The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 02, 1906, Page 5, Image 5

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; . :s
Make Artistic -Holiday Presents
Suggestions - About Your Xmas Gito
MaKeThem aFIitilc Expense by forogfaph .
' With a Pyrographic Outfit and a little pleasant work you can
make a beautiful art gift worth several dollars at a cost of a few
cents. Largest art department in the city. t Free pyrographic lessons.
lanJsoine "certificate of depostfex
changeable for merchandise in this store to any amount These are
BETTER to give han money, because they show some thought and
carefulness. If-yeu are in doubt about what to buy, give one of these
merchandise certificates. :' .--
Good Merchandise Only Quality Considered Our Prices Are Always the Lowest.
Great Holiday Sale
Great Holiday Sale
of Ribbons
of Standard Silks
11 fi .1 17 V. i rv ii
"M il I Jl "VI -tr-.--' W .1 " III
200,000 Yards Plain and Taney
Ribbons at Hall Regular Prices
Rather than wait for January to sacri
fice our overstock of Ribbons, we are
eoinar to sell them at half Dries- now.
while yon need them for your Christmas
Fancy work. .. - i -
50c Fancy .Ribbons,' 25c ;
10,000 yards Fancy All-Silk Warp Print.
Dresden and Strinerl Rihhnna. .1U tn Ali
inches wide, values to 50c a yard, 2j
$1.00 Fancy Ribbonst yc '
5,000 yards Heavy All-Silk Fancy Warp
rnm ana uresden Kibbons, 4 snd 3
inches wide., values to S1.00 a r?V
yard, fori O I C
$2.50 Fancy Ribbons, 98c ,
2,500 yards Beautiful Heavy All-Silk
Striped and Wash Print, beautiful rose
and floral designs, 9 and 10 inches wide,
values to $2.50 yard, a rare value, flo
at only .......,............;"OC
20c Fancy Ribbons, 12c ?
1 7.500 yards 1-inch Fancy All-Silk Self
' Color Ribbons, values to 20c a f
s yard, for.., ...TTTTTTTT. .-T?vrrrrrr.IaC
37c Fancy Ribbons. 21c -
f s
' 5 and 6-inch Messalirie and Failletine Mil-
' linery snd Girdle Ribbons, ail colors'
. vames ox ana oc a yara, 2JC
25c Taffeta Ribbon, 19c
454-inch All-Silk Taffeta . Ribbon, in
-jyhiteblackjndJLjcolorsS Q
.;, value, for . ; , 1 7 W
15c Baby Ribbon, 9c Piece -
10,000 pieces Baby Ribbon, all colors, for
tying Christmas packages, 10- Qv
yard pieces,, for only vv
30c Baby Ribbon,' 19c Piece ;.
Fine All-Silk Satin Babv Ribbon. 10-
yard pieces, all colors, value 30c Q
piece, for.. ................... .... sK
I J'l
Sffi Sterling Silver Articles
This Holiday Sale of Sterling Silver Articles offers the greatest bargains of the year. Every piece Is .925
fine and stamped sterling. We have gathered thousands of pieces of finest workmanship, in exclusive designs that
cannot be duplicated by any-other Portland establishment Not only is the assortment magnificent, but on account
of the immense prestige of the house of Lipman-Wolfe in the markets of the world we quote the lowest possible
prices ever quoted. Do not fail to buy liberally for Christmas giving; . ':
r aoe telling' sToveltlee, S9o .'
' la the eeantlful "Woedblne" . d.alf n H nil
Files. NU Bruehea, Tooth Brnahee. Cattle
Kolras, Damera, Tweeter. Paper Cutter, mut
ters. Table Bella, Bboe Uoroa, etc
880 Sterna SToveltles, 49o '
Extraordinary value In flne etched deslra
Nail Klles. riall Brush's. Tooth Brashes Cuti
cle Knives. Duwra, Tweeters, Paper Cutters,
Blotters, Table Bella, Shoe Horna, etc.
" . Sl-OO Voeket Selssora, T5o
Meet bloat end, sterling handles, la pretty
designs. . . .
$IM M U) Snukw, fl.00 '..
New pattern Bonnet Brush, VelTet Brash sod
Waist Broom; pretty desUtus. good bristle.
600 Taloam JTare, soa
Pretty primrose pattern, with f Use bss
and patent top.
- tX.00 Art Olaaa (or 7 So
' Toot) Ytraeo Battles, Cold Cream, Ink Wells.
Takem Bottles, :
$140 Deposit Bottles, S8e '
' - Rich tilass PerfusM Bottlee,Blcely eorered
with sterUn sUtw la pretty euroU designs.
sa.00 BUww Deposit Bottles, 1J1
?' Extra heary pepoalt Bottles, good else, eor
ered stopper and pretty designed scroll stl
over bottle
$IM onvealr tTpoona, S80
Sterling soorenlr Coffee Spoon, hsnd-enarsTed
bowls with Webfoot. Boss City tad rortltad
oesignas reguisxiy soa
. S3.50 Olotb Broaa, S3.50
Oood, large lite, new design, goad brlstlts. .
To and S5e STaU Buffer,' BOo
New design handle Buffers, cbamala eorered;
regularly (Tic te 86. , r - .
. $3.00 Bbavrlns Bota, tXtO
Cut glass, sterling top, with sterling brosh.
' - " Too Key Blare tor BOo
Sterling silrer, good and strong.
" 3B Ink Welle for SSo
Olass Vase with sterling ton, seat design
SSe value.
IMS WuS Jare. fl.00
Sterling top, seat glsae base, good sis; $1.18
tSe Btrawbenr Batarya, 18o
Kreryone knows this popular aorelty never
sold below 29c. n
(1.00 Btoaleare Sjatasora, TSe
1 8terUng bandies, with good tteeL
fio saa sia jgoiitaiT BrahL
New snd sxclnilrs designs, carried only by
thtt store.
BOo VoraltUe Tor aso
Sterling Silver Tootbptck Holders, Perfnme
Bottles, Tooth Powder Bottles and Void Crests
Jsrs; an nsw psttems, ,
1 Art Olaas Creamers, TSe .
Pretty sterling top. Urge slss. '.' . '
. . TSe atnoCaffe Bottloe, BOo
Sterling tops, with brush, cut glass, bass;
TSe value. .,-
v : tUO wwtaa' sTeta, fiM
Nsat box with three pieces for sewing table
ase Vookiet Combe, BSo
; u. aterUog back, la leather
VfTJO sTtwrllar sUrroar,
Beaatlfni prtmrosa aesiga la itsatb grayi
regular ai.ou rsioe. -
SJS eKerllaff Sete, aaa
Ooaab and Brash Set la neat boa, with starting
li9 Bottl Opaaarw, BXO0
Beer mortis Openers, vintage haadle.
nt opener.
ase Ooat Bagwra, ase '
Ts ssw oa the back of Lna ceet) ss vthn.
- aaS atatloaery aWte, SXTS '
Boa oatalnlng four pieces wtatJoasry artlslsa,
S Bo aaS BOo Book Karka, BBo
Two stylee ell stlrsr snd the regnlsr itbhse
siarnng ornsmenrs. ,
(1.00. Oris Tart, TSe
Large also Tags la the ssw rreseh
LSS BUte Boxes, 8S0
A neat alas boa with cbolos of different
tl-00 sTbamp Boaee, TSe
aegnlar' alas box la the new designs '
9S.OO BOUUry Broaaae SSjOO
Extra vain, pretty dsslgnala rrenck gray
aniss. '
The greatest Silk Sale of the year. In
cluding the extremely popular Plaid
Silks. All the silks in this sal are
"Standard" Silks, new and perfect. Both
domestic and imported weaves of black.'
colored and exquisite novelty . plaid
. weaves. The prices speak for themselves,
$1.25 Satin Duchess, 59c Yard
1,500 Yards Colored All-Silk Satin Duch
' ess, for fancy work, jacket linings and
many other purposes, $1.00 and CO
$1,25 qualities; sale price....,..., dsL
85c Colored Taffeta, 57c Yard
1,500 yards of 19-inch Colored Taffeta,
in all the leading shades, including black,
white and cream, regular 85c val- (LJ n
nes; a yard..... , Uf C
Great Sale of New Plaid Silks
L4pman-Wolfe's has been famous this
year as "The Plaid Store" for having
the choicest assortment of plaids in
Portland. Tomorrow we offer special
prices as attractive as the silks them
selves - ' '.
$15 and $1J5 Plaid Silks, yard....f
AH our $1J0 Plaid Silks, yard....f lJs
All our $1.75 Plaid Silks, yard.... 1.45
$15 Pompadour Silks, 98c
- 3,000 yards New Pompadour Silks. forL
evening wear, just received for midwin
ter trade, in a full range of colors and
patterns: suitable for waists, entire cos
tumes, linings snd the DuBarry Scarfs
: regular $1.25 and $1 J5 values for Og -
$1.15 Fancy Silks, 83c Yard
'3,000 yards Hlgh-Qass Fancy Silks, for
, shirtwaist suits and separata waists, in all
the new colors and combinations in wide
J assortment; $1.00 and $L2S vaJuca . -
21- Inch Black Peau de Sota regular $1.25
value; yard : . . .....vSa
22- inch Black Peau de Soie, regular $1.35
value; yard fx. 10
23- inch Black Peau de Soie, regular $1.50
value; yard
Boise, Joseph
Bucbtel; special, 8. 0.
Commftteos Will , Aak Business
. Men to Make Subscriptions
. ' for Stock. .
Project Has Now Assumed Definite
, Shape and Is to Be Presented to
Local Business Community for Re-
I jectlon or Approval. -
:- ' Tomorrow has been ctioaen ae the day
tor the supreme teat of Portland bunt-
nesa sentiment toward the establish'
ment of a steamship line direct be
tween this city and Alaska porta. So
liciting , committees representing . the
commercial bodlea will . devote the day
to the work, and the reaultsof thfg
cobx rmxmn Airs ootjox
aaday Dtaaer freaa 11 a. bl to I a, av
Oreajs of Chlckea SJonp Tree with
Klloed Tematose 54, Hoiltense
' Ziettooe . .10
saranp sua aaayownaiaa
Preeslnr . , , ,204
Boiled Balmoa Bellies with WUte
enoe . . ... ,,., 1 1 , t,t i .n xxjlxaj 1 8?
fried Xaaor Olaeas ,..,.1F
arnaa vasiB 15
Steams Kittle Sreek Oleass 20
tJlam Bonllloa with Toaat 15a
one Ox Toawme, Samee MUaa- ,
rVovK aTpara auba with taMrkieii!2Aw
sauiai are an) wiib uunpung-a. .Xof
sTrleeeeee of rAey Wlmge en
Toeei . ...204
neklnf Tig MoiYeal, with Apple
- Sanoa . . . , . ... .ZH4
Si eel nsserwin vita ssimw i
Beeov . ....25)
aaSe ef Teal Kisser oa Toasrt...J54
acaearaed and Oheeee aa gratia ...1B
ex sisaw wwa rarnsaua lom
Calves' Bxaiaa with soraMble .
Bare ..2S
Mlnoea Staaa em Teaet .. i ....... ,2oS
XacUah Blnm Boddiar with Brandy
anoe . .......1S
Side Ordet Bltim Vuddlnr. 54
Boaet Touna Turksr with Oraaberrr
aoee and Celery . ..85s
Beaet stprlnf Ohtekea with Breee-
tn 254
Boeet Teal with Dresainf . ......15e
moaat Kettoa with Dressing . .....15
Boaet Bork with BreeMar 154
moart aprlna Maab, Mint aoe,1204
Koaat Beef, Ban Oravy ..........154
rot BfiBoe Ble .. ...154
Siloed aattanae sad Cream 104
Coffee, Bread aad Batte sad Betotee
with an Steals.
Thlsd and Coach Bta. ,
Olaasf frosa 11 a. at. So S p. aa.- Try li.
undertaking ahall auceeed.
The Alaska steamship project haa a
laat aaaumed definite shape, and la to
be presented to the Portland business
community strictly- on the busts -of a-
profltable investment. At a Joint meet
ins; of the committees, appointed by the
Commercial club, chamber of commerce,
board of trade and Manufacturers' as
soclatlon, held laat Monday, a plan for
the establishment of a 1 lrst-elaee line
of eteamehlpe waa submitted and ex
plained by Captain Richard Chilcott.
Stripped of all conditions end feat'
urea save the purchase and operation of
four first-class fast mail ateamsra of
eufficlent tonnage and speed to meet
the requirements of the Alaskan trade.
the Joint committee has given Its en-
tbualaatie approval . toe the plan. -
The purchase of these vessels calls
for an investment of 11.000,000.
bend Issue covering one half of thie
amount haa already been arranged for.
' Amoont ef Xoaey Beaded.
Three hundred thousand dollars must
be raised In cash Immediately. Of this
amount, .1100,000 baa been promised by
the leading financial Interests, provided
that ' the mercantile and property own
era of the city will demonstrate their
Interest by subscribing $200,000.' As
150.000 of this latter amount baa al
ready been assured, it la confidently ex
pected that Portland will subscribe the
balance of the amount required to es
tabllah the new company on a solid
financial basis when the various aollclt-
Ing committees ahall call for subscript
tlons tomorrow,
In support ef the committee's work It
Is said that too much stress cannot be
put upon- the Question of time, aa the
time feature of the option held by the
committee will not admit Of a second
call. . The returns for the day's work
must be such as to Justify the com
mlttee tn paying eufficlent earnest
money to hold the vessels pending a
survey and final negotiations,
The Investigations Djrths'-commttres
ae well as the testimony of experienced
ahlpping man lead to the conclusion
that the venture will not only be an
epoch making event for the commercial
life of this city, but that the eompanjr,
will be able to return a handsome divi
dend to lte stockholders annually. Some
of the mora enthusiastic of the commit
tee predict en earning eapaeltjr tqual to
one-half of the cost of each vessel an
nually.. 'While this Is a very sanguine
view. It le a well known . raet that
steamship lines on the Paclflo eoest
yield a greater return, dollar for dollar.
than any other rorm or etanaara invest
ments In this country.
Subscription Hats will be open all day
Monday at the offlcee of the chamber
of commerce, -boerd of- trade and Com.
tnerclal club, .
SoUoitlBf OoaajBltteee, "
The soliciting committees and the
territory to which they have been ss
algned are aa follows:
Front street. T. W. B. Ixmdon. A. IL
Devers; First street. Ira P. Ptfwere.
Oeorge Lawrence; Second etreet, W. H.
Chapln; Third etreet, Harvey O'Brysn.
8. eichel; Fourth street, T. N. Btoppen
bach, Jay Smith; Fifth street, F. I. lift-
Kenna, H. C. Wort man; Blxth street.
C. C, Chapman, L Manning: Stark street
L Thompson, W. H. Orlndstaff:
Washington etreet, 3. P. Bharkey, F.
Dresaerl Morrison street, Ben Boiling,
Fred Olbbe; hotel committee, A. B.
Btelnbach, Phil Metechan; property
ewnera, F. B. Holbrook, F. O. Northrup;
lumbermen, S. ConneU; eaet side, W. I
The movement for a Portland-Alaska
ateamship line started several months
ago, ae an outgrowth of agitation cov
ering a period of more than a year by
Tha Journal. By unceasing publication
of facts and flgurea bearing on the sub
ject. Its Importance waa impressed upon
the business interesta of the city, and
the commercial bodies appointed a Joint
committee to work out a plan. Thl
commit tea walampcavr-agTo:
For the chamber of commerce, ' Sol
Blumauer, Jay Smith and Oeorge Lav
rence; Manufacturers' association.
1 Fletcher Linn, gam Morrow and R. J.
Holmea; Commercial club, S. O. Reed,
8am ConneU and A. H. Devers; board of
trade, Wallls Nash, W. H. Beharrel and
T. N. Stoppenbach.
Committee) Makes Bepert,
Summing up the proposition that has
finally been advanced for acceptance by
the Investing public, the committee has
considered aa of paramount Importance
then points: The securing of sufficient
passengers- and freight - to Insure
profit; the utility and -value of the ves
sela under option: the proposition as
good business Investment In lta re
port - made- yesterday - tha - commutes
saya: -.. -
"W have made a thorough, eonsclen
tioue Investigation of the whole, so far
as lay In our power. Ae a result we
now give It our unqualified approval as
being worthy ef the support of the busl
neas men of thle city. Our researches
Indicate the enterprise will yield a moet
eubstantlal . profit on the capital In
vested. :
' "The financing of thle requires a capi
tal of 1 1,000,000. It le proposed to raise
1500,000 through an Issue of bonds snd
secure the balance by popular subscrip
tions to the stock.
"AS time Is the essenoe of success.
the ehlps being open to ua for a very
few days only, prompt and Immediate
action te Imperative; therefore. It le
Intended to eend soliciting committees
to every business man In the city, and
thle means is taken to request that each
will conserve the time of the several
committees-by giving them prompt at.
The following table Is- submitted.
showing maximum operating expenses
and minimum estimated earnlnga baaed
on present volume of buslnese done by
Portland through aound ports:
Sahie ef Expenses
Total monthly wage list of
crew ...I
Sustenance, ts men, at $12 per
month .each. ...............
Coal, 42 tons per diem, at IS.tS
per ton, to-days' steaming.. -
Deck snd angina room stores,
1160: naval stores. 1150
Stevedoring cargo, 7,400 tone.
at an average of o cents
nwwsrl ' 1 ' 'CMWWl . 1 Trf rrrr r r r T i" "i I
: PJ ZM :
si e
" ieo.oo
per ton
and - one-half
Pilotage, one
voysree i i .-.
Insurance on $250,000" at 7 per
-cent ner annum, monthly....
Depreciation, repairs snd main
tenance at 7 per cent per
Contingencies, Incidentals, of. '
nee expense ana management
' 100.00
Total monthly coat of opera
, tlon .................. . .. $14,800.00
Should the vessels be equipped to burn
eU for fuel, a savings could be made In
the monthly expense of $1,212.00. '
On freight, without any passengers
whatever, at $S per ton to Nome, the
grose earnings would be for one and a
half voyagee $20,000. . And to Valdes at
$t per ton,, the gross earnings for twe.
voysges would be the eame. . '
The freight rates quoted above are
20 per cent less than tha prevailing rate
on the Nome route and 26 per cent less
than the prevailing rate on the Valdes
route. The expanse above submitted haa
been stretched to Its uttermost maxi
mum limit and there is no possibility of
It being exceeded. ;- - -.- j
Mr. and Mrs. Ole A. Aasve, of Barlow, Oregon, Who Were Married at
Hesper, Idaho, 50 Years Ago Today. ' . ' ,
(Special Cnrreepnndenee te The lovrnal. t
Barlow, Or. Dee. 1. Over 200 of the
many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Ole A.
Aasve, will gather Sunday, December 3,
et 1 o'clock, at the old -Barlow home,
now owned by 8. B. Berg, to celebrate
their fiftieth wedding anniversary.
Ole A. Aasve was born July 4, 1114
at Trondhjem, Norwey. He came to
America In tha eprlng of 18S1 and set
tied In Wisconsin, end afterwarda went
to Michigan, - returning to Norway In
1858. He soon returned to America and
waa married December I, 1854, at Kee
per, Winneshiek county, Iowa by Rev.
Clausen, to Christiana O. Rlgg, who
was born tn Trondhjem, Norway, Octo
ber SI, 1814.
Mr. and Mrs. Aasve Uvea on their
first farm 10 yesrs, then sold out and
Mmc. Madeline '
ramie ax. ovxrirBB, hnracia
Mme. Irene Myres
The Immediate process for re
moval of wrinkles, smallpox pita
btrthmsrks, scars, superfluous
hair a etc., scientifically removed
without the use of surgery or
electricity. Manicuring, scalp,
facial treatment and hair dreaa
. Ins. - r
plete, facial treatment
Office and School
U 24, 2S Uwti Bldgu. Msrrlies Park
moved to Boone eounty, lews, residing
there seven years, then to Jewell eounty,
Kansas, and went thence to Pope eounty.
Mlnneeota, remaining there until the
fall of 1892, when they eame to Oregon
and settled near Fairfield.
In 1902 they went eaat en a visit
and to attend the Solnod Jubilee, held
et Decora h, Iowa. They came to Barlow
In 1102.
Slxvof their 11 children ere living.
The ycAjngest son. O. M. Aasra, Urea at
Barlow. -
Rev. O. Hagoes. of Portland, and Rev.
A. O. White, of 811 verton, will be pres
ent A sumptuous banquet will be
served. A handaome goldea oak bed
room set will be preaented to Mr. and
Mrs. Aasve, who, although they are 72
and 82 yeara of age, bid fair to enjoy'
many1 uiuTV--aiiujfeisai lea. -
New Labor Party. Thev Sav.
- ay w
Must Enter the Political (
Arena Alone.
That the new union labor party will
not have the support of the Socialist
party was positively assarted by vari
ous leading Socialists yesterday. ' The
Socialist ticket polled an average ef
about 5,50 votes for contested state of.
fleer at the recent election. Moreover,
they number In their ranke able writers
and speakers and would form a strong
ssset of a anion labor perty, should
they fuse.
The unionists of British Columbia
called - a political convention recently
and when the meeting waa held -at
Vancouver It developed that a majority
of the delegatee were Socialists. These
raptured the convention, adopted a revo
lutionary program and are still In pos
session of the new party. No euch at
tempt will be made, however, In Port
land. The Socialists claim to represent
the interests, of wsgeworkers ss a class.
LlJ Om Credit j .
Have you ever thought that Christmas with all of
its pleasures and gaiety was really "worry time'
to the majority of people, and all of the worrying
grows out of one question : How shall I pay for the
things I want to buy? The question is simple;
the answer is simpler still. BUY FROM US ON
easy Payments
Our Credit PJan was not inaugurated without a
definite object in view it is simple,' It is practical,
it is appealing to thousands of people; why not
you ? It is the best means by which you can se
cure suitable holiday presents without any con
siderable outlay. We charge no more than were
you to pay cash, and at prices lower than any
cash store. ; . -
Your Honey Back II Ton Find An j
Article DIHerenl Than Represented
S :
Largest Diamond Dealers in Oregon
. 74 Third SL, Near Oak
but they will be a perty to ao program
that haa not for lta ultimate goal the
cooperative commonwealth. - It waa ani
nounced yesterday that as soon as the
union party declares Its policy the Bo-
clallsta will prepare a statement setting
forth their attitude and the reasons
Idea'-for a Present
Long after the memory of ether gifts
have faded away, each look at the beau
tiful picture on youri friend's wsll will
be a reminder of the giver. '
We have them. Sanborn. Vail a Co..
19 First street
Buy Your Fura
At I Palais Royal and esve money:
SO per cent erf mesne a big aavlng for
you. IT! Washington street.
A Quaes Snowwd ta.
Qoeea Maraherlta of Italy Is asld te tare
h4 a novel esnerteaee while staking aa
ascent la the ItsUaa Alps a few aa at,
seeeaapealed by twe guides. ,
' tier sasjesty was overtakes kr e kesvy
saowvtorm aoA soasht shelter la a hat el.
FMMty eeeasled by a large Berry ef
aad Oertaaa aiptatats, whe Sad likewise keea
eaatbt ta the atorat.
The qoeea was Imraeeiatelr reeefslstd hy
the tnnrlats, who were the aeist ef tear
ing tha but. wh.s her sajaty salt "Vrr
let aw he yaat hoeteea, genileinmi ws auwt
wait aotll the wrwm p4 "
)iia Margh'orlta loKt.4 n villus' sf
the r snd hr4 -fho f"l rr..t H
he other Ah-lnta l "
majeaty sat t " 13
othe al.nt na t'-- '
The t"i. - .
let. aft i ,,'
uii. , .
a -