet of lum ber, and the steam schooner Joban Poulaen cleared for San Francisco with 710.000 feet of lumber. The lighthouse tender Columbine is at Couch street dock today loading sup plies for the Puget Sound stations. The lighthouse-tender Heather Is on her way to Cape Hlnchlnbrook. Alaska, with In spector Werlich on board. She resorted at Ketchikan a few days ago. - The steamer Oeo. W. Elder and the steam schooner Northland will be .in. the hiirbor this evening Both arrived 4 jit Astoria this morning from San Fran-1 Cisco. This Is the first return voyage of the Elder since she wss placed In commission. u Several members -Of the crew of the i Norwegian steamer Norman Isles ar rived In Portland last night from Puget Sound. The Norman Isles left this port lonths ago for the Orient- a cargo of lumber and returned to Ta- coma for a cargo of wheat. ' i i ' . MARINE NOTES '' Astoria, Dee. 4. Arrived at T:0 and left up at 10 a. m. Steamer Atlas from 8an Francisco. Arrived at 0:10 a. m. and left up at 11:S0 British ateamer Franklyn from Ban Francisco. ' Arrived at :4I a. m. and left up at 11:46 Steamer Cascade from San Francisco. - :0 - aVJn, Barkenttn Ama- on from Manila. Arrived at 0:60 a, m. American bark Diamond Head from San Pedro. -"Arrived at 8 a. m. Bteam schooner Caco from San Franclaoo. Sailed at 11 a. m. Steamer Alliance for Coo Bay and Eureka. Arrived down at 11 : .- m. Norwegian eteemer Jethou. -f San Francisco, Deo. 4. Sailed at t p. m. yeterday Steamer Columbia for Portland. , Astoria, Dee. t. Arrived down at I and sailed at p." m. Steamer Costa Rica for Ban Francisco. Arrived down at ( a. m. Steamer Alliance. . Queenatown, Deo. 4 Arrived -British ship Procyon from Portland. Astoria, Dee. 4. Condition of the bar at I a. m., obscured; wind southeast; weather cloudy. " GRAVE CHARGE AGAINST ATTOmjIEYAND JUDGE ("pedal Dlapatdi to The Jeersal.) Seattle, Dec. 4. That an attempt waa made to fix' the sanltay commission In the case of Esther Mitchell, the Holy Roller disciple who murdered her brother George In this city following his ac quittal of the killing of Cref field, the rioiy Holier prophet, and that the at tempt at fixing waa made by E. A. Claxk of Portland. Esther Mitchell's attorney, la the sensational charge made last night In this city by Dr. C. W. Sharpies. ex-presldent otth .Washington Stato Medical society and for many years known in Seattle as a skilled surgeon. Dr. fthanlea mmAm ihm rharn In K. I 0aur if r... m u,. vi. fv,.,t. Medical society. Ho further stated tht commission was made with ths consent of Circuit Judge A. W. Frater,' who was to appoint the commission and was opposed to the trial being held In this state. Dry I. A. Perry and Dr. H. M. Held were named by Dr. Sharpies as practi tioners who had been approached, one by Clark direct and the other through an Intermediary. He had letters, he aid. from these, physicians In which the alleged scheme of Attorney Clark and Judge Frater wa detailed. GABRILOWITSCH WILL ' GIVE VARIED PROGRAM Th ' program which ' Oabrilowitich will present at th Hetllg theatre to morrow night I on arranged to please every sort of listener. There I enough of th classical to aatlafy -th purey musical- and - enough of the splendid pleasing music of such msster a Chopin and Arenaky to delight the peo ple who fondly Imagine that they are not really musical, while In their heart I the ardent flea I re, and In their minds the real appreciation that makes every where the lover of real art. There ha been no wlsard of the keyboard ' here for ao long that people are -actually hungry for some good piano playing, and in the famous young Russian they will find a rare artist. The sests for ths recital, which is under the direc tion -of Louis Steers-Wynn Comart, art now th Hellig bpx ofnca, , iki r.f It rundarV street Tach.rnsU"t!l'rthanlel4 rildj the foot of Flanderg street. rdscnarglng;f Bt Albana, SomereeTcounty. Jlalnen OAIIIFD 34 P0UIID5 - BT oa, wn.t.nm' ranc rxus. Doeto Beeoauneadeo) TWa After rUe " Bemedles railed and ratleat "When I began taking Dr. Williams' 'I was ths palest, most bloodless person you could Imagine. My tongue ana gums were colorless ana my fingers and ears were like wax. -1 bad two doctors and they pronounced my trouble anaemia. I think the dleease had been coming on for three years.. I waa in bed most of the time for months, July and 'August, 1906, only sitting up to have my bed made and to rest my back. I had spells of vomiting, could not eat. In fact, did not dare to, J had such dis tress after eating. - My- stomach - waa filled waa gas which caused me awful agony. , "The backache I suffered was at times almost unbearable and the least exertion made my. heart beat ao fast that I could hardly breathe. But the worst of all waa the splitting neu ralgia headache which never left me for seven weeks. ... "About the last of August Dr. Wil liams" Pink Pills were reoommetlded to me by Dr. J. IL Murphy of Dexter, Me, and I gave them a trial. About this time I had had several numb spella. My limbs would be cold and without any feeling and the most deathly sensations would come over me. "Nothing had helped me until I began taking Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, In fact I had grown worse every day. After I bad taken the pills a ahort time I oould see that they were benefiting me and on morning I awoke entirely free from pain. The distress after eating disap peared and .In three weeks I could eat anything I wanted and suffer no Incon venience. I also slept soundly. I have taken several, boxes -of the pills and have gained in weight from 120 to 161 pounds and am perfectly well now. , Dr. Williams' Pink Pills cure anaemia and all anaemia conditions because they actually make new blood. For rheuma tism, indigestion, nervous headaches, many forms of weakness and debility Dr. Williams Pink Pills are recom mended even If ordinary remediea have been tried without relief. These pills are sold by all druggists, or will be sent postpaid, on receipt of price, (0 cents per box, six boxes for 12.10, by - the Dr. Williams Medicine company, Schenectady, N. Y. DINNER GIVEN FOR 1 -DR. ANDREW MORRISSEY In honor of Dr. Andrew Morrissey, the noted educator from Notre Dame, Indi ana, E. M. Brannick gave a dinner at the Arlington club last night that was thoroughly enjoyed by the 'half dosen gueets who were present. Notre Dam la ths old horn of Mr.- Branhiek, Those who attended the dinner were: Dr. - Morrissey, Archbishop Christie, Colonel R. M. Dunne, Dr. A. C Smith, Dan McAllen and Mr. Brannick. In an informal address at the conclusion of the flmner the guest of honor expressed - saUiafactlon at the great progress he observed In the city of Portland1 and confidence In It future. It wa th Lewis snd -Clark . Jfalr, he said, that Introduced Portland to the world and the results exposition can never be calculated. : cm ITU DHOTI AMfl I IDDADV wtth-MJMhta 11 --Vln fcriiia.i uiinn i WILL BE OPENED TONIGHT Th Bouth Portland library at 110 QlbbstTj8ftt-WlH, h form a lis opened tonight at I o clock. Dr. Clarence True Wilson will deliver a lecture on "Wit and Humor of th Bible." The library baa been enlarged and beautified. A course of lectures for th winter sea son ha been arranged for and concert and entertainment will also be given. An excellent program ha been arranged for th opening exercises tonight. Sec retary R. A. Bpreadborough urges Bible student to be present at th lecture. Bull ding rermit. Permit hav been Issued aa follows: Dr. Chance, two-story dwelling. Ravens view near Patton road, cost, f 2,600; BAITIkg OUTTlTTUrO COatWAJTr TOILET AND MANICURE SET v Prices . . . . . : . to ?25 , . 60c a Week SOFA PILLOWS Hundreds of beautiful designs from which to choose, 50c week STERLING SILVER PIECES-, r Prices.. ....... -91.25 to ?8 50c a Week Bracelets ' . .'. . . . . .$3 to $ 25 Chains ........... ?2 to f 30 Opera Glasses ..'..$G to $18 Link Buttons , . . . ,?1 to $18 Belts, Hosiery, Gloves and Neckwear , All Prices m r a. ma ihi miii i n i - Tim n f mi i II I ,V II f W. 1 it, I.: .111 and from the many different styles and sizes can be made a most desirable selection. : The cabinet work and material of these popular kitchen pieces is superior to that of the ordinary kitchen furniture, in fact '. there is no comparison. We show the many styles and sizes of the McDougall line, and our easy payment terms of . Y;. s' ' ' . "''' ';; offer an opportunity for Our exchange, ,.doartme,nt, Is one of the many original and popular features of our new store a department of special interest and advantage to those who desire to replenish, the furniture of their home and who do not rare to dispose of their older pieces to dealers who offer unrea sonable prices. f It. is for the purpose of taking such furniture, stoves, etc., in exchange and allowing liberally for same that we have created this department. We invite inquiry concerning exchange. . ' ' ; wATrnia tVaJDZM. Klser. repairs. Jefferson corner Chap man, cost. $10; Willamette Columbia River Towing company, ehop. East Tay lor near East Water, cost, S60: W, J. Owen, dwelling. Winters between Grand View and Monro. cot, It60; O. K. Howett, office. Base Line road corner Grand View, cost. 1100; Mr. Smith, re palra, Morrison between Front and First. EASTCTg OTf Tf ITTU O OOatyAWT 1 UMBRELLAS Prices . T.. 91 to $12 50c a Week IrouitcREorr M itsooo J Stick .Pins .............................. 75f to $15 NecklaCeS-rr ...TTVii tTmrrrt m tti$2.50 to $25 Brooches-m t- m .... .i ... f . $2.50 to $35 Baby Rings ..........................,..$1.50 to : $5 Watch Chains $3.50 to $27 Beauty Pins 50 to $1.50 Headquarters for HOLIDAY GOODS ARTS and CRAFTS FURNITURE Lower Floor CHOOSE YOUR GIFTS NOW We Will Guarantee Delivery in Time for Christmas : : : . 11 : ; : r- - - : Eastern Outfiitting Company: THE STORE WHERE YOUR ) CREDIT IS GOOD ' i r ; M4 6 m. AU- . s in 1 II all to equip their kitchen with this modern and useful furniture piece. COMPLETE'HOOSEFURmSllEK eost, 11,000; W. H. Moorehous. repairs. East Thirteenth corner Tenlno avenue, cost. $300; Star brewery, chimney. Third between TamhUl and Taylor, cost, IIS; W. H. Payne, office, Maryland avenue between Shaver and Mason, eost, .1150; A. H. Blrrell, repairs. Sixth between Oak and Stark, coat, 11,000; J. I. Mar shall, repairs. Second between Alder and MAgTammT OBtflTfUia OOMTAjnr Our holiday displays are now ready. This big new store offers more andbettethings suitable for gifts Jhan ever he fore." We have made choosing easy by systematic arrange ment of goods nothing that would add comfort and con venience for you has been overlooked. Plenty of courteous salespeople prompt deliveryprompt service in every way; , Moderate prices terms to suit your income or convenience. CLOCKS -Prices . .7 .". . . .... .. ?1 to ?30 50c Week CUT GLASS Q Prices . . . . ........ . . . 91 to $18 . 50c a Week : mi BACK AND SIDE COMBS An unusual big variety. All prices 50c a Week Washington and Tenth . Is all things to all women, the systematic arrange-, ment of the cabinet making it possible for any : woman to do the work of the kitchen in half the time it would take her without it. To many this; might appear preposterous, but a glance at the , construction and the - commodious disposition . of space will convince in an instant of their thorough' and practical usefulness. A McDougall Cabinet makes ' :': --0' An Ideal and Ap- y - - prcciativc Gift Special in Carpet-Deptar Sixth Floor .tomorrow , only 27x54-inch Velvet Rugs, in sev eral Oriental and floral patterns and rich colorings of red, brown and green. CI Os Special, each .... ... . . , aP 1 LO Morrison, eost, 125; Mr. S. M. Oertman, woodahad. East Nineteenth eorner Kill Ingsworth. cost, $7a; I M. Varner, on story dwelling, Belmont between East Thirty-seventh and East Thirty-eighth, cost. 11,100; W. H. Hellman, one-story dwelling. East A ah between East Twenty-eighth and East Twenty-ninth, cost, $1,850;' W. Ruppreeht, two-atory IUTIM OTTTTITTTJIO COKPAJTT Silverware guaranteed . . Ooarteon , alespeoplav ' Complete Lines, Moderate iluea, jrTirmj - ' ... - - RINGS '? Prices ' $3 to $150 $1 a, Week PURSES, HAND and SHOPPING BAGS Prices. .$1.50 to $18 50c a Week . CARVING SETS f Prices $1.75 to $10 50c a Week ART VASES, POT TERY AND STEINS Prices.... 25 to $25 50c a Week m 9 rauo- txosts NLmiT or saszuo dwelling, Rodney avenue between Stan-' ton and Morrla, ooat, I,toO; same, two dwellings, eost, $1,400 each; A. 8. Walls, one-story dwelling, Ellsworth between East Ninth and Beacon, cost. $1,500: F. S. - Hallock, one-story dwelling. . Spenoer . between Caaon and Olney. ooat, $700; Gi W. Moore, barn, Broad between Allen and Edgar, eost, $200. . Asraajr cvrrmxma oostPAirr for table (Holmes & Edwards brand);... 50c a Week " ' WATCHES LADIES' AND . GENTLEMEN'S Price's..... $8.50 to $75 , $1 a Week TRUNKS, SUIT CASES ft ' TRAVEL INO.BAGSl ' Prices ' To Suit . Every Purse $1 a Week v I MAKE TOUR OWWTtMHj (Jl.. laMillBliiLJsWa aaspsisiBriBiae-l