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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 2, 1906)
THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY 'MORNING, DECEMBER , 1CC3. Toivn Topics . . Hurt Wtilr to" ',;Tbe ih'uetoie' ii ' ita'tttn" Kiuplre ...."Qutmi Adaiua Kawjar' 'frta "We'eas ol TminM ' "A tttuiw I. a Buance Land' "'"'MM ldTlll "r"" Vaudeville m 1"",,esaaiaaBa aBajaBaaj,,: 'In a corner of one of the Olds, Wort man King's windows Is a collection of autographs of prominent people of we oay. .Tbess few were taken front a collection In a beautiful , autograph " album containing hundred of other autograph. The album will be eold on-Tuesday evening at tb basaar given by the First Congregational church. The album contains the autographs of " President Roosevelt. Booker T. Wash- ., ington. ' Thomae Edison,, John Philip . Bouss. Edward Everett Hale. Newell Dwlght HUUs and hundreds of others. 1,000 New Homat. We believe there are 1,000 new homes In this city that have not a rose bush In the yard. For . these we have prepared a, collection of 11 popular-roses known as the Oregon - collection, value 14.00, special this week 11.00. In this collection we give you . one ,r rati Karl Druschkl, that grand.' new, white' rose, value 11.00. Can't you afford 11.00 to beautify your yard? . Ask our salesman about this collection. Phone Main 471 or call Portland Seed : Co., Front and Tamhlll streets. V - There will be a debate on the water question at the. People's Forum meet ing tonight H. D. Wagnon will explain and argue for the plan as outlined by the Free Water association, while Dr. ' C. H. Rafferty will defend the present ."system and the policy of the Portland , water board. A free discussion will follow the debate. The meetings are - beld In the Selllng-Hlrsch hall at Tenth , ana Washington streets. a wu tailored suit. It's a man s Idea. We make them so they will be a credit to us and a pleasure to our ,cus- mmiri. . tan ana iook at our discs un , finished worsted, end see what others charge for the same thing. Remember, we make any suit in the house to order . for $25. No more. No less. No other firm In the city will do this. Unique Tailoring Co., 101 Stark street, near ' BlXtn. . Plant Stbson's Roses In this favored climate. December Is good for planting. provided the (round Is not, too wet or deeply ' f rosea. Present conditions are favorable. Do not, however, delay too . long. No agents.- Careful attention to ' orders by mail or phone. Sell wood cars pass the place. Phone East lit. The Hlbson Rose Nurseries, 1110 Mllwaukie avenue. : Ought to get up here today and nave thst sitting for your Christmas photo. "We're open from 10 to I. When the negative is made a : week er two or three ahead, there Is ample opportunity Q delicately - retouch 1U-thereby-producing the perfected ' portrait of the subject. Can't you oome In at onceT E. W. Moore, Elks' building. Seventh and Stark, v ' Mr. J. H. Falrbrook. who was for "some time in my employ, la no longer connected with my of floe, and has not been for several weeks, although many supposed that he was. Property owners and real estate dealers are hereby noti fied that Mr. J. H. Falrbrook has no connections with my -office whatever. . Charles K. Henry, lit Third street. Professor T. M. Toder will gtv musical and literary program in the First United Evangelical church, oorner East Tenth and Sherman streets, Tues day, December 4, at 1:11 p. m. .Pro ceeds for Woman's Missionary society. Admission 15 and 10. cent ' Unitarian Basaar. The event of the - holiday sales will be next Wedneeday and Thursday when articlea useful and beautiful, together with delicious eata : bias, can be seen at the Unitarian chapel. All are cordially Invited, pur chasers and lookers-on. ' Pundit Dr. Krlshnl. exponent of the Herbert Spencer philosophy In India, will lecture tonight at Allsky hall. Third and Morrison streets, on the so- ' olal and Industrial conditions In India. . Discussions after lecture. Muslo. ' All welcome. Admission free. Palms for the Home.- First shipment ' of fine Kentia palms from .Belgium now In. All sixes. 60o to 15 00. Price low ' Bo as to-move them qutokly. Nothing nicer for presents or home decoration. Portland Seed Co., Front and Yamhill streets. ... . - ' Vlavl offices are noW located In- sultee 104, 106. 10 end 107 In the new Tllford -building, northwest comer Tenth and . Morrison streets, where we will be - plessed to Welcome all our friends snd patrons. Northwest Vlavl company. . Andrew Welch. John Forbes and John McDevltt, appraisers of the estate of Annie McCarthy, filed a report In the county court yesterdsy afternoon show ing thst the property of the estate is valued at 14.050. ' "Jaunting Through Japan" will 1 be the subject of Mies Carrie A. Hol brook's talk this afternoon at the T. W. C A. "At Home." Miss Lena Merts will I --g-BBR i msmrn Every day new (food are arriving. Beautifulrtningt for home and personal use. Vve have purchased this year and are offering the most magnificent stock of Jewels, Diamonds, Precious Stones, Solid 14k Jewelry. Solid Gold Wstches for ladies and gentlemen. Filled Gold Watches, Novelties of all kinds, extra quality Filled and Plated Jewelry, Cut Glass Wsre, Solid Silver Were, Opera Glasses, etc. - The finish and style of our goods sre wonderfully besutifuL It is beyond us to give any description. They must be seen to be ap ; predated. Our old customers know, snd our prospective ones we would like to have know, that visitors always find a welcome at ouf tore We are always plessed to see you and show you our goods, whether you purchase or are only looking. Christmas will soon be here, get the best selection. The G. Heiftempei Co. JEWELERS, DIAMOND DEALERS AND SILVERSMITHS. T 286 Morrison Street , "The Lowest-Priced Jewelry House for Fine doods." P. S We ran add to the above motto for th"is year: "The Best Stocked Jewelry House in Portland for Fine Goods, Inquiries by Mail Promptly Answered." . 1 ' ' give a piano solo and Miss Jessie Mo- Connell and Ronald Smith will be tne vocal soloists. The reception end enter tainment, which Is to be beld at the T. W. C A. headquarters. Oak and Sixth streets, will Isst from 4 to i o'clock. Ail women sre Invited. I0P-U arty valued at $1,511, according to the . report of the appraisers, Bruoe A- Fer rer, C. A. Parks - and . Frank Miller, which was fUed In tbo county court yesterday afternoon. TMa will remind yon that now la the 1 time to have your hair' mattresses rsno-, vated and returned the same day. Phone . Main 414. Tbo Portland Curled Hair Factory, H. Metsger, proprietor. All business Intrusted to J. B. Fair-1 brook, real estate broker, . 110 Second street, phono 1650. will secure his per sonal attention, as he has severed all his alliance with C. K. Henry. t .. i Big Werthelmer has been appointed deputy constable of the west side dis trict under Constable Lou Wagnsr. He has already begun duty in his new po sition. V ,. , . ' , - - Parlor Millinery- Cp-lo-dets , work dono at your homo with new or old ma terial at reasonable prtoes..Mlss BL M. Wohlforth, T4t Johnson., References given. Phono Main $471. . Rev. P.' 3. Green Will give a free leo ture on "The Power of Fear and Falth, next Sunday, December t, at 1 p. m. In the Auditorium ball. 101 ft Third street. Salespeople of experience wanted In all departments. A permanent position with an opportunity of promotion to any who are faithful and desire to exoeL Olds, Wortmaa a King. , Tour eyes examined Free. W are still selling eyeglasses at $L00. A per fect At guaranteed.- Metsger Co., Jewelers and opticians. 111 Sixth street. The" pulpit of tho Tsylor street church will be occupied by Rev. W. H. Heppo this morning and by Rev. W. B. Holllngshead this evening. Neat girl wanted for light housework and to look after ehtldren while travel ing. SmaU family. Held, 101 East Eighteenth South, near Washington. J. A. Goldralner will addreea the So cialist psrty tonight In. its hall at 100 Sixth street Ho will attempt to show that labor unions are trusts. J. I Well A Co. have, moved tbelr office from 14 Grand avsnue to room lot Chamber of Commerce building. Phone Mains 4664. ... . ' . j '. Steamer Jessie' Harklns for Camas, Washougal and way landings dally ex cept Sundsy. Leaves Washington street Jock at 1 p. m. . . v t Wmaow-glaiiTDlatO glaggried-Tm set, F. .'. E Beach 4e Co., The Pioneer Paint Co., 115 First street Phone Main 1114. " Acme Oil Co. sells the best safety ooal oil and fine gasoline. Phone East lit. Dr. O. M. Wells, residence 7(1 East Burnslds street Phono Esst 1(6$. Buy 10 bath tickets for $1. Baths. Washington and Second streets. For Quality, Quantity and Quickness, go to Morris restaurant. - , . Dr.F. J. aegler returned. ' 104 Mar- quamt - "Publlo stenographer, Phone Pacific $1." ' 'Watch Wooster I I I J - BANQUET TO EMPLOYES Baste ra Oatfltting Company SMvee Its Twelfth Annual BaaqwM to Its Im ployes Oaaolag and : Oe nazal Oood Time Was ladulged In. ' The twelfth annual banquet given by the-Eastern Outfitting company to its employes on Wednesdsy evening was an occasion Of unusual pleasure to tbs em ployes as well ss ths management For a dosen years ths Eastern Outfitting company his arranged for these ban quets and these events are looked for ward to with a great deal of plessure. The banquet on Wednesday evening wea largely attended from the faot that th company has this year many mors em ployes than In previous years. The new store with ' Its many departmnets has occasioned a very much larger force. Mr. Shemaneky, tho manager of. the store, takes a great deal of pleasure In these annual events, and this one gave him more pleasure than any from the fact that ho had a larger store and a larger force to prepare for. Joseph Sherman presided as toast master. After the banquet, dancing was Indulged In. The Influence of Art.. In framing appropriately, so thet ths shape, the finish and tho ornaments com bine In perfect harmony Is magical. Wi have all tho season's pretty styles and there have never been mora artistic ef fects. Call and see them. Sanborn, Vail 4V Co., 170 First street . , ,. All Marked Down. Ladles' tailor-made suits sre all re duced at Le Palais Royal. 8ome 10 per cent; ethers IB per cent Watch them go. 171 Washington street . Remember, the early buyers always Did You Have Too Much of a Good Thing? , Well, we have, right now, too many Fine Woolens for this time of year, and we are going to make the prices' of our gooij ' things so attractive that you will help to relieve lis of them at once. , . . ' See our window and prices.-. for goods SatlafaetUm snaranteed hi all Gartnrots to ordrr la a (: J' u required, la a specialty. Full dreae end Toiedo eul 108 THIRD STREET. William Jerrems' Sons, Props, J. F. BOOST. Manager. ' ONLY CURSES FOR GREAT BRITAIN Hindoo Doctor Now in Portland Says .Hie People Hate All Englishmen. ANXIOUS TO CAIN , IDEAS FROM AMERICA MUsionarieg Do No Good,-He De-j , . , . .. ciarcs, oui u mum sniuiu iiuiu - Intelligent Teachers of the Sciences Are More Desired. , Pundit. Dr. N. Krlshnl, a Hindoo graduate of Cambridge university and sometime student at . the great French and German lnatutions of learning, is touring this country, disclosing as hs says, ths true conditions In his native land. Dr. Krlshnl will lecture' Sunday afternoon at Socialist hail and In the Allsky hall in ths evening. . "1 have not everywhere met with courteous treatment at the hands of the American press," ssld Dr. Krlshnl, this morning. "In Chicago, I was ridiculed by one of the great dallies. -The same "Y: J A 1' ' i r Pundit Dr. N. KiahnL thing happened In Kansas City and Se attle. But that makes no difference to me, I pay no attention to It I am here for the purpose of telling the American people of the shameful robbery of India by the unttsn nation, ana ins oontume ly of a few newspapers thst do not un derstand, shall not deter mo from my purpose. - ' "lrst I want to say that every Hin doo Is deeply grateful to Mr. William J. Bryan for his letter published some months ago on England In India. It was the truest exposition of British rob bery of the Hindoo that has sver been published. Mr. Bryan hsd mastered his SUbjeot and knrw-whet- he-was -talking about I sincerely hope that every Amer. lean will read Mr, Bryan's letter and get some Idea of how my once opulent peo ple have been degraded and beggared by Britain's Iron rule. Zadla Beginning so Xopev "India Is beginning to take seme hope sines the removal of Lord Curson as governor-general. - He was by far the worst Engllshmsn that ever governed India. - Our present governor-general. Lord Mlnto, Is a humane, well-meaning man, under whoss rule we hope India will prosper. "One of the greatest curses that In dia has to endure is your American Christian missionaries. We do not want them. They do no good. Enlightened teachers Is India's great need. Help us to educate our young men In tho sol- enqso. We want American Ideas, Ameri can capital to halp develop our great, natural resources. , "The nsms of England Is so detested In my country that fully 90 per cent of the Hindoo race refuse to purchase any article of English manufacture. This Is ens of ths means by which we hops to fores England to give India a more Just government" ' . ' Dr. Krlshnl la enrnasiastio in ad vocating the sending of young Hindoos to the colleires of ths United tastes. I hope." ssid he. "to, be able to send not less then 100 of my countrymen to American colleges. We hsve no greet scisntlflo Institutions In India. Lord Curson hsd a law passed prohibiting tho establishment of suah InsUtotlena." r.-.vf.:',:, ;:;:.- r. v i h t r V" LATENT POWER IS SURPRISING Thomae - McCueker T Telle of Great Strength of the Pend - O'Rellle River. DISTRICT IS ALSO RICH IN DEPOSITS OF LEAD Ore Already Shipped and Valued at Fifty Dollars Per Ton, and District - Contains Mineral That Is Much ;-' Richer. ' " Thomas McCuaksr, who has Just re turned from an Inspection trln In ths I Mstallne mining dlstrlot of northeastern I Washington, was Impressed with the possibilities of Industrial development snd wster power. The falls of ths Pend O'Rellle river near Sullivan creek mouyi, he said, much resemble Spokane fails, and they -carry more water than comes over the Willamette fails at I Oregon City. I "I was smssed not only at the extent of lead deposits In the Metailne dis trict but the stse snd nsvlgable Im portance of the Pend O'Rellle river," he said. "This stresm Is as Urge as ths Willamette, and at many places as l deep. With tho exception of an ob struction In the canyon above lone, the stream is navlgsbls for the largest steamboats a distance of about 10 miles, covering the distance between rail transportation at Newport and tho falls at the mouth of Sullivan creek. "The government last year spent about 130.000 blowing up obstructions a tne canyon, ana it is estirasted thst 110.000 more will finish ths job and make the stream easily nsvlgable clear through. Steamers and barges to carry freight cars are being built and will be ready for business ss soon as the re mainder of the rocks are blown out Thess boats will carry four freight cars, each hauling about 14 tons of ore. The picked ore thus far taken out of the , mines of the Metailne district ranges In net value at ths damp from ISO to 1(5 per ton, after paying all expense of delivery to the Illlnoli smelters. , t Diamond B. Ships Ore. ' The Diamond R. mine, owned by tho Spokane Lead Mines eompsny, has al ready shipped out a carload of ore and netted 150 per ton. Thlsls not ths Mchesf"oreln theaTstrlct There Is practically a mountain of lead on tho property of the Mammoth company, and Its vslues range from 106 for the picked ore down to 11 for tho low grade con centrating ore.1 water powers available will make thai - h:uu aaia inu eveniuauv me i district rich In au kinds of industrial ! development and the transportation af forded by the river will compel rail roads to build In for a share of the traffic. Ths Great Northern Is survey ing a route from ColvlUe Into the Meta ilne district The falls of the Pend O'Rellle are being contested for by rival claimants, the Washington Power com pany of Spokane and private parties who claim to own tho tights. RAILROAD OFFICIALS ; ARE BACK AT THEIR POSTS Have Successfully Repaired All JamageCaused by Re- cent Floods. .Heade of departmeota .of tho opera tion and constriction work of the Or R. 4t N. and Southern Paclflo companies are again attending to their routine , duties, after successfully coping with ' one of the worst flood seasons in ths ' history of Pacific coast railroads. The lines In Oregon are onoe more operat-1 , ing on their usual schedules. i Favorable comment Is heard In rail-' I road circles on the excellent work done ' by local officials. Ths O. R. A N. main 1 lino comes In for compliments on Its ! 1 fins condition, enabling It to carry the ' combined traffic of tho O. R. At N., Northern Pacific, Oreat Northern and ! Burlington roads, through the worst of ' ths flood period, when all northern roada were out off from the sound and every- thing moving bad to bo carried by way i of Portland. General Superintendent i Buckley, Division Superintendent Camp bell and their aids were continuously at the points where delays threatened. When a mountain slide blockaded the main Una General Manager O'Brien was i one of the first on ths scons of trouble, j Chief Engineer Boschke, with his as sistants, camped on tho banks of the ' swollen Santlam a week In ths rain, try- g Ing every expedient that engineering could suggsst to hastsn tho placing of a! temporary bridge at a washout that crippled the Southern Paotflo main line, while Division Superintendent Fields operated tho overland trains by round about routes snd managed to send them through every day. On the Southern Paclflo and OrHff N. lines there wss not a day when the regular trains did not got through. OFFICE OF COUNTY CLERK EARNS NEAT PROFIT Makes More Than Two Thou . eand Dollars for County In November. - Thst the county clerk's office earned a profit, for the eounty of ll.m In November is shown by a report which County Clerk Fields submitted to tho county court yesterday aftsrnoon show ing the comparative receipts and dis bursements of his office for ths month of November for the past six years. In November. ' 1101. the office was an expense to the county of. 12.010. Ac cording to the report the receipts of the office for November have In creased from 12.121 In Novsmber, 1101, to 11.101 last month, an Increase of nearly 11,000. The expense of con ducting tho - office ' hss been de creased from 11,201' In ' November, 1801, to 11.611 In November of this year. Salaries have been - decreased from 11.111 to 11,471. The cost of sup piles lsst month wss but 1111, while In November, 1901, supplies cost I21S. - Mr. Fields believes that tho excellent showing mads by .his office force In handling ths county business sntltles them to Increassd salaries, a petition Of the deputy oouaty elerks to the DUK0XD CEP'T. WS CIKTAIXTY SEIX nr ahaie ef IMaamda. WHY I We air ooe M the large ene seat se lected atoefca ta tbe rtty. 1 Ns pnrcaaal toy e r ate srm we in see era of eiMiirsfli ta Ihe dlamoad Mm . f I I V ft VE.M AAftft. VTJST BK klOal. ether r ' eriea we would sot nil ae maay. Otaare save faaaS tela -ess-way ae yeeJ 2Cth Ceotcry Cut As Aseve, Si Diamonds OATI. Have yee en ensUaef tbea eloaety a see tbe dUfarM. It not. etas la sad wa wilt se esiy lee glad to eaew yoa. IINUOIWTED DMUOIDS We- eanry a large eteok ef saaMastod elaawsea sad eaa wt tham s abort svtlce to whatever slsd e S BMoatlag yes wlaa. r DIA uouNmcs Is Rings. Bteerhee. Steda. Coff Battens, acert Ptna, UkrU ete suae to KMe-kstaa-aUaae4 er Satlm- "EXPERT DIAMOND SETTERS Ws emolor twe eat eiaswod eT ter and suaaefae torleg weln and eaa make as ee abort aottae ear atyla at lewetryyes wlak. Opera Glasses flesslss lemalre Is rear! snd Black Leather, from . U an A seaaUtul Im V purted Pearl slaas, ss ear eat, eeijr fi. As AWve,' IS, EXTRA SPECIAL $2.75 atBOTfiVavB as TAitra To be sold while they last fsr SS.T5. This la one of oar Introductory spe- one ox e Ws carry olal a. a complete use ox Trnnka Snltoevses, . Teleeoopee and Skrapa. The Peerless Trunk Co. S4S TMrd IWirm Hadlson. High Grade California ZlWinet Can be purchased for' "One Dol lar," an "Honest Oallon." When we say "High Orads. ws stske 'our reputation against your Judg ment. Wo have made this price Wins our "Special Hobby," and guarantee. It superior In nutrl ment and character to any ether brand on the market,, Order It regularly for family use. It's pure. A telephone messaga will bring; it to your horns. O. I. c. PRONE OOA mC THIRD F0R( - ) county court rsoently for Inoreaeed sal-srles.was-denled by the oowrt en- the ground thst the salaries of the depu ties Is fixed by statute and tho court had no authority to increase them. The matter will be presented to the legis lature at ths sssslon In January. BANK CLEARINGS -SHOW INCREASE Eleven Months of This Year Breaks' All Previous Records. Tor tho eleven months Just paaaad In 1101 tho bank clearings of Portland show the remarkable rate of II per cent Increase over what was regarded as ths record-breaking business of last year. Hero Is a comparison of ths clesrlngs by' months: i 1101. 1101. 1.120,M0,4! - t t0.0M.0tl.0l 14,04.10tl 17.0J. 837.1a 1M64.1M4T ' ta.lHl.4rtl 11 l...1.6t0 lMOIl.m.ll 18.741,495 ! 1 J.O0.177.l 20.124. 791.60 11.60S.114.08 1 8. SM. "HO.! M.l4.8.l 17,2Z7.25.1T 12.58t.SOH.Al IO.20.42.1 16.08.R0S.8 t4.411.17l.41 ' 2.42,71.2 . Il.S8t.S01.14 Jan.... I Feb....' Mar. . . . Apr.., May. ... " June. .. July... Aug. ... Sept... Oot Nov... . 10T,ltt,TST.1 tltMtl.ltt.lO U WATCC toto. stivnt. ootaw IUXCD, hlCXJU - auntxxAL. OnrWatdi Ktzi nvxjt BKrtjaa have we -had . each - a Ursa StofSi of BopeUr-prtcd wairhae la all atrtae t mm aad any kind ef araatu fnm plaa. SolM gold watcbas tot 1are. Inm fig sp ss SiftO. Oold-flllad wetPhae tot ladles tram S9.M h fao. Bliraf watrhae tor la. din fraas S to lis. - Ladlaa' eelld Sola member Moderste-Price - OTJk DIAMOND JEWELRY, FINGER RINGS, BROOCHES, SCARF PINS, BRACELETS, . LOCKETS. DUMB-BELL LINKS. CUFF PINS. . NECK CHAINS LORGNETTE - CHAINS. : - Novelties hi LEATHER BAGS, BEADED BAGS. ehatua xs; U IX to to Kir Irkal BIWar STERLING: SILVERJ .We Jiave the Stock. We are Prepared. Aay artiale hi the stare . laid eaide for yea satU JAEGERBR0S. Jewelers and Oplidzai 133 Hfthitnear Alder We have sad eld V.. Ot Five cent loaves Butter-Nut Bread stands at the bead of Qatvlity Iacs It thar Five coats a loaf at all grocers. Beware) of fanltettona. SOMETHING FOR NOTHING No need to expect that, as no one can nor will give you as some fake sales advertise, $15.00 Suits or Overcoats for $3.75. Common sense tells you' that it is an impossibility. Best to trade at a legiti mate home, like - JOHN DELIAS Doing business on the same corner. First and Yam hill, for 13 years. The stock is guaranteed perfect and prices reasonable. Our branch store corner Third and Davis. w THE ROYAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF LIVERPOOL W. J. Clemens, Resident Agent 273 STARK ST, CHAMBER of COMMERCE, PORTLAND, Otti This company is one of the five only which took no cash dls-t, counts in the settlement of its San Francisco losses. Assets, $72,000,000. Annual income, $18,000,000. . 1 ROLLA V. WATT, PACIFIC COAST MANAGER. ' Great. Auction Sale Of Jtpsnese snd Chinese curios, consisting; of old Bronte, Sil---v-eTrCknsonner-Hew-Brass,' Sat suma, fine decorated Tea Sets, Lacquered Were, Ebony Carved Furniture, Embroidered Screens" Oriental Rugs, etc Owing to the overcrowded con dition of our small store.' we ark compelled to dispose of our great stock at auction. The public is cordially invited to at tend this sale. Unprecedented bargains are certain to be had. SALS AT 2 JO AND 7:30 P. M. DAILY. Andrew Kan & Co. 287 MORRISON" ST. PIANO pen-haters can save tlmo and to re oner br wrltlns ta na. We renreaent tbe beat piano aaakers and retail at wholeaals prim, Wstbsr Bre. Mail Order riaao ttoasa, PorUand , . What acre, Bryan is, ' ' ' PYotn tha Rneton Olobs. Oood for Mr. Bryan! Vhen an en thusiastic Georgian ,sjs14 to him: "Mr. Prysn. 1 hope to see yon our nest president and ywnr wife the first lady of ths land.'" "Thank you, answered , from ST SO to aald flued SnuB As I lltt. I sbeve, la salld asM. aST.BO : Watches for Boys b4 CecSersea Watehae. 11 asd l& Watcaaa. la anil as. Wuld-rilbO Watchaa. and SB. SM-Ooid Witckaa, W and an, BoUdKMM Cbalna from S SB. ' old-rillad Chains from I1.SO SP. , ' FOBS Honorjram Fobs Made to Grfer tedtea and' Ontlemafl'a Tcitm to SoUd Oold sad Oeld-nuad, la all ssadae et Oeld, Smss SAsO as. : 'lockets : " mr Ladles and ewetfrswa, hoth Solid Oold sad Mllad. with and without dlamondt, flnlahad la Baaa Soman. eatln-SnUhad and noUahea Sold, engrsTed ssd olais. trom 1.90 ee Ilea . ENGRAVING aa byert Xagrarer, BeanUfnl Baeeogsi Kngllaa wttoia ensraved free ef charge. KEMP PRINTING COMPANY we'be n IF ITS rcntTKG Good Printing Prompt Printing YORK DELIVERED WHEN PROMISED Phone 5500 213 Second St. Chinese and Japsnes: Art good. Nrlnf. flue airaaaa swat S.tmiiH.. CT"lmoe. waM. rmrrtl am-lnl.l.-rlM. .Iik.. aalle draaatof "in, an.. """ciffiili". s.vr Mr. rirran, with a l' be president, but 1 the f.rst k-r l t