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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 2, 1906)
THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 9, 1503- IS sil l DYL'AfJITE Austrian Laborer la Blown to t Recea While. Thawing Out &f -tha; Explosive ' Near - ; Falrvlew. ... v Wh.ll thawing NTinl sticks of dyne- . mite yesterday mSrnlnf, Mike Reba, ' young- Austrian laborer In the employ of tkitt W. P. Co.. allowed hla fir to beoome too hot and waa killed by the explosion that followed. ., For the past aaveral . weeka ' Reba worked with a . tint of at ant men on the new eleotrto line between Troutdale and Oreaham. , Teeterday, while the rang- wee at -work stringing a cable near Falrvlew, Foreman Joaeph Trom- - blee ordered the Auatrlan to thaw out BUYERS 'TVtlLLPAYTO: TAKE HEED We arc anxious to move Just si many pianos during our Emergency Sals aa. possible, for we have not a foot of extra floor space in which to store .an additional instru ment with our quarters in their present condition. In order to cars for the con stantly arriving carload ship ments from the east, and to keep these pianos - moving, we are offering them at ab solute factory -cost plus only the actual freight.; And in addition to tins conces sion in price, we will make terms so favorable that not a single individual shall be - deterred from buying on that account. We will guarantee a saving of from $100 to $200 on every instrument at this - time, and can assure the pub-. lie that such an opportunity as this will probably not be presented again for a very ' long time perhaps not for r"'- ; , ; , : . i Every make. la our. stock Is included in this sale such leading productions as the famoue Chickering, the world renowned Weber, the popu- tar Kimballp- and-numerouf other equally well-known lines. Just think of what - that means not a mere ' handful of unknown - pianos of uncertain quality, out a $140,000 stock. of the finest and best-known pianos in America. " Our' guarantee and a. guar antes from the Biggest, Busi est and Best Piano House in Western America means something goes with every' piano, as uauaL But Just the moment ws can secure possession of the new J premises now under course of reconstruction, we shall ; terminate this sals. Just as Suickly as ws can accommo- ate the new stock now ar riving from the factories we ' shall be only too glad to re sume ordinary selling meth- ' voda. Therefore ws wish to fully make this clear, so that no one will wait until too late and then feel that we have . . not given due notice as to the -ending of the sale; We. cannot at this writing tell' tust exactly now many days It will take to complete the improvements; but the work is progressing very satisfac torily now, carpenters and electricians are nearly done, and the painters and decor- ators ere already on hand. . So," we say, if you are Inter- ested In, the "matter ""of a .piano purchase, come in at once and learn fully as to prices, terms, etc. We do not wish to quote these publicly, as we do not csre to demor- alira the local piano market to any greater extent than necessary to accomplish our object of keeping our new stock from accumulating dur ing. this trying period. - Come in tomorrow our word for it. you will find the ' inducements sufficiently sat isfying to meet every exoec- '.. tation, and to - more than : recompense for the slight in convenience csused by the confusion of the workmen. ' .... . Busier, Bigger and Better Than Ever. ... .COR. PARK AND WASH INOTON STREETS. PIANO oome dvnamlt. aa they would eoon seed to do aome bleating. Reba took the giant powder and start- the working gang. The othera paid no attention to bla aetlona until a half hour later when they heard a terrific explosion and. looking up. aaw a cloud of duat and smoke where Reba bad keen a ahort time before. - Running to the spot, the 'men found that the unfortunate laborer had been thrown agalnat a rock ' a dlatance of about II feet away. He had atruek with such -force that many bonea were broken and hla alghtleaa eyea bung out of their sockets. The man waa . atlll breathing, however. . Aa quickly, aa pos alble he waa put on a ear and taken to Oreaham, where a phyalclan attended him until he died about 1 o'clock, near ly three houre after the accident. Coroner Klnley wtll go to Oreaham today to take charge of the body, Reba la said to have no relative" In thla country. ' : ' . . KANSAS SUES RAILROADS . , FOR MORE CARS Sunflower State Will Force Rail roads to Give Reasons ' for Shortage, - SpUI Dwpstch by UimI Wirt to Tb Jnaraa!) Topeka, Kaa., Dec. 1. Carr Taylor, attorney for the atate board of railroad commissioners, filed thla afternoon with the board a complaint to compel the aeven largest-railroads, In the atate to how what disposition they make of their cars with reference to the traf flo on each road, to compel the roada to furnish the proper proportion of cave- to Kanaaa and to Increase their equipment ao that It will fully meet the demsnds of the shipping publla The defendants In the action are; The Missouri Paciflo Railway com pany, the (.Atchison. Topeka et Santa Fa Railway - company, the Chicago, Rock Island eV Paciflo Railway com pany, the St. Louie A San Franclaco Railway company, the Missouri, Kanaaa Texaa Railway company, the Union Paolflo Railway company, the Leaven worth. Kanaaa eV Western Railway com pany. ;. . - - ,. Taylor charges that In addition to the roada not having aufflelent cars to take care of the trafflo In Kanaaa, thereUa leaa trafflo moving at tola time than In August. September, October and No vember, a year ago. - ROSE PASTOR STOKES SECURITY FOR PRISONER (Sperisl Dtipstcb by Lsssed Win to Tb Inoraar) White Plains. Deo. 1. Mindful or the roseate romance that elevated her from a clgarmaker'a bench to be the wt'e of a wealthy youth, one of New York's proudest famlllea, ' Roae Pastor Stokes listened to the plea of Charles Ha worth's fiancee, and appeared In court here today to ask leniency for Haworth who. was arraigned as a burg lar. The wife of J. Q. Phelpa Stokes told County Judge Piatt that ahe had lnveatigated the case most thoroughly and found that alnce Haworth came to this country, 11 yeara ago, from Ger many, he bad led a spotless life until. when out of work and engaged to be married, desperation had driven him to commit burslary.- . 1 " - If your honor will release- the pris oner la my custody." -!She-said, "ha will lead a Christian life.:-Both be and hie fiancee have given me thla pledge, and I believe they are sincere." Judge Piatt granted the request with the proviso that Haworth should report to Mrs. Stokes every week. ITnooaeoloua Irony. From Harpera Weekly. . A New England man aaya that one night last winter when the thermometer fell Delow aeiu, hie wife eapreessa her concern for the new Swedish maid who had aa tinheated room. Ellas," aald ahe to the girl, remem- baring the good - old custom of her youth, 'aa It Wbttterly cold tonight; you'd better take a natiron to bed with you." vYea, m'm,M said Ellsa, In mild and expressionless assent In the morning the girl waa aaked how ahe paaaed the night. With S sign. she replied: WM1. m'm. I gat - the trron moat vara before morning."' - UNSCATHED m m- , ' . ' x n; 1 ifK-A L-a-aTX' The two pictures show tomb and statue of Pope Clement XIII in St. Peter's, Rome, where a bomb was exploded recently. . Aa by a miracle the statue, which wss carved by Canova, and the tomb were not dam i V aged. Cardinal Rsmpolls, who was celebrtting .mass just a few feet from the tomb, only a few minutes before the explosion of the bomb : in St. Pstert Csthedral . I CLASH WITH JAPS E A Sudden Truculence of Mikado's ? Government- Causes - Sur prise at Washington. LUST FOR PHILIPPINES ' REAL CAUSE OF TROUBLE Imperial Policy of Aggrandisement and Intense Egotism of Islanders Can Lead Only to a Clash With United States. . -i ' (Special Dlipstca by Lessee Wire to Tb leorasH Washington. Deo. l. While the ad ministration officially minimises the difficult situation which has arisen be tween the United States and Japan, as a result of the decision of pie local authorttlea In California to aegregata the Japanese and American students In the public schools, it la aald that the atate department and the prealdent view the subject with growing apprehension. The audden truculence of the Japaneee government has caused surprise In ad' ministration circles and there la a grow ing belief that there Is more behind the stan the Japanese have taken than the attitude to sustain national honor. . adUer in Trouble,. United States Consul Henry Miller of Toaonama is quoted here aa saying that the Japaneae are preparing lor war on account of the alleged ertront. He says further that the real clash la over con trol of the Philippines and the Pacific. If he la correctly quoted, he will prob ably get into trouble with the atate de - partment, as It la agalnat the depart ment's policy for a consul to talk in this manner. ' . ' There are, however, many people who think Miller la only foreshadowing a certainty.. No one here believes there Is any Imminent danger of war with Japan, but in administration circles It la frankly stated that the overweening egotism, truculent self-aasertlvenesa and Imperial policy of aggrandisement manifested by Japan can- lead only to one end, and that is a clash with the island empire. The United States haa hoisted Ita flag In Hawaii and the Philippines and domlnatea the doorway to 'the orient. Japan resents this and many believe that Japan Is swiftly and hurriedly pre paring to drive the United Stataa out of the -orient. The Japanese seem to have adopted a national policy of op position to encroachment In. the orient and In thla they must eventually come In conflict with this country. ' ' Oallf ornlana Inflexible. Soma of those Interested have ' in dulged In warlike talk and' especially Representative Hayea of California, who called on the president today with Sen ator Flint. On the other hand, the ad ministration .deprecates talk of thla kind and asserts that the whole mat ter will be amicably adjusted In the end. The prealdent haa taken the. attitude that, the treaty -.rights . supercede ail state . and all other- development, laws and that If any treaty haa been violated the trouble muat be adjusted. On the other hand, there la to question but that the Japanese are to have the same claaa of education aa other children, and the only question Is of division of the; Yaces. " There 1s a reason for this. Many of the Jarenese students are lUlulta and thla traxes the division nee- assary.- . - The California people are Inflexible In the attitude they have taken and the president did not at first fully real lie Iheemperonivr people or In coas on the subject Today he Is more -fully Informed and his attitude now la one of sustaining the California people In aa far as treaty agreements will admit Ladies' Fin Waists. - Thla Una of waists Just arrived de mands th consideration of all wide awake buyer. They ire made of pfaln and plaid chiffon taffeta silks, beauti fully trimmed with lace, and beat or all th prices are In reach of alL L Palais Royal. ITS Washington street. BY BOMB V ia.wWWlM.l Ac . . ..' -r.r. . i PROBABL B ' . . 1 aJf Stotrtoch Sufferers Squander Millions -''' - - In Search of Relief, ; " The world Is full of disordered stom achs and 9 per cent of the money spent upon physicians and drugs goes l -e- attempt to euro the stomach. People are made to believe that la order to gain health they must doctor their stomachs and us cathartics. So the doctor gets bis fee for the stomach treatment and the druggist for the physio, until tb savings of a lifetime are exhausted and yet no cure. , . . Let's be reaaonable. ' ' The alck stomach Is In every case the reeult of over-eating, hurried mas tication and Improper choice pf focle. Tb mucous lining all the way down the food tract loeee Ita sensitiveness, and when food la forced down the muaclea fall to respond. They do not churn the food aa they should. The glands no longer give out gaatrlo Juice to dlsaolv the food and render It ca pable of assimilation. The man haa be come, a dyspeptic There I on aura way and only one to bring jpoelttve relief. Put Into that stomach of yours the very elements that It lacks to get that food Into HqulJ form. It takes pepsin, diastase, golden seal and other ferments to accomplish this. The healthy ., atomach eontalna these elements. . The dyspeptlo stomsch lacks part r all of them. ' Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablet la made up of Just what the dyspeptlo stomach lacks nature's digestives. Btpart's Dyspepsia Tablets are not a medlclne not a drug, not a cathartic. They do not cure anybody of anything but JDyspepsla and Indigestion and auch ailments aa arise, from poorly digested food. . Whtle they digest th food the stom ach . recuperates. The muooua mem brane Is coming out pf Its stupor, th gaatrlo Jute la coming to th surface, the muscles are regaining their power. Every organ of the body takes on new life, th ekln gains color, and th eyes sr no longer tinged with yellow. , Tou llv. . Why doctor and why drug yourself? Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets will take ear of your food while Nature cures you." Try a box at yonr druggist, IS cents. Of, If you prefer a free trial package before buying, send your nam and ad dress today. F. 'A. Stuart Co., 68 Stu art Bldg., Marshall, Mich. G0LDFIELD PROMOTER FUGITIVE FROM JUSTICE (Specie! Dispatch by leased Wire te Iti Jovrael) Lou Angeles, Dec 1. Dr. John Orant Lyman, prealdent of the Union Seourt- I tlea company, of Goldtleld, Nevada, who la charged with fraudulently securing $9,150 from B. H. Scheftela, a Chicago broker, in a mining stock deal, left the Hotel Green. Pasadena, at I o'clock this morning, whither no on aeem to know, ao far as the sheriff ofrlo Is able to learn. Officer working on th case discov ered at the start of their Investigations that Dr. Lyman had left both early and hurriedly, ao much so that he failed to take any baggage. Hla manner of de parture wa somewhat remarkable for a person of the doctor's elegance, aa he boarded an electric car out of th Crown City forLos Angelea. E. H. Lattlmer, secretary of the oom- pany, who wa charged Jointly with Lymanr-wa arrested 1n OoldfleldT and waa obliged to furnish I1.B00 ball for his release, .-.j, . - WO! Bead pec. George CL Maaon. chief enrlneer of tne contracting Engineering . company or xacoma, win read a paper on "Re- enforced Concrete: Its Adaptation to High Building Construction," In the assembly-room In the Alnsworth build ing. December S, at o'clock. Th lec ture la eapeolally Interesting to the nub ile, because Of an ordinance nendlnar In lanngth nelarht or build inga or such construction. , I lias County Tarmera rroeperoua. ' Th - farmer of Linn countr have 'WSdeni6ney'lhIa year and manv are buying Kdtaon pnoncgrapha rrom Fred I Dawson, th llv- Albany druggist. If I you want one, write him. OUT OF THE HIGH RENT DISTRICTTHE PLACE TO GET A Serviceable Xmas Present at Low Prices and on Easy Tenns o?XT 920.00 TJtt parmetirs: TOTT'iweBrfrbnC made of best quartered "whit oak, lare flak, four drawers, I4xS0 , rrench.ih veled . mirror, -finely ' polished; slso mahocany or birds ere maple at sane price. $4.00 Heavy 'posts and fllllns. WUT last as Ions as any we show. A bis; line of- Beds' from f 3.00 up. Com and sea them.. xonxjs CKaxaa. A bis line or th patent adjust able kind. They have broa4- arm, ' head reat, also th disappearing foot rest. We have them In leather. Spanlah leather and Imi tation, leather. We also have th. ordinary kind." vjw5?' ? i Mti Vh,L a- t-a-x-j-jj.x: t J I" j j - Tho Stor Do Your l atvThis'Stor - And be sure of getting; exactly what you pay for. Our Christmas stocks are now, at their best and an early selection 'la advisable if you would have first choice.. We carry a complete stock of Leather Goods, Belts, Hand Bags, Purses, Suit Cases, Gloves, Corsets, Under wear. Hosiery, Men's Furnishings,' Umbrellas, Portieres, Table Covers ' and Draperies, Table Linens, Fancy and Art Linens, Wool Blankets, ' Comforters, Women's Suits, Coats, Skirts and .Wraps, Infants' and Children's wear; Dress Goods and Silks, 'Dolls, Toys and Games, Ribbons, Combs, Jewelry, Furs, etc etc .We're very sure you can't beat our prices and the Hosiery Specials Women's Sillc Fleeced Hosiery, fsst black, double sole snd elas tic top, regular 25c grade; spe cial f.....l) Women's White Foot Hosiery,' with double sol snd garter top, wsrranted fast black, 25egrsdej special 15f Boys' Extrs' Heavy Ribbed Hose, with double sole, . heel snd knee, regular 20c value: special, a pair .......... t2yt4 if Winter Underwear Women's Fleece Lined Vests snd Pants, in cream, grsy snd white, best 40c quality, sll sizes: specisl 25f Women's Jersey Ribbed Union Suits, in cream, gray snd white, best 85c grsde, , silk finished: Specisl -.- -si r i r r r. .". 60 Women's Extra Fine . Ribbed Union Suits, . perfect fitting, hand finished, $1.50 vslue; spe cial 8Te Women's Flsnnel Gowns, in plain colors snd stripes, neatly trimmed, 1.$0 values j special. each .074 Wright's Health Underwesr for Men, pure wool fleece snd a stsndard $125 grade; special st . . . ....&4 Scsrlet Wool Underwesr for Men - snd Women, medicsted snd - best - $2.00 - grsde; - specisl st . . . fl.SO -- torie model, TlrT IS W rf is .:.. ill MVI . Pari." : V(7-jfjfl AKJljtnliA P6 Orders V Patterns fMiSjlfriwlft "L TW1 Centt: CORNER THIRD AMD M08RIM)N STREETS t Tm gxX"XT!IZXAZ!ssSZSIxII3iIIII3K8E 364(o 70 - Esl llorrlson Street. New Goods are Now Arriving You " should come and see them and get the prices. It is business for you to place your 1 jorder jyhcreouxajudo JheJbest and. ,witb- our, advantage over competitors there is no question but that you will place your orders T ; with us. 815.00. Buy thla Prin cess D r s r. Mad of whit mspl. fitted with French bevel mir ror. Just th thing for a small room. Term SI weekly. .-tf' Noted for Best Goods at Lowest Prices r qualities are of the best. Read list below for our ureat 3-uay Bargains.' Mail orders receive prompt and careful attention and shipped same day-as received. Write for our Reduced Fall and Winter Price List, and ' save money. Mailed free to any address Dress Goods ins 60-lnch All Wool Brosdcloths, in red, green, brown, blue snd black and white, in plaids and checks. $2.50 grade fl.SO 54-inch Dark Cardinal Broad cloth, extra, heavy and our best $3.25 quality; special for three days, per ysrd ....2.25 54-inch Shadow Plaids, in all the newest color mixtures, all wool and regular $175 value; special . . . ....... .....fl.25 58-inch Plaid ClosWing, 1 extrs heavyweight, in light snd dark colors, regular $2.50 value; Special . . rcrvfa.Tft 46-inch Serge, in several new shades of .wine, good weight snd regular $1.25 grade; special, ysrd . . . 904 'J? Table Linens Reduced 72-Inch Double Sstin Damask, all pure linen, grass blesched and best $1.50 value, six different pstterns; special, yard ..974 Nsplcins to match, dosen Great Corset Sale Thomson's Olove-Flttlng Corsets, in high and low bust, hose supporters front snd sides, drab and white, $1.25 grade; special ...95 Thomson's Glove-Fitting Corsets, new exten sion hios. white snd drab, hose Supporters front and sides, best $1.75 grsde; special f 1.45 TVi nn. mrw.'m Alw.triflnor rAtt.ti nmw T TI. in pinkT-white and blue brocaded silk, $5.00 quality; specisl............. , JS.OO 364to70 East llorrlson Street 7f ' - a., ).y-v;. V-.. -rjL Ve , I $1.09 Down tl.O Wcclily the 48-inch Black Panama Nub, a beautiful and stylish fabric, re 5. $175 grade; special, yd.. f 1.35 56-inch Black Broadcloth, extra heavy and Jin finish, regular $2.50 value; for three days only, per yard fl.80 48-inch Black French Poplin, a cloth never sold for less thsn $2.00 - a , yard; great three-day special,-a yard.. ........f 1.08 44-inch Black Prunella, in me dium weight and standard $1.50 quality; fast, lustrous dye; spe cial, a yard 81.15 60-inch. Black Cay Worsted Serge, in extra heavy weight and regular' $2.25 grade; great three-day special ...81.70 ,...M86 72-inch Pure Irish Linen Dam ask, extra heavy double warp, grass bleached and the best fl value in town; special.... TBs Napkins to match, dos. 8 2.25 72-inch Satin Finished Damask, in rich floral designs, wears snd wsshes well and regular 75c grade; special, a yard 50) 19x36-lnch Hemmed Huck Tow els, extra heavy and a stsndsrd Ocrvaruer-Special, each. 124 V 20x50-inch Turkish- Bsth Tow els, heavy double twisted yarn fringed and regular ,20c value: special . . 12jf , Z Buy this handeotne rolden auarter-eawed oak Buffet, rtenoh lews, French beveled mirror, 'can--opy top. full swell front top drawer lined. Com and see It. "make a deposit and w will bold It fr Xmas delivery. . .. , Music Cabinets and Records At amaatntly low price. Tf you ever Intend to (et one, ret It now, while we have s bl esleotlon. II I $15X0 WUl " buy this fine Tidies Desk, full swell front, frewft less front and beck. L ,vitln kmA ftmll finished a I polished. Made In quarter. 1 t t or blrdseye meple. We I a larje line In the w:hrl 1 1 lan. Come and eee t . . Mm :niii8ii: i 1 -7; " M