The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 02, 1906, Page 3, Image 3

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T7itli Firot Hayo of December
S:- " . Comoo-tlae -- - -- -
. The demand for Christmas goods thus far this season indicates an un
usually large holiday trade this year. This being the case, the wisdom of
buying gifts now is obvious. The last few days before Christmas the
store is sure to be crowded, and notwithstanding added facilities for serv
ing shoppers, it will be impossible for people to make selections with as
much comfort as now.- You will find our holiday stocks remarkably com
plete and especially attractive in novelties that cannot be bought else
where.. Acceptable gifts for both sexes, and all ages from babyhood .to
grandparentage are here in a profusion that leaves nothing to be desire.
Our prices are the very lowest possible to quote. If you have set aside a
certain sum for holiday shopping you will find that you can secure more
and better gifts here for your expenditures than elsewhere. From every
point of view this store is the best place in Portland to do your Christmas
shopping. -. ,,,,1;:,.,: v.':,
Tomorrow of All Small Quantities and -Odd Lots in
Knit Underwear
- The purchasing opportunity of
the season awaits you here to
morrow. In an endeavor to create
more room for holiday trading
we will dispose of all small quan-'
tities of 10 dozen or under at
prices absolutely without refer
ence to original cost. The sale
will , last all week, but different
lots will be on sale each day, so
if the following items interest you
it is necessary' that you come to-
morrow: . -
Women's Underwear
Women's fine all' wool cashmere and silk and wool
! mixed merino Vests, Pant or Tights, in cream color,
' ordinary or extra large sizes ; regular $1.50-$1.75 qual
" ities, all sizes in these two lots., To be y ijf A A
sold tomorrow at, each................ ....plUU
' Women's natural and scarlet wool Vests and Pants,"
strictly all wool garments,' the short, ends of two of
tor-best $1.60 -sellersr We haTOa-good-aK-y; QrT
7 sortment of sizes and to close offer them at.V.UyC
h v .Women's Union Suits
A lot consisting of 20 dozen winter weight fleece lined '
Combination Suits, "Oneita" style; best 75c A?,
- quality, tomorrow ............... . . Jk 0 v
i, - . .. . . , .
Women's Fleece Lined -Vests, -and
Pants '
'All sizes in bleachcd-heavy fleece lined Vests
"and Pants ; best 75c quality.. ......L.........dOL
u Women's and Children's Fast
. 1 : : Black Tights
"'A quantity, of our leading numbers sold regularly at v
- 75c to $1.00 a pair fast black, worsted tights, PA- .
all sizes ............ OUC
Children's Fleece lined Underwear, -all sizes, in me-
jdiumor heavy weight-fleece..lincri undergarments for
boys or girls, sues 16 to 34; best 35c and 40c 'JXLf ,
v grades, tomorrow.
' , .-- . , . ' " " -- -
A Great December Sale Bed-
ding, the J3est Wo ve .fever Mad
- If auch values as the following that center the bulk of
the Bedding buaineta in this store. However, only qualities
that we can thorolv recommend are ever handled, no matter
how low the prices. By keeping in dote communication with
the markets, we are constantly ottering . :
Values That AreUneq'led Elsewhere.
ru. Feather Pillows -
, 19x36-lnch 3-Ib Feather Pillows, well-made, covered with .
- strong blue and white striped tick; on aale Monday r.
. and Tuesday, each ...IOL
21x27-inch 3-lb Feather Pillows, covered with best qualify"
fancy stripe and flowered ticking; Monday and Tues- fQn .
day.' each .VOL
22x2. Inch 2'-lb Pillows., filled with best auality feathers
.-and down, ytVi, covered with fine blue and white CJJ QA
striped linen ticking; great values, each... ;.',.$lyJ
Comforts -
AT$U0 Full-Sire Comforts, filled with white' cot- Cf'fA
ton, covered with silkoline, light and dark colors; ea. . . .pl 1 V
. AT $1.50 Full-Sized Comforts, filled with fine white cotton,
covered with best silkoline. large assortment of flowered
j designs, light and dark colors, good quality; ' J gQ
- AT $2.00 Full-Sie Extra-Heavy Comforts, filled with good
white cotton, covered with best quality silkoline, pretty
flowered designs in light, medium and dark colors; fl AA
exceptional values, each..,,... P&Vy
COMFORTS in large assortment, Rood values, every one
well made, at prices ranging from T.60 down
Cotton Blankets
AT 65c PAIR !-Size Cotton Blankets, in white and ACr
gray, good values, per pair....,.;..; UuL
AT 95c PAIR Full-Size Cotton Blankets, in white QCr
and tan, splendid quality, per pair. "v
AT $1.50 PAIR Extra-Size Good Heavy-Weight Cotton
Blankets, in white, tan and gray, exceptional val- M CA
ues, at, per,pair.... ,...4.JluU
COTTON BLANKETS at from f3.25 down '
rIIuslin Pillow Cases
AT I2V4c EACH Extra Good Quality Muslm PH- V
low Cases, 45x36 in., best to be had, at, each
- ' . Iluslin Sheets
AT, 50e EACH TlxQCiancliamedeetamadeot. C Aw
good quality muslin, exceptional values, at, each .wvC
AT 60c EACH 81x90-inch Seamed Sheets, made of A(r
:xtra heavy linen-finished muslin, splendid values, ea UUI
I Bed Spreads '
VAT $1.15 EACH Fall-Size White Bedspreads, well fl C
made.-assortment of designs, good values, each vl lu '
AT $1 JO EACH Full-Size White Bedspreads, ff CA
hemmed, Marseilles patterns, each 4lUl
AT $1.75 EACH Extra-Size and Extra-Heavy White Bed
spreads, hemmed, assortment of Marseilles pat- M 'JC
terns, each $lIO
Good Values in Gloves
, Our popular Glove Department is especially well prepared to
meet every demand. We call attention to the following:
Large showing of warm Winter Gloves at. , . .", , ... .50 arid 25
kid Gloves in black afid'white and all the popular colors 81.50
and. . ..... ....... .v.... . . .V. 91.00
12 and 16-button length Kid Gloves at popular prices. .
Long Silk Gloves in black and white at 81.00, SI. 2 5 and 81.75
.M -si'V - m IT s
Book and Doll
We are ready for you in our Wonderland of, Dolls
and our great Toy Department in the Basement. We
have everything in the line of toys and dolls from those
less expensive ones to those higher in price, brought
from all parts of the universe. Take time by the fore
lock and do your Xmas buying now. Do it this week.
W ,1 V v '
r m
All Holiday Goods purchased
now will be carefully packed,
stored, and delivered promptly
when wanted
Iloot Complete CompreltenGive Exhibit
EJ w Ooate andl
A great showing of unusual merit and completeness. It is intended as a faithful presentation of all that
is serviceable, economical or otherwise meritorious in this line, and we believe (
The Best Values in the City
This Week's Coat Offerings Are
; y Wonders
Business is booming in the Coat Section. Of
course there's a reason it is the kind of coats,
we sell. It's simply wonderful the values you of
fer, said a woman yesterday. - Here are about 300
of just as remarkable coats as the particular ; one
she saw. ' ' '
i.: Long Coats Q6.00 ,
They are 50 inches; long and come in beautiful
Scotch mixtures of light, medium and dark effects,
neatly trimmed in velvet and. braid; $8.90 is their
actual worth. ,
Five different styles of handsome Winter Coats at
this , price. Beautiful mixtures in the new dark
plaids and checks. Velvet collars, roll cuffs and
patch pockets ; $14.00 is their actual worth.
1 i Ing Coats Q12.50
We are showing ten different styles at 312.50.
They are 60 inches Ion gr fine kerseyand cheviots,
shadow plaids and pretty mixtures, sleeves : and
body lined with BeldingjatiniQther-tores-ask-from
$16.0ff to $20.00 for no better coitrjz'T'
! v' Long Coats 010.50 ;
Handsome Coats in fitted or loose back models of
finest plaids and stripe mixture," in medium and
dark colors ; Also kerseys and broadcloths, "satin
lined throughout, in colors black, brown, navy and
red ; $20.00 would be a fair price to ask. , .'
Children's Winter Apparel
Two-piece all wool, serge Sailor Dresses, with full
plaited skirts, hand-embroidered emblems, ' colors
navy, red and blue, sizes 6 to 14 years. ii PA
Special value at............. ............ 4x.jU
School Dresses for girls 6 to 14 years, made from
fancy plaids and check worsteds, several styles and
colors to choose from. Priced at PA
81.25, 81.50, 81.00 and...,......
Winter Coats in all the latest styles, solid colors,
plaids and fancy mixtures, in sizes 2 to 14 years.
Priced at 82.75, 83.50; 84.50, n FA
8G.50 and. .......... . , . .... 9 Oil
Women's-Wrappers, Extia
Good Values
and Winter
Possessing those graceful
lines' and curves which
none but expert men tail
ors can impart. The ma
terials include fine broad
cloth, -novelty suitings,
worsteds, cheviots and
serges. The coats are
shown in great variety of
the late styles. Skirts are
fashioned extra full, some
high kilted.others pleated.
They are worth consider
ably more than the price
we have marked them at.
They come in colors
black, navy, brown, grays
and the fashionable red.
Priced at S25, 819.50,
ft m -
25 dozen good quality Flannelette Wrappers, pretty
figured and peat stripe designs, in colors gray, navy,
red and black,, made with deep flounce l?AA
and ruffle over shoulders. Special values. 4) 1 UU
Wrappers made from best qualitv percale, tailor
made effect, deep flounce, extra wide, all A A
the best colors. Extra good values at . . . plUU
Flanneletto Dressing Sacques
30f For Dressing Jacques Worth 65cWe1 Will
flace on sale tomorrow about 15 dozen Women's
lannelette Dressing Sacques, in floral and Japan
ese designs, dark and medium colors. Spe- 2Qr
cial Monday and Tuesday. ............... . .ds
' Great Skirt Sale
The continued daily increase of sales in this sec
tion Is proof positive that we are giving the het
alueslnlhe city. . . y
"TWorsted'Panania Skirts
Two very striking worsteds, cut with the dash and
' style demandedby thewelLdressedLwomanmade
fromexcellent auality. worsted Panama,.. in black,
brown, navy and gray ; $6.00 values C4 OA
for..... :.x 4ntVU
New Plaid Skirts
In the latest Scotch plaid effects, in small or large
striking designs and fine gray worsteds, PA
newest pleated models ; $10.00 values for. 4) OU
----- Check Worsted Skirts
Exceptionally well tailored garments underpriced.
They are good practical skirts (about 150), strictly
new fall designs, in gray check cassimeres, worsteds
and tweeds, mostly side and box plaited effects.
Misses (f AT Women's 3 C A
Sizes . .PyO Sizes. ... t). 01
Chiffon Panama Skirts
Handsome new models in rich chiffon Panama,
navy, brown, black, gray and the much wanted
reds, also mixtures and plaids; $10.50 fan f
values for. .. . .... . . . .T77. . . . .iTrrrrrfi$ uU
It Is None Too Early to Begin
Ilaking Your Christmas Seleo-V-:
tions Now. -.1-' ;
: -. The receipt the last few days of hundreds and hurjK
"dreds of yards bf-beautifuTnew silks 'makes our shdw
ing for Monday and Tuesday one of unusual interest
and right up to the minute in patterns and colorings
At Lowest Prices of the Season
Tomorrow . we place on
A Bilk Dress or
a Silk Waist Is
a Most Accept
. able Present
special display hundreds
of yards of beautiful new
silks for waists, dresses,
ties, bags, scarfs and
fancy work in 'both light
and dark' colorings. ,
The most beautiful patterns we have ever had.
Fancy Printed Habutais, special, her yard 50, C5
Pompadour MessalineS, specially priced yd. 83, 05s
-Persian Taffeta, speaU) priced at yard.83, 31.00
Flowered Messahne. specially priced, yd.7o. Sl.OU
Print Warp Taffeta, specially priced, yd.85,
Heavy Brocade Satin, special, yard... 81.25,
' Pompadour Crepe de Chine, special, yd.75e,
' Plain Jap Silks
We have just received 20,000 yards of plain colored
Tap Silk, over 60 shades in the assortment. This silk
is 20 inches wide add n extra good quality. 'IT-
-Price, per yard. ; . . . . . . LJ
Unusual Price Incentives Will
This section will offer exceptional values In enor
mous varieties of this season's most favored Neck
wear, Laces, Ribbons,- Handkerrtefs7ScarfsretcT The
following are only a few of the many saving oppor
tunities that will prevail. ' The holiday season will
soon be here and prudent shoppers will take advantage
of these great off erings. We-will make yout-Xmas
money go twice is far. . .-. ' ,
Holiday Neckwear at Half Price
An especially attractive line of Women's Neckwear
in the most novel designs and latest styles ; the same
collars are sold elsewhere at 60c. Our price
for Monday and Tuesday. ....... . .... ....... .3C
. White Wash Stocks
Six in a box, three styles The collars come six in a
box,' all neat styles; well worth $1.00 a box.A
On special sale Monday afi'per. box ......OUC
Silk-Crepe de Chine Scarfs .
Nothing prettier for a Christmas gift Come in aU
colors with fancy floral patterns, good length; CAf
well worth 75c. Special price Monday, each. . .OUw
All Silk Taffeta Ribbon 5 o Yard
Three Shades Only-Thousands of yards of pretty rib
bon 2 inches wide, colors pink, light blue and red ; our
regular 12j4c grade'. Special Monday,
each..: ,.. OL
A Superior Showing of
ing a wide range of fashion's favorite weaves in a great
variety of weaves and colorings. Your attention is ;
directed to the following specials for Monday and
Tuesday: - 7: ,;,.-7
Lansdowne 81.25 A superb showing of new shades
in Wm. F. Read's Genuine Lansdowne (the acknowl
edged leader in American made goods), large assort- '
- ment of shades including black and cream, fljl
Our price, per yard. 4)10
Eolienne 81.00 Yard We carry a splendid, line of j
the popular silk , and wool Eolienne". This goods is
' sold everywhere at $1.50 per yard. Our , f A A '
regular selling price, per yard..............tDlUU ;
Our assortment of cream wool goods is complete',
in every particular.- Every known weave can be found,
here in abundance. ' Styles and prices are correct. , ,
Attractive Values in lien's Neck
wear, Gloves and Hosiery
Stylish Neckwear 25o
25c for Men's Gray and Blmck Check Ties
All styles four-in-hands, string snd
e!ubs, the very latest regular Ct
50c tie; special,, Monday at ,.Oy
Dress Gloves $1.75,
$1.75 for Fowne's Genuine Kid Gloves
Tan color, all sizes, extra spe- ! HC
cial value, at, per pair ..ill O'
35c Men's Half Hose 25o
25c for Men's Fine Worsted and Cash
mere SocksIn natural camelshair, ox
," ford, merino and black colors, a iC
good 35c grade; special Monday.. LDy
25o Half Hose 10c
19c for Men's Cashmere-Finished SocksIn black, with gray'
heel and toe, also black with gray foot, well made, 1Q
good quality, best 25c grade; special, per pair.... I"W
-Women V-and-ChfldrenV
Thousands of Dosena of Stockings, the Product of the
World' Best Mills, at "Way Down Prices.
The "Princess Stockings1 for
Girls. Plain Cotton or Fleoce
Lined. Best 25c Grade, 15c
We have sold thousands of
dozens of "Princess Stock
ings this season, and have
yet to hear a single com
plaint. You save 10c' a pair.
We have them in plain lisle
or fleece-lined cotton,
reg. 25c quality.....
Women's All-Wool Cash
mere Stockings, Plain Black;
or Black With Natural Gray
Merino Soles, best German
manufacture, 75c quality, in
ordinary or extra large Crtn
sizes; tomorrow, psir,. ,7UC
Women's - All-Wool Ribbed
Stockings 100 dozen in fine
lxl or 2x1 ribs, splendid
quality wool, fast colors and
splendid wearers, best 50c
grade; tomorrow at,
Women's Silk-Fleeced Stock
ings We will place on sale
tomorrow 80 dozen of a full
regular made Silk Fleece
Lined Stocking for Women;
the price regularly is 40c a
pair; a big one day's 1C
offering at, the pair..JW
Children's All-Wool Cash,
mere Stockings, Best 40c
r J - ic. A ft ' -
ui, rati nil ma m s
Boys' or Girls' Fast Black
Wool Hose, a great stocking
for wear, made witbr gray
heels , and toes, best vain
made at 40c; on isle IT
tomorrow only at....s(
Women's Felt, Fur Trimmed
With High Back and Front, and
Bow and Suckle, Resular 1.50
Grades, Special OOo
ents. There is nothing we know of that la more high
ljr appreciated by either sex or any age than Slippers.
They are the one lasting thing that can be given at an .
economical outlay and yet be appreciated by the re
cipient. We have one of the most carefully selected
assortments of Slippers in Portland. They are priced
extremely low considering the quality.
We' Have Slippers for Women
These Are Reduced for -Monday . '
$l.Bfr Felt Juliets, fur trimmed ...".'.I;. ........ Of)s
-$2.00 Kid Juliets with rubber heels.. ........ flJ50
$2.00 Kid 1-Strap Slippers.... ..........81.50
$1.75 Matron's Suppers 91.23
$1.00 Men's Slippers ...... C9
$1.50 Men's Slippers.. ...,.....91.00
$2.00 Men's Slippers v. 9 1.50
$1.25 Misses' Slippers...... 00
$1.00 Boys' Slippers.......'. ."...GOf
75c Infants' 'Slippers........ .50
,The Women's Shoes on special sale are oin fat. '
the styles are the very latest, quality the best; thev
are guaranteed to you and worth $3.00 and r" f t 1
$3.50. Special fdr Monday...
Boys' $2.60 Shoes...... ..CIS!
Little Men's $1.75 Shoes s
r " l.'-V-
.. . .J ...