The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 02, 1906, Page 4, Image 4

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    . c
Mayor's AttorrieyWift Show Hajv
- j borm aster Did Not Attend
v to Duty.
BigUn Dectaret ' He Welcomes Strict
', Investigation Into the . Matter and
ing Is
WiU Be ; Glad
Cornea Out.
if Whole
5 LJr - ? ; Saws You Itef - Jo H I
"Til I BBMBj . ..- - t:.... ,A. .w.x l . l" . .1 I
i 11011-
Shop-. 4feS5 to fVvi .jj , v
ping Here ffg;;;:i ;
N.w evidence-to show, that Ben Blglln
: did not thoroughly carry out bla dutlea
. aa harbonnaatar will be Introduced to
' the civil .-aervlce -com mlaaioa December
: IS. Martin U Pipes, attorney for Mayor
., , Lane, yesterday agernoon told the oora-
mlsslonera he would produce men m
- cerned in the Eskaaoni shanghalng ease.
Blglln saya he will be glad If the whole
- truth of the Eakaaont matter cornea out
It waa expected that the Blglln hear
log before the commlsalon would close
' yesterday with the arguments of Judge
Pipes and John T. Logan. Biglln'e at
' torney. The case haa been opened up
' " anew, however, and December IS waa set
aa the time for further hearing-.
"f Mayor Lane had contended that all
police officers had been notified aa to
' the necessity for extreme care In, using
fl rearms during the gralnhandlera
'strike. Blglln.ln firing a shot under the
dock at a light, would therefore have
been, acting directly contrary to ordera.
' Attorney Lagan, however, obtained from
' ; Sergeant Baty yesterday afternoon the
statement that be did not caution the
men under htm en the docks until after
the BigUn eplaodo.
; a.'" sTistory of Eskasonl Case.
. - The Eskasonl case attracted particu
lar attention because of the fact that
' among the sailora shipped on her against
their will were several Portland boys
. who bad been enticed on board by pronv
; Ises of a One ocean trip, wtth nothing
but pleasure in store for them. Their
-i first dsy on board of the windjammer
(opened their eyea and they realised that
they would have to go aloft with the
experienced men and perform an the
work that falls upon a toller of the sea.
. They "begged "to" 'be " taken ashore. bat -
, were refused until finally exposure
.". through the daily press sent friends to
their assistance, with the result that
, Captain Burney allowed them to ' go
aahore. This occurred after two or
three of the men -had jumped overboard
and swdm s'shiire. The Eakaaonl waa
anchored, in the stream for nearly a
week,- her crew refusing to give the
. hawser to the towboat that went along
side to take her to sea. The few expert,
enced aallora oa board objected to tak-
- Ing her to sea on the alleged ground
'-that the vessel waa top-heavy, not
; enough ballast having been plaoed in the
hold to steady the lumber-laden craft
The - Eskaaoni finally got away ajid
reached Manila in aafety. -
The contention will be made that Big
Un took no decisive action In tha Eska
aoni matter, though he knew the facta
" as to erew." -"""
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Mrs. Wintlow EVBuxby, who, according to Senator Piatt's friends, met
him at the house of. Mxsv La Monte to WeThirty-Eighth street to
discuss Mrs. Piatt's threat to sue for djyorce. 'She was found there by
Mrs. Piatt in her rsid that broughVabout the separation of the .couple.
Cresto Union
ako Place of
RecentlyWrecked As
A painters' union haa been organised
to take the place of Painters', Paper.
hanaera' and Decorators' onion. No.-14,
which haa not figured much in Port
hind's Building Trades since a dlaaa-
. trous strike Inaugurated against the
m ter painters about two months ago.
- Painters union No. IS haa not been
strong for several yeara past Never.
theless, last September Its members
made certain email demands upon the
bosses which the latter did not see fit
to grant The unloniata declared a
atrtke, but their places were quickly
filled by nonunionlsts and deserters
from their -own ranks. Much bitter
ness waa engendered and now tha boases
say they wll never treat with tha union
until Its present officers hava been
relegated to the background.
' The ne union la claimed to be an or
ganlsatlon launched by some of the
older painters of tha city who cannot
afford to go on a hopeless strike. The
. bosses are said to be friendly to tha
new organisation, and though a wage
rale haa not yet been agreed upon, tha
men are working at what they admit
la a -satisfactory wage. . '
The new union meets Wednesday
nights at J4 H Alder street It al
ready haa 40 membera enrolled, the of
ficers being J. W. Btlger, president;
.Carl Peterson, vice-president; J. R. Ka ti
ler, recording secretary; E. P. Benson,
financial secretary; A. O.-Cchnock,
treaaurer; B. Larough, watchman.
Tha union will not beaTflllated with
tha Portland Federated Trades council,
but the members expect to gradually
absorb the members of No. 10, then to
apply for a charter 4n the International
and thustiring about affiliation with
tha local central, body. ... . .',... f.
idertakEr is sent
X Practical 36kcrr"afe atHI
courting the vengeance of tha
a- foolfcliler in Porttatufe-The toteat
4 affair was the calling up last
night of the Dunning undertak-
ing eatabllahment by some Joker
who telephoned that a couse
lying at Eaat Twenty-sec- 4
ond and Burnalde atreeta and to
aend their men around and pre-
1 pak-a the body for burial.
When the undertaker arrived
be found the llveat kind of a
corps in Edwin C. Johnson,
who lived at the place desig
nated. Johnson refused to bo
prepared for burial and informed
the undertaker that there was
nothing resembling a oorps on
tha east aide. ..Much discom
fited, the disappointed under
taker back serosa tbe liver
"and reported the affair to the-
police. 4
Oomoa to Advertise.
George H. Munro, a noted advertising
man. formerly with the firm of Daniels
A Fishsr, of Denver, arrived In Portland
last night Ha cornea to this city to
take charge of the advertising of the
Golden Eagle department store.
Tho Best Place
To buy your millinery Is at -La Palais
Royal. S7o waaningtoa street. .
Than are many Want Aoa ta todays
rraraal that will lata reel yoa.
- - Single and
Real Style and
t Quality .
Single and T""
Real Style and
, Quality.
. Se Window Dlaplay -. M
I A XVI KmJ -VJ MorrUon and SconcJ M
Second Time Adjudged in Con
tempt and Taxed One Hun
dred Fifty.
Pending Disposition of the Case He
'. Is .Allowed to Resume Practice at
the BarJudge George Appears for
the Defendant.
Another fine of 11(0 for -contempt of
court for language addressed to .tha
court last Monday Waa assessed agalnat
Attorney Henry E. McGinn In tha state
circuit court yesterday. McGinn now
haa $300 In fines against, bUn for con
tempt of the court Though by the pro
ceedings of yesterday McGinn is tieO
poorer, he may resume his practice be
lore the court, which he had been un
able to do during tha past week.
Because of the language McGinn used
In addressing the court last Monday he
had been cited to appear yesterday to
snow cause wny ne snouia not be pun
ished for contempt. In mitigation, he
aet forth in detail all tha events that'led
up to the occurrence. Judge M. C.
George appeared In court as attorney
for McGinn.
After Judge George finished his argu
ment Judge Praser announced that a
fine of f 160 would be . placed agalnat
McGinn for the worda he used last
Monday. Judge Fraser stated partic
ularly that tbe fine of 1150 Imposed
yesterday waa not In punlahment for
anything that had occurred previous to
last Monday. McGinn gave notice of
appeal to tha supreme court. Pending
the suwreme court's action he will Drac.
tlce in the circuit court.
(Special Dlapetch by leased Wire te Tha fearaal)
ouuhi K,ny, iec. 1. ttenry u. Hartley,
senior member of the grain brokerage
firm or It C. Hartley Co.. D leaded
guilty In the United States district court
today to receiving rebates from the St
Louis tK(i Fsanclseo raUroad.
Judge Curland, before whom the plea
waa 'entered, assessed , the minimum
penalty for the offense, a line of 11,000,
and granted tha broker until Wednesday
to pay tbe line.
Hartley waa indioted by a federal
grand Jury November 1.3. Tha evidence
laid before .the Jury waa to the effect
that Hartley had shipped In February.
ltOl. too sacks of cotton seed meal from
points In Indian Territory, the ostensible
destination being Carrollton, Mo. By
diverting the ahlpment at Kansas City
he secured a rate of five centa a hun
dred pounds less than should hava been
paid. In entering a plea of guilty to
day. Hartley's attorney aald: "Mr.
Hartley Is unable to deny the charvea
made in the indictment" .
The spirited piano eonteat that hsa
ben taking place among Monday alght
patrons of the Baker theatre haa been
changed to Tuesday for thla week only
on account 'of the Woman's Exchange
having entire control of' the theater
Monday night, and all tickets for that
ft re) tWb
HelpfuLHints for Holiday Shoppers
We'd like you to do your holiday grading with us this year. We've, made preparations for you to shop in comfort, and
- have on display a very large as-.'
sortment of the newest and most
attractive things for the house, ',
We've plenty of time to show '
you around and just as glad to
see you, whether you come .to
look around . or to . buy. Here '
are some suggestions that may
- .-' appeal to you. ;;;, . :
. 1 ; tiLZrm&3iNn. J
iAi ii:w rvr-a t.r ,t-. i. eiwm ua sb
r . : . -
Leather Chair
' This chair is upholstered in
genuine' leather and only best
oil tempered springs used in
its construction. Price $33.50
ladies' Desk
In quarter-sawed gol
vden oak and mahogany
finish, hand polished.
Price-....;.. 911.00
1 If Wa.
4 -WT wve. ow.
T.fTf fff'J'i'y.
Couch : S
The couch for comfort -only
best oil-tempered springs
used in its .construction . and .
all-steel ' bottom. :JS.:.
Upholstered in rich verona. V1-
.. , , ,,.'..,,,. 15.00
Upholstered in chase leather .
. n . .....taii,,. fii .7 92100 T
V., - - fic?? f-'-1
' ' ' . . . - .
Music Cabinet
A desk made of genu
lne ' mahogany and
hand, polished. ' Full
French legs and glass
drawer pulls. . .
Morris Chair
. , This Morris chair is made of
selected quarter-sawed oak and.
finished golden. Has full spring
seat and pretty velour cushions.
Price ;v;V i TWi: ?15.50-
: t v
library Table
-"IStrictly-inission n - design -'
' and made of selected quarter
sawed oak y one - drawer - and
, magazine f racks f od r.the side
1 a
Kit i
Powers' 3-Room Outfit Offer
Three -Room
Special Terms $ 1 0
Down, $2.50 a Week
Powers' Great
Three - Room
Special Term- $10
Down, $2.50 a Week
Here Is a List of What This Outfit Comprises' : ,
Read it carefully, and you'll appreciate the. importance of this offer: Bedroom Iron bed, woven-wire spring; mat
tress, iresser, table, rocker and one 9x9 all-wool rug, Dining-Room Sideboard, 6-foot"extension tabler-four dining chairs
and one 9x9 all-wool rug. Fifty-piece dinner set, consisting of cups, 6 saucers, 6 7-inch plates, 6 soup plates, 6 fruit
dishes, six butter dishes, l bread plate, 1 covered vegetable dish, 1 gravyjiowl, 1 pickle dish, 6 pie plates and 4. vegetable
aisnes. ftiitnen vxjk stove, Kiicnen taDie, cnair.
nlBht havlnr been aiaposed of by that
organisation. The. elegant piano that
Is to be given aa a Christmas present
br the management of tha Baker theatre
and stock company la on exhibition In
one of the windows of a leading music
bouse, and haa attracted a great deal
of admiration. 'r'V
(Continued from Page One) '
Warren la-also quoted aa saying that be
never read to me any private letters of
mine addressed to Commissioner Rich
ards.. I never said he did. What I did
say, however, aa la proved by the fore
going cuotationa from my affidavit, waa
tbat tha senator read ma extracts from
letters which I addressed to tha com.
mlsslonerof the generaf larrdofftce. Those
letters wera official 'and not private
communications and they have never
been designated as "private letters' by
anybody,' to my knowledge, except by
Senator Warren himself. t ,
' "Senator Warren speaks of having
reat-in tha Denver newspaper of
Meyendorffa attempt to .commit sui
cide." ' I am aurprlsed that tha senator
should attempt to circulate aurh a
ridiculous story. It la a fact easily
susceptible of definite, and substantial
proof that I made no. attempt to com
mit aulrlde at Denver . or ' any other
place, for that matter. "If the senator
believe, however, that a trumped up
aulclde atory baa any bearing va the
coal land ' frauds In hia atata Z -wilt
gladly' furnish blm any evidence that
ha may need to satisfy himself on that
point . '. ,
. ' Just Ona Statement.
''In my opinion there la only boa
statement attributed to Senator War
ren that haa any direct bearing oa tha
coal, land Inveatlgationa In Wyoming.
That statement la hla assertion tbat
I asked him how to proceed In tha mat
ter and that he auggeated that I abould
follow- tha law and tha-Instructions.
In that connection the following ex
tract from a letter written me by Mr,
Warren under date of April J04, In
reply to a letter which . I addressed to
him five days prior to that date, may
indicate whether or not the aenator waa
anxious for tha InveeUgaUoa to pro-
ceed without delay In hla state-f Wy
omlngi 'Waahlngton, D. ?:, April
U04. Dear Mr. Meyendbrff; I know
of nothing that Is preset ng In tha atat
north of you, .and should say that I
would be Just aa well to do the worn
nearest to you that la pressing hardest
Aler wa adjourn here and I . re tun
to Wyoming. I. bona to aee you at aom
early and convenient data. T. E. War
ran.' Aa tha letter waa addressed t
me at Denver, Colorado, It will readIN
be seen to what portion of tha maj
tha aenator waa alluding to when h
wrote 'tha atata north of you. " ,
i .
Mora business la being done In Tills
nook than aver before at tbla time o
4 ..- -