The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 03, 1906, Page 8, Image 8

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Appropriations Recom--mehded
for Improve
ments in the Public
: Works jot Oregon .
' (Joaraal Special Berries.)
v Washington, D. C Dee. $. -An esti
mate of appropriations for the next fis
cal year submitted to congress today by
the secretary of the treasury Includes
$111,200 for-the Salem Indian schools;
f 11.000 for the Klamath, 'Warm Springs,
Walla Walla, Cayuse and Umatilla
tribes, and $8,000 for incidental expenses
of Oregon Indians, . .
For Improving Oregon rivers and har
bors: Tillamook bay and bar, $10,000;
Coouilla river. 140.000: Coos bay.- main
tenance. IS. 000; for Improving Columbia of tte men.
and Snake rivers. $10,000: the Cascades j. , jrw Apartment Building.
of the Columbia, $106,000; Willamette Architect Ernest Kroner Is-preparing
and Yamhill rivers above Portland, $80,- j fOT rj. j. Malarkey the plana for a two
0; lower Willamette and- Columbia, arnrv combination atore -and apartment
MS, 000.
Improving the mouth of the Colum
bia, $1,000,000; Improving the Columbia
at Three Mile rapids. $750,000.
For Washington rivera and narbors,
estimates aro made aggregating $01,000. :
Foj Oregon lighthouses, estimates
re: Cnpe Bluniw, 15.000; cape Arago,
tJO.OOO; Vaqalna head. $4,000.
Kllsa Isnd, Wssh.. $30,000; Improve
ment of crater Iake park, 17.309.
Influx From British Columbia
"TDrsmaytTth e Offici a! s"of
Sound City.
(Jvarnal kseelal lenle. '
Seattle, Wash., Deo. $. Eighteen
Hlndua arrived - In Seattle from Van
couver, British Columbia, yeaterday on
the steamship Romana and it ia re- ;
ported aeveral hundred others are to for-
low In a few days, because in British
Columbia they have been unable to ae-
cure urn ney can ov. 11 xner nwi
the same conditions In Seattle and
other Pacific coast cltlea It is aald It
will be'a question Of only a few days
' until they will become publlo charges.
- The police department will probably
be called on to handle the Influx to
Seattle. Chief Wappensteln stated this
morning, that since Be nao Deen in-
'waul that the immigration officials
would be unable to keep the Hindu
from entering tha country "he would
pur a .firm foot - on-them If "they- came t
here with the intention of loaflnj-ajhTj
becoming public charges."
(Special tittpatek ts The Journal. )
taewlaton, Idaho, Deo. $. Surveying
for tha Huntlngton-Lewlston road will
oe compieieo or (.nnsimas. is ine n its probable load. The New York ordl
mcnt mad here today by Assistant En-. nBnoe cal, tor tlvm tlmea. That bulld
glneer C "Stradley of tha Oregon Short , ,nE wU1 . t,, ,tanding when you and I
Line. A crew ia now closing tha re-jare.t wnhing the atreeta" - , .
malnlng 1 miles down the Snake river, The .rchitect of the Swetland bulld
and aa soon aa the field men tie: to the , ,nf punned it according to tha New
surveya made up the streamy by En-jTork ordinance, and hla plana were ap
glBefr.McppnouEhparty they wlU bel provrd by Thomae Mann, then city
witnarawn. . 1
, Engineer Stradley atated that not
withstanding press dispatches to tha ef
, feet that the Utah Construction com
ptnr bad been awarded the contract
- for building the road, th contract, ao
far as ha waa Informed, had not been
let.. The only contractors on the line
were those who Investigated the sec
tion between Huntington and the Iron
Dyke mines. (0 miles distant. Work
-would probably be prosecuted at thla
end of the line simultaneously with
the Huntington end, provided the Lew-istown-Rlparla
branch line waa com
pleted by the time tha Short Line work
, started.
(Special DUmU-b te Tee Joersal.t
' Salem. Or., Dee. . The shortage of
cars together with the large cropa,
which must be hauled to market, has
increased the river traffic to such an
extent that the O. C T. Co. haa de-
elded to put en-anotlier boat .between
here and Portland. The Altona, one of
- the beat water carriers on th Wlllara
' ette. will be put on the run. It will
come from Portland Tuesday and will
. make Ita Initial trip Wednesday morn-
. log. ' ' - - .'V
Thla la cheering new to the bop
mn of the valley who have been most
seriously handicapped for several weeks.
. Since the Hsrriman warehouses are
' again open and ready to receive hop
: large; quantities will be taken from here
during the nert few days.
The schedule of the Altona haa not
, aa yet . been definitely determined.
. (Jvarsal Iperlal fertile 1
! Louisville, Ky, Dee. 3. Btate Fir
' . Marshal Avers at Princeton today began,
- an investigation of the burning of the
tobacco stemmerie Saturday. A vers
, ha received letter . threatening him
. with death If J persists. He contln
; lies to subpoena wltnceses, and has
. . caused one arrest to be made. The
4 more oonse.rvstlve'growers denounce In
, pendlsry methods, and say they can
' fight the -true by combination better
tliaa by the torch.
T Bleetrl Z.lae' StaUoa Orooad. .
Aberdeen. Wssh Dec. $. It Is stated
that the purchase of a Urge block of
t land on the south side of the Chelialle
river laat week was in tha interest of
' the eleotrlo line that 1 planning to
. build totthe harbor, and that It I for
' a ell for a depot, switchyards and
. 4-iUe iuua4a It wia CO .UMOO,
' .. ...-(--.
Promise Mad by Company at
Time of .Threatened Strike
, - 1$ Son to Be Fulfilled.
. n j
Th Portland . Railway, Llcht and
Power company baa . eoramiealooed ArT
chltect David Lewis to prepar the ,
plana (or five buildings, to ba put up and the right to lay atearo beating pipes on the taek of ralalng 1200,000 in ud
ln the vicinity of its car barna, - and : throughout th city, handed the allied scrlptlon to atock for tha purcbaaa of
to be fitted up aa club or recreatio
room - for the car operative of the
company. -.. . ? .
The structures will coat In the neigh.
borhctd of 110.000 each and will be
built near the barna, located aa follow:
Washington and Twenty-third streeta,
Piedmont. Eaat Twenty-eighth street,
Snvler street, and .the barn near MM
waukle. : .
The club roome will 'be fitted up witn
very . convenience necessary to the
comfort of the men, including- bath
rooms, shower and tub, hot and col
water, bill turd -and -pool - reoraav-cara
rooms and reading rooms, the - latter
to contain a well selected library, to- i
aether-wlth itiasaxlnes. pertodlrala and
newspapers. The building of these club
houses was determined upon by tha
company at its annual meeting last
spring. The original Intention con
templated the erection of one general
club building In the center of the city,
but upon reflection, it was decided to
build several smaller clubs, on 9 at each
of the. car barna. nearer to tha homes
building to be ereded on tha corner of
Twentieth and Spring streets. Portland
hela-hta. The building will De a com 01
nation brick and frame. The lower
nation brick and frame. ine www
floor, which will be aivlded Into four
storerooms, la to be of brick, and the
Beconi floor, containing IT rooms, ar
ranged into seven- uring paninriii.
will be of frame construction. The lot
upon whtcb tne minding 1a 10 do com
structed Is 100x100, but .the structure
la to be (2x100, leaving a 18xl00-foot
court in the rear for the use
This is the first mortem apartment)
- I
house to be erected on the heighta. and I
will no doubt prove a Profitable ven-1
The price of property In the more '
d locations on Portland Heighta
favored locations on
has advanced Ho- such Jan - extent - that
.1 I, J 1 W ImJ
J. ... i ,n tn .t r
fstr return on the Investment.
. . -.1 . 1 I . I V. -.1...
mr-. in.n " ' '
drawn for a double flat on East Salmon,
between Thirteenth and
Fourteenth I
atreeta, to eost $5,000.
Traasfera Total Xlgkw
Real ' estate transfers filed for rec
ord last Ssturday reached a total of
nearly "T "
Mata Matthlesen td ' th Standard In-
veetment company, conveying the hotel
property on First and Jefteraon, eoneld-
nearly $300,000." The deed of John and f
eratlon $150,000, and that of David M.
Dunne, trustee, transferring- to-lioula-
Gerllnxer-a lot on, upper Washington
etreet for $45,000, were tha only two
Instruments" above tha $20,000 class that ;
- were nieu.' - - i
j. A six-story brick building is being I
planned by Emll Schacht, archlteot, for .
8. Morton Cohn, who will build lmme-:
. dlately on ground formerly occupied by .
the Pfunder orlst business, at the
corner or n.ieventn ana wasmngion
atreeta. It ia aaid work on the Improve- ;
mm wiu orpn --ny 7. "-
' building will cost in the neighborhood
J or tivv.vm:
wetlaad's Is Safe.
: Accord I ng - to official authority. '
Swetland building at Tlfth and Wash-
lngton haa been unjustly criticised. An
examination of -the structure was made
by the owners of the ground leased by
Mr. Swetland, and Building Inspector
Spencer waa sked for an opinion on
the aafety 0. it aa welL - He haa de
clared it to be aafe. Said he today)
The Portland ordinance requlrea any
building of the helghth of the Swetland
; ,tructure to be able to carry eight times
Inspector. Metal - lath
put In and the building was then listed
aa a ."class B structure and a aeventn
atory waa permitted.
Fire Marshal Roberta ha pronounced
the building aa aafe as are other build
ings of Its claas.
v ' (inersal Special Herrice.) '
Spokane, Wsh., Dee. I. In a head-on
collision -that wrecked his engine at 1:30
this morning Engineer Edward Fear!
was Instantly killed. The collision oc
curred In the Northern Pacific yard at
tha Jefferson' street crossing, and many
cars were smashed and- trafflo was de
layed. ;
- .
Li J
' (Journal Special Service.) -
Kansas City. Mo.. Dec. $. An Un
identified woman with" a TJhlort" Pacirta
ticket from Ethreta, Wash., to Oaawato-
mle, Kan., was killed by falling from a
Missouri Psclfie train near here. She
had a promissory not In her purse, pay
able to Mrs. M. A. Dawson, signed by
E- 0. Boulara. . r
(Journal KpeeUl i tlra.l
Outhrle. Okla., Dec. I. Forty-two res
olutions were Introduced In- the constitu
tional convention today, among them
resolutions for the preveatlon of capital
punishment, regulating Injunctions dur
ing strike, prevention Of gambling and
absolute prohibition.
(Journal Special Berrlea.)
Tlflia, Dec. . Twelve rubber attacked
the estate of Princess Avaiova, Injured
the princess and plundered her property.
Soldiers captured the robbers, and a
drumhead court-martial Is sitting.
May Be From Zmma ClaaOlaa.
- - Srweiat piepatcfe Ut Tea Jeumal.l :
Aberdeen. Vuh, Dec. $. According
to reports from North Beach, quantities
of wreckage are beginning to com In
near lh reservation which I supposed
to be from the wrecked schooner Emma
Claudlnn, nf which no trace haa yet
been found and which has been given
m for lost. ,
Heating Franchise Gift to Elec
trie Company Killed by
His. Pen. . .
That tha council 1n pasaing the ordi
nance granting- a IS-year franchise to
the- Portland General Electrlo company
electrical Interests a Thanksgiving re-j
son of the different eompensationa set
upon it :
Mayor Lane ha a vetoed tha ordinance.
Ha calls attention to Ha numerous de
fects, especially the low amount of tha
compensation to ba paid the city for the
valuable privilege of aupplylng build
ings with ready-made steam nest.- It
was understood by the executive board
that tha company waa willing to pay
just about twice "the sum tha oounoll
requires it to pay by tha. remarkable
franchise ordinance passed. at , the .last
meeting. - 7
.. Here Is the compensation tha special
valuation committee of the executive
board put on the franchise: $1,000 on
acceptance, $1,000 for each of the first
flva years, X per cent of tha gross earn
ings for the next flva years, $ H Pr cent
for the next flva year a, $ per cent ef
the gross earnings for tha laat 10 yeara.
President Ooode eald ha expected the
company wouid earn at least $100,000
annually during tha laat 10 yeara.
Mr. Goode gave Messrs. Greene, 8a
bin and Cogswell, composing tha valua
tion committee, to understand that their
figures would ba acceptable to the com
pany. -
.. Compensation Claaee.
But tha council followed out Its rule
and paid little attention to tha valua-
paiu unit) iiMnuun w tiw vajiw-i . , V - .1
placed upon the franchise by th,nnea haying been anwa--ttia second
tlon placed upon tne rrancmsa oy ma.
exm-utlve board, which, according to I
. 1 1. v. 1 u .kali mh 1
II vnaiivi, m .link riibii y )
upon such matters. So tha council put
thla compensation - in the ordinanoe,
which Mayor Lane haa vetoed:
"One thousand dollars on acceptance
Torr. f "hi flrsi" flv."'7e-ri' Vper
cent of the gross earning, for tha re-
of the franchise by tha company, $1,000
1X1 H lnifl BT ZU VBSBBV-fa .
. h7 h. ,.noii 1
M. ' h " ... . nr
,wv tha rl(.nt t0 in th. prtvllega
V,- f
' P , ' , th. lt ' M
parenur every siretn in m. biijt guuio r
"b UL1
be utilised by the company 4 laying ita -
ateam heating pipes.
He protests
against giving the holder of any pub-'""
I lie utility franchise auch "absolute lib-,
erty to use any street tn the city at He
,', . .1-,.... ,
purporting to give the city righta of
aupervlwloav are vague.
What Kayo ktaya.
Regarding the compensation he ears:
"Further, the compensation to the
city flxod In thla franehlae la about one
ha,7f of th va,u,tlon recommended by
tfc OTe.ut,ve hoar1 wUn which I have
t believe the authorised officera
, h. .,..
Jirfi- aatisfled There la room for
doubt to t'Be wtadom of charging
compensation from franchise holders
whch. It may ba aaid necessarily cornea
oot cf the pockets of the PUDUC, DUt I
ubmlt that When a maximum rate la
f)xej the franchise which Is not sub-.
loct t0 revtaion by the publlo authorities
for , prod of IS yeara, and for a aerv-
,c tor whCh the franchise holder la In
th- natura of things able to charge a
monopoiy price, the eurrender of a part
.of the price which ne la wining to pay,
Is a mere throwing away of money so
far a the- 9'
- (Jnorael Special Serrlee.)
Washington. Dee. S. Tha United
SUte supreme court reconvened today I a
after the Thanksgiving recess. An vn-
usual number of Important cases crowd
the docket. Among these is the case
of Sheriff Shlpp and othera of Okatta- e
nooga, Tennessee, who r cnargea witn
contempt of the supreme court in con
nection with the lynching of a negro in
whose case the court haa assumed Juris
diction. Another case in which Interest is
taken is that of the United Statea va.
Falk A Bro. of New York, involving the
question i,as . to whether Imported to
baoeo la dutiable on th bails of "Its
weight enter, or. when It ia
withdrawn from warehouse. Th Vir
ginia "fertilizer trust" eases are also
on th docket for hearing. These cases
are in th nature of babeaa corpus pro
ceeding and the defendant who are
connected with the alleged trust are
resisting removal from the eastern dis
trict of Virginia to tha middle district
of Tennessee for trial.
' (Joaraal gpectal Service.)
Owensboro, Ky., Dee. $. A barn be
longing to James Wilson, aa opponent
of tha American Society of Equity,
waa burned by incendiaries laat night,
destroying 2$ mules and many tons of
grain and hay. The loas la $10,000.
On hundred and fifty thousand pounds
of tobacco belonging to Wilson' ten
ants, all Equity sympathisers, was left
unharmed; ' - -
(Journal special errlee. -St
Paul. Minn., Dec. $. Tha poltc
today received a - letter saying the
"Black Hand" had decreed Oovernor
Johnson death. At the time the gov
ernor la to be removed two European
monarch will ba killed. The namea of
the alleged plotters have been furnished
th police. Oovernor Johnson Is un
alarmed, but hi friend are watchful, ,
(leeresl BeecUl gervtce.
' Loa Angeles, Dee. 3. Dr. JLIn Grant
Lyman, the mining- promoter of Gold
field, Ncveda, who 1 wanted on a folony
charge at that place," remain In hiding.
It I rumored that he may have Urted
for Boston, where Mrs. Lyman I said
to be living with another man. The
belief is that Lyman ia beaded for
fcodr ot Sorrow at Albany.
Special plepatcB la Hie Joernait
Albany, Or., Dec. $. The Elks held
memorial servleea In thia city yeater
day afternoon at the opera house. A
large crowd waa In attendance. A fin
program of oratory and song waa given.
The editress was by John Long of Port
land. Excursion wr run By the Cor
value Eastern.' Delegatlopa were in
attendsnce from Toledo, iUrrlsburg and
other, point.. . "I .
' : x7;f.r
Four Are: Needed for Business of Proposed Portland-Alaska Com
pany, and Determined Efforts Will Be Made '
' ' to Collect Required Sum.
Soliciting - committee - for th pro
posed Portland-Alaska ateamahtp lln
war at won today, witn lair euccess,
four steamship. A number of, the com-
mltteemen who were unable to work to
day will get Into action tomorrow. A
meeting baa been called at the Com
mercial club thla evening to receive re
ports of progress.
. Sol Blumauer, chairman of the cham
ber of commerce contingent of tha
Alaska ateamshtp committee said:
' "No definite reports aa to amounts
aubaeribed or names of tha subacrlbera
have been received up to lata thla aft
ernoon. But I have heard that aome
of tha committees are meeting with suc
cess. We will not know much about the
work aeeompltahed until .tomorrow. -
Seventeen Jurors were axcuaed from
serving during- tha December term of
the atate circuit court by Presiding
Judge bears thla morning.- Many othera
aaked to be excused, but Judge Seara
would not allaw them to go. Several of
the IT were excused because they -had
served durina- the November term, their
, " r . . " " . ,1 1 " 7 . . . v"
m within the year through mukft
ina juiui w uu uu vwu -
- ., L
short time approached the Judge and
aaked to be excuaed. - , .
"I can not much Engllah," ha aald,
when asked hla excuse.
"No. I observe that. Excuse thla
j Juror." aaU Judge Sr. promptly
on a
"I never waa on a
... . a, ma
Jury, and don't know anytmng apoui .
Te leaa you know about It tne tei-
ter Juror you will be," aald tha judge.
'U".. JolZZZ
About half of the men who appeared
... .. Anrnrm .r. f.r.
""" . .v. 2,..Pt that the
. V V? vT.V. v..i.
1 T v. I". . " w . .
' Tn iZl
One man aaked to be excused on tha
ground that he had eight motherless
children- to ear for; When It waa
learned that tha oldest child is IT years
of age. Judge Seara told -the Juror he
would have to aerr-"'
- .Jt : 1 aasasjawiiassasi II ' ' i
It la indeed a most Deralexlne- e
problem aa to what particular 4
kind of labor Carl Anderson can
be placed at, - when ha reaches q
the Kelly, Butt open air eanl-
tarlum. Anderson Us to all ap-
pearancea in average health and
able to wield a aledg hammer,
were It not for th fact that he
haa a patent leg..?
Anderson waa before th po-
ceived a sentence of (0 daya on
tha rockpile on a oharg ef
vagrancy. It waa not dlaoovered"
until he left the courtroom that
one of hla lower limbs waa a
combination of papier mache,
aprtngs and bolts. Superintend
ent Brlgga of tha rockpile la in
a quandary, over the matter and
unless he adopt a tha suggestion
that Anderson be put to wofkln
the kitchen mashing - potatoes
with hi wooden leg tha prisoner
will serve out hi aenteno In
th city prison. , .
(Journal gpectal 8ervlM.)
Herkhlmer, N. Y., Deo. 1. Attorney
Mills, senior counsel for Chester Gil
lette, charged with tha murder of hi
sweetheart, Grace Brown, aummed up
the case before th Jury this morning
and attacked tha "foul yellow press."
He said at least on writer who had
been at tha trial had "earned a place tn
(Special Diasetek te The JeersaM
San Francisco, Deo; . John Easter,
a saloonkeeper of Merrill. Oregon, who
arrived In this elty Sunday, waa struck
by a McAllister street car Sunday aft
ernoon on Market street near Third and
sustained a fractured skull and abra
sions of th legs and body. He was
taken to the Harbor Emergency hospi
tal. He will probably recover?
(pedal Dwpatek te The Jeanal.l
Tlllsmook, Or., Dec. . In tha city
election here H. T. Botts was elected
mayor without opposition. There will
be no contest.
grew University BviUtla.
(Special Dlapateb te Tha Joernal.)
Eugene, Or., Dec. I. Th first bi
monthly Bulletin for th year HO and
190T ha been lasued by Dr. Henry
Sheldon, head of tha department" of
education In tha university. Th num
ber treata of the high school of th
state, and I of especial interest to
teschers. G. W. Hug also gives soma
statistics of the high schools. Th Is
sue msy be had free by addressing "The
Registrar, University of Oregon, Eu
gene, Or. ' ,
ts Daug-btei of Btarqala.
J. F. Mahon and wife. Lady-Alio
Mahon of Londorf, England, are gueat
of th Hotel Portland. They are in
tha city en route to Los Angeles from
Vancouver, firltlsh Columbia, where
Mr. Mahon has large real esute hold
ing. Lady Alice la th daughter of
the Marqul of Sllgo In Ireland. They
r In Portland for the day -and will
leave for th south tomorrow morning.
Brldjre Over th SCoellp.
Hoqulam. Wash., Dei $. J. W. Hall
of Montesano, with a crew of men. Is
In th city on th way to Mocltps,
where they will build a bridge aoroas
th Moollp river. . . ,
- Several membera of the' Joint sollolt
ing committee appointed by letter did
not make . formal acceptance of their
appointment, and 'consequently were not
at work today. One said:
"I did not expect to be appointed and
had no notice . until I got a latter
through the mail aaylng that I waa ex
pected to go out arid -solicit.. I waa un
able to arrange my affaire ao that !
could go.'V y -. . ' ;
61 g. Slchel, , who worked 09 Third
street from 10 to 12 o'clock today, aald:
"We did not meet with enough suo
ceaa to talk about. . I notice that enter
prises of this kind are not received In
the spirit they should be. A number
of merchants would not talk about It,
others aald they had not had time to
think It over, and aaked ua to call again.
We received two subscriptions of $104
each. - Both were fronr-raai estate men.
Fraud U charged against D. W. Frio
of Scappoose by F. Maybach In a ult
that la being heard today by a Jury in
. .. rr . TTT ,.
.tat circuit court Maybach
that Price sacrificed Umber Und belong-!
mg to me Torroer at a price of 110 an
acre lea than It- was worth in order
that Prioa oould obtain $1$ an aore more
than his own land waa" wort tir 7
Tha suit waa instituted by Prloe. who
alleged that Maybach gav him a (0-day
option-to -sell hla timber- land for
$,000. - Prloe says h afterward se
cured th Chapman Timber company to
buy Maybach' property for $10,000, but
that Maybach' wife refused to execute
a deed. Price aska Judgment for $721
aa commission.
Maybach in answer sUtee that Price
owned timber, land adjoining hi that
was worth not mora than $11 an acre, '
and that- hla own Und waa worth not
leaa than $40 an acre. Maybaoh further i
aaya Price aecured the option to el) hleseatswa a long; and very maoli. dour 1
ana in oraer tut n eouid sell the two oiea ana triptea one, ana tne attaenea
tracta together for a uniform piio of rof th theatre were kept busy supply
$$0 an acr, which was $10 an aore leas : tng chairs and benches, for thla wa
than Maybach's If nd was worth, Hnd j a morning for tha early bird.
$11 aa acr mor than Prloe' land waa 1 Th concert, which is on Wednesday
worth. ' I
Maybaoh declare that a oon a he biggest event of the season, for Port
learned of the alleged-fraud "h re-1 land ba had no Til g planlat for over a
aclnded th contract and refused to give 1
a aeea to m property. Attorney J. N. j
Pearoy appeara for- Maybaoh.- Prioa 1 -
represented by Attorneys Coovert
Stapleton. Th lurora whd will decide
whether th transaction waa fraudulent
are: C. Shepherd. William Went, Jacob
Lusher, Charles Relmera, Henry Niger,
J. N. Farrta, J. F. Kruger, B. W. Emery.
M. Meier, George Clark. B. P. Reynolds
and William Harrta. -
The marriage of Harriet McPhereon,
daughter of Mr. R. K. McPherson, to
Bert M. Heamana of Whit Salmon.
Washington, will be solemnised tonight
at tne home of tha bride's aunt and
uncle, Mr. and -Mrs. Q. M. Adam, (01
East Eighth street, at o'clock.
Miss McPherson. who U employed at
th telephon booth of th Portland
hotel. Is a charming girl of pleasing
and winning personality and kaa a host
of friends who Join in wishing her suc
cess tnd happiness. Mr. Heamana la
well known, -In Portland and la a rtetng
young business man of Whit Salmon,
where he la associated with his brother
in business.
Rer. Vernon Cook, vicar of th First
Congregational church, will perform th
ceremony, after which A wedding sup
per will be served.
The damage gun ror malicious prose
cution brought by Jacob Bauer, Llxsie
Bauer and Eliza Sautr agalnat Bert
Hayward and hla wife were dismissed in
th tate circuit court thla morning at
th request of Attorney Charles. J.
Schnabel, ho appeared for th Bau
er. Th eutts were for $30,000 dam
ages, $10,000 for each of th plaintiff a.
Th suits grew out ' of the prosecu
tion of Bauer and hla wife and daugh
ter for assault and battery alleged to
hsv been committed on Mra Hayward
laat spring. The Bauer war triad In
th state circuit court June 1$ before a
Jury. A verdict of not guilty waa re
turned after a abort deliberation.
Attorney Schnabel atated that a act
tlerpent had been effected.
Th Jordan automatic ear fender will
be on exhibition- In . th window of
Sherman, CUy Co.. Sixth and Mom
aon streets,-tomorrow and Wsdnesday.
This Portland Invention U one- of th
streetcar fender which the' special
committee of the council haa been test
ing befor adoption for all the car of
the olty. A perfected Ufe-slae model
will be shown. ' Several Improvement
have been mad elnce the fender waa
first tried' out. and th right kind of
steel bar ha at laat been obUlned.
Thl "made In Oregon'' fender has Id
far compared very favorably with east
ern device, now on tha market.
Bids will b received by British Vlce
Consul Cherry at AstorU thl afternoon
on the . wreck of the four-maated bark
Peter Iredale, which went on Clatsop
beach about a month ago and proved
practically a total loss. It Is believed
that the vessel will ba bid In forJunk,
there being little opportunity for sav
ing th vessel in the position she now
lies. . The bottom piste have sprung
o that aha fill with th tld,(and for
that reason It would hardly be possible
to keep her afloat, even could eh be
dragged Into deep water. -
Die of Brl Bert,
-A Chines momber of th crw of th
Peasle Dollar died of berl beri lest night
after an Illness of several days. ' Th
malady 1 on which often attacks tea
men and I aupposed to b contagious.
Local physicians, however, say that the
disease I not contagious, and tha dead
Mongolian will be burled from a local
undertaking parlor. -
People Near Fourth and Grover
Streets Don't Want It in
vthe Neighborhoods
People living In tha vicinity of Fourth
and Orover . streets - are protesting
agalnat the establishment of a rock
quarry at that place on. land owned by
the O. R. a Ny company,
Surveya have been made along tha
hillside, and residents of the neighbor
hood are afraid that blasting- will eoon
beiiln. Before that can ba dona In tha
city limits, however, a permit to blast!
must ba. obtained from the city engl-
ner . . ,
Councilman Beldtng haa been appealed
to by people of bis' Ward. They .have.'
told him, that th plan I to out Into th
hillside close : to their homes,- whose
value would be depreciated by th quar
ry.". The Falling achool is but four
blocks from th edge of the O. R. at N.
property. - - ..
E. ,E. Merges, who 1 Interested ' In
me conipany lonaw .u vu
a R. N. Und, ay all blasting, if
any I don, will be a quarter of a mile
from any dwelling. So far nothing but
survey, have been made, h aaya.
"W don't inund to do any Lai
Pnc buln., aald b today.
Th. demand for building .ton. and
also oruahad rock ha led to th stab-
llshment of quarries on nearly every
plee of ground bearing good rock any
where near the city. Rock of any kind
la worth money now. .-'
Th fact that a quarry on thla O. R.
ft N. land will result In th formation
1 of an ugly cliff, where la now green
hlUalde. ia being-pointed to brth r
monstratora aa a sufficient reason why
it ahould not ba allowed. - -
Th Gabrllowltsch aala opened thl
morning at tha Heilig box' office with
a tremendou rush and. aa a matter of
course when th great planlat la sched-
ulad for a recital everybody wanted to
hear th. latest king of tha keyboard,
Tha .Un of muala lover waiting for
vnlng at the Helllg U one of tha
year. Qabrilowltsch'a programme ia a
Doauurai one ana oomaina, among
other notable number,' th Salnr Been'
arrangement .of - the Bach Gavott in
B minor. Th recital la under th dl-
rectlon of Lot totera and Wynh Cnman.
Seat, now selling at th box offlc.
. (Joaraal Spacta gervtee.)
TITeetilM rtAn. flaw, lnirb tXT -aaw
ban of Astoria wa. nominated a eel.
lector of custom for AstorU In th
senate by th president today. --
Mr,- Carwahao waa Senate; Fulton'a
cholo for th colleotorahlp of th As
toria customs house and haa been rec
ommended to auocced Walter L. Robb,
the Incumbent. '
Mr. Camahan la a prominent cltlsen
of Astoria and haa long been identified
with th business and politics f that
city and of Clatsop county,
1 - --" " .
Whll th documentary and -
' other treaaurea in th keeping
of thTltle, Guarantee k Trust
4 ' catnpany are stowed away aafe- ; 4)
ly in burglar-proof vaults and 4
. safes. the .affection. . oftli
employee of th company ar 4
hot ao baa towed, and on satur- 4
day last it was found they had 4)
been atolen by. th president, J. 4)
Thobum Ross. 4
At I o'clock p. m. th burglar
alarm, all through th. . com-
pany'a apartmente In tha Com-.
merclai building rang out sljarp- 4
ly. Th amploye gathered at
the offlc of th president,
much to hi surprise, and in a
brief but Impressive ceremony
preserved him with a. beautiful 4)
4 loving cup, engraved with the 4
loiiowing worna: i 1 noDurn w
Ross; From His Frlende HI 4
Employes; December 1, l$00.n 4
Remsrk were mad by John F, - 4
Shield on behalf of th em- 4
ploye and officer., and Mr. 4
Ross responded In a feeling ad- 4
dress. Th occasion had. been 4)
pUnned during Mr. Rosa' ab- 4
senc on a trip In Europe, from 4
which he returned a few daya
a go. :
H. 0. Van Dusen, master fish warden,
1 in th city from Astoria to attend a
meeting of the irrigation commission
which is at work upon an irrigation Uw
for presentation at th next legislature.
The commission will meet thl evening
at tha room of th Portland board of
trade. . Van Dusen ha been asked to
attend In order that he may confer with
the lawmakera In rajrard to th legisla
tion necessary for the protection of fish,
In the construction and malnfalriancA
of Irrigation dltche and dams From
her h will go to Salem to attend a
meeting of the tat fish commission. 1-
.. sjawaBaaBeewaeeatsassaaaw
W. W. Baker, father of Frank C. Ba
kr, ex-state printer, I critically 111 at
tha horn of his son. Mr. Baker 1 on
of th old-time residents of Oregon "and
Is well known to a great many peopl In
different section of th atat. Th ad
vanced age of the ufferer, . bver. Tf
year, mnkee his Illness th mor se
rious and grave hope, are ntertalned
for hi recovery. Th cause of th Ul
nae I a cold which, unheeded, ha. de
veloped oompllcatlone. Mr.' Baker re
fused, to take his Illness seriously at
first. He cam to his offlc In tha Ham
ilton biillrilna? -diirlnar hla convalescence
I and Buttered a relaps a consequence.
Files Affidavit Correcting pne He
Says McGinn Made In
. His Answer. V r ;
Tn the circuit court thla morning At
torney CAS. Wood filed an affidavit
correcting an alleged error In the answer
! nie -y Jaonry-Jw-Mcainn lav tho-oon-
tempt proceedlnge against him. The al
leged error refera to McGinn', entry
Into the grand Jury room, and Attorney
Wood's subsequent withdrawal. Wood's
affidavit saya:
"in tha answer filed by Mr. MoOInn
j tn the contempt proceedings oooura this
I statement: 'Mr. McGinn retired from
, ! ra.n? Ju.ry .room, . whereapon Mr.
000, Deiieving in contention made by
Mr. MoGlnn to be a correct one, with'
orew immeaiateiy tnereaner.' -
"Tha contention referred to by Mo
Olnn la that it was Illegal and Improper
that Wood, being attorney for tha pri- ,
vate proaeoutor, Mr.- Ladd. ahould ba
before th grand Jury aa a deputy dis
trict attorney I believe that Mr. Mo- "
. - - - . - ,
j SJliufli tn''u
"Va 5a - fh.t STS 'i-blIto7
I ""V .XtLll lm"
1 lfZiLlVuL XLi
ffh1? .TS w'hiet T""1
b?hV"lS,.t .h- Pr"
! tB th
boynd to present.
- " ' - . - I Kads Deputy.
"When Z first went to Mr. Manning
with referenoe to th cartoon of Mr.
Ladd, Mr. Manning; aald it would be bet
ter to have a grand Jury, and would
expeot ma to aaalet him and would mak -me
hi deputy, which he did. .. 1.
"When I appeared before th grand
Jury and Mr. McGinn protested. I aald
that no matter how IrreguUrly the pro
test waa made I would not remain or
proceed further until th Question had
been sett I art ttt th court For that
reason, awaiting auch "a deoiaion, I re
tired from th grand Jury room.
"Later In th afternoon Mr. Manning
Informed mo that tha court had held',
that I could legally ba present, and aald ,
ha would expect mo to assist him. I
said that Z would be on hand next
morning, .XfJxan ' Z presented 1 myself
next morning Mr. Manning suggested
that on further reflection, ha had con
cluded Z bad better not return to th
grand Jury room and Z followed hla
suggestion." . . w . . .
(Joaraal BpacUl gervlas.)
- Washington, Deo. - $. The uprm
court today declined to release tne of
ficials of tha Wee tern Federation of .
Miners, charged with oompllcity tn th
murder of ex-Governor Steuanenberr, "
nd now held in Jail ' at . Boaeav Ida, .
They will hence remain In tha custody
of -tiie-idaho authomtea,-
Justice Harlan announced the eptnton.
The accuaed had applied for a writ of
babaaa corpua on the ground that they
were Illegally arrested in Colorado and
were thua taken Illegally into Idaho.
. Thl wa quashed by th federal dis
trict court In Idaho, and thia decision
Is affirmed today by tha spureme eourt.
Th guilt or Innocence or . th aooused
waa not considered.
ThA-COurt held thatth motive of
the governor of Idaho tn Issuing extra-
dltlon papera and of th governor of
Colorado ln honoring them were Imrna-
Juatloe MoKenna dlaaented.
(JOarnal Special Serrlee.)
Washington. Deo. . The president
dUcusssd th Japan situation with a
number of oaller today.- It ts under
stood that he haa decided "uptm th
reply to mak to th Japan govern
ment, whose communication haa not
been made publlo yet. It I. thought
that th. aJuTlnlstratlon found that the
federal laws do not cover tha case,
and ' that -theTefore-4hgrlYaflce0t;
Japan cannot be taken up by th aa
tlonal authorities.
(Joaraal Special Servfee.)
New York, Deo. $. Tha man who
taught President Roosevelt to pUy
chess U In Jail here awaiting th re
sult of extradition proceedings brought
by M. Slrobller of Michigan, who aaya
the ch. expert got $10,000 from him
for wedding axpenses, and forgot to
return It.
Naom Jaaogrodsky 1 th prisoner's
name, and ba haa been prominent In In
surance and Wall atreet circles. He
admit he got th ' money, whloh he ,
needed to woo, . win and marry Miss
Landon. daughter of the famous Rabbi
of Bay City, but Insists that there was "
no criminal Intent In hla failure td re
turn, it For aom time Jaaogrodsky
waa general .agent In Canada for the -Mutual
Life Insurano company and
taught, many .famous mea there- and .
her to play ohsss.
' (Special ntapateh te The JnernaL)
. Spokane, Waalw Deo. J. In the pres
ence of a number of passers-by, an un
known man leaped from the Post street
bridge yesterday afternoon, first dis
carding his overcoat and coat. After
striking tu water he appeared to change
hla mind and attempted to reach shore,
but waa swept over the falls. The body
had not been recovered at noon- today, -
La Grande, Or., Dee. $. Th local
lodge of Elk held appropriate memo
rial aervlcea yeaterday. C. H. Cochran
of thla city delivered the eulogy, and
Supreme Judge T. G, Hall if of Salem
the memorial address. Tha services
wer wall attended. ,
Charged With Wife Murder,
Hamilton. Ohio, Deo, $. Charles Ste
vens, charged with murder in the first
degree, was put on trial today. Steven
Ik alleged to have called hi wife, from
whom he waa separated, to th door of
hr horn and shot her. .
'Th Dallas Itemtier office does con-'
stderabl Job Drintlns' for PortUnd
Arms, , I
. v.
1 i'